The New Era, 1883-08-17, Page 5FOR{ SPRING &s SUMMER' WM. TAYLOR & The Greatest !Leafing Compound Is a preparation'of carbolic acid, vaaeliue and cerate ,called. -McGregor & Patke's Carbolic ()erste. It will mire any, sore, cut, burn or iruiee ben all other preparations fail.,Call .t J. Combe'e drug store and get a pack- age. Twenty -,five cents is all it costs. GRAY'S SPCIFF0 �iEDICIN1I i' Ai E 4ga The great Bnblisli ,.wut Makrc. �FMRemedy. ,, An un; failing cure for Se- mival'iveaknees,im- potency, Spenna-. torrhea,and all dis eafolow a sequence.sesthat olf selfas -0w\ abuse, as the loss of r memory, universal Before Talon- lassitude, pain m e Taking ' the 'back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many tithe- ' ,eases that lead to insanity or consumption and •a premature grave. al/'Full particulars in our pamphlet, "which we desire to send free by mail to every one. " The. Spe- cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per package' or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY Menioiaa.Co., Toronto, Ont. Sold by all druggists. Our stock for the spring and summer trade will be found very complete, being much larger than ever before, and for quality and style cannot be excelled, and will be offered at prices to suit the closest buyer. CUSTOM WORK.—We manufacture both SEWED and PEGGED WORK, and guarantee to give satisfaction. Trunks & Valises, large assortment, very cheap. 5 per cent discount for. cash. The highest price paid for Eggs taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes° W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Block, Clinton Q P11 NOT BE IMPOSED UPO 0 Those who have used our TEAS & Fresh COFFEES' In the past are satisfied with their uniform quality nd low price. We respectfully solicit a call frons those" who h ve not already- tried our goods. F rest l arriva1 this v-F'f>k, whic • is the best value ever offered in the Town of Clinton, at tl NOTED Ti;A, COFFEE and Sricr; HOUSE. * Ca h fo • ' ggs. S. PAL ISER 4::- CO. S. PALLISER. - T. WHITE • CENTRAL DRUG STORE JUt�7' hila TiH V IIELLE[iUMIE aiid PARIS GREEN, BEMOAN anti C'ElRSIXN INSECT PU11`UERS. INSECT POWDER GUNS, FOR TUE FIA" CAMPAIGN. FRESH MONTSERRST LSM a -0'10E. J 1'SL1 S I3. IB U. CifENIl-a AND DRUGGIST, • • CLINTON, ONT. aft cf-i Au Inc 5 eta a 112 vi t0° or Ile ® / vat,�e �0 o�rlub. PC� StQb L Pee ° 4I-/�' 1Z/ to of h -P V ....,,Ift4 i% Lobe es -,V,441 /81-0.4 ju n -kst 'sic))) S„p -S i C p t Pejost aTic' opto �e ch6 s de -e ✓f w (y Z.1,:17 e, v -z r4 /104 M 474 •''`n 06, HEALTH IS WEALTH. ERA! N Dr. E. C.West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guar - at teed specific for hysteria, dizziness, cdnvulsions. fits, n rvous neuralgia, headache; nervonsprostrationMAW' ed by the use of alcohol, wakefulness; mental' depres- Sief, softening of the brain, resulting in. insanity And leading to misery, decay and death, prematdre old age, barrenness, loss of power in either sex, involuntary losses and spermatorrlrma, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. . One box will cure recent cases. Each box containa one month's treatment., One dollar a bo;c, or six boxes for five dol- lars ;'sent by mail prepaid ou receiptof price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each or- der received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars we will send the purchaser our written guaran- tee to refund the money -if the treatment does not ef- ect a cure, Guarantees issued onlyby , hL_Combe, sole agent for Clinton, Ont. John C. \Vast & Co., sole proprietors, Toronto. H VE •YOU TRIED:` IT. IF NOTgo to your Druggist and get -a-bottle "of -the DOMINION HAIR 'RESTORER. You will find it to be the geni of all hairpreparations. Restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its natural color ;cieauiucthe Scalp and giving a healthy and beautiful appearance to the hair.. • PRICE - - 50 CENTS. Jas. H. Combe, FOR CLINTON. Agent TFHIE, INDUSTRIAL, CRISIS. Referring to a number of strikes` now agitating all branches of industry in the United States, the New York commercial Bulletin asks: ' "How is it, if American labor is doing so well in this country underthe protec- tive systein;, that about the most active:.in- dustry at this moment from 'one- end of the country. to the other is striking for higher wages? Strikes are an evidence not of contentment but of dissatisfaction. There is scarcely any department of in- dustry that is not in a condition of:vitiible discontent, and the complaint is all but universal that, though wages are no lower than they have Leen, the cost of `most of the necessaries and comforts of life is such as to make it difficult, if not impossible. to make both ends meet." The reason is not far to seek. It has .been proved beyond' doubt that the coat of living in America has been doubled by. unnecessary taxes and by the combination of capital for forcing up prices" of food, although the country produces, hundreds of millions worth of . surplus .provisiotis • " every year. This is the secret of, the strikes. The men who club their capital in syndicates to increase the price of bread are also in league with thosewhocontinue to keep down wages and pay ,big divi- dends on fictitious stocks. The whole system of exchange'' is thus placed onian abnormal basis, for`Which there appears no remedy save by co-operation of,,the • masses; Great capitalists have adopted. this principle with complete' success. " For those who are notof that order the experi- ment is `vastly more difficult.; In the.liter_ stare of the coming presidential election, however, we can detect the' signs of a popular .revolt against the s'stem which has made' this anomalous condition of things possible. The cry among working- men is plainly "No more taxes on labori" It is taking shape throughout the Imanu- facturing ' centres, and if . the. Democrats '. are only equal to the occasion they wilt soon have the opportunity of restoring peace to distracted industry by destroying at its fountain head the governing idea which has: divided the ,people into two bitterly hostile and mutually destructive Clasen:. Wide Awake, Druggists. Messrs. Watts & Co. are always, alive to their business, and spare no 'pains to secure '-.: the est of every article in their line. They have secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.',, The only certain' cure known for Consunip tion, Coughs, Colds,Hoarseness, Asthma, fay fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the .- Throat and Lunge. . Sold on a postive gna- rantee. 'Trial bottles free. Regular size $1. BELGRAVE. WATTS clic 1141.', Agents,;..ernat.en .._ Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Mr. John Brook, near-Belgrave, has • sold his farm of 75 acres, to D. W, heeler, for $3,150 ; considered a good price. Mr. E.•Littlefair, of Mort -is, hasgold --- his farm of 95acres, to Mr. Gra by of -. Hullett, for about`$45 an acre. Mr. Jas. Owenshas put an addition to his barn. . Drowsy, dull and of sorts? ., --Are you bilious,nauseatedand made sick by the thought of : food ? Is there a dull, drag- ging paiTl.' in your right_ side? Do your . bowels suddenly get sore without anyapparent cause? Are the lvhitcs' of your eyes tinged` yellow? is }'o r skint I � < '.intlny and copper col .cd? 1% es your mouth t e b.241,/ 1n the morn) ? Ate y )u costive ? Do' )ou have r ino piles? Are your bo -,v; irregular.? Are }ou ,1dim-sight- ed at un-sightcdatt ;?. 1 }ou gioomy and < o -t ? 13 your urine 1 ? Are you nc o ;.:1,I, f; t pf bail f a :ir s of your - body? 11 n,• irr ::,cel before y of r.lOtlS'— hefore y r u ace '+ e l b Y some f ,rnf c t 1 i' f Cr was the first prepa _atiOn_perfectlyadapted tocure' diseases of the scalp, a d the first successful re, storcr of faded Or gray•air to its natural golorp • ' growth, and youthful hoa`uty. • It Las harl inairy imitators, but none have se fully met all.. the 're- quirements needful for the mope:* treatment of •' the hair and scalp. ]I'Atei'siI>trtlit�nrvunhas steadily grown in favor, And spread its fanio, anti usefulness to every gnnrtcr- of the globe Its un- paralleled success can bo attributed to but one. sauce: the erairefiilIie its promises. The proprietors base of ten been ghrprisedattliq receipt of orders frons rembto countries, wdrero they had never made an efYortfor its introduction the use fora short time of HALL'S Harr ItgNhwan wonderfully improves the personal appearance. It cleanses the scalp Yroui all purities, cures, all humors, fever, natd •dryness,' and thus' prevents baldness: It stimulates the _weakened-glands,-and-enalrles-them.-to-push for vi or,l a new and vigorous growth. Tho effects tits article are not transient, like • these of afire ' lw:n: preparations,but remain a long time, Wbich makes Its use a matter of economy. 'BUCKINGHAM'S DY`'B ron 'ria , ' WHISKtRS Will change the beard to • natural brown, or' black, se draired It t rodnces apermr neist color that will not wa h away. Consisting of a single preparation, it 9 applied without trouble. PIREPAIIED 11Y • R. P. HALL &. CO., Nasllnsl, N:11; • ' Sold by aU Dealers in Medicines. ' FOR AL VIE FORMS • 01 Scrofulous, 1<Ictcirriali and Blood Disorders, the best rened', because the most searching and thorough blood!• purifier, is A er's' Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; $l, siX bOttle5, $5. 'Take 'A` O IRo.t I TT?'r 1 v t;:n sale With. •}OUis that: ya i '%er is outof nrdc'r a:d ria d; re,ulating AN'D I iii li iris t,,ii help you n i thing: ci i•t 'shape of Medicine can, -Regnl-tt'ed, stimniatccl -r"nrl made to do its proper work in + pi�sp-Et✓manner l?.y_Su,,r_l.l-i�v - , A�1i-Irov BITIrIis the Liver will re5timc its natural func- tions, and all the al:tove syrup- corns will disappear and .he forgotten. • But do not neglect them. Ilse the .:'remedy' at encs. • Sold everywhere, price, •0 .C1-11.ts. • 4 WATTS & CO. 01.93�;R'CN; :. BANKERS.,. RATTEN,UURY ST., CLINTON, SCcfC 5sot1S, '.CO JOIINSTOEN, TISJALZ & GALE, BANSACT A GENERAL 13:1NSINGIAI5INESS. Moneytdvaneed oh Oortgagee and Notes of hand Drafts i,ened payable at par, at all the offices of the Mercliant's tank:of Canada.' {Tow York exchange' bought and sold.. imomr.r nTTXa'rro0 rain ofo.Co5 nt:CrIONO thronghotit Canada and the ttnitedlatates. • SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close Yates, and money 'advanced to farmers on then! own notee,for anylongtli ultimo to 901t the borrower. AD marketable aoouei-- tiosboughtM1nd sold. BAr1Kans rN NEW YORK. AG,;tcis Ot' Tn9 MrtnovA T', BANE OP CANADA.. INTEREST ALLO WED ON''DEPOSITS `V. %V.FAant', , J. p. •t'ISDAt.r.,