The New Era, 1883-08-17, Page 3r f xxow o switivi. x cAr&DE,&N &m&aE DAuList4., 101YEVistUTIMB Capt nin Weliblis Vlews on ti,me Nat , atoriall 'File 1111croine of 1&4-ttle Irsland the,saver Bishop a at to Windsor yestorday Tile Dwarts qi Other, Day@. �I rersoilli 111311dowelitlivilila Sach Senl4lbility at Seven 11unian Ajvci4.1 r the P�: wR I !
Art,� to pose of purchasing a, bite for s, The death of the little New L4 Liglander, That '11hey Cannot Ile,, AVltl,,,t 1101TIRAI%, JIICACTIIL� The' west endof Kettle Islad,'in the new church in, who was so widely nown as"16ane1w eWebb was rash, and reckless, but �he was Ot River, the Beene ofhe late amateLur %Ikorville. talwa , Tom Thumb," does not remove from the not ignoratit'of water or ito ways. ' He war. Addressing his followers at Henley,, Popular expressions are often verysini fElpte by.a Vanted 019 edicall Rtnn'ob MEOW aramari.'� regiJitta,. is the nome of avartabI6 world a great man in any Bones of the term. to ]Liye.� art expert in an 0 recently 11 Gen." Booth said the Salvation writes H. De Parville, P thoroughly. Some t 'talking of Grace Darlibig." A World reporter who marching on, and in twenty art whi h la� believed in P11�4ilally, indeed; the 11 general was ime 8 race, Army was Btill saw
"'Wrom J)io Lewis' Month!V Magazille) ttended the!.reg4tt4 had the pleasure of Science Monthly " for August. Mwi Ming as a science, he is yearki,if"the rate of of the�� last six about the roost diminutive of his speoieB, 'three dozen lights of till colors,l� or Borne Thousands of,persons starve 'themselveB, !n Meeting and coraeraing with this interest- and though of , fair 'intellectual, abilities, saying: g lady. Her name is mi years was continued, there would be 11250, similar expression, may , frequently be Be Emily 00 into thinneBs, paleness ata'anervousness, by 41 I believe' bivery boy and girl ought to nag Y"' She ii� a .0 'Officers and 250,00,0,000 soldiet:8. he -could not be,, cordpared with ichard heard from persons who have receive1 living on white � bread: and � swet things, UNeill, and !her age about 18. Gibson, painter to. Charles,L, and! drawing violent blows 0 know how, to swim prdperly, hot With any 'Rev. W. . S myth, Ph., D., pastor Of the ra the head, or face.'- tider and Weeping too little.' Oatmeal, cracked .. �. daughter of Detective O'Neill,' ex-Superin- mustei to the daughters Sion air "f 'Jume` If-, Or
purpose I in& ing it a profeB First Presbyterian Church, Now'Qujible, with, 0 w pat, grahaM' bread and beef, w I i th f ki hobby,, teradent of the Dominion Police Force.* Her the dwarf whom, the � Danish king the influenceof shooksofthiB kind, the, eye as I have done, butin justice to themselves. [6, laalB� resigned a,.,, , bee infinite numbers Of pl�htyotHleep,woialld! make'them plump father owni3 the west end of the island and Ohl his charge to accept, the made pi really seems to ixue Minister in or bir to, get �t B very easy to lea n to swim, if the thing ly inhabit a snug little hous� j,,� Principulshi�p of the be'ruill, Collegej I courtiers of eparka. Shocks of a certain class impressed' -and ruddy. 'i r �apr rough truths. which Bupplo � . 1: the nervous System seem to hda the is taught and all who 1,earli y P ing �T.iouth charinel 'of the river and the 084a44, Dr. Smyth Was for'E'oorl 'Whatis One 'Man's Meat is nother On ordinary stature might L have beet'L �frail!116 U Oil phenomena I of light., Los day find has been drew'B Church, Qhaker Hilli utter�: TheAmerivan manujkin� I snls PbieOn.'l-Qo6d 'beef, good bread, may sa Ontario Bbora. Miss Emily it an accomplishment pastor of St., fa6iilty of producing
been , suggested by the 'no, upre ar,, temperance, a ing fort to public services, has relatei which lead us sufficient to save theIrliveE. Idonotilaink instiumelital' in Baving fr5in drown- Uxbi idge, `0 Lit. made'
fPar lb.. reanar ut to
the peoplei of America, have yet aw'ok to pre t a on human lives at various Rev. Dr. -King, of Torbuto, lath on Thurs. h e acs,,are no less than F3 v d Lebourg, who died ekiilineiB,'aburadarat Bleep,'a, cheerful tem- the- importance �of th6 science of swim- that Bonorous vib
or9 o suppose rations are per and a hundred- other things times, and 8 this'geiitle heroine has not dayfor Manitoba. He has fiRtyet aclapp,ped, a of, nd 23'nalchu'bigb, Ming, and I think, as yet, the EiFtibla*in certain cases of provoking mau'ameat, and no, inau'B poison. It Is B yet been t ed the Position tendered him'as Buse'no B - . 'ley', lum,i u sations. There a scientific, swimmers ' in this country. a', aB a kiri& mep re, - in fact re ar&few a 11 edwith henapdals.ofthe or declin' a.r.
'58 e h Be V. in his
I humane so iety, . Wfiich , she, so iielily, Principal ofthe Manitoba College but goes t. t a . _Ben t. I
true there are some, taings which The � People here have, all the . ad., ge� heO n y,passing in , and rsinsi endowed wi h can bear and another carmot, but they are deserves. However, it may be added that thereto look at the ground before he makes Put Of.Paris as an infunt in a nurse's �'r` ms, pe. - who are vantage that could be desired in the C W 'his such sensibility that they cannot Lear limate, but they do not e in of doubtful utility. If you keep to the -safe y of Water and o it is par tily her own fault, for she is so very up hismind as to course he' will take butwith secret despa,tches con B*,% drilaki, 15 is no we modest in speaking. I of her heroic deeds in the matter. 'swaddling ciot' & sound ithout at the same ' time perceiv-, andgood'in food and here realize the 'fact. lu Englilid all young t , , , . I I I i . hts. Not was he a scholar ing colors. Each, soUnd"to them la'as its no would imagine that Bile wasu very or a! wit, -or even a handsome man like P, SLWiM. Rev. Charles Garrett, President of the peculiar color; this word, o6rresp.onds with truth in the old � s w that 11 What is one c,ple are supposed to k6ow how to hilf b Mau,B meat is anothok,naara's,pouion.", T timid creaturb instead of the brave girl she' Borulwaski, the'. Polish dwart, or a 8 There swirmacing is an accomplielament; We�'le,yan Conference, retires from that, red and- thatone with green, one note is old saw is made to* cover a I %if is. One reason why she holds a,OJf fr in a high position at the I r fire-eater 'like, Joliery Htidsollld who first I and the parents consider it a duty to have 0 onto ence oi',1883. blua,and another 'isy6llow. Tbis'plienoml- prospecti In 80111 with, Out,of a pie ora.Queen dietetic their children taught how to Bwim.' SWim. ve adorn alit �of- her bu His.friends have made the event meMo- stepped into history nis of heroism is that Brand, "color -hearing," aki the English call the sooietyW emble Heniietta's table arid, did not cluselal ' 8 it, has been hitherto 'little, observed. Dr. Tea.—In.the London .,31-edicaZ Times ap- a, and in a grem rable' by presenting Mrs. Garrett with 9 pears- the following pi . trag I raph . Ming is, a sciatic t measure -Ijiiiii t Dr. I she dreads a! public presentation or any portrait of her husband, painte career until, be had Wice made drapetidso.nAgood pair bf.-Ijuligs, -properly d in oil, - Nubabaumer, f Vieurait,'allpears to have Heath,'of Newcastle, has been the laot to 6plurge on such an, occasion, The Marquis, whi6h: is an extremely prisoner, and had oboe killed hi been the, first person ho ..took serious d ea. But it* has Ly' the action of the proper, -nist: in a duel. , Tom Th d use , aided b g
raise his voice against t Muscle in a man's body, soas toget, speed. of'. Lorne has visited the young lady's 3 fe�et, 6 hiche in length -And 3'f6et umb di .thii, Otice of it. Whila .,still a -child, when long been a fact familiar t �as'tbati tea is family a couple of times, and it is under- Mi Garrett " has _ but bxhibit� himself and 'like I money out 11 - , 0 4molg A man to'be a good,,Bwimmer must be cap- been in charge of the an playing One day with his brother, striking a most fruitful source of dyspepsia., able'of keepitag,up, a good rate of staned, stood thai be, has, insisted that she WMethodist, - mission, Liverpool, for! nice, of the operation., The general died, we to-heai the ringing, -he -the-vast--humb --womn wfio fr receive the Medals. are.. told, of apoplexy, a complaint with ersof 0, ayears, during -Which, 130,000 . visitsr'bave fosaw' colors at the same -�po ir without straining or overtaxing his hercourage. Ilerfirst-actof tature fire * not, ofeell that he quent the, patient rooms of. our London Ahis ib simple Now about!. been paid by ageqts, 303,000 tracts have which men,of his 8 strength, and t6iteconaplish lina. th he P.r.ol ved the sound; and B0- bravery was. !to Biwe five small boys whO,, beeii distribilted a 20 troubled. Dwarfsaieusuallyhealthybotil hospitals, we : should not be ar wrong all arid very easy. T-Ife air in a mall'slungli lb O'Cottage and open-air well:did be aigceru the color that, when he irds in Mad and body. Nicholas Fe]rry, * bett saying that t*o-th are suffering from sufficient,to float the weight of- his* body.- were skatiug�on ' 'the river from drowning. meetings have �een held' accomm6dation er' stopped his ears, Ile could divine by. it how lop', and as 11 Bbe Was one loud a sound th dyspersia. This :dyspepsia almost The ice Was in very ba1 coradit known of"the f in-- 'In bwiria,mink ' breast to' he inu�t keep the provided in mi6siort-roz:s or 3 800 per- ew a fork �hud :Produced. variably arises from --two causies—the.waut w.hen they bad, -'reached . I I aind arms extended,. as nearly asjiossiblo �oaa a a' point nearl�� 80n�, and "2,'500 expended. exceptions, the so-6alledl IlAztlacB" brother, -also had'F)imilar experiences. Dr. of proper food, aud,� tla�e , abu be of- articles velaild, at right,anglos, o' Opposite Grace Darling's hous'a they all I were in reality deformed idiots. But the hig-own observations nearly ideiaticel ones
fr in the oliest, Nue8bauncer was afterward able to add to dibappeared.1 Miss ONeill 'heard their dwarfs, 'vvlab' until lately were the pivi- like tea, which stay.!the craving for fdbd, with the head thrown back in a:pos'tlon 1p and putting out in w boat she DIEM? ICE N S.1 N A N 11, but Which -the consequ6ni , cries for he' .KIE.N6rwfii�VEI SW ledged jesters at E uropean courts, arad� -who aggregate'� cou- that is natural and not strained. Re.must -VVOrtley', times mttdabyaniedical4stud'eutinZaribh. To dition of the digebtiol�: brehilie' 'naturally and in recovering from Made her way thrbugh the.rotteb ice and A - Sic us 1ble Norilivrebtern Vill, Q1 t1l as -recently as Lady Mary thisyouiag-mun mu'siewi note�.were traras- �jv le Hot Rectal Douche. after 6 hard j9truggle managed to land all were Ini many cases of each strokia-thelegs, in a -measure, serve as a- cgziisi�s ot it.- lated by certain fixed colors. The high'. dysentery anii.dysenteric diarrlaoa�b with the ngsteisBafelyon shore. Her next to the e8t�biibhmenti of u German noble, notes'induced clear �olort� hod tha lownote� P opelier ; and after being extend 6�d should you pqinful struillm", I have used the hot r . courageou6f6atwas to rescue,a'half-tiPsy .,What meafi'the dark shadows lowering were almost in�variably inell Of L .IQd 7' be closed together like ,the blades of a pair . I dull ones. More rec�-rjt"iy an rectal douche , witli. signal benefit. You habitant-wbo4as crosBing,the river o ' n uu-� Over. the brows. of speculatorw and otborii ability, a.ud celebrated for. wit. of shears. Then tile eloee t r, 'this far hind - to mpko haste to Some of them attained LA, great itge. Richard the should manage it ih the followiu g wlt� �: ogetbe w ophtba�fi�n�logist of Nantes; has ob,,erved- should he druw,A- up- prep-pratory to t . he The farmer and, his team wcaab � ho camei to same peculi�ritie in �oiao 61 hi6 friends. t Hiss E her ich ?- The, is' we beheve,, to be Gibson,, f�r exampl6,, died Lay your pubilat on his side, use a f6un�ain ob BWI in thi6:cOuntry,. hrough, and mily managed to mu 85 and his plunge. M Mora the , ma, syringe, which you- hang low that r' vi n e d, fouild"in a s6ntenc6, spoken by some o*ne wido,'w, wb I was tlua y d ihave a very ad.,Wfault. While k the mo, Evelyaa;!calls b � Ill but ilia team was . 11 imlutjlve-the
water may flow�' into . tha� bowels slo ly' This was last winter. -Her third and lat. we forget 'it ment where, or by �' compendirju� An' Armored 7raiiiii. how their *ibd, they rely on th� b� W19m, tad Qther day., -1 Tae.,towals.� have thein,'only . mah ing between them a spun of ThE . )succ`eBsfu1 use by Bog . li . Ph troops dur- Lot the waLer be as botas your hand can stroke of.iheir arraLs and the -pluiige of th6 stroke of lalarbism occurred .the preson. Miller. he 0 aa� io 'shore, opj)o6ite. ouLgrovwn, the country." They muBt be' e f et—ut 89. �Borulwuslii �6urvlV,.d'to' bea;r. Use from wie'tp four qpurts, exhOr legs'forspeed,but pay no �en: 6 to her fw,h6r's house is a Oula'of content for tile country to catch uri.;There �tad. ITIl3.Eiboii his 90�,b. rullw&y t lliad ing the patient - to retuin �it us long as heft�e recover, as, by. i3ayscif alad rucks , drawp� by an the'mili hands foli*.ff a wbarf in front If, uru�lt, ik-true,-.other caube t -work in Londl5n: gineLaBludilecd, the Sparii,3b. Gc)ver*n'-: can. This may,bas.ui-.edl as�.-a domestic -Most �Qientjflc BwimnerB tbld I ... 8 ft, I — I , I.. I 11 rc �Oill db no ban the mill and'waa carried the 6urrent' various localitios.: E(, in.MooHe Jaw d diatel colaptriac�i medy. It in and will pount,ry. They setm to,feO that, after the or or the inizaas on., y where t 8' MisslEtlaily saw the inisha the always afford relief; e9peciall h for � iri8l�kncp'; delay of tb' sptciullt-de.igued train, which in time-- strbhe;-and plunge, blecebs:d-ofleuds mainly. P, e 113210eJAci ly 'and of ti, 'not dysentery is alacoinpanitd* by backliehe or On tiao.lurii her of stroke and.her trus y'boat� being at hand s�io'ives ,Govoriameiab to put the. lands on of war will be avuiiabl� only as,�� a, a they: ottla, get in. e6on by. i . he ide I , f t6s drowijiog. miliman, ral,atbet. and to r6c6i;nfie the, claim stwere pain througli-the lower Parb,,Of the A, result their hlo:don 'in water is by hus 6f rapid trasport f0'r Dhan Lnga;ged s a' ita Paris me been �rnany- cases of who was spe ciily-l�aaled into the b6a't 1D, a of, the squatters have done much 'arid are Oil the 19bli of'Mi u
abdomen. I have jia-tili,e cutbitig arid" repalring of. railway jerks, the fbrob of the strohal and plunge a amished -e Ldition. Miss � Emi)y 'is doing much to retard laquitted a young workman dysentery and 8tigining" diar'rhpaa" relieved ii,ingretarded more or less intherecovor progres�. . But it is. but allso as u depot. for -stagineering at.ones,'by'this hot recualdouch6 export oarswoman. -She, has -a mo'�est, 'Obi§flly� by hiudering -the growth If the m -ho, in a moineut of freozy,' had stabbed pursuing their course' they n d killed his wife, who h son living a a th6vAble fortregs. T�ho 0 verwork. is � said of overwork a6la-tim the mus sweet face" and to the -casual observer she coautry, as,distitict 1rom-tble city, ub 't thi,i ad b - .,9 bri a life of ditirdpation. 'As solau as thg' �-.vq cles they naturally' 9. does ho� betray any of the heroic nature I- mis,claiefisdolle. If'amo.dern Rome can bullet-proof, carport-' now arid much, tbut is noiabnsicil. izato.playj arid: of couree this bas,',more.*,9T. was reiiderea rriia66iii men come 0:00, w� s and Gentle me almost fees'efte'et, o'n,.their breath that is the d6l*ht of the neighborlao6d'and. be built in a day,' a - po4 non furgep, magKzitiso,1or food, the iria� 6 ci_fic' father th M -inother and sisEors.* There is yd daily, full of tL no I . .1 I a � ti�ori. that%, Overwork is r P1611 Led in and explosives, Brother-intlaw,, The jury has d ra e. -.,v i t la killing them. . Nineteen times iii,twen.ty it She is' raLh6r small in stature her, Much talk about reaction," but, there'ls boats werf.111 is bad. food, bad hours;- . gars other The �Gadi 00)7-s lambs appear'to:be,btrong�y ounstruciie'd.— no reaction.ig this . land savethsiti which oa,but I" shal not miss yoa.!? On: the iron and pontooh'4, a po arid 2Lod , U , April, thirteen days' aff*6r ey"U"' , a complet&. electric � Ilghting' ap� abuseB. - With �,00d food L iNperly eaten, Say; did I tell you about pa an a in Toronto has in certain ; sections followed wild and peuratus, in. quantity of d exercise in: having, trouble 27 .., 're, ees.. 'speculation.,. But 3u§t paa,'s6d the will be plenty of sleep f Pore ac we,, where .,his sister tacks what is to be dome ill the mea-zatime while ckl 6, clean y id guils: The -fir the open air, not one in tell, of these patients' No, whao,s the row C as�.ried; rnet.Hudt; 6,nd; rushing lit provided- itli old Water- to would break down Hom"' oyer.Work." weare waiting for the cou n Well, you bee, ma Wants to 1�dm� ntr to grow ? iron clud and loopholed a d, otive power A...6r,e.p6ndetat'' writes'�to a 6ontem- Tbe.*ari8wer to this every &cc(). . These terrible' er one- must, we Rum and Tob all she can,' and pe, hag been getti 6 will be supplied' by. two heavi -armored 11 begged for -life.� No, �Bal We'nAler I I I 11
enemies often find us- defenc8less. Our� sila�e he quit drinki porary any years -alued one ..sup,�,os�o, find for bi - Many, a, This rig arid refor ed;,aud I ago I Be nEelf.'. �era of. holding him down with his linees and one ateadialendoft hand very badly with boiling water,. and I i3be, 4pein esg'men, of, the towils, aiaswer. craving stomboalas call. for stimulus. Bud "vb kept on growing until I in biggo are novel mau.of-war will bav6 a crew oUS food,, badly I cooked, is the cause of.muell'of than be is. :Funny, a r found �he pain edon keeping the in-, in very practically'. by g6dag'to the quiel� opening fii6 knife,, "I swore to.,kilf -will, in iu'.t it, but a -boy ere& my sister:aud ried officers and,16C and eaagiigiiig actively ca�ebf need, eat and s1bep -on board 'and-- this uIleasilleBs and longing of the stomacil.' 'sboulcf be bigger than his pa:? Pa wanted blind lu,col& 'running water.." I repeatedly country themselves you. You mu.ra allot . �h6= took,the, hanafrom the water to let it be her, memory.; your turP as come to die. A wife..who smells. hei, husband's,,breath I st a V - i f, .1 a� Law it- of��,blothes, and she .nfaimi . rig pursuits.—M, 60s j w 2 eqvs, arrangements will ba,inudo for he urtber more dressed with� the usul!ii reu�aedil:s, but ev Then he plunged the knife to � the hilt'in 0 ery of a.n.o t h e r. she took I e.o 'e" will, help him much by good foodthan im an .,she took I f my old n eces ary, by bitter words%, - Pi,es, cakes puddings, suite and'm'kd`e it ever for p , and - hei wore altempt.simply. ended in-146.,baiadages ead,. strong.'coffee and -tea being palled � off,and: fresh application �o wound,was a terrible laiie, but Huot re- frie5, heavy lar them a week before be k ew, it Was. an f: covered. on the'40L]a of July' Wlinckler play the mischief, with, the stoi�hach.; then -Old� silait"made --over, *b , one d . ay he the cold Water. ndlir evefy'otlibr� reinedy' Nows-1 od beef and lourad:a,handful of driiei:1 �Js eprts a raging 8.! the pain v�as; labbear-able., In this instance �-lh a was tried, for his' attempt at Murder, 413d �.Ilyqrophobia, to b it calls for some Btimulu Go p angle worms suit for , divorce, ola� mon day, before on the -- grou ' Lid at mutton; light sweet read and",'90'0d' ve'90- blisters did"not-forna; but asmWl-open sore, acquitted. th %rotla�rly am6ii, /dia cattle in the neighborhood of. in the. pistol Poe I hot t at I had for'ot: ev Judge� Jme . - ''I . ' I - -d and there i's e9 son, te. husband, Who was love and despair ilistifiek, bi, ae The 'ryq� oameon tbe�wriSt and, kept open 6 �ial panic'
brush crowddn�c6urt, lijudly applauded the var-1 li4pople. 'I -t -i8 me tables -in-moderate quaratitieo, with wben I was fishing al d' pa lald the angle also the plain fiff- tes.tified that his bette ih6uaht that so I r CoUtInUOUSly for half hit, la�im with a big b a discreet Use of lemon juice, ill'prevent me to ma, and am weeksr.fil used the wate 1 -d to explain that air- a P wor to r I ve hours until the pain wasgrlaatl� I'd lift' 'arid hen Huot went out the� police- of" e, at ie::-" oie'bitten by a mad dog in much of the craving'for drink'and tobacco,. he made over one of. took all the skin and some of the flesh from 1� 'much,trouble it,. protecting him ti, aiiist 1\ F3 y.. old suits for pa reduced oil removing the hand from the ad M tho Irst ace, and fibat the th Mysterious roviaellceBThis�'world-fs He was. an ad and took liem Off, aidthrew One cbei�k� She wo'ald. stay awa iiderices. B c 'I tieubured - thia--,experfence y.all day, 16 mob. on muni ated the disease to,, 'each other. "fullof Mysterious Prov, ut.It'Is them out-th' I ala- nd siv.Qrelhe. ola water. and When asked where she 4ad been ehe I 1. . : E it witysay ims�ea ily another trial in a far, wduld not -only refuse to gratify.the. just not a myoterious Providence that the orgapB would'never u 1 If by. and gave the! reme i6 ed�,6attle me6 down 0i t
M. tried t,w,,,,r,,,g More. unequivocal cable. �I was � boiling cu�iosity of her huebarid.b Protoplasm remarked the prolebfor, t,at thisAs the firiltin8talneo..of the kind,., of the abdominal cavity are - displced and his son's old'elot I reason ut wou[, w ithhim;buth w`asaiwfulwork�d up and ceed to pull arevolver and,try to shoot the is cO'TbPOBBd Of as ever,come under ation, great suffering ernilles when.a, woman wears a' :glycerine * and gelatine, for A hectograph,: ilionid Acid: water !aud lasthdir 6bserv' a tight . corset. It 1B Diot a Mysterious d the composition was,about- free from - the water ut northernfarmers will, not be surprised was in bed,� and ammonia, lit w saU he wasmo old /charivy hospital and lie at' I-bl W- "i'll-itor. -, When he hich compound:, Tid� Only cattle but hogs Providence that -Ver- -ar stormed around- to" firo:F�hI6 0E. sui� water When -the bottom of the es e e d Or ar�ejy-pre,domivatos.- To wh-at conclusion -in the least. as a. t of or lungs kept in a On. . t and tL6 composition . vient over th�irelip-orF-bafffllcappe , as it wer� does thia leao? The pupil 6 bfj, and even frcquatly (lis of hydro- state of congestion till, she. falls -into con- clothes, but in. -ad sold them to &,� plaster defexic�;. she iw6uld 'attack him. � with a s the r(- beiiig bitte.0 by''.. d&' � There wa no Mistake ab t ' ul Laid that he sumption, when she's6 dress6sber feet 4d -of Paris image ddler, and p hadn't any- my,han ou heavy, cane and so, ma au-d,bob eablip, Bta'gered. . He ered phobia,;a uldot t down .i'a the tbinporature as the skin Was destroyed ItiIeads to the,conblusion tha d 'cab ge fito would' boccie covered with t da,duliiv r rabid i3o-q. legs ,hat the blon thing' to he.*.wanted. �ma-to go Btripes like ouperftcliilly�.- The Bbock produced1ratebse:. un'to, a 0: pr'66pla,si in his'n.' them. It io� not a mysteriousi, Providence Out in the alley� and.. pick , up, the suit b zolara. When �thiogs aid noti.go't -One of the Daa�iatmLes in the villaao� of she, should be'weak, - dyspeptic a expect suit herlishe would 'a h. Cahi that Ild threw'butdft4 window; but a rmgmarl had na,u8pa and I made upmv ssQt him Wit a ircivoou,ifiDLrniol.O'Connel1, nervous when' she 'neglectB e;Kercise,ayd %verybad ha;nds and -the loss' of several AT YIELD —We are. afrg.d�'. -that'flae Picked them.up agd was going away,ana pa [:applied cold water at poker , w coo end . she always kept at a yield of w . heat in tla I is section will be adl -of th� agitator. The birthplace of the ]at- hot, unventilated room6; hogitabbed 8,A&u, duster and put it.bia'arad. rasils. 11 The hite � h6at . for , such matrimnial, ,ff� -t d by or is ruin, the roo, bnd the lienag., very"'cool, I added, small conti 't ec e rust. may yi�jds h k� dh�r a water, not, --"rfEo,vejCe6-wn %it-11j'alvy inside and not a ru� steiiOUB. Provideoce -hat-her fee� werat�out at or t e ragpip er, an un arld lageracies It will depresa� hus- bpe du.ttibg show badly. i3b ,a -hours' should be d�lBtoried` slae.,becom' ice -to it... 'At terAli �& or six. han9i �.f, Il va� a#Br hi,: j.4uid the ragraiau'told a police- Pieces Of a simi- ar y dtolearn. Gatt 0 int the'pain did notr6cur on". stop- cripple it 61 he weartbe modern French boot. in ss�aPed-lunatio I icm� th -a tteatitic refused toi h6f man there w s a that he judge d 0 Kd 'he as e'liasig people all over :ping a -treatment. Neither b .,ad that these, as8a It is Lot a; mysterious�. Prbvi'eu 8: that iii th th 'I. ults..comb under e'bead n 'With 'sifffer-I till th67P of what .ay e' - te' inaternity she is overwbelm�e&' and olicernAn took:pa by �,ihe' dii4at ' led arid thb,,6n)y:ioc*oJ venienco, "' rmed�- cruelty, withill' 6JIT' ed t'Lairo�a',afev�.triflirigbIl.s.t6,i§�� L�� moaning of Ilien in,: e Ma ctingan\dhel�16ssnes�,ii5bab6caii�esAm6thei, h ,a/ tier alad- palled 'and he was w the � .4w. A wit y when weak, dy6pectid, n6rvous .'and unide- a sight when they took bith to the 'police ave, Do, helidtationwhatever in coladetorallig scratch her _ hus.baua till all his the'usual'remedies, iecomoaerldiug� -in ebreds from z her talblas but that such thiDg s d bulogs veloped. Those.w qa�tinrLMa�4rad mc� had to �go down uu ed a out, aha the pr6long i0atiou of'cbld Water. 1, as nayst'erious Piovideaace:l; are downl�bt bail him the police lout, us a P not cruelty,� quoth;. this modean Daniel.: , .. I ". 1 , I I . I . thi�k it pioba 6 inarly lives "have. 1566u infidels.\ They neither believe -tarpaulin to put Over, bl She m4. thw' W nor: pa, and e gdt him lick, him With a Pbe CRA�HY,01`, THi's 00 N -TRY., WILL WHO IS UWACQUAINTE WITH THE� CEQ' sacrificed by awadhesion to� the. 'Old reme- God. This niorrAng I vibit4 i his su 'in mer p ain �s ma� keep,,a,poker, red -heated, colistantlyl,. THAT -THE a an invalid home" * and he is wear Dg SE INO T 1-111 S NIAP womarli-56 years old, the Mother of,five� �whfle the -tailor Makes him new pair- of die§,.for the. pain of a""Iarge bu'rn,o'r sculd ready'for.use, and with it may� singe -bird at t& age 0 children. Her father d ed f 6; ',clo'tbes. eichable aDd is sol,seve burn him till' h 1 thinkipa is Ltoo ro as to do serious mischief if till he iwbald, and� is as prolo�ged'for hours.'. Theuseof c,ildwater iullof holes as 's old clothes, and I think h �onght. to rUelby, adjudges his. hono her motber'sti i lives, aged 82., My Pat iell b too'par, ticular. I never-. hicked On a fish net and yet this is ig lat�ggard, 'bent, Deuralgic, diEc uurage� is recommended ill a little moclicuLlaoiak by o0l; c -R ai-Dr--Russell tion of 664� to C: wiblie s -r-fflust g OM
pa, ff,",rloloe Dow. 7vell Br life an awful Mystery �s we6toned wiud f actoiy'a Jor 80* A;,,, the water A plentiflad can run away. Aity.thing a hu�iband can 'women and the boy. went out and L a bli 'supply of c6ld water agitated and changed - om 'cannot be cruelty oil tho� England Sttiies on6 hundred such run away fr ...... as necessary' 86 as to step the pain, will, .1 breaths and suffer `Doel.i aw tore, Spina I r reell*,,. rt of the wife. This May be good law, a jvit�oild, preVeut tbe riallachief:, -b this. a aaa� ster, tl�iat the -cal) has vaude a xieU, I er. u n, co, tit it's tsy one believe in front It the s g i.ous Provi4eaa60`1)oep.euy ' t one doubt tat nine y-laine, thousand' Ot it I PPUC. arads. 'heaLbby and, r "blogly oia� the, lhurba'JiThe eve'laq bavo:bd these wumez! might ion, of gi Is in the' x1a .o 6 i -a ... .... buppy ? The in6bruci Iatest C1119-Ulnut. jump 10 eseitpb Bome pitchdr or h by, btb� -wife? , Tbe-re are laws of hadith iii 6ne'of tht)�-kraijdebt mis Another .DiLlrilian despat.h . says Kill aionB that, e�ve fell to. the lot of The- operation to, -be., ilia dergon e. by the husbaudstwLo would like to ask his, honor. Cetovvayo�a � oldest boy,'& child of 12.�years 6tient & siroP16�aaad I , -1 S - -71 y.weie in bed oia,a cold.'nght. And tba-c was bayed it6m.,t'bo shbUgloter li If their on gent cables t ere nopain the ��linniable wivea b being asked 'whore tho'y. bad. been aif the -King's c6mpkiiion,s were day, an a in the rest 'of the whatever, only We alaiao3 atice while t e, P involved The following iuirs,will be h6ld this oil 0 eaclaita-, the little nauscl6whidla d th ost of Ahe Dig J?11106��. Ditto; A' blanU� Of,' bii,'white and §i:s�-616red. -r /oG I
od the a e!- astobe div.,ded. I have 'perform robber licize the bver-rcivay and: ver,h operation -hundreds �of i6ime8%oll: other s�fauvo institutled a- reign of. terror. ca ��o pro, Iddutdill ................. TO�OtltO ........... ... SOPt : d there' W16h �i 0 , in Laocaste� They tire' all ........ :Renfrtw .... ........... r -county, S.,U. L, . Is, sometimes giving, anesthetiu,'und y would ,.run -,to ? Now, Peep just where :.bhe' tka O".B ch rmod:lkith breedla-loadilig rifles.aiddlobw sq 'hot poker .band6. 96 often, tit be Patient 10 Grey h, 13 u knives., T�el citizeLs of -The, almosli ;,v ble, Idiaw ak�ar b with..., , 'those e6p of and in8er g,e,a,.tly -a arm' tit :f;v,, . T .. ...... 1) t. 29, �istiatch6d on the t� iiaal�body, and oci ve
�roy,'Noith . .......... O' S I and Ili- ccnot� 6 -._ ITC -my ibigera the lids of his 'eyes a �Wifd Who hnowb, the weak S 117 6 �Oct, 3, 5 , . . I . 1.2 1 lls -turn .......... their li lirillrballi, West ....... es t h016 stiaef instrument points'in her I )dt. .,,;3 1 them. a� ve's..; lubbaud, 18,a very effective, .......... the letter 0. The si . of �his� 'givinc4 i�lailito` , unupn -- , I -B. I I des - hoe of -1 �13 U .......... 2, ports, ry oraers pursuader to speed', and) under the .......... Our. , -ad for rta ceb,'a, husband has got to go-omewhore i-A_NSAP Cl Y Great Central. exl. and by a sprin g'a cc the lids Opel); in writing is illustrated by -a rcce� Grey, .......... FILS116flit,11 .......... Oct 'z 3 ; I , I M U Latlarki North -clet" F.,ing the eyeball a; rance.. COjOL61 Ross gave Sorgeant'�Bates,' faster ilyan if hew, i g'to to base.- 5 0113cic nd tla� network I ...... ...... 0 c. t. Muscles holding it in position. an1'direct. of tile G6vernor-General's Foot. Gutcrds tyil....... -lang in the viealat. Thele-iti something wa: ........ 8, 9 Wheii this '"'pansion d 'the A man who is being chased by Jitlymi, South ............ N ing its inovomerit8, permission! to go igto cam After lie la ...... shed I lift uP'th I a muscle with-'& toria, Colonel RoLs said he had-veibally 1� f �6,abcotlaplt* E wife, armed witli it rlid-bob, EM ,11(ithviLle ............ Oct. o' 10 &M ocs�ex, west ....... Oct %.Lia Of tweezers, -and divide ,it with revoked ordered Bates, poker, Must, 'uccording to the jurip 9 ............. ;..' hig permip8io and uBeing 'I L Ili a .................. ........... Oct� 1), 11, nlyJ str, toretu'rn, The"officeriucharg6ketuHedto.''a*, tile Cr t Contra -affords to by reason of,its unrivaled ceo- ILI umellt. when1tis cut it feels to ay ; but -where isball be run to'? Ile'laftia!t "a ........... Cl ftL11113-11 ........ 11j, imit him,to gia, graphical positlon, tile shortestland, best roL.,to bi:�,cweori' tile. Eo,st, Northeast and tile patient as if U Snaull baud Of rubber pe and.on his arrj*`i"g i�u el�OaPe* by running under the bell, laor,laver . was boia . gsnappe1 Tiaereisra I I if,it bo,inthe� Soutneis:t, and.the,Weof, �jbftivvest and Southwestd I �ajn,Lfall. OLtt-,witpla6(,,dbifnund,erarrest, Forthis it und ofit cold win- . '�18 ci 8 tly truo that its connections are ll of the prificipLil lines cftytwri: lit .... ...... ;Svpt 25, M Very ofteii,,bowLver, painfulopetatioris are Col. Roes W as censured by Gen-. Lurd. �Lr,he.caia't�run for th, it is litcrally.i t I I I I . i . ... 1, . I. . . I .1, . I I I .
North ........... Su�l)t, 26 a Police' iiialbSeLbe Df road. between. the Atlantic and tho,Pacific. . . 1.
perfortned. The. muscle has , 8ometimos be given oppoi it ' , it renches bhjcns�-o, Jolict, Peori, Ottaw-li 2,1, �8 - on, 6`onae Ey''Its Inall arid bran ....... ....... S ttulal �y to , put i line ch a. in v oon' divide.d too' ulab'"aud ibe It has been aso6tained tba S JVJo1n.os; ....... t........ )d -b I I �. . , t the hot clothes. Cau'l; The d(cision a dified., He La Salle, Oellese6, Molina nd f26c:k lsland� ill 6 be requires s th�q tititebes ib D reptified. 'T I hauh with a hot -PoheX4 Oil a huH- e 'West L� ii 110 ....... ............... ............ Oct. I 10 winds in Jtiiiae badly shpivelled the whoat an as Washington, �<eokuk, Itno&lie, OskalOOP", ads. The Iowa City, Atl C cut to be in bi�hd in he'd shall be."gontido d: -iia i fort i iii: , 1—n' 1.t,y be taken, andle, ntic, Av6 �'I AUCIL11106, -,Ill, 0"thrie�Center p d �'Teontdh, Oni I I 11-�
jil'alElh ric�i Leaven-, b - mud Ira own illages'and towhis
la'W; unless she 8ball allow h 9'oroi)Lo (fatst . ...... -jiAllent lioust a 0 uncolisclo IL places it"Will hardly pay to cut it. 'T. la� cl tchis V this is going oti.". I . I � , t, thirty e6liolldb or so to geCo worth allon in Kansbsj aind the,�hu.n damage iB, 6btinauted at 20 Der cent, of 'the Intonriediato.' -rhe wrapper ? 11 Oala.y.ou,�curo any case', dfstriabiii�iis of boots and'a flw crop. UTE
Kibg 1.3 y i a d: I ba e, ' I rrihusia�sm'is one bttli.e mo8t powerful 1k beat 11 Noy T no D 11 I can biatiefit any ordinary:buse,- even T,iais.sorb of a deciBion is going to have a SL AS (0 when -it can't be on'tirely core v Out) do _ i Boru coi)�.lhuto strative of 'of ten wlslaod iliat 1 could operate on 13�etx engines of �ucooss, When a thing man 'As it is,fmiliarly called, offers to travel rs-alli tile advani.ges and �cornforts' --YebL the lakd aild give him as Bti:algl f, 9 goai� , to pl�dgo Iffiralic-11 before a' 11 cdnnootinq points, 0iefBec,rUt1iry Of D' I n X safe. union Depots t it with, a vi . ino de oi silloovi'trab Butler. I thi�k I coL in0 it W�ktla Your might. Put pidacber to pay the millinery' -and dreali. 0� half an h6ur's. your whold'soul an to it. tam- Fast (Express Train C61-hpose'd OC60NIMODtOUS, WELL VEi,-JTILATED WCLL p,itwitb:,�3,our bills of a v� Oman for'life, unless lie G' I � I I . I I ,
have been' jns� brough� iujb,�a, degree of b66tor ew* "York own personality. Be active; be-en'ergetic, be 'HEATED, 'F;NE,LY. UPHOLSTEIRED . nd �EL-OANT f)AY C.OAdNJES a lin Of the cAn.,bo assured that the�osesto -�RECLINI�IC CHAIR "CARS Iwo' built PULLMAN'S JOENT. HORTON relatiotiblaip, which explains lily Putting two a6- buys a, little more regard for his safety than latest ,,,ig,r,, -�7 1 enthusiastic aradfaithful','Rnd,�You N10ST MACNIr ALACE SLtEP-IN6 CARS, and DININC CARS' fi.oiau by,Bide. A conapfish,yourobjeob.� Truly, bssUmersora, the a and hand6ornrl;,Ist P such oppokiti) i6divildual 1. N6thiinig. of law enunciated FINEST RI P few days ago Miss. FiOienCO Mary Arnold The Presbyterians are building at,-Shar,7. said: kind by. Judge' that a acicnowleidged by press and people to be tile' -bar Lake a church to cc great was over achieved Jameson. ROADre uperior meals ar6'served to travelers at F crater its married in l-iond6ri to Mr. Bt $3,0001. without enibusiasm." IN THE 06UNTRY,and in whlch is w the'low'rate Of SEVEI Robert Vere O'Brien,' nephew of Smith Horne is next to heaven; irad'tbo bomb NTY.n�FIVE CENTS FArCH. 'and -In-the od-intoxicated roligion� of. —The whistle of a locomotive is heard O'Brien. of '48'. fame, and lineal deBeenaiialt that is . well ordered, comely, pure, THREE T.4A)NS each way between CHICACO atid'thle MISSOURI RIVER of the vaiiqui8her�lafjhe..D�iaes tit. Clontarf. Islam ther I a is an Do TWO TRAINS each.way between CHICACO,and MINNEAPOLIS and St. P bright, is. thus heavenly by the agency of redible number of 3,300'yards, the noise of a train'2,800 yards tban'5,d9, " via the falmous Siligular,an deed, are the Workings of- lhe� womarl's;b6art and Made by womarl'shand. beautiful names for G'od—rao 16138 the report of a , mueliet. and the bark of a a tt, Tex., re. according to apaper by,Mr. Redhouse in clog -1,800, yards, the' roll of a. drum 1,600 CWTEN divine passion—w6 are assured the match A young African in Crock ALBERT,LEA,,n' was the outcome of .16ve--that can connect Oently suceeded in -gorging himself with'ice the ifouiraalof the- Royal , Aiiiatic Society.� yards, the croak of a frog RO yards, and a Ireland's most renown' dr king with her or eam and getting $19.75 in change, out 6 Ot'those a Mahommodan at prayers elcts cricket's chirp 800 v%rds, A NeW and Direct Line, vin Seneca and kahkakee, has recently beeh lopened,- between Newportr News, Richmon'd, Cincinnati, Inclinapolis and' La Fayette, most Pronounced enbilly, arld form"an alli. a onfederate $20 bill. 99 for repetition, BlippiDgone of the-99beads A survivor of fills battle of Traf aill gar died and douriell Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and internl�ediate points. press Trafna. the laougef-Briap-arad of.,laiBrosaiywith tile breathing of each AII,Through Passengers carried on Fast Ex &nee between ek�-ivt`ha-&milyof -ni -Cau Hignionewas , '. a In ad, Ets of, BuckBhotl—Michdel Do man 'that bad always been trust�oith; For more detailed information, see mapsnd.0olders, which mayb6obtI �itt's Dublin Francis I -Tart is,bis age 86, his rank that of ln . We o46t Offices the United State� and Canladai Well,asi6kets, at all prinoipalTick sudderi y' Btopp'ed. investigation showed Baptii3ts'in ny are not al I retired com Letter. Germs' I wed mandar. He entered tbe,Britisb E ST that a %parrow's egg placed in the clock hold a,'Sulnday, school under that name, navy whou nine years of age, and only three, R. R. CABLE, ? Changeable silks, such 69 our foremothers oise had hatched, and the infant sparrow To make, i6 lawful it must be styled davi]Oe months before, the battle of Trafalgar was Vi6e-Pee'al't & Cenll,Manager, PhA61i1A:lk't$ nin favor.'. had collided with the pendulum.: i Ilevvicie forlobildrell, fought.' ravelled inj are agai. CHICAGO.. be k
b 0
t t at
y Boat P
d lye inlines b
hes u