The New Era, 1883-08-17, Page 2-7 more than i1g wise without lot or hinder. from a higher Spirit in another world, She, 7,inbiuhs as be watches. the Irish girl out of A sw,aANGL�. anIastier �v One. Lady Killeen F to up sings— i,A woman, always. 0 #Qlitical coloribig from, the � man she is ip 11111lit ititue Lite her glass and frilt4ws, their perfeelt evolti, Sh'e is far, frobithe land where h 14 s er young bet: sleeps, I love. w4li. D�rragh's too nice, and Potosi- And Jolvers ar6und her are sigbiug� At Sit iih"B mobile li�s grie In ble agirl to mean, she Says,labout their The past hi,Mry of the woman who was note howbIrxeto or 3�?V'arld with whtl�t, an When her, amig comes to, a close there I I P a one man and blessing thHif:' shot by llor�ice B. 'She hard the otbur Of roto Ost eemsele S mol I . I p nto rill ta u, goldoli xob'll's droam si erlee which they, -never do anythitiglike, night irt �guw York,juliii before he Bholi araiitWikity ackiver js� lence for EL few, moments, oil and lieteuiti�lo ai� has no diA.' 'L Y, Killeeti- breaks by plifying: oua Mau illey'��e 49 concentration killed himiic:lf, i -i' told by despatch, front ,lilies itilbestyeam; athe nJ101yerti Wo '-a to Dar"agh, a aminds her thera's, always I a faitbless son' or two St. Louis. The murder and suicide te .Soft mnitli Will(Is the bidd lik Vx" �l y D ii -'g h Tgot up some tabledux, will youylay, a 1 a vlaW— oa placi. and which she Saraii Oarran.for me, Darragh?' I'VeLob eugaged in the business who betrays the recalled� at ones And betNygon the tap9lod.lorly a , St. Loms 861J84, 6 f things hD , �gh'sl Views doubt Cmp�aim Alsoolliver won't Mind UoMn� boBD.&M plou'agaiust the stamling order of tion of old mtei Url 13 and not at all what Maiden name was 'Xi,ove Watte" and migh as one, of the lovers who are sigbiog around 6uld be the young hero' to The' say a 'd A, C Might 8ba Was th bitep'-daughter of a Mau W 0 a be girl of such uurwa� 'You, %to rEhur. Y a If 8 Beos,in TO%e-leaf cra(lies,soffly sbalien, Honorable hijots sleeping in the far off land." the beSt, Maicch of the kiea�bd—tfiat name ikilcilown all:over the West. He wa$, jooughout the, mao'ullght� by tho takubJer "the ljoelied Thytle In answer to this, which, is th to lavareat youn g fellow 0& popped into that big pro� a Member of the firm of Muirmy, Liller ;Zarl�x 6, - I T"E GREAT CURE FQR lal y .1 al pipprietorof the notorious, t, oung will fall in, love approach to a pl�Lyful sally which her lady Perty and unexpectedly became Marquis of Co., origin To the inurninreil t'of thk� tceo s; wiih tier'; take har� face for her fortune, and ship has ever been known to mak�, Dag- P,ortbank the other day, has proposed to Missouri atmtie lottery, a Concern With 9, Xight'slau:tollt is told in tears.Qf a6w ; W carry her oft to India, Rilleeii and I should ragn s%ys: tier," One of the aforesaid brobber-officers franuhisto from the state thut enabled it to' biciorn. is bathed t�i Crystal line It Arthur ever poses as Robert Emmet remarks peesen olotinue in business despite the Efforbs of Rush I I see tuo sunimer, be inuch Wbre at ease," Lady K tly. a think's, Then She remembers that Some' he it for your a"musentent, Lady all the law-lmmhirlg�and law -executing pow-� RHEUMATISM Sulia�ertasbing tlIrou.-Ii. ohas said somethind to 'her, at some time Kiileeu. But you tell me that the da�s of CHAPTER V. ers. up to a few V'emrsr�go. And all complaints of a Rheumatic il ture. ill eqstacy,of'sbhA about N.ackiver and beautiful Miss sedition and down-tgodden misery mile over Seymour D. Vouliaire was a sciorlof one, nHrsumATifilj� i.,. not a Clinabe the still, wi ng�,� . �?verelT irel�xedq for Froin, bloe blush (if rising into As she, remembers this her in Ireland," she adds, turning to he� 4RTIIUw TIIYNNI� JJE s ENoouJl..wExrNv. of the old families of St. Louis. bocs, "all the ills that� fle aLivii Be, I me sh is heirs to,, 11 io that the cousin 11 therefore why - should. you put it "rominetit atiminal-lawyer. He was of RALGJA, SCIATICA, &nd the river's heart, Nvitb c1b,6 defining, with satiSfAbin 11 The Lepell's'llouse and grounds down on ana ve beau if Annesiey". prettily suggestive form bUora'as.ithez, the Dollaud'Park estate, between Way. a �omplaints of Rheu Tells th � same t,tory it is told; bl ti qi Miss is in iti, very Swarthy Complexion.- and exceeding y inatic, naturet RiPsara ledintendermistsarew; - tic, well-cou people who brid h ridsoine. r6m no who was' present is IT- IS A SURE C From the 2jquiji'si�ios� unslimdowed blue- rapidly nearing the Shores of, Erin by this ditioued lonaon go nd Walton-on-ThameB, are noto-1 a URk Rush i I so � the, sumillar, Dar- might be stirred by the sight into suffe learried-the*sinjular story of his marriage, me. D�rragh,pohquers quickly," rious-the one forAtis magnificence and 'y guardian't;lIs herself, and then real pain for those on the other aide of the s. At an evening p%rty borne Prom m[r. lit. IF. Cartti, Ititer,Mka or floodit ragb's lad Sumptuous furniture appoidliM., the to Want Summ g fhrqugh. tters al silent pr`myer tbat the other Channel xf,tbey know what it looked tie. asked young Vouilairb why he didn't' Nicii-�ara rifilum. she u to what yoii have been teli- 'superb cultivation and 0. difficultyof thefamilyr-ArtburTh tin Accordiog get! married. The, answer was 11 Nobody Y a �,me, Ireland is the rbal;iale of,the ble� nOrMdUB diSpi'my Of glass. will have, Me !" miss I W I atts, 'Who I�IAGARA PALLB, Ont_VeW 12, 188% BE y6ung cousiii of her husband's -may 'not IM Mr. Lepell is a wealthy kook -broker, wi R U sed,"'Captaia aackiver says; then as Dar, th was stallaing 1 near, Said, laughingly; arrive inopportunely andiipseb thingizi. a 'worthy ambition and Bteadfast-aeteim- it IM have, yuu." Later i I n I the. evening a DEU Rial,-It- is with'great pleaenre I am able 0 li, Meanwhile, Darragh nd Cal' )tain Mae. ragh's'. Steady inquiring . gtatic,f fil!13, the nation � to became- we�lhiar every 'year; to inform .you' that -your Rheumatine-has eonY- are ceasitig froulAbeir harmonious' silence like a speech, he feela that -he has f.eF 'serious words were spoken between pletely cartel we of the x4euma,ic pains I have The People Loved Her Much'. kivar Unflaggingly zealous W� pursuit of 6very or t d boa revolvibgs to the Strain which is now at tLe Said something friv6lnua, and, -that Drrm�th them, and they were 'married about two beeit troubled With f 'no business change dr'cbau�e which: may be,of 11160 jinprbved n)'y mud frivolity �are wide'kpart. weeks %fte�ovard. They 'lived happily Pecuniary beriefit to himSelt; tie iameve,r' tugether1or,mue years,and thow,scmuds,18 "If I have made you think that there i -X,F� CARTER. There %to only three dr'four servants� in oil love your, a Nvoel�, a dayl an milv­§ strongi,y opposed to anything, the hause,,and these are 13u; alas'! f6l: file lovo that loy6s ahvily! blessed veace and love in I�ol Td ho rose about the wife.: The youllaire d, have misled Swaver remunera,ti,v'u, that is of a Shady a I . 1. separated. - Vouilaire conEtallitly' haunted !SOLD BT.&LL DRUGGIST oi the ou3d, you, captaiti, .ronts Vt ll, but, a and, are lie�ited in 9, nice Warm, Shelter r even dolibintul nati�re. A strictly honor. liiglily odoroqA pres6atly. Aud tLeu's1fie adde,with the. u6igborhood of his,wife's separate resi-' ancient Htbokj that. served' th& Lvuchos" corner of theconservatory 85Y1 able mau, in but at the same tiaie one aeno6." one Tito matin . Na all hei native forcef and acquixeci gra,66, dav be saw m before" the place passed into 6e,14iLig of the, 0uddugh bo looks sharply after the main Chance, S 0 A T H A1� I N E i 0 N T r 'tbeir Mit. s. Thyrtne is a4 Much and I arn'sorry for it; too In clerk in the' pist-officis, leavlag,.tbe. door hands.. Tliet;e ve no joy� fo' The honoro.,ble any people and June no syllipathy 'with any one who H j aloseDt. lord-lidt than lie hits ever done' rabel,as it' is pol-siblo faf a wornan to 'arel., misled'about I,r&land'jusb'novv Ior Me, hwi riot o. Coudkouted Atitil, �arni both draw ikitolL 6Z - C G'., wii,olefioole 'AgeL111110, 11 birn�elf ill the aud fdred. Ruch was, woutidtol. in the theint any tho�y admit, but beell ance to leagua witli� the misleaders." ur'el bein the6e' days. Her Piivatezgri8v chief' business of head. A few - w�e I kB later- they . met, him worG t Amlour's putting everybodv ri-,13;t he md.tris uOete rv. _�t, ao4t and unoitho- in� eet.i4ett"away iroln her, whaiiie h iBn't hb� in - Fourth Street, and ex- ors, I' hearuw, lrl�ti 0 MR911Z.0 Lady Killeo,' ugalil'' b Rib Iligesit ambition, next to increasitig halj�ed shots.. 'B'oth viere hit, giddly E dox vi,\vs, L are tined roll a in-, mith ameladdy'told nasif tile, lilh-iiloquie aud,mwiying hi -4 dau�,btfqrs'6 ,bout vvouk, no regard to U I 11 ' er day that fa), tile Woman Went, off nogetb6r,to Lvwyencr; A' -O!,Gn� ed saitits, inftwt, Be 111 lord'B cousiu�ww, qu-itie I - ,to the mO't 61 th,3 olt,inis ol the, ble,�s h.a iltiln�� 'ts of 9varo,ion to the 11 proud', Oth , hafO, 1130eg—" �,00'd ��wi,t,r M" ineu,", -he Cal: where, t I bay wcro,hilo as Mr. ztxid Of atjy.school �vbat is th'ti best thin,, in the but return fok Wnges wl4eu She d;slikes, distrusts I �Ilti PA- Of the bliel, i, . . . C4,lagliL�,b Bottla�S arid ", i tioniStS.L WmB it ),on D'lorra'gh 9" y Mrs Ruth., The womau took with h6i P_ - q,ud Ldl Of neCV0,18 Col- knows that holy dmys �6,6uldbe id life that, they'll have a rea oui,abd ant r Oil' one or both Y Voulill'ire. zel:efoos luove B",' her itad S >,I, -Ba� far roare� o. Pin sure never Sam that.;" D4- good poeoitiou uud attain to the ril, of bar Boas b ill idieijasB� wiuh whi,key. and Ive I mv,S,bo with a� h bm would lit of iri Lawroince; One morn- ",zi ys ? heartily dioes - sLe dislike, toond ra9b SAYS, - wit :W t -look lll�e. I - in real uLrilibilakable f liana aea�i Bi4ing 0"o. m Vital() And bhey 011119 " iug . Ill a (3011 denounce 7. Iriuh inber bitiod to thebe, : hobt form of S!" 11 aaofree fibt toward'' itoi:a Who 'are nor, 8upreme to flor, with wri Tbcy are Pervauftsvv4o�. z."adv to' r the cause' of Catch the curious gli.tv 9 t next ' IIII all d,oimairi to have the lmrgeat�hbt,hous6s enuncime tbetA !.vie �vs,'me;r, lid-womou romel-iorating"the condition of the-illert Fa'd her � eye,s, '.when Arthur'o name was lmeii,. and 8e�v,tral-iiuished letters, mou one UU0011.1- -intist M2 il yrapesill tile coull ty6f,Sql.f a' IL11 'of a t I)b si- As Lay r fums, and, her tiotued. 'Plated letter before him on t1la':pizono: 'Tile y ll�moog- the lower'orders of If his grapes are ijot of flash,iei propov�iai:LS us, viclou KedLicot, wag'arle (11 anit imerry ,,ray eyes�, There'is no appearailoo: would like to take Darragh and. 1. coutitry pcople. sbe is a I ]rebel to the mni3-finer flavor, thmir he meet4witb-el8e� of boeen Well.'Lk domil_)iOn. (If 0 p It Jap into bitH, and*hand Wover to,th,,e tthe".cauttivanc -of h . I - I 11111nary oygLbns; suf_rt �4pb and extent,, ing to. see' the wh,era,-�be is a miserable mmul and hi8 Lead of a Li. I BrIgIlt's . I .. _gfBntJanie,u_.Who_,kL,r oiUbttesi Totentio I or inall 'ty'16 rottai,j onine, to h_e u g-ri,rde U. aly Ote of �thir, fuhlily for whom.,tlioy th;,t Lille b&s wrestled to thaso who'like and live on cared r0'r undeIT—the Kill6on b_u­t­`t,' the. woi iThed followed the. t9l riai_i6'm ch to be loug,aud,seusatio: at J§itith.- murder trial. 0 (,ff 1 She declares -turns',away from BrookWs, It was aboLwii-that Ruth had died from iia,ve. a good wota o tbe� d'a Wt.'of the with �,Dd subdued tile pardonable fcmilline 11'&u 4batthey uph r ous!y oil the 'prooeeds� of Regent Street. with the Sof ineuing "'L t� 'tell you explieftly and emphoiLti- well ill the eye . Lord Killeou says with 'y ould lord," thii Honorable' 111i9ft''I'llymie to, do," I morphius, but tile wui-ht 'of evidttee:wm's. ally, defris to took s.of, and my, ill his 'rui 'd, that 11 there is hAt lie bad administered fbb drug 1111116elf- A,Ji tbc snine lilly5lbians For I her they htLv,e nothing but..good win m favagabI6 opinion from,'Euglarld,8 plam.q.aIlL air that ofteti Beems to do uway' to bea� a fLew 6112clies he'Can show ill 'follow ymour Whav 0 audsure , �.t for words, and 'good witi4jes. The beautiful' royal pritiops But rebel ms blite is,,Dr4 �y:lth di8tirem until. aitityekss lieems Btcrull�l 4.vter that -ed the8tiuggle'af Sa V a -happy mail, D. get titld tl� CuB- Or littI4 71i u." at Walton," be is a .darliii- who'llas grown up free in their rugh is m and so she SayB to be dolle away,qith. � , - : snd a, ditrild might, lead him with' a silken -won indigges-tion, bill -voice 1&te a,bell; .and her 11whing, rrl�Ly phkee the man who eur� - .."For shame thread. tody of boys or one of ftem. lie &c.", aj o tb N� Nvfli.tell yon mid,,it, with ber Cut* tile Ere remarried. , Fivie years ago -face %viLh.iIf1.tho sweetl)ess 'the'*Qaoua'� -LuAiforta i a Stick. Jug(y. He has other houses besides. these li,� ai' -idow and one child by cowbinedwith who h1tvi, t,mil6o! upon her, and' the glary, Why , ,for Shame,, you --dear ittle -d, ilmd Lie w ojrdl�iglv N,; e r_1 S.�aius from h, Vity,or deux-to-h* esu J�c b 8 balAshoo of the great bygone racel r6m. whom she'is �wfAich her inlild is to KII& bc�r �s c6flection of cacti i.s a.11rion''bave bceu, partl� out of their. tlescerided-Ou her' slia, le th'S g,L�e ul beaa liz'zlf turaed, and, tells him Don'b-6Ldl We-tnutl" she cr ettlual fo'tbe orse''mt Raw; and Oita glance ai5 - h'i'B Mrs." Y(oullaire be�d be f les, switlaill. at estmtd eal lady of the in'thuir vl�timation. Ila Gal,ivay. round, ill ' U�ic�,,�i6nOol as She mB:go9d as m -Journey 16SD eight of till Mouday's tragedy anAnd as they tell '6f_hexJoog solitary rides pap& for " don't9014 Ito the' to t t o lie broples.' Bun"- libeso are fada of his to catry nd F�f`aauced igs at a d(z�,u I'm baulblied from Galwmy, and that Dar- r ispe 6ili,i to tile si.Ckl,�ad the sm bi vved-dings,.aud ci�led and grbm�nod at a,dozeu ra,6 0 r N� toties, The only nbjilg; comfort to the sorrowlul -and to iticite i -he biIn of an IrishL hf'6t prosperou. Burdette Writies tbi4j:. A day in V� lvahe�, oil the demesne during, thti,t Virile, that perhaps. Etta Young nod at -roup, to work s�tiLd raitio theia., l6va every siick and zitone on 4aay Kllleeu�msks, Liu percl, liotisly.. tt�in the wood.s.11, A'r6d)isTic� sketch� in black n6ver, hiure. III mud wbi ' te., . In is a g a pipp ic j: t a rL So , d s, Dilly h6destly a I I "trty. Tire elve f _Llb more trOJ:t0y ti�o plco for Ind round tile Wh 'whether IlStenxng i,o a g ") is. arribitions_ are limited', his school lias obne,out iLito tile lealy ilobster in &,aaiaa berp� PrOPDX 0 f- I or to an improm r)tu. YT -.s y a t' The cituli,. object ill. the heaventi than tl�fore that this inagic word "Dar. 0 U loot boundless. Money and raLilk are Thynne t&pup -the.'ieuf ati, the harp' in.tolvil 1 ��00.tol to rebogtize bilia as an old _h.ao, d' a gods she, worships;nnd if: oul �ir "Llual a,thoif wilh, your: friends, forward oirsil occs�,,iious 1 mm merely a tie' of her iiica,lookilug,,WL117dreased ck be woods about as soon WIth the I'll 80.6 ulile�4 �Vide A 2,0'00. miles loltig ii a )ud It' happyerri of theefe people do not t, wu tyro in the art of appreciat either you a happy tima 'iro,my C gir Is Warry a coin bin ai ion ',6f'th(')_'twO� eb , . h. , ., , picnic, anUt is it ere yati� oder apLielix at all aver xwteuad E ug- born a dab ei tit s a QvL,ir uttered in' 1JrU,H as all, you tile "reat Oak ou'cau-see the dinner. 'The -l' -a inatl r -01 here. brother?" 0apt Lei life will ba I , ., . 1. wat the lit�b. rule Which g� amyyou are,aod hoN Arthur erpr d They flod i-omething. in mr, bep n�eriri in !:w6urilig-the green' urjloiE�3 no Ill d.� table gull'" A., lrl�' at the stoUftl IS a; oprcBent tithe th�y Lave not tritotrritj at pro 7�'- andwithout todious delay; ruin Ca the infant C'a�s a,rdeat�eug(Ir way to 'A brother?, NO. at least ii6li- nry the' grean h a-ppelaB Do 7be tho fitshionable I'l bat their 'mother foals. th broinher if'.he had been, �or it I IiAd been color nald suma lny'c)mp[exioP.11 flelice , - h s been . keep eringlv� _it N ,Settle thiogB 61,f,ii� i0g, a flatt Ile . , f and to th�jm th,'Athegauilii-� a bby,'he or I woul'd have been Lot& Kit-' �,,Lot u's all Sing , 66d SaVe.kA1r,Grciou8 Made in li t a o -But speciml� watch over them, ju� than they, have' &e, the. hohn- m Lab joke Of ­.the , r and L be calle up eul and. go bed," 'Darra,g� 'it poll to Q1ua Lot �bcen tempted by offaers of lave, in a CIA 7, 1. I I o5laraut _U -if, bilig that -with all'inly far eys, or )g 3truck th4 cake. , It will never Si7,ike . the when botnei: -for I 'wihh. her Utii:jesty well-odr -cam -Iiin Telsti.� Th e. iitCtjda � tb6 'cake, untid-iness and - to ink, uncharitably of t a All c 0 t t it ", or even Of: a saftJ and or Nuspicion of ei L he i heart, m dent; mud.ulider.the tmbi6--;shmt. In- my, precipu Y.. f 13 ibbont here abi mvwtorl In's tbeaisy tiir,10i we'll, but what Killeen took,it from me ram the, dear Lady of Gr�at 111f.ritim's ongkemanii fo-Robert Annes., but pafia died, bu -�eems'to,be And Irelm d 9" :Ki[feen shouts out. lited, lies the th have, of it when hins'elf mud the youtig mom Lt it going P - ley, tile surgeon, haii - not been br-:iiugh-t' tored and blil� anderb.1t lady come," they tell Uolder'theofsdar -tree:'is a, One anot4er us they from my grasp' utberly,-, now that -I'himxe No, not of lrelaiho;U CAptaiii Muoki'ver, s about owituout,som6 troiuble� :His living at -yo -Waltoll. ivaflue I �ho I u I se . an iii, ca . . ay and th ' Saperiuteudeut cc a 8 overythiii that Jelle bimo'the 6artb with one blow'pf' a, sit down.to the Capital f aie y the, have g6no to look at it� Dont you� turn your bar I a in as U. drink to h d pit�ilinyle most V.11lairious 9. )OUL19) wbich Is provided wisl.i -I. had been: a bay ag our' had been greatly -in his favo for,. 'with L-)kd Kffleeil'6 N o :the most � 6x(Atilig /Iwagin' tic bi,�uit� The t,dI fi�uie wr.apped,,ib the a u Could Lepel'a � eyes, . for Mother mud the y, of - 'a tley.'' while he lo _wg ers are t tb6' 'the; Theren,replebty0f pl�t6amnd:di.heq,abuu� at ))at, -he cannali wish that- fair -Aiad- ­requiro-hcei`fo­b�� and you-r-lavvi4 arersouind. water.saakcd litiou libecal-but the love the b e t It 6 w &Y 9 cars, is. affectionate women, and Y, dalloo,of fair table-liaten, and kiiivei,i.aud forks your lrilsb . PC410'y itl I lovely a thing -had been cast in a in tilln'e �Uu 'tl Feet of b6ilig - hear togeth"I", teacher' of he,Jwirig laidies' Bible d libition, for the Use of tlie.kitchert. Put Queen of Eugib& doesn't reign In 'Our b I L4pOken Of Its ft country doctor, 8 'the excelleo�t and unpretentious retainers I can , It w I ish - . you to �be mr, bearta' airl We-wouldLhot- die -father. V being _T_b 'to Ill, infldetLce with �ihat class gone for- wefer the simpficity"of b.roboilxds; food. 3y, ing Z�6 I r', would ior� arly, Ono 'I e- rftove___�- _�_CavendiBh. The.young ladies� willnever be mble I alf it: Arlibur wariu!t a brother,did e you Sqaare- therefore, - had C tai hing very, L 4 ea r dy K'-heen - says ... 'Dg UP miJd or rt elements' to. look. at him without thinking, hooked up frOV1 �Ile crOcb6s;'slld 6 b be anlyt and L& rlsl a go6d in. Mrs, Lepoll's estimm ii in a ad on t�i 11 how he 160k occa,i:6U. Up in t a er6 to, he above-mentioued SuperfluitieB of,, deair in tile shape'of, a hcrfe ot a -showing Mackiver plainly that it is 'shook bi6 head at th6 thortub her lu8bLCrid -you 'see a grief 8trickon oivllizLtlou� Well Indeed. no -1, he'. was mv couslu t only' for, im. to.,depa dle,for her, indead I hickory �tree tit, Mesa of the step, aild'aariao'grumbl6d lerly omfort aw Ut as if a I I)y Ono waBlealled upon 'to d or 'face peering down. In is, tie Superin- 111enstruatior, Uliciban that f A cou�ih' on my filther'� side, b 6cing cut,off Itom daily iln'r and Pal. not a; caul- any 1700ur8emi.th, ier s alid.v1dol iitn of ie eSWIDg, hilla. reain these di teudent �p there to fix &�tioio tiiat;ihoy bav'e no relil Y8 hot is coming, ao- it .3'rriogla, says, tprevi-afin -of ebalancer lili�e rising tht, Wonlib, Floodin6�, RRO.e. the plan' 10-L �' , . � �:, the illgiIig force,, It and: er suppfirt mma Bob on te kope the by She 11pa'aks with r uib she yoavg� OC or a w I ,I 0, adjuirhod sive diL'and, sine 97ibm, And, he to.tlio tn4tc, vo)�l immediate, Sor and tells, her' thil, .,s a is not. But I i,,i it� wall for Dully. that h la ssh6uIr t h a orprews.ig t re , rncmb4is:.Iis She opeake that :' 'lie u by'the�famiky s bAu 9 itnig for the last balora-hecoweH own. does Who ought note now . aoa*hz; ''Ption, o -VII I.— I 11 ''r , aoffloittted Ca oiiie,. ckiol- eIla t it ill k Z.1,11 f 6�1: a, oJiive or belted e;hrl� tis a suit., , ugh. to mt the of aool picnics o tell t3tio ,jil. awaiting, him CHAP'Ttll 1'�. t 6,�pr toy -or 'a. United 'Ireland nild Robert Adn�41&y is Very, vvell�. 0 U. o�'he t bilge'd to �Bleep this ku-6w 6eubir tburl _r ssx.:� 0 f tile organs arps � again� to. the Claddagb. received. -ory before audience. de, M a 11 oreiti . wr eN it is ccond t o. hick be. there' on . the eve o , ii, Bt (irmitA, to A.1der6hot. Harlow words To bo,ontirinne.) with t I tie., urbbr . he b 16t �116 1),lllie and. �br .11 of , the. f 8 , the lit mong qualit,jes'. which Captan j . ab;,, -ys� tbt�y eiecit thoirM%,,,o�! IteOP Ob th'JwLkotiv�s UP 0urio6s)y1n ella uziddr,bi's arip is t y1i it is I Loh' that, Dairnoh bas treasurer., He is gontinitig bat lie :1,1D. Ill Ale Ma.chiver most, bigh(y pkizet'3 ill ofriqoe�� as.id 'the that I,ight,' and his d.reumb ,with wu Women. , 4 17 town AoeA 136br;aii,to .1 i;ayivg to blin to�wgbt, and at" is iii the 'great gloriousi and rare liuht,hres all over the and the girl.," ad Ch(-,rdkee Viume-m in In. f�g- 8C Nf�by balf-lirc a n'%ro6 poilritd on the inside of Ui; ud *16h torebus., Ile finds himself joluitig ill hone 0 eli ty I �d' bo d a ri ,,,a r 0 if w w ".1 tz"' s to aebuli-for the life of him lin caLu4ot remew-be'r thr,voW, istxvetg�of-tlue bauutiftil. iii iudus'ttia�is in habit,, dix' in theirAimmig it's all joy and IrisLi 17 cif". St. John. Fle wbohenabue in s. He iH warchin g his' wiT of* a, promu3o lax_ -e-ms �vaA4,T 16 g%, Wj�tt , its; t in ibis. north mot d Iendowed bo zli The ki-lowled-u m�ietlrv, lVaunt Wautl'f-lu -Bo I tile Conti -i.ivr are p�e­ f 'love for D611 -y o u, 11 y an d. D:�r­ The h4ve )oIllidaucl 3310oldl'to y tJoads of hair, long, r44,14 ,or -cite Tilroill. the intuitive grUI6 ragh of Wives, ioflicl,235 pbout by. r li�od black, KII their ov�n tril, � , . ­ . I I ii and with jot b1ttok DoHy Atiopt-ley . re,tilrnq tbarl love M%SBl'VU,gO.1deb:, ritlP8, 413d US he loops out. ntLese dayls,whon diseases 01,1118 tbro' 1'1�e CUJ_ I , I , t 1poind to oth, drestied in that ly, p r , 6V 1. a 0 U'r, - &I -i d I It A- of be JoavL I - i Ure 0 Ws I `tiab)a auire in 6 to� the w1rdi6b of ber,"bi- tt.ung The. ,l!mrnesI,.'Sud. Bide at her, nNt d I he,crtily tilat this ja�b� arso nbiverBol �or baeik mild rdve�lls itself, to is I notbilik bun. t6 d voir 1),I:R , , T a twob,ilp hirrl�as kits recogiiizdd in ftm� ag, piipular yo�a­ Holdi�rotii of for� Jdwe resolves he f ul.Voue 6'utyrto Bay it Word ill betaf of his lutere'st, is awwk- hPaxii"uf She I I - tW f6 all by feniloli �B tbrce_ dayW leave, an'd as u6n, p6tifive Cure, ic lie ailed, far do' -w lrela�d and 'the makeH, b 0 b., ournountrN khownas .T I chance will have iu- lie is-th,r6*k,vn int nan'y years past, itideed ants up�to titire na�ato'a �dugiiterH Of the I'aL'd wk- 0 For I' ger;t trills, , hay tire not, to stylifle, foiig repu'diuxt,'�. I�et �t 11 a., tociety of, May tvi�bol,' Oflii� and Fhow-no -blou-of pain on M'8� '-T atwhite, tnew of worth we the UVe of 8b� h , .. . known, tbon,"th Ow tbo w6iild have Ila to oil ua popular. 4rdong tho� r ill in'the Course of the, day. :ToLetv tdore thu forty years, litive been aV is w I ant orgarif Boa. beauties of the t6rrttory� and four out of 2eic'n jilt, hint tbiot h" bad br i� Iv r:dl� v� 10 I"It ii'll one 4r two if 'his subject to. a,dry; bac,'king dou'll, mihibL` i's li�un to our, oil tire titiftir lift -rid, woul(I in emilloyers Over Is lat"011ig over:'We rails it' hv6Nvhocomo.toriiL�keabor.ne�ti)oi)n thieM -irbulve6 treated :..4 not ohly-difibres8ijig to ot be in. over blilly's Tb�lixje' �'�Auuehl,' I be thi) Lord With,wl.loal we. . are. ,V wit e, � 6� elaWlY . iu� ry th,ose dusj�y'riiaidoiis, g t m (2 R EI Va-8 . , laco Oy 06 , hor k, iiad Captaiu mackiVer bUihIeSh Cobt%66. in tbe rl�.Lt fho hit" his 'eip b; im Cabe if lit,,, �,addLitily �l,iutren�Lrfid to iioru� oip, surround therinkelves with anultid ough its Dolly direct tlim,tivitif Wilgivoled, liv Odullot tile -Vartici- ri queeb. The), are boili frk,e being -. drawn into, - w. I artner acres we, wore indlibd ,what vitnue d LL11 (I cortiforts of life; s '1011 for the Hweob folCe tiold there, was III co,mmou siolb..' We - C"61 .0 him to, bi. future Wife 11. c4b'b nry: san d e chlotir-L bin,l f o'u�d be- An it is ibr' all tile "Y - DA)," toid ile would��s Of tun.- abi;Ut rJ 0 Vantage Low the m6r:it &�d w6mithy. it t roe times of thoc ter' wu;civ neit ier'. ug is �bf the territory, A Chief 6 r ulug away &� of Bee 0ug, any otl 91 _ - " 106�VF_YS Livr-P AND 00V 6 )rs (if piir6tkbl6 tialt ill, it renof his w tolegra rinmosnsutf evilig whicil f a of, W W, , f , — __­ fqr.Li4 ife. want to be 0ef 6 tdorle to dav'elok a W mil,e.iu tile you6g-46110 6 cOU ItcV,'atid out 0 . tt, J& to onlY, til o victilin of voali�zb- Burrr-thi8 nigliti� wb0e -Ib.'Al'y is this W t a tfiroat'niotst thoroughly = OF CA34S. egthrk Li e ore the Che. artime. hPr way to the 'place'the Our Imid"". tbab, 11 to stand in the L te rTl triatrimouy here,. they two' birds tax4vo, been quickl y relievb, and in oiho�t time, 8, wife and farm t6 tbktt dllr3nf.the elitirO.-WiU,er WO were not 0 v Are you not reaping hat'you haV'e iU.tMre8t fl')r W. tb one stiotte-get P:C., 4 narne of which hie line place in'Galway. I hope, wi 0. RFECTLY CURED. ballot tier lottier mc, toilingly, foe lie with all toy boarri that your friend AittrAH. 9(i glis and., Cold � ,bufi.tb e r Ile s IV free fr6m, Coll a -0 iver seem forth firtit timo iiii pl'rl ltvbo� otilJ ii 0 -41 ", dr;, buolkl��g call- t by 11lid 1. e W w. deQply D�Lrmgllt's le�'Will'tialie Darragh cif. my ll�md-k before' _b 4as, entirely ' dismp- yet.lic nrliii&oll rival and ralrbitl s. '4B dtkulty is itivolved 'in- -this - quo,tition 'of the Arthur g6to fix' ki�nl dis'tiiigui�bes himA61f pet,rad, We attribute ih8,,e snti4aotory� More A Newl--York report smys: heart, if-iiis fo Iv. In 'is aolo,Ly to the a6e, (it balli-garg-lo- ke it sulijugatioti or rebellious ao8ertiob for butirerno' raii,ichievous I .tho, .,_)50000 waterbulet :.bd y OW6, to �thi*"-, loesu to and been. aiiHwPra6 by, Dolly. DWrrrr�,h of htrcoutrvIB Claims. Rouse," Lord Killeen. em.�8, and Dtirragh wa�h�t in the' IsAf 4 --cord tall- --recarrime4d . a, Of i b to WOO, 1nbo8e wb(5 are subject, to, dieaHell Thytitio comfs b -f �we birn with ber worry, 'VeH," rt!b`e_:says; " we have sown in -ser- putH in refu,ed, by eonsignee�, and have to smil'u- -Marty' pers6lig wh,) ve .n a v4 nioutli, her ul tbromt.., ll. Teething! Teething e Wboly �v vitude, and we mro,reapiiig " Dwj't yoi� believe that Arthur will give, be 'sold for of the trans,ortation eyes-wilh.01 than, � romiditio �m . ixWre of t, I . -, . . S (it 41B cause tile 00'81 tried tile bult�gnr& have the iinpreti�ion llidli't quite m%tri that," he says 1&6 enauliL Sure � of The market is so glu'tied tbat �urWty mild t an the' - S we that it ij unpleaeant, but uft6r a few Oil ml , pro tethearts" strain (Aaltris liearin_a him, uiolah'e it C.ptuiu tun toverae will bring bar6l the. 'y "' , tfinn is. very niil an chililron, when dail(A by �.hoi ? ff nr4H, of a li�ply' t ', ' ; no' parboil who U rlice olemin their wildog obedience to'ItS 1110�111g. (111,108t Hit hais til� best brid,4 Oi'ibb Cs'Go6n�i m, is flip: great 11� , not Nvolia olle O� Mouth, and m, firs�-rta 'of tho� The : - . . . I I Electi'lle e bing' Necklalces a V�hen tB cut tivatiou. there, BO meninto njottko off the, f (Centro for thb3` . fruit. '. ('� 1. ouou'gh but 'so ?ekos�ly ute, wili-:�abaudouln. or fancied Wron, IIth 'ge v -o, but ch -in tile wi dJ nd his views., R he 'and, his every fmrm(�r a wa r- itba at.) i. L fly 1. Y pic a6qu%intauce element 6n in ob0coe in to,s6oi tiekvf� nold b(if hot dt,,,,rly friends (it One �of til )Ile gu B rnotkei 14 - party Jeelaud� The � Pevtni� lvallia"llall road e toost-genial 0: Leif ry of p te ry way. good ovL 'i'l (in lll(,u�eboids in Ltrildon, tire drawing.nemlier f sr il'a 1.118h,.�Jb"ra with effecti the .J'er4y �1ity on tifty (,at 11tialit'Lot Digaii,se, Diabob3s. or any so 'JiVe, (Ill novoir'Us any they ae it r . 1 6 I .1 %I ')�Ut,Y8 try ofto acd, you I'l gpt, tile piano and iliey'l wi ' to berj&f' will,curse Wt;m �or oo 600'L�.00lou�, on whicli t1le f roigl;t,t Iters W11)"c'ertmittly d, trace�y of Fr,668h e,�prlt and gr -ace, T�nere is Ji'tD foi LaKilleen" who sings "'who vii,ii tile r - - : I not a touch Of tile ecOf4rlt'.,0f her native: Three W60t) the crisig �iouies , the 1.0, 000 Ti,ie were sold it is tub oii,� will t, : hem. -,'The O�tk and ills ABh, pews will c�antfmvy, the coilHignees refolsiL 51 19 land in tier, tolues; tbe ppreBl6 prettitebt aotd-'tbe Metric Ivy Tree,'� -'aiA rise like one iaii and bteB8 their deliver- to andle them.' -At Sm r -- 1i hen that papar-knife vailuall, it is TJOw rond fathe haso'otb'e'd 'a nthat ha's been with suell'an air, of �io�rlred that, lha.fr6ight beprepid to New alous, ohnnie;� it ,4 ill beed, to handle. Mmikiver thtnkg2be, desonbed as quite e4ual ing Anjoinatto cobviction tb at captain k� l3ele(ited trielons bri . Lig here $16 a tbio"a 1, � hnnid-11 Why, papa, told miring, priva a a gardonor u1n,tu bhould be ar c6iistruction' of s6btencw which, WhBri her ladyhhip has- had her full meed.'Irii-It bificult,y,befng merely a tempest in 6, andred, h". She doeli not, even 'indulge iii by ad t 'Critics. - gacl;iver feels hiB fixed impression, &8 tothe hundred, and average lots '$Id abd'$12 a. 1h put, peculi ayK0ireu'i,.i be'ar6rh t6, of ililottdry mild abe.romembers that, fea&lp, blig b his-hi.nd to anything sometimei,t, lett,ft,L% 11 I I ittly 4 . ' The cost for t D.�Lrrm�b i f ihows 6va bomfort� if,bey begiti� to At, a recent meeting in London England, :of stoploing train of cmrildA mi I got, bat hot ladybilip, was not to, the, i . to bt� f i m Go to 4-0 ots: When the trai the FrcVNCnACADVMYO11WfHDT(hNI1 n spite of t- a0 Bridorsed by pre- opped by.,, another tiallur-the6e prices be- FOR INFLAMMATION OF -THE URINARYOR AN Tifflosian' kno that she' -hWils- the A:�chbihop a 6utotbury, Who from Xanolbester:, But thoughii 0 touWo"t arty'si6ging blood her,' She is,put will soon �our'�& few troops into the couu� bided,"tbuchod Upon the,,grtiut,need that a 11 Ome somewhat infl%ted. the aocent,is,ou bar to6gue'j Darragh ` try', a little military law will soofi�roaio' osa a. lintel D�iiti is; upon the mtlsia�kooi an told.to try. re exi0ed for e'vaugeliz'log' , those' who were canse(f by troilideretipla or Exp r I never taken for; ail Etiglish gill 0 -a 'deoi- The Crd,?iada Gazetie' to�daY� anno Paris, Troatinant. Positi e Cure nust be something that I catiltigo tdoe then hard. Killeen goes 013, ild' temporarily degraded and4spiribballiv that Atalanta, Out., an d Ireland Laeach a part'lo bar bear. wrong in 'asleo agb''i3brids a g1macte so full of grand tato ambugst tbe vast maeso,i of London.. IS mitie an outporb of to tbroa days.' LocaL Tudatin-glit, onlv p or uwzLhe," she says, Darr or W48 Of tbOughb, and' b0girinilOg-t6,pi�by the prelude to an entratic, apileal and to r aob s -io Captain T�P,i th- Brqokvfl1e,, The outpor�t of Port Credit is NO nall6oDus- doses' 6i , Caboba, or, - ing her habits, b p a truigglit in to or day he walked through 8, poor required. manner of mahifig tbouglilimunife6t.' B.�tr ing.o aondly hopesibis district whe�e,, whole f-umiliet; -Were am- abolii,ib,0. ld Irish air I'm slum�etlng mlroad�, Mlickivor'o eyes . that he I Ireland t6jgno alone in bet hotirn',,and for and ):lot a bit aaccotimia le for what 1-mmy lines WaY be em'it in India, South Afriomi played in 'metking M.),lich-boxes and he Rowntity.-Gerrild,Gwynne;Of West F § 1-ropoirted at the pcilioto office here, ri. i including l3tilb Syringe, Sold by tbav beart'B Sake one, , main mt �east is a sing in or ll;'ny other', quarter orf Tb6 globe. than fliurld for ma6ufactuxing a grosa-�ho� brily borp patribt,a)reudy, and � Is ready,'to become a, Then hot glorious viole tile crb4fi comes" received and found cbeiv own patine ; dit� that"bill borie had 'beea, broken, into oritiat free by mail. soaled t oyps droop under Ireland when of price olorl live Treatise ties their . tired eyelids. and in a e6fterlod,' ." 1 suppose she's engaged to thi� aspi�iag g%u.ul8tor,4 aUd, 3d while he was out in the fl8ld yestal-day atid� CAq,A ONTS11.136"MOD1 AX98i S altm uO.. Windlior, Ont, Sold by all Druggilita .Dolly's lover andlltrragh dance tog EngligL eqlaier for a Oilit of little bO a gollLopei faced watch worth WO Stolen ether hu�hed voice that Seems to come to them young pqlltiolall,'� the. y's allothee.. I