The New Era, 1883-08-10, Page 10CLINr1101NT NEW E11A FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1883. LOCAL NOTICES. WOOL -The highest eash price paid for any quantity of woof:••CORBETT a: BOLES, CLINTON. TO OUR READERS. In consequence of the holiday next Thursday the NEW ERA will be printed a day earlier, on Wednesday; and there fore request our patrons to act accordingly., Z111113r AT cR melon s. PLENTY of work for those who want to do it, illi,rho -' ' � s.Robertson received a severe injury to his little •finger 'while handling the cable at Fair's mill the other day. Mr. John -Cruickshank narrowly escaped b eing shot while e'gaged at the butts as, signal man, a few c a,y's ago. IaipizovE 1ENT.=Mr John Taylor is, putting a new addition to his house. It makes quite an improvementto; the place: HORSE SOLD.,-I1essrs. R. Coats & Son have sold their driver to a Londongentle man for a good sadvance on what it cost them a -year ago. In giving the result of the election for elders in Willis Church last week the name of Mr. McEwen appeared inadver- tantly instead of Mr. Ewing. EXCURSION. = Apparently in, eonse .fluence of the lack of business,:. excursions are ;liberally patronized just bow., On Tuesday there were 47 tickets sold -for the. excursion to Toronto; and on the' same' .day therewereover, 300 sold for Goderich. THE body of.,Mrs.'Torrance, • who died. from the effects of a paralytic stroke, was :received hereon' Tuesday; from IStayner, where she resided, and buried in the•ceme .eery here. She was the;.mother-in-law of Mr. John Junor, •of this.place. Cum,-EiiT.—A. new culvert is being put in the drain that crosses the road'in-front of Fair's mill. The sides are heav"stone work,_and_t:heLtap-and bottom -thick cedar. Would it not have been better, and cheap- er in the end, to have put in.all 'stone or brick ? CATTLE TRADE.—Our buyers have been very busy the last few weeks and have bought and shipped a large- number of good stock. Messrs. Hearn &Craig, Young &Matheson and W. Cud,nic e are all in. the field making things lively. TEDSPERAE CE. -.At thelast meeting of the temperance lodge here;•the officers elected the week previous: we're installed by Jacob, '4 Taylor, L. D. A meeting for practice for a - tle entertainment to he shortly given,, nas lr ld on Monday evening: /A SAN MAN.—One daylast week a' 'map -applied to M-rs:Call?s hoarding house:: for board and lodging, stating that -he was going to work at the foundry. He came atnight and ,got his supper and., bed and breakfast"next morning, and then, left without -paying Mrs. Call. .STREET LAasPu:=Thee -brick.block at'. • the north end is inakin� ever- effort,to draw public attention and draw business. ,The latest movement is';the erection of. several fine lamp posts fatly equipped. Whenlighted at night they ivetheplace a very citified appearance. • We hope more of Our citizens will go and do likewise. THERE ARE a good ;many dogs about. this town, which :appear to have no other' object in . existence than to make night' hideous. Those wlio are light s161pers:or. are of nervous temperament are,constantly subject to•,their:annoyance,' and it would be a relief if abeu, t one-half the wortl#less curs were summarily disposed of. - ; RUNAwA�.—On' Tuesday a team :be- longing to. Mr. T..Ohurcbill rail' away, and just as • they. passed Mr. Dickson's, bookstore, the tongue, which had dropped from the' neckyoke, broke, and shortly after the . horses ' became detached _ from —the waggon, -and_were-soon. after topped. Fortunately but.] ttie.damage-was done. ACCIDErtr.--Ou Saturday afternoon as. ?�I•r. A. Joyner was returning .:from Mrs. Jrvis's.funeral, the load he was ;.driving sustained a slight necide>St. ' His horse took fright at a white' bow, and shied, throwing all the occupants . out into the ditch, and breaking the shafts of the wags. on. Every one -in the' rig sustained some Oight_personal inlury.� LARGE GoosEBERRIES.-Mr. Jas. Sig - gins has handed to u's•a few of the largest gooseberries • we have seen . this year, weighing over half an ounce, and nearly an inch and three-quarters long, called Yorkshire Bods. He 'says that if the bushesare planted -in such•a position as. to get' a free circtilatiori of air>;they will. not he troubled .with mildew. A CALL at the foundry revealed to . us that before the threshing season has even'. commenced Messrs. Farran,`Macpherson & Hovey have sold clean out of their ex- cellent threshing maohires. Orders keep coming in and the:whine force of. the "-foundry is engaged in trying to keep up with them. An order had just' }een're- ceived from Nova Scotia while we were there, the End Shake Climax seems to have its way into every Province of -th, Do- minion/ Folli s=r1 PS.—On Sunday morning last' the Foresters- 'marched in a b'ody,•in re- galia, to .the Bible Christian '•'Clttrreh ---zvirere- taro Res : i11r. I enzrer--xd'tireasud- ihorri from the text, Matthew x; 42, `!And. ivhosoever:shall give to drink nnto one of these little ones a cup of cold -eater only', in tine na.ue of a disciple,'. verily I say unto yoti, he shall not lose his reward." At the close oIbis:sermon he gave a brief statement of the charitable operations Of the society:- The church was . crowded witha,respectable and attentive audience. MATRIMONIAL.—We have received the. till]owing_letters, :dated August_2,..whi:ch. speaks fora.tsel-f.- Mr..J';ditor,-_ young lady wishes to correspond" with a gentle- man; with a view to matrimony. - Dark eyes and .bait. arespreferred—blown curly' hair ancl blue eyes will do, A doctor or chemist•is preferred, a minister notwished for, not very particular. about . srefession SO long as lie possesses' good], common sense, or what is, now -a -days, iln,common sense, on account of its scarcity. The gen,tletnan's photograph' is' wished for first, and if wished hed for the ,ladywill Send hers. Yours, GAL S. LOCAL PERSQNALS, Miss McLennan is visiting Miss Sloan; at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs; Gen. E. Pay are taking holidays by a trip down the lakes. Miss Maggie McDonald has been taking some holidays at Blyth. Miss M. Grigg has been visiting Miss Bessie Porter for some days. Judge Toms has. gone to Ottawa to' at- tend the annual meeting of the I.0.0.F. Mr. Begley has been visiting Mr. S. Stothers at Auburn. a Mrs. Whitt has been visiting for a. few days with Mr. S. Colwell at Auburn.' 3Ir. Andrew, Duncan and bis sister Nel- lie arrived home from the Sault last week. Mr. Thcs.-Jackson jr., has been-visitina- in Chicago and other lces.' b Mrs. and Miss O'Neil are staying ying in Kincardine enjoying the lake breezes. Miss Susie Malloy has returned home after a few weeks visit to friends in Walk- erton and Stratford Mr. T. H. B. Tooth, of the. Molson's Bank, is in hisplace again after his holi- days which seem to have done him good. Miss Archibald has returned from a prolonged visitto her,. brother in Mani - Mr. Fred. Jackson; accompanied ' .Mr. Wats. Manning on his trip honie, and will remain for a.few days. Mr. Perry, of the High ,School,.is:._ex- pected here expetted-here to occupy liis•own house next week. Mr. --and Mrs. Graham, of Egmondville;4 has been spending a few days withills. Irwin: Sr. Mr. Thomas Boles,.G.T.'R. station mas- ter at Drumbo, has been visiting Mr. John Boles, his brother, -for a -few days.' Mr. R. Herriott, moulder, has returned - from Chicago and is now employed in the foundry. • Mr. A. 0. Pattison, the genial agent: of ,the G.T.R.,has returned from an extended trip over the Union Pacific to Ogden.:'. Mr. John Carrick, one of'the originators of the Exeter Reflector, is now local editor of the Chatham Banner. Mr. R. D. 'Bayley, left on Saturday for a two week's holiday, trip, ' Friend `Bay- ley works hard and deserves a gest. Mr. James- Sproat, of Tuckersmith, is announced as the first' to commence har- vesting this fall. 3 kt a on h s e bac o town Mr os '; . t�, co .J � u? to live, Ailsa Craig not being to his taste. There is no place like the hub. _ Councillor Searle visited Toronto on Tueday last, to make—purchases for the Fire and Water Committee. Mr. Geo. Turner, son of Mr. E. Turner, of Tucltersniith, left - on Wednesday for Jamestown, : Dakota. Miss Ida Cryderman has returned'lrome to 'Porter's Hill, after` aking a term in music from Prof. Jones f Seaforth. • We are pleased to observe ' Miss Alice Smith home again after holiclav�lool ing fully recovered: ---- Mr. Geo. ecovered,Mr.-Geo. Cole and wife, of Minneapolis, have been spending a few days with Mr.. James Thompson their brothor in law, Mr. Roby. Holmes, who has been laid. up for a couple of weeks, has improved considerably; and will, if all goes well, be out in a few days. Mr. Heber Arehibald,one of Winnipeg's. leading awyers, %a been here for a few days with his: brother-in-law, Mr. W. W. Farrah. Mr. Milton Armington,' formerly of Clinton, last 'week suddenly lost a ten month's old child at Toronto. IIe was away at the time it died. - Mrs: A, Moore started ,for her home in Port Arthur on Friday last. She; has been visiting her sister: here, Mrs. James' Moore, at the Commercial , Rev.' R. Y. Thompson has- received'.a call from Rodgerville Presbyterian church at an offered salary of: $800.Ile has not yet decided: Mr. Rob. Coats came home' from To-- ronto on Tuesday for a short visit. We are glad to knots that he is fast climbing, to thetop of the ladder in his chosen call- ing. Rev: Mr. Cook, who is supplying: - Kin cardiae C.M. church duringthe absense of Rev. Mr. Andrews in the North West, was in Clinton visiting old friends on Friday last. • Rev. Mr. Wakefield,: latelychairman of this district of-the`C-1111. church aisiv-sta- tioned at Paris, is staying at Godericlifor a short time, : His health, we are glad to know, is much' improved. - -Mr. John -Watts formerly of the Clinton High School, and 'brother of Mrs.. John Boles, who is studying lawwith his broth- er, at Crookston, rother,at;Crookston, Dakota, is here' taking his vacation. ,He stays, for :sometime 'and' then goes to Ann Arbor college to finish Mn. BEr : W> 'nr; has been .appointed`. caretaker' of the cemetery and any ;one wishing their grave lots attended to, can have the same done by applying to him, Mr. T. Cooper; chairman cemetery, corn- mittee, Or Mr. Paisley. Mn. A. 0. PATTISON, station agent here, has ' returned • frons his trip to the west. Ile' speaks highly. of some harta of the; country, especially Iowa, as beinga iii- perior section .for the agriculturist. The wast herds of cattle on the prtiries were a -gratifying-sight;—especially -to- a'lail tvay man, as they contribute so very largely to the business of the roads. He says there is plenty of room and' good wages offered to everywilhng.labo er. TEACHERS' .IttEETrNO A;, neptiug' of the Inspector and leading teachers of the county was held here last week',,to discuss the new school readers lately authorized by the Education Department; There'is a strong rivalry between Jas. Campbell & Son and Gage .'& Co.: for preeedcnce'for the readers'' respectively published by theni,_ at the meeting here after some dis- cussion it was unanimously' resolved- to ask teachers and • trustees throughout the county not to•introduee either• of the New Series untilboth Associations of the county Shall have fully considered the matter, and decided which, series; they will recommend for adoption,, The As- sociations will meet early in October and appoint suitable committees to consider carefully the re]ative merits of the two series. Additional Local News. 'U WE areglad to say that;tbe synicptoms of Mr. Josh H'amper's sickness is decided( v' more favorable. . _ HORSE PIIR.01ASE.—Mr. H. Plumsteel has purchased a fine black mare from W. H. Hays, of Farmersville, for,$170, MAP or TtrE' TOWN. —Messrs. Man- ning & Scott are preparing a large map of the town, showing all the recent changes, to be hung up in their ,office for public reference. UNLESS Dame Rumor lies most terribly, there is going to be quite a stir in the matrimonial market this fall. "It's an ill wind" quoth the minister, "that blows no one any good." FIGRT.-A terrific en co unterook'p'n1ce'' the other morning between a prominent citizen and .Bovey Campbell's barber pole. After afew rounds the pole was knocked clean out and the citizen declaredthe winner. No blood, no cards. THE Chief of Police has , had 'quite a' number of boys up and fined this week for loitering on the streets ou :Sunday,. His action is commendable, for this loafing on street corners and passin: remarks whilst; people are going to and from church_is an intolerable nuisance. ExPOBTI\G. HAY.—Inview of the great hay crop of the present year itr tvill be in- teresting'to know that, it has lately been discovered that ,in the United States im- ported hay is subject onlytoYaduty of 10 par.pent.. 20 per cerit..has,been imposed for Years, and the amount _overcharged, which is said to: he over three million, dollars, will be -refunded to those who paid it, and- can establish theirelaiins. ' Mayor Forrester engaged extensively in this business,' but` we have not•heard whether he overpaid his'` ditty or not. TRir. r;:as: It is to be lipped fariners are bearing -in mind the proposed Live Stock Sale to be held herein October next; these sales have already done more good for the farmers of Huron than they have any idea of. Now is the tine to plant call aclw cr tisements: they' -are :r crop that never fails: The fruit crop so' far has not been any- thing eitra, if up to the average, and what the 'remaining varieties will` yield Brill not be.great. The gravel distributed upon the town roads have put them in a general good order. The several excur-`. signs of late have been pretty' well p atron- ied,showingadisposition'on the par tcif_ the people to take what pleasure :Jut of', life they card; a Mechainics':' 1•nstitute e.x cussion to' Toronto is to be , iyen shortly,: i and there is every likelihio ed Of 'plenty more, as the exhibitions season ,ipc nt. ]here is a great'deal too' much preran it.y. among the small boys:of this coven for their own benefit, 1`his:lus, certainl} • ; been 'Ya ."season of extrenies " rioted for'. sudden n lion s `th weather 'several la a• e c ae enc last week was so cold,that extra 'cl'oth jug was necessary for' comfort and a man c u h s that 1t5 o cd Friday. Miss' Hanlon; of this 'plate, goes to Muskoka to • reside TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. Rev. M Y Thompson, preached again T last Sunday morning and evening in the Presbyterian Church, very acceptably. Rev. Mr. Birks, pf Holmesville, preach- ed reached in the B.C..church on Sunday morning last. ' The quarterly services of the 0.1.41;. church were largely attended last Sunday. - A change was made in the usual proced- ure, the sacramental service being held after the evening service. The Rev. H. J. Nott, editor of the Observer, Bible Christian organ, whom we mentioned last week as being taken suddenly ill, died at Bowmanville on Sun- day last. On the first Wednesday in each month -is held a missionary Prayer Meeting in the C: 11 t1iii dlif"O' 'Weythie-sday event last Rev. Mr. Gray read several selections from. receht ` publications setting forth more especially the degredations to which women are subjected' in the heathen lands of the east: - • A LARGE pasty of young folks ]sad 'a picnic over atiBayileld' and :enjoyed them-: selves immensely. ; The St. Paul's churcli Sunday School held their picnic on Tuesday last, at Goclerich. There was, a good turn out antra very pleasant time. IT WILL be seen by hand bills that there is a cheap excursion to Toronto onour civic holiday. Fare 81.50. The one on the same clay. to Port Stanley is 81. there and back. . DEPARTMENTAL F.'. XAVENATTON.—The: sub -examinees have finished their work, and the result -of the intermediate and second class will be given to -morrow (Sat- urday), but the result of the first class ex- amination, :will not be given for about ten A pati DAY.—The 17th will 1e a big day, as it is the day the monster excur- sion will be run over the G. T. R. to Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo. Train leaves Clinton at 6.15, . and tickets only 81.75,' good, four days. Don't fail to,se.e the falls illuminated with the electric light at aright -a 'grand siglit.This 'will be the great trip of the season. i'i Mayor has issued a proclamation specifying Thursday next, ' 10th; inst., .as our annual civic holiday. It was at first desired' to have it on the loth, but it was (bund that extra cars could not be had on that day, and then a petition was circulat-,; ed fo have it on the 17th; but the business part of the community 'eared to prefer i 5 appeared tine 16th, and therefore it was fixed for that clay, G AS I ,tunic. -Recently a circular was received here from Listowel], directing attention to elle manufacture of gas for town purposes, and;asking us to calLthe 'attention of the proper authorities to the 4 . uh vv <ct; rill a -view to it beingintroducedhero. Thereir•cidar «as handed' to one of tie councrhons `rtho carefully read it over i and i h ` fblack . 1 C .Cir .� 1remark, e t- . with the a . U ph•! We don't want any of that here ; as enough alread ," i's'ITJ'f Cheap P7es Goods Have all bcepsOL• D Anothei lo. t of' Great Big Bargains ON. g DECK. Come and see the big : cuts we are giving'. on Summer Goods, Hosiery, Gloves s .and'P r cls:.. .. , a as rifles have an influence.. we •re � 7 ._ oun.cl to see that the to 1 Every Case of Srnrnrmoo..g a pp eat Sacrofi • t ce isema s DRY� DS EMPORIUM" CLIly G00 , W, AQ 1V •Q , t e Famous Hatter; :Clinton G'L.�CN`_ (1'17'