HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-27, Page 8I � I
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JuIv P,7,1' 1883
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I �SAJ LoRS, Nupull$'R 11 #�ON,Q, !
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Description oJf 140 lD19a*;teJr-1NtqA�m0nl8
. I
thhooting at ,a ,ftilan on the lkfly;
, I �
rilis t
A JILIand lKinglei'T " Itritatu—StupAd
The AlOrrible, 1111INCOVelly Of R Dramatic
; I
FOr�,WahOe ft*,';1MGa-14#r'.rh1IIh1 "
, I ng 4perlo1w t
. �
- .- ;— � . .1 I I
- � I I
.1 . .
I I ot'Eyc'Wittie"Ne..
I � I I
A London pablegraul p The re a-
91 1�
, Pronunciation, ,,
. I . .
i tT1411,41'r, �
: . 1�
I � .
. Things UnInchy. � I �
I . I
I ,
I I . 1. I
gaccouilt otthe
- The followin soeneat the
. I
SentatiVOB 'of tbiB great. 4'alt YABiv a citizen,
force Great Britain are meanwhile.,
Winnipeg is to have a -grain elevator. " I
� 1
I I I .
A Paris cablegram says: Paris is once
I I . I
more startled, bythe - discovery of a hor.
The prevalent idea. that superstition .1 �,
exists only atuoug the very ignorant is fax .1
� I'll,
. I I .1
� . 1� . I
. .
Y of the Daphne in the Clyde is by
capsizing I
.of -
11 a at Wimbledon, The
bav'ug A no t'm 61 't ' .
Henry"Wilrd Beecher lectures in Winni.
. I I I I
peg A
I- . �
rible dramatic, murder. , - the Victim is a
� I
from true.; ,yet with the sailor superstition : . . ,%
I . � L I ,� I .
I �
Threateneo Cornplichlions,. Retween Eng-
the correspondent of the I Pnqs : �
� . f 'I ief moments was
I The Scene for a ew br:
American team are improving Ili practice
as they get more used to the ground. Both
,con. . I �
A new indu$try—�fiati of aheeea.ma
good-lookirig, attractive lady, of ,light man.
I flare, who for some years past,had occupied
seem5t�o be inborn. Lob one attempt to ; L"
denY Jackls� theory- Etbout 'I'D AVY'Jones � . I
. I I .
. I
I I landan�d France,. ,
I most appalling As She
of the I . � I
_ id
Sides araeonfident of success, ai 2 a ft ,IV I
—has-been introduced in Manitob!b by-ibe
Due de Blao&L�, who has orected it facto*
a a � &II buttasteful Apartment in the Rue,
locker" in'thQ bottov:u:of the spa, aud he � :
� I
1. . . .
. I
I O.". 1, I
I f�li I 5 a gooct mamy'Lot the
oVeruponheral ( ,
man who were on the upper�`deck could be
contest is expected, Thp,irdosti am, usinj
feature is shooting� at the running man.
oullisfarm between St.Lmuren�andOak
boadorceb. On Saturday' ight week Mile.
Marie jouill came home us. usual about
will be�met with not convincing.
I �
strong 4� :
argument that he is mistakell. Davy : *
. - .
. .
seen� clinging to each other and graepipg at
, . I
� -of
- the larget is in the Shape of a Volunteer in
P iElt On the east side of L%ka Manitoba.
The Due. has there established farm for
midnight and --re tired- ,- to, her,room�--Nax-t
. �
, . I
- 16nes-is --crad i ted.--with-,h avjhg__�m 6n,y -set 1'. - -, ,
� �
__ - I .. , . I
the deck flttin�s th
rIlild, ohains,ur any at
full marching ord6r, carrying a rifle at
I ,,
stock raising and dairy farmiDg. ,
morning Mlle.� Junin did not appear, but
laws which, though they may be,� unwritten, . I
. A Saturday night's London cablegram
�ould's,ffcrd a bola. There Were but few
trail. The'effigy is, fixed upon a tramway.
taking it for granted that She had gone, off
must be rigid,ly observed. To. go' to sea on
, . . I
says � The Anglo-French,. complicatioris,
cries, for help, the catastrophe occurring so
In a few minutes. She had
between two Sets, of butts. When the.
is 'from butte it
, Mr. A. W. Ross, M.P. for Liogax, Man *�
has through Ontario his
to the coud1trywith au admirer, the con�
to bek
Frild'k'y� the ca trying of dead b6die.4 at Sea, � I
I .i
ille hilling of a oaib, the harming
formed tlia_kbject, of a, special -fuli,Cabinet
suddenly. gone
figure started the, runs
Plassed oil return
cirege,iiaid tio particular aitbution
of r one of I I
�, meeting y'este�daj. Notwithstanding the
clear oi it of Sight in the Middle, of. ,the
down an incline mud up . Another in
from I E ngland. He reports the � British
non-appearance. There was no sign -Of
11 Mother,Carey's chickens,",.tbe: dropping : I
� I
! friendly tone'adopited by thallemel Laedur,
river, anduothing could be seen but. alew
the Opposite, . maufalet.. The' Duke
money market very tight and Canadian
. ' I I
Marie ,for geverel days after; At last
Of & wAter-bac.1tot overboard while washing � I I
� I . 11i _1E__ 1.
I io� 8 rigliall"A-m-bAssAdor 'in''Pavis-1--the-
- i.�iej2,-strui4lihg,-izi-ther-Wat�r-.--,-RopeB -were
- -of-�-l�ortia,nd,-14ord--di3-.�Grey,..-�,and..,,.,Lord.
--lilvestrijentsappare tin favor. ,The
�_____ , _Dtly 40 1 �
some of the - other lodgers in the
down decks, are believed to be Offe " �' r
I aces for' I
Government has received information � as to
thrown, to the drowning, me", and the ,tugs
Charles Beresford have Be far made the
English people Seem to hwo'w more. of
hobae came down to the coneirege
which DavyJou as. will demand Satisfaction,, � 1,
� r
I �� � Id,
1 French designs at Gi boon on � the .Go
and one or two boats that were in at-
best Scores at the running man. Two very
Manitoba and the. gorthwest� Territory
to complain -of the Mysterious Stench
either by, the Pacrifio6 of one man or the, � - � 1
: Coast which -,has created gr6atJtritatidn.'
. .
tendance did miNbey. could to Rave, iivesi
excitiligeoutesta" took place ,between the
than they do of the older Provinces.- Mr.
which Seemed to come from the apartment
. �
pulling of ,a,ship and its entire �crew into ., I . I
, have
, The French CommaLider reported to
I but ,after the Stemmer disappeared very
- I
Duke of Portland and Lord Charles Beres.
I Ross has secured- tha required capital for a
rented by' , the 'muslu � g ,win .
'r ' , - ,, an . The
.chat. The oarr�icg .. ..
his 10 of a corpse Ott, I
� . exacted iibit'rary fines from'Engli'slitraders-
'.few � men, Were, koblid floating on the
, ,
'ford I Beres,
t6h Shots each, Lord Charles 1
new 14orthwastern �ballk to be ,Started �in
, ,
win has � drawn
police were informed, and the doore broken
I I I., � .
the ocean longer than it is necessary to saw, '
I , I 11 1
It in heavy
. 12il to have encouraged the natives to roh:
I a I
surface of the water. Several of eye-
I .
ford' winning At ille-last shot only. Ju sf�
n ipeg, and attention to a
open, when a 'Zorrible sight was reveal i6a.
up canvas with weights to insure .
I . , 1!
: '
I I and insult Eaglish residents; , The Govern-;
witnesses state that on a 'or two -Men who
As lid match ceased a rat.her�ciirious acci.
*t "
mberof otherpohemes. ,�'. I
Ilu �
Marie was discovered - on a bed half naked,
its sinki 1
ug below the deptAs whidh � I
' �
� . I
� ment . has ordered An, English gunboat to
were Swimming about, and oviderftly'Mak.
dent ,,happened. The� mail target turns
What is the right,pronuuciaticaof the
docompos�n�, Murdered. Round: her throa.t
I ,
- fishes frequent, will dmisea panic among �, ;J ,
! . proceed at once from Congo to the Gold
� iDg for -,the - Vzmk, were :caught by�, their
upon a pivoti; and it i1i : the duty of the
name*.'of this Province is I stion that
-4 quo
was,, leathern sprap. . On her forehead
I ,
a ship's crew. The tillilig of- a, cat i 7
� ' , ,
. Coast and to cruise in the neighborhood
drowning comrades and. dragged down. As
marker'to reverse the, effigy each time it
I �
puzzles aom6 peopl%, a -
I . aye.-.oui Winnipeg
Were five marks,,evidently made by All iron
I : . ,
on board- a y I
thought Oxtremel _ l, I
� . At Tunis the F renbh
Until further or,dersi,
soon -as the Workmenwho wore- Standing
comes up' I otherwise the-ta.rget man would
nainesake. Most folks pronounce it Mani.
knuckle duster. . lt� is supposed that the
I .
lucky, and 11
Uri woe to the .person 1� .1
. efuBilig
have imprisoned a British an bject, -r I
close to: th e- end of the;waV§ saw that the
have to perform.one journey�backwm.rds.
toba, but there 6,re soma aa,ithetid�: indi.
murderer waited till his misti�ge was
who, shou Id be found guiliy of,such,llli ,act. I . ",
to allow. any appeal to tbe English Con sul.
shipwas heeling over,SpaiS were seized
� Asibemarker wastu'ruiug theiron,man
viduals who i pronounce -6:-Manneyto-ball.
asleep, then htwing stunned her with the
A naval vessel on a voyage from I-,aru,'to . � -,.:4,
' .
The I Ligli8h papers here, siuggest that the
'of, a .
hold ud, o,long with� any bl6oks of Wood
round hemas, Struck ovth6 head by the
'Tbege.latter may . f I ''
be right, but if t�hey'are,
k nuckle duster, be,h&d f ' or'double Security
New York, by we,y of - the Straits of"Magal. � I A
'tomr I ""'. I
I I 3 part
I 3notive for t�js line of, conduct oil thE
lying about, were thrown into the, river.
'butt of1he rifle cairied - in the hands of
'This 'severe
. �
. wh
, y arethe� 'lot consistent ? It it is'right
. stiangl9d ,.her,, wi�h the ',stgap. Even
ill -,
41� 1,
lati, had on board an ered and, , ,,�'11
I .
P I I , �,
1 ;�,
disrep�u tub locwt'wh !11'
of France is to force betiertermg frpin:the
Ropies Wore also �hiow out to those,who
� -a
_iii __
I the figur6, caused a scii,lpi
to sa,� man neyto I
-bs,b� it i3 also right to i3ay
tha 1had a Some
. .� . . vidbutfY
, generafty - "
ich uo.blie had. I'll 1.
� I
I Engltsh Governmerit for' the ,Suez Canal ,
I we're, struggang�"at 6' ptern arid of the
wound,� the marker: being tahen id`the
Cana.dmh, Amari.ca h, Nova Sooti,ab, Mill.
misgivings, ,for � �wberl the � Inagis-
any ,love for-. Tbi6 aninial my�steriously - I I
company, under the impression that Glad.
-vessel,, 'which was -0rotty close inshore.
hospital., Last year � Somebody- shot away
-neso-tall; etc., etc. W
. lay.it Should be M�6�
'crato entered the room',the: body was
disappeared, one night after the VbSSel.le1t---; � ____ ___ �
I I : .
. ato" e's Goverumentwiii eubinit', iinder'fear
The tugia'in attonamuca ventured as near
tne trigger guard 'of ,the runniug man's
rioyto-bah and not Am6ri.ofth7- is one of
concealed by� Several pillows . and a chair.
Valparaiso, aD.d, thou -h one of the fireluen. : �
,. I .
I If war with France. . ' L .
as, they possibly ,could, but the, ,danger of
� '
rifle. Perhaps the figure may have cho�eu
I r r ,
- "didseAhir, Incon-
I ga no follow can find out.
Doubtle,3,SL hti6ving7 piled the pillows' on bIS
� I
':WAB% Suspected, -the proof could not be - �'- I
For the the
� .
Ttke-Cabinet.isdivided-ou� the Subject of,
I made ;with De Less6ps,. and.
striking .'mail s:trvggl�ug -in tile water was
� I I
I , -
so great that any assistcwdbe-ofthis kind-
this wmy of,avQugingitself; -
I 1 . , I .- , . JI .1�
siatenc is a wonderful disease. � :
The'new Presbyterian Church
I vic&im, tho murderer had put the chair on
the bad and seate.d..bimself oil � it to ccm�
obtai4ed. , remainder of voyage - . ,
. I
the captain and Several of the oLher offioers �
the sgreemerit
I allth-e-parti6sare combining tOdefbafitS*,:
, �
. Sir Stafford Northcote's
'was practically ne&ralized� Two rowing
boats brought into requisition', aud`b�
. . . � I � I
- - FOOT AN.11101TIOU'll" 0118'EASE.'
I : - __ , , .
at Eat
Portage is beginning to take sbape arid the
plate the ouffo6u,ting process. ' He bad then
u, t
q le IV rifle(l all tho drawers and wqrd�
as well as all of tb6 sailors predicted that � I
.1 . I I
the vessel w'duld surely be lo,st. -They daily � - I . -
. . .
. inotion is expected to pass by a large
. I .
their means about a dozen., men who clung
. .1 I .
i Fivither.1lestrictions on (.11c,1111portat I ion
. ,
L Manse is almost 666�pleted, 4i , . �
. '
The report of Vital -statistics of Portage
robes al�d ruade' off .u' . . the
� . . lidisturbed with
'booty�. It 'beeu
wat6hed for the king of the miglity deep to � "
1: I I .
app ear gnd- demand satisfacti6ii for the,
majority unless, the, Government 'rob tains
I .
I the De Lesseps
to Spara'miid Pieces k,f wood were picked u p , ,
were seen on
A few me . to scramble
. I .
. . . ofeattle Into iii urope.
. . '
. . IL . . . -
'd ' ''
Ja Prairie for -the six Months ebiling' .July
is gaid: that be it I
h F4 since
- arrestel' 'T�here is no c6iiifirmation yet. _
. I
I ' "
cr!me- Yet tile ve8eel' reached the No* : , , -.
better terms or abandons
I �
I rue in favor of. that proposed by tile
'of '
to the � keel �of : the vessel . as � she
. A Lon on cablegram ,'says : In the
0 ISL'Idat 32,gh t! Mr. Chaplin,
.House of 6 WMOT .
ist showa.18 marriageg,'65' births .and 29
deaths.-- The reportfor.the six montiis'up
� . I - ,
6 - � I
- . ,
� � . , .. . � I - I �
y6ili navy yard uft67i__r_Wwarki � �, , ,
%bi-y plea- �
Sant Voyage .tbroug�out. In thi I a case, the 11
7 : ILI view! this �
English' syndicato. ,,
, as already
tile Government' It '
over, but: they disappeared. The
'fact Seems to be that'those who could not
Conservative, moved tb _invievi of. the
I at"
to the* lat.of January'pho'wed'.16 marriages,
1 ,
- - - C11�111, Als urym,taL .
-v'ratt o
. I . -
* wives and swenitheitrts who had longiDgly" I � .. I
siti ,I
oppo 0 . ,.
asked Do Lesseps to modify the
. .
Swim and whoiailed .to got bold of,g Spar
- I
.,prevalence -of foot and. mouth disease, tile �
I I .
importation of livef cattle should not in
44 births and 30 deathai , �
I I . .
, . . '
'The country
-You have L T 900 d water in this
part of tbe countiv, don't you ?"�. inquired a
waitedfor three years, for the, ship's return ; ,.
' ' � I 1.
were t dver! the Oredit of li,w . I .�
li�g 04 her �
I agreement'. and delegates from the Govern-
to him next weals. DoLes-
or otiAe r means of support were drowns a.
-It is tbought"by'employeeii of,the yard that
future be permitted from'coutitri6s, wb64
was refreshe and th
' .
heafts,of, the agiiculturist ivada glad on
passenger at a. r1ailroad eating I house, on
, I I
-(ima&ary) line and bringipg bar safely. " ., . ,, I ,
-11 . .
' '
111811t are meet
I riment
, bepo bas applied to the French Geyer
� I
about 200 mail were on the steamer when
. .
" lo'
preventive laws or the' Bauilary go dit"
of whose cattle did, not afford .reasonable
Tbursoayby a steady and- lofig-continued
fall of'rain. The eeasoh-sq, far, lifts"bJen
the C�nad,.L Southern 1anaing the proprie
� I , I . . I . .
,, � 'd ' 11 11 .
- tor � 11 . ollur for h.i§diuLker.. ,,, .
D ; - I
past avy Jones, rui ions. �111'bere is:, I .
. i 1 � -I ".
Scarcely it Sailor � 9he does -hot varily believe , I .
to lj�o,v 'whether, if -the E, liglish Parlia.
Intent refuseh-to endorse the arraugemeni;
She .left ti he ways. Many, men swam ashore, �
aud't'6 two.tugs that lay *011: euofi side of
security against the exteriblon of' the
disease. He argued �tbmt the disease did
, ,
more than usually dry -a Condition that
I ..
I " 4181sdiq -Sir .:SPl6Ud1 d,!' raplied the "t4,
., I I
ing�hou8ecorruoraLiv-`Vdi:e 'as dew, And
- I i .
� that it is uuWchy -id"& to sea, on ' '
I i I riday�,, � I
. i, .
it liaEi beeui�usserjea
. ern'
the French 'Gov " mehi, will fuinis):l the
,;the slip, gave every, �possibl,e. assistan'06 to
not prevail. in Scandinavia' .and British
has a6m awhat retirded ex�tallsivi� breaking.,
. . . -
cleaj as, ryata'l� I
e Goo&'Water you. know,
� . - '. I., I
yet that tba.m�met rs,of :, � I
a I
some of our bid steamship&, would as a' con 1: " %,, � � ��
V%pital required on the Same or 'better
the etrugglers in the water. - Consternation,
. " .
Xiirth, and these*' countries
. I Amleriam,'
� 'So-leof the' -victims of the Temperance
,has greiit;7 magnifyivg' broperties. Why',
� . __
'. ", �
sail- on Friday as. on any 9tb . ,,�A, , "" "
er day. Yet
,�, � terms. - From all these f466 it will be Seen
Dg up
irritaii6fajs springi '
,spread like wildfire throu'ghout
. A .1 �
S SOOU as the'report of all accident of the
afforded:& large s .
upply. The motion, fie,
Colonization dolony,have �tiiruad back, the
. I 'hg
you call look-261eet dow'n into one of our
- , �
, :"
� ' , �],��11-,
thd-rPourds, of. Frida)-8 do not suppori the L",,�
. that.& feeling ot I
'from whiel
hatween the.two bountries;, uAlle
launch got abroad, relative �
11 I a of - i6se am-
Said; would interfere with only 4 per
. a,ut� of the total, meat Supply. The fcsjl�.
up to .t
land not'coml beii'expectations..
_FAd,.t1?LqtLe, -an crossed ibe river' Etud 'con.
I . I
[mlres, and, a minnow on -the'bottona will lo�k
as b1g a's &L13i . .
. -x, pou u d pickerel. Wonderful
. , �, � �
ass � 'If',
ertion, aijd'Lhig�',can be seeii-b .
� , I � � anybody I I
I I j.;
who will peru,ie the, bhip news oluml - i . ,
,eat conseq I uences.may mt'sily moment
grav . . .
. ployed in the yard flocked to it with'feel-
I . .
'of cattle by disease had in a few years
tinned their journey a few da ys � lonaer
. , ,
magnifier"', r � . "I .:,. I 11 . . .
g i i � . .
� I � I
of , the' Siiturdwy6l Eiiiiiers. one go : , v, "
I . arise. Yoltaire,- a Pari�ian newspaper, Jai-
I - '
ings of ifiberise anxiety�, and even wheii they
anjount,d to, 9, million. One of'the best
they would have reached
' a obuntry ,that
- 11 1, ii6g� you ar(i riglat,about ,that,", said
, g
. . .
ar6und.among,Lhe offic r8 of th �
. a 0, Many i , `;,'�
P.- � plicates, America As unfriendly' to Frmllce�
1� ,� I
rea6bed the yardi arid had inquired about
means of insuring the -� meat Supply was
� �
would have pleased. them -good s,cil- and'
, -_.A. _. - -I
.the passptiger; TICFGkeddGw11 In 0 MY-
ST(Yamsulyffi—feti '��"(-%0-611!_Ee_ -will �
find �
�1� . I � .. I an the ground "of communication REI to.
; '
__ - ---.--.--- ---,�6l,leged-�jati--F-r�ii6h-dem6ustr-'atidus-in-the-'-r,elief,,so-great-was-the-uixck)rtain�t-y-ou---Mil--.JBTit&in-c6uld-no.t-16ng-rely-.an-�Amer.iptt-
. I . I
their frie4ds," they,could not obtain. much
4 t ae� piodubtion. Great
I o encourage. hen � ,
for- .
Plenty of woo& and' water---4iid One in
. .w,hichAem.p6raLLee-wilLbo.'as��uab,-enfo-r,c
. e.,L
, soup at dinner; and a b air I -
1. I . I�iug on.the hot
I .
any.WhoseveesaN regdia�ly sail o�h Friday. : i
ceA_ - " "
-0-�IY-t-w-O-W-t,,-e-4�1-4g6-���o,Lth'6 large-OcRo1w
Unite& States- it. also poffiks ta,e.:un'-
. I I � �
. . . friendly tons a of . - the Now York- press �aa
�hands as to The extent oftbe disaster. The
. . ,
i'men who,eseftliedi of bourse,'landed oabot . b
eat, as the rapid increase of the latter's
in I I I ., I I
was -causing the exportable
as it cfeu'posiatibly be in the - Temperance
Colo _ ny.-TVifini. � p�g Fra Pres I I I
. : �. �'
-1 I
rope." . - I � .
. I I I
. I I _ __��__ . . .
.. . . I . ,
- --- .
steamships gte.a�wed away from her pier on. 1 . 1�1
Friday', and in Gravesend bay � ' �;
, I . I
. .
. � showing j ealousy of `,Fren cli , -eff6its;in.:the1
I . .. , !�, ,
I I 11 I �
. and tbey either won,
- banks of the river, � I
surplus to become less' daily. 1 Mr. Mun.
' I
. � I IS.- I
": I �
A. Winnipeg tclogrsm�., Says:, The Mani-
� � I
111ow-ax. 0;0�'X RIHA� PaOis 'Brolle
I . - I 0-011t.
. . ancb6r,ed -
ifutil the following dity before she :*ant to ij "4"
� 0 , I
I . I .'�Fray of 00fonial enterpris . ,1 . .
� I press: generally is silent
The, French
home to get their clothes ch talaged, or ,wore
drivenoffinsome hind of vehicle,ib -An'
della opposed the' motion, and. said:.'ODe.-
. Sixth' of the cattle,and- meat Supplied to
' hwestein Ridfiway ave so
toba,4 Nort h Id'
, 10.000 acres of their lana-� wOst of the As-
1. . i I I
, .
11 He:was-very Nzy,'? siiid old Mrs. Jones.
. �
11 I, must say my firmt busbandwas a'v6ry
, �
. ' . � I ,
sea.�, ltwassuidih,,�ot�6 capt,dulgl .t I
1 excuse !. :
was,, to. make rerdair;;,!, but it. (3, , , ,
. time from�: I
11 upon the subject, which has evidently taken
infirmary. A. large -'staff, of doctors was
I Gre:�t.Britain Was' foreign. . The adoption
:siuiboine to.Eilglish,capitalists, who: intend
. ... .
lazy man.": � ��, � I . . . .*. I I , :
. �,!, �
, e . a i I I
, g�od authority tliht h hz,,d a stroug av'j� ;
I them unawares, arid when, in view ... of
DeLesseps', achievem.ent, they -had, just,
telegraph and special
, by � .
. p 6
massengegs, and every Vehicle, ,for the re-
the motipu woul I � OUS'
.(if ., A , cauee. an' .033orm
� I
loss to c�nslimei.'. Mr., J., G., Dodsog
'plaol-p-g'a' hlrg'o�numb6rof. cattle upon Jt
. , � I _. . I I I - �
.. ' . I I
. .
� I I IT o w 1 v ZY �v as: h -,' ?; � -I &H'k a d. �
I I Weil-, -116 . . . I ' � .
lazy Tones
. I .1
, " I - ,
,ge on Friday. The 11
Sion to startiug on �
a,vi)y �-
: 11 ocean trui.ap-11 swa.w�,Iiip Rhimiridda ,
, assumed the most1rienaly bearing toward
. England. not eveu-printe&
mqyal ,of the Men brought ashore Within
call was utilized. Botlrrbecity'ando'OuntY
Said the motiodmeant� the absolute pro-,
. I .
hiWtion.of stock.
I the importation, of It . ve
. 1. ��
. 1. . . ,- I �
- Excitement'rujes'hig'h here over � Ontario
- -M r., , WmB,
I � � WZA8,60,
HO lazy tbo U 110 wouldil't shovel"a path to
. . I
, 7
. I � S_ - � I , 1
which was Wrecked. On thG Nov's, cotian. . ,,,,
I . I I
I I ltl; I
. GladBtone's announcement of 4ha. nowsi
polied'were largely -,cmlled into re4uisitibii,
H6, W Id ,Sj�, , 't to the, appointment 0 1 1
'on - f 'M
havirig taken possession of lilie ', ditiputed.
territory. The pr&s are divided , on. the
the frOLI t gate." 1 , �
, , i: - , ., . o- t,,?,, .
" How did lie get.the path,broken u
comat oar Hailed fr6m t, I �
I � I I I
the previous Fr d �. file port on � ; . .� "
i ay. This., Superstition 11 I I I 1. I
and only refer to it interms of, inciedtlit .
� . y
It has, however i been suflji dent in its effect
and their direction a vigorous search
L ,.. I
of the-rivEir was made, as,W ell�&B attempts
S ]set committee to in -'
I a ,quire Into the ques
tion of, foot an I I
d, mouth flisease. The
question, but peopI rierally,favor lAti "
a �q 11"
"a I . I 11 I ,
I asl�e . -
I I . . . �
, 'O
- " ii �e used to �, the loung 'and
sbem8 to prevail i1a yaq%ti�ig circleB as Well, ., � � �,
, I
I . . I
. and�tho question w4i6a8kodafewidayg ago: .
- . -1. a.- � I _ I - a, . 1_1 I— -
. ,pii6fid-, opi'mon
in Englan .to aro �_ -,to a ,
� aie
. � degree that will lead, to 'a per-
to arrive at �the number of men who.h ad
lost their livag:by .the deplorable a coident.
L �
favor:ot �such a Select com.
,amendment in I
� mitje�
e was, bow6ver, negativ6d, and 'Mr.
,be 1),minion.'Government. aud Qutat!"'.
fight it out.: - AttorneyGei;eral Sutherlanc'
. � ...
.lay on , a
, , I I .. . ,I
, e baby's ear with the ppers'unti -
I �;,�
I �
11 When was there eve" - - bt � - - tt , - � �,
, x 4 y, Lie rega a, on - - I 1,�_ :4,
. .. I I I � , ,
Friday,?" ,RegNttas do �,.
. .inevitably
. , %tic
. .4omptory demand for the fullest reparl I
I ( 1�
. that the facts. in the matter, mm�illnmll�
I . . , i , I
I STOBY Or AN EYE7W TN SS , I , , , . ,
. �
� . 1, . � � I I .E , �
� I � .
i Climplin.'s, Motion was carried I 11, .
, ., � , . 4 . I � . � I
�, . .
b Ing int v'iewed, stated
on . a . ar I I I that :.ib er
;wore Manitoba offi gronuo d
� . oi.als on the , an
hboi rs ciicoe r6bingin'll ,, ,What
� to. gee
W� bg�tfie Matter, and, th�us tread, d wn the
I .I. I I
. . . . .1 ?
so I, "
I - rue imes occur � .
; � I
On-that'dal-Y, however,; b t it is Seldom, For : : ' . ".
ti ,
, '10
I � I .
I / I
. I . ,seem to require.- DeLesseps gpent.Ahree
" 4'bacif'were
: ..One who -saw the disms' ter gave,the follow'
ind,adpount to the reporter of the D-dfidee
11 I �
-1 , . . .
.. I I. I . . . , . I I
, .11111E.SAVEED 141E.4011fit,6.'
- I . . .
� ,� (
he expected thema to do,their duty.. If they
.. I
,faile& thou An uppeal wouldi. be rumde to
I � . . � ,
4snow 1 1 1 . . I
,. �. I I I
I I . I
11 - , . , ,� I . 1 �7 1 . �, � ..
� ce, of tbe�mauyl Oil tilig, coritestig in : - .1 ,� '!
'the Penn ry, T -0-r t . I
t , �,,
hi6 is6a�oij Friday. has � , ,,,,
. inLond6n. A. few houiB
. . ,
W discuBB10
devotedtoDo ningstreettotbe 14
Adverti�e " No�soonor had'she- got her own
r; .
length tham arid
I �:
.1 � I �� .1 . -
A Itailrond'Elrem" ,who'Risked'his Cife,
. . . � I
! -1 -
the Federal auth6rities,to,adjuAt Rq'y diffi-
, I . I I 11 I
., New Invisible laic. I
'. -, ; I... . . I .
. I
, I .
been religiously wv6ided'.'�Or, all' excepting' . _' .,
, I ��� �,
"' .'
bythe Chicago mnd,�Na*. Haven 11
' ",
of the., affairs of tlie 81262 Callal.'COM p .... Y, 4
,, .
arid the rest to Some brilliant dilmer$ and
into the Stream She canted
tumbled right over. III a momenf'or two
I .. I
I . � to Rescue. a.u1nifint. - �� I I
. - . .. � �
C HICAGO,-July-21.-A fireman,on the Mil
cult� that might. ensue. . . - .
. I
A passen&r bought a round trip!. excur.
. C. Widemann communicates a new
method of M�kivg -an ilivisible- ink ta . Die
I I . I . I
. 11
clubB,_Which will'bail thd6r annual regattas � � � .",
on August, &d,'
receptions. Then he returned to Paris
she � was clean oiit' " of � ,Sight� arid it
4truek me that she :Iay,,at the bottom with
Waukee 4 -St.. Paul Road iiattied tbos. King
Sion ticket from . the. original buyar; to
.4 atur., I
IV TO; make tbe3 writing or ,the draw- :
arid tile ouiu,6y, mass.,
' I I .
yacht club, Which has app,,iuted August - I I G �
an& the. British Government made it6.;
, I
, announcement It had agreed, provision-
, I
at, keel'' uppermost. � When She fell over
can be creditbd with' an act of rare '
was. ring on, a v
heroism .4 Ile' fi , Vila freight
return on�it, and was the train.
The case was� Post vs. Us' Cilicago &,
ing appear Whi
� ch b" b6eu. made -"-upon
paper with the ink, it is sdifleient to di� it
� ,
. . I I .. "I
101th. . A well ,known. sto4y is tol � d of & I . ,,,,
I � I I �',
captain who tried to that Friday,was' ' , � , ,�
- I
ally, to lend DeLeBsep �40,000,()Wat-3j,p6r,,
- . . vent., to build a canal parallel to tbe,present
whol6.caigo of men and boys�tharo
.- ,
,were a good manyboys.iouboard tumbled
, al'onj her into the I them:
-train .a short distance .this Side 'of
Fra;nksville while the train Was Moving
I �
Northwestern. Thef6llowingdeci.lionwas
tern � " br"-
dered in the Supreme Court of N
bb"I't -1-d.—.-
'int6-vVRtor.",--.Oil�d'rying,--I e.,ra,ces isap;.
I pear again, and reuppear by each Bubeeed,
- .1. I -
prove ,
not an uuluck� aay, fly laid the keel.ot a: . I
now ship"At ffylauuis�,�'(I*e C'od, on Friday,. : -. . I
I one,thattoll I s were tobereduced ona Slid' _
determined by ,the increase of . the
i with water.' saw
flk� iii- k jj�ss, on, the, -Surraod of -ib. -iiverI-
, a
.. .
0 . Yer , .a,, -,,,down , grade at the� �to of
q � I � _ to , .., - .,
thlity. miles an hour. The engineer,
ka: 11A,regulation of a iailroad,6o 4 . v
_-, - - .1 mpau5
d-, - f " - --I f tidkets-at a reduced
provi Ing or a a& a o
iDg immersion. The ink is -made by iuti. �
-DaArfiely- mixing liusebd oil� I'part ; water of,
lau'rich6d, her on Friday,, named. her Friday - .. . � ,
- & - , � - . _ - ----- - � .. . . .. �
.. . met profits, and the . I contr6i of canal to
. and I saw' some'taken down in the auction
, .
caused by the submersion. Imoticedi too,
nato ad Warner, suddenly'discovered, a very
, �
rate, upon;coiidition that .
-they Will a -we&
. �
ammonia, I .
I . 26parts , *at6r, 100 parts. , Thd
,all Bet Sail on:' F ridtz�.,H6r was ,-
I ��, I .. I 11'..
:made complete w an "8y V ,
h , '' a , �reched on
- She w ' :"�
. remain -substantially as at pres6ut,'iu�, the
' far
, thatth wboUand iitber�stuff'
I e , Slid ,off the,
Ifitle child Standing close to the . and
d with
-Only by the Pon purchasing the, sa
is reasoriii�ble, And and at4ir
In ture mustba agitated eli,6b Clue before
-the pen is dipped into it, as,,,& little 6� the
Friday, and eVorybod'' ' I � I I I I I . .
. y oh, board lost -
. 1. � 11
� �'.�,
a rich board. -ks,it
a of Fre So
I I � . . . baud splendid negotiation of
� goes thts is the most
, vessel as Bilevi came EIMRSh
as, falling,, arid' I
down on some of the droiiiiipg Men. It Must
fear thatit
apparently so parakyze I
� .
could not move. The heavy trainhad run
- . .
proper, ..
. t , , , wriot; by - Purchasing such, ticket
Par Y ef
' .Aild,&
Oil May separate' at oil to ,,wbich,
11 P ,�,
, ,"
, , t, Jabkl:.h ' as �maij`y curious idems. I ior� in; ' - 1 '
i a auce; if the moon has'8ha'rp'bOr6WftLb6w"' ' ,,, It"'
. . its kind ever achieved and' it A.bo wonder
. I .
have .tr uck them heavily,, because I hear
so near the little , one, when the discovery
travel olithe�'s a: ,K,�
acquire the right to am
to his fare
,would, of%courBe, leave
.1 I I L . an .oily Stain Up . on
* 1.
. 1!
tokens line;wouther ; and if. it. IS ly . Ing 'On : , . I .1,
I .
.1 � .,that it is hailed im Fraucems. the grandest
I ,
�_ . in DeLeasep's career and as
now,'that there was blood on some -of tLose .
could not po6gi bly ,,
waEvniade tfiat the train .
'be stopped.' The engineer, aiii he whisiled
. party who refused pay mud w
expelled from -the care canfio� recover dam-
aperi ..!
11 -1-.1 .1 1. ,
'. - , ," - . - 1 -7— ' I .. �
I �
its bach With botti boius'up bad weather & I I , 11 .
I . I . I ; . . I _11 ";
at hand. -
. . . � .
. .. . . equivalent of a now ,treaty of 1peace and
� . ' ' "
- good will w,ith'England "' ''
1 4 , In -Loudo4i li'ow�'
who got out! Safe. When the laeap of. the
I . .
� men ,were 611 �gtrugglihg 1, heard'some
' ' '
. .
for the trakes, called, the Attention of King.
t6thechi,ld. The brave fireman lost*110
ag atherefdr." : I :. " - .1
, a 1, . . I � I . - I ,- .
I , , , . . :
,,, " I .1 � . -
. - I �, �: � �
� �
-11 That'3 juice life yet, le4d,!`said Mr.
' , y i _11-- 1. . .:
Fair to h s son Jim*
J I . 11 ou a a running,
.. I ,Again : , � : I I . I I �t,, �.
� , ,,,-,i
When the san sets in a sil;er,bell, - . .� �,. t, :,
I � , , :,
An'easterly �, I
. -
�, . c ial:
. ever, it raised inch. --k i&,rm in, omme'. .
"' " :_ I
� Shrieks and obh'erve Js everal'ainkubder.�
. I . , . a
'Th6kerwho I no"t`9"d do'wri,biting to pieces
1ime in reaching', the front of,- the�eiigifiiai�
, ,
, Buoinesto itirthe Not ,41-, � * ...
4 : , - - .. -thwe '
I : ", - , ,!. - � I I : - .,- " � _ - .
after everygirl-in' town,�' " It's, 210t'116Y
wiad-is�iiuke as I , . I
I .. � .
n I � Mo h . P6 % chick6its,'6r' � '; . � ,
. Whe one ot t air.Ca y I I
k n, in, year%
eiroles as� has - hot b can, � now'
of wood mud other 66'ria whIch'floaied, out
wheiialie.grasped the, rail: 8up-,
for, ,, �
. .
Xi.��41, D. C.M.foli, w4whas just ,re.
.. I .1 I
lault that, I 'run after..tbem." �".Whoi§e
I .11 11 I
.. - . . _,'
�stormy I ' � I � . I
I a ,, � �, ,
petre a, is, seau.'ueak the ship . . ,
,. 4.. ' -
I - -and aroused -such a degree , of: indignation
tarlimmesit impos��,
� I I � I
from ,the.- deck.when: the accident li&p-,
-port, mnd,, stepping down. upon- the., now.
. �
� ", . ,
, ,,. .,
" ' ' 'As i
4, , ixin
turne from. a business.'trip ra:*Wi ipeg
. . , .
,an 'in
'fallitisit � thenT! 11 Wa t6eir own fault.
I., - , � , , I .
. I.-
. fij�ag' joi'tfia,36�.�b,,l ,� I ,�,,,,
St orm is'.approao "' ''
� irag�are �
I is
that'iO approval by
� I
pened. t ' "" d by' h : i g
wo; men were save y tinging
. one 00 , On
'catcher, raw . f t � at - as
, th , I t
a the, 11 k , ,6i.ing
Wort we'st, s'p'ea i3 che
. I - ...
-If1h6y would stand -still
I 14 could catch
, :b1d6't'iuu
,, I ,f3l
arely:Seefi in'taiv"w6ather.. It i I
r S a fo,re- I .. , 11 � I
I sible. Meetings' are held in every COM,
I . �
' on to the Smith's 'bellows. But I tell you
B as a' t'rmin rushed Aowil.
,possible. Thu th :, I I
� I I
.1 I
of tbe�.cr6p prospects th,
t6rins ere,�; and
i '
1 aftbrthpm�,3o nitch I'; .
,,up, :,we ,�
. I I .- ,
, -
castle; noiiou thMtha petrel is so' named � : . ,:�',
1. iml cenfre to denounce it. beputatio s-
utere ,
-1 � I
" �tbe Iike, :of
it was :fGarI
ii06n the child be- wa's able. by A dexterous
. 1.
I 1. I I .d .
siates,that the rairi&1avb not' We
I u, over-.
I . I � '
- " What is more r 1, a , Una'?,; ''
are t ian a (lay in J
, I ,
frorn'St.'Peter, oil � account' of its running ,� ,,,,
. are formed, and the 08t active arid crier.
getie hostility,: has, sprung up. This has
� I I I � I
which never happened before. Wben.tha
I I .
in I river
sweep of his foot to tbritsti,it one 'a" 0 Into-
'the ditrifi arid, out 6f the way, of the cow-
fkequent'; irl he'
Imiati't w6abli" -haj
. at a -bben
'rather dry. ' Crops of all kinds; ho:Says,
. Asks the, pii6t,�NO o, itsph,irilp not, booked ;
� ! _ Such il�ys'as these ar not r6c-�--auy lodn.,
I I �
I I , ,�'� �
with closed wings' civer-the surface of ,the I - I .-1
waves. This.brought.to inind the walking :- _ --.. .
I . I
its origin- in a geperaf sentiment. of, an-
� I
great, etc wd were the at,on ce,'I
I .. .% . 1.
saw six poor soufs of them clutching each,
'eateber and 4 Whbe)S.. ,The noble deed w".
look well. As to Iiiiiiness, he ��)tites there
Will tell you th,!orbughjy cooked.
1. I.. . � 1. . .
-Edwid P. Seaver, Supehllidnd6nt- of
I .),
of St.'Pbter�� upoin, the water, and the sailors ; . .�-;
i , .
� fAilgonism to French control -of � this
. . . '
other., , They held on, for a few moments
accomplished j6 .touch less time than it,
is a general shakiness amongst the weak�,
Public Schools, in Boston, raises the'ques.
t hink the, . bird was tb6refore - called -� I . I.,
� I . . �
. . in the belief that �bargaiii. is a bad', one,
. and in the deep-seated . �.desirb of British
, .
I � r a out, b
and then b ok ut. I could not tell
whe'iher tbby were All saved or not. Then
takes to relate : the incident. As -King
, clambered back to his post in. the omb th a
And that there. is now a Jarge I
I . weeding out
of mushroom concerns going on, which be
'( .
tion, I In whtt WayR,-if in. any,., can the
I .1 peirel,?. as it sort, of diminutive of the, 1 . , .
i � .
apostle's namc,,,. These birds h � :: �,��,
.. . -
ahipowners to.have an English canal across
, ,
I saw three or' fout.of them trying to climb
mother was discovered Standing upon -the
believes is neiiesgaiy in'order that Marc ......
schools, be .M,%de. . to the' popular
demand for industrial' eatic,ationr', �ft
I I . .
, known to foliow 9, vessel during a to,rim.for . 14
, ,�� I . . I
. . the Isthmus. , ,� I ..
.1 � toiin6x, ,July 14�The, steamer Tay-
� . .
,up'lly the, Side of; the vegsal, as She was
going down., but just at that : morrient a lot
)r , home, near by;, with' her
threshold of N I I I �
. . 4
:batlds�upllfted, as if impliritig the Deity
matiem may,-hE
tile mc6fcith be-cariied on
largely Ong, hemhb� ' ' - �s' ' -
I 1, blid -basis. He:
seems ibai"tfier9,i,si6Aro'rIg' digposition".11a'
� ,- I
InAny� I I- 11 1 ,-, , - I � .
dAys,,apparo6dy with Ither, food, :.. ,
nor rest, mird,withoutAbi,pping their w1ugs. :_ - .
I .
� , Mouth Castle was boarded at Tai riatave on
_ . .
of at. am cams.froin� I think, the port-
to Spare bar little One. Sbe,� too had made
, 11
_� , . , 1.
believes Manitoi5i"""ll ' '
I I _'. it"'W.1 DOW cOmmebee to'.
, 4
Boston and o6her mstern cinies to, engraft
� I
on the curri6alum certain
I � .
If one of those, little brrils sb'�.,uld. be "Swept , - .- � ,
� -
11 June 26th by a Franch�.�6flicer, *be stated
an a , -
hole, � they: were,,oblige d to giVaj,yp the.
the discovery of its dan I -
'get When too late
.1 �. . . I
� hilprove"the Ocfi�utiy Lavin g got .over - the
branclies of instrctin prely industrial or
b di i, ' -
- a oar in a great storiu,�as, a . I � 1 7
.. 1. . f that the French had taken Taruatavb. and
� - for]
'were, 5id6n
Struggle. _I tbiDk that ' everybody w'h' it.,
' .p w.
. to I even attempt a I resell I a. I ., . - �_ . . .1
. .
I .. ,
fit reaction, follo wing Wild speoblations
gre .
business And,
I k4dti' 1. " I . , . , 1 � 11, ...
. _ . : � .
.1 Masi no sftilokvill� touch it. I ,� I � 11 I �
' I
, passengers to � go'ashbre.
I The cargo'was allowe"d t6:bie landed ohly on.
nesaisdAhe fearful Sight froln'th(i�16hores,
W-m,S m. vay for th6tun:'e, ,and
I ,
_' � 1. � . I
,� 4,
' ' " T111A cfEx,fEs,rmAjL,!4.,. 4. �
,Lin fancy prices for lands.,,
The privilege given - by. t& 4oVe'rximeht* to
� , . ,�)
4lea 11, ," , . . I 1. I
I I S CAaPrT I "kN1dX_T'_ � I
I ''I 0. . - 1,
I 11 '
I Thed6lphiwah`
a porpoise are unwelcome � , ,,.
I � .. I
to - the saildr when they sudd6fily , appear. 1. .1 . 11 I
.- . p4ym ...... me piv'60
. eut-of-daty.,-, Ancfk,se�ntry;w
- ' ---
.Paralyzed 4 '
. .,
&�d6 ,
--didnot-kilb ' all-whmt -
W -F7, It �__ ., 1-11-11--
� ,/
.� . '' . I ,
� . . . I
. . = � . �
homesteaders to re -ho I 'ad. a:
mestead, has� b
1. �
- [The young fj,jloi;�s *ho, az(,in 0 in
f at America
, '' ,, , , . �
Dg a Calm, d,
an if they tqkr'p about a ' � I I
duri I
- '
I- . . -
�_ I— I on� 'board the steamer. T he cargo and pAiC,
I .
I..., ' I ;]' V 0 - : F;. _ _1�1 - _4'q:AVifa1ifiU1'1
' .
- I _ I.. I � A I
01ii-eiii -_ In - ch -- ---pkdjddicia-I-effScti
I L ,, me Arno, I � na
, � I
are-riow no longer caI led�',iaasbevs 11-or,R dudes 11
_F_ _f_���uri,#_ ,
IYU ..
I .
-severe, galals expected, If sharL follow A 'L* � I 4 �1 .
-9 --iiii-s�e-V-6i-Latl"Ttubyvti-lyua6t�—us-,t5li�zi�sla-e-�-is�-
aKEL - -1Skk1AKiAA4Q40,
__q!a_k�e_u,_to __ � -
�--�----'"-"'�L-l'..�-.,.-�.�..--�--j3A]4g! w -gr thA
— , —
.�-T-be-'st-heat-giiii�l"t--gutt in-."
, .
— en= lijpplli;t--ChIWC4-c�-%vwaa-cii�i��-thie:���i6-�6f-th-c�dr&7-i�
� .m 8
I I I . .
trel-k-.' t-d_,1&5V_6 west.
, be terrible: -
Y r�.'.'masb6r" and 11dudo" may
' Oil'
- -7 -, �', 11
I Hay, of the Taymouth Castle, on arriving
. _. . at Natal reported n6thigg relative tothe
1 4 %
According .t.. a; ..rr" '
� � pendent oi the
.. . .
the United miatem. , . . '
� I .. I . I
' I I
Ma '
ward ��'T.o secure another fiomcste�ad, and
leaditig them to, Sell, mortgag6 or rent,their,
cliapo;: . . I I
. . .
� Wb6 fascinate girl - s with their glances., ' ,
. .
isto�,occur, Any who bmaseenille, � I �:,
'haddock, mdkt have-1ovi6ed ij,mark on ,
I I - late, British Consul, '
. alleged insult td 1he , at
. Indian DaiZy Neaisi tbe'Purijab c
I ountry pro-
dne'66 arly 100;6.06;00b bushels of wheat,
A Victoria, B.C., despatch says :
� Py
. . _
Chitrameh t lain ded here from.,non g Xong-
I Thi I I
I old homesteads. is, with tb&raplil con-
, . I
b I I
9t, when tb6y're called'" carpets," i , lowers �,
�4� 1 1
� . ,perbapA', - . � 4 . " I . .
� ;��i,
I . I
'each I
side of the gilfs� , TWs, sailors ms6ert, " . I
I . . � ' -
. L. ,:,
Tamata . Thecapt6in: the British mib:.
. - Vs .
- '
. of -war Dry ad was acting as consul.; Hay was �
lof:�7bich one.fourtVis�mvai'16bl6jok.
, I . , export�'
. .. fL , '' � ,
yesterday guffe
.1 ring,-, rom.- an � Ori6n till -
structiop of,the C. P. it., .,.is in .the mean-
I 11
time -hurtful to Manitoba. However m4ny�,
. b , . .
I �TbiYii�.lady-qeiii6liAbiugebauces. - , 1. �
, I
. I
I � I . I . .
- . '
d, , '. ,,
'was ma a b. � finger an �
Y.S�. petei wl4h�h4JS
�.. I . I
thumb wher'i he took �he',tribute moziey� out I � ; I . .
I , I I
_______ __ - I all o w a d. � t o - - a ae _t b."m p -t q�i n—o Lt -h g -Dryad at4
The French to haveafl�coi�-_
'The cheapness' Of. Indian labor! reduces the
. -
- -ow-figure,
cast-of-raisitig-wheaft64-ve ry-1
d-iheai3e,.ariaii3g"16ai�l�y'�,ft�ffi .an Almost
, ,
,exal I � I decomposed - �vegetable-
ugive diet -of=
, ' I
. f b a returning,from
, o t ese� men who left ar
, , I
.'L I I
r Woman
Fo are'quiek, ana,th�y cault but per-
. 1. I I I
.� cei�e- : I I
. .
of t in I Tbie; 6orla'am' ' :'
be 6utb of the fi,ib. .
, IL 1,
once. wished
gular despatches, sent bu,board Admiral'
1 1 i
-1 I 'to f6 ilia
1,is said to, fully , compensa r
And �
: t. 1_', 1. 'if
erexponse 6 bc6a'n iran6portatio'll
. -
� T �
ftiod. Ito disease fi t M�IllfeatS ll� el in
the f8&1 t, where I , ,
8 �Mmu
felt" and com
it p,.iri) �
. .
tI2-eWeH`,ff1§-6r and, Sadder men. , .
I . . '� . I .. :, -:� 'L . .
I , , � * *
I -- �', _ - �- � -- " I
� . The foininine eye 'is SO SbUrp it' �- _.
� . , .
is wors0han a iloedlo-ttiat"d . �ugbfers of Eve .
, -.1 � 1.",",jr,
acrioutits.for the beliet of Sootchmen tlia' �
t 1 ';4
, it is ill : I� riiihog�t 11 fi,ib'', th' ' �
I , - � ".;
'a, . at was a. . ver p I ut � -
__ �
- 11 ,
, I—— � .
- thb- ' " " � ��,� ' �
. lNerke's Ship, but th thg,fish; objected, And
. I ' i
. received the from
Hiy d. at ryAa�
grea .. as
compare& With the freight chiir�aS from
� I
.is&3�,oVertbea'!rikl6a. TbekuaaeneXfibs�
L L 4
. Likhok"and Wastem in Winnip4g.
. � I . � . 1.
L " ��, I . . . .
'.1 MALr's ` .
way'Lasily-11 sit-loul� . ., P ;, " - -' :-�L�: , --
I I -1 , . -
. . ,.
taib LIL . � be,, '';�
01�1, pnosti superst, , 6; t I �,
T itiou
' I � . 11
. . . �
sailors are the Scdpdivavians,� wbo believe.
,in L , ,the'D
. I
The latter vessel escorted the, Taymouth
bi�rbor'., " . I
the United States: ThoGovernmaut has
- . ., , I
,recognized the fact that Whe�t in India emu,
I , .. '
ly.. Thq: mouth fosters, Symptoms of blood
. I
, , I . .
Caip6riters, pbr,day,.. . � ...... "....._ ,$ 2 00 t 3 00'
llriehlayor�, .1 ;..... " 3 00 't 0()
.. O��teiaon,thekh8l) argibetterhow than
th6y.nave-becu bef'�r',Oliq B'ix, Months -
I Says.
I ,�,
fin the existence of iieck, a mehb�n, having,. . I �
� . castle out of the 1.
LONDON July I . 5, - �&-., A 6 a p a t c h .. '
ill , from Dur'.
only be rai�ed to 'advantag' "b I i ii i
� a � y irrigation,
po�woliing set in arid the patient. succumbs
.1 .
Stonecutters ,' " .. ..... ........... �.. 3 00 ... 4 00
Mael-i i8ts . 11 . :
� . I .
the N. Y. �Ier(il epicure . I'll ,. . 1- I .
� , I . I .
,-the head 6f'a�'intw and the flowing ringleta '... �
- I , I . ;,
-Of agirl. Neck, wemring it 'red, cap* �si6 '.
ban says'. the Piqt.stahti iChurah ,was
- I
and,'actingda his knowledge, is actively
pusbing irrigating canal6in, the Punjab dia-
An ti� few day% ,Many similAr.,cases fiave
shown tbemselv.es among the coolies on the
.... ....... ..... 41 � �j 00
Moulders, '_%A,;,�_Ilj� . ...... ; ...... . . 13 60
Shoemakers , , 1", * �
' Pope's 11 mob (if gentleman 'Who wrote
with Case " wm� evidently composed of the
. I . � I
upon the Waves. and Plays u'pbu the harp. , , , ,: �',
I .. �
- "
royed during. t] bombardment of
I dest . be i
. Mmtmve.. Much MIS Y' exists amogg
Ta at
. trict,.where nearly a million and a half acres
I .
railway, Ana invariably prove fatal, as no
: . . .
, . � ............ � 2 50. Of)
Iliacksmial' 11 I � � :3 c o.
, ...................... -
- , I
Brqwu-e� Smith 0, alu� obler'stl6las.
I . I
Ilifimelody F6 sAbractive: &mt'sailora � . , , . .1
I . I
become chdruied by A; &lid in thia way ' ' I I
I th . I I The Governor of the.
a British,bubjects.
. . Mauritius lima sent a Steamer to bring aw my
,were.taken'tip last year. far wbeat culture .
,in advance of the opening of the irrigating
cure is yet known. Thoso of the Chihamen
yesterday who were able staggered off to
. I
Tetkmsters,,-�it�boari], per month, 25 00._.30 00
Teafristers,city, without board ...... 60 00'.�.55 03
, .
Sawmill men, west, With board ...... � ...30 00
- -Herrick deprecated dress reform 250
years ago in'tbe following beautiful verse :
. I � ,�
.rumnybave erished,-'Th6N6rwagiauS.mr8 . 11,
p. .
fi�M believers in t ' " krakeli," a moustdi- . I
the refugees. The Freuoh�Admiral lowered
. .-.-.--. . �
. ,th6dons�tU-'&-r-�fl�a-gi5,�,Ndd,-t6rbE�d(s"-t�eir re-
' .
canals. There ig also'Baiii to be a' stretch
of territory covering 2,000 Equate
* miles be-
tween Jaoobabad Sibi, 'Which,
t he already' over-fillea Chinese tenements,
while others were packed away on their
comrades' bdak's. Six, Chi' 'femm'0131
Laborers, in city, per day ............. " I 50 ... 1 75
Tailors. per day ............................ �., 12 50 ,_ 3 00
Coohsjn�cawp, par m nth 45 00 ... 6000
0 ... `
� A sWect ditorder in the dress - ' ,
1 I I Kindles in clothes a wuntouness; . � �
A la�vn abo�tllia slaculders thrown "I
- ,,
� I �,,
devil-fish'who,ii6bdd.'y.iB,bver'a mile lbug� " '
only to. be foutlj(l t. waters �� - it, ' � .
, in the deepeB I T. I
boistin-until the foreign representatives
� have r 6 Tho'baptain of
, 1 And though
U noultivated at this time, can' be made
tb rdeofwbcm had children from 10 to 1�
Teamsters, per mon th ..a �`*
06rd.,; 30 co'.
.:, 8500
Board, in camp, per week ............ �.. 4 00 4 50
- .
. 1
L '. into aililedfstractio'n , . i:
AD b &ro �
'ffiliee, &lid devouri ,whole,, I
. I �
a tircte. hav& 1 , �",i.
-b -accredited.'
the] Inglish ,war ves6 el.Dryad has Offended
bigbly,productive by, irrigation,'from the
years of ige, Were led aw ay by one Siug
11asterers ................ V .................... s.� 3 00'.: 4 (O
Painters_ 200 : 2 50
eirfti�A'aO6,whi 6nd theis
I , Entbrals:ihe-crims,,n stomacher; (a
. I
sohools at �F_i�heime; wbo�
it for an, iilwud: and tikon,rduge, '
- I I
the French by landing m guard of mat'
Nari River. The correspondent States that
. .
� I .
.L -who intends to Ship them over the
- ing,
.............. _. I ... ...... : ........... . . .
.'' I , , � . � 4
. �
� A,�u'iluogloeifdl,finti,th�rot)y �
i .
,mistaken, _-______.1
_� I V
on its bac I I in'the .
�li, jliav6 __�eerf drowned,
.----- _1_con,ulater _,placi,g_bi6,
_&t_tbe_J3r_i.tis) _and
, the�,Qovernmebt pro Doses t o bDen un and'
these new r6gi=3 and aecla Wit
Souladas the wives of. Chinaman already
-tuare _.�_�_
TM-Bi-B1-t-E-eff a 6
-WU`al`-R-ndiFm13y wa 0,
,�' r=A�IXS. . �
General --bone;4N�0 rk-p�-*i�h-Lboiirdr,- �_��_
I Itibbona t1bw confusedly,
-L in
.�� te, L �
, A-1wi, Liti,%Wave, deserving no
- , � * I . .
I . 1
� .1 � I L I
whir a by I ""
1pool, mma , -the sudden sinking oti , -1,
I �4, _'
Po6al of I
boats at the d a the fugitives. ,
I A despatch from- Tami%tave dated June
,irrigmtb rag
� America arid Ru6si
� a "will eventuiffly� find
, , ,
b file tbe'law, And enables the Chinese to
, W per nonbh� ... ...... � ................... $25 00 4_05 00�
. .
...................... i .... 18�00 _35,00
" "a , .
tuous petticoat; "
: A carelesj pl?hea6estri &'in whose tic .
' ..
the monster. -New Yol-kTrOW11 4 . , I
� � , " I
, I I I
. � � , �
218t confirms the reporb�-of the arrest of
L t Wheat
all theaeacreB waving a
-with luxuri "
fields." This, however. i in the future,
Send into territory ao. in.ally
fefumler6laV6 as they think fit.
Chambermaids ......... .. �� ... ; .......... �,_ ,151 00 4,. ..2500
Y.auli(h-08808 ..... �'_ .......... I ....... ......... 15 00_25 00
. I'soo a wild: CiLyiI ity`� 1 . ., I
. Do more bewitch zU than when art I
.: ,
I : I I - � . "L. 11
I r a. OlyorCe. " L
Goddii,iroand. to .
. all English. missionary by Ft .Inch
) Thriie more English residents,were plitce 4.
I t4
in theinearitime, tho'Unit6a State's must
. I
I . ,
; I
1, , , .
: L �
I .
400oks, :; ........ .. ,25 L
... "..".., ...... 11 .... 1. ... io.
I :::t ....' 15 00, ... 25 00
General helpers ... .......... : . ..... I I..
, Is too precise inevar� part. _ .
' . .
In Hoards, a,towain Yrussian Germany,
I I . � .
, I I �
11 What ground for divorce have you got T I I I
. I I I
under tomp6rary*arre6t, mud communication-
continueto be, the granary of Europe.
I 1. I
A C.1gamle 111.11"".y Scheme. �
. I I
,Shop gfrls'per,month� ...... ; ........... ; 30! 00 ... 451 00
., � .
. I . . .1
ul� . - . dm�
o -lad tinder 17 is a ittdd to a ball or
ELud ill treated yo�, or, been, �, ,
Has your husbi , , I 7
. 1.
. with the British men.of�war was forbidden.
. I
. 4 I - I L, I I
An Indianapolis We r' '
g am SAYS: A Stu.
I .
. ! , — .1 . 'served
, , Bees for Rellixerent Wenpom.'
. with alcoholid boverAge8L. unless
unfaithful ?" asked U i Austin lawyer �of it. , '
I ' ..' �
'to `� '.�,
French refugees from,the, capital, who ,it
,-"I am* 'an agnbstiOV' remarked a.
I P �
endouB railroad. Scheme. has developed
. . 11 . I I I
, ' I
accompaniodby U arents. 1.
I i p .To:bal inas I
fady'L who -applied him L for a divorce.. �
4 LL .
was feared bad been murdered,, have
' .
young man in';swelling'accents. "'And an ,
here. A uumber , of persons from various
I To,use a bee -hive As m.weapon OU Offen6e L
que.s_h,o_ftuah_,y,o,ntb J ,
_s� v_�rp,_a
I - Ltkqd__om��xuy_ .'
_ J
I 1, , h
'br ,
vs Ot t a Very best ground in the- , . ,, ;, .
, -I've or, 11 . I
, L I . �.
, .
-Argill, Al
-xeaohed Tamatay�e sm�q'y' - L "I 11 .
dL, Uri
agnoatia'A's whao' inquire elderly.
States throughout'the West methero'bi
hat mi
is ght be exp
t6ace whatever., And,
ie finally, no "ad
I 'L to 4ted me 2 I should aRy so.. ,
'me 'could
. - ,� .� .11 I . I
gentl�mau; ,, 'IAn ftgri6otio,li rephed the
secret o onVention for the organization of
InA ns. He lives in',Northamp,
tinder 16 is allowed to Smoke � on the public
I I �. L have . . , I
, I . �
. L There is this difference between bappi..
fresh youth, in 6, manner,oxore8siyo of his
what 'is called " The Ppople'9 Railroad
�pil, ELighmid, i6d has ,W habit Of not pay�
� . 11 I
Streets. / '. I .� I . , � ,
, ,
matried Mr. Smithson, who Vantea to, - " ..", I I
� I L
neBaandwiBdom�he that thinks' himself
. . the hapipiiist man is kdAhy� So, 'but he that',
. .
Pit� for his interl9cutor's ignorance, "an
agnostic is a, fellow, you 'know, .,who isn't
Company'of Ameri6m," W�OB,e purpo'S6. is to
build two lilies double track U %yrow gauge
Ing _Opbts., So. the bailiff And his aesist-.
li ig
I ,
ant ommeto levy all execution in his house
. I I I
-Many a heirt.w6uldba''obeeredifit ,
, - .
would repeat those lines twicea daY, -
mat a go,, . � I �,,,
rymewh'en%lv�asa girl. He ba t
. . '. I
back1rom'Golorado, whore/bo struck it rich. - .1 �1
� I I I . , . I . i
thin he himself the wisest' is generally the
14 11 replied the
tire Of anything." . 11 I 'seej
railroad from Now York to SanFr%noisco,
s6rid he, in a fat of fury; hurled� m bee-hivo��
' , ' 1. �
, . . I
The dead �vo 6ow within. the soil t(? -day . I
If my husband didli't treat me� badly, by . I :
I 1, . 1. 4 1 I . I
greatest tool.
*1 , I �
old gentleman, ,I but how does it happen
� that you I are sure,'you,are:.;sn agnostid,Tll
and fropi. Chicago to New'OrleAna. Three
bundr6a millions ,dollars of stdck-isIo be
full of.bees��,t�- them, and then
. I '
them infiba-.17,00m,to, fight it oqt,,with the
, Th6 morrow's sun will iipoii into grain'* '
The (leedB we do,wilhiii t1ai I clay. ,
me, I'd like you'd trot out a, I . -
Specimen of bad treatment. -1 want to Soo , i I
I -The litost main in Hamiltorilifis boon
, dii cev.x He W,&13 hurrying along. a
,-Many people have a great fear 61 light,�
, I
Subscribed in Bhmmf of, Say, �50 I eao!3,' 80 -
- I
. i
inae( Aa*.' 'ki or Ws exploit Guns w looked
� a�o st�ps by. wbk�h t =11
ho We MiLy g �i` " "
I -morrow,,, . . a I n I
Toi I �
1 4 - i�� ... . .... � . ._._ --1. - , _� � "
bl - -, Tc- --, �1 ifitin- " , - - , --- -- - - -.
w at it's like.'= xag gs., � I I
� I I . I
ot;Opt the Other night,,when another man,
I .
9.180,*.in aviolent haste, vushed, out Of at.
� I I
ning.�. Yet Statistics show that' twenty
times As Many people are. drowned me are
that every� Poor inau in the country ban be
I . � �
a stloakliolder._of the railroad ' Earl Ken.
u fo
p )r-twenty-eigbt (lays, the magistrate
considering that the utilization of,boeB for
I I 1.
. I
I , a ', ,to_ a
' "I'Ve :6t61011 %, 00�tt," amid man 1.
, '. . I 111,1*1 1 -1114*1-1 11 1-1 - , � I �
I '.. I ,��
I ' ' .
11 IOUK It boon knocked offibe raii-:' � ' 1,
. . ..... 11.1 -..,.,..,.,----- allaywAy, and the two collided with'gre%t
, . , �
-r 'e".- ' " ,
ib 'e" �ieclo "'Z';-m'�a�n-�l�l'io�-o�fie'A��'�'m-"'ard","�w'v6n,
killed by the, electric fluid;twelve times as
� .1
nedy, of ,this city, -is at the head of the
� I
has-, had, � i�should.bi3-storDly,,uippod�zin-4ho.�budI
belligerent purposes was' a, practice Which
sm, �1,hiuk-you..,qa.
lawyer, and � walit''YOU to d6f d In
,. , I � ,, � .V1 [An6egut 1.911�
, I _ . 'M ,
pmon..1-pf.0 " ,,l
- _. "I'll,
son . as , � . ,
� -%I �i med ,m, in an � . .�"j
_1-1-11 I - - � ...--I , ,,,, , � ,
_%g� ilied,,1�,__px '
_6y. __�,,,k . 1. I -
XI 111111.1111� ,
i . "
Icii I
T h n
iiy-,46mtilit'SUi-OldG,-SMd'*%t-lOaBt-iWIC'e 88-
, ,
-scheme. ,--,and,-; men-
.. �
, �
York Tribuw�.
wi 4
yes.; we can prove 6at you ere in an ad.
I r- w=W
h' n Ailiangaw colond . � 11 ho � . %!'
approac Ing a I � . '
, I
tb man taking 611 his hat said : ,I My
I the poli I
many are murdered. , it is ,not gonerail
1 4' . y
tht4 04h6ut the country Soliciting sulisdrip.
� I
I .
I . .
joining township v7beh the coat was Stolen
ded the I ,
firiboked him off ?" excitedly d6mad I � I
dou Sir, I don't know. whioh'of Us jt3 to
I blame for this vi' lont obcounter,'but I am
hapt iii.inii1d that it is dger's to,44ke
reftigo'b6neath a tree or,carry an umbrella
tions who have procured, over �100,0,QD'in
this &ate alone. , .. . I
� , . I
s' . ,
. Emotion are State that'guida only When.
the heavens mis clear ; but reason is the ,
' I, I
and, the prosecution is nialicious.,, Jowl
in eh will You chatgd? " " Wh ,t sort of-,%
u 0
il A iail'wmy eugi)a6,!' " Well� that', " � * ; ,'!'.
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