HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-27, Page 7111148 in l r ()i'R SALE STILL 110 Makes Your Boots GOING- ON, And will continue until the whole stock is cleared out: Butter and Eggs taken the smile as cash. All the goods marked in plain figures • BST4 E OF` TH H. J. L NT NIA_Tn urn E-1 OUR LETTER BOX. The NEW .EitA does not hold itself responsible for ideas -expressed under this beading. TEACHERS' SALARIES. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. , DEA1 $fi „-Seeing the discussion of teachers' salaries in the last=issue of your 'paper, I was much amused .while reading the ;defence made by Fair Play, on„the supplyregulating the demand of teachers and their salaries. Fair Play takes the case of a blacksmith 'turning out a botch, and still betng allowed to work at his, r -. HARVEST TOOLS -Forks and Handles Scythes trade. He - 'thinks thegevernnent should stepiii'and stop him working at it to make P o , thea him equal with the teachers, in the eye of Rakes &c., large:.,stack, selling'very p. the law.and of Fair 'Play. the compari- son is preposterous and ridiculous in the extreme. The ..Educational Department -has for its objects the:traiuidg of teachers for -the education of .the rising generation, so that Canadians,as a people, may be able to take it stand second to none in the world, - A badly :fitted class' of teachers would be to acknowledge a future national calamity, h blaoktmi'th Will soon „ A botch find himself out. of employment, and the. les would be personally leis '• own, and ,be would betake 'himself' to an occupationS. �. more fitted to his tastes and ability. - the - a. teacher i^ 'most always a )'1' Y 7 a l teaches in .n • to' the section i c sac ] end tI I] ei t 0. 9 a , In 7 D V �l ., .. , � ' ,�-..,• - don y wide the trustees have is.his :cer- I tificate, received frein his superiors:-; So ' through it the teacher gets employment, where a blacksmithwould fail. e And. again, .ee.®)' he waxes wroth on the tender mercies of wicked school trustees, but, if school trine tees were to tell with c, hat patience they have to deal with smile of those would-be teachers, your readr-re , would be some- what surprised: To give you, Mr. Editor, a graphic .description of some of those much abused,'youngstcrs ; _there are excep- tions, but the majority are fashionably dressed„ with a young and carefully nursed • moustache, it. showing much care and atten• ' tion in s infancy; c colored ;'to. suit ':the ` I rImes, a.large watch ,,chain made of apd•• ious metal, ,with watch to match, suiting the general character' of the wearer; 'stand up collar, high-heeled„leeots.: They are as straight as _a'nestle _,.with:, head alightly thrown back, . rising gradually; as it=reaCh- esthe top'. and; upper part, unmistakably showing self-importance, with rooms to let in the front and upper part of their cranium. Such is a specimen ,of .three° nowapplying:. for vacant schools, and are being dealt with by a bender trustee. No wonder they cry out •for.government aid in fixing their ;•salaries, but when r those sentimentalists come to deal with matter-, Of -fact hien, who earn the money theyare, paid with, they suddenly becoma aware. that this world is a hard:nutto crack, only to be accom.plishedby- hard work• and iii- dustry. • Fair Play argues that many are y1 using the profession' as a ete inn stone to 1 Iveei1s lucrative tPP se 1 r1. gt v ', • ri t'on othe4•s of a; ni^re is a i o deac p > They must make money atteaching, or, how could, they: step from one profession to the other, but by the money saved, throdeli teaching. 'That kills the whole f• We rake a specialt��; ofMIXED" PA.INTS beinm sole agent 1 y, �. L7 for, the celebrated . Cleveland GUTTA PERCHA PAINTS', , stock 111. all colors. which are always • acl for use: and kept in ysle yl'd� Also, theCanadla n brand.. of Mixed Paints kept in stock, Daily :A. rrivinq 6,000 WORTH 0 English, Scotch Coatings, Worstei 1: OU S le UTI - S i 11 • I : Il mel se stock to select from. WHO NEVER AICs TO .GIVE' .SArISIAaTioN IS sllrr.OUR C,Ul11It. Pl.-away-away Bigstock.offfltESS,oOp New ',attel'ng Low' Prices: _.1-.. c1� e�na :.� olo And1.� d everything 1 t 1 Slcti kept in ti•firsti-class''Dr Goods House. .r 1. y SPRING . &..S'� ;RIMER GATS' ON THE WAY. FULL ST OK OF GROCERIES. 'Jin' incr'easiny track x11. other department's eoMpels us for Want 1.. of room to 'o out of IROOTS , T. r' - i t, 1 O L � ct ��LLn�S and :Gl�,OCXLI�v`Y 2 1t�e ill 0 Kram+s Fluid Lightning. Is the only iustaneous relief for- Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, 45ce. Rubbing a few dreps briskly is all that is needed. No taking• nauseoua:medicines for weeks, but one nein-) ute'a `application removes all pain and 'will' prove the great' value of Kram's Fluid Lightn ing. Twenty-five cents per' bottle at J. H. Combo's, drug store.' CIOOP NOTES. The United States corn crop this year is estimated at from • 1,600,000,.000.•. to 1,800,000,000 bushels. While we in Ontario have had the icrops damaged by too much rain, ":.farm- ers in Manitoba complain that the drouth whicli.lasted for -six weeks in that Provinbebas seriously injured them. Dain has 0een_fal]iiig"rn the Northwest. within -the past few days, however, and the yield will be very satisfactory. An abundant harvest is now renarded as' ,certain. The midge:' has done . considerable somesections alongthe shores harm in h of lake Erie, particularly to Egyptian red v1ieat, while ;the•other kinds do not appear to be greatly affected, Where - . h' .i worked t 'o- t�clit Aire midge as not h ell y promises to be :good •. More Begs have been put in than {or. some ',years, and the crop; prooliss well. 'i Barley and n` , o tts loud to n o a ood yield • `.Che winter wheat harvest -in Nebras- ka ka is. better than ever'; corn"never pro- mised better. : Throughout':•Iowa 'the prospect ;of the corh yield will exceed, last year. Throughout Wisconsin there is depiression, owing to the late heavy rains.. Clear weatlierand. cool winds would largely __overcome. the. trouble.There are favorable reports from Dakota'for all kinds of grain, also, an improvement in Illinois. The Arrricu'ltur.•al statistics of Vic- toria, Australia, -for '1882-3, have just been published. The^"Province:does not compare well as a: wheat producing coup t:ry, with; Ontario;.: the• yield' of wheat be-. ing;only;a ,little more.' than one-third that of Ontario. The '..following •'aver ages for.. Victoria 'are , given Wheat, ` 9.61 bushels, oats, 26.30; barley,,17.65 ;' potatoes,' 3.68 tons, and hay, .1.14 tons. The previous year the. yield of ' wheat.' was 9.40' bushels an acre. Accordinn to the London Times 'as. will be seen by''-cablegrain, therbi is poor look-ont for the, British farrier: this a eier, The ,.area of -w hetet in the United 1. ingdow is ten to„fifteen- per cent, below that of •last,•, year, and ••the Yield Will be below the average.: :: Rots upon .the.'continent.' are very similar.. THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF � I MMiern, Women. and Spring Stock Children's Boots & Shoes. well assorted, and -complete in all departments. ALL :GOODS' SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH C.CRTTICKSI{ANh, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON et- _ No other medicine is soreliable as Ay re 's Cherry Pectorial for colds, coughs, and all- derangements of the respiratory organs tend- ing (toward -consumption; In- all -ordinary cases ibis a certain cure, and it affords sure. relief for the asthmatic • and consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease. RAILWAY TINE CARD. -Trains leave 'Clinton 'as follows':- . GRAND TRUNK RAIT.WAY. Going East: Going West 6.15 a.m, express 8.20 atm. mixed 8.20 a.m, mixed 1.17 p.m. express 1.17 p.m. express6.15 p.m. mixed 3.50 p.m, mixed' i 9.00 p.m. express GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Going North. - Going South 9.25a m. express ' 8.20 a:m. express 6.10; p.m. express 3.50 p.m. express 01.1111'1'10N 1LA1tKE•re. Thursday, July 26, 1883. Wheat, scot - $0 98. a • 1 00 White wheat, 0 95 a 0 97 Spring, 0 99 a 1 00 Oats, 0 34 a 0'_35. Bariee ;' Peas, Flour, Potatoes; -- Butter, .Eggs. (lay, '- leicles, - Sheep pelts'. Lamb ,sklnr, Pork,' Leef, Clover, 'liim.othy, Wool argument of: the government raising' their Thus far the eighth season in succession; salaries, for if the in three years,can -t Y . o is in. , - - 1 . world are drsa -,- ,-the t]1e od 1 1 Make enough to educatethem for a doctor, pointing, and it is Tittle. wonder that lawyer orminister,heacknowledges the expense' is not so great in''fitting for a the agrnea]tuiists grumble. Farmers toucher, then, grumble at the compen- may a little more for what they do sation received, He: liltewise grumbre a J grog",Chan would fall to their lot- if -,the - having the Clinton .school kept `open a crops were plentiful, but . they as well week longer than other 'schools all -.:1 can as the public at large would doubtless say is they grumble, for little, a:s, teach- welcome' a full average:vield. era are only in active -service about -thirty _ _ hours a week, and have some seven to nineweeks holidays every year, and out of . every week they have one ay c ear.. re yo ro e w a sum, oug ee 040 a 045 0 70' a 0.75 500- a 55.0 0'25` a---0 30 0 15 a .0 15 0 15' a 0 -10 800 a, 900 6 00-a 6,'50 0 50. a .0 75 , 0 75 a 1 00 800 •a' 3_5 25 650 a 8. 00 800 a 850 2 00 a 2,50 0Ir8 a 018 •ai - Tlie Gree te`styl[calmg Compound is a preparation of carbolic acid;' vaseline and cerate called "NieGre,or & Paeke's Carbolic i Cerate.It ilcut i or C, w I cure anyre .burn •so bruise when allother preparations fail. Call at J. IE. Combe' s. drug: store andget a pack-,' ape Twenty-five ceuts is ,ell it costs. /rHE subscriber .will continue . the'bu'siness 1 formerly carried on by tlie, firm 'of Newton'. Sc Dennis, andihopes to receive a•:don tinuation of the liberal patron ego heretofore enjoyed HARNESS, :ALL KINDS. 7RTJNKS, VALISES;: WH.IPS,'.(2OMBS, (CC. Prices, Always reasonable. W. z ' NEW'T'ON, CLINTON. J.I BID:DLE00MB'E, , �+LYZ\latch - and- Clock • Maker, JEWEELER, &c;, (►I°C'o,411E •TIIE RIA11*117.,11pLIN`X'IbN Barnuin's `720,0;00 trick elephant died during the perfor•n anep at Hamilton: -At -Ca -oil 'Mond v, there la- dolm- iu a A ipi.- were 500 deaths from -cholera. Details of":the cyclone ,at Baton Rapids, Mich., on Monday, state that an entire flock of sheep was blown away., aed have not since been found. Barns and'.:bui ings were also overturned. A Kingston merchant has succeeded hi obtaining'. from the United States' Gov - dol-- rebate-ofaTteen.thousand - -- ars unjust tax which- he had paid • upon pressed hay imported into the United' States. During the storm` "Saturday night five, :head of cattle`belonging to John. Stone- house, West Flamboro', were killed by lightning,; and two of his:'neighbors lost an animal each. A terrible disaster is reported fro summer resort near Baltimore. crowded dock gave way in the night and two hundred picknickers • were prec tated into ten feet of .water.' Sixty were drowned. e The formets"of the townships border- ing on order-iig'on Lakes Sinicoe and Couchiehing have appointed a committee to petition the Governments of thio Province and Dominion' to take 'steps to lower the Ievel of these lakes to the normal level and rescue many 'farms now- submerged from •ii,rrin. Rev. II. AV. - Beeches 'has vritterr a letter to Dr. Kinnard, who last Sun day -pleasantly - combatted �Be .cher s .- o views. ' The letter is perhaps tl.o most succinct and unequivocal statement. of,;`. Beech is views yet made public. ' Ilo says hlmows he is orthodox and evan,. gelical as; to the facts and • substance of the Christian religion. • He calls hien self a cordial Christian Evolutionist,bnt does not agree with the agnosticism of Spencer, Huxley•and Tyndall; He be- lieves the 4 nunai' part of, man evolved Brom beings below'hirn,while in spiritual value he'is the son of God: Man is not sinful by nature, but voluntarily. IIe doesn't believe in the fall • of Adam or the inheritance of his guilt. JOAQUIN MILLER". ON 'CANADA. Joaquin Miller, the Poet .of • the Sier- ras,writes a characteristic letter; to the Quebec Chronicle of people and things in Canada. Ho =says of himself: -"1 -, have been • roalning indietriously • up and down Canada now for two weeks, and as one of the general results'of my observations 1 am bound to bear testi.= mony that there i,t mere solid happiness to the square mile in Canada' than in the'lJnited States." Where he "keeps a Bolect assortment of'}' WATCHES, ' CLOCKS, JEWf'LLERY, SILVER- . ILVER- _Wbich wo-will self aLoeasonablexates:_._ .Sail, luting 'Cured.` R®O�q,TEO ':NON■, r11HEundersigned having reutored'theiroffi ccs mto'•tlie TOWN HA• L1 'B1e19.D NG 11)1(1ha in ` p 151 haSetl large:. ' v � S t FIRE ANb03I3RCGLAR_.P'ROOP SAFE ' eVltitliateat con beitatieliloclr, :'in xlLnladern BA:pairing. of', every :description promptly at tended to, and all work.ivarranted. 1. BIDDLIICOMT3E. (anton;hov 1852. I ONBYJ CAMPBELL CITY BARBER( SEIOP, - OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. [in,r dressing,,shavin„'hatopooirig,T&c.,,attten led to Store and- Offices to Let- privileged. et - Where under' the sun, is there a class so Skin, Pimples or Canker sores ; if so; go at', P,ERRIN 9 SLO R vile ed. ' Not,' the" our, hard -worked: once to J.. H. Combo's drug store and get a lY, C. BREWER, Manager $ P + The IDiolsona I3anlr Clintonhard working Meed man on a farm,who t • YIMPORTANT NOTICE... pri clerk, nor the nevsspayer man, nor the paekage,of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer- 14 nch 22,1/43. , • ate. PPrice,went' -five cents,. It was never i oesmorn tiaici Work -1n one week-tlrar f Aw o fail they do in a month. You will :see teach! era, during this month, 'lying' around their native hones; a-nna:sance to theirrparenta, and by • being pampered flit six.months -past-have-becomeeurrfiteed for any mannal- labor, and more, when they -teach three years, they often have not energy enough to mount up to the head of their profes -cion.' Only some few attain a position who are a.credit to their fellows." There. is not another class -of men or women who receive so much money for the time em- ployed in duty, :or so mticli' foe the corn- ,B of N B l 1VI rl.. Ilon. Williiim Elder, Provincial'Sce iotary-of-N-ow Biunswieked ied-suciclonly at his -residence in St. John on 'Moncltzy riiglit., Be was born in Donegal, - Ire - 1 inipi•ovement8, are prepared to receiVe,.for sate lreeping auy title deed,, dcgninlents, vada - :able securities, or'othsr panere. 14I:4NNINGI. R. SCOTT. •2-arristers, Jcc. • ,,110 ft• IgE. BEST STOCK' C' VIOLIN : S TH 4NGS IN, TOWN, and, in 1822, and was at o t' ne rme a Pi'esbytexian minister in New Bruns- wick Ho ceased preaching to start the Colonia y 1Plesbutermn afterwards start - IN consequence of the low price of Rags; tiessrs. rlarland Bros: and 5. Davis, tinsmiths have agreed total:o. iio more in trade, we have purchased alt their ray"s oft hand.. Ylavin a thorough knowied'o of sort- tng,fo1 the various markets; We are now prepared to bu rn x both irt,.bulk mud:enfall lots ;.cash paid for th y g h hi*lox t ,rico nix nia11,--T e the s P e"OCt � .l. ,• I to t rad f a O ]ro for tniku's ttnd, mcrc,l{tints clilis' m .sash, and a: tnfl pat 1 tor their other ei g tags 10 trade.. wef alae ;telt .: iron, ant • rope; ba•^•in'• co ter, brass old car tety l„ 6+ PI . o l 3 , large cash paid to fanners, l,lackx*,ttths guar others for ots and trade 11 r snitil�l gmiiitities. I ]V. \iAIITON•,.Pe(1lcr, Clinton.l ed the St. John Daily` Telegrnph, now A the loading . Liberal newspaper of the. paratively a-i;all. atttlay in fitting then for iovmco`New iiinswic r. such: I remain, yours truly, Elderwas an unsuccessful candidate for; A Gonearelt Towvtirlrl FAitirri.. the Dorninion Parliament in 1872 Jelly 23rd. when leo ran as • a -supporter of Mr. W.'AZ: IYilaiaid Of`'I3ra»don •T(ir- .Tilley.. ltd left the.Conservative' party'. inert of`Godench has_ received the ap.,ion account of:.the Piicific scandal de,- Y• •p oiitmel„ of Dominion . LLl Agent, a t , elnineii.ts'iz1873, and in 1i 5 wa. ,s , Calgary, N. W.T. u' French Cdnservritive papers it (�, eb eL, •t.ee ee-t ftt reseeentlrC ler{4� oech ..tt,lrudlgrtient, is well in the Previte, cial interests , Cl11. 1. ly as tending to curl). the centsr,ati.,ing se elnC8 at 01tawa. Ten O'Coiii]or, the Detroit hs er , 'stable keeper wee) cut 001 f his thurnbe nitl] ft piece of misty till, ;d]1d do -aterday fro in the effects 0f blood poisoning, • elected to ,the New Btunsiwicl :Legisla- ture. ' On the 'formation of the new ro-vix-0irl '4o-relnuloitt -after-the 'last- eloetronihtl w is called tc3'-Cho-olhce-of •1'rovinci'al Secretary, '.t position for. Which l 1 experience ience 'and 2 dents made 'hien Tit,'rriicl his sudden death brings to. untilnely close et,ctil•Cer' which ,aye eivol 1ise roti great Ose, DRY. KILD KILN CALL ;AND SEE IT AT COOPER &McI(NZIE'S•PLANING MILL f rlf�rll.; Stome eis,nliiie tilene le thou 1103 +,• de.' I'm o�tr, i ledto thorn torn for the 1 ,Ltlonn_e c .to illtiniato that in conocetlon with their factory FINE. PL.A.-TP. WARE. NEWEST Dc.4!BNS U4 JET _LLERY Repairing .c!' ;a Promptly. CI nt , May `2501. '1 N8ar the rand. Trunk Raise ay, -o `r1 e' Neve, 080!1.0(10 I1lry loin 'Which latnl,I(' them 3 y . i Or ':o execute all Work in tl ai •.:'� ���-t�d7a�1+fl.'• more lr6erlrI;y Uann 4v ,t V •LU -•w �. "hnoyfbliaiuu�,;r. !ir 4-`(• .,tC .',$w • -4l it 11 T(i':odkr 'h11nr'r.flii' tt;octls1Rl,a17lryo1i„ccelo;coltnnl1tt01iiWnc1l0Iitmf T i fl(jt1otfauso,s-,nvlfiuhhle4tttt r0h,1 ;Ina mak( spscito` 1,sh0to0t(t,(1li1, • tho10a0st . .;0x•,Tn,(.l 1t0Nli1•T8]d.• prircw, 0 011 nj,Ttily 21, 1.S12[. COOP tat,CMalt I N4(13, A. '.l'• Iir� ilii !!{f�;i�ltl.-1!t •