HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-27, Page 5-FOR SPRING & SUMMER YLOR AROUND THE COUNTY: Wingham Givie holiday is on the 15h of August, A. McNeil, of iaaibraid, clipped a .25 Ib fleece from a ddtswold. Mrs. Meyei, wife of 1r Meyer, Esq., of Harpurhey; died last weak. Dox'T O..; IT. -'Use Newton's one minute Bram;'s Plaid Lightning. Needs .no advertising when once introduced. Every bottle bold sells hundreds of others, by `doing all and more Than represented for Neu- ralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc: It 'removes any pain instantly., quick as flash. Try i g in you will say it is well named Piuid Liget- ning. . Geta twenty-five' cent bottle at J. H. i Combe's drug store. ' toothache cure. Relief at once ; of all dealers, TJIE MOLSONS BANK. NI IIi miebaei Hogen died from excessive - Our stock:for'the spring and summer trade will be found very complete, being much larger than ever •before, and for quality. and style cannot be excelled, and will' be offered at prices to suit the closest buyer. CUSTOM WORK.—We manufacture both SEWED and. PEGGED WORE, and guarantee to give satisfaction. . I Trunks & Valises, large assortment, very, cheap. 5 per cent `discount for cash. - aid for Eggs taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes' The highest price p gg g W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Block, Clinton Spring Lines' of Boots :and Shoes. drinking, at Godericli, on Thursday. John' Welsh sold his farm in. Morris to one P. Ross; of McKillop, .the other day: Mr. Patrick Moore, a well known Huronite, bas been appointed` Crown Lands Commissioner for Manitoba. U KAN"T Kopr.— Climax cough cakes. Quick, sure cure ; of Rall •dealers ; 15cts. From' 4 cows 'Mrs, R. L. Scott has during the last six weeks produced 204 lbs. of butter, besides supplying her family of four. 'Last week some sneak thief entered. the iiarn of Mr. McRoberts of the 9th coil., West Wawanosh,.anti took away about twenty bushels of wheat A simple' herb found on the sunny plains. of a Southern clime'hgs,%under the skilful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved one of the greatest blessings ever sent to suffering humanity. Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE is. e acknowleged; all the world over as the only perfect• remedy ,for" kictney : troules:' Your druggist bas it. - Women's Boots ranging from Ai' per_pair up to':$2.50. Men's Gaiters ' and Bals,.-$2 per..• pair. Prunellas from 60c. upward. Call early and secure good bargains. . TEA for -,'1 `e teal `'to still selllarge quantities of- 3 16 °� , q i,. We 1 q - some dealers' 50. cent Tea. - PRODUCE TAKEN FOR -GOODS: POTATOES: WANTED. . CLINTON, .March, 1883 THOIIIPSON & SWITZER. Male Sugar. A •few' al. Tins Maple. Syru New p g g ' Bananas. Fresh ' Oranges, .Lemons and • Seeds. Good fresh Ntangold, Turnip & Sorghum uninghame, Clinton. marairmarmaillamillsailsmax oek. of-. osiS r �nb�°rl a 04:1,4 dor4 he Cx. e zsr �:.z ith rpoo o ese , J 5 296 Mr. Joseph Bell has sold his stallion "W'hat's Wanted" for the sum ot• $600, Mr. Edward Durnin, of 'Dungannon,, being the purchaser. . James" and John Speirs of. -Morris' N � , have disposed of their Canadian dratru t stallion. to Robert Nott, for ,a good round figure. Mr. Nott will take him .to` Kansas,. ' 'After many years of patient investigation Dr.Van Buren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Curethat would per- manently relieve. all cases of Kidney Disease. Be' sure and ask" your Druggist for Dr. Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE. 4Il '.Cornian.' has gone out of the hotel,. at Wroxeter; •withthe ;view of,takirg_ an irftereSt'm 'a–bre ;Very- in Salem. Mr. Hunt, of Elora, becomes Mr. Corman'S successor. Samson loot his :strength with his hair.. Thonsands"of' wren and women loose their beauty with ti.cu'•', sad very large- numbers restore' the ravages of time byusi ig the fam ons "Cingalese flair Restorer. Sold at 50' cents .per bottle by all druggists. Mr. James Durk' of 11.Icl:7illo has a lorsC which is'� now 24years of a� e sand leis still without a on the farm ever clay. : He raised -him`: a Oa, andyears ago he was., offered $150 for him. John B. Vert, Hamilton, says ; "Modreg or's Speedy -Care -for Dyspepsia and. Indiges- tion is cheap at,"fifty '•times the price asked for it. 1 am a commercial man, and-: travel continually;: and ' would , no more think of leaving borne without a bottle of McGre,or's Speedy. Cure in my valise than b would. of leaving my team at home and going on foot." Free; trial bottles at: J. H. Combe's drugstore. Regular size, fifty cents and one dollar. Ineozporateil'by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, $?,'000,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORISMAM ,......•:President, J. 13. R. MOLSON ,,Vice -Pres. F. IVOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes' discounted, Collections spade, 'Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange . bought and sold at lowest; current rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. FA R'NILErts. Money advanced to furniere on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se- curity.. IL C. ERP;N'r t DI nager, January 1883. Clinton, 9iIC�T�NI r isa SUBSCRIBER 11 ARES .A:SPECIALITY J- of this 'business and keeps constantly on hand a arse assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS,. COFFIN T,IMMINGS, SHROUDS, And everything in the, Undertaking line, ind' can furnish. everything suitable for a funeral oR the shortest.. notice and, ; Al the most . reasonable '.Rates TWO SPLENDID HEARSES ._KEPT kORslili;k'"-``.. REMEMBER THE PLACE] OPPOSITE TRE.TOWN HALL. THOS. ,STEVENSON. ' At 000 jj FORF :YT. l b' h age, having the utmost confidence in its superiority over 1 th ut blemish, and works all•others, and; after`.thousands of tests. of the :most ,coinplicated and severest eases ,we could find, we feel' y 3 Jo -stifled in offering to forfeit`One Thousand -Dollars from foal, 20 1 for any case of coughs,:colds, or throat ' influenza; hoarseness, bronchitis;,,consumption in' its early Stages, whooping cough', and all::diseases of the throat and lungs, except_asthma, for which we only claim relief;, that we can't cure with west's • Cough Syrup, when takenaccording to directions: Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents ;large bottles one dollar. Genuinewrappers only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or -;sent by ex, press on receipt of price John C west & Co., 81 & 83 Bing St. East, To'ron o, Ont. For sale at Combo's -A few .days ago a four year: old 'child, at Dunlop,: wearing a piece of red rib- bon, was attacked.. by..,a-large.-whits turkey. cock, _The. little one's eries brought help, and it ' was rescued . from the attacks of the infuriated : bird just in -time to prevent ,serious injuries. If'a well be poisoned, woe b'e to those who drink thereat;; It. is worse to poison the fouu. tainof life' -',for .one's'se]f, and, '• for :posterity. Often' by earelessnese, or by: misfortune, or inheritance, this has been done Ayer's Sar-- saparilla frees the blood, the vital stream,, and .rreetore� appetite rength and heaitla. Friday morning last a farmer'named V�ool, Who resides near:. Zurich; was at tempting to cross the railway track at. Hensall, when.; he was ; run into :by' a special freight' train,' and his wagon was reduced to match wood,'while he himself barely escaped fatal injury, •being thrown as high as the telegraph wire. -• Delays'are•dangerous,.particn]arly in Kid ney Diseases, so take. at'once Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE' and obtain relief;; from all your •sufferings.'• Your druggist keeps it, - Mr. John Han5lin and : Mr. ' James Walker, both of West Wawanosh, have • sold their, farms,. Andrew Stewart, of Lnclknow,,.purehasing Mr:: Hamlin's and Mr. 'Colwell purchasing Mr. Walker's. $4,700 •being the amount"paid for .Mrs. Walker's -100 -acres,.:and,',the 'atvotint Mr. Hamlin realized ' was $5,200 fol•. 200 ,aches, Bucicicn', "'`Arnica . The greatest medteal wonder of the world. Warranted to 'speedily cure Barns, ' Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers„Salt Rheum',', Fever Sores,CCan- cere, riles,•Chilblains, orns,'Tetter, Chap • ped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed • to cure in every'instnce, or'money refunded • 25 cents per box. For sale by. Watts & C'o Public sympathy is largely felt .for Mr. D..Fisher•anc1 his family .in the af- fliction they are suffering this week: Ori Monday a son aged 7 years, -and .nn Wednesday, another agecl 14, succumbed to 'diptheria,. :after a painful. •'illness. Both Were buried Oa ' Wednesday. George, another 'son, is down also with t e h disea's brit' e, his ease . is Hopeful, Only last week Mr; Fisher's mother. died, and his daughters lipid but recently 'recovered from the same .disease 'which. has carried of the boys.-Godorich Star. The Queen's mental condition seems to be causing much anxiety in, England. ' Tho depression` of spirits which has character- ized Ler for years; seems to have develop- ed into a confirmed melancholia. A re- gency may not bea far off event, • though millions pray it may. ' ty Cab��e� 'VarOrOois FURNITUPF. STORE, CLINTONN. THOS..STEVENSON Having moved into his new brick store FOPPOSITE THE .TOWN HALL,” 13ebs lease to :state to his nutnerous friends in Clinton and the.sitrrounding country;`that ho keeps oni-hand a superior quality of Eurnitnre of all kinds, such as _BED.ROOM &,-PARLOR` SETS. Of 'the latest styles, also r . 'BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS,'' I3UREAU S, TABLES; And everything that constitutes furnishing a house is his line, which he will sell atthe lowest living profit, 1 ask a share of the public patronage, being thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future. "The public are invited to call and see for tl mselves. •' ' THOS. STEVENSON. 'Clinton, Jtily 6, 1882. ---.-':..►ter _ _ ' A' Blessing "to; all Mankind. In these times when our Newspapers are ,flendecL with.patent. anedieineadvertiseinente; itis gratifying to, know what',o procure that will certainly cure. you. If you are Bilious, blood ont.of.order, Liver inactive, or general- ly debilitated, there is nothing, in .the world that will cure you 80 quickly -as Electric Bit ters, They ara a blessing to all mankind, and con be had for only fifty gents a bottle of Watts & Co, YER'S arsaparilla E POPULAR rCOD� ueui During the month of July we will offer Parasols at special - reduced prices to cl ear. Print Remnants at special reduce prices � 'to ':clear.. Dress goods .at special reduced prices to clear, _..x Tweeds at special reduced prices to clear: Tweed Remnants at about . half- price to clear:: Alot Chi job ldren s Boots at half- price to clear,. STOCK O. F' HARVEST TOOLS CO L.,PLETE Stock of [ Grocerie& Rock Bottomri p cep in Sumars and Glass Jars. i1 E !J - The Wok Magnificent New Scenery ordered some time ago by cares Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic . Gout, General Debility,' Catarrh,. and au • disorders caused .by. a thin and impoverished, 'or 'corrupted, condition of. the mood; expelling the bleed -poisons from the system,"'enriching And renolving the blood, and restoring its vital icing power. . During ,a long period of Unparalleled useful- nes8 .Y1tt1t'S SARSAPARILLA `nae prOPen. ]_fi5 perfect , adaptation to the, ciuontall diseases'- originating in poor blood and a weakened vitality.. It is a,highly concentrated extract of. Sarsa• - parilla and other blood-pursryi'ng' roots,., combined with Iodide of 'Potassium and I'ron,,ancl is; the safost,.piost reliable, and moat. economical blood-puriller and blood -food, that can be used. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. i Arm's SA RSAPBILLA itas'cured me of the Inllamnator"y' Ithenmatisni, with wlitch I have suffered for many years. 1V. 11. -Mogan." Durham, Ia.;March 2, 1882. _ " Eight years ago I had ail attack of Itheuma ti son so severe that 1 could not move from the bed, or dress, withopt help. I tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I took AYER'S SAR5ACARILI,A,, by the use of two bottles' Of Which I was completely cured. I have not been troubled with the ltheumatlezn since. Have sold large quantities of your SARSAPAIDILL A, and :it still retains its wonderful popularity. The many 'notkblecures it has effected in this vicinity con- vinee me that it is the best blood medicine ever offeredto the public. E. F. HARztz.9." • River St., Rockland, Masa., May 13, 1862. "Last March`I-wras so weak from generalode- bility that I could not walk without help., Fol- lowingthe advice of a friend, 1 commenced•taking AYaie's SARSAPARILLA, and before I had used three bottles I felt as weltas I ever did in my life. I have been at work now for two months,•and' think your SARaAPARILLA the greatest blood medicine in the world. JAMES MAYNNARD." 520 West 420 St., New York, July 19,1882. r '• „ AVER'S SARSAPARILLA 00315 Scrofdla ante all' Scrofulous Coplaints, Rrysipelais, J c- zezua, 3i.ingteoxnim, Blotches,._Sor _$oililay Tumors, and lEruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impurities; aids digestion, stimu, lates the action of the bevels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens• the whole system. PREPARED AY - Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell r Mass. sold by4,ll pruggists; .price $1, six bottles, .$5. eaver oak . C1 Has. arrived, Their G' stn(lio is now completely equipped, and contains as:great variety- of scenery and accessories as the:best::: city establishments. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO'HIGHLY FDNISNED CABINET WORK. BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON.. ---. f>ler � is. ti> a best •place to dead ti s yea.' ,,;fist WIIIC e- ;Gricer!: Hejikeeps the best general stock in 'town. Everything ,Fresh. ROBE, the -Grocer, -Central Grocery, Clinton. %% t 1fl'-t o BA1144113,. ALL DESCRIPTIONS ' Oh' meas; Youth s, Lathes , Misse s and s Boots and Shoes; LNT1RELY NLW !SPRING. STOCK. K., • IMMENSE 'VARIETY. LOWEST PRICES' VISITORS WELCOME. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS.. I (`I CGREAT VARIETY. 0&ILL AND SEE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING` ELSEWHERE. 11IFSIOCK.0,,F yHEAVY. &LIGHTHARNESS IS COMPLETE Trnnka' and Va1isc 'tor the, trillion, corgian Bay Si agkos always on hand. • xe—TBE USTJAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH - 7 .' T ii �>d;oriial xi oei ''tin t;z u: