HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-27, Page 1• MANNINO & SCOTT Barristers Solicitors 00.1fICE CONVEYNCERS &e. ssioners for Ontlitio and Manitobc's': TOWN, HALL; CLINTON, Stock qaking now going on at the CITY 30 Big _bargain in, every e partment. • CITRIS:AMMSON,7 • City Boi* Store, VOL,1S, NO, 30. TE11151S - $1.50 For .Anonna geiv Aavertigenteutg. A GOOD GIENEBAI, SEVANT GIBE- -CA. Inumediately. MRS. S. WILSON, LET --The undersigned will let the pro- perty- he has lately advertised for sale. to M small family. JOHN COPELAND, "11- .OST -On Monday afternoon, the 23rd inst., _1_1 in or near Clinton, an Ulster (Mat. Anyone leaving it at J, BIDDLECOMIIE'S,Watehmaker; will.he suitably rewarded, . 1J1.RM FOB SALE,- MO Subscriber ofrers or sale that finelysituated farm, lot 16, con. 14, Hullett, coutaining 75 ilexes, 60 cleared, well -fenced, watered, and under good cultiva- tion, and remainder good hardwood. • Log house, frame ban; and stable, one acre bearing, orchard, one and a half miles from Blyth. Terms and further particulars made kooivin on application. ENOCII MORRIS. Elyth, July 26,-1383. • FARM FOR SALE IN. TIULLETT.• L0T42, iD tbe 14th eon., containing 100 aereS, this lot issituated 4 amide mist of the vil- lage of Manchester, on the gravel road .leading to tlie,village of,Blytb. 85 "a•cres are. cleared' and in a good state or enitivation; the balance is'Well wooded with hardwood, there is ereeted theremi. fra1O-Litiase.,18_,..x_24.,.....tr1tne barn 40 x 80, frame cattle stable 20• x 86. • There -axe , also two good wells on the premises.. For .par- ticulars apply to the undersigned. • -- GARROW 4 PROUDFOOT, Solicitors, Goderich", July 27,1888. 3rd _GoderiCh. immenessimmiummaws•-' SERVANT' •WA.AITED-Good general . ser - v hut wanted, good ' wages. Apply to Mits. C. Sleoowne. Londeshoro Gravel Road. ' IxTA 'EED—Two Dining ROOM V1' Kitchell Girl.. Apply to • ' Clinton, July 18. GRAND,..ITNION IIGTEE": riOOD PASTURAGE. '.-- Colts and Cattle kX taken to pasture•at reasonable rides. Mait- land iy.?ncession, • Goderich Township, Forks Farm. F. 'K. MAIR. , • VOA SALE. -Will be sold cheap .12 the west -half of Lot No.19, and the south half of LotNo. 20, 11l'the.,7th concession of the Township of Hallett, containing 100 acres. - Apply toJ. RIDOUT,. Clinton. • ricHEEsntsEt *ALHINE FOE. SAI.E. -I-- A second hand CLIMAX Tininsfimi and Horse Povver,i in good workMg order, only a short time in use, is offered for sale on easy terms. JOHN RIDOU_T. CUniou • ' f tio s'irOCIE BREEDERS. --The sidendld I .1. Stallion YOUNG SAMSON will be at'Swarts .Hotel, Clinton, EVERY SATURDAY afternoon • during the,season. A limited Dumber of Mares served Term's, to insure $8; for .the season 86. WM. PERDUE', God'erich t.P, Proprietor. . li4B. &MRS, BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal' am): ILL lnstruniental music, Rattenbury Street, nettrOF- gan Factory. N. 'B -Singing Class now format.% Violin Lessons given. Clinton, Feb. 10,1882. • 11DIA.NOS FOR SAFE -- A seven- Octave -1- Rosewood uptight Piano, nearly new. Also a Seven -Octave Square Piano. • Applyto Join; RIDOUT, Clinton. . . JAS. THOMPSON TICKET AOENT, MANITOBA—' TIC E S, DAKOTA TICKETS, • California and British Columbia Ex. eursion Tickets at bottom rates, rree REBATE TICKETS to O0A-PPe11.9 district iff'Parties desiring to g -e by NoitTnevesT TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, supplied with tickets at lowest rates. • Agellt for •D01111111011 StealilSillp Lille All inforMation freely' given:, JAS. THOMPSON'', 'Clinton , W. JACKSON, rriEN.I)LES Fint'VENCING.-- Tenders Will -1 be receiVed hy.the Secretary of the Model School Board; -for buildi5ga picke1 fence around twp sides of the scheet grolind.. Particulars furni$lied on ap- pliCation. W. 11.'11INE,'keret9ry„, tUlAIVIIIS Eon SALE.-- Tho ,subscriber offer• fOr sale his farm pt 70 'acres, adjoining the village si Plyins; nearly.all bleared. Good soil, plenty' of*Ii'=" ter. Good Ironic house and barn. Will be sold on reasonable terms. 'Also, another fario of 100 acres, 115 the same locality, nearly all cleared. Full particular$• on application. JAMES WILSON, 13ox 44; I914k1Uti FOlt BEING LOT 37, CON. , A., 18, lIullett, containing 15,0 acres choice land, 120 ' under good cultivatibn, remainder gbod bush. ',Good frame house, with kitchen 'attached, well finished; barn 50 Iv 52 stables:55 x 30, drive house 30 x 24, workshop 30k 24, with other outbuildings, all in good condition. Well fenced and well watered. Five acres of orchard. JOHN HENRY, Londesboro post office. , AGENT ,--)olitwostita.-,0.146:1114.tioll o Tif-.1k1ETS'issinul to WINNIPEG PciaTAGE'i.x. Ert„il'iDoi•Ti^ '14100BLJANV, SWIrt CUBIMXT, Gr.ANp FORKS, and • . ' ' ' " • Any point in Ilakote Boats leave Gotlerich every 'Wednesday and - Saturday mornings, ht 7 weenie a. in, For all Information apply to ' •. , • W.JACKSON,' Tielzet Aoent Clinton, May 18, 188:3. • .4ivri THE ALLAN 'EINE • 0,, • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPF:;. , EV,ERY SATURDAY PROM QUEBEr. SHORTEST SEA ROTJTE. SPEED, COMFORT, SAI;ETy, Through Tickets iSsued to any .point at lowest rate. Prepaid Certificates' issued from any part of the 014 Country to al points in Canada. A. 0. PATTISON, Agent, Grand Trunk Railway,,Clinton. . . 'A ItTNERSIIIP DISSOLIITION--Notio6 isliereby given that the partnership heretofore. existing between JONES & Waap: as machinists has this day been dissolved by mutual consent., All .outStand- ing accounts Must be paid to Mr. IV., Jones, who is • 1)0050 to resume business in a feW,days; further notice .of which will -be given.-- W: JONES.' Clinton, July 10, 3881 •• (3-4in) ‘60,• , tlAflM Colt- sa -011: !rte. RENT -.--For 1' sale or to; rent, a farm ev 84 acre's, -being Lot 37 7th concession Goderieli township. All but 4 acres ,cleared. and in g,pog acres Slimmer New frame house, franc harn, and other outbitilaingS. 21' -sores of bearing' orchard. Spring creek. ruiming •, Also, :to, rent, • it heilite :Princess street, coRtaming three bedrooms, lritelien, parlor, and.usual cOnvenictices. • Apply' either to, W. W. PAItRAN, or • the,NEV:'1.7,1cA otikte, Clinton. • • emi ow ere d to give receipts fo r the same • Ile also ex FA.R1' FOR SALE. • LOT 23 CON. 5, HULLETT, foo acres, situate, three Miles from Clinton. All cleared and cultivated but two acres, -land -all - under -chained ; soi , first-class. A ,never -failing water spring 10 rear, and a flowing water well, at liarns. Terms -iso money wanted down,' and ani' 'time giVen on furnisbing security. W W. FARRAN Clinton; June 28011.1883. • . hereby givenrtliatil: have transmitted gr• delivered' to tile persons inenfioned in:the third. •and f61.110. S'eCtierig of the, .`f.Voters' :MSG Act" the comes required by sacil.'secticm to be so transmitted:7T; del ivercd cif tbe.list,inade purSnant Mt; uf all persolls appearing hy_theitist reviSertAssossineirt-Relr of the gaittIrinviciptilitY•to be entitled to vote in trip said Municipality at Elections for Members of.the Le. ,gislative Asseinbly and at,Idunicipai.E,lections and that said list iva.s.:first posted Sp tit•-nry offiOO itt Ciba'troton the trW.MtIlY-nl11(15 4141Y Of .'Pune, 'SS), 4Ind rolnahts there for inspection, ElectorS :Ire called ' •upon to, eNtutiihe'the said list,,and•if any Omissions or bthpr eiTerA are'itthrrid, the rcitirto talteltrithediato pro- ceedings e.14•01'.6 corredted acCording lo , • 1- -; J. CALLANI)Iii11, • , Clinton, 1E03: -Clerk of said Municipality. .• Farmi far sale by ender. eir EN OBBS WILL . 1•1? E I. V El T.11E u er- _I_ 'signed WEDNESDAY AUGUST '1st, 1.883 • , 5 .• - 9 For the: pureliase of Lot nintlicr 8;, O'ode..• rich township', belonging'to the estate 'of the late Robert, Cook.' contai mug' '105 acres, more or lugs, of first-class land. Sufficient wood for Minic.tise largo bearing orchard, stone eettage, barn, stables, potst- 10) 15 with privilege of fall ' Terins, ohe-fourth•dow n, Isilance in .tltrec annual in- stalments, with interest. :Hip ',highest or any tender 114.11beessarily appepted, . • THO)I'AS•FAIR j Fxcleu' or 11 • VOillit17 ' " s Clinton • J 'E) ' ' " • THE :HURON Live Stook • ASsociatiolf.' THE ANNUAL'. .S. -11,31.4E .111tder the Auspiees Of the Hurtom Lavi: Smoett Asso- 1 ' 0115100 will bo ;hold on �r about THE 24TH OF 'OCTOBER 1883 : :Parties intenitini.; enter Stockier the Sale ' will require to tnalte their entries Nvith the Seeretsiry not later than • , FRIDAY, • •SEPTEMBER 21Deer, • 1888: The proapeets for the aPproaching Sale are decidedly nore faVora,ik thug for..Py_eale 'that' has' yet. been held under tint ausirices'Of We Society, , ENTR,ANGI?, erteh horse or cattle ani- mal, tir1.50 ; teaOli Sheep or swine,. 25c. A commis- sion Of 1 per cent4,wilkbe charged °nen enenala sett.. :Thdrics to be Made 'With the undersigned, M. Iiicr.,1•;A:N, Secretary Sea,fortli. •CLINTON, oNT. Fin/AY , JULY 27, 1883. • KIPPEN. Hay -making and berry" picking are the order of the day. Mr. Lawrence and wife, of Holmeeville, baye been visiting friends in this vicinity for the past few days. Miss Logan, of Goderich, is atR. Hunt's. 'Mm. R. Han- nah and son, of London, at R. Bell's. Although about two year since Mr. Stauffer was placed here as station agent, he took his first holidaylast week, his wife accompanied him on a short trip. The 'O. M. Sabbath School of this place intend holclipg, their annual picnic, next Saturday, at the lake; a pleasant time is anticipated providing the -weather -pi eves - favorable. M. H. Hollingehead lost a valuable driyer on Saturday night. The animal a„plieared to have become frightened by the storm and burst a blood vessel by jun:Ting into the manger. If Mr. FI A. vans, of Clinton, does not pick - his cherries at an early date:: the birds will -save him the trouble. Hehas a stilendid crop of weede-and thistles on Els lot here, and we advfse. him lo harvest them irnmediately----Coer. • sEAFORT11. (special correspondence of the 'Stitt- Etta) DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.--AboUt. 9.15 p.m: on Saturday, July 21st, during the , pro- gress of the severe- thunder storm, the Grand Trunk freight ehed (one of the largest and most' commodious on the Buffalo and Lake Huron division) was struck by lightning, and together with the •contents was totally destroyed. Mr Bethune, the agent, and .T.• Murray, bag-. gage man, were standing in front of the' •baggage room at the time the shed was struck and both were stupified for a time by the severity of the shock. It is sup- posed the charge ignited the inside of the building, as it was fully half a hour before the fire was discernable. • As soon as the alarm was given' the fire -company were • quickly on the spot, and assisted •by cid- Wens, made every efforEITO---secure-the- freight and save the building, but the fire having made such headway they had all they could do to save the cars on the sid- .ing,. and the surrounding buildings. 'Had it not been for the torrents of rain whiCh continued to• fall tvhile the fire was in. progress, it would have been uttly possible to prevent onea _ the rno t -estrous conflatiiltiOns that ever occurred in this. town. Nearly all the merchants' and implement dealers had more or less n i rig. ' The—principal sufferers are G. & 11. Jackson, liquors,• •loss stated to be over $10,090 Broaclfoot, -sash, • doors and furniture, about $3,000; Edward McFaul,alry goods, about $1,400; Wilson .& Young, groceries; etc., about' $900 ; C. Whitney, stoves and hardware, $400; Thos. Kidd, dry goods, •$350; Wade Bros. lost fout &organs e Wilson,•20-reapers and mowers, a number straw cutters and other implements ;Rev. Jeffry Hill, all his household goods, and a number of other people loose smaller amounts. Altogether it was one of- the worst fires we have had for some, time. T1IUNPER STORALHAsirerY heavy thun- der ,storen passed over here Sunday Morn- ing,: when two, houses . were struck by but notbadlY de:ragged. ,. • , ITIZENS .coziOert Fr,rdayeveinng in an of:the oricon suf- 'fina'neially a suceesse,the ceipts being $114 30. • h e Canada Methodist Sabbath Schoolchildrenlielo3heir anne- al picnic•ori',,the prairie on Tuesday. • ---The• married ''xigeir have' chal- •lenged the single men to.o, game of crick- et. Nine men from the band offer to play any nine:men on the eicursion trainto -GO-dettch'on' the civic holiday; Augustl(i. The,LaCroSS-6.6ittb-eipect to play -a rnatch in Walk:erten „next WedneSdpy:. • What has become'df alleuir quoit players'? , NoaTs.—The' town is expected, to turn ,out en mass for the eXcursion to Goderiele • , on our civic liblidaY. Thomas:. Leslie is home •frora Witinitieg.on it Visit. A.tunf- bier. and acirohatideperformane6 enter- -tiinc-d-q1ite.wGrwi_ols4ke-nh3tket-5qnare- on rneeday niwht,,•: ;Alias Davis:ref:Mite-4: -ell, Was in town.last.weeke.A. "peep-show'i •eii.este - t ie attentioneof the ',stria:11 boy" Wedriesdey ',morning,' The town fathers are having -a", 1,)ig tine o Iliac a tranSient tea flgptit ; they -have adjourned three timee. Cotirageseeme to he escarco'. article:with' them in $0111,tif respects. . eller a lingering lit/less WfiS ebrether bf Nr, T. M. K.ay Ii,eeve 'of this township • , . InE SToitaf.—The Storm •w hid' passed over this townShip:oteSviturday night last, 'treated.' considerable: havoc among the trees, fences, barna,' etc. Barris -Were unroofed, andifences were seattered, :in ever direction. kir, 0 Eisner, 00 the Y • - • • • - second concession ltd several miles of fencing carried away. The crops else -suffered-severelv: A. popular -tree on the farm of Mr. G. Godbolt, of,the 1,1th cone, _wite.,etrunklby-lightniega-and---batIly-s1 tered.•. Two calv,eS that was standing lid- iieath.the tree1 at 'the time were struck and instantly • killed. - Their heads were, twisted and their bodies badly scorched, and looked as though :a.red het iron had been drawn across thern".:. .• • .. • . • BRIEFS.—Mr. Wm. Creery, of thy 1.1t1 10St a Valuable hiente theotber night: The, animal' Was of a firSt-elass breed. The loss , will be Censidetabie... The i'VOi0 scales, at Winehelsea are a credit to the village,. Mr. Thomas Cook was' the first to have anything reighed on. thein. Ho. had it '3 year-old steer !Weighed'? which' brought clown 1925 pounds, ,Thie is cenl• sidered a good Weight. . The fartners in thetownship ate --getting along WOnderl-:- -fully :with the hay ,crop. 'Very. little spoiled, They have had to toil deAd USBOILNE. Dr. Kay ivno recently died at Edmore ' 1 E. MOILMES & SON li Pubt5heis. 'Immoisommioriosoomimeio BELGRAVE. Thesidewalk here is in a very bad con- dition. Our pathinaster should apply to the township fathers for plank and nail, which would likely be at once granted. , • Mr. C. McCrea near here sowed flax On the 26th of June, and. on the 241h of July be picked a stem from the field that mea- sured 33 inches in length. Let some of the fax growers who can beat that stand up. , . We are sorry to state that Mr. G. C. Bell's wile, and Miss E. Joice are now sick- The latter has been a servant for Mr. 13e11 ler years, and although 'he has urgenebusiness at Algoma, he will not leuve here tliFthey are well. • • Mr, W. Heal sold .more eggs this week. to. Mr. Wilson • that all the ether stores in Belgrave. Where now is our. Seaforth eorrespondent,?'.. He Sold 'two horses •last week, at $125 and $160, Mut bdught an- ther of Mr. Geo.. -Hewitt, of East Wawa- • nosh at $1:50 In two weeks he took 111 .30 te;inets of. butter; this:shows that we do_soma_lausi aess„Itere. , • _ STANLEY. • On Monday Mr., McEwen arrived in Clinton from Quebec with four horses, .two for himself and Mr. Jas. McFarlane, and two for Mr.' John McDougall, of Kent county. The horses were fatigued with their journey but look. well. ' They are two years old, fine animals, and come of good stock. They no doubt copt a good price and will sell readily, if the owners are willing to- dispose of rhem. • Mr. Duncan MeEwen, of the Bayfield •road, Stanley, • has purchased a new threshing, machine with stea.in power, and is prepared to d) threshing on a large scale. • COLBORNE. Now are the d1111 times—local news hard to get hold of. The---barn-of-Mr Baer -which • , was blownover by a tornado, is at last up on -a stone foundatipn, _and looks as eon-. .spicuous as ever. - In a previous issue of your paper "A Reader' 'endeavors to take us •seiferely to task because we said Mr. Wonnacott had gone to the Sioux. •What we said 'about Disk_wmeant,_and,say__again,--that,--as he left no unpaid debt§ •behind, no one financially mourned his loss. We do not wish to be severe; but we advise "..Reader".. td get right end of a yarn next time, befOre he begins to cheer yotir reporter. BENMILLE it. Mr. Thos. Crews has purchased a new Cliinax--threshing machine, and no doubt he will be well pa Ton zed th s season, as he is just the right man in the right place. _ . . - -Last-Saturday night, the lightning struck the barn of Mr. W. Crews, and killed a fine pig, which was lying beneath the barn. The barn was not much injured. Diptheria is still raging in the family of Mr, D. Fisher. He has already lost two of his children, and_at present his son George is in a very critical condition. Mr. Fisher has the sympathy of all his neigh- bors in his sad bereavement, • PORTEltS HILL. • Ilaying is almost done in this locality. The lightning of last Saturday night struck 'several large trees in John Tor- rance's bush, shattering thein to a,toms. Miss 'Magee is ,mending a few weeks at Mr. S. Burke's•• . P. McDougall was the first to •take,ad- vantage of our new- by-law prohibiting cattle to run at large, he jugged seven the other day. -9 ----- Mrs. T. Hillock.: is down with a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, having caught cold on tile, cal.s,,on the .12th of . . There rushing' busiiieis doing itt otir Store this • eumpriefe-'1Clie Newton is the right inan in the right place, . ,One. clay this week an. interesting' bat- tle was fought The distance chosen by •-„on thee-. pposi 'party 11017 objeCtifir31-167 'battle began. The -Dr. :fired the' first shot with little.ef- 'feet. We think Mr, re,tber. sh4tened the allewed and with a heavy inissile inavle desperate effortto down bis opponent,ljut tailed.. After Consider- ableemaiteeugering libth. 'side's., with Idily the,thirtY feet clear between them, it very-ydbrioxiona odor: began tO;1112.ke itself tell,On the atta,cking Party, and after kitty tliirty. minutes -solid _fightintk" -little'l)litelz And white sleilnlc had to lay ver die, - • 110i.liESVILLE. Mr. H. Elford will start,,cutting his fall • wheat on Monday ;he has one piece which some think will yield hint forty hitahels to the acre. - • Mr.J..fordain has bought d lot from • Mr .2.otterrhere, and is putting up a•build- ' 't ' h •• —The -two -cattle killet1Toritheith-con.- crossing it short time since, were not claimed by anyone, and- diligent enquiry faild to discover an owner for them. • Ben Tomlinson, the fox hunter, has made his appearance in • this vicinity again. , . • BRIEFS.—Rev,Mr.McCoslt., of Bayfield,, preached in the English church on Sun- day afernoon—a larger turnout than usual, Mr. Murch occupied the pulpit the B. C. Church, at 10 a.m. and Mr. Pickard in the evening. The rain coming up just before service affected both congregations -Rev. Mr. Kenner, of Clinton, lectures in the Methodist church this (Friday) even- ing on temperance Mx JIM is, doing qui th a business with his peddling wag- gon, it is out almost every 'day, •This week will abed elear no the hay. earnest. :Mr- Gilbert l)onnell is herrie • " . -'• • ,spend his vaeation, 'He looks , halo and , • 0etewayo, it renownetrAfriean Chief, 1 berty. ' tead, , Across the Briny Deep. Extracts from -the letters of Mrs. S. Davit, . of ainton. July .q'u2inted'. as' bot as in Canada at tbis:tirne of the year, ..,It, is very het her)eLooie, jetusntno ive and the folks here think it something ter- rii],er' I/forgot to mention in thy razit that ,when we were at Windsor Castle we went to asp St. George's chapel, , Where the royal familyattend .; we saw the box -Where the Queen sits -when elle ceines. ,She does not- attend ' there' allethe time, having a private chapel in the' castle.. lit "is al eliatie1, very grandly carved. •We, Were thereto the service, but as they in/ 'toned all we. did not, care for it, al- thoug#1 the sielging was verifine:; lat',.,of boys in-,whitetrobes eung.like they .1:o in the AbbeY'f-'• In the chapel is e beautiful monument of pure white Marble -to' the Prince Imperial of France. • We have been to theekritish-Museure, wheire they' keep all. the EgY,ptiari manntieS and secilp• tures, all kinds of old books' and 'Cnrioiii; „ties. There is a splendid collection of stuffed -birds, and glass eases witli birds in .trees, and their. nests with eggs in them, jest 'ae if theyewere 'alive. They :have aileW stuffed 'animals and some pic- tures; but the most Wonderful of all is the immenee'nuilibey of hundreds And thousands -of volinnes frunt all over the , wor]dWeoje visited the tower of , • London, and w•ere much pleased -with it, although -could not see•as much,of it as',we would - have liked: •They.doe. not let _people see 'all of it now, as they..used to. We first went thimigh•three gate e BO strong looking' that it seemed- as:if they could. never :be broken down. . Thin tteo went to the -jewel room, and saw the Queen's. crown,' the -Prince Consort's' ciewn, and two ethers, all glittering with jewels, several sceptres. and maCes, and, a great ;many other jewels-•; -theYloeked-very-fine- indeed, and.there was a great Crowd around thein all The time. We then went to the armory,•• where we Saw an immense quail- tity, lir* of every kind, all lo.oking..as if they were ready for war.' ." We saw a re - 'presentation of -Queen .Elizabeth de horse back, as she used to be .yeart, ,ago ; the block and .11;th Which "was used: to.,.behead :people, and 'other inatroments of torture, -besidese-horses-and-Men-ip-the-old-a-rneor of historic 'days. We saw .Beauchatep. •Tower, where Annie Boleyn was imprieon. ed, and, all-around • the. wall was writing dopi by prisoners -who had been. there. Also saw. the Traitor's" Gate. and Bloody Toiver,,and other towers where noted men had been -imprisoned. : After thlS we visit- • ed .St. Patire Cathedral, .the meet •beatiti- place,.0e- had seen yet. --It is -Wender-. ful how.they could ever erect shell a high, building and make.. it ie. lovely: *-Th,e nfonuments in' it were. Much fresher" thau• . any of the others we had seen. . Themes beautiful are'Nehion's' Wellington's, John Howard's, 'Sit John Moore's,..arid others I, cannot mention Have been to the ZO0'. logical •Gardens, and saw the ("uric filtieS' TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. D SUNAY Cill..1Rell DLRECT.04E IChurches. Time of service. Pastor, Rums Cluusrias -10.30 5.01 0.30 p.m . , 1ev, J.lietine0 11 aan. 7 pan „liev. W Craig, pioBrvvatt.,,o ,., . 11 a.m. 0.30 p.m..Rov.A,Stewart i MET.BODU3T „, ..0.30 a,in. 0.30 pan. •Rev. Jas. V.y; Enensr ....... ,....• .. .. . , 6.80 pall-Kev.John ray / The Baptist Sabbath school beld their' picnidin Sinart's grove yesterday. -, The Supday evening collection in St. l'aul's Church, Clinton, has been forward- ed to the London west sufferemil A week from Sunday next the Forresters will attend the morning service of the B C. Chureh, when a sermon will be,preach- ed themby the Rev. Mr. Kenner: It is intended to hold the pr6nic of St. Paul's church Sabbath Sch, 091; at Code - rich, on the 8th of Augnst, provided cars can be obtained at the time. Rev. Jas. Giay will •conduct the quar-' terly services of Exeter Methodist church, on the.12th of August. Rev. Mr, Kirby, of Exe_ter,,supplying for him here. ' Qd.N: $tfixDaY morning the sermon in Willis Church was frequently interrupted_ . by the- time "the girl I left behind me," toted on it brass horn by 6onie one svithin. the hearing of the church. . -Rev. R. G. Thomson will commence his • duties as pro tem pastel. of Willis church, on Sunday next. • It is not reflection ou the regular Pastor to say that, the serVices will nonh e.of ti interest during his • a The social -at the house of 'Mr. J. Boles, , on Tuesday evening, on behalf- of the : -Foreign-MissiorrSocrety of-the-Malrodisl Church, was well attended, and all present appeared to have a sociable time. The first meeting for the Goderich dis• - •trict of the Methodist church, this year; will be -meld in the church in Clinton, on •or about the 2lst ot August next. tisat this meeting that the general financesof the district are considered. ' ' Last Thursday a committee composed of Rev: Jas. Gray, of Clinton, chairman • of the district, Rev. Mr. Cornish, Wing - ham, secretary, •Rev.Clappison of Brussels, and three laymen, met atWing-. ham for the purpose of arranging for evan- gelistic work in the Goderieh district of : _EatheeetiMigthodist,c.hurch.. •The. district was divided into circuits of three stations each, meeting be held in each circuit, the time minister and laymen in each circuit, sub - and it was recommeeded that 'afour day's and Place „of holding such to be left to the ject to the approval of the next district July 9.—One clay last week we Went to Hyde P,ark,:erhen we walked tip -Rotten ROW 00 see the Albert Memorial; we thouv-ht equal. to anything' we had ever seen. The bronze figure .of Prince Albert is,$o•like him, and the four large. groups('of statuary are perfect, and; the rest Ot. the „figures are beantiful. We stayed atood while looking at it -then •iver :walked , back .to See.all 'the grand. fol ks of London in, their carriages anil en horse- back. It was a grandesight. :They come here every fine day, and weimagined•that we Were'lookine itt dukes" end lords • and their ladies. The crowd WRS immense there -Seemed no end- td. theni. Itikedto esee'-the- ladies on horseback best. The: band, was playing in one -part of the park, so we went to,hear it, and to see: the Serpentine, Whate they go to skate in, winter, when there es any ice. rhe pask is very' beautiful and large— over 800. acres, And there is another parkjust near it called Greeta.Park. 1 alwaye imagined that the 'London peOple never saw a bit of green field, but I find 1 Was mistaken,— You eairhardly go tlielerigtli of -A street 'without Coming to a square,:as they call 1t, -which is fenced -round And Planted:v,villi- trees and flowers, besides, alindet every house- has flowers in the "windows. can' everyday see, from where We are, waggon, leads of cbildren•gtoing for a lip:U- tley to. :the country*, and at every chinch yott. • go ' past you see a notice posted up that the children are: going to have their picnic at 'spine gentlerniin"s park or other,' so I elo'net think they-are:So bad,off for :the. -country.. But it is terrible the ,e,e,•si they keep Sunday ;- the. "half of them, I 'think, go 00 801130 excursion.- The busses, cabs, .and trains run all day; Shops' are open, and you. can 'buy ahnost anything you want. Everylaveniis surrounded by 'people, both men and Women, and they look: so nastyg 1, think everyone here drinks, beer; -although- they say aegredt• Many have. joined the Blue Ribbon socie- . • ty, but 1,311in]; there is roornfor a million or -so marc tooin. • - • ' , ,(to be contitmed:) • "SCHOOL TRUSTEE -MEETING. •• A Meeting:' the -111oder SchoolBoard was held on Monday afternoon. . cussion With -regard .tpevernaing_tlie Scheel . with licit air took place, tint no aetion.was taken. On motion the a.cedurits of r. C. *Dickson, •$25.99, and W. H. Sitnpson, 41,8,74 -i -for -booksi'vere-ordered.-tobe paid.' The four blank windows' in the north side of the school were ordered...te be epened. The estimates for next year, iirii5110-Ws,7-„ , were sulmnitted to•the beard Teachers, • . . ... . , 830:50 00 F,w ire ood, . .,....... 100 00 00 00 • Furniture, .. .. 50 03 ltepairs, .........'.. .. . . .. ... 250 00 • eareteter. ... . ..,..... ..• . 00 IfteiderittlIs . . .. . . .. . . . 100 00 • • Lessalalance on hand, 5500. • ", Gov't grant about. 300 00, county.grant , 100 00, Model,Sehool grant, , .100,110 ' ttefuea Inspeetors'fees.'..,... 20 00 • . l‘foil el Selmelstutionts...,. ." 100' 00 • .740- 00 5e15001, TR.USTEE, MEETING.. -A meeting of *the High Schoel Board'of. Trustees was held ort.'ruesclay.' -The r„CL. cotintefReir.;A..'8,thwaxt,'\for • conducting tbe.mitrance examine:then, $15:83, and.. C. . 'Die•ksongsuPplies; -$1e1,03;eWere, ordered.to • ,be-paidgThe datiniateg/for' the fcotning aSjoileivs, :Were laid before ;Board • and approved , • :•-• , • . Salaries- . ,...... •Sil000 00. • • Secretary: .' .. . . . ' 60 ,00 • 75 00 Fuel, . ... ..... ........ . 1061)0 Chenlieals, . ...... 00 • •Incidentals ...... ...,...:....... . .. 100 00 Repairs. , _ , .... ' " '100 00 ' Deflelemey its -last year's estiniate of • 'High Selmoi . ... 500 00 51,585 ell LeS (4overnInont (Jr:tut . _ 51230 00 ' • Grant .... 1,220 00 e ...; ....... ... ........ . 000 00 52,040 00 , 00 The Seci•ciary was instructed to lay' them before'the.,colincil- at itS next meet- ing, and make anyeexplanation neceSseey.. :oLIIN. TON _l4ss• .1f,Eorn' the.' Inter. national : Threat ' fUnl. Lung .Insfitute, 178 'Church St., Toronto, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton; . thrie "days--Sughst 9, 10: .rind 11. The Surgeons wilthaVeS'epply of $pirem'eters; the invention:of NLISousielle' of Nils • • :re' • , ex -aide surgeon 'of.tne lirench.Army, for 'the. cure 'of Catarrli,i • Catarrhal •Deafness, ,Bronchite, .11.:etherin, .end COneepiptioti.• .Consultation and.trial of 'the Spirometcr free. .Den't fail to' See the SurgeoUS While here,as they Make it Specialty of diseases of the' Iilead;:Threat., And Lungs, ..and are Miring -hundred's and titensands of CiftSeS every year that, have.. been . give0 np. to' dieby doctors ih. geberal • prActice,— CrO1vd$ are ViSiting: then) in every -town •aiid,.•:eity, For,. partiehlarS, Write to 173 "Church 4treet, Torontir'or, 13 Philliph Senare, Montreal.; s A barn belongrnEgPtiEs. oil.1)Ir. G. Geiger, of the ninth concessibn, was unroofed by the storm on Saturday night. Qousider- able damage was done in difierent parts of thetownship. Mr. J. Gill of the Way - field line had his barn unroofed. • CONSERYATIVE journals advocating the mamtainance of the Senate, profess great faith in the supposed:views of George Brown thereon, Oranting,for argument's sake, that he favored it as it at preserit exists, what has his opinion to do with it. The people regard it as enormously ex- pensive, practically useless, and altogether an unnecessary 'eppendage to our legis- lative system. If the Conservative jour- nal§ are willing to accept' him as an all- thority on thit IllitttCr., they 'Itoul•-1 'be equally so on others. Eg3KINI. Corai.—, Near itarfield,Goderielr township, on the 24th insegthe wife of Air. Peter • Cole, jr., of it daughter. ' Richmondville, 'Michigan, on the 401). Jnly,''tbe wife of Mr. Sam Wells (formerly of,Clinton) of a son. ROIJTLEDGE.--In Clinton, on' the 9th • JulY, the Wife of Mr. James Routleclge, of a daughter,• Stanley (London road) on the 14th July,' the wife of Mr. Jobe • Henry, of a eon, -HoLefEe:=---11-1Lond11ii on the 20011 hist the wife of Mr. S. T. Hohnese (late of Clinton) of a datighter. • • DIED. • Roert,—, In Clinton, on the,23rd_ of July, Hugh. Alexander, eldest eon of Peter and Mary Robb, aged 2 year$,J month- • and 10 days,