The New Era, 1883-07-20, Page 9......... IIIIIIin N. c1luncir, quuliq�c S. "'fo the Centre of the play -ground. Of f HATH.; TIME FILORAiL ti "M
Tillv 0 1-883 number About twenty Wake I stationed I this at the end landmarks, to guard 'Llxe�pasaag`e. the Junnious etho, d In' Wm,:1, 1: -T Aitti Rev. Prof. MoVicar,,6f McMaBter's Hall be ball. , he p ayers w in were! to begin AN IDEAL DEATH. r tit Ina 14, is visiting Winnipeg. Ntittatory Are..' were apparently, Eiiingled promiscuously A Turkoan by no Aneans endure to see, Mgr. Lafleolle, of Mon' reii], it.,is pAj (Interview,) h,ii-ilrofessor"tif the' 6.1 d, sArt;)- together. All things being thus ready,.a Theideal death," Said a physician iu� the leaves -hoai)- so Anse -theground, on his return frbm:Rome 'a disappointed is a, very P imp 9Phc Gali as JPjayed by.jbie 11ittititilinO "I beautiful ErIaideri, , pioh InkrgOL-91,icue-of-the-New York cit to Our process of teaching
y :W6me believe that the first rose was' applicant to have his See lefbintact. le Cei`nituryy the native ,.costume . of he � people, tals, 11 was that of my uncle. a was's :' and 'asy one;, When a, PU' il P made -from & drop 'of VenuB' blood, and th p resants a �xecl, tiara, 'plumed with halei hearty man of, 80i -a bacbelor,-"wealthy wearing. other's tlnat�itfirsi came from � the aweat.ol' , Rev, Dr. Gregg, of Rnox College, laid the her - self and has donned her bathing'suit, mfOrt In a Mahained the Obebers �believe A game of ls�croase was commenced on eagle's feathers and, glitiering itn biace: and surrounded with every co' corner -stone of a new PreBbyte'�Jan, church which! consists of a SELCk, skirt and broad,
one occasion, in the year 1794, bet an the 10B and other ornaments of silver, came. ,beautiful home not far from New York. at Thorold on June 25th. trousero, she is taken to the preparatory- ewhen braham, their grest,propbet, was tribes of 11 Indiana, bounding like a gazelle into the area,with He arose one morning up Mohawk and Seneca par�,ntly in per- team and is tadght the proper motions thrown into the firb by order of Nimrod, the Milwaukee has 68 , Roman Catholic which was well Digh Attended with serious the ball, which she placed upon the ground feet health. His buoyancy 61 spirits was churches, including two chapels; which are her arms aild legs oil a carpet,, These mas-.
ticed; He was singing, some of the quaint" fiarai turned into a bed, 6f,roses upon. which I I � I � h- . ..... coneequences. The Mohawks were the Chid- in the centrie. Iiistantly� the Welkin. -rang LO a a is al�e the Child Slumbered sweetly. T is is used for divine servidb. h -t - �b a t a A b%thingi pool: lengerk."Aftar The game had proceeded -with-che - shouts -of -the -whole multitude of old Scotch songs of his bbYhb6d.: He- A111i a In 9 onsiderable time one of tbeMohawlis, spectators, and.tbe play bega acted a visit from' me &lid at 6S Ae, to in: 11 Lail& Rookh," by -the lines: and her, a strap, s.0 padded asnot',to hurt her, B�Secombe, J.' P. Bowi for- a 0 il�; while the exP a from -%Ce the table after a hasty and partial, M, When pitying heaven to rosesturnea. is pas ed around her hody, &Ildla ul d -T. WH&II will proceed to British Col- a I 'ar,f�i6e doNvil and kept in a struggle withl� Seneca for'a stroke at, biri danced ba k EInd joined Sal, Th.,deatb. fltitneb that beneath7hint burned. . th water with b
ght-eyed - maden c uninbia Shortly as Methodist M'I S Utugolil,iit 'LL r QWEE circle among t 8 oun'ding 'Sayf�ng h' �would . drive- down to the� depot 'Herodotus wri afloat � by a rope passed through A pLulley.' the ball, Struck In Sharp he he arr a tes of roses in the garden i blow with hisi crose. The occurrence throng. The mzftch was begun by the two and brin g- a to thehodse'. 'TheOldgeutle'- Amarble tablet nj�memok of Rev. IISre she goes throu& the.motions rot Bwlirn- In �' driven more than, a fe*'rbds of Midas, the,eon'of Gordiva, in Rhrygia, y Y George Macdougall, founder of.the Metho. ifhaving been observed by, the ph' ers, the 6pposirig players, whoaavane6d to the ball man Ad -1i that bad sixty leaves, growing wi mint,,�hich, like.her mui4ic iess6n at home, is as Met by 9; th little issiou at Edmonston, is to be erected are'indicated );y the voice *of �th ' a. female. Seneca�a, dropped their bats iusbaijilY, to a and with their united croii,Aea raiied it from from hisOwn house -when I dist In trouble, and mor fragrant than �all the Man, and retired- to their posts with Silent 'the ground -to. such aill elevation�as gave a neighbor wh6\hoticed Something strange In in the misisi it church there. teachei,ivino counts one, two, three in.v, rest. Lucullus, the Roman goili spent 9- bi8appearance.- Hishorsiss,stopped. The I At the yi�sarly mbetibg, of he moi e
though evident esentment. - Without chance for,a fair stroke; When, quick as fabulous Hiiin octane that giv 8 'the time to the m6T speaking a word,. bul� t With bOBC, me h"Viria Ii btnii3g,., it was aped through e'air, neighbor dismounted and w a in order to be able to I ant to the aide have. them at' and in . the BaptistH, or " Tunkards," of America,. field' tions of the limbs. The hext �stage ill with indignation, they took up the stakes almost with the, swiftness ofabullet-.Mucli of his carriage and spoke to him. The old time of �tb At Bistuarck Grove, Rameas, 10j000 persotis SWilllmingI, pith a, float I or life -preserver they bad deposited and, retired to their depends upon the -first' stroke, and great gentleman did not answer. Heeat upri�ht a , Roman , Republic the U60ple used, not to, be sathfiedl unless their were Present from various Parts of the :around. the body., In this the own c��Idtry - a , n th,er-upper waters of the Skill is'exerted to obtain it. The mat6b in his seat holding the reins in his'lland. cups of Falernian'wine were) swimming Q--ited States. action i of the hrabs is te G nesde River, towards the northern, Bpur- was played with great spi,rit, and the' dis. He was dead. He had passed away. with,- witla roses. At the regatta' of Baix the The Baptiets of tha- Northwest held a free, Ail& the piipil, -accompanied of the - Alleghariieb*,� About three , weeks 'play of agility and musculAr strength waa out a shock of any kind. There was no teacher, -often slacce'ads in making a -round whole surface of the Lucrine Sea; used to Conention recently at Portagel la Prail lie. ' ' : 1 ' I I i
Bubsequent to the occurrence 4 Seneca Btlrpriaibg�, Every nerve Was st,rung;,and Apparent cause for his death, Wbiob Was be strewn with this flowei. At bp� grand It was decided to close the college at RaPid at the bath in the' 9-econcI or third' ISSBODiI 8, probably occasioned by heart.disease messenger arriybd at the Mohawk village, i,o groat'were.the exertions -of the player banqAets which ero gave, 'he caused City and establish, a theologl' All he!r Motions, -are closely Viatched and, Cal colliaggia at despatched thither by Chiefs Red Jacket, that eacb. set was relieved by fresh hands, TRIP PAINLESSNESS OF . I)EiTH. ahbV�ers Of- roses to'be rained I'doWn on big Winrd�eg. her attention is Sharply called tr� the "false Cornplanter and others, Complaining of+tLd'- fifteen or twenty mmutes';. thus Mroke [or laggard Movement. � The motions guests frQ aportuireB in the' ce'iliD E," Hello- Rev+. Dr. Cochrane, of Brantford,expebld insult, demanding Satisfaction for the. atiDg and allowh;g @very player of Said Dr. L.,L. Seani My observa- 91 once Perfectly upa Boon Igobaltis carried learned, the n this to Such an: insaile to visit the.Lake Superior stations, Wioi]i�j In Cos. me that the dra atiets and lerigplo: as to cause the suffo,-�a;tion ofseveral peg, aud the churches on the Pacific Rail- SWIM, affrorit and dencuticiii ' g war in case of the whole numbikr to perform his part until tion convin. in gat era confidence in her 'ability to refusal. The Mohawks, feeling that they" the game was finished. The Scene waa'fall actors have far overestimated the pains of f his guests, who. cu not - extricate way to c nd of the track, in the'. month Of and it is only in a few aasces that we are rit and 4in The Principal death, and especially the possibilities of -the has 0 of flowere. - Atid August,'ia Connection ith th not, were in the wrong, were somewhat troubled Of OXCLteme themselves from IN 0 MiS�iODS Of; Able to diapein�a' with the float at the at the message convened a council Chief entered fullyinto the 6:ojoY�eilt, and great mental effort just. previous.,.to.thel 'An ti . donne, even in winter,� . slept in a tent the I Chure I h. fiftL, lesson and send 6a'young lady out to of his chiefs, arid, after Consultation a Mee-, by his explamations to his guest heightened moment of diesblution, tel of gold and silk aLd on a bed of' I roses. swim Without any other aids than those,, siage was returned to the SeLeaus pro�os- its interest 4hich ' of: itself, 1 the latter IIt is, in fact, abolf as ilffficulb to 'she,entertained Antho The ,w Manitoba Canada Moth d" t I Cieopatra,'when ,)'Is giveilberlbyna�ure. Githare'taLght . the ingan amicable. meotingof thechiefsof, declared to ha�,e afforded him:a greater when a Man dies its to determine, when he Conference will, - most for orgsmization (in same.stro ),a, but I think therelp covered,the floor of the banqueting room to Augu�tlat. T)i( both nations to I Confer upon the subject- degree- ol.'satisfamion than any game or goes to Sleep� Death is griadual, nbt a and- 4 territory embraced In the esderitilal difference betweeti them in the 'the depth of an ell, and. Heliogobalus Was conference will b6 from Rat Portage t6 the �h I"Power of the IL matter of using a rope wig matter of complaiyar, with a view of healing pa8tiroe that he had eyer behold. The den process. I am speiiking Low of, death., not content witli'drinking a, Certain kind ins,,and from the intorna lower linabs. The boy
the wound by c pronuise and explanation, contest was citnitinued three days, at th . a-, by disease, not of violent death. Possibly- of wine, Entails of ros6a, but was; extrava-ant Rocky MQunta P Is. More vigorous and om and of cou donal boundaryto the extremeluorth. inrsa Without bloodshed. end of which, after a severe� struggle, the in the representation of violent death the 11 . ore propu sive in his le�s than hi enough to'bath6 in that' wine of rose. is arms, Mr. W. T. Herriage, B.D.; -of Montreal, while with' tlie girls,tho reverse a. may . come somewhere near the To 'dream of roses denotes happy love, The Senecas, anxious 'A6 'avoid hostilities Soubam were proclaimed- � the, yiptors, Actors orm is lhe:�cbs witir"a tribe with,which they had baen in swee - the stakes, to tbe great mortifica. truthi but generally their �idtures of death f erly of -Hamilton, was .last Week ilia i Many of.our lad� swimmers dii1peuse,with, ping but riot unmixed with Soriow from others. recipient of a handscitic gold watch, 'chain- the skirt, which somewhat retards 'the' allianceeo longi accuaded,.to the pacific tion'of the proud-6p'irited Moh&wks�the Isy disease are to one - who knows the IVcypidekan artis t aind-ia the emblem of proposition, aild a joiLit council was the truth, -SiMply�'. d locket, Pr rr� head of the Confederacy. Iegarited by 9, foiw of his many Motions, and vvear si ply'the sack and tb6' ridiculous. Dissolution love. -The rose as'a symbol of,sijenoe gave consequeneb., Red Jacket, -how6ver,' did. is as I paduless -and . unconscious as i friends in, St., Piiul's: Chureb,- Montreal, trousei[s, I think that is the rise to. the phrase, Under the., rose," .11 In, ociliatidn. PrJ!,Qne0t4 iPlen. 'birth. � The. approach:to it may e" 'pro' ft- 11 -an of their respect and regard." o could to prevexit a reco are the circumstance of the' Pope's pre- in tol, able Swimming costume, for the Skirt is apt! He delivered an infi�L�mmo I ryBp9eeb, labor., -Death Sentencewas passed on Saturday tracted and painful.' There ma;y .,be to holdi the water and "lossen the- Speed �4f l6qualice, - t aggm- last, upon ". three' ineul—Martin, JOB eph, 'a; long, . 6,114 agow . zin . g . Been I es resulting - Henti onsecrated roses which �were placed The Congregation no and. the swimmer lov giving her a beavibr, loiIcl, O ng ing-with all hia art and at Iciessionals to denote secrecy. It is Baptiste of Wales together number 2,15,0.00, Vate the insult, and . urgitig his tribe to negro, who killed two ineyi ; Tu-ai-is-to, an , , 11 I 1.
from disordered. imagination. to try. also said thatthe phrase is of Groek origin aria the increaaa � -during the last ten years Iavenge the insult by an appeal 'to arms. Indian,'And William 11. Finch. They were , destroys one organ after- ainother,,,,no.t 'all th� . Sentenced to. hatig o'n the 29fh - TJ ou'4tom of S` 0 tme. ,at 6hce. The last orgams:t6 yield are the Pending a,r9se o er' tb6 gueSttabI6 as an confor.mists have 3,000 places, of -worship. in' SiFT-667�1en on it ere awe chased. But Captain O'Bail and some 0' originating from V the old Was utAlle rate of 3-1 per cent. The N ofi- older� Senecti, chiefs were for the�. adoption, Firl,6k is:a; quadroon, with decid'ed Italian luugs,.,�hich Show their oppression in the emblem tinat the conversations should not the Principality, And their i byaJLoconkotive.'. of a more conciliatory Course. They ��eie features, and ainarl -of ubukual iritelligeuce. �bieathibg, and produce,what is'termed tb' be , repeated elsewhere. , Cultivated roses tiolls Amount to 000,000.- Saveia fireman belonging 1�o th6,Btookiyn little moved by the. exciting - plailippic of As waii expected by maijy,,iFibck, when death rattle. As soon as the lungs cease, Red Jacket and desired: uothiug in . ore of ablied by the judge i� he were first � plan ted. in Englaiidin1522,,the 'The Sheffield, Eng, workingmen have Departmen't hadan almoat.miraca-: g to to act, the black venous blood is no longer .dt,ulask the Mohawks thaii a reasonable; and hollor- say why sentence.of -death 8bouid ii.obbe roge being introduced -from.. the uBt had oaanufac6ured a remarkably fin,e lous escape fiomdeath recently. An alarrn� chahged to red arteri&I blood, but is pro- ce some time 'prior to A. D. ion to' I he Of, L. �e 0 ine, and its driver� able atonement for the wrong done to their. passed upoif bibi, collected, pellicol iiap'urified from'the heart, and' thus 8,41�th tin cabinet of cutlery for presentat 'ailed cut the eng -1753,ibe---moss rose in 17.2,1,. and 'the Ar6hbi�hop of do.uBistsl of upward -sent,his horses on 6e jump through 'Vin; young warrior by the ijarty offeLding. 'Ilia in -a distinct -and rather musical , Poisons the 'body - -like a narco.tic. The our of two hundred- ieces,—with if! de- Iii,- Cbi,na rose about 1787.' There �"are tie—i-vary Mitt vieifib6 d across: q a Long proposition was met with equal'ouagualilm- voice.:' energies of the brain are gra,attauy'fulled mou I litted in sterllng�assayed rL&ilroa:d tracks on Atlantic avenue. A, s --Of icy Oil the Part of the Mohawks, and the May it please the court I know not -w,vy -approach -of-Bleepi; �arid - -umeon- result of the couo wei In In -h' ' rupo . U me tisand' Otw" of, Roses.' The last.'is silver. Each pieceis :en�'raved.witfi the train from 'Brighton BeaCh was -coming, ,oil w b ti�. of- a e uiiMea — 66- scious,cerebral action pkoduces the murmur �',! '. I -�m &djustmeLm theJ'ast correct In India, Where there, bisho -mitr' the trsck� Th6 gateman. watched was sm6ked der or grief. -Both e the diffi�dhy. �weioa-heavily upon ni"o. -of the names at fkionas,cr recollections of: p's a -rose farina and ',where most of 0" Ion past are The BiShop of Sodor atid. Map Says that the engine crosgirli And tile chiEN—Eavo I ri first call to Erind.,'the coas' life -or whatever -has. mmense fire g i,b a tracks, and from, � the :rose harvest I tb6 disappointed the attar comes h dthatthere wai tl�ogc g gue, ed upon which:I am called, upp ul make my appefi,r- passed through the mand. But that'there' he'tirst feelig� Cf thUnkfUlDeSe-for he' r)�- zL r ahead for dema 0 cam mences on: the Ist of March, ana lasts S the thost aruicuble terms ance before the cdb.r to day. This to the is pamm naturad death - I have long since a�vutiou, Ar'm'y,' as an instru M'enb to its f-ader, which is just behiDd with ith Three years afterwards- in' . ost solemn and' serious. It is as the to, the end of April. Early in the morning horaecii the gallop,' uuleEs , ibe railroad'. the Summer 18 in believe." evangelizet,be masses has beeni altogether. .. � :.
. . . :L ' I . was brou�bt'to a, stop'. �18 Waved. I-.�se was- -deatb,which in,a Theirignorance a Seriptur(,,. ral"a, of 1797, another Mai 1i of'lac- Badness of,death itself- men, women and children swat mi about the digpeiled." f t , ,
c tL ittie Fo 8 - DET11PED ISIONS' EC STACY. rose trees like a an lony. of bees,, pliaolting his lantern signalling danger�� but the rail- played between the two r s. The San-, brief while. will comato me-witb� ickle.and their irreverence and uibtei-prof�nity de- Carr3 ecaa were this tirrie bhe clialienger's, but, L& terror. Alap V alas! for such unlucky Stake th flowers and 7ing them in. ba;gs to clare'-tbom- to be totaliy uulikei that holy' rci�.a engineer paid no attention to it, -and' Have you,evar observed the visions and 11 . , . 0 It bless ad ministr, 're I'le train cawie� tIn gamewas played at tife Mo awk village on- that beamed at my . birth. But I am.nOt ecstatic delights that Are itifien spoke thecontractors.- The istill is f the,. obLI6 b 0 a -L --a- J of Aride�ing.. -SiMpleE;t---iLnd---rildest---coiistruction:-- down grade v�ith, its us the Grand River+wo - -Brant�-- possessed of-tfiat-obstinaiie- stubbon-ness I* ---- -- spe'ed, y re igious,. writers, lord) and was comrnev�cied durihig-the visit charac' eriatic of one, who . is �abcuit to have boiler will &ld from eiiht t� tWeIV6 gallon S, Seven, I fireMeL.- were on the teoider, Cdrtiiiily. They are- quite common, !,into this Ate ELBtdrom 12,000 to 6,060 ca Frail k —�.0 re igliton, ---driver,-' to Capt. Brant by Jadge NV6'druff, of Can- So tence,of death pAi)n him,' Or, and lot religious persons. a was urging his hors�o alon i" In 0 11 le more . generally . �Lpeqhjio p y roses-4-sbout'fifteeii��t.o-��ei2t3�-, kiisof it testify- th-at-mo t water are add tily sensible of the New cometeries are a ill a year, b nec,ticut, to whom Cal). Brant had relat8d- tr eici&ns ed,'and 'the result will*.be y speed. ,T& horsio's, hoo7..'L the, thepartioularsof the fotiegoing 6-riminal. B-i 3 I -ng (.ben it state of trance. lthbugh. 1. I . I .1 About one quartL of 'rose,water, from each year,' 411d.tun6rui Prue 81011 Ely 'wed .tracks before Creighton 1611y 0 Ell V a .18 porB?. a occurrence. , It Was ill fac. , a 'r Singular iindserious position in which I ' am they r. ppaiently conscious; they Pass 7thoilsand roses. After distillation the rose 149-Place,in Shout of tile' tion naturally iollo i�g fron�the peildi4 Placed, Icabnot' help but-shiiiAiMr, and. must awia4y in. a state of dreami�g. " Often they 6aiboy And their vv�tytowurdtbo'l t rest, h1V water. is placed fit a �Iass i gateman meant ethat.Ith m o C11101 mome which%for-long Cantu �-A: ia� 'been the atch which le fie say that tbeiej�vrp I 01 �Heem to :be listening to musical aounds,. 'my life exposed to the'suo' for, Beveral --he, rain, c ope. upon him; incidents connected With the former. The 80n�etiroles. they Seem to be beckoned to In Playing Was. tu o; - -as at 9 1 cluck De�th is the� -about cre.mation has died away"and would- instant The had whirled bi 1 4 borse I 'a 'head s-tiry -of mll tar WIt in the 11 lb Einitig al id - , A . In 1, a--' itivita- of ature wiiioh mus:� boi-paid, the waer.. be, f6rg �n by many did Lot. some eccoll. aroui,d,�turnitigt.he tender ro.silitrply about: 'do vou regard such exhibitiouB as ottv This 'is the ure, u -:, that some of the firennert were nearly tion of CaPL Bra"t to. ('68 �tb6L Ido not fear to'me�,'it io its ijaturii;l form. purely.phyai6ttl?" P riadultEkatOd X`014e tric old lady or half -crazed M691ailet amusement was itecelittol -by bii% gues.c. But I blind I dari [(-ar-tbe best oi - d w4te�.- -Wbon adulteration is necessary, siout0y.-leave, a Will ..dacidino that their throwiii Off. Rlsim�, in his seat he plied the us- 0, So, Just as much so as a dream. They are oil oi Handal -wood is used.. To 6'ecure attar rL.maILs sh4l be Consume, , y'tfive. But, The place selLeted fur uht,� trib.i of. btreugtb,. to die a diagrtic-,ftif urld controlled by' the, ordinary tboughts ; and In lash'to ibe:startled beast, aud' went lifferoi nee Or. eV I do� riot make tt ib ithe rosE, Water is transferrEd to a large for, all the present inc en 4own 'the tntek. The t.ndei's �*baels agility aild shill was A broad au.d..eautifuj Have -f6elitigs, the'every-,day life an' d -education .3 -wet 1131shlo revo It agaiLlj4t. the incineration in. Elio wo§t, s ', t iA an. effort zo'seek justice, and . mttIl ba�iu, a, d. tied eye I r with ' jumped from sleeper to ale - apei, and S W'aypd', green of perfial) oilp buildred .Zicr(is, per- L nd imagination of the subject in precisely nMy smooth a 8'a-cmrpeti, WrEhoub to -save the iie UtKnon: of _,:Wbot, ecp oub-the insects ; the then Miss C, �F violently � a-ainRti the rails... "N' seven fectiv l5vel aria P P the same way 'as a dream, 18 so coatkolled: a account .111, a --in tbe groun - clur 'ih' Ves. ' For, one. long block ho -r is. doaic,r to , jai a t1i at, toi y I i [6. let down into: a hole ---d about the.Contemporary Revieof:the..ciistom, of ig fe air, Ii tree orsbrub 6r,stutle to-oi,cuvaber� ib� noFor Generally a, dream� is,a.reproduction of a two fe% deep d allowed to stand. quiet -cremation-in its originallhome . in tlLe ea't this innequal race betwe�n 'locomotivo and t . . a one bide of the gre.b'n the Spuecasi had.cof. Wha is iiftj ?.': It is but 1� &PPehrs ithing thought. This (3111710u8' jumble. of 'all for. i1ttenattar is alWayernado early., w 'iderablo inter' Carletori'a outiewasrea, ad, lected lit a t,or� of irvegular wicAaip6aent' but ii,� liti-le hi]ie . all tell it Vauisheth. bubjects in a dream I- the result of abs . enoo ill be, read with con6 ch awal It is b Lit ij� s park,i;.,truck out of,ndth- oryoliti6n., There is asusperimion of I the ILI the season Col. Ila men, women and childrell�w thu'jaimber lion. the nights Are c Among the Hiudoos, as every;6neknows. atil i0feiglitou jerked . his rein again as
the morning a little filnci�iof attar has risen he proces' of c ly'as b- 1, of more than a'thousand. On the-oDher i,it,6 inguesis atid exPirea iii.�arkiie,ii Nay, it i t 8 rema;tion s. common, And Sudden efore. "The anima 8 function a of tud Median tract.of the-braiii. - R UuE a f1i . b out, of darkoess, so to tbe urface of the rose water,, this, iti at Benares its practice may-be,observe�- aii -and-redhing-with-sweat, off Ithe Mohawks ware actively as§embling'in 01, dqmlll to The same thing occurs in the Mesmeric, -a feather and plac ilia burning ra�s Skimmed uff- with a In any:hour, uliloo, beneath t tile 'track, iiEld 'safei'y drugged fho' te�doi! yet g-eeaer numbers. The staketi deposited, returii As the O',*d' tracce. The su.�periaiou-roay be tem by each party were laid upon the groutid fu pictured it, like the Bwift,tli7ght Of a. , " porary, a bottle� When only two or three da�s old of the ii'o6nday-buv and'by ,the light of th& upon the paved . highway just as the 166bi and ilabdithe pemon may not� only return . I . .greahi Sh no, but :in a few,, Eihle wool,. Many a poor sufferer Wairis Motive �bttielyJ . graved by. People .vihol tvw k a, bird � from the without, *tbrough a to'conkciouhne8s, but remember some,of tfie�. It is Of a Pale heaps, COLlSi1bt2ng of - rifles, towuh li,,had coamber'filled %with' gue weeks' tinae it. subsides' into a Pale his last efforts to'reach he'shbre'of. the' I,Wfttchcd the incident , expected t6,.see.horFr6 swords, belt-, knives' 61LO-likets, Wampum, stis, bem6ed curious tings -seen inAbio yisiow Scime- color. It requirea'the product of 1,000 ro�e. ' Garigee.,, thereto die 0 I Ill . ha' , Ilowed 'grouild.�- and.'meu tbrowi� into the, a4,,aod Mangled watches,. beads; bx ojebeb, lursauda . variety w, , ith the ret,th of back )nto the, tbing of the Same ature ocdur6iri:'takibg cold trees to, cbtain,a..tolak,� or 180. grains of, The "Pense of wo'od:for pyre winder tfie.locomotivq'�wheals.-New Y47;1 of other articlezi of ludiau Utility "d tastei opium. In the., earlier, Of OPIUM_, L, o'gre"ki'tor'secure the burniago & i �leyiloLof [)ath6S.'..,.N6, a t bei Lo' me 11 the '' �L t & U . ( f Itfe'is`b4t`a mock it eating� the , subject Appears, to- fi: ing in the* h, I gVe dau touch the sorrowful: isn. golug-O I 11., at cans One The attar btainea'in 'the IDdian bazaars I hole body'., it�lspaxtly Charred and-tilen, ranti to "upwair i d, as Uot'ev tha-holy t' usand dollats wbidb. By Idle bide'of tfi' I'd h a- is fan, castle and odd, ilia other'no'rini 'a it' ...... . . ... wq.3'a ment to f1ar"down eatiroaff-of Ca�f. B da Laf, a , . L , an the rich' v tho tj er"ass w, icIn oleaib�iu me, exciteii. LOW In stkea "at native price for' pure attar; - hj.--' -i I �l i9110- c -. 9, a"" ' ' 'k--`- Whoiare t al axpayer
stakes' were seated ' gr�up iof the a -ed. Come so L tragic Wild s'o bitter 04 in su tse.oneiBaNato eep t e, etetinty a the Sea., This wealthier large9f t 9 g doaKa-i6-ufbr6_f' arms in a isp tax Co chiefs-11grave 1 audarovereLld miny i'.tbou arr, 'bitteter to me�.t6iiiithe Ppa,riiaenngooraotpaif 04 $tons Pass nly-tOE'Urobeans. and --costs tfi d'i oSgI.Of' in�tbe City 2"' 1 Asked At he' whose Ili had been Silvered b�-til rosts' 11 which Sodr tes drauk. it iii i 510 Per ourio6. The origin . at their dead. � Aftek'bathink the body in the ef `SL I a no ii. d eath ing before,his.eyes. from 465, tc oner The late Moses,Tayl( itL 8 Athed it]:: a, 91"fear-it is 1,be form this deli"ciou's, perfume istbuR chronicled in rivar 8 W sbroud'of white; largest. He paid tax on $1,800.000 a per- of death - itsiguoli f of many winters, aud whoais vioag c mill aMaL a f L the 81.� T THOUGATS. the romantic stories of the'EastL: Mo to- or saffrou-colored'-Miatorial ; Sam I a-. ',011alproperti without grumbling, and his dence-of the toile t, as gave 0 `40 of rarAna ,it asy and the sh !low, Than The CiDmb�tants Lumb,�d b�uL six hu'n.' Under my prebent circumstaioeaa�!.'.ba ilaysician spiaking on tbiR� �'jdhau Ba�gum, the avorite wife of even covered with cloth of gold or EIA in widow owpays the same� O the.'other it 'fill io�ly Liquil''with -her silverI; some vbrmillion, paint, aym6olizivg hand last not . bL' the gloomy bject 'IV Said. "Judging. of 'the Geer, was once walking. in gaiden, W. H. Vanderbilt came here Whiah ran a Can I 1, , , dxc.d upon a side, young and middle-aged their w6rds',juat through a 0 . rose water, men -nimble uf; out wtbleticaud-muii f- -death,: ,1T.,Mnd t or men . it :-the tLougbts of,men by theblood.o.f SpriElkling,hi'then thrown over year and.swoEi every dollai,,but-spon it it nd,�th 6 bc h the L p yre!, after came,-',backi and' a'untenances beamed with Loation present, by,.appreboh8iou8*of the future. vious to.deatbi I'should.Say . it often -'lisp. -when she remarked� some oily particles idy I is'"laO Upo aid: �that as- the, fie These were' a I- Itte-radAint, aoroawee, grass, precious Oil, public were"ralsing Such a. a dying perSODL gIVeBL.Uo indics' [I�atmg.on the ur a and high hope. 14 orer . to the free and But r6lipion does Cililretlarlee any 8 . , ; 0 paperis.and theL lanced, and thSire;.aroma,.found' to In Such morbid subject thAt " L 6 go. oUrnar boars�,fk h- ould pay tax. on, $1,00 0,- unfettered use tit their "newy Sotl.viornesbringing- tiOn Of- ib6ugbt"- more wood.' tha chief, m a "in her bainds'the" flo"war's-611ope, and, like I delicious that means we:ie devised to p 7 tI)rcIf three or n times roundithe bad )n 5100,000, I�ersoiia vefe n ked, with h Lion of been the favorite -,topic of a, lif0tim to itIS '' , L, " , ' , a Y, 000 ly pays tax ngel' which , j -he. is, V , V� a4ve nowu�obtive*, with im- !duce ib precious 6agoibce. th d d �Iipo - wiih,the holy flame, �ud Mrs.! A�',T. Stewart on -5500,606, M th a L: 18paia. of the a single, garment like. -un apron or i a as, ispse' Thestarof Pot and lights the pyre�,i' Then it is kindled in �Catharine Wolfe pays on $400;000. The t,, a : di A crucified Chris I H- ttaut affairs' unattended to,. 'WL
fasteiied around ihe� waist and doseeiiiiiiii ' W L' 0. a nearly to, the knee. ofthe play g bope,chaiLfirdt bqamed.ou me',,Iike me with orda upon heir'lips that iridio�ieol l4ow to' iprepare the tile Stitnialer 110111day., a]l other pliceB, &I'd Lin a very abort on $1,000.000 the
n rti Hever Shone from the murderer's dyiti absor on n & Incidnt of, the Moment, thebody Iia'connumed by the flame, ex-Gov.'.E. D. Morgan'S L widow. on' 51,000,- ground was I designated by., tw.6,, pairs of . 4, ia . t , In, B613 I . 'CL , To Overworked: men, of usiness a t he frri�n the �cross, a Co . getlerally'relati�g , to.perponal omfort.. -It a �.peoi literary men, a summer boli is %shes ar6,gathared np, aud-the Giogea og6ther,' byes " placed at aboub thictV kinds dtitaut anparilon ILI, that soitl�i;.N�'death that Waahington t] 000, and thn Aajoj'fa�mily,;� &]I put fr8m each other,' and the�goalsi of . each Pa' - that- knule star, of WaS. day by the, seasi a,, or among tbe'Alps or bears them'aw, Injapan :crernation is '000� which is -the largegt , ass6 it deatW with Chri cl, ay. on $� 000, hope scatters its rays i , L , I. my a r 'a't. yet, I Irving died,.- saying:' 'Weil I'mis6arrange I -not so-publiely-' -A- in-lo6kirrg- .a. in.. Th..!riumber� 6 about tnirty1eat a it un, anAoui ipart. The bomb*tabta I -flud-it--bard- t. ranged. the MSeIV es -i U-ILPairali e1iU6A-O -eaah- e--drexd-'-aveut BUt'irforderio -get The full, house in the bar ' nor of the L country cam, - axpaverk is Steadily .And. rapidly �a - 6Craa%-- n�ngLeinfferjiig iin�sr 'hoiidayi ijo.*,6rk of any tery. itIT mod L widls-a� Or', Last year there'were 11,66 personal f am me. - - Yet why tin I 'litive 'Always could only end.?, a bellefit of aliCh .jL nd..eartben 00 side of the area, facing inwards, and leaving r ing.7 a 8 J3 -jj od-Stand guilbless� of apkinf6l , diseaSe wih kind Entiat 6 St, not in'a'id.e of_L Which Are Beven or elgilht-low stone'l taxpye' M -tit teu rod' been honest, a ve.,t eart,istmu rs, and ibis year tliere will 'not, bei pace between the of abin EE tbe'Lerinnee for Whioh�' I.aM about:to be Aerve tOL divert,-. the � Mind of� "ithe 6 his Picture With:, hini'to fieiialn� nor th inolostires, 'servos "S48 tiremaior�. �The moie.tb%n 10,000, and the amount levied j9L breadth.. Th6ii crosses were thr elect six ay, Strongest- Even the philosopher, Bert .9 --attitude, is, placed. on a inches in length sentenced. :'I.stand here aud�boldl 21thdrbisb6ok, And the businessman Must body, in a, sittin decreiasih4 at alike York Lettei'. curved at the lower end and.,with a clear conscience, that 1 did Franklin, was fo ' read to B%y,� With his last not have letters--�-othiar thAnibose of friend. beap of dry lagotH ia -one Of the iri6losures, somewhat in ithe form of a ladle, the broad. two ' I iI' Speak it 'is -hill 'those Len. �b,rpath, 1. A dyiog Man oau donlothingess -�-to attend to.� Therefore, at b6ursi.tbefiro is y. t fB part for striking the ball being formed of very coi sibat.a person I 'has t&Vake into burned out, Id 01 - cm1rk the''Fare Box. network, wov 'of, untanned 'Y a ostoonbEE for 9, dying 04 ' .. ' ' with. �IiWjgsi�- falsel , mi eiable or,1apP L rely mA,yt nothing is left but a f6w.whitd to bXPkbBB, SYELL ppearance upon cohax oration w an. sks himself the Pit strained .3he t6nalot ever YOU are, Make You M. & L, po�ficnL pitithy with aitt�na' a: those, are.�Put into an 'earthenware, Onbec -last year,' U, L Lath�rn r L & d h he- of tbothieribbold 61!--thia� :' r nd auto who have been 'fstigii6d in Cry out, �Qain I urn And' huried with� or- mith6ut reli�ious Esq.',,of WilliAmstown� Vt., was in this city 9 he Si jlydrAuguiat?" buttim'eas oubuaiU66, and visited Lthe State pr'JaOEE'n tight elasticity. The' ball, lar a you (addressing t ,the burning of 'the, bodies is. not a it middling� Biz d ' Apple,.. AS Thou h6bi I � And to, thero.' Among the IaBtmordsof r Walter ell. 11 Can I aw, Jdq- . ty i b 14coLba' tend , i'Poor so ere Japan btiz.Buddhists 6f� the'. the ifternoon with two 'other gentlemen. Ia) whoseld.n. oraswell SOOcc, were TwU* In or; odpip cry in 1. L also composea of up all, York Sun. h-and-such'a,piece ofwork?" U�o hot UIS' I knOW'YOU on as )Usti; I ask all clard Cy you a" give., tnearly with out' exception On returning from the p'rison 16 Be n a Side of the area, near the Contra of ve done with 'tfiis. or that, bus M6,nioL Beet are Andni)w,fArowell earth, Made wet with 1168% by J -61y , or August,, -So- as- to go Cremated. The town crematories onlY differ cat loopini a '.62.5.01. in the fare- the line and in a conspicuous place, Were flungry,Wtilitant Is Free Feed� from , those . -in t seated a body of elderly Sachems, of each tears I and. blood,' -farewc My Away from, home with nothing on the country b y their ull. 601r, supposin g at ' the time it AS ceatt" oox68', farewell. Time's: brief work in Among,the-pasHengers wbo-'w6nt away my Eain&T " Win.eii I JaCk my'study obimpi In ipleasaint odors are and aid U! tL dfii6oveitb6 talloy_8tjokS to'S ene eye, by whic , ut I 0 tribe, with knives and Cars the face at ateinity, a ray, of -6616Stial joy Saturday night was 9, woman. . She WAR or office ifoor';'am'I re that Daddy kept from becoming troublesome � to the next mor�f6gAt: ]�Toirltpelier,.-Vt., where I he the game. The rules governing tbe game i a quite on Metin g 'Willi am P. H falls upon -me and takes way every -fear, poorly yet neatly dessbd, her facp wore an Care igBafe n id6, , andL n't a -neighborhood. There is also a, small room -took lots ill ere somewhat intricate. . Noie at the- ihatt there is Id and''I now know boi easy it is toi, die.": ' expression of anxiety and care� her thin feaL. crack, nor a crevice througli'which he can its Be to for the wealibier' people;. in aliQut,a.fortili�Iii ago in.Montpelierthe to players were allowed to touch' 'tha b :Thus end I ad the most'elcquent ple' and shrunken bandis made herIcak as 0 tpAr bur . ne I d L apart. In a' 6d`paid . tw-ent'y-five faieke with hand or foot, until dxi'ven beyond the. escape and folio all _ P eim hw W'met' the -Isle of Skye hich Y have their dead I
Made yany prisoner'16 court. The ' he fiati taoted a morsel of food in'two or Jersey T1 Well, nine inuBt just make orof tbi,H pri etit they - instead a. Mr.,Hill remarked ilia& byes " or landmarks. a be ,,a yace apartm� oithre' at', row affect on he Judge and 'audience wits months. Trouble �vas, plainly depicted on pay 208., while thoao' who. prefer to be Ali. iqosb,Hubiphrey, 8uperientendent of back by hand toward Or, into the Centre of Isureth there -is no'chance the area, when the:%ame proce6ded as marked Thepriso. er was impMs oried in her Countenance. .. It took, every, cent ahe' or�evon .of his being d&rrieo!i Away in, the burned, in ctirnpsn� pay about the fifth [;art the - Co"ord' 'Horse Railroad; :was 6,, 'his .utterance, and. -was more than eyer� In d to buy,'a ticket ib: order to "reach I bar -packed -:1 qf4his sum. The fuel only CoStg.aboUt lie. "I Fquare dealer,", and would, no.doubc, re- before., Their,mode of c6undug the game . pathetic and �oukbi1Jg.L-1?on de"stination. .Sh6washubgiy,butahehad neatly portmanteau. Vhy, the M 'S "P.M. .Aurn.theJg'old -beeEEfound-. was peculiar, the tailies-then. Lot being in rascal has been found; 6rei Low- in to.' 11. r o,! -which.-M ust-h ave giranite supports was all cases bound by� arbitrary -rules, -but -'left, 14011RU 1111(� -no-means-wberewith,;to,�pur�hi6e--io6d,;'-�gh-e- y6 ef-orawo Which are ' laid � on the in the box. A letter, Writtew to Supt. to the exercise of a certain de ires. of dis- Ve a look into the, gate'teuddit's benevolent trick of his to conic popping outpi the, post. earthen- floor, arid', from cach 'of these Humphri stating the facts, and on Sattir. George Ernest Morrison bas,'jtist com. g , tink thaaallesare gathered and day,23ranit.,a, letter was iecei4ed fromi file, that,quickly, tuched -his Sympathetic bag with, How d'yo do ?". and a, '"-Here Inbar put cretionary po-wer. E ach pass ' a of, the crosetbe continent of Aus- rn.' Th' a 4 no'emell him i qlo"* K9 pleted.a walk a heart. Re devined her''thoughts. 116went We Are again." And lie has been frequently saparately into an u at is I in sing the,dold -piece, Which, had ball between the goals At the and of. the tralia, a' distance (:it 2,000 milesi in � 1,20 with bar to.tbe djnitig-room,ana told One knoV6 tin'takis the telegraph and'' be down , a annoy E612Y one,' and no nuisance. Ter- bean gonelfor six months, ;and stating the play -ground counted one, 80 long 'SH the� days, Passing thiough' uLinhabitAted of the waiters to give the wom; rat at 'the . sesside; ready I to Meet his rible as cremation may, I contest was nearly equal ; but for' 'over t 1 6 oat I at 13- x0ense, And t a railway plat arm. . pro I coss a tppear to. sort, a, -the day a I in which it asiound, aiia saying 'he the put. wastes, where sometimes intervals of hi:e the gate-tander unhappy Slave on � In i far less hideous in its details, was glad the true owner - had ' mado hisi pose Of PrOttftctilig. the game, , whenever 6V6� hundred miles wake intervened between than ,Jhat,which bao'its albw course in the claini-so clear. 'eonc � V (]tV. 11.) Mondor one party.became considerably in advance human. habitations, be-liad to qarry..� returned to big j?ost aud punched tickets The best way tb,.s6v6id so uhpl6aaantA 0) ft� BWai and ainswered questions. After his lab6rio reunion "With cars, or businesb ig'to set to deep, narrow,b6d in' which the, fl6*or- of the other,. the talley.chidfs were �`ailowad, with provisions aiid,appamtuB for.cookIng, for th . a d I ay were over he the eating work! about Bix *asks beforehand to �pre. covere(TCAD is lowered from our sight— Weather report-A.clap of thunder. to check or curtail their Count in I prq.p . or- and this, of cour8bo Materially impeded,bis house a Pare in every way for the sumniner holiday. all Mall, . Gaz . ette. tion to the exceim For ir,sta to carry rid,evoluired the -amount of his b nee if the, rate' For�wich, is an'. intereating Eri�lidh of traveling. o had asUP- The' -meek response was $1.30. For, a -Frojis It Palmg Day�,",ExtraR61idayNnm. bO3 leading PAty ad rUn ti� &,,regular count -ot)gh. Jit ii" One of the 'threo' oldest in 'ply of waier in some I), afts of big rolitso moment ilia gate-tendbr felt weak; big' legs ber �f Casgell's Aiinily kiigqzi�e. M. It Wati iu of thirty., while their opPonatitti'liad The St. Petersburg corrospond6noC.6f the X111946 borporated by lium- where water could only be found at very Seemed likaly to give. way. At ligt; in a; bered but fifteeu, the talfies- men, At � their g intervals. Part of the way led, il�bky the idependancc,,Velge Avers tbah political Charter gr�uied. by King Edward the can- discretion and by pofiBent of each'other, Ion voice,- he askedf I What did that' The— following adveitisemaint Scantly priaoners in Russia Who are SAn1An6AiI to fessor, in the bleventh'oentury. the juris. through a district inhabited by hostile woman op inthough unknown ,t T' The waiters banded i the appeared irr' London newn� r to the -players, would blacks, who, in revep a -jaierci�. r:* " A -hard,-labo, a river, for beitigap, U a aw- . Spring chic 6 , tj credit the Rettlera, "dlad--to he of 9, utteridl�ness. No books- but a'.Te6Kfheni, akf,far 0416ithersidbas annati4t6nding notches for three . passages of: the, ball berry obortorike, three boiled ii twoicupm seboolma8ter, of the old School, in.London, no 6ne tinapeak to,, the strait viaiatcoat is in 6 boat ima Mid river can throw ` $116.: - aboy� little roercy to any white Main , who of toa, four biscuits, two bauan'a6. 'The . I on varying from tirne to tiule'according to the Who would Undertake to puni6 hot son, a, t, proij 6, tape The Guildball is of b ' sh state of the game. The object Of this who, though docil ' . I � 'prisoner is :taken' for a I alk once udien t descripion ; t here -iS also a ducking cornea in their way�-Pittsburg D64atch. warm-hearted Paid tbe� bill., boy of 17, applied the smalles Dd r t a MO i6 a, 113, -exces- th, w course was to For two, months to comb it wili be ugeloiss sively idle, And, careleseI and sbewbuld in, a month for a quarter of an hour. Under Chair for scolds, And two drums with the' protract the game And to Tbe/gri iron gato'of the barracks (if the, for hungry-looking'Wori to attempt to increase the 9haueement,while despondency p,nyAl Irish CotBtabulary at return be Willing t6offor him any reasoba. tbia,treatment body and Mind sootibrohk borough' arms emblazoned ' upon - thern,'�' Kilmee4,' attract his' attelItion—utica (N. Y.)''Ob- h were beatexi� to summon the coth- upon either side was prevented' and blele6unponsation. Address, Stating tervas down. whic' the County.Limerick, w"aB recently,taken off its, i;erver. nonalty to see the immersidu of those chance -of ultimate victory increased. hinges and Carried aWay by. some persons, and whan'thb boy may be sent to him A gentleman was talking, to-tbe owner of Frequently by this discretionary mode of tinknown, and the police have thus fat boon Cheerfulness is just AS. natural to -the The Echo remarks t"t the willow Z;�Xtt.d a ferocious bull dog, and asked him the counting'the game was continued for'three un6ible'to fut4 it, or any trace of itri, pdr.' heart -of main in strong health a's color to the most important. paticulat,'13almely, question: Do'yon, think our dog would A philosopher Says': in the 66onomy- or foui days. loiners. The tin . InAppyconstabulAry force the cheeks -, anol wheneverthers is habituial the. height And weight of her refractory become fand . --6f 16 Biroing6k IThe giirn6 on this occasion, of nature nothing is lost. The inside of an was commenced by about sixty,players'on ire byno means, certain that Ah glom thre'rilust be 'either bad airi U ffsrrepliedibe dog fainder, Ii'if h,�waa raw, 'orange ms�y rafr�sh,oue man,' a rough , ol.aocn. I in 11- r ' I I a 8 , rUlt'L MA ' Y, serve as M .each side, who advanced from -their re- humorists in'tbeir vicinity riiiglit . hot take. impTorerly severe, 14boil di, he has t is an astrologer that always but'� be wouldn't if' the strivager s ouiside6fibeain' f BP06tive lines' with croosesin lworoiwanited.- in, I -oil' . -Calderou. . I I . . . I . W L medium for braakl g, another man's legi.10 their "handsl,theri too if.they bits. vines the truth. t pened
�s a da ab