HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-20, Page 7r 7-71 UPIIVIIN OUR Makes -I, And will continueluntil the w GOING ole stack` is cleared. out. Butter and Eggs�s taken' the same as cash: • _inarkec in plain figures. ESTATE OF' TI- ,E LATE J. A.11 the goods HODG�NS, O 1NTON.. . Stayner merchants suffered heavy loss Hardware VESTOOLS—Forks ITAR T and Handles Scythesfres Rakes, &c.,large stock, selling very cheap. We make a specialty of MIXED PAINTS ' being sole agent for the .celebrated Cleveland GUTTA PE.RCIIA. PAINTS- which are alwforll . �tys ready use, and kept -in stock. in a coloi,s.: Also the Canadian brand of fixed' Paints .ket' in stock. P S. DAVIS, Clinton. Daily A,rrivn� OV1R .$fi oa e Enghsh, Cot1rigs, GE'r Y T our, SPRING SUIT NOW. Scotch �. Irish �Torste�.s, verges; by.fire ou Sunday.:! Cholera continues to spread in Egypt, and the excitement is-incfeasing. Hanlan is .pretty good' in hanlan' the oar ; the only thing that can; beat will be a steamboat. . THE Manitoba papers, excepting, the Winnipeg Times, support Mr.`Mowat in his endeavor to administer justice in the' disputed territory. It is reported that Messrs. Blake and Mowat, the Liberal 'leaders;, both of whotn>are at` present in Fingiand in. eon- nection' with Ontario. litigation ' before the Pirivy,Council, Will have. an infor- mal discussion with the English Liber ll leaders as to the Dominion Government's. aggression uponprovincial1ig 1t S. • A rather good story, wbjob 'We• have. 'net yet seen in print, is told in coniiee with,' Mr. Blake's hist. -great s ,eech on a E.. the Pacific Railway. Mr.:. Blake Lied got tho.roti hl warmed >i i to his sub ject,-'andwas.' Waxing tore -and more eloquent on the shortcornings'of the rail- Jay policy ot'the government, when one, of the Hansard reporters, ;cunningiti to teJieve. s1 1>i•otLet s ribs, and wishing to L catch. the connection of the. speech, ask- ed where the, old',•lentletnaii lynx, -"On the south branch of .the Saskatchewan, running down grade and, going 'like. h l;" was the emphatic. A :gleet phase of the 1Strnday ?arbor question has just cropped up in.Toj•:onto. An elder of KnoWFPresbyterian church there, employed to the Postoffice has conscientious 'scruples: about working on Sabbath.' The gentleman had, deter mined to resign his position rather than longer desecrate the Sabbath, :but his pastor,, Rev.'' :Mr. Parsons, advised hien to"the contrary, and to throw upon the • Government' the responsibility', of dis charging hint for not. ;working on that. day. •Mr."„ Parsons may have helped helped the elder out of the dilemma so far, -hut ire has pitched Sir Jolui A. on to one of•its horns.. It will be'amus- ling to notice how •the political contor-. tionist will .extricate himself .to his own, the elder's and Mr.Parsons'satisfaction'. Lord Duff4iii.— lways pats in a good word for Canada when he,finds oppor -trinity:. A -t -a banquet-tenderedAiim--by- the Erxipite•Club at' ,London on Wed- nesday•night (at which Hon. Alexander Macheniie and Sir ;h:nrlesTupper were pteseit)hepredicted a grind future for tt u Dotruinion. • His Lordship sat • he. beijeved that .before, the 'Clime ,of next centi;ly thepsllulation of C i nail Will ill lave -increased to fort millions .'.lie thought the people of England were• be- colnin aware of.'„the attachmentwards, the Mother Ceuntry, that :existed-. in the colonies; and' -was sure that the _ Ge' eminent. would'::'.,.never 'repeat: the• error which cost then the United States. The great ittle mail -. Chas. H. Strat- ton .(more widely known '.is Gen. Torn '.l7hu;mb) is dead:' Foi 'more:,than: a quarter of a century he .had been loot:_ ed upon al, one, of the wonders of the world: Te the young Torn Thumb was, f ' a ft •source o£.-dehght;-and 1.to:-see +h r ;t.iidget at one of his . matinees was t'h u brtion f childish aspire: loll. Tom had hal chequered career. He had travelled Over a' large part of ;lobe; and hobnobbed with Kings 'end Queens.'_. •It "will be 'remembered that the .last time his .Mend was prouii- '1 fitly before the public was on the :.oc- c siert of the great llilwarikee fire from ,shish he narrowly escapedWithhis life weeds, Inmiense stock'to ;selet from. WHO NEVER TAILS 'TO C5I'VE SArISI'ACTION ` IS STILL- -CUTTER. ,OUP' Prices away down. - l Big of New • Patterns. y Low Prices, Black V ac 1� and •ol • . , d c .I And everything t ,y h>nb usuallykept in a first-class DryGoods Iso i�P p 1.. SPRING St SU MER HATS- ON THE WAY, FULL The way. thisgovernment encourages agriculture and helps the farmers is il- lustrated by these two facts : In 1878 wool was worth 29 cents;' in 1883 it is. worth onl.y, 18 cents I In ''1878 the ..tax on . agricultural implements .were 17;- per 7}per cent ,: in 1883 it is 35 per cent ! Thus the -farmers suffer a decrease of 11 cents on their aool; and an increase of 17 per cent, on the cost of their irnple menta . A special despatch fion1 Rat Portage states that the Ontario of£lcials:reinain. in undisturbed possession of north-west- ern Ontario, and: the services of the spe -cia-1--constables-enrolled- in'view of em Our iner.o s ,(r • `1Sli ,F 1 trade t(. e l 1 11 other <l � 1, � : � c' .0 iLtte , )< Ili , 5 On l l �. sine, 5 us fol rvi. ,'i, !: of rooln to m 7 , S - v' K -`. �,o olit_.of .7�0�01',,.�(h , iI I+a � � O S "and. O.C�,OCI:�L1�Y & ,GLASSWARE, GLASSWARE. ; . ' I ,.-Y ..0, 01 l LLL ova A17.1.OL1, 4I' ( t 0 �1. U1� I'•IIP:,,i., . Goei AT- COST. 11. COATS 4i SON, Ciiitor itJOtS THE BOOT MACER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS 9F Men, Women and Children's !toots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and• complete iin all departments. ALL GOODS SOLD. CHEAP FOR GASH. 0: CRUICKSHANK, BRIC1i BLOCK, CLINTON No other medicine is SO reliable' as Ayer's Cherry Pectoriali for colds, coughs, and all derangements of the 'respiratory 'organs tend- ing toward consumption. In all ordiilar\ cases it is a certain cure, 'and it affords. sur relief . for the asthmatic. and .consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease RAILWAY TIIYIE CARD,. Trains leave Clinton as follows :-- GRAND -GRAND TRUNli 0A1r: wiy. Going East: Going West, 6.15 aim, express- 8.20 aim. mixed 8.20 aim. mixed 1.17 p.m express 1.17 p.m. express 6.15 p.m. '.mixed' : 3:50 p.m. mixed' 9.00 p.n1, express '. GREAT' WESTL RN RAILWAT. Going North. Going South.. 9.25 aim. express-- 8.20 a.m express 6.10:p.n1,\express 3.50 -p.m. express "eietN'IY•1% •:MABKI7IZS. Thursday,',July 19; 1883. Wheat, scot = $0 98 'a 1 00 White wheat, - 0 95 'a 0 97 Spring, O 99 a 1 00 Oats; - 0 40 a 0 41 Barley, 0 40' ti 0 45: P 0 2(1 "a 0 7> Flour, 5 00.,'1 5 50: Potatoes, O 2a a 0. 30.-. 0 •15 - a tl 15 O 15 a' 0.16 '8 00 a ' 9 00 ment is unrivaled and magnificent, being'composed 6 00 a - , J • ' of Most..Coinfortable nnd. Beautiful Day Coaches; 6 Magnificent Horton Reclining Cnnir. Cars, Pu11= SO a 0 75 : man's.P,rettiest•Palace- Sleeping' Cars,. and the Best:-. Lino or Dining Carsiin the. World. Three Trains 0 5 a T 00'' 'I between Chicago_ Meng senuri- in a apoiis a: anti 'St. - —8 O0 a ....._5......, o`7 Trmny batwcea Chloago, and Minneapolis anil'81 gas, ergency have not been bronght into re The Norquay Government i�isiti u. T o N t o q o q y Sutter; hasmade no move towa,i'ds enforcing Eggs,, their licenses to 'cuttimber, which are• :'.:Ray,::- now regarded as useles. The majority "Hides,: a y Shoop pelts.- of the:people are well disiiosod towards Lamb peltskin s; Ontario,.:and are ]silliing ,to relinquish'' Pori: their,Manitobiin charter for one from :'Beef - - the Ontario Government. Clover, iI Timothy; Zfl7lNFliiii Lightning Wool 1. AlJ 1 S -t .instnneeus relict,' for ' Neuralgia, the l. y HO IS UIJAO LIRIN TED WITH THE OEOo0APILY OF THIS 00L4. . TRY WILL SCE ay EXAMINpJ%rHIS/RAP THATTHE .: ri; i •.r 1 �� fc� , > r �.a•� �, •« .�... CHICAGO, ROCK ISI A I &PACIFICIWY Cailathe atWitionof,travelersto'•thocentralrpooi- tion. grits.' line, connecting tho East and the West by the, shortest route; and carrying passengers, without change of cars •between Chicago -and Kan- sas City, Council Bluffs, Leaveitwonth, Atchison; Minneapolis and St. Paul. Iteonneets in Union Depetswith:all the principal lines (dread between the Atlan tin and, the Paeitle :Oceans-. Its equip • - - 650 a 8 00 • S 00 a .S 50 00 a 2.p0 }, O 18 'a 0, IS. Heai1'lche,. Toothache, &o• Bribbino a few The Greatest Ilenlina Ooioi,ouud dregs briskly is all that is needed. Notaking nauseous medicinesfor weeks, but one min- ute's application removes .all:, pain and will prove the great value'. of Iirahi s Fluid Lightly-, ins.'Teenty•five cents per bottle at J. H. Combs's, drug storey i • Is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline'and cerate called McGregor &`.Parkels ' Carbolic Cerate..::11 will cure any: sore,' cut, barn or "1 mi,e when all other preparations fail. Call at J.'H- •Cornbe's drug store and get 'a :pacic- age. ',:Twenty-five cents is all it costs, Bridget Fox, of Burlington, . Io•w,t, p . ''■ ,'S1 ,IIIT':: 18°9 ftl who lived alone in .'i house sheathed with item was 5eported to be rich. Lately two men hocked- her down in her yard and took :$1,500 from the waist' of hes' dress The Ont Government nment decidedoil I \FID Sub%c,rlbol will tontinlle the business �'Vf'dllesdAy rallt`tOW$rd$ e'.f foirnecly currieonreceiby-thve e H arni.opntinuof Newtti¢iron f Dennis, and,hopes to a of the suit' by the Londtllon floods of the 'Metal patronage heretofore enjoyed, irio C to g eters the spm of $5,00, and, `acting on the principle that he gives twice Who gives quickly, the Government will at once send the•money to the treasurer of the relief • fu nd. ''vire- have been informed by rspecia1. cable despatch• that the Mercer case has been decided• by the Judicial Comittee - of the Privy Council m cil in favor of the Province of Ontario. This will'. be wel- come news tc the friends of and believ- ers in Provincial rights all over the Dominion, for by implication, if not by express declaration, the;; judgnjent in this case must of necessity go a long way towards defining the status of.the. Provinces under the' British North' Amer is t Act ,—Globe.S" - The r lht \err, York, cigar manufacturers airanaed to close their shops2- n; to m out over7,000'a an .1 b, 0 i. Cla r•. bunch makers, and 3,000, : packers and strippers,' and other manufacturers have appointed .a committee to look after their interests They claim the men would prac'tic illy . rill the business if they were- permitted to dictate and say 'who shall be eniployod and, other-' mat ters they a§sume to .-e.egulate. ' .The manufacturers will' make no terms:ex; cept on unconditional surrend. Terr.oisni still exists in Jsflerson, Tex as Thea - issnssins of -Jude- -Haugh; oponly defy the ;authorities. The M- I torno -Genet it has been appealed to for Y aid, and the charge is maid that, the mails are being tampered with at Jef- ferson. Judge "H.augh's' horse was first, shot and its rider• placed on his "knees in theroad until the match• conlcl be lighted ---to 'see if the right m' n a been. o had secured. Midst ,hip earnest entreaties for rner cy'"for the Sake of •his • wife and child, the ruffians'killed the Judge. • • 13013N. 131.ot fN. Iii Stapietori on the 13th iest., t11(1 wife yf'Mr, Thos. EErow:it, of a son; I3r, 1cI tD•• ., l l s... t) e 17th • lust,, al, "tile ]e.sidencu of the bride's father, by Ret D.AVllliams, assisted .by lirvda: J.: T. Itice rand \V. Cleo el e, Re v. 'fbc,tti.,iV,lllatdlfol`l 13, .'l: •of I.og loci • Sonth, g" ,..otitb,to 1li.y Maria l';lu, bci;li; yoan editor and staff,. 111 'n' g - e -t �lrinrlitfr of' .Cl•umrtn Jl.Iclncts, 1aHq,:.t t (, cl t..;lhui�, ,l hoiid,ay )f am r rnf' i'n th , 1.` l •nsl4'i :i f 1• sec:kin"' 's 0100 a0« 1 0011 o 'rl t( J.l t r S li J ]. ail c I .11,l,y s: sot a ill; n 1, l valley in the vesb, u'bi;re ilii; iv toil` care FTAnrli:.—r1t, .(ha •1•esidclicio of cto.7 t1 ry cern-it1 (].;t.t. l'. A. 4.,100rl ,o;i,Clintnr, '.ru the 11th:' illiee-11. (1 \hri:lianis d . t c' int itt t by l ee,'7f. ,eeteenee of I Ippon,'ford,, e11 Tilt 5(n ( n Il'7 f> • 1 1, t . '•'- •ll:i', Inh r Suri(„ til llcnstll, to thus1 nil lt., 7 � • tc1 c] 8o ht, Ii+,� It lite 1 he 111 11 1�nlsll;trlul 0l(,llntnn tinu•ihrau�h -�• ( tel o{.lt<lhit) uu list ur Trc,'ol', ivsitlts,l i c0 ,r dtr,,,uttll,r,i, I11u1 wos I wall 1 l., B t" , t, t"itougltti of, ..1'1115, On), • To -take`. paper and 1iefuso•to'pay for it is; Under the now l_7niited States post , , guilty '1 � theft, Intl th al a v, < c l,olsou of aitch au sot is htilalt to crimtnttl' 'process, the same as. if at calnmoii tinefl h 'a sto1- els from the )nblishc 1 the-emoulit.of the i Stibscrption, Here %s .t pi r;tg1•,ilill; (ADA fills.onr sof l With e.nv. ,.•-"'('mise will lie no issue of 3 the •iin'a7 Hein.,'•;" h N< <ct,ert , '' l .•tt It { } HARNESS,' ALL KINDS: TRUNKS, 'VALISES, 1�V HIPS, COMBS, &C. 1frieetriiiiways reasonable. W. L. ;1N'EWT OZT, CLINTO\T. 'J BII DLECO:MB;E, Watch and Clock- Maker, JEwELLIt'e , ,tc., (itt.vo IL`E TKLE A1AKKCET,.CI.tNY'TON • Where he keepu clect assortment ef • L-'YER- rYATC06 H�S, "CZfiS, JE1N LEERY S/ WARE; • which we will self at reasonable rates. RHpairing of every description promptly at tends(' to; and all•work warranted. • .1 BIDDLECQMBO. Benton, N ov. 1882. BONY 'CAilf1PBELL BARBER SFIQP =- OPPOSITE CITY. PPOSI E - THEPOST O]iFI .E•, CLINTON. Ila,rdreaaing;shoving.,ahanrpoon ate. ,attended ;to re.. and ..Offices t to c s o et S L PERTtIN',8 ELOCK. - II.E C. E,R WER. Manager lllareh'22,1881. The Moisons Bank, Clinton IMPORTANT NOTICE. N eonaoquoneo' of the low price of Rags, \te8srs. Harland Bros. and S, Dayis, tinsmiths, have agreed to dike no'w:ore.in trade, we have' purbhaad all their rigs on hand. Ilaving a thorough ''knowledgo,of sort• 7 for the various Mari et • we u v are nowprepared' t o 6 buyt s both in bulk and s' ii rig o nut tots ; cub pull for the large lots, trade for the sm til. . The highest price paid for tailors and merchants clips in cash, and a trifle paid for their'othor clippings in trade.: We also tike. old earpot: rope. tagging, cppper, brass, iron, and ensh paid to farmers, blacli5miths and others for large its, and'tri,do for small quantities. " W; MA1itiCN, edler, Olintnn:" A DRY KILN CALL AND SEE IT'A 1 COOPC & Mc 'ENZI �( E'S P : lQiilNO MILL r rift h7 su2IcriboJ:l, tvitil0 trims i31 trait ,nany cads 110117,,. ,,r t cis, fur the extended to them lc;ira • `to1ntitnati that in connection with their factory Near tla'o Brand 'Prul k Rar1w 'I`hiy h;tit•o 011) 2eifa 112 10111 i1) 10),' er511,11 them1,1020pi•olnhly152),',tvcr.'t1 otc05(0 11!) o,'IrI( in thoi'. 1 P au' A ✓ ; r kt' l I .111 •tl: Y t r,s rind Material rnrilished at frs .rin test 'possible nOtisc and 0(1 ) 1lt,hln, lt,v . a•• 11Tr ilila)R keep on 51111' tlr } cls;• a 11`(,3,1x`, 111111 11 a spa.ltlt;y of 1112F., nhxh 12)11 he shin 1 250 lettibt: prinea, ' C5nton,,1n35-'o, las:l foot I,'ft, 0 +ltlft,v2.1b. "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A; Drew ani); Direct Litre, via Seueca and. Kanka-' lace: Ilea recently been opened between Richmond. Nerredk N ew.port Nevis, Ohs ttanooga\\Atlante, Au-- ('usta Nashville Louisville, LesiagtohCincinnati,. Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate "points. All Train•Ph,ou hPassen gera Travelon Fast Es resa "• Tickets for sale at alt prmcipai: Ticket Offices fn '•; the*United• Statcs and Canada. - .: -•Ilagga)e checked throl1;gh and : rates. of fare al- .• 'ways. as Iow as competitors that offer less.advan- F fargce ..: o, detailed'iuforraation; get the: Maps. and Fold ere Of the •CREAT` i3CK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office. or address 10. R. CABLE, E. ST: `JOHN,- ' :.- Prc.n; Golf! 1 ,5,, Gea'1•Tht'5• Para.•;/ .IaICaf`n • rowLER tsz, sox, BEST STOCK OP' IOLiN STRINGS IN TQWNT. `INE PLATED •WARE NEWEST DESIGNS 104 JEV�/1LERY Repairing `'done Promptly. .•'ort, y Ma �.2dt"h� .' 188... el tk 1 remie71" .04al. utmlbia. 0 LAMPS, (0NC:S, SADDLr BAGS, tND•F1:LL LJIs1; • OF FITTINGS IN -STOOK.. Send 3c.. Stamp for catalogue mei 11,t .e'r new anti. second-hand" machines: In stock.. • ,A- T. LAI'IE, 'MONTREAL SEEDS E D_ -! SEEDS , NOW IN STO(IR FRESH FIELD AND OSRDE" SeeeYe , roth.n opt reliable .Secd'-Lsme+'-n: AOOMiSE Try our chase Te,a at 50 c. per Ib.'" I .c»V—TST€ 1N•S. TRY FRAM AN'S 0! LFI37IATED RAMS. SALT A lame quantity of Land Salt ilii. stook. _., J. 11IcG1RVA: Albert Street: Clinton, April 6, 1883, FARRAN & TISI)4LL B A TTy.N-Bl i-ls- $11., CLINTON, 51 0(3 '0)15 ;T(3 JOHNSTON, TJSBALL & GALE'.' f. \.ItAN4AC1'.A Ur,NA]1.r., .A;A'{trr l)N 1`3,8,:.'. \Inne3lt+i',1;aneMlon luctglA(Sat;ewI,w7\d �oltoe•ofhIsna. Drafts istmed payable at par, as on 500 dOlclo of tho' Merchant's 13105 of Canada, NOW Tot It cicllango bot,f;ht thud suJri, Yur,T 0'3 tTT155xsov PAM '15 CO, 1,L0 LI0xs thronahon i, (71111-2(10 11.1143 t1140J1li tortBUatos.. SALE NCTi S BCUC19T a1 noire rates, •mid money' a<dvSn)od to corm 511, 011 2311.11'11W11 1161, 1,,nrati}#Gngth, 1)10oto•v.ii(t he btn;r' t,, AI) marketable 0051111-` tiasbonlfh trio ll'sohl, • DA s0N >, ' � 71.E 1 r 9 1 t91,` r� ,rx.TT/ Es,r,l r 13) lira; r>- (I.V /:o/ /)s'r ;, • A; AN,. Ti'$l3 R:1 5; ;1x, 't` 1 t7,tii lin