The New Era, 1883-07-20, Page 5ti FOR SPRING' & SUMMER TAYLOR & Our stock for the spline, ..and summer trade will be found very complete, being much larger than ever before", and for quality and syt le cannot be excelled, and will be offered at prices to - suit the closest buyer. —We' manufacture both SEWED and PEGGED ZVORK, CUSTOM POR K•satisfaction. and guarantee tof give . lines a ar e assortment, ve>< y ch p irunlrb & Va g: 5 - 5 per cent discount for ._ taken. i;n exchange -for -Boots and Shoes' The highest price•paid•for Eggsg AV. TAYLOR & SON, , Coats Block .Clinton , NEW Go.uB-s- 1 Spring; nes of Boots- and Shoes. P � •" it to .' x.50, Alen's Boots ranging from $1 per pa up $ . Women's iter$2 per': Prunellas from 60c. upward. Gaiters and Bals, pair. Call early and secure good 'bargains. e still sell largequantities quantities of 3 TE lb.. for' $1, eglial to . •ome dealers' 50 cent Tea. POTATOES_ WANTED. PRODUCE TAKEN' FOR GOODS. March, 1S83 TH'HO14IPSON &._SWITZER:- 0 New Maple S gau A few al Tins Maple Syrup. ....I g ., Flies!) and Bail fas. t h i)t �>le� ts, �,et�it+►uI s Good g fresh Man old, Turnip & Sorghum 'Seeds. J.. Cuninghame,-Clinton. toc 0 Ott b. ,1e Stoc �rlar�e -` Or �„ car 0 b r r t C a � .sr�. . . � S � 1 oC, res. woo '112at, 4OE Sty 21,1 4-270 �s AROUNDIt THE COUNTY. An accident happened at Blytb, on the 12th by the accidental discharge of a revolver while in the hands of Mr. B. Gerry, of Brussels. Mr..GerrY was in the' act of ,discharging the revolver to call the attention of the different lodges in order_ to get them to form in proces- sion, when the hog se he was riding threw back its head and the piece went off, the ball striking Mrs. Campbell at the: waist,,; making a slight flesh wound: The bullett struck a button and glanced- off.g The shootin was purely acciden- tal, tal,' but Mrs. Campbell's escape from being shot dead is'alinost miraculous. If a well be poisoned, woe be to those who drink thereat.. It is worse topoison the foun- tain of life for one's self, and for' posterity. Often by carelessness, or by:misfortune, or inheritance;: this -has-been done. Ayer's, Sar- saparilla frees the blood, the vital stream, and. restores appetite, strength and health._ A few days ago. a child of Mr. Bar- nett, teamster for Mr, Thomas Gowen - lock, Mcl illbp, got some glass in its eye, which caused it intense pain and ,endangered its eye -sight. M r. Barnett has taken the child to Toronto, and it. is feared theeye will have to be le - moved. Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thonsands of nen and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very; large numbers restore the ravaesiof, time by using the fam- ous 'Cingalese Hair Restorer: Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. Charles Daniel, deputy -reeve of- W. Wawanosh, while' going to .Goderich with a fractious horse, .got' thrown • out of bis buggy between the front wheel • and the -spring, ilijuring' one of his legs 'severely. He succeeded in stopping,his horse before going far, or matters. might have been worse. • Delays 'are dangerous, particularly in kid- ney -Diseases, idney.Diseases, so:t'eke at once Dr.Van Buren's &i:DynLGi1I R.s.nd obtain rdlief from all your anfferin`gs. `. Your, druggist .kairpr it. " Five valuable sheep belonging to Mr. Jos. Morris, Ga-rbraid, were worried by dogs last week. Last week Mr. John Glenn, of Glen- wdocl, sold thirteen head of cattle- the attlethe handsome sum of $81.80 per head.: This makes '; ],850" worthof stock which yI. Glenn has sold since -January. ' TJ Kt;v r-Korlr.--- Climax cough cakes. Qaick, sure Cure ; of;all dealers ; 15cts'. • -Last Wednesday a young man, Step- son tepson'of Matthew Finkfiner, Crediton,. was hauling gravel from ; Beavers .pit. When he came to the Sauble River, two -anal of Crediton, he went in to bathe' and was drowned'', in 8feet of water. I • Dps''r Pori IT.—Use Newton's.ene minute toothache cure.. Relief at once ; of alldealers, l5ets. John Taylor sold his farm, - lots 11 and 12, con. 1, Grey, . containing 200 acres, to Thos Smith, Morris township, for the sum of $7,500. Mr. Taylor has ,only had the place about to o years and a half and he cleared about $.1,850 in the sale. He takes this crop off before giving up possession. Mr. Smith' sold. his farm in Morris. to Deputy Reeve' Miller for $3,500. The farm contained. 100 acres. Salt Rheum Cured. ' Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough, Skin, Pimples or Canker sores ; if so, go at once to J. '- Compe's drug store and get a package of;:McGregor ;& Parke's Carbolic Cer- ate. Price twenty-five cents.- It was 'never known to fail. Last week tw:o'cows belonging to Mr.. Leopold V'auEgmond, of Egmondville;: died' • under. •peculiar ' circumstances. •ITpon dissecting; the stomach the folds. were completely decayed. and presented a -very singular appearance. The ani- • dialsdiet} within -twenty-four; hours of •each other. A simple herb found on the sunny plains of a Southern clime has, under the skillful. . manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved 000 oftale greatest bless; i, s e er to-sutiering humanity. Dr.Van Buren's XTDNEV Ging is ackoowlegetlall the ivnrld oval as the 'only, perfect remedy for: ' ,crit y`trznil•r•a:'• owe, druggist has ` it, A young lnau Baine d Glass who lately started ;z-bilk-cry-hr.Sea-featll;'in et tt•'itli; 1t loss a.:few d,trs.noas -by Ravine tate leer: of a horse: btokell: After many ys-trs, of patient .investigation lir: ur LSurep of Germany, finally succeeded urperfecting ,a Kielney Cure that would per- manently er manently relieve, alGases of ...Kidney .Disease. '1 Po sure'anask }tour DI fig gist 'for I.Yr.V iu l linren's Ktns-ty Obits 1,\It:.ildain1.line hts'sold his 'farm• being 'let 2, coaicbssioii 18, Grey, eon- tsining ll', -notes, for the sant of i4,00t),; . The tl ustbes have eneateed Air.. ;firt. 4',titagrov'r„ of Blui:Vale, to. to:Cert W ilto11 school durillo'•th-e iclautiniet ref the: }ecu•: itt a Ci lacy of $15.0; , - John .u. Vert, 11isiuil1cbi; s:iy °` llc(reg- or's Speedy 'Cure for 12yspepsia and diteltc es 1 tion is cheap at fifty times tlic price asked for it. 1 ani a c nrmer islurn, a na' travel continually, and ''world no n10re think of leaving home without aboLtie of Ivlo(re5,or's Sppedy (Jure in ny'valise than i would of. 1saving niy team.at home and going on foot,": Free trial'.bottles at J. I.I. 'Ocmbe's drug store. Regular size; fifty cents and one clollar W. Delve. of Exeter, broke hia' ilia ;at a barn raising Last weelc.. '• -John Brown, who wts so sertotisly hurt at Stice's barna raising, near.'Urari-. brook, is able to :get about on crutches. ltightning sti nek the barn of John Stewart, con. l5, Gaey, but did very little damage. Attrill, of Goderich, gave 30 quarts of strawberries' to each church ill Goderie i. FI i ed. Martin; a Saltford youth, asci den,,ta1ly..shot. himself .in the thigh with a_ revolver. He should be fined for having it in his possession. odeeich T3igh School will. introduce scientific temperance instruction. Sen- sible. - :u Kraal's' Fluid Lightning_ Needs no advertising when once introduced., Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others, by doing all and more than represented for Neu- ralgia, Toothache,Headache, etc. It removes any pain instantly, quick as flash. Try it and you will say it is well named Fluid Light- ning. 'Get a.twenty•live cent bottle at J. H. Combes drug store. Mr. George Strong, of the 6th con. of Ttickersmith, hada chicken hatched out a few days ago which had four legs, and of course an equal number of :feet. A gentleman aimed O'Neill, of-Ar- •thtir, ofle-ed''1411 ThdiiTas'Stepliets, of the Teen's hotel 'eaforth b rile suo � , f ten thousand dollars etsh -for. his - hotel ,property there, but he declined"the offer. Mr. 'Harry- Norton, of Luinley, i•e- Gentjy sold.a very promising; blood colt; ten days old, sired by Old Clear Grit, to Mr:: Andrew Morrison, of the 4th coir., Usborne, for the sum of $75. During the thunderstorm < on the afternoon of Tuesday'. a shower of frogs fell betweereSeaforth and 'Egulondville. -They" fe•ll in thousalads. ' - Rucklen's Arnica salve. The greatest medical wonder of tbe world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever Sores. `-Can ;cers, Corns, Totter, • Chap- ped fIands hap.ped'lland9 and'all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every inst Ince, or money refunded 25 oents'per box;: For sale by & Co. • Wihuim Wellwood,;of West Wawa nosh, who 'landed from '.Scotland "two weeks ago with 'four yearlingstallions, - and a, brood- mare, }las been making seine :good sales, selling to Leckliart and Tay]or " Huron Chief" for $850, •.to .J. and D. Farrier "Lord Bisby". for $850, and •to : Thomas Bell, ` of Londesbioto,_ "Robbie Burns" for $1,000. The latter offered harp $1,500 for his two_ year old; "The Lion;":butwas refused.: —s® A Messing 10 all Mankind.. , In these times when' our: Newspapers are flooded With patent rncdieine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what .o procure ,that will certainly cure you, If you aro. Billona, blood out of order, Liver inactive, or general-. ly debilitated, there id nothing in talc world thatwill auto you so quickly as Electric Bit- ters. They are a blessing to,all mankind, and -eat-be-had-for only --fifty Cents a bottle pf, Watts te,Co.. $1;000 FORFEIT: Iav ing,the utmost confidence in its superiority over' all others, and: after' thousands of 'tests of ;the most col 1pliceted anil severe t cases wgc n)dJind,w.eSeeL justified in offering•"to forfeltene Thousand -aro -liars fo any cap of coughs, colds, sore throat,' influenza, hrsoaeness, bronchitis consuinptlon in its early stages, who}oiling-cough; and all diseases ..of the throat. and .lungs; except asthma, for which we only claiin relief thi t we can't cure with )Vest's Cough Syrup, When taken, according to directions. 'Sample bottles 25 and 50 eats; large bottles one dollar. Genuine. wrappers muff, blue. Sold by alldruggist.,, 00 sent by ex - pr ss on receipt of price. John G, West & Ca., 81 6i 83 ling St..East, Toronto, Ont.. For sale` at Coinbe's ity Ciiiei \Varoroos. F1JR;v TTJ1-U STORE; CLINTON. THOS: • STEVENSON` 2Ta[ing'moved into his new brick store' t QPFOSITE THE TOWN :BALL, .Begs leaveto state'to his'numerons friend, in Clinton' •.;cud the snrriiunding country, that he keeps • on hand. as superior quality of Furniture of all kinds, stall' 55 BEfR00V1 `& PARLO.R SETS Of. the latest -styles, also 7 BEDSTEADS ' SLDEBOALDS • BUREAUS;.: TABLES," And everything that constitutes furnishing a.hou e in hid lute which he .will sell at the lowest :lit in p1 afit. 1 ask a sharp of the,publicpatroasgc, being thankful for past: favors -and hopeful.' for the future. The public arcs invited to:call and see for,theniselves. ']'FIGS. STEV.GNS()N. charm„:Ik 1y 1882 AYER S - ars -a p ar t E POVULAR DRY -GCOJJN flflE-- During : the month of July we will offer Parasols at s ecc ial reduced rices to clear: Print Remnants at special reduced prices to clear: Dress goods at special reduced prices to -clear. Tweeds at x special educed.. rices to clear. Tweed . Remnants at about' half. pri ce to clear. Ajob lot Children's Boots price to clear. STOCK - OF HARVEST sT COLPLETE., of: is Goceries ComqleteIstock Rock Bottom prices of 0�'i'1 p pees I and Glass Jars. .at half TOOLS 1 I .. ugars W \L The '1Vlagnificent :Ne- Scenery Ordered ,some tirne: ago 1)y� Beaver l3lock, Clinton. Has arrived. Their . studio is now completely equipped, and. contains as great variety of scenery and accessories as the best city establishments. SPECIAL' ATTENTION TO 'HIGHLY FINISHED CABINET WORK. BEAVER: BLOCK!'.CLINTON _TES ,Where is- the best place to deal this. • year , tarr 1 cures Ittu uttiatii,m, Neuralgia, Rheumatic C.out,--general I)eUi]Ity; Gaitarrli, and- 411 ' disorders, caustd:by a thin and impoverished, , o corrupted Condition of. Hie blood; expelling' the blo6ilporsons:ifro(i tllc� sjsleih enriching'. 'and :renewing the.blo�d sail/tcstoring its vital, ting power. • 1 bite ;,a lona period of', tutlt'ttall5ticd useful- ' MOss, Aiors 8AusAL/f.ILr.t h,as, proven its: perfect adaptation to the' ewe of all diseases otliginating in poor blood and a weakened vitalit lit 185 ldglily,concentrated' extract; of Sorsa parihn_ arid• other 1)1°0i:1 -purifying 'roots,, . combined with Iodide of Potdissinni and. : Iron, and is the safest, Most reliable; nnlil most e4orioinical bleed -purifier and blood-00d, that can be nsecl• . . Inflatntnatory ILheuniafi,Itt.Crn�e.c7 ---_. AvETt'S S,kflSAIARIr.T.A'. hal cnri,d Hie of the 111151 amatory Itheumatisnf, iutli which 11 hark buffered for many gear:5. )v .11. ?Tort l;.'.' 1)urlrairi, 15., ll,:irell 2, 1882: Eight -vett rs:ago I had an attack of ]tlievntiat- tilst os0scverethat[could not move from tile bee, or iters without help. I riled several remedies , wihot v ut much if any relief„ until I took e1v i iv , S 0R5AT'AILILLa, by tato 5880 of two' bottle 5 of f Which lovas completely cured I have not been troubled•with the Rheumatism since. llav e'sole large quantities' 00 your SAItSAFAlttLr,A,.unl it . ttllt•r a• popularity.. ..filar et. ins its wonderful o ularit �. • The; t notable cures it has effected in this viohiityecin v uto the that it is the best blood 'medicine ever. offered• -to -}hu -public, 10. F. TIARI Is." ltiver St.,L'uckland, Mass., May 13; 1882. j' Last March i was so weak frog i general de- bility that I Could. not walk without help, Fol- lowingtTteadviceof tfrlend,Icommenced takiu ., NYD:IC'3 $ARSAPARII L.t, Slid before. I had used'. tlttco bottlesI felt at well as I ever did in my life. , ' have been at work now for two months and think your SAOSAIARILLA the greatest blood medicine in the world. JAMES DTAS- AtiD." 520 West -12d St., Nt'. York, July 10,1882. , 11 tilt's sn]tsApi,trTr I A .cures Scrafitlii 'amt alt Scrofiilons CompSaint:s, 1:ryslpeIas, I;c- yOirtA, 1:ingwornt, Iilotelies, 8ores Boils, Tumors, andttt raptions of rho Skirl. It clears tlic blood of all impurities, aid$ digestion,atimir. 1.ttes the tietiott of the, bowel's, and thus -restores vital icy and strengthensthe }whole system. 1'.RSI'AriED 13Y n • Dr;J, G. Ayer & Co.;,Lowela, Mass. old by all Druggists; price .$1; six bottles, C"u.' IVIS Y °11'1'1 !I I a keeps th6 .hes'; ge serail.. slogs{ Ei/nyvtElhli. k:s skh. .11,0 B-8, Lite b l'Oe,4',1 ,• Ce ti`sl 4.45°()('.€1'3y, 13xll ;on. eraroams cmti;Jsiamsmio. 'psslottxe BARGAINS,. ALI,'l.T5Oa71'1'10154;01' leu s• •• �Boot s • , . •1. •, , •.5����ps: 1NT11iEI/Y NEWV -STOC.L.. IMMENSE VATIET.Y. 1,0477,ST PRIG S: VISITORS .over, 0;tilr :;:;,NO ,TROUBLE' TO S1Co\V `l,iO0D5: laeZ IN 0,11RAT VARIETY. • CALL ,AND, SEE T11T11 BErOrr PURCHASING 'ELSHWIIFRE. • Q ST Cu F:.HEAVY"& LIGHT H INESS IS COMPLETE Trnuks. Hall l'i Byes forlith lillllioOO, ftorginli Bay' S1tiogles 'always enilanll lT;i"l'IlL 1J',Uf L I)ISCOUTvT'FOIZ GAS:If S9'ctolr*:n' 3[�11o`c>l,,;. lfi.a'Ittcox>t;. ��r