HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-20, Page 17 -4, t7- & $COTT MANNINO HANUN v Q Q. Ro The Cfi q1tare oe P I ilY4 ;,With � et YANCH", &C. Q0NVF- ors, ar i 'So le B dsters, the I *W BVIlitioswicker-he s4ionergloi ontario and . l�an t-ime ever made. 'CL OgdenE e 1burg, N-' t, JUIV 18:—The iac to -day between Haulan 4nd,Ross is oon- lider'ed a perfectly fair 'and square One VOL -1S, NO, 29 CLINTON, N ISS3. AROLNXIES4 SON, The. itIorning broke with a stiff bre6z FRIDAY, JULY 20,� blO'W!Dg and, a lowering- sky, and the' pros- ly r Un favol'a edts were decided le almost i-fidt6- for a race, 'Nearly 'HOOL HOMMESVILLIT. up to the last SC EXAMINATION. sstrangers were iii -t wn . b CAPELL, N: W' T The, strawbdrryr*_f�Stival -held in* I I a the C. y ing, r noon, and the'abundance (if Haulany A public distril;ution of. p'rizes to the M. cburA on Moxdziy' even was a S WVNTiD-Two Dinillg�]1004 'Pirls 4Tid One colors, and seardity of those of Ross, was lKiteliell Girl. Apply to best'slo'h6lars in the Model Sch4 ! ol took. sucess, iLev. W."Birks occupying he Correspondeii ce of the NLW Elsk, D Oti cebl'e. Cnadians and citizens alike air. Th�r6w,ai singing by the 'scholars �The followin� i cNittgii, �July 18. GRAND U� J�� HOTEL. place in the town hall, oil Friday even- ell a list! of, sonle of the hall bei ng,firl difigs and reCiLtatiorili,_ eemed to favorffanlan'r At three o'clock (ing last\,'the led to it's utmost. afid the re, rpr.incipal L amusenit held at- Capell he refr�e's�'bbat steamed over tNe course, ....... . . . . . Befoxle they were. distrl but J On t 1,o VO U N ii); Orong�ofithli roits� Jeadin, have the same on proying J611 �cgpaciti�. ed a rendered it. style 'but�ofie reader ily 2nd, in which atimbr of'our N� w ing foun'd fli-4 li, jon*�L YL Ve property and paying for this notice.i NEWrIiplA.'Offloe, g prcgramme, embracing re�'itaticins, put it on a le too heav;v. Ti�o C' took part -��l mile - r very lump piecel; 0 ianE llnrl'Dt� turned to the wharf. singing, &c., was rendered by' xlu�xlbers of by four voices, Miss Fairv'Moigan's two. race, half mile: trotting race,. bulf mil . 11 r � 1 7 3h, �Sloiv ra,6, About, 6 o'clo k the refree went, o sebolars. The. prizes 66$16ted- of pieces and a �',ecllation' aad to the c quarter mile o�x race, half mile c Ver PUTNIER%I1l[P_ DINSOLUTION-Notice the course agAin, and' or� his retlx"fft 1) dtj he partnership he'retlifore splendid' books, ranging in VaILU"e,! accord- terestofthe eutertai n m exit, , The meeting fo,lt race, 100yard fl)bt race, sack' rce, it h Leby �given that t pe ' .., r Red to coale to the .5tart� bet,�-eell J ONL tb -ed with illre Ilatiol al'L wbeel, barrow in oint ud be in readiness. B6tJx,:n1�6a 'S & lVA11), as machinists has fhi� n o e standirig of �he sebolarl and the: clos 2 ntliefli andthe three ged rrace, r r &�y been dissolved by nlutual ctlns�ut. All 6.6tstand- i�ll particularly are likei�y o be benediction, a' little before te*xx-,O'cloQk._ d arace sqliu%v I raed' consolittion race; stand- ing accouutq niust be paid to Mr. NY. Jones, � �,bo Is, Pr ed u enapowered to give reo�ipt,,�foi the Saale-r He'�alsq ' tYeasuied by those. who -.were successful in TNIiss E 1ford presided at organ.. oceeds 13 ho lin ex- J upi p, 1) step and jump, VatlltlDg' lo oil will be giverf. JONES, e tier getting tbem. We'belii�v6 that 'the -tru- in behalf of the Sabbath.selloolt ter P, �Outside to resurne b,,E�lne, 1p �L few di,p, fur pole, 1ossing-caber,' throwing 6f whi (§ tees hiterid, -if possible to, Ithe. dis- ing, aLl keriixxed for th throwing� ball, at rin- of cli(iseL the p6,, Cinton, July:(9,1883. - . OEO. IVAIRD, -011 _4in wol is c6lors- red, C, .... ...... ibition an annual ' one�' Thre Se Ool. The a were a,grand so of to t a;re the names of'pupils to whom: diplunla� I s in 'Rev. Mr. Kenner tl e B. C. celebr�ation.,-'Ihere �ein!4 o Ilk a -floncea1l. THE. HURPP' ver e, 9oss,beinq muct., tlje� Those. receiving tlem b,r,h on S'611day moriiing, and adminis, away in priz"-, which reflects great, credit �were awarded. took th e highest nuiber of rnark'§' in eac 1i 'ferO the*iiicrament: . of t;Ve Lord's sup' J�lsb 6-5)� q&st and heaviest' It S'41'ock,� ASSO on so yo�ing a place. LL 1011 r -010m per. W en the word, 90" The -AlbertT. CoQperrWn). Alalloch WaU -in, so r Tbi� C.-M,,ch r was 'filled, St V�e a:re g c6n R. G:iulev A.L Ce r n the Idd, C, d i tiorn 'bnt neb, of trade'is -oprese ted could be considered fast. Both every bra now I T H E A 1Y N UIA L- S L IC Mo( it, Emma Webb.' day eveni ng,,there being no servi yoll call, procure a a13- lant f1i 6 -1vter to-etber Th f llohM' '21re, the Dames Of tb0sd .0 lir ell. r6' and rowed fact lu4w -&Zon, Uiidar tbt� Auspice Of the I ; Livit: rous: Asao 1: 1 ci the e are ove� even hquarter b6w-tip be ermon of the late Mrs, citAio:i will be w1lo b ined p izes. in al se The funera illg frame bnildin�s now.in 6recti6ri, Rutledg( a, th i the 6�der OfLme* Av�s-preachej Lin the Episc6p e THE. 24TH OF OCTOBER9 1883. ar1 a -mile in 3 first h If c 'AXR. INIALLOCEI'S ILOoAL chuicht on Sunday,aftern�oon,,bv the Rev, The new "church, which 'for and was oine time evidently ly but `(` 11 t t r til es intel)di to enter StoeR,f�iil� the Sit] Mr. atthew. has boca, in erection,in the settlenient of S11 I IY forging, ahead SFNIOR.-A.' T. Cooper; AV� Malloch 6 the 'Clintonians who stdnear, Cal h require to nukko 17.ir entries wit lie Sopr�tary not M )ell, Of the St, John man' Thp,, ) Frank Hodgens, W "I (equal Lawrence, school teaclici la er than 1\ I r I I th, alic Avi e is now completed. - It cost about $55.0 and 34f;ir kaolan 'nd 36 for wJ Jdl6y. w'6nil, mvay*1ast�week-.to- visit eir friends t O.S.r Ch FRIDAY SE PT -E M BJ�R 1883. ir�Aects credit to'fbe i§ettlenient. lowered to and hree-quarters durin ion. -T.-L. Gray Katier Reld Al- 9 vacat' The sleam p 16 , t L v , owned , by � Col.- Skyes i . s t which I:i9in AtInlan had'Lneai IL G atL.noon orl"Nednes- inade th-61le afd roachiO.g sale are decidedly MeN 11 A team ran ength lehd.L The prospects for the iipp� , William.,, Ranald i (equl, t. b ny sale'llth'at has yet been Boles.., f I still working, 4woiy� it having plowed a iiiore�favorable than for a dfLY. Th6 driver. thinkinM rhe could not ire in 7 min. 7 sec:, held under the auspices Of the,SO0etY- ction 6�.640 acres since it started to' work. R. coZ;oLLYIS slop tbeffl,-junil �out. e -and Clearwater abead t tiat poin no NCE PEE. -For b o t f '1h h6lt came. w o(ing �on : ENTRA4 eachi hjx�s r enttle %n! s oil 0 ee, the torxgue�i mile i)ihd,:a half- s miide by him' ir, 1,0 Jb$.rMOl!aghan,:1daAO1es, Iva5pooner between e post and verandah - of Mr. to th A cot i the whiffietr ,anght Mrs. F. Whittingham - oUClinton,. land vv, t1je ,91.50; for each, sheep or 25c. Slorl Of 1 per cent,will be-ehaiged on all aninial. sold. E ed safely in thb ilorthwest, and 'likes the in in. '58 See.,L �Vjtll thr atL ith . the uildersi , gned. Anna Fitzsimons Xl.'�&orrish, Q6o �V: e L - well. -Abont here Haxxl�xx stopped for a Duff's. store, and the hoi,sesmere thrown c0ullft gb6d. Y -MCLEAN� Secretir , Seaforth. Tiplirig ie J a -r. Lesli ie Hillby,' A, ver Do 8 . rious damade done... e B lecond' and' ibenr__k- alon- s s nnimed WI y Yr HPut, Emma Beesley.? ULGft V O�t A increasing,'the le �'eyery 'T �NfISS O'NFYL',q �IC0031 Wawililosh Falf-ShbwL wilt be -A hnited, number of horses or GODBRICII TOWNSHIP. as Pe.ws dafed ithtgood pastu . ra, g e 116bt. Gauxley Tena Cobper,' M'., Red grave,our, Fri day Octob " 6 can b6 accommo er 5 at the,Driving Par1c. NV. JACl[SONj,101into`n.. COUNCIL. -Council met at Holmesville 7., �Both:row.ed about 28' stroke , �,, ir � 4W. a.. - . P tolthe M on'dY 7 Be ]a Cree Jai. Mckurchiel,,hessie 'on tbei turning point.. Hanian, tooks at . on,�C-rertie'Fremlijai,�Cliiistie Me. nst., members all present-. VARNAa c6nds to make _- V6i.yr SeVen NTE ters ERVANT WA, IR, �G encral 'sor-, No.4.6f preseut year,.probibiting all Pretty'turn-whileit AV ly �o -MRs. Kenzie 'J s -,Ball, James d The fall show of 'Stanley Branch took to get S vantrAvanted, good wages. ame tailbury kind's -of cattle horses, sheep, tpigs,an Rsstwenty-four d' AlricultlirbLI'Society'will be held it Bay- -k. Han Ian ide I tha'� t_,VO C. Sro (equal) ixiiing at large, was read three P from I arounT his ffiai mil -es in 14 minutes 12�-secoxids subseri SS FIELD times and -finally passed. .- The'Ree: fie, Monday' and -Tuesday, 151h, and 11 A0SS­ta_k--4- �rt -R 'AM ber's I ;S R oo _'N veand L t 2� A 3il.. , 16th -0 tober-llext. Hallett, about the last of p.r n ;borrow' of' Ing minji es S 'tO cover AM A inie Moore, Fred Pattoh,-L�.e-y-l�R-eave,--Tl-easui-er-w�re7-aLUt-h6r!sed'L--t6 1. r- can �ba�er tile anie.,.on proying. M alcollin M6Tagg.r�,'.Aary. Wilkie,�Nellie th"e Molsons Bank, Clinjon L 8600,tor town- dist, nee. Th6 r, returnwas rx1re'PVoce§­ pr7e, 'n Ross finally tghout' �ty, and paying expenses. JOHN LEE .1ou- -sion who de 6� 'kearle, John P. �Dvljei%y Tenn Spech'ti. ship p The accounts gains bdr -urposes. Avas very. near y an eighth of -_ f ent: one ql alled L Olit to; returm ry Read -ordered to be paid::. Jos. Miller, in- Road. last Monday ftom-his visit mile ahead and; he e :were ames . T'pl'ngi r of � theL Bluevale afila ar Nellie Walker Celts and Cattle Vptao" e'at.reaioxlib10 rates. 14ISS FOX artc'r'i; All.owance,L$18.75 ; to Eo� the .. re- 4en to patui - X T 0 N 'S gland, Ireland 'and, Scotland. 1-1 e Peree's boat to come concession Goderich' '1yoAvb§P'P; F "I's �Liaila Archer' -y Wm� Coll:inS do. Robt.,Bray, nearer, that he,was hree Clydesdalo'horseg, a d in �de M anAir .1. 11 Mai I Junior Wesley -ao7do, —(.Sib oseph-, Miller, do., 20', days brought hojixi6' t lou&solne. Han] r F. L anr ma e the.,two Mbore Mary Paisley, Fred. , Jiiroi two year old sWlion, a,year old stallion ani:1 A.Ilalf miles iliqlTininutes _A�_ d lt'�ar 1 $4, �e ll.�v6g, been removed- from FOR SALT!; It, e sold ch�;ap Moore�:Hugh M6ore � Etta Specht 1 Job" Hol-me.sville t6 M , rs. QOrIIiiIS, and a, three year mare.,: .,'Finer- lookiDg and_�,,)owed up,at the Aa,� t�'Ltake a.dr ar D onanimals' it w ment., of Lot: 9, a ft e If unlo 6th,coni, on ouldbe' difficult.to.firld. He covered thii th ink c 111, essi , H ' t the same as before ; tape line,for J. re L iles in 20 min. 29 it i l000p stin: Jinx] I e Beacom., 6tS4. I etter, from the CoU ty, Mp.'Joseph 'G61le of'the 2xid con. of see., nd, i"ciwed gaily -alon' half of Lot -No. 20, In' t , b' 15 " 3 1 , erms T6wu81.ljp of HullCtt a I?r y, g With an eas P.J§ .603 A ply t�,J;:RIDQUTj'C 0 � Z ­ rL , . IS OLIVE -Mot-ris re urne -rom7bi ad' tating bly all -0ale: -7. s visit fb arril er re p Webb' year e. -AtAi"poin o care to be HUES, I .119ACIIIINE FOR SALE. 3' hd hand, CM nty purposes. Council adj ou n was as resh., ING ele h ptimpdd While Hanla quiredfrom Goderi6h t6wnship t 0 is 1,01"d,. He,reports having t 4S p T mAx TirnitgEEER, d f6ir coun had- r6u-fi voyage, neverth ss e in rgood rking olnl� -t, t is mWa W03 Wil]IOWS 'Mai o race again on the! sec6nd Mc -16 does' -on y a ry ARK'elr�ic'Ge6rger inday. in none the w6rse forth journey, I foxii S, _SONT�*-� ti. e in use,,is o eem CHRIS. ffered for :sale. on:easY not o be ;�ery -f'�-;Qrably 3mpre§sed-r rePe ItIOn­ rd. arila rnad terills. JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. 16 -Bofe e s, �a Cbidley',, T'll enii A the three', d alf Frank e' Mor- ugUS with the�66nditionZtaffidr&ixx Trela d,� na i,l 23 rison. PRI�S N,:r.A?iioN.-A few �vcrx* ss* n , as es in , -min, 3S he says: money con Sto _il. _E_ riduco. him- to see.; and glipp6d by the finish -the -wi . ing, face ):e C 111tolI. City Book Eoi LPhe: splendid Id not .1 AMS �Vdllllie at Swarts, tfotmrsl. Room 11114115e� of the members of St' James' el n 13 Ouxe'L St d Ili h T"amo. J'0TTNG S 'Hotel 011Dtoll ]EVERY,$#TURIJAY ufteriloon THilu), CLASS. -Minnie Rumballi, Hall- 'church,. B . ayfield I concession, . assembled at make li� by very nearl,y quarter ofa mile, in. the. q QiCIC tim6 of .21 , mins. SS, durl Itho s6i�8oxi. A - ed number of.ba6kres eyjW.' Hattie Runball, Ahnie Irving- e.. house of,, W x; Geo. Middleton for the 57-.1 secq� Ro th 8, foi� the season $6 Ran Ian. -thils_� drveyj Terms, to ingar 'MeQUaig May Bigg r time wiis,28 mins., 45 sees m. P CHURCH' -CHIMES�, W, it tphupose of 'testifying, tbeirr appre a EY.DUE, ti,6f, TOWN begts'ihe record. A fter the race 11anlan. ;�ECONb -CLAS�.-Flora' Raysofi, 6ipbd of the services of Miss�'Lizii6 Middleton mearspeech, in v6icb be, said be TENeDE4 FOR rxilic][NC�­Teliaers will orgabi t cf,'thd A On behalf of the h'- -the record by mdre, than ft reel) i Miller, Fred. Sparling, Thoi4.,Die_�I, SariIh lur6b UNDA V CHURCH' DtRECTORV eb ived by �liq,see�etary of the Xbdel Sbhoo ay. eaten co Mrl.Matthew presented ngretation, Rev,. Tillite of: Pli'stor. IIII-Ite,if it had not been for the waSlir of' Board', for building it pickettencti around two sides, Reeve; -Alfred Young. sery iee.r ASS vith chain ac of the school graiid. 'Particulars fuinished;on ap- . . , . I her.Lwi . a gold bracelet and I . - BlRLU:0HRiSTlAN..,Joma.rn (3.,3.0 p. J'. icen n or a. steamer L and the rough water', which �F �-Hattie4'!Ted ford Jessie companying- the'gift with a fe E -I I a:ni� 7 P. in Roi% W' craig� V., 11� HINE, Secretary. IRST CL i w remarks orace Jack,6 PRFSBYTRRlA1 made the 6ours6 Goir,don�'H in Ernekt Davis, exptessing the high a preciation in which MiTHOWST ... p�nl..I�ev. Jas� Gray I ute:.sloA6r. ., there S, LE BEING L R.� & MRS.- BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vo' V 001i , OT 37,.CON. -Do1_Iy7Sp( b Services are.held- 'h--- BAFTI�3T 0..,30 PL M. of'rinuch betting., and What was done lustrunlental musie, Itattelibuily Street near ia ainhig.�50 acres choice land, 120 Ey.t e.congregation� ritcy.3ohnGray Cal and F aT I as ab fou r nd tive to one -ba rip be evening tbLen spent'in pleasant N. B -Singing Class now forinin�,,,. otilwayon, reinainder.good bush. 606d, - MISS 6ALL,&N1)RR'g Roo Vlolin Lessons giyen. libulfe'witlikitchen attached, weirtinishod; barn, let I aves next week Rev Mr. Stew, e ton, Feb. 10, 1882.: social intereou DjOying tUrnsel e a, Thompson, his holidays )in- to 'his home near 60-. 2 55 �x 30, drive house,30 x 24.,,workshop FoVIRTH VA, heartil 41 M ". I L .1. STEP -24, ood'dondition.- Edith Walker, Emma and visiting-otlier'etlst6in points. 30,, with otli6i� outbuildings, Evil in g P " ACdrDr.NT. �- On Wednesday 'of ila TANOS FOR SAIX, AL,913Ven nud wen ivitered Five ntlrps of orchard, p lit'riall r o r I 116lbily neiv.'Al.,io Londe0ordp6stoffice. It 1119i � Atilt ,icnic of S.S. No. 'Dufring1is absence Re P Pic Ti li ' T :Arfnfe� Warner w4 Mr. Daniel ac, ofth e 2nd con. Rosewood ,v Y-Thomsoh, ,I Seven-Oczv c Square Pi ano, Apply- to �qpli n Moore; Qie Cook. was bold on Friday.., yeryihilig bei oWd'io man y 6ur.L readers, will, of' thfS4 to Ing w f , I I . Ine wit -a o supp y, or im -RIDOUT, Clintoxl�, -,SA,XE �OR -TO For well arranged and the We al� ip seri us. ace o proV w.ush t , h RENT. finie Crui k�bank, hi t J411t]) L 6 , , pj� IkIK S, L" . . -1 - . -- . I I 'd T. c c or to rvat farni Of 84 eres, being Lot 37 ing �pleasant, all ,, seemed Ivillie SmithLI Birdie. ;Hay7 ay le 7th wnc6s4 fi n 1 sh," L going �se ves. HU ­ tiliviiship A but 4' iieril Feddi6Mos collection: 'B;;Marti-n'L'Of t1le, cleT.cl, and in ood order. � .16 fallow... 'me J& �itzsimouS by, various . , ,. . I L "I I I, r , I " f , , " , . I un ay evening W1 oil t le "Wet, r66 lij 'P�ed JA KOMPSOM- d A e, 't S the SL.. T. fnllilebous6, ininit bn�li; iind other outbuildings., , ?I . - I I L -, �i ' athletic �pbrts, Which r ir., . �i "' '_ I ECIO� 'A� fS S 0 'ell tile t' '2� orchard 1.061C i - J�LettI6 �s�ifferers from til 6,Thame flood., a:nd f distance of 3 ee CKET, AGENT I Cke_Ma: flie, Pat h ad S ND CL favor Of the pupils -6 �the TI Wh* tIll'ollghth 1) [400' ude,- Meev been �Invjited, 'and� o wen fig eing ,V very :bigh- bank barn. es,, rn to. N,6 A. liberal Gffe.ri is pected. Rev. thb',ba b Also, a libuse oil PryJleeSstrect,- On t ParC 0' ersoll, Idii-Holii�e�";O�arl'oit6"Ev6ie'tt,: �e B'Ythr IlL _q.eiVi- Fortunateli ble' �oxily %pot"th lltainih� kitclien, parlor, andAlStia pleased that they bad distingu it oil t 'fe, �, elV XANITB.' T I CK E �A OV -wa9 -free- fionifL-str ones,.­.Blo6d�gushed froni: W. V. )KRAN e FpST Se'When e. ..... .. . -er,; 'Arthur S'�echt, Go6D WHE -merly, of WJ 'his 'ears and 6 One arm tbo NJ, intoll Rev. B., B� K 'e�, 'fo'i a : intiel h b7 ed to Nve ubdor :if Carr, Sauiuef�,.W, 0 :labor% i AT. .1 ; co.mmissi 'F1 -T �ession;. lids ei�h N �PR PER?Y FO SA perance movernen)F _EN -Of bta _E a onslaersias 7,00cl T 0 'T Is good 116 es of ul e reco b isHenrietta :Holmes! ggle ''I AcMurchie, tiny be has b lid ar �hrodgfiUut the rov ma,t very. L-11 ctlirsion.Tickets its, 1)ottom ii. for itario, ndL ank of the L' le' re e RE I BATE TICkE�S to di �trl(,.t ii-ist outside of the't, Aggie Fitir John Davis e�prese v under di recti CIZOP REFORTS. �o Of1 es, neai:iyall cultAt6d a'garden and ewis, Trouse, Jeralmh flolmes, Evti Croll' , the elect Councils of loyal emplars of., IOPPEN emperance.- j��P.rtjes desiring to g3 by, N' ollT11WEST Ja' Gordon.� Ohas.�:Oreen,'Q, K* T 'Terins: easy, S. f -'a S, Pnk,,--;A . Of ljuL� - ` , _f. know a6companld glVt_� T.RANSP6BTATION COATr-kN_1" SUPP 1eL F�' 'further sThe I ocire 'other's in this morning tlllowest rate& ore W rtg� A 'Rance L!2 .Tipling,. "by his ivifeNLart ebi i ni will :be qdminist Bibb JOH 616VELAIM" d Cj�ra 8 - i- , � 0611t8gPg 0 Hiir' y Evans, wl zeril� �jary'y last week At b is Christian, eburch nexb Sabbth clhl toll. J 11 1883" In ent pel f verage fte -Young,' U ­ Maria Freml A-hi3i6: 13 service conducted b 'Rev. Mr. RRI'll on lghip� Li -Sev&A.the c spe t "' y to SAIE. eba -Jollow. in the -evening w1ill be dccnm 11,111, Cl Cooper. -W. I ay, Car- It 0 n f y i -r. i I I :kvIiPa,t 7 r N-0te at C ri by lip. All i , fiformation. John Ghi,y, 'Be�,zli Itah. y Thornton, �Bertl e h eld i h d i i�'o n- o u 95 epJOYP I JAS. TXHO�I-I�SPN, Clinton", e Davis inecting will,�b LOT -2& CON' 8"4�HU Mr. D. C.'M "Potatos 125. 11,56is 110. MAry� Tivit eL e All lice his ch 11, f n eTWE W pa. in Hay .120. emeli� io the ppear isdesired '�y ie friends. to s� i 8 t iii. w o Lr k.- Gorn SQ;- Other fi6its 95. ta .W. -JACKS -0-N A .01, the.sta,tioD;--an4-somc decided _ftetjoll Obb all ;Mi _11'alf s -11 C, rse u wll pr obably be taken- at the bo r Aspn o actibu V I e va,7 eau'PTOMISe- y creeting bat AG�ENT h feld. Mess . S6ott Bell xvill� soon an day this, w6k: the onry th6rixig. Pot, ba 36ind p6as do. g6o( e,was pi UK 0 h amy A v'their factory ajain ;:r�paiils, damag6dou in a f6W PlaLuks At t e �1 lli6efixxg of- kvi de 11�";w 'FA 'b break t I 18,� t" 61.6' i.�. to' b 6 rq'.herly done, a concert t tb� front of the hotel. evening, vield. Fruit )each s, promis eg bl' _epe _ rep, iri IV yi!6Id.,- g :th ho d ewxxin�, inala of ffie_Lbn�r 'hotel Out 0 191119 congregation, lield-' on crop. S6'lsol E �Zn, F6 ay c. ide.Walk -,the 17th inst., the Bill Dat 4ar o L ca I )pe 116 will (,0 OVej it it a]'. 11's We e, Ive h( vor acceptin, WF�-i fortnigbtlat;er tba n u su PRL0T OT I 0U. oW, U ercrS. Both ticrosse-t ported in. f., of last week. The,B 11 it badly.. ervices ap S -1 thoi 1' 01 1 gc�. arcllite4 Of V Toronto, to, I'!,, replovkl gr th.1 WL. R. Gre rT1HROUG1K Wit To sAn r meetinigs lia, t le to fi 4_, Avhot 90.' 100'. REGINA,: r r, ' s Tf the bridge %�,ccn the vtilago and, &c � Pon a iew chur6h, iind JL PORTAGB , LATZA hall� the C r und el,_Oe. tS PlaUS'r nild A10089JAW., SWIFT :FARbo, GRAND sttion:is not, repaired berslor� It btc�, bfili6 proposed, b 25. Potatoes 7 -.TOWN', HALL BLU sonic' submitteil' LD N ng c eanir [ayJ toots PO nd renova irlj��jo­ - ig" ti 11 1) neeting, toget ' * rn' 1 T `* 'go' io .9 accien t wlb� the r the ii p ise-well, Apliles 0: Sin I fruits IQO. er xxeeiids� imp r q, tS, _rh6 C ' ' es And having pill' r u also, at the co�her berb are i n n, roximate estiniate- pf' tll� c 'A C PIPE- AND.'BURG. Or, v�.ry dngerous ;and" filth -v- state; uilding is to be of' brick, gothili'style.of Any -point' ia bakta, r tho. Nordtwost, 1,ONI),ES13O 'to o d e r i r7, with P n -ho �ttended to at Once. d be rchifecture, an&,(vbcn conip'l6ted N�ill be, -'A t40 to vo every W6dri and Boats le, Of, a 'credit' both t the congi faidli l safe ;l,iiy title d Inorningq itt 7.0�01 : oell a;. in, For gil sp6akees discussod Ahe� The plan inct till- -rilmAims town, information to of the C�oxnlu' ttee was I' of "MC6 Lashanx: ietur val,and'the report foe' t116. adoptliid.� cotu'llitteo sa-11 �_�Ct: Oy W.; ACKSO.L�` uliutoll, hfly.ls. Saturday, lilorillug, the 7th, inst., we" Ob- were, with the crec- Orangci 'Xboy threw the. b Jfi.W.T, ()Ll,,L,r�tte is Ry f01. L Im 'ef6l.11i C I'N,-T HERS I'ST'r' In, In f s6rVed'fariner8L JVqgg0xxS p6tl"IjUg in flon-L, tiol _Of th&� bi�ildin gr, and, to Prot M. alitr) r sthat I have Or 6f`w eeks i n the i,idnlfv� 0 Ottawa,' ohs' We uideestand n, all drikeeti' arid� oix, g tiquiry Prlitilent. They ought,to blame Kans, �'foll d "it osthan's an fiptis Rose, fro elfry nual, ait6t T ALLAN: LINE �#Iad6 to get- x]ip, thb in: s, who' has,been "Idil 0 tj L roo 11 _L�n A -C misini'tt�tt�or�' lcreA-lsi till .01 ter8on, &'Brs, 'i nip m-tt:f bn� _le and putbil t,Ior 'TH and iotll th sa(,tijills of, Ai�r, fi,� I (J,� w �-ll uctft Pat ohn 0 nesc ay. win er. saidrAdt, 'of till ments, 'arld judging from' tbe�-nifmbiir:of biltr left It to bu,intyor. vate 0yAJ, I ll, hrsa Jr Machines-t1iii -'wefit',away, ifwas�;Iiof This weelc' ofthC clin. U� U oeMr te i LNrry 'r.)ATUIMAYLYR011 QUEBEC. �ftid Mill lluipal ity tit the XO- credit :to the, -auents essrs� Belfry contains long letter froin the �'sildnt vo 11 its ell . in,, lett,,. is gratlyr i�iprovirxg his, 6ollen g 'IUtions , - * - e mills,by adding�a'rlot':Mor ogniall, or,to,th��fir�i, Messrs. Patterson p of Rev. J-. J. EST SLk AOUT& Municipal E t iny,ofllc6 at Clint- Ioll C C6M.r0XT, i�AFFVY. tit . dity of* ivine, Issa Bros.,, Patterson;. Onf.'r There vas ',in! the �resexxtation Ao him -h�re,:-Itnll closes toll oil kn L an -Act passp&by,'Xr. Mo,.�at is'en6ugh, ino Ne said )tqt, In: thc�.n6rbhw6st and report all and ron)ftins Electors Messrs. Ltils d tJ. du�mniiug's� tho ficighborhood of,.6ne'L hundred teams raoraph 'whether incorporated Througla Ti Ore I s !axied to all liolilt if 61111,iq I the following pa lowest upon to dxani J... . fire home fro mus6 be. called e, we are not,in , Like innit,67liato pro- il Waggbns. Be] for or othdkWis that Ge: beral A�et �f -the I othbr orrorsare fouivi therein; %1 the p6pul, tim�q vtery dull,,bu crops which under Y-- 0 loose. tir;�e'ted according to 0 r gelits, � or'Patterson'& Bro� po,iti6i to' say!L-" On tbo whole Ave 're VgQ to have thosaid �rtors, tl , I' t r be gaiL i Jol n in PVO Prepaid 964111fiCitiS 'iSLSue-d- ''from law. ALLI�Nbmt.,,v ra ier a errtlaalv�dsuaid� mislon'T .It vith their'oldrepptation must r� n ng gaiisfied tbat our. ye� .0 Clinton: ot, 6 U L ntry t Clhifo . n, -ange , od�e here by�Lany in( rofitable �yer ol le Co , I , a- stmngdr. 6 told tb ere re scarce took,the grontid that Mill' did. not, turn''Out any'part of the 014, The 01 ans the least p Oauly, 'The vii6rhill ly and' 'MOWat "ll1d Or�tai,io Logislat * re,hacl tb Ifth any other hind,,of machines, in thisseC7 U In 8 1 1 U poin%, In PAhAda,*: 0 11 iDi terial NUeCr. )nly one that favored ns P ait�rSo rt�S. JIL' fin' by:r divine bless one al. hetion but On M6ndaymor neially, Nve) ind; left, 'got t that promise; bd b ing we, noticed tedor twelve move going fbe'statliin better than, fennd it find, O�at)le -vote by which wilutd.'almost PATTISONL Ag( arr a 'b'.'il� r- it L .1 L nay b_ e ded*,� --of e� liar�, beak of a,'wh6elb wiv We out,'and' ainong, them. Ifbind r' u that,but fbr a f6W' selfl share tt 4 T th a, or. Sed L e t o his n Still g�' Wawanoshi D. Erwin, fbrmerly� fro' beeninuch ba�pier'wllilrethere, and to Parv, i all d Cont didil'i OV61 try U WEDNESPAY,: wi*,, I h Raj jetL1I8'iIekt'yeaV' ella ual rneeting -tool, place lit 00 r4t er unius out, sh1 0. a� here, is repregefiting the, same firm in much greater &�d might, lve. been ac-: t��een -the 6' la emperance ball here last Sundaj L Si ing-,� under May Go4 giVii,,4uch better" O�ftllgcrlen and r tBUke D!ENTIST the mange�exlt of aMr. 01litito Iish(td.' u4111eit t lay 0 ev 61 1 rar i114 the- bargain-, "nd. Tory a ;stablog' 68SM. spil IV b t I Rely fro England, it is called t and repentan ondiiet that is at ce C S to\ 118 01 i6hlyi Jftilurifyvt ierVICe Of ong. Ille one( n nus aN�ay of the NV 11, three nu3i in- ill it, exists. Yor the p0ple ler. ' veproach and hindrance ' 1 � 11; CA not Shift d owni nI , , k '6i �Iandwell attended; it,would be�,�v Pair est Riding of calase wherever make fro" 0000 ififl6VIUk' st or any tender 9 0 t The 1 1'16 real olTent 6 th bn , Ve th I cra a .1 tId flurol, AgIicultural Society will � be Seld of Clinton station pberallY, to C6�tillll em. rmcontract time tbey de, lr.�C� ni e i, a 0 IP It A-reolldetion wis ttken u p it' in Godarich on Tuesday W edhesd i's itIl , lay reg, d I Slipl)Pry 'kn.O�Vjre get �iereby .1 0 "Oeteber 00i,arid 10tb CL I TO A