HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-13, Page 10k MR. TEOs. RJ�D�IoNjj, of this place,' i's G., Emerson and� (x�' Town Uounell. CUNTON NEW' KRA' ]aid up . in the aorthwe9t a brokc�a Eqjjpjey charged with. furious d . riving,, rib, having got'j'ammed by-su y. dis'nalled ivitli a reprimand h -Y, 'TU -TY 1" SS8. A of tb e town counci rI i) A w d 2,10. evenla- E-eeve Cor. sold hiff, beautiful n The report, that Xr: Row� ent of costs. M:L�. D. abett in th' e 11'alty, 901149'. 11roy driving lior,-,e to 1', Madslof London, lormerly o I 1. a.1 I t Lick with '�ightni t r, Wiii. Opoper, as chairinan of the': P., last week. � It is Ali excellent.(] rive): i been�s,r Ing, is all T,oCA L,NOTICES. nd �,entlo as a Jamb, was� last N.veek,�cen in London;, it Street Gommitt�e, reported tbat they li'ad stoke cop [ractisd for,4(�-cords- Ivith. Mr hurt I !J' most ot LVe Of'Ange- It scarcely seerns possibf� ihat V�o rAeuders 4�11ML '%V A N T AS firis4t asskst -W`Pod7 are in the seypild half f tL th'a streets -ho6d went to le year 11�ere received,.' Ile thouht in tho Q oojE stor, 3ner, j;i tbl�, neighboi the train being- .etty mr. (". 'Gilchris,V is pilttlink a stone Iv�uld need more than that amount of�ra- to'CITUX. . . p, der to'put them in 0 I filled when itleft here. The day was dtion beneath.his Imse oil good'shape. WOOL -The highest:,Flaslk prfee celebTqt�d atSeaforth and BlY01. t. Mr. Alex, in front ofthe Coats. And j*0r';v,ill,y clIllItiAtity (*f wool. tioll 6f.buildirig on his property ),car the. inith needed fixing, but.tbe com- t110 9 17jigh School next yO:,ir. Mrs. ol� inittee did not. care to proceed' with. the train "was . colhiiig from Gode'ricli, oil triwberry, Work,utiless ordered by the c6uilcil. ed, to Belgrave, sen& 115, a cow bOloging to T'Llesday,'two young cattle ttemPt� places her b the' top of' the Mr. Corbett read the by-law, showing fe-fer. he l. ss the d ere the Juty 0 tA I%r if thei committee to, pro- J is,, Fair,. (lied w 1 th mil W, S cro tl=k� he-Zhson n berr� class— A �owa who lefther w '. . - lf such wor valuR t $60: they baby playing -ill -a "juaiper'� was dbusidor- on their 6-wn re-- r ow,ned b.' _jzj DiD pigs impounded here abl�y stariW Boor] ;&er to'hild it bb-ing to k� sold to -day were clinied by� AC01 D121, T.—While' ll�'v th e fi r 0 la s t Iv e head dowhwards, buxiag fllen partly out; Mr� Sea�le thouzbt the attention of the .. I ., 1, 11 -111 Was Air, T, Bi4yy, of Hallett; Mr. W. -Marten met w1th 'All accident had it iiot Veen fbli�yed just wbe rate,payers should be directed to the fact �00111 have Tha' that where drains were put in the steetf� Of tOwn, nd which 10 ILT days. death would t Lid-hini ap in bed forsever, 'beiog- raised there was a by-ldv(. govOrnin, tbeiiii ladder iVIlioke, and e ofMarkham; enow In goinff ap CIO ar r, I thoug�bT everal­cujv6rts in was thkowin. to the ground,, being' 'severely �iias,,tobdiijtact,f'dr..,tbotit,�),o ve,�rs. Mr. town should log, from the W. Steep's horsesran (fn'Tu�day ' be-look�d.after, as they were in a dange*r- bruised and ous in& thrw6nz Ill$ ont M, 'the sugi-ested that the is' 80 khee,down He is al3lo to -be out, but yet inorn _Mayor� serld.a mem waggon, but, orial to the inanage- s i fe rs fr o tile eff�ct§ of the' l0mble. p 0 ondon -:has flax uie� "lent of the 0iand Trunk) com onl,th L road arly health inspector -11 . 40 inches iii'lqngth Tl�is' iba good Y�er Civic, 1-101�1D-kY.—It has h Ubert0' been Jacl�son before of th6 the Bayfield and London roa S! Lvor,, V101ti on M o'havet-he civic holiday . the of file b Inatte wa s were ked,by trains and, a th6 Cristo' t e r frbq�ieutly bloc R13'. W,)I� Tiox, formorly of! first week in'August,.b6t the ses011-i" settled on defendant V-ith the motion ivas�passed to that,efrect�, has bou lit"a phoograph gallery at Nel- later ilsial � it has' been ptggested ilf.Thompgon thought that, as the coull- law, and payiDgg cost,,. on, o-' th,�tlt'would bOlette'r' thil. Dot to cil had pievionsly bound i�self'to the per- a S Arad is 3earnin the'w�t of p I b fyea i �vlsbes iis to tfill. Ile soonei formance, of other work that. .s,LDuld be Fh tRMNANTSAL have�it until abliat the iniddle �-agast,. �ha' e remained, in Clin.ton' than --ibove to lir&er number -able d6np,first, and if eintaned' after- Goderich but he COUld not -priocure a Alolsons t� M Ft. A i, L A N H A RkT of s. the e L to takeadllantag6 :of , excar 0 E d any 11 th, suitable ouse here. Jo!3eph owell, i%a amount of gravel could an goes to"Ex,ete all t be "of a p: I mj"h sr ., is on his way . h 0 in 0 California then'b6 pro,Vided. Tagg�ft will come here' - taking the' posi- lGeO. to"Ve'," of Ni ew vvith- in,, left this week , A motion was irItroduced t( t. : . I PERSOI of teller. t1 omirlittee, to pr'061-1re 100 �ords of , le c Mn Thos, Ve )ys w,et t York, ison a visit:to his uncle, I I of t o I instead of 40 P. BoXer e ra lie Miss Ulay -Rogers, formerly yesterd Get a Bargain o ay to the hand _Atr.'doope� believed ivbe 'be46r: to do was �hen seriously ill Iqst week, and Ivas -o-f the -Model t School is visiting friends. there. 11r., *J, cotf�,' of tbis� wor reets were greatly. put under veterinary treatmen: it is l; the st, I here. Alt. Thos. 111cGillicudy Ct has th 4' now all right, again. I f the I e Seaforth,Forresters band in train i need of and it.wa;8the interest I I M, . - . Signal, Ivas a visitor to calf sanctum an jn­ Mr John Cralb had. tho.'contraet I om- on Hotel of Ciet S- eat Bar Mat. Collector of'Cust S, Xonday ; he hasb6en som ewbiii ill laiely, f the the town to kee the, roads in fj�st_ r Tho' or upplying nd:has fillod-it to olms repair.- gain,,, is n6w jl�Lirfbiming the* duties both here and is not yet looking wlelL S. 'ig, &c with Mr. Don wouldessen,- the ivw-k to b 'Un Goderich th batport ,th�� complete faction. of th e btn e collector at t -e, who has been vi. tiis Q. p1oprie- _f clitli.e diff6r- �'Bu�k neting in. 3ani ae aftrip. county Urn6d otoVVIll. done in, other and eN g away oil a holid y -as a - bug y containing e ear,, ,%fich., haslret tors.: On.Sqnd, -9 e juL w epma Pticesto 01 year require V:c a oil nine One. gravelling �e motion was cliried (I, j roin DESTRUCTI suddenly f three ldies, was driving long in froat'of -On a �1,v,s,on t - ^the town f6'r county purposes A $7 47-60� o'clock last Thursday evening an- alarm St--: Paul's Ch bv, 7 to 2. ,,to the -being about $60 more than for last,year" of f r a' ero' - I A s a gentl e-� -T, ire'quickly d eIv wd to th'e..agri le committee ecomh�ended payment' awho e is ancle doWil e HE GRAND ASSO ENT and th' same aniount ldS849T. IS 8 1. . cultur,�l i mplOment repaii shop� ofAfessrs, ides.,a short. di t ofthi following accounts: --W E T in . Jones Ward which were -diseovered t the Bayfield -road was driving b me, the J Paisley S.E A YOU -_NC, Man no, ed Saiith, who be- , 0 I .. . . " . RTM men on streets, $37.50 ; J.1,_McGar*a, timo- OF IoDgs to town but has been working 'on oil fir- -beinglilll- frame buildiii other day. be got fri;rlft6ed thro y eed for cem etery, $1 50 T. Anders enveloped in flames, nd. t ie en- a '3 lie- nt. . ih�6'kn6e:�froni, girle,C0111d do-nothing but conine the, the. ila�d 'he pre�ented a appoafa,­Ice Count fo tI7.45: Weigh master's r June' the farm of Mr.-Robt. -Aldson; balse,lin. Soon. I �lad br imniizr fits .66 -',�iiari'ty, V.3 � ght :0 a:horse,'on Friday slfam.cs.td, this buildin- F6rturiately *, 120 when he'<,ot up- lo, d Pki C -stood- rrioun't collected4pr Jurie,�$12.90.: 7- s 4 0.1i: fo 6'r1T Pode made application for th e -M', of -Toronto has A e q a here !was Innarativ-el .21� 9i usPenses,l �-Mk. CAr Ion, o.iht t" 00 v iso6ary.800 wiles �'esit of gaz I ed Rs, cuft& Jbr the' mtabli�hmerlt of little danger to other 'places. 'Lit , tie for so v eral, .3, ears, is ex 1) eer ed J111- Lal grant of $20to defray ex m e it, I ber daughter while at iYe Blind Institute',' Mr. J. Craib%;� be�acome§' very highly, re -ell nothing was aved. �roni the prernis,es plenient dealers are ind on �il6 ion that m6unt graijtLd�' commended, andill no. d6ubtlee' Iviii, a (lifntity of niachinery, I% as of quite a number ion for ail ad_ 'the I,Velle�riied reputation ofthis r j L -Le, app] icat htirely-d6troyed, An on the L, '. to tL cc _,rant of, O: 000 IV�ilf not- -to S8 an W, hite D. _'%1cCqPvir, t I Hi g S 1, oo I -'whi c oods t eve . nlDz,qn ent h wasgrante.& birea v".1r1l YO r se1 _res ed i Ii r s 3101 Mtely E�rf�T�. usluess. del chool. to' consist of 'it E 1, G ILA VE IT 112 -w 0 d C el n I.e- �ctlon there,Witls IT6 has Nitd. Ion(- of days� later and -they it tf .'-; ',,L me.." had -nearlv one thousand. IIJa Is ibte experience 1,�h. line, IiTI if.171 ill be d. �6 T.6 the Fthe, oil hi's Illaggon whe'n. hL Ail t h, il� 0, strenoth to the fir. worth inore.iiidchie'ry -i, s�it had been. Lrs.'ih -ordered� I , I 111i't ­yVith acciae' t.I He'.was in 'he probable That. th6yi I' ;kt. - --- Vill lower 9 gain,: thoCig not on rad '01' s fron�. of' box, and. got it o -To SAT19P� number of n- start a n th.e .1. . . . .11 iool. A, cl 6.1 IV NVIlen 011c.of tbe hors�s co6kfri ght we�stte �the dntrl�nce examina i c �san ivill be ml)er have -no vet Passed th�ougll, C LV6as tion I i,o ve box rdsalt, Oil of the ex� idn' S Mclon S 0 4��-t- -11 1 dis M, Ll n i t an d �oth. er-, L,Scholars ike� otli i�,,'t -ary 131 4t-% O' LA r& -I— -r it ace blol�sorn a:F d�aiy� Wore tl i 6: -;—p k TON io, 6. h, In LU t- _v beir ovex.-o catch th.q libe T, b 7ay. sI ire fhstpas�ing.awity, and lea-li6 only t iei' 12at ca, lonall its proper p:lace -ouls,in pa ience.. r '111a rouric t t lie' H., B . s i cal. ran e.- o NA, T.., v:F ,)rs The - en berm; I b c ' f th i cal. I SE Vl[L�� other�Ivho kneiv,this �cou t -n its prilill- 'these,ce ebmted I n.cl u p ge o vea ,or , co re singers is and e uspices a( 1.) p igg cl I, t o ong ime ,V this ��owll h I t* Ur. Da , is, 'of' for the benefit of the Clinton Mechanics' e. &r wh dl is ocopid,b I ILI N:� aa. Y.L DRY': Go tainnient to be the� towh: �Sed 'L, Ve o rth6d.qrkriver" ODS E RIUM� TO o a a y ,ey'e 6 i a g,' by pritt . I X -PO ext 3f d I a wj: _e n", id an lo d Or th lids been in, Y, 7 -7 IInstitute and is therefore especia.1ly rdeath-bs be6�� partially expected.� On .'f tKe P:itroha ownsped worth t. e sat up I L ird ple. -iderabl h fr e6l, y C o Lis p expense, is i neurredin conversed with a�friend who bla'd call'od'in the troupe her6, 6d,they, ho'aW Air, to see him, and, retired.fo'rest as usul 0 C 'ereccived'by full house. -Wh�6rever they- e san they have been much ap- nOxtmori 'Iooked,�b nafural��that' oul 21 .1 ee Lilly takell its, 1) r e c,' a Se �. f a(, bay ll who tt veahis friends thougAt lie asleep,' ted; nd end get 1 value for th'ir- .1-16 was born in Worcestershim"E D�la;nd- Joseph' Ild 1CMIM71ed o to, eric i out�, the. Y. t ScEoo '18, purchas' I /'ih' Jmes.Scqtt, were �r Chidley and �ye. 47 p g,, �e.popelrt, at" nted on.'Friday fi% the position of tr'LIIS- is iiow,,u-,6d-asabti�t�l�g,�ound., St.,j6llll,s W�r hat, nd moved to Clintori tee in d. n election Nvill ly ftcr:iesold t therefore . be, lie (I to 1. -clay y) In where lie ,engal�ed'ia i, �Jlis "connection it I'l j)e, riieation6d' :theT. pursuit for inguy years. He- Educational Committee of� the Oxf lway ord �N, s of ver 6t 'di, ,qul 9, seat, naemor a aC6 pty Coiln6if I a -i , hto - rd took'no, part; in publie the On -6rfiii�e'nt' that the Of late y6ars lie had �iot been able to-do tario G6 be . by , baiia much, getting at*ound'ilvitli and b�tt 9 be-lield t the sA;Lne Ijis f�imi ard­dis� he el.6666n, -survi 01111cl oils, M. or e M] ay Ual e f I e. gQvernment'Ivili �D IN", I s'e V y the challo-C alph ldd'�N ''D ive I �Mo6re', of; 1, 6 ,lird irLit ET r see, the, U:N a CIL of Clinton'; and R n Aft."Ar6hie- erv,�itive �in religion a,11fetb9dist. s: A-lat fi es hv(Capell di- L IV. T I at lost" 'Irs off, -her husb.and,,U,ter, so sllike the eduu� y -It is settlOd all alolma me. Ian,10 'ly in tlir6c months. n1d from the Oorrell boys.. :W�i 6ve TiTr; AuERIC'A�1, BICYCLi-mrs, e tbV stealli 4 miles ofthe Aivaericlill N�riibefsjjlc 6nic, of t leni Contall We to the. rain enccunter'e� at 'diflbrent,place�s time.they, reiiched'Clintp It,) t0 L ananhy ftearest,neighbor is 8 plow�!Jn as ]lot ne iniLl fe�ld but th'a fields' are Iiii,ge he�e, vlesailb 0 naN 61 E! hav rxw t e roate. Morning ast, o' e fin c IV, Y.r 'Ma6eson promises to W'rite farttwr, leariling: that t hey were'- on the. ioa A e p rib A afuture, London C1 linfon' *b��], ibi. th,e h On efit of the 'Veral_of Q, hem RFt—o r6de-dro�V-n--to-�-br7iieeitielct-a-aI d It d -we i�e 1u 6- Nis` 6Id;-fkk6yr! i171 --a' U Uoderich,� be gT a f :and�tlie t_jdCte-'L flos Lrvj,,, Associ . ... .. d-6 'there. 1AfrM;H,. RaD'96id' 117 then dirc, MbetiD- ofth' �ctors, of tbj,%� ass-. twGrode'rich vi The ran, ff ill louse, lere Fit UY ho'ar. L U I C the _I d�t 'j, 'A '6110 Y, 3 efield-t6 Bavfiel(l,,'�iqclu(6g stop -e e in 11, Sb CLO� ol'Uoppe� 8 in all Lean, W. 6� I r. Wise, X. 1�it.ebell it' do hor �!' d 'd Th'au gen t eman Mil d E . ffollnes.present,' �V fildr tile 'read- ree per. Th' Ula r6m jondon to .6I3dericli -as he trip tjj'('��J)lid thelvr ing nd adoption of the t meeti ji 'a;brief d cinl�,uod'as to the star,t,e.d'out. The p6oplc of tb C X W -E A 17 ofa'.fall it Ivas in. town gave royal kill' flecided to one bout t-lie'24th of'Oc- . .... ... 'O.8e ar' all(I spiellctl( in tillig them t'a plflyjjc�JsUpper, inild aftef- b atur7 41'l tobc I Clintop"conditional. on, amolint of th'6 being provided by %v, , td a'stra`wbeli l ay morning', oft! d'� I ftr ec this town. ALIL SUMIM tj to� solicit .-for tbt; pnr�pdse 'ford 'by ev&K-6t t .1'. a . y Zt,11 ineetin djourned. Lit- DEO ' .ri, , _' ' ' ' , W: a, e'- b not- to, Can r 'but, the�, iroad,"W on SHAI fter whiChrtho 's, o th.ree mile - on."the. Hu�on Idifficulty should be ed ni storm cang ttliem, and qa ftnioUnt. re ired "the YL N 'Oft t66 h el ment,61 the during"'the alontli, of tha� it hVera felleS, train for Brati`tfbr4d.-,' , Rl June, shoivs gedJIVO party Look the 'qD lielii� Ule rtby Jlinc5 i�ith fo isapl5ointal'ent: our towns- Al r,, was quite , them bu it is as a quare dee�, "I be repeated, an( more inches re weigh. about 80 th, favorable c oing 4' -lit �'000 standing thed *'e, exceptfons for the last forty4,Vvo yc people ars, C got 'sight of of wIl:ter fh�e ltogether like1j, that ncxt:ye�r"tbe he �ot pRIC I -S., Ilviabo�.e, unde E co fee M pie weig ch,. th wet'weather the Americaris'8pokeyery' 4 0 ih fall -in Suno oil '�ea a o I a an 6i e t 64' tons. high ly'-'� f th e, i a this outty; ' d is - enormous fall of water, �an (I tl their te'tra eDt by dib� people, they ha4 d6little of everywhere inet� of farmers Vv6uld 'be stitisfieT Mtio, Mr. P,eifry--D 'more evenly �di, 't'06k' 6f, shirf Co same qtributed acco Aylmer, who �n� Iounti t`e year. 11 U III t �6w6ver it mu�t. be sev.,qral photos Ok, the,� 6�wd,� at 'diffei, taken as it c6mc It N�as, tJ ont 'lie tilip, ,s. ougl:Lttb�t a ba<y& o + with a Al profeiisi ra. -and ftadeq Oils ,re. t, presetje�­Iilpoag the tourNts,,,andnt1h9NA,s. t eie: has'been little improveinen so far ain a-1 we b,ow populq,tbe,�Icyol� is"13 means-of,locloniotion, -when aUut eover- in ing their bay� ec rs . I - I I JAGK nd i46g If th 'y it,dlhey canno - getlit'itil about are in a dile ma.-about6rad N r ii d ',� il. fell -on Tuesday. F ar 0 m 0 N ra, it vv _V�vo: of, the.� bicycles We ie j t ois known a i,"S 'It t tan in longer t present ]a st I � , , it ii 00 , e �,V Jere ifLAUg r,'M Ince 0 elf) d or t e. fi rn- te