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J-L1V 13 188
by! 130 4 Monthly, upon whose placid bosom
Mellcent WAS left, with her grief. and her
the littlp bark cngherself and, bar
I)ver had been so gently'rocked Buell few"
� That evening ehe received a little note
A Ativak to til t'e 140PIU6 1111(abit, Killed OUIM
lke9pon v to be�,,Lvoldwd.
Right Re Train, D.D., Catholic
hours befoi She P&ssed',tbe LiickXot-�
tmge,�anii, Ole Ivas, glud that it was shut up
from el Look Cottage.
DvAa rau�,, It may be a
. �E, V1 qrybody� is�famikiaF with the abuse of
Archbishop ot�St,'Audrew's andEdiuburgh,
ib:dead, ged 7�,
Arobibilld. Stoucis Archie's naille,
And Daitiv 'tone, that's Liaisy;
and Silent. She was approachitig ilke weir,
and 'ALM wularacholy�'Xllusio mmd.� her shud-
poor couStalmLAt)p to'you to know that I am
Dot as evil us I appear, and that no
opiun I in its VmriOuB forms, .'from the ftihh-.
iouable victim haB it slave to the by pod er-
A Dublin espatch Plays Rev. Thos. N,
Burke, � welfk o�vu Priest and lecturer,
are justibe saire,
�der, for )it temilided, her �of Clincou,
malitle to my fellow -victim. I shall keep
d d'yo ta� Uagbt Colav:rit.
fatelits., Bitt'a ... va'gue bo�e still
year Secret as falit as he Will heP it. S 0
forgetfult - a IIopium
Of tiasbet, ,lia, a p,fiftle jbheard,
'Will shor'd Uissume
Daisy 0:1111 I fire twills, you know,
�&(AIY eight voors
u bie red in breast. Aria4rig hio other
the itrog beingeorlaparm-
th But of.ston,ey creek
vyvmrt�juso alike to toe,
And our bair is JWB�11 ke Gold
oLranga imagiulugs, Was it not possible that
he'liad, conjured up this Phantom also to
w in tbiB courabry, though its use
tively, fe 'ilia!
he wilVbe a worthy succe�-.�3,r of Rev. C. B .
come betwoen himaLR':and'Ii6i ? 'Might it
For some tiode after he eventful -week
aon.eDough � in 86 ano
is -OOmq , i
And Arebiehe �sml.ua,,,st ten,-
And. tAurLL, p,� 8tate,
not, be that she should meet him, 'even now,,
which. had' ternairlatad in the deb th- �of
generally. But thiere; is an6thardrug for
SOMO tirne after its discovery', Some fifteau
But , do t, not add UP rightly whet.
conimg through the glad, hay-fiel.dB to tell
her tialit morning hadIdissi pated his gloolia
Pinton the friendly ititei-course that had
prevailed - between DAybmeie aia he
years ago, ti.)lusi!dered comparatively barm.
""Now, mydemy,1"Eim" S P
id Mr. poo oudyke,.
lio-BaYv, Iva are uuv y_i6bu-
For I )ad vp a I I IWO soug---
andlittt only a, fancied barrier separated
* 1
liaereat slackeued, and be�4euermted into
I uAd whi chi is juet, beginning to recoive
GBBt I llrubbiag
the attelation its blleful effi�cts merit. T
late hardi gloofully , mud
i ' , t of
plad b a,,o
L, 911,18 wife frorn th
Its nWine is 1 T�QtTilalGs l'010
%\.lay 1 A116sy hatrlxulllols Wrong,
them ? thinking, she rei,L�Iaed a s&(It
tenement, where dwelt a laboiftia mKia. mud
more furtindities. abstai,ued` from
-visibiug Deiy,;mere ; Melicent held aloo f
is hydrate of cialoral. A well�kuown pllysi-
posIte aam
the ra way car with a, p eatiaut smilo.
For'cuulsia the Abh -ad.
his ..wit I a, whorra bile kilaw Well. aheAki
frorp wy, btiug uuwilliijg to
clan of -New York oity,� in s�eakirig of thiti-
- NOW, My de,mr, suppose, we take a louk
Papa says 110t to:wOrXy more,
the cottage, the man 6ate �out, arid
made his way toward bGr, tou�chiiig his hat,
nFremalue's wily, Wild fearing that Amy
,night not be iguoraut of the a :epultie her
subject, said
(J lateral hydrate Btaluds first in the list
at the lunch of which we have had such
rernarkibleadcou�ls. If there is anything
N at IUN to ;
.v, \ lil Wo P
i4n -, alad I Ilia, fnur,
.1, Good-mormlig,'Jbu," she, safd.
fother had sustained in theold garden on
..O f hypraotio�,
-ition w It A, 11, T�l Bi n jjs-t
AaidrbLi,tindke6 L16 jUsV (1194V.1,
Good-morri ing, . miss." he answered,
the �roof' and, Amy. for similar reasons,
it 1�rbt earn& into mucli Was OxPectiE
MmiJe lunch, D.volop the VLaDAB, and let
There be a San 8 "lit, all ray cOttage, miss,
W as relu�tant.to cl Mellez)L&B society-
if so be'asou'd plemoo to a top in aud. tsand
frieudship, ii�rtaucoulrageO.' 1'remaluo
which experib�ce has failed to varifY. It
laughed oubright in muticipmion of the
Whitt is it s ollowing him
knew why Mdliceu.IJ tarried at home, mud,
B no all , extent! an anodyne; itis
-i t to y
Simply the babi �ic_ known, and the
guetatory delig�ts in Store for him.
Lf well.ca IesFfor ivealtta
Ard -Y:
i, It be death, miss," �eplied- the man.
althou,,h his dati-later had made him a
confido'lace, he partiv gubsEed wby she
met iti deadly. The Opium- lacaBily
pe, a,ke
opening the bablie 16 WjtII ire g hands,
seeins I e'tter Wall it story;
I found bina. and dro weed he
chus to seclude berself at I D�31�smere. But
acquired ; iudeed, -to some to mperameuts'
il Now you bq'id' thm� and dealt you 6pQa
.1 I IE is w's,r RL00111t P (jot I F t IE'Ft.
_L, ad of IIUrs1 09
W kt1IJ, ins, I
'=I(l Je4rh cc) hatelt
be� 11 .- -
Whom did End'dro,�irned, Xrinra 7"
be WaB not. LHpleased. He knew that
Melicent's paubitiveness had',
its cautious me ii perilous, froru�
with which the drug is
anytiling I t
itatill get i all out," arid Mrs,
SlIdopeod�ka' handed him a long roll Qf
There is onlynne way byfticharlyalaetse call
be,cu oil, and that is by Low Iving the otiose-
WhILtev-r it ue. The t
If more xelie,A (in love t6gwile,
The woula botle IjLVtor for, it�
�elf, arid be hoped
atbrdotad him I I hat A aary'g
xesoxted.to in every trAlinig illneesi auq the
Something done. up in a coarse brown
olay grea ruadical
itiog of the �lay',toclare that nearly eyerydi-iease:
hollor, Sir'Oliver,`miss," said Yohn;;
coyness, would. mttract'llone. His hand
fs�tml "bit forna.ed. But it libedi ilobitter
pa r.
is cause,l by demuge,l kNueys or liver. To',eStor6
the5 bereforb ouly Nvay b� whiob health
If Men (1693t less in GtQoke and
Stft in, y on please."
wt�aiudebd much Strengthened. 11�1161opgar
'regarde ,
Beason paill and bff�sriiig to become
I . I
If jw much 6ore of this is there tb get
can'be secured. Rere is
Ann wore in buu(l;i au�l tieod� til,tal'ull;
Ifl,.,vo'4 vvorkbai.i inore'willtuglitLuds :
Too room i6io which Al elicent stumbled
. .
-dim, for the a rnah caserneur, had been
d M'I'
a Itient as,a Puppet in the play
. I I
wall 'ranging.-
he her now, arid'
. habituated t6 thep a a f chloral� S000ftl y,
I . I !do'
Be gout y, so gradually as its subtle, fatal.
out?- d( 3�m%utl4ur. Sepaop�)lad�6, sta-IffluA
a t the- pap- d d' , O'�lla BEL -1 sage
eat ret)ur%tion. It
9 lla8 achieved it� r acts
directly utiou the,kiiin6ys au,l liver and by plae-
To iiui� tikis w the
if ibe� staked up P�vc's oil and willo;
oarefully curtained. She wt
be y
believed devout]' iii, the -power of love
biLd-itA vJictim'that he oDlyreali
chatill Iz9F
thing he detested. 11 Whitt' is. Dhien u
a a. Y'
Wotan in a, haat4y tiQuaftiou drives disease
'or all Kidoey, Li'ver
Aud on b,"I�L 11 O'
if cn�qo coal.bi
-She took no notice but
0 a decetise had
t t I t. cliti�ou'
I a er. wh late to break the
to P ,w too
way, a club to keep 6a rest of the lunch in
&lid Urinary troubles, . for the distl:essing (its-
The wuild wuilla be the bctto� f J: i1i.
down upon a. chair wtilch was � close to �he
She was' bewildered. It
9�14,M tumbliug block from hi�
Or_ he had nut been to obB'
F W erve
boudi, b�nd him' Gbloralii:rosorted
to for all ordinary. aptauk of i�lasomraia, and,
order? I�i tbi,i thing the p4�lice furcepf this
lui1cil ? Fetuli forth the law-abidiiag ale.
Orders Of woulou, far M%Iliria and plbysical
taoub this great rern dy, has no
iuld act i'lle play of life,
Tf wore �N*L
most seel: -cad: as if sfie "bad died herself,,
the y ung mmu's admiration Ndlicent,
?17 a _f"Jr a few
�P, pe small) doses
f you've �Oii� any Ne�er, --ihiud
tdtitni� rdoor.
rs, inii
_. P B! it, tobe good.
." ' M
At, tland,
bigoti w%vouid
and had entered an uuknov Vill
though -notbi rig in M ' eliced , d en a a
daYe, the result b�iag Sound, m6vebbiog
ih a exec tiv: hs"er's,
U 6 of toast, prodlacp tb��
.I ote,
r :D sk to
Tilkg06d I (,
If CU -4 oin, groy %Alt
I 11 There, John P. - exclaimed the good
I .
d wrath. , You be..
nor warranted falm ill 0000111diLl'. that all
reciprocated Clintou'li feel:i s, *a Q beau"
B leep w0l none oLtbe' evil resuha,com'111OL,
to other ilarot The period of. 8leePlfjsB-
IB�boriug facti a u, the tWx- pmyiag oc�d 01 -the, I
busiaesi� I"
For. Bills by mll,dpalers.
woman, 113 'suppresse
clum. Doti% ),all know, the
By to be sure!
-well wivitre that in ri'n�
in the,
Does past, which may be the,rersult of.over.
aere'o some cheese," murmured. Mrs.
11. M N CO."
If talent sbone fi�r
The worlaworultitrut,
qum)itv cau'ri abide sudden newb? 13
ilia boyish beau aii. %i
ty %i un nd
-:a r h, be anx - i0ty - p
tion, the drug.de abAr�doued aud`all."gooe,
'Spoopera dyke', - I arid a pie and 146 triesluoked
Toron a, On t. Rochester, N. Y..� London, Eng.
It iviBe in I'ttle tbitips,
-W,ri YOU-?' tou laaerl do Want a pal:
Looking after, to 'be sure Th�erq, mi, a
Poetic fancies, he held no mem, or
Unlikely r B t 'hiuce Clinton, 8
-Lter blear
wall for a time. Souaa,er or )I plasti-.
. arid o
is rub.herring' Wild--"
11mven't ye got some emit somew ere
. I.h . 9
IIII-010 Bitters a" iho aud BeKI
Affectit-ig less lit ull their
If la� W.Iaa,l 1*0�01` I'lltUll Stl'k,gS
she'added, bdothiDgly w3 John: Slunk away
dad'Fremmi"8 fe Ie f 'more a ur�.,
It rats I 8 6
returns, ohloral is reborted to', kb-
ne" pt up
., I
bia6ed. Spoopeudyke, p Writing the
Ever ilatle.
much abash6d, he's gpile�1110Yv. Don't
He V
'bad but tollt a -walt'Ing game, find
or a loner we-mrid tmkeu'i(i larger duioi.
Bologna on, end ill the qeutre.�.of the pie.,
They arie� coillpounded ftotil Hops,
-If-Ir Is
you be frighted."
both Meliceut and Tb6 Retreat would bebis..
Iti is 1.6doued for, a lo'uger time,
.. How, I to qeueh my thi�sb after eating
.1 .
Buchu, 1y1iirnlnQ,e arill. Ddrltjeljorl�tlle oldo8b
N�au I'd s iiii-e t gtho� and resturu �,u;
If right wado light
:!cpoyou mean," Said' Mel'deDt, linding
Bu4irldmu,ra relations:milst be'6stmblished,
only to resume ite and so- hilowlyaud
all �thiB ti uck, urilLB81 fiave'salt? Whrti's
best � hod lno,;i vatuabl � naedicioes ill the
I .
would -be't6d better fur it�
Vdica'atlast "that Sir Oliver Clititurihas
ti�etweera the, itwo. houue8; and
Burbly the habit iw,6rmed that renders
-P inpossible without chloral, which,
tha,muatard�hatgoos with tbe�e Mercies ?
d Mr Spoop6tldy.lie
anil contmiba till the I)est anti iaio�,t curative
being the
een dkow Ded T'
a to:
seemed disinclill d. to invite
like I - mu8t be increased in'
a' dove into1he LM9
of1l beef arid scattered i1iG,`coiit&r1t4 ove-eltis
greatest Mood Purifter, Liver Rbgulat r ani,l LiSo
and l3eaith nos6wipi; agout oil t,&Lb I, � No dils..'
My Man found him, illa his poor foot all
the iuitiatiye hijhself� "Accordilaggly, about;
,quatati:Dy,mS :U a . I 1. ha'6t—tuuf6U-.
'to. tpoisonous
wife,8 lap; iay� us, can W I I P
at tiTv_
c )0,3sil:)Iy long �exit where
these Bi'tters are used, so variLa and 'purfect are,
height, farfrom thestiv,
I fuuad
other as tight tight,. and he's
l sPr
jubt a -lying - in th6ro %ill they can gqhim
th-re6 weeks after Clintdu'8 demise, he
Bented himself 0\4e ila-Molicellb18
The larger cim6s
of 'victims of the chloral babib are Dieu who
the cheeee in fbue he- 11 a
0fdading ai�.tus
hatilitag the ago put of 'I
Thoy give ne'vilife, aurl N�igor to the agc4 and,
a �hqll
And u May this lonelk hiu.,
�.,Hvert: ,
up to Belmont."
"Lot 'him,;' Melicanti,
drawing-rodin, He found her.81
leebly-6Y t 0 hadow, with Tom urring
load sedentary live� �and who, from tem..
ur - their work, are
perament and 1he nat" a of
pie and j-wbb ug it tbr,�i;IT,h ill c la ee�
"'Hurray I Navr; we'll spoll in off
go lit
ioIlrw. � T6 01 iN:haso cairreall
Ever a Late of Ocean s,611104 In t
. rue -se . cried
He was a grelit 'friend of
a bar lap.
peculiarly liable �. to, suffor from
1, , r.
the berriag for the next round mud M
reqiai�o an App. tivcr;,Toiiic aqfl alil(l SVilliulffint, T
R,o) lii�ters dre being -highly bura-
How came this sbell.upo'n Lbe naolintaill height?
This hot weatiaer Makes me very I
ne'3e- One of the mo�t notable examples of
9boop (Gradyke sei�6ed.m fi�h by*the tail Ltiict
ti"O, , t011iC fln(l stillialat. ag, witliblit ieltuxic
All, W110-011,11. bd�.
Wbotbor there cirojiliod b sonic too, careless
is requ�st seemeb-by no me
. aus straD ge
�BII6 said, hall apolug9tionIly, and� bludhing:
'the batieful e1a OtH of the ebloral habit was
Dall6e GAbriel Ill d '�g the
W o, al ri,
slammed it into the bdak�t.
"Dou't!" pleaded M's.,"'SpoopeDdyhe
No matter what your feelings or symptorns are
Whet er I; ere cti,st ouoaus swel.)t ibe land.
to' the cotLage"r." I he spectacle of a corpse
'Fas attractive -to an untutored mill d as
, She 4ould lam a prefbrred that he should
latter Years ofi lo ie life 6 ' tomed to
tat, doses.
-a enormous total of
. I
ug lypia. I like those thiri6,
looki h6lples � � 11 I . . ,
I v;bat the ailliju 1,, use tiop llitterfi
, D'u't Nvait until you tire bin; if you only feel
bad oi -thiserable. l3itteaB
Era,Llae D.terinijt- kd u dalued the TI)ay ?
thi t of I; cFov�Ze moumrdl!7�S'h
oniie with great pride to conduc t Afafice6t:
bear.it to be Biappo�ed that Hhe was.pufrar-
remelliag a
nearLy, 180 grain� dail�: qrrii 0 i�B'Ea
you dola't.�':
C 9, u't y 6 let the lunch lnt�a a little
, .1
ave Yuur life.- Hund-r,ds have botn saved
by so ilt)in 9.' r*5 0 will be paid fur a "so they
Strango, it nou?:fa frona I its lative sea,
One � ng IV Eo ljg�
into the.chmmber of death. But. She was
jog from �.a mimplaced , attachmerat. :She
took c Liu irml regula:fly,'�at: rarst in stram I qi
, I Wal:
squealed sp b
opepay.k a, minoring at
will not cure or belp.
Sang at the mighty mysberies of the.tMe-
Sang Of the awfial, vasD, profound, and wi de�
quickly shorn of her expected i )y.�
D,) Mrs. Humphries,"
'Would have hoodwiLiked the whole w.orld
by wearing an 'appe.arance of gWyety, and
d tiee, � b Lit gr6damilyAucrea8ed thb ose
I -
ifntil Ilia power was goffe.
-got � rebis-auce,
the c bease wita th a Call rHe
u like these things Th6y�re right ill
ti ciff I at, Or lbc-your friends suffer, hut.,use
RIIA urge thein to use Hop Bitters.
suftly witbv&locs Uf Llie,ocean I
not come in,
as the -held the
said Melicent, good woman
by assuming a particular. �ntere,.ib in her
His life was dar6fi: y a"pover he
3ourlane. '�Iiyou,waut is trike arid a
Roinember, H!Olj' Bitters is no vile, drugged,
drunken tioArum, uo the, PurcBV and Be8b�
-Aaad,dStheshalVu1)outbe i ounta in's height
door- open for her.. Thi� lias been a great
ordinary ociaup�tiiil]B. To this er�d she, h afou
9 lit ag'ainst, in. vain. His hitter -days
8,tep-ludder to be a salt mjua! Where'S
Medicine ever, made; the " fuvalid'g Friend and
Sings of th�) Bed,
do �er, 1�4:�Lie.s mud leaeue6 away -
S I [
'sh,wk to me, and I.should like to be alone."
Mrs. Humphries fail back� dis appointed.
striyert, beyond -her strength, to
'bear herself unconcernedly in her trial
spent' -in solitude. He becama'a recluse
rid. a,hypoofiondriac; filled with grouzidleMs'
cm� e lunch ? Brng on the deiicacies caleti.
lated to supply,the wasi�e ti, a of poop�
ta s a I fain ily shou�d bowith-,
�Hol'e-" an"' O'lob" 0 O'
yOut hTgo
(10. ever, wandering where may,
0 my�4OM67� sing, 0 LOY burns, of,thee.
But no one in Delyslord, ever question'G4
the will at a Da Lys.
-to appear aimply-�m6v.od -at the lose of an
intimate acqttaintan a hardly-koew
fea-s for hims elf,. cherihiag unfounded
auspicious. agail,8�t ' hij - i - best riends and
eudyke P and the worthy gentleman d rove
the a auslige clear�,tlircilgh the pie arid till-
d.o advanced
how well she bad. succeeded nor how loy-
admireys. Di. Al%ud' I
I I I a ey, the great Edg
paled the ring oil the-uther arid.
'whe lizirmit Gray Nlatr.
-Melicent' oy�e(Lthe
towards the bad. ' It was covered with
_ally�b Od ford&
-li: e ni6b, - 6ti gin iAed-chlor I -as
Her6'o a- Charlofte:-mnd.
u bast c
And tbo . orne at last,
Thou baleful issu� the buried
White bheat', and �beneath 'lay a motionless
form. She, paused foia'-momciat. Then'
idea that she bud ever caat:a,:tllaug6t on.
her D6ig4bor at Belmont.: She wds� too
talliz:id boll," arid, coud6mns its use, even in
disease except to bi'de'.over some prop-ing
mentied Mrs. Spoopend�ke.
. "'Han'ti me ,the .bl�hiog Charlotte!
of yeamr--�_
Sa i fruitage oftlio pas�-
RDot-n in 1: am ll�'-Ioos and
She drew. the covering fro a.- face, of
absorbitigly conscious of her own retched-
emergency, aLd, there is,certminiv an iijbre.s-
ing reluctance on the;p'art,of - hysicians to
hoyviod Mr. 'Spoopendyke, - who had fixed'
d reali-
ill rtured a of
Thou first gray hair. I hail bee, but I bate thee, lurking thele,
the de�d an. D. was the most solemn
momout she had ever experienced.,, She
ness to realize that the esimation i L which
she, was h0d, and, the circurnspi, ction with
his on cold.:cbicken and Saw Lie
ZaLlOUL Of his' anticipations. Show me,
was unable to think - her p ewers 'seemed
which . She had a 1waya walked, Tlaced bar
U alike opfum� I ;here arej a� a r ,a no lilt
plea8s,4 ects, no reaction foiu
ftirag� the
_Z�_Se 'of
the Chmri�
otte,just budding into Woman-
hood: &bd 9,he B�Wll have the PIG! Give me
clatoraLl . I t Bi odd6
sleep, or the It
best possible. im'fta�ion .'of
—�7he' Y'. I W �\
ha 5 that P,
1� This is a of be f
Thou milk-white.blossoult in a midnight tress!
Out frem. the alien soil,
whose and responsive lips -she had
ttic'murderer, who faucieBi that every whist-
in his is the the
I'll pluck th -6 in tbiu6 infaut tenderness,,
As the rude busban iman tigirbomthe ta - �e,
T Doti first gray.hair.
kissed but a few hours since. There was,..
Do response now. , He lay before her, mute,
and still. ne hair rested in thick curle
per Bar. shout of avenger
of'610od at -his heela,* she: imag-iniod: arly
sign, of languor or dullness., must betra�
dreacilless'refA,. with no "headache 'or sick-
eBo as a reminder that the BlumbQr has
.11 �an_ .
rSpboparady�e;�' briI�h tening -9, - little.
',,You know you �yB liked beaus.."
Of all the fleecy flock,
loatile to des�lse,
above his br,iiv. ' Theayeaera�olosed, and
, her,aeciet, and althe
she,�Gtrpve to ounce
been pure hased and L the debt in a4 be paid.
late for. Jb is paii,di r; on, and, the interest
" Le't's have am! z,growled Mr:'Spoopera-
dyke, reaching. for tb4m. What hm�veyo u
Thou art the oe-to and
The cheat within the 6hoca.
b6long-laahe.s.lay upon -the Smooth cheek,.
�of --Now
I I Briperhuni
'url�uspecbed fact w sun energy.
had been 'baught�*in
demanded is It P
ealth iliopd, often life
gut.to operi.�em
The m6ld tbato i the owrl�, harve st
The wildoW on,,the blossouls of the pear—
N_Suaije_fur�ked about. the Corners the
niouththat am- used smile 'which-: Otton
the the dead,
she a melanchol y Ll
attitude, and. she. was wxed at her 'ow
unwariness. T
I'm afraid left the can-openeir alt �ipo,
ho -e) wbiSpered Mrs�� opendyke.rum-
he Ali dt boiji the4udag art,
T atter of ol,i� Time; who doth betray
tlmyS.upon counteances (.)
As if they, having learned ELI! the'ungd6ssed
u 'Pines to know were divefted.L
ma I
Surely it is better. h
t au'usual,".she Said.,
fit, ll�' u&i§E.
-A no,;5� vi yearm opm who'han i(Prilly 14pok,ell
magiov through,the biskut
How d'ye propose to. opeii,,ein t an
he w_�aLry,'wbr'n-out h.bart,
Pl7eyet we daile_v3;dreana of iti decay
to tracelthe harrasairig doubts Arid oarLy.
speculati h
na� 011 t a faces _ Of- theIjVj I rig.
it is' pa a w I wish
I could persuade. you come P to Del b-
u y
-to, ptiit�i ub erg L o't' `f, IS -C I "J --i
ro red. Mr. Spbperady ke, Bobti[P6` his.teeth
and breathing bar -spring
Thou art a'biu.o of wreek.boyond i
-Tlie-firs t gray hair. .
Clinton loked profouii dly Peaceful.
Marc We always Seem able to find a c 9101
An-0:4egoi reporter, while in Gilbert's_
that bu�t,i thi,3 L 06V6r 'Off I Gaide.' , 6 to
: LYDIA. E.� 9S
L?ng and'pas8ionately did'DdIblident gaze
? L I .1 . 1
nook there.
Mills the _bLh6r day, encountered a -boy,
the combi tiara of tbid�stem-windiDg, cta
.'M E Ll C E N T'
murmured," "he will Deverget letter."
Yo.are Very Lkind," riaukmured Meli-:
cent. . I I . I . L
a MelVio
Darn d 'who. is aii oddity in
his M.Iviil is 13 years ol 1,.and to all
of�bemuis! IjL�yll- do it P and
Maybe th
d Spooperadyke' -ag,min grabb-i the saussige
Then She stoopod and kissed the lips which
he asked. :,Have ypueeu Amy lately T'
appearance: -bright aud ia-tellig lit. His
and went for tfie ban.,'. I.' How'm I getti6g'
had been w-arna and loving when, She had
Not for two or throe,'davq. .1 hiawl her
a 'each -are� all, -right and he is
f P
�i - )u he yelled, as'the boicignai flow'jil
met them once before.
Sadderaly Se heil%id itarsh .V'O'ice in the'
for it few ininu .'at Mra.
tes oil
able to talk f1luentlyi butin sjiba�of this
he lras,,ndt Bp6kbii to any exc,3pt
Think you beg'
di cecLjOnS. to to Breal
tbo;e be�ngLmny More, plain 'y than you did.3
A for Wonnli;7. I 11ented by
next rooro,-and she recogn�zadL it a' ce as
t 06
Mim Da Lys,.it troubles me greatly to
ill m is School.
bera of ]!I� own family and his
he sbrioked� &'huge efiunk of
WSW ' llk�_
that,of Carn -bridge.
'�Yo`u*"61�ould lot: liar ifi,"
:anno yod, but. I, hav� cooae.�ora Purpose W
bromch,a disagreeable
mabter'during his lif�. He if not an in
park broke off abort ',mud I'Wrided in his
laii's,foo i car; 11 This beg don't know' who
Th Shno the or ry,
th d png Invigomtes and
not have go
it I '
I any an& playSLabodt-withother. chil I.
bu, Sp6open.-
I tihliy ana L
lal,'o-lonlyles the a as
Mrs. 0anaineidgel0viL6 am oudly. L' .S lie
may have.,faiut ad �' 'r . .
Sfic a, It
L ,:rig. 'speu an a pres6n'tlyf
resrlmed.� .
ren, -An par ect. uevor.omyt,i
limir0 ,
ith i Let me to
, f, * L,
d�W"and*he ground,.
to oic stei), restores t,lio natural lustro to 06
-k �X.
, .
I V"Gly Molicent, veiled. the. 'dead
Y at a I. a g ass wbut
mu , 1 am
When be wis 11
itheL mtjentjonjo.f� ;�f It
: 113 J`Yalmtas,�be
the can and dropped- the debi�is
All' Alar6ugh the horj.l3ummer_nj9ht�
jL�' ': fiLtful, - * L
ly-, 'at.
face "and 'furne'd to 'flae�'. � A-I doorL
't but*.you need f a
_Ay not � a r
t h- ' b'
Zoes it 'by' mg,, im arm; and
':I don't know W.httt We'fe going !, 1:
is' in L .'
Mr Spoope�a
: P hysicisins'Use' It ah d Orescribe,it Fr eely
*VlLicell, , Slept . and an emrly�
hail r�she final y awoke., shetossed for a
berLopan6d Into a Bolalleryortria, arid
that had a do'oi leading intosthe open air.
to torment,you,"*,h'b baid.r �,�All
Pit interc
I wtuip'to driie to 6urse on m
4nikil)�L gestin was snit�'to es. � when ii� a
m6rujur6d :g
I flatulency destroys all craving
for stimulant, and Bbion,a6l
while upon -her nneaqy-oillow� Then,she
Way . L S
In this he made L 'her' egress, and,
footi a g again. NVhs,t I said ill
Scholl he adopted i,a�uae imetios WiLth
his teacher, and refuged-tv Say a,w6rd; but
j Now watch h a triumph, of. mind
"I'i howled Mr., S-
beala k a, openipg
ll!liat fec-ling of bem I -Ing down, cau I saig imin,-weigl�ii
curod byi �S
ros a ting �a afffi, tb6�
COMP08itiou 611,which she had been
COLUSCIOUS"Of"', Bild did, hurri d�
0 hLth6fielde,.til,16hefoubdaquiapDook��
d short, tino'e-ago-Vaiin at - pogHi -
hly be
g e d
ff cad, but its eff�ctB may be s.wLept
f'. .1
ra use o a s r
li'v�1:6 l,b �t-d- the i6ache
I I In n our re-
persomded, t. to'speak.
s. poopau y
the window. and-placirig the OIL
I :- " ' It o
, wnsurpams.q
cogitating for hours, costlier much,anxiet
and, y
maby.tearB. But'ircllactiolahadripened,
abd �alight sit down all&- be undist
turbed.' roe.a lon g time Bbe.wept urnre.,
aside,,if you 'will. an, you so fur forget
'What an toCoutinueL fr iand
Porter' saw him he Was . standing , by the
to� 6f� that
d` rL' he roar,
'Gill.� WTherewar. .'o glatU8,
as hebroughtt he wi Lidow.down 'oil the6an.
here, , arid�,sbe blushed scarlet as she
strainedly., It was only Dow: that she knew
with Anay; mrad to come to Dal a as,
roadside, whistlitog, a�itou�le girls:
were, I pms�: jog. Whom addreaBied,-inA asked
Mral Ddyke dodged just in ti
poope tills.
will cradicate
"i"' tone and s reni,tli lo ilia systow, ot,
Insist on Inivilag it.
a ad
recalled td. Iirad'th t she h` suffered liar-'
self to be v600ed. by a mmr WhOLMUto roraf(38�
how - mubli she �had' loved.: Tor Cii
option alie.did nton's
den In 6 t give a, though t. S b a
you used to do T'
You are veiy, very kind
the d ' ion i o . a certain person It
treat' f a mP'
and her unfartudatb -,sPuiise caught the,
feak fairly in.
bean: . part ot the fro A
lit r all,woman or child.
1: Zd�l d: -iflor
Bel i th e ConatiounA .0
Beffly bound to n
a other wom:ani that 'she,
ad -loved -.hLim--- a d- he Was., With
pAreritly did 1not hoar -the . question, and'
r ck�up
nZhial _hm
ared fr6m, his byelor
was cov 0 to hiw
at 233 abd 215 Westeiat Avenue, Lyn� Mass�
_SL by �y
had listen6�'to,lii0a�wi�hout�unv�illing�-esB,
Be We O -encourage
�soxne natures, love, pr6cludep the fain asjt'
_Of�dfjSpl Idas t I
oulil pay 120L attention to repeated ques-,,
-ank es.
T d, as
hat Lwhat ye wants T' he gaqp'e
.... .. e
it] $I- �_b J)ttIcsforJ5.�'S&rb
olpills, or ()flozen.-cs,.ourccL�.iptofp�,ic(�,
him inith6 treacherous design of broa Ing
She was interrupted by" in a rail L
=edL-:if, you' 'can' forgive Me, iirid'if
in: the barn
on his Nther'� farm, pitching Day, and Was
tb Ill extent Of the oil ti�
.on a
blitth." -ug
Ilp: L Send for j)araph
his.plighted trobh� with an afilanced bride.r
She waa foicad t6. own that'her weakness,
Vol Ce Whjoh had soared. bar from. Mrs..
11tiol p�ri6ql' cottage*.' Mrs"Camblidga oUnever
dou't.thinkI bobaVcdL badly."
thought he smid e' ager I
again asked ai qa6piin, -but relwarded the
1, been try; to
That witai ye.
get me to , do ? Do �%t;' U6: ': medely
LIV R PALS., alho,-
had been �Iiumilitiug,, 1 not SifuL
looking do�n at hr. II9r face was,hard
There wa's a D�iisurnlerptand rig and I
th' t stare, mud
questioner wit a same vacan
is LWork ' ; " ' L I ,
went on,with b b
app"mr6utlLyo IIVjOUS
d , f
beans!" and Mr. capon r a
Sp �ka
t r. 25 cents per' bo,�'
orpidity of the 11
lby Droggl5cs.-CM
-showGu;(I,iiot Oriticise Cliiitoh'Scoild Oct.-
It Would an ignoble to reproach him,foIr a,
-and 'tern�.
V'llat are you crying for?!� She said.
�was. premature. '-B ut you did raotbin,2
wrong. Far frorh' repromching�'you, I tell
b 'rhion. r After-
to this presence of.anybt er Pat
wrd he wag 1 heard 'in, 66ravarsAtion, wiub
our, and wits Been -no More till
bioil ell had
guilt W 0 -,'it would'be!
aleentrose train the ground.
you I hat. whittever'comes" you are light
hiG.broblaer, When he; spo-ke'fai a sharp, quick
don't care"' soliloquized
la'er riotte
the (jhM
ungeneroutl-to-blanIb for,,'th' d_q I
a iti,
vei�y mu6b�s hooked �l -a
Of myL e�egi the 6'4ra charm of D d
LLlyG for .
aj6 ''Ibilotit theslight
0 and W
gallpe �qt -feelin-18* hich had- iioti
over LL own sense, . o rig In
said'� wiih,'sirnple dignity. I buv�e'last a
III your, presence isoal pinend.,,
Y .y. only bap'
N &I
b it he nriw'tfimt any,
not can, injurc have
walted a_MOn3Qutr h d
e� (lay alraples, itiortla
�n Pnifland
renoorse,hLr, errors seemed to '66
anormiiv. while that. of Ciin'ton fa'aorl into'
-miss Du Lys.' have I( usiiand;"
said 0 ar ri ge,, i
'it' b id! , ;Mpla'aticaily. 'Bat
d Ou' avone
refit grant , me
cod.d -all 1,
yran I if to 0 t -Ile . I'P that. W130 '
out6i a,t a, � ��T he
. t. limit
Omenthe ere -were other
-in observed th
B660 Bilti of course if'1
n n Ch on, �6a
hma� mad 91 Ds 8,-wonit care
At the first' rnoment of
Melicerat did not��undcrktand.
expect you to. love me 9 But'at IJaSt'YOUL
I- d not
is 'On ileut� and'
Say,13 mother word; It is certain y a most
anything And- with thisloonsola.
Mrs SpooVeraLdyke 'at h
bhe had pulaid. 'The, greater,
offoue'o .wiI8'bey s tbat the ro
ao� W
-':I &'m very sn'rry all asolace.
'am . in iitch icl�ii.ed to you 1for,your
might grant me some degree oftb
am never ea9y'Lbut,w'itb
remmi, able. L P, m8e, and
it one n6teasy.'itifez-
He 'a
L tory':'ieflectjon a t, a
-"altairiate biteH
ell icken, and :Char] ottb i"
, ABE, 1MME-
aiind per in alien tly. C�X*red
and I)ieLde8olttti,oli��U'�."tLba:b'-'s, ar�d.hers:
By Mrs. Cdwbridge, with a.
Inceer, ay,/ too muob.111
1, ujead- you 6
pl�llation.` ni&when at
f his 0 y,O
ol seems to defig ht in the 60 ale
mud �oDipo�ed heriiel sfor,& coultoi,
Iibloue I
of, th-Ose. saa."t hought§, She's CCOM-
bitter laugh. Ela is�dead atiiiinow."
What do LYOU mean 21' taked
b ssch
cil6d. t a in& �-filliiag beir-ey�s.
What hm ve Vdorae to deserv'e'suola ft&O-�
'I t
P ons Zia is. re'so u a in
11 I .. I
Young ()ere DI hen be 0 oPon his Ilips cxcept w
N �'S', TS.'
-pliihed liar uuBk,'and promised fiergelf ici'
Did'you love him, Miss Da1ys.
lifiE 'teacber, when be rE c.ite's
Theysoothe arl& nourish tl�b hyBtOM'
post the letf(3'r with her own halide.
:It Him I Whom�?"
You are yoursER," be said_ gently.,
I ere,
R bills 91tra'answelrB. when he is spoken-
it� cWb
announced in [egfam the - 'Othe
_ � _ =J -
With difficulti
the berL'
'repeated,- Mbli-
W Wliat Shall I do ?". she exo aimed des-
' '
t Tharp is i� Dot 6xp�ailmtion of re-
-IS I d
was 307 if Grx varL 6 and, an
w lit to Rome w�enl 17 years of age�. He
Circular and Consultation Free.
in ng to rg-lil carmot let a day ssioerat,,blaniily.,
d -
pairinkly. �'� 1, I ,
amrkable conduct.
, 1'. . I I
sood Went to reruzia Where be enter9d
RUAT� Qucon s a Toronto.
witb�.iut to you my contrition
Yes. . He rily"busbahil -'-he, Sir
1,�Ifyou will let earything.be asit was,n
�jrh alin . 0 041 Loolij,";
h Order of St. Btudied Phil-
for''What' ocouried between ui yesterd ay.,
Do not imagine for a mom6lat that I bla
am 0
Oliver 'Clinton."
L '
For a. moment. Meli a t new nothing,
�replied be, it That in all I abk_tfiat� all&
'�ctna otherlbing.."
in moving, in tI;G;Qaeeu�j Bench Dlvl-�
sion on Saturday, Jnrie'� iliat- a rule
' la , L%fer he stuaied'i&Rome; Aher�
five in Italy ':Ire went to ' Eog., .S72
-A WEHH.�, d., at home calrily ma 0
n T it (I U qt&, We
y6u. I am &rfrom doing so. I feel thmit
Sha Swooned awayi.aud When B66 recovered
She looked at -him inquiringly.
should be made aboolu,te', for a new
years 18tady
'land and was odained, 1 a priest. For a
was entirely III my halide to ha��LP
- -
qj� _Si,b.G.Na8 ly in
.A - _,_.g -9-4. the
., mean"' he �safk
�n_ac�io.a:.w.-he.rA,,Mi�sBullp�9k, on a of the
- --tiff-
YLBIM§Rq��Wma eng&iged at a
_Du�bG�; 11 _. I
T�-a"t silence you is,my�
ari'd Mrs. Cambridge was bending,over-her
keep before your-mifid -the'Ljoe6l'
Iteig-of-tho -&oprietor- of-
m'GS'6nL_ in
Shame, and, I rue tterly. As I feel that'
W ith aArinibled look � on : her austbro face'
lection'that th ere is a man who lovbsy011
look's R6yal Mrionettes, recovered L;C2'300
laght,� nemr D'abila. a novitiat
in Till OL and:
after this, we cannot t-with'any plea-
sure for some tiD2ei'.I beg youto 4i�it Bel.
Melicent struggled to ri Be" ,
"Pray -1 P'ray leave me
more deciply� than he can, Bay, a lid that. he
in tonly'awaitiLlag y Our word to' throw him.,
L Se jbC
�damages 'agains a
th t,tchoql
way. Company. for� personal injurl6s.
Order, w ere, lie spent seven
for'bis h'
: For a, tima,he was supeitioi 6f 01,
for all discus I as o# the' Kidneys, and
Mont at.6tnoe; and not_,to ikurn t'llither �at,
1?,id you, 1p_ve him, Miss Du Lys
at y
t oun-feci I am not speaking dra'
Sa8tained.in ctnasequenoe� of the alleged
.. nd'on his return to
`mi�imi , stery in Ibaly,�,a
Ll V E R
present. o not thin k unk a a m
thinking of as much,
repeate I
� 'What) if I did Molio6nt.
a , peak' the,Bi mp I ;dober truth.
fiegli tence of the dtendalito' servants,
Ireland was attached, to, St. Saviourls'
your good as of. mine.'
Let me entreat of you, also, to fulfil the
Said !'Pray
leave 'me � ,
fat, far dearer to Due thin anything
elaeln the.world is;-� or ever has been�
What call
60u�bel attributed ad the ex-
`traordinmiy -of the to the
1)6mjaicmn,Church in Ha visited,
sergan, enabling it th throw'off torpiclity and inaction; stimulat6ig the healthy 0 cr;0ti6liW
ement of which
engag you Spu 8.
� he love. you� Miss, D a',Lys ?'"'
I *o'Id Ao inythi g in. �thg
u lo world to win
liboralityi jury
JI Sister
fact that th-A P attolil 9� Who
the -United, States I . I Ili
n America
Dominican houseei is sermons
the JBile. and by, keeping -the-bowela �in flee
Believe me , yours Sincerely
'How caral t ell ? I He is dead now.,
gave evidelice, were I Very good looking.
4nd liecturep delivered, in parts 'the
ondition, Ile regular discharge.
Malaria. "'Youare'
He was dead yesterday when he',
� Mc-licaut her head aorrowfully.
is. were 06DOI ded at t 0
The argument u
riantrygained'himm chboptilarityas'an
, , L Ul alhav,o the
With this letter Melicerat, Was amply*
dissatisfiA ;,in one light'ii seemed too gold,
was in the boat with you, Minn. bu tys.tl
HUSfil,& not speak evil of thedead I"
1 could not," An saof
Let �'us 'leave it thus," he, went on.
the court. -Pall Altill'Gazette.
orator. I : [ I
nwo:411101113, dy ,rellovo, slad quic, CUM. y , *
0 a , . I
to CieVitese the SYS' M pvt`17�
in another too - kind. Yet,'� after 'sitting
Mtilicent,I ask you s6lemply, ot�rneativ,,
in York
The'lriiih New
�; -t6ti D Wor,13nLL Y travelled, in Duke. of
to,the�cor6oatio,b of, , the
ii esw dtake'a-thtif, 'he of It.,
before her d'eak'foe'� couple of hours,and,�,
11 9iT Dd Lys, Its has wronged you'Ver y
entreatingly,., to be my wife. , You' shal
bd to death, Lord, Chief
Edinburg a butt! d'the
making Savors, atteral I reelf �
)ts' to express be
more could
much i Do you forgive him , , L
o. I Al wai 'for
give rue no, answer n t,
it on Coleridget on Account of themannei
Cz%r:1n'his ordin%rfiittiie [in Piston
Of the Rufloi6no was intenRe. wh6n,
concisely,, She, fi D& no Mode
From my heart said Melioent,
the as'16ng as, you choose for,
in he conduoted',the trials' of the
jot looking Man i
I, ad that� the 4U 111
.01111nunicati6n which displeased h r less.;
Sick at heart, Bhe :at length. descedilddLto'
her aolitmr� broakfastr,and tbenw'en#t,ojjt.
' was a pause. Mrs.. C#,ii:abridge's
manner noltdDed,
'Years it. it Be pl6ajesl jou�,, ]�Oithinj but
awferlyelit tL p.etiti6i
clyn&mitore W-1ondo a.
In My early da, , 41 iematkdd the' 'Old
I I Y@#' - '-
man;as he aliovelled !coal, into the, 80 ,
they, earde,
the gray, ulster wm� the
- 'a the, midst .
Kebik. 1 it Beemii to�have: been I
6f,80 MUoh:,13pl( )i3dor apladvertise.
.,rowt; albe.rd'di3thattToothent f000lin t0d.por
oneyrofuode& Never it.. Sent on'roo.ipL 0150.
ut_Sh e ,did not,linmedi4tely -betake her-
-self to the priat-itiffide.. Instead, she Sauntered
a good -*Oman, kias Dq Lys,'!
'she can
�b eon us, ip, your
house collar, tl tiq ili,d,neit Unis coal to,keep
'young I kid tell.
Mont,. i tik6 Vrow 3bman whose ribbon
jaltaijohs; oilselficegenuinei P^aawdrouhir.
bOX 22, WA -;-W, 111d. U.SA.
d6tvitio, the iiver.6ide, and walked sloQ41y
you you walk
home slonoTi
He stopped, haif swould
us school
y6titill A. and, far away' 'look 966 to
less buttonhole made hind distingt1i hed
&Ireois, T -W. SAXE.
along the towing -path, thinking regr' etfUlly
,,Yes, �than k you
But she kept-silonce.
pi we over tbe,� old
,Lord Wolseley -him out f9r
I q ulatormarked blitzing unit
t w ere a
how different a frattle of inind'she hit6d
Then 1, morning.
will wisil yObI �00!d
she. wili hirdagling
06stion by 4� bay-,- Walt did they use
Spool o ervi A On
been lost in v� crowd Of
1, for3be i:iiesorvation:Of all �kiiidq of fral
'by 8
ur ea thfa road'on the previous daV, and'
214 �pofi'
Ctood morning," said hiefibent,
I ,
Was deep, y UCLI.iod.
he quietly tespondeat; -�13i,
�fortii �wqutldl�havo
SnclVogetablm! Haoulmetured S. J U]
Cansda; Send
onvIoualy the watiorA glidiri
Then Mrs. Cambridge tL
urned away and
(To be osrttjhu9&),
almiW, gO.