The New Era, 1883-07-13, Page 2iil7 mWon W 'SNUIPol 1011rAt UVAA7101S. THE TERRIBLE CALAMITYN, ADE. 'A ROMAN"C' SWORN'. A SUI[CIDE'S LE'TTEIR.1 v V3, 1883 11 .: �.� 1 got, a jDaulightr, ]Long 'Los"' lin Stu', A ff�sui Giveli Ressusen-11 ter.,Wallaing 11111111as F . IRE AN ON. Dreadful Treatment! of a Patient Irsarelcullars ot thik 1018—ter J10 witsich Over F ure Prospleete; airad Pricep o:( Asylum Own ]Life-Ol.appgtnted Op 911se Giart A Montreal desp be'ypor D EXPLOS11 Who -t. C I�r= ; I .1 In Wasium ant- Winnipeg. 18 Q7 man parded , lberi Turnerj'wao Mange lie,IK"Capes w1i Gainpoder Coat )Inyed in'the Grand: Trunk R%1Iw. eort and Mwine a Y this I6*at a you �.g. SdENE5 ,OF FRANTIC BORROW.! D IN cfac 9 here, And L it hat di me had living 'in, man who _L gave the name of Rufu6 H. A NURSE PRACTICES ON THE BODY SAD WHAT IS SAI :13 the City a Wife and three children. asin JER971ho 'Two Eaton shot himself through th ad to. day, brings e head. On Ila the course of the.emallpox hospital The English mail, receb LOi4DON, Eng., July 3.—The, market, for the latter were boys and the other a girl f -ible�lcalamity - the body WAS found a letter, without date f6vestigations at Winnipeg', -last wei,k', furt�or.p�rticulars of the terx wheau, has been bl'w and lowei for,the rH of age. At the close of that or sianature, in which he said he was,.a Uoist (Friday) nigh WiDDipegdeapatch Q nly 2 yea Joseph Brewstei, vi.ho4iow resides at Re� in a, Sunderland public halt, ]in which over week. The weatbe! has been such As to a: fire broke out at 10 Oclock to night r Year Turner's. wife died. His father took Baltimorean. Nothing can belearned-of �ay_ , , .. hard- gins" an d is one of the mounted police, was 200 children were Crushed tol deathi. cause an I mpr I ovemeptin.,the crops. Wheat charge of,the children, and Terrier emigrat. imithe storehouse of J. H. Ahhdown, He was employed by Dr earliest possible moment such a person, but the name may have. examined. Nil- At tile . an in the ear has been received from some ad to the than rich gold fieldtiiotCaliforma. been an Assumed one. The letter was as waria. werobant,,and tbe building, 41rame ',at wap, made that all'aiersons parts of the country. The imports of Turner's rather kept the Children for Some b. -ped. in fld�mes. The Boa AS sec6nd nurse in Winnipeg Smallpox announceme think their' Children wheat and flour ha I ve been on tb6 a I ame follows: , "I am,going to take my ownlife, ione, was oon wra. hospital in September � last, And remam6d having ".reasons t years,, but when the girl was 8 years of age damage tostook will be heavy., but to the top forward havilig made up rhy mind to do so more bui I lid iii g only 'alighti. The 'serious part of n it one mouth ,and' seven day& It WAS were inside the hall had to,.s� large scale tia in the previous week, the Bbe was entrusted to.' the care of than a year ago., AttLcvgb I do not think, ith the task 6f' identification.. sup lies exceeding the consumption. The Bousqdet, of Craigatreet,' ho the old hospitasl At the head of Notre Dame and pnce. P w was an aunt in about my use exploded, I area 4 p sonI6 duijbg his Aime f A(ter a short time she WAS powder stored in wareho FtherB and r o ldren had past of the' i".' reasons, yet it will give me ul S;w 4,the-kffdlr,. however, is that some hag" of street. The patients A fell, , p followed this notification: quantities of - wbeat" and flour on pak6sage 0 that anybody '.c *ere a boy fiamed Campbelli Mrs. Me- Q thers whose -phi tor the UiAt6d. Kia'adom during the Beat to tihe Providence Convent. and,the attended�with serious results. Upwardsof - ful'only a few� satisfaction to�.g,tate them, and any-. ; Dou�al and two ' children. Ma;s lef t them happy and cheer , week has increased 86. 000qrs., wbilat:bat for aulit Boomed' to have lost,. all interest body who finds tWis paper need- not read -twenty men-wereinore or less,injured, and Has, idger-,.D avid Tulleh, Mrs. �'Wugh_ali, hours before rushed througfi the crowd arid' the coniinian't hi�s'decraabei:145 000 quaiters. in the child. a buriard of the leading bh('ps on Main and poliob Afper the,claild had��been in it it he doekf not widh to do so. I am" 27 other streta had their plate,gl"ts And Other half-brebd b4 Called --Willie'? and besieged the door. of the Th.e IThetotal quantityin passa�efor Europe tbq convent a year sheiwas considered years of age, a lawyer � by profession but las mashed to at . ams. The report,sh6ok Henry Ma.rcells.. Edward Simpson wad in' and Soldiers" with that hindliEsS And lee ' ling At the' preserillitime . is 2,740,000 quarters, not otily to be of very�wejk intellq.t.'bur, Lot very much so far as pirdetice "is I con-,' 8 . r charge ofthe hospital when he went there. wbich,distiriguish all,oiq Services u dot lre�s that!' to have a tendency'to insanity, and was i c` -if by an or 119;000'quarte at,,tbis time earned. I was born in, B.'Itimore, nd I tb whole city to ts, aritre, as The boy Qa Pbell was' thefirst patient he circumstances pf.tbe hind, permitted the last year. The increased Bb,ipmenta accordiDgly'Seti.t to the care of thq suppose that' is more mv-home than any- eartliquake. The'aidewalkB in many places �ose pec�le,- and they to AAW. He was dying.: -I believe he was videSt latitude to t. I . Long are oo�eie& with -'glass, as if fter it hail' ported from India are the main cause, us Pointe A�ylum. . In 1873 �tIbidr ' t whore eI8ei althougb:1 b,;,ve -travelled all nursm lobby and., streamed storral. It is difficI It to -Dight to gei'a, list. about 10 years old. Simpson wa 9 Cramwed, the outer of tbe.inorease in tbei uantity op ps Turner r6turned to iionfrbal n WCli' of at- I d 'the way from Denver to Naw Orleamb. 'I him. ; o the body o thi,3 week, notwithstaudiDg the large fornia and went in. search of the catitalties. Chief cRobie_of the None of the boy is friends were with i f - the ha 1. .'Some * who ba I dRildren a hire. Stmpson-Httidtht�tfive-da.ysp'revious duBbed fra'atically into the bastily extem-' and- found'all t have alwuy� been an unlucky devil,'and the quarititiCs, tbt�t have arrived in British he girl. Mrs. Bousquet fire brigade, wa Slightly injured in ll.�d refused food pbrized mortuary were sohorritied le th I only thing tbathas kept me fr6m suicide to his death the buy and Y Ports duiring.this 'time. The shipmentE, was dead and eemed to know what Insurance long ago Was the liogerihlg fear* that,th the face. Gqorgebpuseale,' , Lim because he sight wbicL met their gaze when once tb6y, from had become' o no One 8 -A m6 ' Cre cloth,! it is . t he.:had stop6ed* feeding Russia 'hal/6 been on a. moderate f the little waU. nth.or might be a hereafter.' 'I 9MV6 arrived at ght ",is :faitally was going to dial Witness said' were 'fairly within its Walla that they, scale. � A summary Of the crop estimates, 8oago Turner heard incidentally that a the conclusion, however, that there is not njured� as a pile of burning debris o a lit.pponbiB,faoe and breast, ir'juring him thing bout it, becautie he had no.. tbipedalmostusif transfixed. Thedead of all dour trie� A merica -Mrs. Grouix_att old woman living on -St. 'worse than what I have gone expentince. I The obild--was in Sim I I 'Upon the shows thati' the g. recognition. pson's cLi (IrLia JAY tretebeJ in rows a aggregate production' in, Urbain street, teal been very,intialate vhth any tthih, almost.beyond W.RaLherfoidj 3be did not thick Any one �At up floor, presenting a that w a Call ide . the. , and I'd chance the future state. Ot , ei a u spectacle them may not vary to 'a'CODd ruble Mrs. Bousquet, and 'in consequence be But I'll not preach.- , Two years. ago I met, firema�i:i,wass6rioiiLIybtirDt. Kerr,, h him thati"ght, as Simpson an4himBelf ollich -the hardeb r. In that' acqi1aintance. 'She, however, 'where; nor firemati, was Also -badly burned. ' as Ze away for another ciliated �1;6 t t . heart. I Mos extent either way -from lastyea .a , Adught.ber a YO11119 lady, it doWt, matter I patient named of the. se, all the differelice'this yearwould be would give He. Turnex no Satisfaction, and what her nume wae. 'as pretty. I Twill, fire alarm bujperintelident, was' -he in ­�despair, heWin Herry Marcella The� buy Campbell was Gy by tilic deficiency in America, the And ' of, couroe, only too, ei erely cut on the head. and face. 1100R LITI�E CNrS LY is fF CAL'Mi caused, fool:r say vVas,as usul, a L 'I IiAd,tbe eductlition, Md&biC,. son'of the chief, . wE I is severely wiill I the, axes tion of a Wigh lowest estimite of.wbich would now&ppe4r wnxi6us to get knowledve,of where his long of very restlosei, and -kept calling ail'the gentleraiin,'litit mutthe mearkstolive time. � He did -not Seel the boy.fed that P it of, to be about 12 000,000, quarters. Under the�a �ost daughter, was, told ;the fucts of the burned in. tlyEi face and bands. Geo.S�uc'lair, abouttheeyea. Intbe great majin y up to nay desiree. . I had run through. con- saddler, has both hands and feet burned to, Light.- He aaw,the boy il�ing next day,. jo.' curcalastances a very low rarga �cas(3 to deputy high constable Coutant, Sea there were Do sigi) a of. bodily siderable money, and bad not tiled iu�duAitry a crisp, ancE the clothes' burned off . his Simpson showed witn6sii how An, prActice ..v re price 8 d oeg'uot'. appear to be probable for who worked very hard! toknd out whetiher to make a livelihood at my calling. Well, &rLjf10j%1 respiration ontbe buy. He could: leuce'apparent. whatever. the ha�dg'wb the coming - cereal seasqui, but .,ra I the'r a' or not the miseing -girl wa� I in the . la limbs. . James Bowie, sa�dler, had his relaxed, the eyes naostly closed,-ai�d Lhe,lipB n4 (If of'dioursej hands battly burned. Archie Grant,, Jod-ana-7 -not say whether the -1 boy was dead or. often, drawn into a s:wile. As we . ,bave� moderate or '.lairly.rpmun6rative one for' the living. At length,, after weeks of the. bo the Aiscovery,, was I get for -�iishdow, was-liadly builled on the .alive.,. Simpson was, wtbltlog� for. the, said, the gight sti-ack -1 terror European farmers. i It is clear;,however most lm ' rious work, I rELL ovrt irFAD AN15 EARS IIN LOVR' iDtO M I . . move the. powd moment the, breath 4t the body go as I that with the ipi�sent ample stocks ther� i� made�tbat she was living face in, his bfforts to er. 011 of the parents, Who were intous at the. Longue wih this girL She' -liked me, I think, but tiless how artificial rehpirati ely A.uxio Si Powlte A�ylu' Wm. Cod e� assistant chief of the tire bri, , to snow wi About the, missing little ones. ti a; likelihood that prices will be kept in on. - Hither Mr. 0ontaut And inworked on a dead body. Be -�eized the bay were!, she had sense, And. she ne�er let hbt sbriti- eking. � Some rushed- back I aguin from cheek.for some time unlets tho'wettiber Mr. Turnor went, and froill'utimistuEEble", gade,� is also seriouigly injured by f 'body with both hands about the- thorax. OIL BE mti-iiaippoiritiug�aiid Prcofa the latter digcov�red his I long lost Cant, run away with ber proapecta­ I timber. Wilsoni Another firem.&D, has''a the- hall, Ilivable,to face th.6.,appallitig 64116, i-hould sceedily beto drank some,. and gambled s6me, and was, as Abdomen brilik.ii-rg-It tightly together and 'turn unfavorable, of which, there are at duqgbter. 'T6is only �occurred yesterd'a scalp wound by failing timber. A mai d were only nerved into r6L,urhiDg:`ug&1ll Y, wild as it young fellow w3uaily is.. Though prestalug it,do%nwards c.uBipg a Lcre%m'i9 t no ibdicatiouq#� M%jze i -i cheaper. and,tbe father w�%d overj yed to find her rawed M6GLiiie is.,burned badly.- Seale by the nedeBsity,which theirloubies* as presen I gen6r.Wly woie good. clo:tfie8, my pocket- come from the mouth of the boyvery, much 'There is vo dispogifi�&manifest4d in the most lovely, gill Of"18. SbeLbAd never been book Was � rauhl) Y L _Very flat had since died, And qtlaiargarp also reported n. WitneF38 parents imposed upon,them. . h many e,.but had ieceiv 'Wolli' when likelilae scream of a living* poleso, market for braliba,61ion .'of business in mean ad the most careful fatallyiLjured. All the doctors,ia the city, said-nothiLig as he was. thunderB truck. He instances mothers, hastily treadiDEbetWe8r1 education frpm the bet �parents saw' 'that mY,virits to'tbe have their'llands full. The'bxoit Ina the lines -of dead, re'etignized tfi �Qhildren futures. d' war . a �grov fr I e . querit26 they, 6 nt,is y was dead or Ed 'ter 7itig as ly int 10 a a gTatice add. swooned. One man 2 �rfeiei:l. - "You. kn` w my ftitellso. �Th re in t be upwards of 5;000 was lAt sure wheth be the be at ft1A4.J[C1AN1$ ITILE, DiJUI(NE. , Miliate people on the,atreets the. vicinity of th . a alive at this'time. He did not think tbitt screamed awfully, threw his hands above ]Late Nos. thsiesi the.operation did the body any harm. The hild has beer! 'tenderly raig"ed,! said, bar A his head, and cried out, Bly son is dead Lake. Winnipeg furrishes the Prairie a cannot marry m bo disaster., I .. * � I 3 " f ather, A and all boy' as buried- the same niglit-le- die o a. 1"Ise IFell a victlin to garper,, my son )a dead T' Turbing. shariply rbun� City With. five or six tolls of fi,ih, cinietfly cannot. properly'sicipport bar. ' I lik -�..A Saturday night's 'Winnipeg despatch, Simpscal'arid hini6eif buiried him. XXVJ41 F1.21,1101. ui3aye The excitemen� over the fire in Ash. be ruBh�d, fr"ticaliv. through the. crow I white, -fish :and sturgeop, se*ral times &� but you seelacw.j� is. A. inat should not last night continues. George Seale, gHiDg.1ntO- the hall. of -Considerable talk is indulged in by the 'wArry'unless he cA I n pro , perly -support his down a. Which was'.Pre eavffl Week. pubIjb/ in re'lation- ,to the death �of a child ;wife.' Tho�- mother was -,just , stern; LAY wodridedded . f PAPAJLNE his way Amon i 8 t 6e multitudd'Blid ivwasl 'The Northwes't X in he -vicinity of the.Ciacionati mills. and 'the daughter was persumadeid� 'to whowasBo.dangerou be ore 9 Quilted POlice are -to be i bein �mld igut; A coroner's inquest arent-that in his'despair be. was..in.' distributed as follows at the three principal Tho child, i6 was reported, bad been found fa to b,e P 11' in, With their 1 Plans. I have 9 Fift PerHoitis isniiiposrtll 't2djog'to commit some injury to himsel 150 at, -.Regina, 100.at Calg�a in bed Wednesday morpipg. The held and a verdict of manslaughter ih ro'sts': Try And dead 'ed by some, whinh will bring the A.Glasgow cablegram says : Fif ty ersors Sympmthiairjg People who were about pur-1 7 at McLeod. laughed many EL .. time- . at a follow expect name of the: ari;xlt Cabe before the courts. The�air is Already were.belo.w.when the D!tpnue U, over, sued -him, held'him, and gradubliy icalmed! P Ei of the child are A. G. who was fool eroUgh­ to' kill himself I Tbe� Churchwartl�ns 6f Holy Trinity, and M'aggie Wartier, and the dead child 'f '_ - I" Bat hat, was.before I, was in filled with tumors of actions f(.r damajos And mast have been drqivrl�d. ow 6. of down his pa;sglo' n of,grief, In f act, -the - or a gir again I si Ablidown .. for destguctiort. of - relatives of the victims. areflPeking to \th6 -WiDalpep, ll.V(3�13110cessfully negotiated a Willie J."Wdrner, wa� nearly four monthS love mytielf. I see 'it all now.' ."But love. sENEs OF r loall fur 575,000'on their differetit proper- old. Tbe.ia(iuegt�developed the fact that "On Ecene.,'Tbe cau�e of -'the oupsizitig "a therball-abou stories have boen told so often.tbat'liberei, .life and propEity; The loss which occurraddil: t half.- gat ties the proceeds of wibich go t6wurds the the child hitd-Lever beertheahby- and had.- 'littl i I 6 are' a thAt-ihe vessel had too chuch 10 P 0 11 er at, in them. The. girl j lted.�me. a the w house ii 'early �2000, which,. P weigh - 6'were of.anatQ thatwepattliOtiWagine, root. been. to- fits- In "this 'cJbIIec- -.The I at: time I saw her, she. ciied a little 6edt�big are -dragging the Water. ere�tion of anew ch rch on Donald st abject have over boa witiessed-elsewhore,,andl Ma I ; it is said, Will be�forfeitdd beo:WBe*A8h a t, curious develop d lonipeg, s and"bvdii let we put -thy arras arian ber�,. pirs6astakeintrom the�water.alive were\ to a Borne ments down stoied gunpowder on thp piemiges in f the mili-I ine.gtre6t W' ..have Were, removed to the -infirmary Exhausted., The the rougleast and sternest man 0 blook�avtna6n�. Atenderfuithe*orkfor preseted. A Garman ,doctor" named wAist. She ioved.me, she said,.but b6r Contravention of the. policy aud'the ie�.laws. steamer is u . u Orwater with the fifty bodies s U. 'p��ents wamted bar to makrV�a middle. Probably $2,000 worth of glass, principally d' BJry And policio forces pre a A Were moved Bitrteuberg had called and had told the t-18 728.52 bas,been accepted. tears at the Eight. 'The medical meni I I . parents that the mother had been cursed, a ad gentlerruio,"an -of wel).tiotied on: board. Many of the persons A. large 'black, bear was recontly hill.ed, 9 d she could b6t,disobay-. destroyed in different part I s n. rgi �e had deecBrded to tb6 child a utW, I she wPald ha - ve r the -damage In -to henbe'thefis. Thisliloctor bad orkedoti said"that am who were.precip f me time had their e a led fully� hib.ld� Southern Manitoba, which -and the curt If all had'told.tbe tr the city.' The impression also.6mittil that. itaed ill' to i1e water swam �_tiott A to -atterad women insensible' near Are- the corporation 'is- liable fo a,bore. thr�ugh sudden excess of grief,'or to moil' weighed whea dressed 400 We.' the an she loved th iddle-aged gentle- nellectiLig to 'See thai the by-law against The Daphne. tuned upside dowli before. perstiltious fears of these people and man'B * carriage and pair And. his bank who\ha'd for a monleutJost their gensoo The Winnipea City Engineer estimates induced chem to pay* hi �7-5 storing lurge.quariti Lips of gunpowder., WAS. -'she Bank*,. Ali eve'witu�ass saw a great vevy' �d in 0 f jed, " cu�e." account be'tter*than she'did uie, and muc.h will-haa-eLto-he-Ep-at _u_riRg_-R-e-p -t-Bomehluq-in- -j g­j-kePt--itAu-trhe7 r1 ItY 0 t ve ov�6n -9 days, aild, after wiring the, pleaded., and got ibe'same: angwer all ­the great � iedit'is dub'to, these. ge I u ler-call e,prebeij �ear u -prope rl E, e� P ai a Ci U upon tbeAttorney.4Generalan �epre%ntedl sbriekiog,for help to tiny were braibed and -the Liff 'bay a:dd to 34,000 will covered'v; t8:which't in admillitAgr stieetimprov6roents Of th6sum',51 river. He cork in the ug, -,sunk to,him ili*t the case wag one r Such fill,blood, having bten strucliby. 'it. in the tio-;0­ YOU know, what I did then. J grav 8-i - Llot.onl 1.remedies'for -the -ph) sicat coll- be devoted to Ward -in Also wrote two pages pL:note paper full, ity that the Government slid I take It in deb'i The � ac6ounts of the number. of he cii weritto dition of he stirickidu'paren.0,"but also tbat f b y- hand. The Attorney-GeneiAl admitted the p6r8oas on� board and tho'number lobt vary : - I folded.itina.threecarriered, sbape,:repre., DRINKING HARDF TEA EVER. af in � ill be' se 1. . I R ad a widely'. 'Sev-6rml bodies haVebeeD found at� good Advi which'iS often go,cffi,citi Grassy- Island; in Bow River, w �t a liti.ng.- as he,suid,.the.Vinit�j F,ewod it in force argument, and, apboint f ' nbe healin (if h . a Mind diseased. Mustbf , nea rest . poin, �oll the 'railway to I McLeod;- a -three- c6rue�red b I ag, and,,att'aabilig a I bedame a nuisance, inobeel." of the atch L, t triDg§l barrister 'to w 'ifle inquem� on be. !be foot ways., a ard.aaarchijig or t b for&. One day, I was talking o th tims ha:d been )Kid-:: 7er mat- a poor Autl.b vic being 60.ruilcs distant.' ' the Nortlaw'estiern. :to.in, tfed.tibe game arciund tbechild'sDECK, a half of ' the :Wvernmerit. The body the rest. decen si - by side 'upon !he'ground,' dual &-.N&vigation. Cotopalq it.was kept uutil'it died. - His magic ters With a friend of inine, named Jim f Saale" at the request of hii parents! will. A Lumber.'of metr�oia the opposite side of tly their feet tie tog�ther, their arms cl��ceubly' the coal wines there. cure wag written ill' Germau;'aud tre- Auderison, vvho always, had radre. money be forwarded to Montr0al to..Yuorrow even., the, iivor witne8eed the disaster, but were, a I ach uIld at- . n I So tbau'l had. I told Jan I was t -- dispostil.and t air 'eyes eltiged. s .. followed i; a literal translation :, ing. A rumor was current that,uill t a unable o render assistance. Tiley Bay Mrs.,Kittsou, widow of the late to kill MV6 elterician',waa dead bulithi6 W Old occupied -parenrvrecog.ni il'bis Or, bar child it was son, bb dbcop,-d from the Smallpox H,�apir Williada ohn'Warner ivill. regain his� going Elf. HE) latigbed and C lif ted from the g ottud'and ; BO 1 Curr'led out tal and Wb�s6 b health in the name of-Itbe Lord' "God boe8red. 'I'd tell ou wha;t Plldo,' I S id, ft d X b -docor-bud­-no-hoped--Of� set to work tog belp the.' ody.was found on the 0, X -me --. a 'people, struggii a most effi0i6n od Oly 'llot, I'll ingure my iifCfor �i5,000 in diffe�eiit. recovery. ,Young Alo-Robie-ig also, reported ug in 'the water. ': So-me Of7 -IqtO tbe.btreet;'��. w: "bre t FY� �Fairie, has instructed Mr. Hagel, barristei!,� Fatber;.God Son, and- G 1-1 G g N'. I. (inter. ake the iliciea ov6r to iihe in d t6m of' Alain t I h td been to sue �oropaniee. And .in, as BiLking; as well Wo otberB ot tht so On of the Daphne jumped overboar the city of WiUDipeg for damage�. 1b, Nazaren eJ esus. organized without to any I. a preted Jesus bf Nazttr you. You pay me $2,500 a year for two red. Flag Are at balf�mast oil the' and others were thrown overboard, but a The damages Are laid at �2.0,000. The eas inju Beelzebub and all th L1038 fire balls and on tleepub-fic buiidil)g�.: b t of: loose fi.ftings:fell from. the; B0Y,WIIO.WlNT �111 O11GII oir OF IT'. -beard-btfure-October. 6,bad spiritBJ forbid. year6 let me havo a :for tillat ,quan I y w.ill:'prob�Wy not -be you my bdstead, in the ilanne, O'L God. And When': i0s oyerJ'11 ag,ree to�hill d the swima:�ers in th the calaud. A o i Jaw Neivs. don.' my A warrant for.Asbilown's arreat cleckand crusbe a Mr'. W. SimP91 cc rd'! ng to the. Moose in self and: you, will get tb hands of 'Chi' f, v,ftter. , ALnur6bcr. 'of twittimers Were. ity;I bt,g to Bay is a lot of' vague -siderable 'activity proyailli bous-e"and also my yaid`- I forbid you ' in Y -V you . . ma a money. n tf, Murray; at the instance p at, ,that. place he,510,000 and I have C visible directly af t.er the ship ca;psized, hub tailf. as to how 1: a Pere . To explain Some idea of tb�.amoullt of the 'traffic at �tho ..riame of the', Holy Trinity,.my blood tbat wa the underwrit'ers* �Th loss of AandowL by some fun,' Jim laughed, but -I fire s About �-& 0'00'; uninsured". the' U to bink., Six 'the Caw ei I may sa�� hat try body and! soul. I forbid you ih,�iuy *ere.afterwards see my, el�eet b6y, and Past bis poiciti may be formed f roin'tlle as many, times as 4e, bay6 ruilliciles in my And finally e drew up an .agfee-� to other 'paruies from shuttered gia":io :mail 'were, Been c loping ur was in the ddome ,,, story of fa 6, ti I iat-6u Weduebday eveIiing,Jun620tb, ut to , tuab effect. I - pgfi , dice endeavored t I' - , together. FO the tragedy is a ber_ C�Ose of ' ' all 214 freighii c . house, as.mally times.as drops in the water, in a gou'out estimated At from $4,000 to.65 000. r o climb upon the steamer as tbati, there were t ars in as many times,� as leaves on the trees, ad- in the., different life insurance , core. t t�,e was'sip lug, but were forced to desist LCO be thought he would le'ave'ass' kil, 148 oil Th' d h perforroa and, ab)uVtbe atati�l a u d urs.ay any,, ease Btars.in tbeheav P He holds them -and, the agreement., by the rush of Stearn- � from 'the he b I a e e.to,k be in, 92 arks, untll� ri� h \ther6 would numbers were 300t.greatly, the last duy�of . judgmbn6 arrive, And Mary� flat 'Or'ng , . $200 mi cgs� He de- above, tfio average. -N I gines 61imbed -.upon h fitteon roonthni,,alth Er 0 Vaid me )nth during ille last por� ho a. §ome) tbeo W,cru, In the rdi Ile lrad', JVL . 1, I . . . �,, q, ess thati 27. an tille ihotber.�of Ough� I ol� U., believe. wane , 'was an -, Beended the stairs a- God, gives 'birt 0 a keel just before' the. hi b' �,f, . I � E"'. h . i., . I inuites *before tieat be ever thoug t' (if hbidirig�idai toAh6 :!!4 6 IV are how-emPloyed,botween Moose Jd,w 'and ag 0 ;F11con I as A ,1y_night'9 Harrisbdtg, a merge Acqor' �to ,igtatements f' "the finish. Whea he t�l 41 �6.u. in-1he name c G6d'It at r " agreement. Buv,,ld f ative I h b the end of, the traek� ' Ou av6kage 17 God 60d":'Hody- Ambb. 6"Was �ij a, -specu] dospatc Ba , Y s, I re in D&hphin.Coupty- wi Desses 'fio t and sueviv6ts of the diaeter the: ew door- h6 -found it wa gines� arrive �at,:And-� -depm,t in, the turn of . mind: Einylo,�aa& be) aThou arch. hend thou hast taken: lold of o.. r �,ydssel left'th -8 Ip, On rapi causing bar A almb6u'so�tbig afterl000'n.deHtibytid'-,o�ery e' 1`* t 'dly'­ H6, 1 trio loph, stia,tio hardly believed our, John. GA th�e ;helloe.7 'Let. I would kill myself be building.on tb'e.ground eicept-tbe laundry Starn, Which eutei ad first to sink deeply'i' -but hebould not, and,beforo lle�uew.dowD knew th I won soo I n '' r. -ShE I ll� at if I had ilue money Id and I Bcboobbouae. 'The. ffre as, first,s the - watic was thtii� caught by the' to the worms go out i of your body, and Your canae the human , A on op_q,\, 0__ nae -in a large -f fam.e a rong, currefft- of a by w.151011; &H, is b'i ui ad about the Bhoull,ders, , here they C ou,, for the suke of the five wounds of WILLXXG TO TARL THIR, 61!iAXC' 4W im 'Y H -f a C16 Old inventor' the maid :Structure. The `stable,.Wab, .'weh`:%s;'by:tb'6 top w'b'jght,. she was caused had, been upon. h In he wilB.. I Cha�ies.E.Brusb, b V818 gh, (if the electric lig Jesus Christ, getout thiBiyery hour econsumed with its contents, and two orsEa, -to keel over so! far thatItlee water,entered saved is a miracle to,me. t,a thou la� of that riame,18 worth The time,i§ not up yet, but.I gues's I'll lot and five The main structure was, herport. ThelkbBt�-feport.fron tibe.Ecere' ied d,:a 11 of dollars. monty. -_Hp'1).h he Were falliud aefeep. He was car out a millionan u� E -sup him malKe the Bet,6n hre;'and as 'there was a very high, qf _�h,EjAitj�ster ave 'at I as -a wouderflal e Hdiry. - Nobody else, wind the building Aas Booti d� d sell eintifiod., A diver,- ��tates the coai;�_ --i�kili w`�t"B rest'oted'.,, -Now- -if the d - had 3,opo',rai'les; Of the Congo at 21000, and of cares, for tbo. -girl I 6e I titioned has since 0 o set "open, and 'the display -semanab' soon caug stroy -wa is. blocked up'byasolid'mass 'beec,�:tw�' f ofAoL 1P -It �t,00k Plce in as the dweiling ht, b ateward panion Y bolt in, to the Niger at 2:000._1 ro'arxied'tha, bank aedormt.Lthe carri go ao Br to the in a part- of bodies. it appeura the ho the Petroff,k�.Lp L and assistant il�hea sane d men W were. allow one Jo�,p�ss at it be,would.: avid a;%k. Here, in. the presence Tna Aberdeen Roya �Ihe. middle aged: gab . tl Tbis is,-Ao ment a Ild, forced % wenty�-one females and dt� work beloWL'WbCIl, the 'a bip.wout over' do' I Lunatic Asylum -is o't thb'GtaIid 'VLuke Nicholas and, most of case of temporary io� I unity. gone s�rtdglit out. The or a' eJ1 r' owded.-� it--haB iZ8 atieut� d bave" no 'Seventeenalalea from their quaruers. All their wnrk 'and U'edawe 'shut, aud ;ithe bolt put. do n ��e or Is the foiejgri (, flicO�s, and, guests, tb a regi: `b d I made a o,)um . I I . I W il, tbe.61)1y,l�u�tilc a8victw in,,whi h. outmeal �w- , o a 'k duard much :sense -as aLiy o y. aftbein were saved, tlaou�b- B=6 foui�hz J%uetned in. the Pabsage-wayl Some -budios n th -urd. 0 f t r Cut Of 6 so, was pt a'squ.1 ere to gu lo a P �s went throu-h tin trueb; and I'm 6�rrying � it out. Bury ine ries. of � exercisQ�_- desperutel�. lilhelozii4aihoqn6to;�520000()., �tjll have tooIs in, bbeir baiid�. The.ivei, �bjs c.%keg and broad are given. -extriLordiuAry. Fie hk6 -There'. is M-) iLl rn' .111 Any WAY- wbrerbvlei. �ou,, y 6 a of the ISit' a was ' beverel'y thinks thEIe, arp�g'�ili irf thC vossel at lea8b Loch ay, Loch Loalpnd� and, Loeb Ness threw: ibeivii�os.t dari ', r ' g: f eats of the circus burned by bar clothing bmiching fire fiom' as*waby corp,.es us ll�ve "ceady, luder re: are*t1le three lwrgest fresh water, IOULIB� in into the sbade. The entire regiment went .my . l UP . 4Y . exp( Sparks, after sbe.was out of the building. covered.. any p , a h at , i , c incidents are told.'cf.the-, -So'iyiwud Loch Tmy�digc �b 11. Bo fur." F,orby-oue-'badi6s,_have - been CY llargeslit8elf into, past bit ull ga op, I in oose order, with The.iusine� were reantived -to the 1 eii, of families. One po6i� W,,mah, a. t'h R �T Loeb irl,to the wary'of, the ru�o ti e found to -night when darkness Bt�ppac 0`11 'a ver n stall4ing n.prigh it their, I I S MIRS lost f r no Nets.: saddlee 'legH a 'd� - Ou S6A6 the T Asylum, when ib w A-di'Bcti�ered twelve of search. DivprEi Say they� felt mauy, more 6tberk.upon their beads with r ere a,re Dqw 93'poliba-and tb ee iottuds:, in the air, many )Eiapi�g 'onto the ground ung, woman said tbbn� w6re misdug,: I -of' �bodi's. such a �hbok to be�:. sysiew it waid:feu tid _b r T her loyal, Wasi them I were very vi�ld Llavirjg� e thiB afte - ru . ocia -i,,he iwouldbave. died: and be. yo a mi I ut,'Ad up to a la't and then .pfted, coming on th niglit.tralti: and bbe WAP. rla[horgn 11 pe currency,to thati--eff6ot. - Of these itre.ex-officerg from -the- New'Y 'I hole 'hor,681heuad the rie�,, Afatioa to a hour to-Lji,ht none of � them have' been !q! C some spriogipg over t e - d, had boati di,laved -in An 'Brooklyo forces�'- Fift r, a approlleade"d. Tho,State authorities were lij7 chit reuwho y .- of the' won, and Up, stiouds fee g 6 ud,' inari-ied. �. Wher�upnn:tbe� old lify said-bbe; PIC the hom at4t'er, 611 being bra , over, tim feet in height.-' Sevelity Are and yet regaining tbeie,seats� While per. bud'inuch ex erieuce 'iu. -the- �' marryiog SCI,(,61 iqrl Ifikil.-CI n1id Several 0 e. 66ming by:the,dis' W v rkqu6fAud,tofurnibbtEu6 to c6verthep.cor;, S tQ has An I, - hept"Ahem now Y who rumbered--ovet 150,, but the request provided. *ith un.ifurms, And All Are Ing tbeHe f6tits, 6111 were brand� quid gi 'a the y'ouugfhd A'Milwaukee, deepatich�sdys-. On Satui- .6 ly repaod, .,.Wtb K-34eil usleep on fifrn bed with clubs. And fi�lug. pistols, sorr.iehdvi66,-aad -here is wbathbe- suid.11., was, poju.t8dly,refu'8o'd. This necagBitates ihbirk their . sabres keep ing,tAs wJLj gent ai day morning it tekmi attached' to ti, farmer'et the stairs. No O;`leauti .'has now a deeper burbor throwing tlieir ca I rbiries 'into' the air �uud Well, phi-ld, Lever niarry a railr6ador.;.1for inp, r' g Or 'fri bwried'b� arbaud of ran Among theian to.ril Pao' 'I' the Opel' a0 g sic ressiDg ea�uyes i6 - 'The.AVinite Star"'up catching tb6ni' agal an 1.4 ' able - Co get killed At Any' time, ght oir.unpl to orgry qutir tra tba. ow, York� d Ii t ag on IN .. ad in a Pendell D C G '(4 inos-'dstre,not- load their veseiielm aria s_: 9 wit pairs,, Begides, he'liae'such, a nice ob-ance,.td"MA',. erect Otioug were savi , hioil�ofohildrea,fro'ru tho-'eileventh cot) e, Iun wit� aj in C owe -men well � P isious, h ad to several, days. Di'stribt School, and 'dashed thkoughAlle, wietakea idell Lity Was not, ec use a V ''feet, while the 14renoh line Stops- 8tandip �r' horses, 'Never warfy: '11 feed_ttem.: for Auot� er th, ,lo b goals- %bo'e g with a lelg.�On. oil '6L�b a .,mi itary thaa, , �r NFoman io_�asoez b df -rankg.of the little girls, laudin idst the' ing.` A number of '.ciiildierf ar�i d.aw it I t 24'' fe t At New lbrlea'jue vessels draw- -one' -wild fellow ,carrie d . �_oft anot&r liable to'go. I to' war And get eb I oti, -,Besides,, -tained to. bi� very a y 1 8- ay b%ve:.U0 di OuIGY or dressed as. a n. The effect of - th . a gorgeous d otheB Alit . lspeebator� on 'the sidewalk. horses in,the, exciteweLt' of the. mument were, jog -)p:f bid * I burned About the arms aid body. s6. e. t of water ffi wbi�.na inobtlee Attention ot., loosp broke" 'people' under' afteiwards, r6turned to the bull, the poor delay,in 6tting,tosefu. scene was Absolutely 'b ildering, And it the w6w6n.. �Nev�6r'rbury- a hotel-keepar. b ofs in every directi6it. Onegehool iw(hle liuving been . 11. trible'd as I t o' the. i iien-' T111 Xr 0I[X.TlI401NJD.1T11NE,Sj Ahor , c The L (fon vai7y Neicti says a, Civil List seemed ag if thewhole regiment bad gone My first huab�wd,-�was a, hotel -k 0 And_ was Of pension of �7 erwn�um has been conferre- noad. Upon a Sigma libing given'the rLgi-' fell through theLelovatbr"op6nitig'and' broke �Ifl was killed. One Scbmitt was fatally tity of the sbapele.s lit�la a bes at CrapeAl'61inny- injured, and Engl�, vilic, da,4d the humanity' they had on Mrs. uit. the widow of the divi . dediu Itriltjq,,me�vfieu'l.'t)JiL,koftb Vatilaire Isal . ci I ile an , 41 L411hi'llipox. lives of little one's by' liubbing them aSid . a, It I . ment to tw I ti�parts. Oaerodg.!,g; at thLm,,� In oil�e paribicular casa'a father todk emiDellt'� iu,eor-and inventor, All dQ:D �-tfi ddd ina;4'e.`tWE'fr_hiorses -lie- a' travelling man, for. was Severely kicked. T4eliau of, eerioubly home a, ,littleboy by, wistake,and utter ayriv- .4ideration of h er C �be's.: alwaY91 aw . KY A'New'� York des )atoh Says H B , " includes 'a datu,,liter of 'Peter late husband's services �d wn -on the grotmd�and lay beside,them from huirl. Nobody' I I:, , wounded in, ther6 found 'ar-was the body of A,,6eigh- to. th citatice of nay.%I ar'chitiecturei. 'Mr. 'waiting, Us in :war; the approach of an knows what these men aieup.tu when they Joseph, it pbsergc -from bor's cbi[4. In �t4a meantime -r lh� thebarqueoo Wtiibs� I Mr. "Atibuirigs, V� .7 ell was the, proj�ctor -of the Qreat-' (illiam tnebeck bdOwn R118se 8 iibu.�6f the regimeht� are Away from bum.,Never marry asteam- CaPeTowil, gives it Bhocking'accoull't of the uIld two iufwit duu�!hters( I of V101 Ua boy had been recovered: &live, arcV,wao; E 'a oremy. The other seel aut every 6-r-ldbusband wasa.8teawbOb+.' tern Steamship.- theri, obarged down,- and in"an,inst hoater. My see failures in the rp., treateid with.ali the dare And skill possible,. - T&re Are so e Aus-, horse was on his � feet, diamoild -of CuPe Silo'cra. Moet of the it,jured rb. �universi ies in very 'rider-lin his, 16aptain, and got blowed in 4 000 00016ie'ces I Colouy,,,incidental to � which were , too over 9, dozen �were cut lose 'by but the little, fellow diEd this woruing. tralia. - There are tl4ubive�sities Eaddle, and With, wild they rodo AI get terribly mad when' I think OP 1110 ,ulcideFi o1leading men dauecd lopoomm'r- her tobelo' ci de f Syd Anot Lit is related. , One I no 'their ou in ti'ie. bturie�' -lbourno ve When the in that man. ,Never marry a tho.b6ikies' hoof ; 'D�tiodln Uoin r9itY, dry goods man. cial delortibbion.' The odit torri 11� I ill, "I I y and M( prosed enemy. 00 of 'tile utiforl.n.t. victims 'is BaaaNew Zealand ; And Adelide University; vres were over., the repiment rane past, Dyeti in cloths is so injuriouss� They never or Btarvation C*om� from the pper region, Blakey, aged rs I a. They alloobfOr'degreds. singing o )y well . iog6tb 2eirdays. Never in arry !k lg'.r6 der . I' vrent) -,r,v 0 'A t4 ea , iving. at 7 l"age or, it livehalf ti oppeciii,lly from the neihborhood of, thJ . I _, and Ti Odthe coast Dear' Bar: UC . ..... I I oegab Inlet lives htreeti., P, i ir In goitig4o, the halt her lubt* Ed a lian� millitaifelloruH.' ATtoge� er as a mar- !1,( 116 an, , wa great IA Luamaculand a. ines. �,molig'tb' tion is b Y a a E6 grocer, �an he a Catch or 11 Dad Paifior, v6ho is well. words to iu�r father were, ,.Be' sure L to 6 onies,abd-Now, Ze at, the V'ellouH exhi . bition of dating her I Bemanship, was killed 0 qses� barrel fallin' on� get of alatid largely Wa by a in Is, persons who committed bifi6ide was. Her- 6er ta admire him. on I thin man known to, gunners I itnd fimbeimen on t1be roe a. nice flower on...sanday to -pay my exioen8e 6f'tbe GovLrum6at. and 6fie hardly knew whe I'm complet0f d bay. , Aboutisoven een . yesrs,agb. 9' ves I sol piece;iu At the a . unive I r6ary, The flowers the seven: SdOtQmea who al6ng'�with a 'most the di.c I i'lity an I d mobtle of the steeds' d iHgasted. '', Never, -marry acarloenter. � My Wilig6r6ot, who; blew,oiat, his brallip. most of the Colonists are returning �. to went aelaore I Dear the inlidt'and from it as: were-g4b,.6lid aapiu,the lif"lebs form� O' n me �t. in a I n,u . ppar room i ' ido i. f�)urth b6oband was 'a carpeDter,,,;aud, fell, Europe. Tbestuallpox-epidemichwL year of the ibizjn of the tow or the hhAI and courage. of that r .r - ff C 'daped half aidomin cate. �--Oau Peculirity child i, emablvas -into!� A i the lony tly damaged ita"buslueBB a Vau"claester a'Eid formed th�' ll.the.for6ign officers a L rid guests were no o� a a affld and wag , Bma4ed to a jelly. tB wag the fact that,they � had no th Anti League, wete EawAid , le,� g. glited - JoTqw �e�r,11144rryl­ 6 -Corn Law a I i 'by A a couple pfUeige of these Ca stobisliad�, than, d It supplementing of this a R tails. 'Mr. Parker secure Religious grouiads�Cbqrch site bam, An r6w- -eorr6porzdence�L- cindon-Standard lack of rain and by tbd diamond '.MR& C, Dalzi el, '-James Howie, James .1, Ob Is# an"d . tug ANautbentic portrait of Vlofa Haddon a] Vll,hlev.0 forget' the day he ob.tailed WOUBerg, rotiwicbstand'' L I" caused' LUmarous- buedness � iuil�aires that he has since given many oats away, !Philip Tbomp�on and Archibald Prentice -Fear Not. was brought home, on 'a board. I d idn't Europeans Arriving at Cape Town.fiiud� fo�v he now has tweL'ty-twb, only thr . do of presented by a Aescendant, Mrs. 'Flora '(ed . r% of -'i . h bida. 'A.'bolt ,bad' come off a Ito a 'Mauchester Tiies and All ikidney arta urinary com�laibtg, espedially recognize Safe i�ydatmoiit;6 for the money,tbey bri ng�, wbidh rejoice,' in A caudal, apf)enditge. Wyli]6,bas boar placed in the Town Half I autboribf, the 11 Ritory iof . the Ldilgile Bright s �Digad,'e, 1)ialbotbs, and Liver troubled. Pulley- And hit him plum' in the face,'ana lbwill take the coldry-years to -regain what Every one of these catB�hag A hume and. of dimsgow, 61 the Iiumelious Women W�Hw- I I ji Bitters will surely and lastingl�' cure . _ id'oonntonand spread,bis- nose all -,over -lit - e_ 6u - ei; -ha c6ses exactly(fir,'" I promiBed him on bis B- lost -in .reo'ent- months. whol)�W,qr every one of them" Will, who-' lifs 4 II or dyjo' bed that I'd 4riebebav6d more bO1dIY'ibaasbe,Wh6, Eur own Daigbborhood, a:nd you can find xelib- n 1. me is, called, spring. to respond, the The Wbeel of fortune 62rp than P,7..f at home of what Eop, Bitters ha�s and never arry another maclainist.11 Just A boy was bitten by`& rabtlpsnaka in 'others romainibg 'aiieut� ' They 'perform in, 1746,,unclartook a perilous voyage In all swifter Itben4be train rolled in, and the, old lad I y Ran'sas. New)� illed ven boiat from Benbecula; Spp�b. Viat to it- , ill -wheel, And they wto were yester- Rawlins C,dqfity, ,k -& a: many tricks, and;know,, their - owner SAYS day a ­aaked-: Child,. what business Js Y(,Vur d tolt 8 wo Un ' d, Bonnie PiRice cbicheuO were applie, h 11 &a much as folks, 'And could do everythi Skye, accompanied ;by" tthei top,'to4ay alre,:at the,bottom., There -s no policy like politeriess;'abd a Insura h, were taken.off.gfeen, covered,with poi ag Charlie, in � the character and guise of one 'Trust ime'D, And they will betrue to yoii lovevin ?11 rj,ce,busihesh." "'On' but talk. One of theta is 11 year's did and good manner is, the b6d% thing ill' tbO wOFld mer6yl You,don�t' meanto marrybim. Plasters of: egg the entire length of the''le I 711-tty Burke, an,Iri8h girl, And O'Neill, an treat them greatlyAnd they willshow them. to wag'vih� inBurance�" 9 the aged of the others vary from that down get'a good name or to supply the Want My Sixth hi drevi the'poison to the surfigi,ce, and 'were to'&,few inouths.-Go'inmercial.Aaw Irish companion. of the Prince. It W-awin selves VeM.—ArfineraLn. ai3band of it. But the Young lady had gone to meet bar'. covered with the, same green tinge, ea -ch a rude httl� inn at Portee,, on tbd site Of he Pow t bOuld Dot' No,�' said, Fogg to an acquaintance of )over.' app io%tion being le 9 so th" ra-,thepreere4ing'. 8 A . The obur which, the Royal Hot�l fainiliat to the iieTooasurodf of ir]36,� but bY' bibuloug'temportioment-" DO, I don't ifih k. onei until there seeined to be no -,polson in ch 'which Eueen'o Sw6rican traveller stand's, -that the Prince his ordinary dw'14­�Pas,cal. bkii1ding at Flamborouab, Eng. i in mb�moiy you 'Would e�irer'succeed'ai a' musician�)' V6ntal pleasurei never cloy unlifto 0 1 hot e6h, viji.00ei $350 boo. '1110 Coffins farew611 with a'h it' ki J%P�ilbbSii lies Iii the Of �iid. "Bee' those of the body they are k ed b'- a ear Y � 18S. consciousness we ,Why not,?" asked bi ri tLtiffe", incesse -Jaf theAdvaliest specUcile in the I Napoleon IM and the' Pritica Imperial fellow, ilid butchers. He often bave of it, arid by,no wean 8 in -the Way the r6plied-Fogg, you could nover,get past the, repetition, approved by ''irtAdation, sing world is a.dtide'a, eyeglass., I willb�e placed In this church. gives no a good steer. future ieepB its piomiee.- George Sand: , firnt� bar." atEengthened'.by. enjoyment. art a thio' 9. z Oid ad- d noJ b. li I li u Id II a d th ok So an