HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-07-13, Page 11 71 Mr, ,
GHuncm 00
Rev, NI I. llili-ooe� ()r tilo, E,�,etcl 1, '0
be,Pe011l(l W'L(111(16�u Sou(h speak very
mr. Blat to �f
chrord la
0 Ifyi y"", li ft, 1) t i I I
IJAW,� OLENTO �qs t,
W,,v, ler"of Loll (lot), f(;Llraerly
lom ranted two it
InvO of itbsk1Iu,, an(l has IelYto:rPcrUiL
W 1E H A V E, 017 E 11, LY 1 131 18 IS, '13 1 hi Y
villfl.tl�'. NO. 2S,
will Ile
A CLINTO.N, NT., FRIDAYI, i T_ "takall ill) 11oxt 1�il
day in th Q A16thod -L defrav
the, expenses of tile fintheonifit"' f,'lnlerl�l
11 U L L co.ni - e r el cc.
RACHU019S. -vvill be-lichl 11i
d v rA i 10 5 Ouft are lie is alwav� ata,�ious Jbi glue or euc re, TI o
PA -THE Quarterly HN at which, uite ll exp6rt, assessed fr real,e,,tate'on the the
6 i's said to be q I111"SeSSIMelit
-a pponelts can te� iTJ�VSTI�R rhe 113tird ]Ili- as al labors'of his o tify, roll for tile tow�bbip� of' Huilett for, 1883 Methodist on the'Rh of
le B (1, ecla I
e is also quite a traveller, anil iri the and -it is ire l"
believed by those ugust, and in t
in Stock to choose from suitable for mak- for e are nthp
OIVIN(��to t�vo of 1$81 he York and e(( that tber iltig ll sorts of' Sobool Trristi�l for St;� Du'ring hisviit to'Coney tntit):hi Ve � n intErest- in real Oil Tuesday evenin next; a 0i;
y t ie sea coas 'yegat f-NNrilli' c,�ljurcll
'±f)ey are.tbe ltestst les. Buytheni and. 1vill tal"ti �whfj. a ilJl(ty lZitll, at 3.0 -e a bath in es Nvhpse sons or others are asFess-
be held, to cous
-Island be -was nduced to tal,
the Atlantic, and fter he had donned his ed therefLir, making a total of ider and, d6cide on, ill'atis.
ClIxitoll, July ibr the kollosed new church.,
of whom are of ind
cdAuyne be is said� to have ereat- All
N ng, A aVlFce- tnil - A
F1 the exc6ll L1 t suchi bad
A [10- P,OPE111'Y"F'01� 'SALE, quite, a Seation. Lince his r'e t ill the
tily] ent-iho isekeepers. o ClergYmZU ill towil. states fit.,
'stick- vh1ch isshown as, township arler fdr old bachelors et
e and JI]LIL-ullelivd, past eleven' yetti, I
poks, , N�,it le has not ell avirigallva hed t1lellnul
W lie dtiY, 11,
e piece o prope),
lrty but we knO)7 -YOUP�l WidOWCTS WicOnae to, aifil It great y
Sribbath School 1 it August
&Iiiion, road a;nd bank of the outilig of his that it only cost toil cent� Ili
�onis than of tile t-- better, crai4., whyall N 11 for thein ill Wipf, S� -.:-member. Qf xyllere rey -ID T_. 0 Ir oId ol le, b
yorl. Ve i itiat e. ul
tgoodtiltne'COU19119 Linz 3, horse -on T)f6day oil, tll�!rc ire m. �ottage all It- t , TI o tit e Dramtic So6ietv �aud has -thos ad. e mce v
lfor ,I -Te SorlOIN injury. Ile
Igive'll fit' achieved quite it reputation in tra- there, to be. So very Scarce. lY va.ral pahifi
geoly ile i.; lso a , good Sill all d If b e following. 01
ba§ed oil pofi -
IT rever, pre,;*ent bial J I givill- at to lils 6iiiies well in! New"Year's evening seien ciericy good i3onduct and regular ttend-
shows tL
w aldes. When lie is rra�edj n his out- e'stanlng of th
the man e pupils of
warranted to be Ood e was the query put 10.,
1) d e. 0.1 ( the Wa,
Just to ha, ad, what rians this deprtment," t ly, fit' 'Lud * seated be4ind his team of' H)ilflettp f:6 r Intended to revive the 1-10111les-
sold he oth er d.
will be NITON OTERS' U -ST I orith of in Ville _�aiyap fbL-11 but it i
CLI -ijou- flyers be cuts quite �a daih.As we hearhe I tic Ist, Jarvis now
The evasive reply of'" no one in pat lloldila,� 0
-Elizal fearlid that t iOTICE is llereby*�,iveai. tiit I or lar," only elicituA the very encoura,,ifi� Is auxiot,ts to leave the rank., of. bachelor 1Ienry - 2nd )etb,Ro�lertg6n; 3rd�
Ndenv6nd to tbe persons mi�ntioll&d ill,'the tbird iifd'regce'� which assembles m �ve hold bitIty (I- - 4th Jane 1' en i -Q
OV, arld iotni,ii,soutions of the "yoterg' �ih remark the girls, Isabella Webst pider- to, lihich mirlistersin We" 'YOUL,Y'all me to-'Ieep,tbeir eyes ou�bam, her,
n to be so trall%rilitted - or 11, if that Coldria son. Senior third class—Ist Eunice A.
copies requiredby said,sectic In will Uf ` fere deh aq pimunart to sod ot of all
2rid Jds�ph Wilson ; 3rd, Albert er N ith the
vered of �;ie list, wa, 111 Vieak yor eac.
by the last revised Aq9tisiariert, Roil
PC , -is dRobertson'- 5tb
Said Municipality to be entitled to v6te ill tile As the society editor felt tl�at_h 4th Jan te
of the
at tiettiorIsfor nicra ens A. large liumber-iia this township, took" YLIDior O"T, 11f oND,-�Y -e ven 1 it b of tile LO ' to the public was of more importanceotbn �Va,',u Alva A
s.erably and at 31tinicipl Electi6ris ; and �01 �'Iast Redor
the ri�,k of'his personal f(�tty, he de- �WlVautduli) of' the chea� excursi third Syritba . tansihg; 2nd hold tt St.*P' Y,�and'as the
Led ill) at my -bitice at Olin-
tll� sald list wag lirst Posl weathei 11 thf� gthering w
toll oil the twenty-likillilli ci&d to 'I run bith in laid our readers WednesKy 6.visit; the F ails. Thougll.,i.t Annie E. Knox ; 3rd, Willia-ill Ball; Atli, as lrg6
of.y6ttng: people. A liberal Sup-'
d 'not eveii Silent if the
a Dee raibed, there nearly all day they, report' Effie, Asquith. Senjor second class�lst,
re c Iled
iipon to exainine the said list, [anc if any ornissolis " NEAv ERA is "Itil i Its n ed Aw, as th e rosal t laaving1ad fair weaf1er,all.t1te time,", Angu.s�W�.eb,,�ter;,,-2jad,.�J6hn J Wilson-- ply Of ice creani, strawberries and cream:
errofsjire fe,lind therein', to tale ininaediate-pro to -halve the said,error� eorrcoted HYME'_,T1AL.—Tbe query ofyour Lorides- hby;'Uh John] w
aec6riling to thereof'. led I Af
J. -CALLANDER, 56 EvyIW6 Ball �tll kilith, Ball, 7th. -cal and instrumentl �iu )Y- r. Clerl, boxo correspondeut, coq6�rning R. Jdf- . I . I
lintoll, Atly 1888. b Isince we corninciaced this, de.�artaaaerrt a 'fr6y, gent,lias been.'solved. He, Q ext Bear.' made the-6cc., io
1 na
Ird,.James Rait
Llobertson- Ike Was hich, together -it
S"ET Ant and
pd Su�b6ede in gaining the cosent of res Ing* 011ie.
AS'rJJRAGE.—A liciviti3d iramber of or 10 lislinc, cireums tirices have 1*. - d gg Son e4ual'- 3rd TURolb t-. picnic "Qf :the Cli
6 one.' of Talryal atoll Methodist-
Peows can� be occurred -4,u connee'tion therewith.; � AV erry'.s f4irest"anualiter Miss' Al, gie Robert ei Tit 6
tl D iing 'W.,'JACKSOX, C14 Itoll. l,, ' . j" , Son; 4bb. William School' -oii-Wiednesday INyas'suc
have been,61aarged asbe'inv in leaue with ParrieliaTipling,to�ec6m6'. ifepartner. 1�atbby.
just received. This Croquet is made of U_ -,lox PICNIc.—T e Union Picnic, cessful M Iwill give theissilex arm
ge lice "es;'the71 others The initiat6iy ceremony . took. place on. material, and SERVAN'l" tarri, ps beld.on July Gth was a grand success.
ate that iiheya we TI.IeSd.,avthe'10th� inst. They left on I _Iage! turnout; apd every body seem�d
n e Bache- or sicln� of enj y, to
valit Ivaiited, got)(] wag6s. A'pilly-to Mlls.'. :insi it
good I __l _6 �, - U S �th breez&,, of hike -A,
C. SPOONER, tondesbaro Gravol Road. lors Nye are going. to talce up the P01 Nye( ding -trip on f I seven o'c ock train. any eye uron, tile pic�
V Ibe�weatber nd y w t e, ominous m6 beiqg beld� at Godericb. Oil
.0 atuie ladies'�; t el p a n; � Ili, re
we intended I May 4ve lea, rat trip' through It
for e1zh
the head; but the day was :pyccedi ii pccas 1011, rain
k3i Lot 23, .(;oil. 11, 11ollett, aboot tile hist of ApAl nmentionQdun- beautiful'and b I ri c,lai t About 11 sl i hn I'll I .
tlyin.coili,modcd tbe
tile ;jy arriages A The call lave the,,ajoie dertbi ading.'pays its $0 for the they to ,I iv oil tlje ground�kep�t, b
IAit;Leus' Viillz 1-1 6use �is� rr C. ed
�beri w� t.to.si that ll alOn this i
Qw e, we 12 ay piril kipp".Oqclli,13�coli)pletioii And N�heia cver fiv,e hundred w.4re pre�, in,IV fine thrOui:"hout
tit . , y
these �staterya'eDtS, '.ayad, particulrly� the com
�77-- L, ay! ep t to
tile an. or, �Aftev dinner, of—which 'there was Lilly cheap� tter, ore the purest imaginations, 'Ani]. line.
Ail 11A STIU19A fi�ortl Mr SV
-ated t - the
�yi to b ets i'd received I 1t es art abufradance, illsepal o J. �S(;h f Re"% Ali.
all this, 1� 1 1.
The continued wet is I an Io I arn userneut.s. Six Swings were kept busy. He Atit
and number: saying -from Fil'touci. llkl; let oil till, spring crop'. It s "Dusty -Af ill oft es
that " ct fi&w6l I . I..
BUID CDAGD�� itwould be guod-thing lie 2 111. of'Jahe
to sb nd-ari:lved at'.14 -a
riot be Wh a ��'NY time alves by 'jumping'itnd
all right, h \N. - ville oil aturday evcriin� uly 7th. Tli'o
lit, of,- 1�1, an(I t1le, S4011,11, -ever., !ill he Academy of Music, Londoi I, . 6 o7ti fe. r r e d.
sports.' A
d in clue till 'Henderon,
of Lot -NO. 20, i it tIle 7th iPrincipal* of' 'Public 'Schools tool' nof e t
6l`.,Il)JIb:1rl;, coil tal,flirlgr a0il: 't"
WA Ll� 11 I It lipon h 101�
�,ditolr sur'vives the bt e, o f 11 (.A
'Ile chitir and lit' few Ivell-claroSell 0171 .13 ntioill c choir
accoul lod,,�te ,a] I Ac,
of itMr, Fisher'of Blyth
IOn 0 )Jay, r �S f " Rev. e y goiLl r p !till, witich cost .26
in go The Of, this 'If P. ersj ftuc_NN,
e. may not N%,ork_ very getting Spot St T43" sill� o` ea"i3' to n� 6ur Tit 0 E one. time of'
ov- of all S h6rd L6 lk�r.' )5,otW �pe &live go6f.1 r Lie to fetfi"6 Ul'uch. th'at iL� _�T71 U
1 -plucked, ivIijeh s l5robaWy:, the oau�e o, f eIts:— I It Oil by each relative �Iaty
Y� SAT LIRDAY afternoon �nt nd �pfij 1.111rory ),let, I it J\,ITo_V1
(;1iriton, IN7ER In Sact. we have gicat vi I, i�a- an k-ki), t I - R little the ilde -rinoral church, ei
�O�L�011- ATllliLJCC1 COS84 ty 0 t.
t., Y., - %ri 0 -mifi-moaaialm6ttert; -6 i n oUt, The remar 0 6 tb
nd it o f', th.0
1i k obecome old elingh i7e up hopes of of 100 )ot�.were highly appy��ciate(V-by ll present ritila'utes. of Ist m6etino-,. the Rcv, C()Ii
i th U W�(Gea State er'.Who DF-, ICS r, 0 It FE'XC1,llli G; to' �'I I- tj 'oil l but sby Kirkton
cl� b,�t inost ' p cc ill'
the 8U.Ill 'of, frui e usuaL was clee.ted _11oderator for tile next would consider good feltbt.th6y may be' t., After th Y( -he lie stands ets vob of thanks tot . Ill Tile corilmissiorfs of and �t not,11crly-
f the unter,gets , g 9,
c� b 0 LIL. 1'ebt' "somewhat ;IV6 o3giT; Nvears a
Ithe as it stand si th� -is in-(] a special d- dsbushy beard, which be inproved on _Aht Aikenhead has a the sradpr6vided on the n miLle jap�for�tjle y(.�Iir. Coil'
1�y aria generally b o; I -is. in to which lap r'emove and aajoui:nniefit for the,. City BoOk �-gbsitribor o tha 6'
for sale- Ili., of 70adries, adjohli nce. It is -not known'that he
-d— d piijoy:that long ra�esandffaiytes;' Agran callidy 4011 tlaci r - -sorite of,
f laron'entitI6 him to- Ile oceediiag8 nd 'tfloy laboi-s i' J ,cry ba 'ever beliIiy� engaged to Ile stbrininatelthe pr
will 1) Ing -to
osbeen a ip., f6r ft to wend their w
iuH �h ys tile: ri'lore BLVIKSTONE, teacll� coniptaf of. e tteDI13 the Tile B 13,tla Corne� oil tile'
'Its of oiiliplintion: A'INIES 44 y grea6 inany years Dflyi
IlLlk.tt,enbnry,�.,treet, twils. Inslimetec to I
tkes p-rominerit Part in �politics nd �ifflyeyaed,thI6 byas '6oil Dngrc-
A It' ;W r. 0 R S -.1, 1 E B E I L (IT on. the �'Coiasplrvative Side actis as- orres� t n'o proceed, lumber -o e\c(, ell F i,5u cres, tit for ev and g1ves per-: pi-irov iritoli, Feb. 1(i, IS12.: -ill ponde eral papas, ('11., cajil ed forta it u0miucridations. of,tlie in so -me p (30111inenced lhsFol lzitchi;n s6tialatteration ' o his as ia.-marblov ill lit due to thle o`ther say ummitte p ANOS )FOR S.& 11, 1, A 00,41,v(, - -: but'tiIe nyaSettledrtat6.or the we i b t
ow: Also -It h I SO 24. o rR. qI I o 1) o u t t e r. .1 t" i 8 1 q I, .Ltia ather slot I)J GO 62 ,t C1 a an ius, ble, -0,Sent S6[)tL letters etery-1 n 'many' txo:in 24, ess for but v�hetb�r this failin.. -ii,� one 'Lie-
good cro to tile Cr f selRIDQ�UT� Cliiif6ii, � the or bhoir e%pel
crss U picnics ever in'thiti allil 31 Niheat. is U01Y th e N-0 w) 111-e a o C sell Ool Us e,
0 -ft' 'IV0 Ibut the mbtion-t 0 .1 a , Opt i I ii ea!d e'd mt, a;yc" ill j pxeserlt-
JAS.'THOMPSON F ale, �y No. 3 ell 0 Ing In NN'qs
All �bklf -Ing et 70
mosb ery l�l
ej, ere., 0 1)e t yl.� or t Icl U.; 4301
4. Y h s, oxie- to f
IVI A I T 0 _B TI .01, c ayai�he t tic
bh o I� it n 11' nir
aJanuary of I roll, )Y-
'0' .,over(
oulo I10 McDougmill !d At tile a' le te tri p e to ljc* si e�invi tcd to re tbesfl'.
but:, a, Iry OF 0 11 r
t let
ts stit early days. oil Ne f,
l6nic 6f ambitious ng 'BATETUXETS -to
tentered the pro the t to fit
%d himself fr
1Y."52 +1 ULLETT tu re by. the wh,
LOT -23, 00 laid which -he only ie- EA ttiWParties do"s'iring to �H A Y F I 1) , olo
to ICI
itsupplied With lov al.; frooi Clintoii, All, oil going -into the Stationery T' h e ks t- to
a] He is ab6Ut,,tbe avieran intiol�ets at loweA r'ates. busi'liess here. J i 1') 111-), t�lc ��a t b tt t Ie G 1) 61'
1,17 nd lA 111g, I'i I na b.y,i!otrLt-ioii,,oi--it-6ortI
1ibt in build, spo,:ts, bride t height,
_11D its— i1ey wantod i owl', to be known u Oil C,
1, 1.1 V611 oil, t, ted -litini 1)
tt 't tile, by )'Elil '61, ItllhsIle is abou t �L,,4 I1111111 1)424�1 10111�Nya'l' pl'OL�11011 a oil
il w o hild not
s 0 if All info; ttio I th
i"ILI') atter,11111t ,it the, Ile— yn (if' �t. ��l L tofI I' for th-0 b,
Othenq it 1) I)�o r t J he�v. I"obt. (if' tlle'� v VW1 ACKSPN''� peti tion. t tot. Ill,,- - It Owev or leficient 'of to t actork to t
tnt e �Nveiithei I " lch EX ` I b� jei�
expresw L rprise al cot'' so ral of: the
removal, the pc h
tsNIVE HS11 Y. f 4,11 ilNo 14—lut lipoill ti a) T1- IIAS nd
-lie h�in&
tale il t 0 V is i t b o L li 1) la t t '; 1, ea''r).y.
'One Of' theJo t nd donli- A
[0 1, toJVn i.qr
o ca I) boap'. f e old 4) 1011, to with Lite peop 0,
ft gOO(I . I I I
e 01c the chi
t 1)
04 the 'Oil 116rde lils-
i:� oY, Aof, ielit' acl olt'
1110 el d 0
b, Y �T St' mo�t t keto Lle fleAD' Y
o W� Bzllif�h, toll t, trd
Idin" ItLit(100,; mcc,.- lie, tile day yhorninqs, att 7 itrn,� Forall olors'o, rl'.
A al i�,� don't ir. IIr 6 Ail Y -takes, Jilin 'of, II berd n lillioft itESTE U. I)ell
r I ;I I I Ti �e Is, RESE PVE I) SEA 0 T
lie Ole tile 4th c,6n., ilin. o� Ilk Ca r t Oh �d I I 4 y 0 , t. -
tl-�, oil many by stir- rn A. C iD 61i,.Ifily 1.81: 1883, t -,3L ';r TDP, > it I
'ch. )cv. Ml;� preached oil ciders.
itian-,wh'o TV ell-,
-Oil Pillnce-1—fis.: A. C'-'
rdIN, CNI(Ir of tit, but; iill ehnII. the `PR0.T1=ECT'10M`, and Donald,' Mttliew' ��ari an I and
Kiptiefi, "eye etb" oil t C, ba'th mornin in'd There Nvi which prov0d i Grfly, offi-,, , I D� c aI
9 is it
ain' o 1*16 0A sEV r" R SAM 6AY* V110AI (JUi wN 'HALL BUILDING,. fIrcach- n durale�old bachelor than o link I
n T 0 ----- - ---- C- 7f TF6—n. r- I in oriii,
p e olr,5EL th
Ali ha-ving rauge,men o is p ace an( 'Ye, 1
s ald f��
bat soon
'ArETY'� sooner last- ND t spQ t West 'The toNvur4hib at bb
F IRE _A� A r, E, I, -rt in' iiis tialle, tile 0 ob'
tRGLAR PROOP 'b the Tickoi.� to pollIt Itt IL6We8t Witil P"ttent daN�, than..cour.t tattendnce e but Ile NNO iv e re .' J� S. Loch -
!lit provellielI 6s" 'il I;q to for rettiest girl in tile country'.' We will. "o, 'I
th e I cllabut the cabin Of
stto,heeping it,by titIp decas. doell Trio Tits, vl�lll- �b I e honest, hCerlifiCat6s istued Jr M for its hos'pit, hill6l'bril, o
XA� 8COT17C visits to Gr, L I t M.Oif 'a, unday schbolg, t6gether 'with the day and'all through he enjoyed tb e- (�o
ta od -0. vice -would only Ile �1�asted` sebool of this vjllq�e held a pie-nio (in '�es "Y *i old Ire As ad ndof' Ili, Itiftri Hi
�6q a ai ;Oil sui)cri Dal c of' Siud6rit8--Dr
the. fano of Aly, Wffliam, Symington, On Ure . mini,
po n the it son,
i ts -in 'Canada a inst. Survives hina, lie leav,est S1.1le b �hellt of the ly
f itlnd�l R,' Miller, 61611
and Oil, the filrill, daughter in'
was--lardught ra
ther'abitiptly'io a CIO el by arrifiltoo 06hsistiyl� of' Dr'
you mee a y(
A., PATTis6Y� 'A w,:fLY,- If 11, E x t ;U:lj,g m ll wt o ru Its Goderich nd,11I Soil and cot
T a'boaVy or varb and T. G-.- Thor6 mill-
rit'll , li: . !(,. w, "a tw
-up six-�tnd_
fourteen inch tand s -in brother of Mr� ohn Ure,:.A,, congregationl `,oderlch'�brotlier'of Xlrs.Ti�h- istersq
sa'Wi,],;JOD, was appointed
Lbt rrurriber 8,,, 11 ilrorr litton c OP8 hoUrne, WEDgESDAY5 ,Aunsr Ist, 1883
4ell belftgirig,to tfle.1, I16cided to trect some Thompson, ,(ihother of Jmes, T h6trapson, 'to a in 4to t116 Ge'n6rl A2'_'
ate ef an 11 US - -
d bse Ill 11 m.o Y()JIL',',ee
Rbbert 'Otioli, cdntainin� 105 w6re or of
TI DOR11' WhO iti more Sheds. igi aa, , or e
(,,OAT,� tL'OCK, 0000 r 81711FICierit for h6trie coullnionlyt known, dintort all 0 whoill yot ]tale ild, 46711bly, ' th t f ' th " future on,
n U laaluitteoilL of,the
s.14a in - Ifr,.T-feylry� Beadle, ias- hrrived home
ellia NV. hearty, tll�otlgh over'70 of, the 5�a
lof ceritury\aP from the old couutryi where he'had �gone Thoryipsopj�ist sl al llwas q, -r
br 8011 His pasSage coil d,uot,spea to
to tile ut cat i n li, iti Blyclf'on,:tho TI1011AS', l61 ivio �nd 18, -trier in the '0 to be I kl�CogL ldeappointed itaptiaa]. number.
ally t�.nditr -k bro brougfit.otit'one. ligr'se, le bgunior flat fr too he6 wt s , -rod
vrn'� 'lot firltyl of' 156ityl ind ing lost nother oil the wily. :`11, Co the -iie:ltt JIL�l6�[1'.'B'11'R'�l��%'O'li�("�lI g 0�i 0 f i�'t t C at I I very �Puifl beint, d ys Oil 116, ON lao,,clf tile . .; f
ilT11 E R