HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-29, Page 5ar, FOR. SPRING. al, 'SUNIMt:1R T:AY;LOR&S Our stock for the spring and summer tradewill be found very complete, being much larger than ever before, and' for quality ty and stile; cannot be egcelled, and will' be offered at prices suit the closest buyer. ;.m CUSTOM . WORT. --we manufacture both SEWED and PEGGED WORK, and -guarantee to give satisfaction. Trunks & Valises, large assortment, very cheap. 5 per cent discount for ' Cash. rt n in exchanBoots and Shoes The highest . price paidfor Eggs taken ge:for r a W W. TAYLOR, & SON, Coats Block, Clinton GU Spring ;Lines of Boos and Shoes.. �prmg Women's 'Boots I4nging from $1 Per Pair up to $2.50. Men's Gaiters and Bals,air. Prunellas from 60c. upward. . $2 per p - Call early aidsecure good bargains. Wet'1L 'sell' large quantities of 3.'lb,. TEA. for $1, , s i , O cent Tea: o1Tle dealers, .5 t H I PRODUCE TAKEN FOR GOODS,` CLINTO\", March, 1883. egila} POTATOES: WANTED. THO X17,!SO d &;'SWYTZER. New Maple 'Sugar.., 0 w' a1. Tins Maple Syrup. •; 4 1• � J•i Fresh Oranges, ielintOUS and Bananas. Good fresh Mangold, Turnip; & Sorghum Seeds. J. Cu in h r�ea...CIiinton AROUND THE -,BOUN,T.Y Kranes Fluid Lightning. Needs no adysrtieing when oaoe introduced. Robert Rogerson, -of '"Sunshine, lost Ever/ bottle sold s.11s buudreds of othero.,11r; two fin erg by a circular saw, " doing all d more than repo e_antod t r•Ne'u- ,; } rsl�iana, Toothache; ileadaclie;•etC, 71t �e'govee Mrs. Tait, an old resmdepj of Grey? •any rPvilla', i py' fitly, quick mined Fick as flask, luid it and di di last week, aged,87 years, Bing. Get a twinty-five-cent bottle -at J. E 1. Rev, A. D. McDonald, and wifeof Seafortb, are on a visit to Manitoba.. Dox'x Pasty, I'r.-Use Newton's one minute toothache cure. Relief at once a;of all dealers, Xliete. Mr. McCrostic, of West -Wawanosh, and R. Cook, of Dungannon, .are both seriously ill` with inflatnniatiori. ,An old resident of Goderich, named Mrs. Hurley, aged 72 years, died, sud- denly on Tuesday last. Delays are dangerous particularly in Kid=- ney Diseases, so take at once Dr. Van Buren'n KID i y CURE od obtain relief from all -your sufferings, ,Your druggist keels it. We regret to learn that Mr. Francis Morrison, of McKillop, is in a critical condition and his recovery is doubtful. Mr. E. Oliver; of .Morris, ryas, the other'day,.offered the Landscape aunt oto $160 for a colt, which is -now ,about Eye weeks -old, but refused it. If a well be poisoned, woe be to those who, drink thereat,. It. is erse;to poison the lean,. `fain of, life for one's self, and for posterity. Gften by carelessness,, or by_misfortune,' or inheritance, this has been done. Ayer's Sar- saparilla frees the blood, the vital stream,' and restores appetite, strength and' health. :Mrs.. John Bell, of . Wingham, bad a . ca removedf cancer r breast from he , On .Monday, Mta Bennett, incumbent of the Da gannoia Presbyterian congre- gation . there, met with a very painful accident, Having his arra broken by his horse running away. 'After many years of patient investigation Df.Vau.Duren, of Germany, finally succeeded is perfecting a rKi'dney Cure that world- per manentlyrelieve all cases of Kidney Dis3ase.. Be:sure a"nd ask Your .Drngrist.,for Dr. Van • TZ? tt 1S 1x1 O4f U1;t to : � ver . ° o : • , �� 1e tzr., d. 1 stOe . ,:argf of turen'sKiDylY'l',URn ° r x r A. man by the name of. Alex.. Camp- bell died very, suddenly- in.Tee-swater: on Tuesday. , .He had beep tnioading grain,' at ,the, Station; and on his re"tnrn ,drop ped dead very suddenly. in the waggon going up th street •U, I�&�rr o II.orK Climax cough ,calves x Buick, sure cure ; dealers ; .15ets. On Friday, as :Air. T. McDonough, of Wingliam;was 'wotk1irg'.on .the. L. H. & B. Railway' • he was.. struck" 'with -:a: fallinn piece, of tiiniber which broke his shoulder bone. Combo's drug .tore. Mr. Samuel Houston, son of M. James Houston, of Tuckerstnith, net with a most• painful accident on Friday last. Ile was assisting at a "barn rais- in; on the faros of 1Jr, Ale.Kay, 10th concession, and with others was en- gaged in shoving' up heavy timbers on skids to :the top of the stone wall, when the titubor' fell 'on one of his legs, break- ing and crushing the bone between the knee and ankle, ' The June report to; the Washington Agricultural '.Bureau Shows a general average in coudition ,of the wheat crop of only 76 against 83 last year, but it is estimated that this loss will be made up by the 'increase in . the : condition of spring wheat. The crop will' probably fall -a .little below that for 1882, but will be mach larger than the crop of 1881. As to oats, barley and corn, the reports are very favorable; and the effect, _of the recent weather, upon' grain. and vegetables must have, been highly favorable. On Tuesday night last, at Gemmill's' Corners, the Rev. Mr. Watt was in- stalled to the pasturage of the Turinberry and Hanover congregations with the Congregational china. ,' Samson lost his` strength with, his hair. 3.honsands' of men and women loose their beauty with theirs,and versa; large: numbers restore the ravages' of time by\us„ g the fam- ous, "Cingalese ,Harr. Restorer Sold at 5O cants per bottle by'all druggists :The Rev F. Parke has been ap pointed to Blyth and atelgrave. by the Bishop of Hilron, and will : commence his duties at:once. Mr. Parker is 'a •young -man of ability,`and rs likely to' ir<el.e. his mark ere long:' No other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectorial for colds,;; coughs; . and' all derangements'of the.x spiratory organs tend ing toward' consump ion •: n all ordinary eases itis a Certain. care, and it affords sure relief for the as.ornatic find .eonsumptiiie; even in advanced stages of disease. : Mr.G. Tripura, of ='!? uckersniith, who has been in Manitoba for some ..time .past, Was obliged to return home a few days ago through illness, in the fern of a severe ,_stroke-• of paralysis, which so weakened him that it was necessary. for_ his -son George to accompany him home. .' John R. Vert, Hamilton,'rsays : "McGreg- or's Speedy Cure foe.; • Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion is ` cheap at fifty times the price asked for. it.' 'I am a commercial man, • and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home without a bottleef McGregor's, Speedy Cure in 'my valise: than I 'would of leaving my team athome and; going'on•foot." Free trial bottles at J. H. Combe'6 drugstore. Regular size, fifty Bents and one ,dollar. • On Thursday . •eye lnig J. Budd,: of Morris, 'was made the "recipient of, a purse; containing $121. On the same evening .R. Scouch received a handsome. :donation. Both these gentleman have suffered heavy ttnan ial losses: during- the past year and their neighbors have • shown their brotherly love by ,assisting to bear. them. A simple herb found on the sunny plains `of a' Southern Grime has, under: the skillful manipulation olDr. Van Buren, proved one of the greatest .I:'essings weer sent to suffering humanity. Dr•.Van Buren's TSD\EY Oui g is acknowieeed all the world ever as the only, • "Salt Rheum Cured. ; Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Shin, Pimples or Canker sores.; if so, -go at 0oaneeto J.Co S. tube's dru stere and get s package of'AleGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer• ate 'Price twenty'Sve.cepts.: It„was never known to fail. • $1,030 FOR,FF'IT. Having the utmost.confidence la Its Fepel ipritY over alt others,'and- after thousands o.• tests r of tri /cost complicated andseverest cases we could find, 5 o 'eel justified in offs iiig Co forfeit, One Thom hid "Dollars Jar any ease of .coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchiti ; consumption in its et i'ly stages, • whool» ng cough,' and all diseases of tie Lhroat and lungs, except asthma, or which we, Qui/ Jahn relief, that we cant cure `rvi.i, West's Cough: Syrup, when token accord to directions. ISarnple bottles 85 and .50 cents1 r e bogy 'ws one dollar. ' ('ermine orappers o tv rn•biue Sohl by ell druggists, or sehit by es-, press on'recerpto"n"r ce. Sohn C. west k Co.,81 & 831CirmSt. East, Poronio; Ont; • For sale ot Co.mbe's. Dr lig' Store . E POPULAR w de -sin eines ane Ess GooDs. o=- f1IR sntU will con't"nuo tlfe''business Y igrrp,erly; carded on' by the firm of, Newton etc Denui5, rnd-hopes to. receive a coatinuation of the liberal paitrcinage'heretotore enjoyed. • IH.ARNESS, ALL KINDS. TIWNKS, VA 'USES, NTv'S, COMBS, &C Prices alivitys reasonable '1dr NEwTO3.7 ''CLINTON. 1oi:ijll8', FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON THOS. STEVENSON.; •3Iaving, moved into his,new brick store' " "OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, Begs leave to state to hiinnmerous f; fiends in Clinton' and. the surrounding country; that he kregps on hand_ a superior quality of Furniture Ofall kinds, suelr as BEDROOM & PARLOR SETS Of the latest styles, also —BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, '.BUREAUS, TABLES• ; And everything that constitutes furiiiehing a. Boise in his line, 'which .lie '•'will sell at the.. lowest living ,ln ofit. 1 ask a share of the public patronage; being thankful for past favors and -hopeful for, the future. The public are invited to`call and see for .themselves. T1=IOS. STEVENSON_ Clinton; July 6,.1882. Vegetable Sicilian. HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to eure diseases o£ the scalp, and the first sueceS;Dal e -- Storer of faiietor gray hair to its natural color,' ,growth, and',youthfu1 beauty,• itilras had'mahy nuitators,,but none have so fully met all the, re- quircriients needful for tho.proper treatment :no 11air• and scalp., IIAtaae•a•rArit.Itaxnwait has stobdii,, groEy iufavor,and spreadits fame and asef 1111ess to every quarter of the globe. Its,nis-• paralleled suecess pan .he attributed tobat o,s,e. cause: the en%'ireftiLii;lnieft of itspsprn&scs. Thr, nronrietorsha-re often'been surprised 'tile perfect remedy for kidney tronles. "Your. 'receipt of.ordcrs front remote countries, where druggist has it. C,ht'y 11Ck1never ]nude alaetl'Urtfor its introduction. We are sorry;to hear, that a daughter of Mr. Ohristopher Dale, of the• Huron -Road, Harnett, is at present in rather a 'low 'condition.. ,She came fro» the Staten some tinieLago.'- We Bear .that the physicians. who have been "in at• - tendance .have,not very: much hopes of` her;final recovery. , i11r -Thomas N'ott;-formel•ly` of" Hu7 lett, returned home. from Algoma last week; and is Iaow preparing to • remove his family and personal effects to that district. . Mr. Nott has.a farpr' of -500 acret on the Noitlishore of Lake about 30 miles. east of -Sault ,St: Marie, »and two of his sons liaise farms a few Miles ' distant ' On Mr. Nott's farnl there are 1-10 acres of' arable land clear- ed -ancl- learedsaid: the Balance is well timbered .-. Excited Thousands. &11 ober the land are'gbing • into 'ecstasy over Dr. Ring's IueviDiscovery for consump- tion. Their unloeked for recovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy,,'. causes diem to go nearly wild in its praise;., It is guaranteed.: to pos4ively sure; Severn' Coughs, ;Colds, Asthma,,, Hay Fever, Bron- chitis, Hoarserefe, Loss rf voice, or any af- fection of the Throat and ,Lungs Trial bot. ties free' at Watts Cc's,, Drug Store. Large -size $1. 1115 n/e for a short time of MALL'S IIAut. ItraEwrrt wonderfully improves' tho personal appearance.`"TS ntetinees the scalp from -all im- purities, cures, all humors, fever, and -dryness; aid talus prevents baldness.: •Itstimulates•the w eakoned glands, and enables them to push for- ward a ne,w andvigorous gresitlik The efiects'of this article are clot trarisient;1'iire'those 'of. aleo Boric 'preparations, but remain ixong tithe, which nlages its use aMatter-of economy. B'UOETNGHAJ S DYE FOR, Tug p ; wxzsxER� ', Wil]' droops" the beard to 'a'41h,ttiiai"`brown, or black; as desired. It produces a;p'ermanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a. single lireparatron it:is :applied without tronblo I 3..i n; 5?, PAitEDoISY 11. P. HALL & CO., Nasbi N.1 Sold by all Dealers.in rtifedicines , m" POR ALL'Ttl�l 'FORMS -01, . Scrofulons, Mercurial, and - Blood disorders, ". the.best remedy, because the; most seardbing and thorough blood-. purilior, Ayer's Sarsaparilla.' sold by all Druggist's; $1, six bottles, $5. 1ar�e ��riet�. ROOD N;D �1�'I' PA all ran L ��..: AT KEN e A:ItASOL Splriiig a ud 'S i:a.laifiner ALL THE LATE T NOVELTIES. u '-,fi e • See o r.W -.fine assort �ent of Strata Hats and Bonnets, -iii te>a ' cotta crush l.strawberr ' ' pan lall l , r. � : y,. , d the ne�v.colo>,s anc� Fine. assortment of white,arid and:eolored.LACES. Farce assortment of ENGLISH and FRENCH FLOWERS., See our Ottoman corded RIBBONS aslnd Siiss, our ew vshades in SATINS: Our:"Slll�" iiid Lie Gr avES. Ouri . IosIERY ansa FANG Goons. , Fine: assortment of beautiful FEATHERS, and also Pit tAsofs. Don't forget that' now is the time to get your STItAW AND T AL?E 1I&'I.TS made over into all the Ieadine styles. R. BEESLEY, Beaver, Block, Clinton Where is the best place to deal this year fol. wiiY WITH .Ile -` keeps :the best -general stock 'in"town. :`EverVthdna Fresh. ROBB, the Grocer, Central Grocery, Clinton. ustic to scare BAIGAI� .1 ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF len's YOU Ch's Ladies Misses and Children's Boots and Shads: ENTIRELY NEW SPRING- STOCK. IiiIMENSE VARIETY.. LOWEST PRICES VISITORS WELCOME. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. IN GREAT VARLE,,TY. CALL AND SEE THEM PEFOPE PURCHASING 'ELSEWHERE. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY & LiGHT, HARNESS IS COIYAPL;� E ' Trunks and: Valises for the Million. Georgian Bay Shipgles always on hand. l ""THE'USUAL. DISCOUNT FOR' CASH r Yic�tor•%� 131oe11C C1iiYxt.t�n: