HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-29, Page 3across, the corners never being clipped, off, CHURCH CHIMM.' PRESERVE TOVXL�,�EXESIGIH[v Sune tsks. THE' WORD IQITY.Pp O%1IY One i4stan6s, as far as is kn as such a �treatment tends to in�ke the i — I 1. I 1, ELECTR own, ji, veteran raitorla Experience LGIven for side of the � nail grow' into the flesh. If the From �a :�le'tter' received in, Montreal has over bpen,reoorded where Bo woma* nail Shows' any signs, of growing dow the 13�,Ju�cfii of Oth6ra. lillow the Jealous Uakers of an 46 Eclee, found the English language strong enough What wlkv Wiraveller Said., n, a from, Father Chiniquy, he is not making to do justice to her feelings w4en t notch cut in the and will tend to draw it m9oh money by lecturing W-Englana, mid The editor of the Huntsville - Dentocrat, Oil Endeavored to SUppres" 7 he The shadows grow and deepenTOundme out, Bud fi,equently this will care a bad case he )?ropQse8,eOO4r I eturning. who had passed his three -score years with. *Briggs, Eitric oil. clothes - line broke and lot the Monday. Heel the dew -fall in thea , 1r; out the Use of eye-glasseB, and can still, washing dawn. he lives without other treatment. a issued a Akron, 0. The mue*iin of the darkening thicket The Archbishop of Quebec ha I brear Call to Prayer Illow'i to 91�akc Cod-M�cr 011. mandate denouncing any connection, by his with his natural eyes, read , fine print, THE LTTER TRIUMPHANT IN THE and v�as fined �! for Bwearing. 'Take EL !clean wine glass, pour.intO it wishes to give other people, nearing the CONTEJ3T. It -is when our budding hopeBarp, nipped The qvianing wind is Bad with fa�rowella, flook with secret I societies. His Grace in- sere and yell w leaf the benefit, of his a dessertspoonful, of cold water, then a ectricity-j recognized Bela powerful agent in beyond recovery by some rough wind- that "Aloyiughandsunclaspirobamitio; eludes labor 'uziions,�ia the categoryo� ocular experience. Therefore, he tells InOdetumedicitio and the great allccossWtlich We are the most disposed td picture to our Alone I go to meet the darknQsB teaspoonful of the oil ; have near YOU Borne secrt societies. Across the aful boundar:k,lhic. table Balt. Havin them that in 1865 be found'his eyesight hEks attended the'use of Briggs'Electric Oil has Selves what flowers they might have Wine g swallowed the oil, St. (Presbyterian) coagrpga- failing; indicated by dark specks flitterm knatuxally Created for it jealous eReids among As from the lighted hearthe behind me quickly throw in a B'mall pinch of salt into tion Ottawa, bave unanimously resolved the makers of luediclues alleged to be Cures fox if ihe'Y had flourished.-Dickem. 1 Pape with slow, rolu6tiant feet, the mouth, letting it fall a little on the lips. over, the -page and. a hazy -appearance of diseases of a Bitailar'nattire to those to pay a stipend of �3,000 per annum to the letters - when� he was reading.' Re. been 0o,successfully cou b m atte(A by Brig"R'Rlec- What wa,its.mae in the land. of Strangeness Children who tE�kq- it -in, this way soon get -,the new ' minister, Rev. Mr. He,rridgE�, membering to have heard his mother say Iric Out The most prominent and active,' greet ? these,enemies hit among What face shall smile, 6vhat voice Shall q a �fond of it, foi there is to unpleasant formerly of Hamilton, at pre�ent asbistEint t1nit ex-Pregident -John � Quincy Adams ve beell Messrs. Northrop & nit Lyman, of Torontq,nlanafactur6ra o its ta,Ael If more oil is taken, increase to Rev. Dr. enkins, of Montreal., lived to about 60 years) had.preserved a'what si�aoa shallaWe, what bri,-1411esB blind the quantity of water tb'about, balf a wine I - Cum called ','Dr. Thomas, Ecleptric Oil." These. me? The General 1,Synod of the Reformed jealous Persons sought to prevent us from using and read. without glasses by What thunder roll of musjoBtun 2 glass. When cod-liver oil is taken in wine, the word biectric,,. on our label qlaij�aing 'always I disagree- Church at Albany P pressingthe outer and inner corner� of, his it -B an infringement upon'th6tir t d rk, has aiassd resolution -that- What vast iirocopign sweep before -me milk, or sugar, it nearly s, denulaciatory of Masonry and other oath-. eyes together. The editr tried the experi- being shmilar to the -word,, ra ea of shapes unknow bei]iiaatl� the Sun. ? and Soon qa�ases a distaste for it. eclectric." It Nvill be A bound Ordirs; cautioning all oburobbs of m6nt. After retirirtg-to' biEf bed at night, observed that. the word. electric- means I shrink from unace. . 4ptomed glory, ]Dress of GiTls. t . he Synod to discourage members from el has, ever since. the fall of 1865, before something, arni �.is used in Connection � Eve y girl should 'be tau ht.t6consider I - j. with our oil because the oil a charg I diead the myriad -voiced strain; r 9 joining secret societies. going to sleep 'prese6d gently together the electricity b ed with, M -Give -me the unfeigotten faces, the yle of dress best suited to her, own outer and inner corner -of each eye betwe6 I n Y 0.�.Pc)werful battery, as Bet forth in There will this� year be pe!rf6rmauc8s of thO-Swo"' (MaOuco of the Walter before the. Andletinylqst � Bespeak again. face and figure, � wbether'it be fashionable - -t 04 coui Botb,l -8. Northrop and Isyman on tbePassionF1' at Brixle the thumb' and foqflDg6r f the band cor. L, 'Gssx I He will noi clAde my mortal yearning, or no., The draperies that look well on a ELY, gg in the Tyrol, responding.to the right and lefto oath, diposed, hat no electricity whatever'wa's I ne IY' J�ut i6to "Di< Thomasl-Eclec Whoisouk Brother and Onti Friend, tall slendei, damsel are tterly out of place about thirty -mile& north i of 'III bguck. ye, app uric Oil," and this in, a cut of a bottle fr,oni which a large numb In whose fulflife divine and human 'he repres6utatiou will e very smarto iog,equal simultaeouspressure,to both eyes. the face of the tact that on thei,, labels appears RHEU
The heavenly and the earthly blend. on ashort, dd-mpy One, and yet ekoh may those at Ober4maiergau, and'the dates Or using but oile hand, lie has put the middle er of look captivating in her own way. She who formidable thunderbolts' "a xaa are Jtuie 3, 10, 17,24, July f, 8, 15, 22, 29, fingeron his forehead above his nose, and stat0illOnti5also made'that the u:Re THE'�GkEAT CURE FqR Miva be the joy of soul-coramitinion, has,red hair and a florid complexion must pressed together tho'corners of one between b1fted Ali electrrdif-�' The sense of spiritual strength renewed, .boOse different �tiDts� and colors from -ber, Aug. 12,, 19,.26, w Y: ' The expose; of this he! thumb and the -forefinger, and the fraudu on�fhe-peoplo was the grand -result. Of The tip r as the inaimlactureT'S'Of beauty in eac 'ttlq th 'as' E lectric Oil" were concerned -h if they ill not run foolishly 'son,isabout�ose Jn the district which and four J�ngers, striving to give eq al It amounted toan actual ac�nowlodg after the same color or shape. because, and. bei father mitdel fam'"ous in 1k Westward gat! ment, undej EU ISM ith dark: tresses ;,:bu the li fa
The�roverence forthe pure',and holy, t there is Charles Xingsley's daughter, Mrs. Harri- corners of the other !eye between the third , D, Tbonon' Boo
dear delight of,dol gopd. sister An endless qntbem�Srise and fall; nbecau a, it is the fashion. Ho P as her husband has � just be pressure to both eyes. . The Philosophy of, oath, by the makers ofthe oil, that t1a Yhaidbeen -e4lainea 'in this . cine said to X Palming off on.Aha'public a 'medi 0 curious eye is mine to measure en aP' the experiment'is way: contain elecbricitywhiioh And anco ..�ture, The pearl gz�te and the jaspelFividl. Seasonable Recipes and Othej�, Alinta. Pointed to the vicarage � of, Clovelly,' -the d1d.,126t contai mplaints of a Rheumatic As the people pass the middle age, there is I u, any- qaaint and beautiful sphsidd village- which thing oftbe sort. .4,fter*beii3g&lo'ng�ti33ie'bef6re' "HEUMATINE is uot a% v - r d ED -n said to be (and we believe it) a tendency of file court, the proprietors of Briggs, Eletric, oil , "'all �the ills -that, flesh is heir t and For love must needs be more than h owledgo Cheess should be wrapped in a,pi.ece.'of Cancu Kibgsley� so passionately loved what matteiifl ne*er-know ea n Jinen n a box. Dr. McCosb: a hebaillsofthe6ye to lose. their convezit having stated under 6atli that their oi RALQIA, SCIATICA ; RHEfjMAISA1. firmed iA the el and kept i h t ! to" , in common Parlance to -flatten. yr chardqawitteloctricity, were con comPlaints of Rhenmati�cnatu Why Aldebaraft's. stax 1B rudd�r s een prevailed uPon- The I . use of the label bearing the worcl Clear bolling water will remove tea Or colder Sirlas white. as snow. I c5htinue at the head of �iincetOn College. habitual press, A SURE CUR �staine. Pour the water through, tbv* stain, ill, ure of theouter andi'nner showin;g the'-devI66 of the, five Cell b4tter� with Elb howe�er'J be relieved of a portion corners of the eyes together Prevents' flat� which4he oil is chargdd'in . the course of. its Forgive myhuman worde,.O Father!., and thus event it bpreadin manufacture; and to -day Briggs, Electric oil- vrom mr. R- ip. lairgertrutlits prove; g over Jhe Kties by Dr. who will be- tening, and thereby preserves the origina; Carter, a 0 'XhY tran6eand,my longing Jabric. stab'da before thepeople, its claim, to be .what it te Jmayo r o T 'g rhade Dean of the F46ult. The School of nornial.conveiity of the eyes, and thereby is bay.ing been vi dicated by the Canadian High by mercy �alti Willi curdle new milk hence in Philosophy, for which �an endowment of Court of Chan R I .. k but We, and Thou aa,� Love I 4
: 1 7 . , , 1, , � I- I the.ofigindlLpowerpf seeing. Near sighted eery. NIAGARi FAL lost an mourne 8r�' ' u I 8 pergo , Ds arebxceptions to the rule. Their LS, OuC, Feb. 12,1883,. Igo to find d df prepaiing., Ddilk porridge, �graivios, af.c., the §150i3O'd0JhasbeeU secured, will' ope it in J- N SbTULLAND, ESQ. ii 6fieltering goodness Still; salt should not be added until the, dish is- d6ors in September. Dr. McCoeh be 7-A standard rule=halll �t down* when it a' neai-sightedneas (as We understand) is SIR, -It is with g rest pleasur . 0 1 arnable Andall4laatliO qandifaith-�oreshadow, prep re at the head of the department. cause the rains. t.DEf
Made perfect Vii Thy holy, will I i d by too great convexity of, it in you that Your Abournatine has Tab let says that the first eye., ears, 111� KeroseuO will make your teit-k6ttle as E166131Y curedme of tbd rheumatic pains I co -John G.. T177bitti-ar. -The Londom Oftentimes, as they advance in y have bright as new. Saturate a woolen rag and vivisectionist was',Bishop'Theodor6, of Car. their eyes flatten ; that is, lose their origi-, Skinny Alen. San troubled with for s6rcia time past, and has also improved my general health, giving It,will also remove stains via ociant. Dal "Convexity, and become � more nearly v Wells'llealth Renewer,, restores health and healthy.tone to my system. more rub with it. I , in 1261, Confessor of Pope Ian igor,c THE FAMILY ROLLE. from the varnished furniture. - uck With out' ures Dyspepsia. lmpo�eiice, Sexual De- He was 4 surgeon, and being Btr like the 'good eyes of y g people, and bility. $1. R. F. CARTER.: Bread orcake must be thoroughly cooled the large, number of. soldiers who died in, hey ban Bied b'etber'without glasses and lay bef re being put in a box or jar. If not;- -war. frorn'the effects of injuries to the in- tbe:d aBiae.,.wh6ther our philosophical ex- -For good board apply at any saw.mill, 'SOLID BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ?,How Ladips $Poxilci Dress 'in, 0 -1 wi -experap s -of -two liviDg- -pla6a�iton-is-k-i'g'ht'-or-wrong,, --one: thing,- and for pl%itio)-irrd go to any cirp4i�Later-� the Steam 11 cause the niauld- -igili L -6Lm�ade len this
�We-tudw, that whereaswe, ver seventeen shop.- -The lanufac - nii:�alg-Witb-a-vie-w-to-the-�6wing-Up-of- - turing -quickly-. ya�;�,ago,'vyere.losing our original power of Milk, cream and butterall quickly absorb the wounded intestine, in. Which he Buc ST CATHARINES, NT. seeing I` f our Don't J. Winer WholcNale Agents. A CII?ES., strong'odorB; therefore care' &u9t. be, taken ,eeded.1' ,'nowf bythe Maniptiation 0 coo, BATCH . 6p NEW RE Ep i above explained,' we cab -see clearly "Rough on Rats" clears 'out rats, mice I I h i in, or in iscq�al i0hop . Riley, ., of, , Mexico, P�.es as � ;. o n ol, sweet roo I �� I 1, roaches, bod-bugs, flies ants,,nioles,chipmonks ! has never received any salary ad has spent: without, the Use' of glasses, and can read an ice'cheiat-., gophers. 15c. C, N. A,. �16. �S3. Cold and '$156,000 on his Work. He1as how 6,.. 13mall Print almost, if not- quite,'as well as If you ou pineapple in thid,tslices and- )ur y6ii,th,.w.hile men' an wo'm , en many, -Tim austed his private fortune. d' a, with a scythe; i pictured as vo-v�erit the day 666ic�you�use, h Scatter Bug u juniors,. some of' th ear baldheaded, so that"t-canno taken by I 1, years o . r em our n 'I, Women make a, mistake,. in'trying to. not use wat t: k Atthe ol)eA mee�ing'of thie-Congrega., a their comfort, t cr b e'tlae. blood relatives, who have not resorted to the forelock ,increas in Y I uor. 'f �Engl�na and Wales last . i� Keep in a cool place. tional Union;' q Covering the arms -and neck as week, Rev. br�` Parker ourmode of preseiviog.tbe eyesight, are, FOR THE'PERIMAKNT �CURE Of ,polasible,, while the trunk,. daitainly in . To make'an excellent tipple custardi'ase f the City Temple, Ifed to use gl compe asses. -Believing it our Vc Mien a airman by 665 vote , s, out, o duty to mankind to do them all the d lack brain and or ten* thicknesses, Ono V1 goo nboCBweet rnilk,�.bn � pint of apple- was elected cb f part; has five, six, eight a total of Q81. vot for all the, 6an.didates. advertised in No dtherdiseasoissoprevaloat' 0 y
gregation -of lkdies andthree eggs. Flavor and sweeien, e we can, wa overcome our native modesty Want and thus this ofoovering. In a c,onj -and b�,ike with a lower' crust. The fact is the more notable that Dr. abo , ut writin, , of ourselves by-' the ail. e --i y is constapalion, and no, remedy has dressed in thisway and ed Parker was unsuccessful! in tw ever sone, mixed in 0 Previous 'consi-deration that � We, ma benefit, equalled',the, colebrtod � Mdlney-Vlrqrt as� a r in broacloth throughout,.- every lady,will Blue,ointment and kefo Y e ections for the chairmabehip. -For dress occa�ions -plaids h%vei not c,tr6. wilat,over the Cause, however obstinate M he fariningherself and consciously; suffering equal proportions and applied to bedsteads, others by relating our own experience. tho Teniedy.will ovomoino it. uc Rev. Dr. Lou�mdir,, Aberdeen, is dead. I h f�Lvor in Eugland, even for ,,with beat, whise the . men apparently is an unfailing bag 'reined ' and a ebat of The reason why both' yes should be sectirea III The rev. g mit'n, W y,; entle ho had been in feeble i5quftl, simultaii ous pres- young girlB. to, entirdly oblivibils'-oi hthe� Weather, are at whirewash is ditto house. health for Sometime, Was known in Scot- subjected to the � . 6 Midey- liberty to give undivided attention to, the. For crearn. sponge cake, whiah is'easil .1 � d sure is that� to see -clearly, both eyes should an -as un antiquary, poet and temperance we'll-onedparts.and behold objects at the'same local distance, all lAnds of Pi 1 63 eveli N-�hcu physicia sermon. Men do uot-be�r beat better made, take two eggs and. beatin ii cup�and reformer, also as editor of, JamieBou's, and this cannot be if the two eyos ha-�e'not A madicine thitt destroys -,the than women by constitutional endowment, �llw.itiLbre�baaddoneiegeii�ful�t gugar.l germ oi.causa of Dictionary of the�Sbbttish and the same convexity Ifthe two eyes, should Bright's Disease, Diabetes, ..Kidney and Li "a ver butbyree,sonoftheltiattlial4hey are'so and one and ,a half of flour, and one spoon. of 11 Wa�ker Web He Compldints, anIthas,powerto,ro PC them -Out -of- M a E.- -clad :that the lungs afe..fie� to takein ster's Dictionary see .objects distances, the the syst ful of baking -powder find pinch of -salt. retiiad.fioni ',the ministry' in n8l. en2,:iS,ab6veLl.pripe. Such amedicin�e im heir simplicity, interpret the two refinve of the eyes an I d produce a Totindbyouetria, orbyv,asking you neighbors, system., beside�s the stair 'carpt 'lace, a pretty and t who have been cured, by it.,,. ,flow to aviary part of' th abundance of oxygen, and. the blo6d free to '�iwe of th 01 :The Boers;ih t objects would -present different images on �S Hop Bicters, and positive proof of i this cambe In a (It' a abairrod'Ab1old he Bible literally,, the circumstance that,theiwomen can only illy effee,five way.is. see Co6fusion of images and, of course, impair equf, _j6faeten urely The law forbidding Jews to have Cbris- distinct vision. Ins'tanbes,oceur of persons half breathe, their clothing piled ' up on. down With' brass, PiDs 'wibi round, I I Ofacer to timid soldi�ar="W' iiy, pa t. no" ' blo fla tian Bervants ial revived in the'Oovarnment2 who have a natural infirmity of,the eves some parts causes too in Od to giocu- heads. with 0 are surely not going to turn coward?" clas 9fKi-ff -different foci -one Bin 'P8,15 Why, Shure, P rayther be,a coward- mulatia theie,, and coi�iseq, tuVil "th tia, ye so g at ;D6 little blood, I 61' � makin g -1mOI as B6S C O Olel-ds -4 a- k e lighti covdridhave. too Rev. A. -Langford has been elected CbMr- f0fa'I distance, the other ey& seeing --at- --f f - ifititeg than aLcorpBe for the rest or oive in I 9, one cup lard,. half cup, either man of the Loii at iidt, ar d another focal distance., In such casep matter of course they -must suffer..�� By cups D10 asse don, Methodist.di 0.1 Lao loife." libinsbIves' greater uniformity cold, watair'�:or buttermilk, two large tes- Rev.'J. Philp,, M. A., See oculigti sea of different foci, I 1 50 securing to t I retary. .provide ye glas' in the -thing -,;-a", spoonfuls, ginger,. one.. large, tbasp9onful 0119Wbutiow of, the, �yolo R. ome coiiespond so accommodated as to correct thematural and a Our erib telegrapbs.that. of the,finest ink for families or defelct.�aiid 'Make. both alike.— schools dan� de made: from a ten -cent package of MonBignoi Capel Bails for New York in the t m aliqugt, i O B -easy losii� 'their nd Dye.: Trylliem.. of summer's.beat anA:ofwinter?s of lime in'; solution is, an excel- Arizona, on' the 21a4bf uly. Hunt I svil I le (Ala.) Denio&a Diamo cold as well; for there . aria - muititudes.of 'lent disinfectant f6i,ol6thes 'placed in it, or 0 womexk,� 'for walls andnks�th at the Hebrews cyc -a wheel. his country 7 w floors ; but this -LOiNjiu oc,rBuittsrs. - well -to d t ho wash iliEnjlisii critic thi ! 1. , Always& eford it starts spr, haviB� an inherited aptitude for music, Ic have: never.�kiio�W'�.*Iiat ikidi6bb diessed inklind.ot k�,abouta placelaof comfortably warm in cold 'weather— Dr. -The last fact is not generally because the chosen people praised the Will' 311an Ever be Able jo Continer. limpornint. Deity -With , musical -instruments. This Storms wbsiii'you visit or leave New.prx�city, save known. . ; - � : � . Z. , I 1 � , I I- I -esslf,,e andcakriage hire, and stop WaB DisiaelPs opinion. Violent displays of natural force, says , baggage expi Education for c1h.1s. 6lea'iIcin1g'fOr'Cake.PUV one cupful of. Jeroper I the Dioc6se of Ontario has the London Standard a;re.'painf ully hostile .at the GRAxD MON HoTEL, opposite Grand your I daug . liters . a h , o ' r , oug ' h , aduca." Pulver . Ize 81 L The Synod o Central Dbpot Elegant r0onisifitted up,at a Give igarinto � bowiviih -� table. adopted 'the'xelconalquandation of the oom. to � human progress. It the valley of -the n dollars,, reduced to $1 and spoofif ul � of i� anion juice and cost of onsi-millio: ,tiop. Teach them t�6 cook -and prepare: the the whites of 'btee advising. a �ivuai,on 'of the diocese Thames were frequently rocked by earth- upwards per day. European-�lari..Edevstor, BEFORE �r,-AND: AUER 1 wo eggs.. Just mix' together _smooth, and mil Rdstaurant,stiulleA, i��th the, best� Horse- . cars- food of The household. - Tearti,them, to �t " upon' the basis of the boundaries of the ui&keo, London would be an imposBibility. 7 *aah, to iron, to'darn I stookjngs,to'.sewdn poui, over the cahe'while it enough stages - and- 6 o.vated railroadd to all 'depots. Electric A0pli.anceS are,�sent.on 30. Days' Trial. en t ------- v a or-- or. A -dry- 'g�e 1. , -0 pu 98a- and 42 616ijg ln 0 a isk mto.TiEe Thames and TO-MEN-Vil
b-, - milquma--UR
Archileaconkift of Ottawa� with it church A very slight tremor would tilt t e 9gyp b tt, f Aess-m6neyat�tb
buttons, to make dresses. .'T6ioh them to 'to dry'tbe icing -pr setr it in the make. bread., :. and thida'� �good left -o -h- -6 U � 1`64- 'S we . a L, t , tea , cakes without eggs�7�m-Two, 0 4,2i otel than At.,. any 9ityptis bEBILI _y %611 topple Grand.Uhion Aber first-plaso .]Ro Ty, Kingstowkibb A latirch population of 42'338 - down,8L-Paul's Cathedral. -Avo hotel n the city. 'O '� o.,'oc and O'ne of RcF* AND� sens the doctor's account. Tes;oh them' that cupfulsof'd a:i;.'4Dnc6f utter Icano in W L.,:ry 1,Acic or NERVE -Xidd arwould lower the 'quotations -for ocrowd 500'rdsias�on, a� spriU Of a PERSONAL' NATuirta rescIting from! ABV$zS and neyvir ose expense are4�Bee, mi. 6: to . i4po on I' ful' of and 115ia , 11thosiodisetw6s Oil -�LTrying i"
heonly1mysuptno t lk G6veinni6nt . securities and ' Scously IjUHR CAIUSrS., Sivedy relicf�and:complbte: resto- da,ll that grow Iybdr 11, one Of sait, and one ofparaway bonnet Iour-inAes o4uareaWhat is mak 0 less than his income, an -che � *on"'hij. 'of diminish the rateable value of the metro- rat!on Of HEALT�J,Vxdou hnd MANH60D GuInATERm ;�6atlthe maniacs out of the� millineria. Thei grindest di.6116ty Of the Nineteenth Canttiry. who have to spend mre*than the,� butter, and sugar together.. So many. people are under the bondage of polis. :For prosp6rity4heie must be Peace, ingraving 'PlllustratcdFamphletfree� Address Sendn�toncafo Teach them that'& calico dress baid"for fits `�ik - add the milk 'with; sod:� diis6lved init, Dd mi O'mak -a some� patty habil thiat,they came to 'be' especially �with the powers of nature. LT 6'0., M SHALL,.MICH. better t I fas offen "' 'A iwould not be Wbat it iB'if Well'%' "o"gh on Cor"S.' han.a silken.one: unpaid f6r.:±eaczh -th salt and x in flobr'i' peculiar;,ait ough more or e sive. merica i ful ere are- perso )pUbliol - f them *thav a hea4thy face displays greater to roll out. Be caree t ias 66ed'rred'in e Askfdr Wells :Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick Instir E�, thAix -tf tFy donsurniptivev.beauties'.' not,to get it too stiff,, 4s Who bass horrible cylon very DOWN81, y per orm �ELIXIR:. Plete' 1)"1:Maud12t Corns, warts: personal 6fficag of Abetoilet - wbo'have a Sti�tea6d�atfrequehtiz���erv�ils. �Theqaes- oom VeL b atrickof fLe to tiou- sesly veaccoull ialow,bved' If.greaU'LLCare sqrape; pare:ap� 0 *n I I S
TeiLchtbemtopurdh6se.6iadtb,��e(kit at;t 6 R,h baYb pies are muc bringing 6at.,s, .Penk�i qtmosp&rio' t corresponds,:with I i 'a: p"Ur c h ase". baked in'a, very I �p6lish :,their I tail's; who-AisturbAnces may; �tossibly be � aected for: ove never reasons s i H 4 D-1 0 WX Teach them -good commo Helf-t I tl�at, 'but PrOfuQ;e n�sense r is,jake'li'inwetting. the -i3d&A of- the 0111§6 are. alway 9'gin�othin'g'.tbeir, hair, and. sbrok� the, ettein -,course,_ gives, like a thoughtless prodigal,' its alL hpots, 8 W' icted that sovt�of indirect influence w ic an self -help and industry. - �Teach therathat and prassing�: them �Idgether; rhubarb 'ingtheirwhig'ker h -civil d an honest mechanic need Do f first be �ste,ied'b t be n cli thenlest it has done too little.. U may vit with 13 cannot 16ave'them alone'- *be iiatiLon' a' 0. mate. I� is tru h How . I cc esteem than a' d eU, th � . , - =�IaLkn t -6 , --- a be.tter object' bt raw in a cinst.' If a little flour is mixed pick their'teeth !at oad out that mau may mar a X ,%b�t inely dressed' idlers. With the' �Ogai in the. pies, il�.;Will: a amf JY h '18 their!rough hairs, scratch,thAlri heads,settle mend one. i He disturbs th r Al 'WeAre pdkBuaded that t o ancient Hermos . ardening'snd the a juice.and keep it Lu Has stood,the tcst for FirT�; Ti-!PEr -Z th oleasureg of nature. thicken th from running do aiiatcoats, -u-ndu their. ties, pull WD their- ly ciAting down 'the forests, t a by with all the subtle,rat and natural esources of i, producing La 11 ' the, Aldliemistei,.vcs a vory p6or doctor.c6tripared -self tlicl)est Tea;oh them,' if yod� c4n affoidit,; out Over the top of the pie. t�,gb�en their bandst; 'arrange their caffe I' f droug - YFA,R �rovcd it elf thcl)est ternations o t � and em� . ae V ek he 0*ultiva-.� Hermes Z Painting, etc., but conat, �er th ith tyclia F. 1"inklubm,.of Lynn; Mass.
If, a child has swallowed a coin,a bit of, Off,the dtiskfr6r�4hi)ir knees—whoi,in, flood. But in Other instances ina5r have been after all only a clever piaeti- remc4 hnow� for �,' thc';�'-�urc' -of 'r- secondary.objectia onl�. Teach them that .1 a, but, b- t' -f 'id. petually Perform tio n� of I the soil appears to .1i.rafe the tion , ek, t we know theta, is !or bon,�remehibei; never s or are or ever an perl of the,Black Art ; bu penci X a4alk i; More'salutary than' Wride in a 0onsumption, doughs'. carriage. Teach them to iejecti give medil&iie; -Feed hon arowroot ing,with the lipopiest un�6nsoio&D8136 Of climate� and'nature grows more- 'kindly as no humbug in the pharbiacautical chemistry ' of 0 th;dis- Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. -C61d-S W-1 gruel, well-fipiled. �orridge, and suchlike (Yffen'cei�ncluded,'Iittlepeie!ona' 11 -this— - l-offlo6s-which mari�.fulfils� his-. h dain all appearance,, and to us;'only-,�, yes o I r,,, no 11 in good -earnest. Teach them Wi see s injurious to fruits�ama I boys. SIR. food which 'll form a coating �,pu�d the a refined - person' re-ain of exe. 'eartb." We, seem on the verg� Of lea;rning in t 4ng!rMsearse L ibugh 'the cuting in public. � Nearl� allied to 'them howito,,disairim'' the'e'sea' of'�its' dry. It is il , oti'-E Tl substance Andsee.it safelyAh Young or, 0 c D, V .that lfilppinpW�..� of de ds canal, The,great thing is-' are t0e peopie:who calinot stand kiaigM'- one of t1la, strang'est�-we pligyht say the. 7 neither appeatance nor �on e, riihbi- Or 7iot' to �give 4� doBa,-of aperibnt -,m6didine, theY, Slope-��. to t thet isbbveri -f'.mdd'ern/timbBt Cha�) man�s� 61i6racter. hat Nvhi6h �is thbi.firlat thing DIbBfiii ers'll" to, th one ip,. knowiecZge and ��perienco of
y bang to the a ey tliscrest6dwave.which. seems irrd6istible their affecis EUX-1,11 .. h .,I �th i :in ibi,force'. loses all its toiror ninis on death of many' drop one,. neet,, r- ey , ist-one ch of, onbpt tlti� det.11 J. P. r,geit Under the above head we - may remark unfiortunate�Victims�of affectionate ighor- leg. rciind another'�;,�and,j,4 �iseiama ',to be.1tE1y'3OW' or when en6ountbring' 9, fiIin or 6il Lulw's aurch; Myorsburg�.Pit. kCURE GUARA cents, fSts. atdrugg
that new Carpets have lighter ground's fh�n ance. Imar thaii -they can possibly ac�omPlishto When- the ;storm threate'nia t� overwhel �ie timet; and s hay..,prevailed for act Wall sit with1b'eir fe6tba'A'n ev'e'uplaneithout the ship the skipper had'alsig Y to fetch u One of the'prettiest simple 11 footings P =Sparsely laettled—dudela'l.tailor bills., geouLetrical designs are preferred to - all , , 'rossing-or nursing- -one foo.t�over the Other his, oil.cEiu, nthoughih6 wi &.c6n'tinuds for the skirt� of a dress', either Bilk or, Wool,, kind-bftesdis-nai , li through the ri flngevZeep is-, adth-OT gging, the eatings, No tuatter wbat'may,b6 the name, or how,10139.1 jaii�sup And down; anothe� has a j�bDgh. Waves are powerl essund Us Skin Cura T others.- Thate-t.-is ;a, a0tgro �1,11 standing the, trouble; I)r:' preiferdh66-fo? baee- harawbodi �v when,finislidd, placed to lap so .56&1 rugs about the room, or one that is onfy a trick; and� anothiar"snuftles 'tbatthe will al'ways Cure dklnAiseases'. Gratbfulli"dreda- -one cavering the 6h by' In abhine is.-vigible. -i a I ti, . e I v . e- fEifff rd dpr.is Wild winds' Will nvA'r. to . of cured Patients atteist,thisfact.' 1. large linidAle-of�dhe� ffoon,. r4,tteyt'fie ij,op 0,136 13;13D, On ty, r Wo . -thiel"toffeia n- subject , I . .1 �a,tdr,aggiat.s. Inge in slo I o I I , , 4 I I I uni�n ' control ifter" this �fasbion, AIN'&NERVEFOP Matt' I'd -di loid"'gtOeW , . 11�1 b [ ., i, Wholly.. off eneive �,�by the*ay and,fih6uld I � e E - .. , : . c5 R.CBR inch slow the op, eaving an an6h. n �! , , , —Bull figbters--�,bears.-. nd 6 ale. tiny heading of �,an � inch -wide � f rili` Another be,J, OW or ecent except '. by" some: 16ng-o�Ddrilie'a 01 alive or checked, are peferr6dby�m 'i b. is U'l ot. fit, f -k cowns,coniatantly- and' � occult' pr6c.66 s� 'Unco, pbsitiv6lyctiibs,Norvousnbssin':AL., its st Booiety;�:.M -Thompson fj . �. .. i; ladies t6 thd natural I n8clotisly ifinish for thi�� foot of a; pilk skfrt is, .."O is t, I �� 1, , I., I r, Necessitv h6i;aother 'of invOlitidn-" weak Meinoi�Loaa�6f B: Engli'sh styles of furtift4ie; IMOW11,8646bg t, bieeyebrows. Lie carried�out'.. 16 "will be a.stranke result; Ione bias gathered ruille of.silk six, inches ',Di,;�Mest)it)28'IiV'bi',]Ci(InOYBriadboNv6lg brought briatioti,Nigbt�4weats, Spefmat and Queen nne,,havis given aliother� hums ; it third, and yet it east Po' er- 'So dd6p ather-tho edges are turned'up. This ng a poesibihby,'A ' hat men place- to Fren6h-Aesi&s that are far,:. latv' i b th Ud I tiye for, fill, those :Ih restores. Surprising Tond) ariql vigor to .t.e more eyeen o a will be ab e'Jo meet, the storm m6re'.suo ca oorm it IS 'it E Yhaisi dd "aire ted' GenerattVia" 01!&U44aWith 0 oof 6: bidfaiy three inches JgC�ag&%'MCCdoal)0,1116d�iVi 'I a� I neither- one nor the otb6r.� Some 66ssfully at 'n, :land,' :Xpre, nliquid* �or drY f
elaborate. Mabogiiny., gnd-16sew.o sfyol pdkfeaf�dtaiady-fok t1lbse to rible dis&ases1hab order4 r- much sought' aloiar in f arni'tuie, but light heir rioutbs,�aud fl 'in de is gathered �and falls on. the twitch t I .1 some uttertheir. bably, us population -these' Sbat6s xase �o papny doabbs� - will Hand our W�itboti'Guafantee to: ref und Woods retain an honored place. in bed-rooin en, eyelids.; somo,s�nt their eyes when they becomes moi6 den96, 'an a cure , . I il ounce amid is,fulne'ss. . d 'the consequent To Money if the treatment dO69 not Offset a furnis Irowingtaste f brw,all s I to theiridest .by mail to anvacidress. � Sold hinge. There is a g speak,,others open theirs' danger of :di"st6rAs!:increased;. men Wlrhe Pamphlet sentIf roe � I n,6 boxes for a . , : , �. — — . - I .. bydruggi6ts at 40c, per' box,.o decorations of tape aBitbv extent. Some toss their heads; others rub adop"u'a-'inode :Of' building- suite atty in preforen'6 to d to the 4.$H-�va youlaeavil t�he'lat�st �tory, Mi 62 50 --inailed free of 1)66ta�e, oil tecoilit of, Up:thdir hair; so -their lips, whiehA 'necoe' wasthe salute of an' mon0" paper, leather or fresco. ' Crefoiines,'gind me bite Bitics"Of thia.citse, EW tlasi Swiils nave ; b ' -, : Warwick Advertisei A w6m&U lef her, an About Town Aledibitfic C wall �for4ham an, bito theiri,61teeks, which is dona in the case of ithe' avdfk'nche. Th �,c o, chintoes answer very, ugly,,and some', are ,4ua.jntance,.who liad .lived 'an eternity. 'baby', 18 monlbhsQld,�on �tlia floor 'of,' the while", more elegant f abrics 'are -�6boiien'f or, hideous; and so�-op and on,-.in4iondless ib,howaver, a'favorable,:elemen't-in the 0 eg I, thfig, atternoon. in'' t grea pai;rlors, libraTies,etc.,- whilt embrbidered fiont room playing with its �toyia aUd a yarie dipary Perceptions" problem, &�matterfa, should ")lot haste to keep, an stopointinen , t'- already ant, com- :RTTPTU1R-" muslin curtains reigu supreme everywhere, little terrier 6� th6bila its c6ust will take the trouble -to -observe, � hWwill improve.' Cyclonic outbursts suc'h�&s those overdue, but I replied -in the I .1 - negative and 0 Ali' BE CUPED IN, SIX MON'tHS BY, from the summer cottage to Ahe city man- panion.'':,The mother Wks away just three find a, endless, variiSiy of the4e trickp'lis 'which howe bdea displaying, their 60 9Y, in wo,aajoil onne nuesbut when she'. 0 rn�d to thbhearest'ilodfir fountain. sion, but where frorn expadiencyp�6� ame back, and, trabdadted by his. fhends and adduitint., thelJnited. Stv,tes. act� in a'very cxlelum- gly F ry,ll was his am .6xceeaili or- ....... .... ...... is chosen instead it ka made up alone,'and opetc& the door her hif ant's � heaa,. arms x6c6s; eome harmle.sq, some even Fdd6niDga to read diho 'flandifih comment as 'we Pat wpqr.. trimmed with itself in plaits -or rufftes. 0670D(l tile but or the sy,t 0;CUPITIVS - and shpulde'rs ware i r,,,t. ungraceful, and 'mischief thXt" is ' dohe--�-bum�ri- , bein'6q RECTA I it, glaeseg, 11 fo—r, I have not heard a story for a of Our dr�th �tone sill ofan open window,.and near 8�ing and hard Th our osted bedstead many disgu cruti&d by, of the blast, mfo tab m6latb,�Andihoqhtma ha ypawouldhame mutantod to hold and.bo co r y p tile iuteBiY at your uOuguiS 8 0, he�ebildi's dresslor dear lifi.� icud ihe dainby shamd and'spreads OldiDg On.tO.t I us visited of lace that we have'dapAed ourselves nearly Her bUld, uncons 61ous 61 any danger the, space th is a* more scrap com. Was one thing is to no h the broad oon'�inent wh i0h a -over, may ndw�be�' 67i6Wnd bt gome �6,bj6o in the very pared wit CJ �IR" yard,,:. while Hoed in almodt a wbo says a pair of tit, Iblind and quite wick d' match ia the Old Country � this year --the, spreads from the Atlantio to the Pac'Ific'. =ae aowhile we, pla, the dog; holding on t6AL6 dress, lo6ked '6 fnlded away to grow'y Y large scores - obtained. This shows that �T . he 's torm. path is but a diminutive Iffie, ',ony, one stairs. . He who speaks Of ST, BA5T, TORONTO. 'a oloked stuffs, in, might just as gont"teintik 66y-wl! a _pair 6f at uph Atering our,be s -in O Dints appeal for haste, and' help so. far dating the cricketing sea. compared With the 6miling itrea on every dat h Awl t 't aiiathe. son"li IP, i� only When you tum"bi �,a7 7,20astly midtfroO. Me O'M h f uiniture or not,.' asig 'convenient, sehad as notbb'dia deltigiad wi�h rain, leaving hand. a 6;�� ' n a CD,� Auqu Sta, the gii dr huge. pillows thst: 13ger was p�esed. 'When' the dog :)Und in good bon d i ti on f or k un -got d n g.' stairs that the steps double on you. and o no 'one eye? -0T-81'dePiUg on-, musil &Illo g'oj to' been relieved of his oburd.en he pranded of 'b'Dil foi -dress WILIJAIVI& EAPORATOR, �%-rec o �allgq a his state alidpenciLonthe Sunday, when" . , I - , 1, counties Hwm�yshiro ard Surre , the trimmings are fashionable in 9bgland,'Dot, for tho:pkb�ollvaftcin of All kinds of 'kifii that'W'as allbost ft�btic. Y fludvegetablo,4. match the bed. his fblrer, whowas 9, minister; entered and un96ttibg of the 6% ouDty'bf Surrey. is stated withstandind their ugliness. Sprout,i-lamilb6n, Canada� ($30 or aircalan 'd t you: should to: have been. ubpreceden'ted i 11 MY son, 1pref er tha IngroNviva w6e oi n 8, county not U Cache Countyl match, 9'a;nJpshiie�initgfi�stinil1bgsigo so your" slate on thia Lord'p day." Utah, wives., Of these - �'Otlljg houses, heThis painful annlqy�ncernay be 'easily he "608 the large 866to 61 �229. Surre am drawilig -in( coulitrya aIf y -first cured Dy sprinkling thd 4de, aspiaci that about, balk aAoz 'n at work in the�,fields, wag the Prompt rbrdy� 1XAnY'5nR0tOX AISO in -tills ae, with, the- others or inning Occupy ur in p ay. g6land, CAttle, Polydeks-Bold. her6�a4o itll.l Re. saye. Bay tilav-1nost-11 VIIU1611 part where the. irouble' is� W, .,fiesqui while he� piays at'lioi itg! iiboutlen ho s chlori POwd th too ith it, thG fatraiilftl ara-- upth Dheakl.dof4scoreofaoran4.,� Lo slicridiln�s may e ac, in sohieiusttZlace6-,.than rigor. It i� th i to� t�uristS by the 'getting, fot6,:my first wish to b -�;e my whoie, ders are bso- 1V bit ?!)fr r itV P0 U b counted for'by and wrap it up in ti6no. ititoa o: n. din's - Condi. this tr'e�tlheiib' priests As '6fiia-d tlio� faithful WhOrn'the the grouh�d,for ru c on flon Powder% omit a night, and repeat. and probably lo� loose �fielding and b ' li d t difatin.otiisb6il by it—Geo, Washington, Dose, one tea- ur 'or, flVe Digbts wil.fa�uAlly oat�o Lord for his, virtub. I . . 9 spoonful,toon6 for fo on d dable the'part of Hampshire. One li'uoln up do not'suffer as in ch as 'they pint'food. Sold er�., re orst case. Much of this trouble is due' An onaffiatt W'iiter' asserts that men years ago, Hampshire stb6d at the head of used to, in old times, from'',contraction of do 61 iroh. sits in the gbade in" r�n ni6nc�,. will opdratia, with greater. f 2is I -r 0
the (,..d the W 6n carth ing e 'or lei 3 -nps. 1. BOSTOY ATA93. T
tothe way the nails of the -feet ard� la"goy CreaturBs of change. Small the list of cri6keting counties. Now, it has I the obelat, 'Just look at'the size of the, The nail should M110Yi. W cut 'straight ohan%e� some of thehi;� little. on,dafora cent. scarcely any record. am6ng. c�rjclireters, I 5,iratoga trunks. g