The New Era, 1883-06-29, Page 1. . . . . . . . PRO 7 TOWj��-GiiURcH CHIMESS The M eillodist abbath. Schbol picnic ericli on the 10th of 4 will be held A July,. Iondon Alled,the pul-
A.Student ft MYC I On K -u
o�b rThe ir of' WlJIi§. cLurch 1�5 the lrgest, !it towu ,in
d has the,�youngest M�. T. Jae�so hav leader, ing pilly re HAVI� bVER:� cently MEs SON' attained his in , fity JUNE 29 IS83. Z�j U CL N.
)NT, "FA I " TON;�.),( Rev. Mr. Kenner the new- pastor�of the
B. C. Church �d here yesterdaN; and will preach his first sermon ii, the ofinton. -s a full -BRUCIPFIELD. 'unday evening - t bas'a Swarthy appearance and weal church next.8 'UD DE -N DEATH ,)L yery sudden death OUR BACHELORS. set of Goderich township whiskers. Those 136fore leaving town Some, ofthe frieudPI who' b -,&e watcl-ed Air. Archibald say that Occurred at Brucefield on Friday last,jst -A I c D ty i h -t -P X e �E e � �71i-i Til'- XF; after the brilvalof T WA,NTJED-,Go'od general 8or- -Ffss of' b e� looks dc cidedly best when he smileB.J with a purse of over $110, and .MC- Sophia Rowden daughter of -Mr. Richard D
vaTkU,-,WanUt3U,,good.�,WaZpFi, App to MRS. —Anotberliatch e'froni;s es r el Boa. oilagh,with a silverptt6her both pro-
ii1fablb for, bi Recently. he became a partner with, Mr, v laid before -our Rowden, f Col6orne, accompanied by her Thos, 6ale in the banking business at sorts 01 sents being licWmPftniect by addresses. relatilers for grandmother, had been. visiting friend-, in ST119A r1cig -.Came :into. the premises of -*4%'J inspection Elora, but will make Clinton his � home. AW I con.,' Goderich 'He is reputed to be very an London, and intending to spend a short Rev. J. Gray conducted ser 7ice in tile "e'. wealthy, and c 9 liti t ucefield, had got off the train mornin" ql, d ve Mon li* "" 06i$t-4h6Jklddlb of0une, three Pigs. Tite ownf�l'�'l�'t�'4A4'6dtoPioTepi,operty, pay charzes, ti -me at,b� lale bjs�dolla'rs by tho'bundreds of thou
J11 B. C. Church, on -Sunday more M and wallteif'a'few ste when with all ex' Rev. Mr. Rice delivered his�' frewel i� ''WA WBI. WEIR. ser- 'nd ta e mo a per geAule Ban is an inveterate old bach and AND,-FASHI!aN oddrich'townsh ff, June -28,, 188 , 3... ds. Jim I clarnation of pain, she dropped ded..8he ocea�iu mo -i in the evening, o -t whicli
n of not.e. ikel to remain so. He was one. timO 11?A�PERS� F�REE:� wAs in the, best,of health on thetrain and large number were present, Ifloli�.nfo.luive�sometbiug more thankintitt: ARM FOR SAL*'�Lot 23, Con. 5, Hullett, F a&e& Sltuat6 '3 miles from. Clinton i AJI em at- ly,fepll�gs towards a young lady in -his �Ile e videutly 'died from heart disease. Rev. J. J.- Rice, late pastor of the 11 e6 'and 6,11 j, fill ix, e,efeared -a u A j currivated tractively-tolaced She was about 16'y�ars of a�6 . , - I- nat A before our lRet two acT iveplaceand for the sake of whose' and b'eld . Churcli was the- of pure, �atpr rear and a flowin reade tile 'Very highest esteeDl. Her reinai i of .at'.tbe hand I company lie a regular attendant of nS watei wefl s Of his congregation g our)- lady we!e inte-cd in tile Colborne Cemetery, a few nights �1116e, atgtro., '!kerms, cash: W. W. the Methodist Church. This 'y accompanied by ail
Ilinto "JnH6'28�1f',1883. y. mORE To FOI 110 jim oil Sund, ddress expres f however illarried the preacher, a d sive o, the, rcge� this becline�aisgustedwiththe church, tile gir,%! departure. LERY, -VRA6E"A�llYnited number Of borses or s acon quilded sbame" said a young STANLE Y. and elvt6rvone else. Hellas never'indulged it six hundred can be d6cornmo4ated.wftli good 1)astuiac Abot
111,, Fl. �ersdds - ttended mail: to �(ur Socidy editor- one :day last it] atr" onial prosppets sin "..McFarine the picnic ofthp:Presb.�teriau aud Bible 'in 1111 to be auil, �`at tb6 W. J�'CKSON, on�ton. �ta t Ja-.
'Vthat you�should be thus exposing -e nd 11L Xl-n.r, Thos. Jaelitso6, ir� m of illey and, sJobli Christian Sabbath Sbhool's on Wednesday, Whos MeDolugall, of Kent Co., have ret,irn4d CC- rg lu 6n. of 61s t�wn - usi-
-1EAM9f` QoQd Woriiing Iforses for a3e. Apj)ly the you, e -Mr. Jackson takes fin'active' art -in th e rl la ey to W.',TOWNSEND, Lot 10, Bayfield 00 GL'dJ oess/is it. hat ihey Wear or how t p which w, mnagement of "as Cut inown house 'of - to inar the pleasure of the 'day beyond the well k froul a. trip to Soctland. They had pie their hair? -Lf yen put me.. amongst th T� Jackson the i oted clothier, and ant trip,, -the only mr to their enjoyniellb ,in hour's rain and,all spoke eiifhu�iasti- RA -i RX111 Carne into sub-- rest P1.1 raise a �rbw, see. if I don't.?, T being the lack ot:,�Cconlrnodtion on r the �ood timp, lien ce has n'ext �slve reputation with- of they had. -e.
LoV 23, con., 11, Hullett, b..t thle,last of April, You had better, wiiit until 'We 'A� Th aid of' our Society Col- riving at Point e owper can have the sanie on'Proving -ed onfeditor, " this column out re4uifflb- thee Bl6vjR, The three hay se Bible Christh�ns-Luscd Bingham'. grove', l,E, MIX- r, "I a go lie was, hot, and the P 'rk t the. uietly remark cured five animals of the horse peoies r6 r' d paying expenses. J OHN Lr 1111111. Twenty one ye, is re0yterians'the pa F. is devoted to the portrayal ofmen,,not -i C1 s re which ,;vil� follow them shortly. point. ii inton and h, Before the sentence was finished he re- sided, here ever since. e and his chief e 9 HURT. David Walhs while endeavor- His fort' amus ment �i I uqp a ircuit of c0lfs dcei-�ed crack across the eye which �, c -
D VA'STURAGE. The perople� of the Bayfield c
ren to jo� eut reasonable r, sin-iri �aod though so young is precetor ing-to prevent, a colt It, 'was hitching -been� wear-'� up the chwh made Rev, Mr.Cook tes. 14ait Qoderi6li Townightip, E6n�s counts for the bondage helias in tlAlPresbyteriari Church. In, fact, from backing out of,the stable, slipp6d fast week prio r t rarm. F�'K.'MAIR. Tom's e:1kistence is so rapt up in music and fell, on a Wrbeelbarrow, injuring his 'O -The editor is also in re-c'elpt of '.several his reinoyal. The. Goshen. appointment in- all Week ;A' thath6 'Subordinates eer-y-thirig-to--this.4 back Bomewhatseverely. SALIF.-Wil be sol elk p very threate:a1bg l6iters which,he is h ..Hetis�.regaining. gave him $.36, Cole's $17', and -AT $12 west -half -of Lot� o. i9'� ah tie �otitli He oes at once, to Kideardine, twh av-� arna the H -FOR He is invaluable concert times, and i strefig�hslowly. halfof ing framed to decorate his, sancturn� To -%Yheii-t-ble-period-of-chu.tch--T-e a-meetdtlgs� ---PicNTc—TlTe TresiUeuts of is and th' a'picnic in me Townsbip (if Hullett, c utairtin iob �,a es.- the writers I e. "'At ne cont -em -pi Uhs, during that �Ientleman'�' ab
T Lot No� 20 in the 7th conces§f6h of, the iiuf -- " �,i
ae his to say that'
EW1 his, life� ' well insured,. has cow 6 - C ��y, all th e -eve ning ere are a e sence rties-J- `Jr A Ioni's, Wbo n vest, t a li own Tom's melodious voice, jrhtisila(�ease, i e tf�lends-to-iimutr nd none'of them 'r - Con- d' ' Monday July 2nd. may b beard, ),it -SA ir,z a e �-,=�.Asecond hand' CLIMAX- THRESduh abd I - : , . . Rev. Mr.. Smith, f QuOph, prracb6d.
- J , ..k. I I f I cornplete without h be 'b as no fears. In the word3 Of the iM- im, . Lately HPLLETT. We ower"411 good rpg or(ler, on y a, m6rtal Taylor of Conveyances in Willis' Charch on� Sunday mo,.nint 'shortlime, in use", is, offen or. Ea u on easy Aacduft" Jackson has.coute out s a bicyclist, very large. numbei ln�d his serroon being very favorably spoketi, RIPOUT. clintoli. 16. nd has'lacquired considerable� profi6ion6y 'ollowed the, remains' of Mr. 'Lear tat the of. There'Was an'unusually lrge atf,2nd nsement. He does 'of ourld,'..on% Friday. -arice in the, eveni -On -the-' 6- 11 cef L I sio n I of splendid Rattenbury. Londesboro b t 119) sport, a moustache -for such a thing, does He was one 'Nfr I -Stalli6n1YOTJN,G SMON will be at3s.warts parties to aid in AfcCuaig,renewirytAis- :.Uot.64 Clinton "E V RK X r4a'YODAY afternoon., The*su1Wect oftbis.sketch has not, only nbtscem,totake0'dndlv,to him. He his " J, atl, 0" -ar securin thi ground as a b Q6,'a�a§ou.:,A� limited number of ;s ance W�th his congrega ion, nd I I I 1 a provincial. reput�tio 11 e; f - Uyial PlOt--7
air, nather spare and a little shorC of Mr. H6yhoe, of'Brantford, conducted ser- e spok"e'fox neatIv-'an iow. there was tonsuie $8, for,th,e 00ason 'fio tall . Ton� known., to. have
is widdy, knowle in: his connection witY bei n is or. WWPUR Gderich t1p, pro fi t the' Matten bury -House for.many y�ars, vice§�Iit'the house and n Jr,nechtel, of. ot the 'slightest "trace of wear!'D.ess Or fon ' 4nessjovthe girls with'whorn he �is no LOUqES, OREXT-TjltHolv� -e was foai�aor'ite.� I'tiscorre6tly reported e and as a f�mou borsemain 11 i Brussels, at the gl�ave. Vv vuut I JL ; z� notony, in the service. tJLL pied the first,male child in Clinton and thathe'w'111'shortly settle down, and the oncessioll, Rev. XV. B.,Cuyler, jtiuior lilister,of rie Sts., qui Mr. John Henry,,ofthe c T�,� House on tbo/corn6 of Spencer,. ad E
�about'36- years of age,though be do 't farm for sale, wants to the c. IA. church, Belgrave circuit, I t, who is offei%ingg his 10 rooms, gooq,sapie, wen, wiu,ue, sold el -Kely true. for he has look -that much" He stands RbOtlt il, 6in quent c. illolle�iiito Grey, where he has a brother wai(ed upon by the young rhenabers- of g "Alt in��ji&�, iak a �
!�pllbca�don inly bemade to 31R. S. WALSII, or, lls to -ing for that purpose. SCOTT, Barristers s straiotht as a rush nd IANNING Walk White chur6h. Congregation las - and SOCIETY TNOTE,S. t week is rather, a good figure. - Aso looks, Mr. Angus : IvfcKerrall, pi-esented4ith an address a o1panied 'Co attenbillry' can hold his own With the us i ofBandon, has leased his milf or five by a purse.'of� 17-50. Mr. Cuyler Coln- OR, IFENCIN A i �wd and: has ago it' give,, -inbounded kto ir. Geo, B. Pierce, f Mitchell mences -his work oil the, Ba�'fkld re.qit. pleasure to we e received, the S'ecrbtary-of.the 31odel School C d standing sandy corn- to. linton, I years ilr corne Mr. -and Mrs. E. Keefer el ii�pieket fence dround two sides plexion -Whenever you meet Ike. lie is Il,guewith*Rcv.`Xr.Baugh 'Alit. IV. Diamond leaves this w MY Keefer has made many friends. sin6e 1 for as Cc"' school 'round. 4ruculars, furnished on, eek fbll; of busiri6ss.' His forte is in. buyiug� � � ii i6ffll(lay, preaching at Bruce el 6 ioll.� E,:secretary. e came amongst us and is fast acquirinc�. the rtorth�wek to look ont a locti.oi . fl d In. the nd selling,h r9es, ofwhich b' I rhing, 'Goshen in the 'aftevioorlt 0 a splendid practice,and now thatthe other, already has four �broth�fs out,there and nio the snbscr&r )ffers cellent judge. We do not think that the 'the h6rriegtead e evenino,. nd better half of Ili in is also here'lle,will they intend selling re. for,'gale isdario of 70 adres; adjofiviog tfie-villago� we ker sex. bother hira very much and RSealforth preached -plen'ty.or no doubt continue to prosper stinore. shortly v ;ie all cleared; Good so!), they "r o . fr ne house; and arn., ill be sold on 'the prospects - are ne*r will. I--' e ave our best wish A unk)n dy-s�chbbl will'be h6ld in the'Methodist cburcl� oil Sunday morn� te I Also, 6nother farm of 100r,,acres se,�ulp to: be perfectly happy wben drivdrig re 11 in I Y: -eciselvt :20 years since, he S. Full particulars SS; It is :cx- It was' pi
er 6a ty, i?early- all-�Wared. CA, -fast horse., which he al oa lot 15, con. 12, on Jul, ways his-fitrewellsermou here. - 2111, 311056'aaili 1i io J 31ES )V1-LS9N,.EoX 44, illytb. -oni pected to enabrace:§e0ions 4, 6 7 and S.- gp6d
pre n ,.)ve clip the following fi e eiv
"in h u rry to'settle down in o�,'h appiness, and succe They h es for lon,� life " IS
X d hot at all in ir engged, ached, in Seaforbli I ''th6morn-ing ti6d k 4'13�124G L0T 37t, -CON. own :p it- in the eveni not- con- CIIA-2THoLMESAs will be observed aridla furnish intellectual food Messrs. J.
in tbefelicifle§ and-qu 'rrels ofa married life. Record: The Blyth cornet band has be' Jr �'brief ad- it" tionf.remiiWder kobdrbtish, ',�Good Vill-Mr. William Coats cluding,bis labor� li�,re with. a
6i under good du tva 7 by inarriag notice in another column, Lot- M611illah M. P., Thos. Mooh and Revs . house, witb k: tchAk: att�ehed-weMiniih6d� bltrn W S -b'o dress on�behalfofl Rety.Mr 80 x�52ta]bles 66 x' a rn in . New �Yqrk state :on the tie;. fifth- daughter ofE Holmes Esq., of, Thomp Loc I n lis,succesor sori hea( her, McLe, 0.X tof Auaust 1856, and Will cobsepent- the Nr IF McDonaghm Ubvildiniso all in, g6od condition Sfobbs andi Parke bay'e bee invited, If I family len Wed -7 30 x 24'' *4h'oth er i ly I 4as.yest�i y�jolned In, -nesday, fbit �rnia, taking the boat at 5,e 27 years old pretty soon'. Will does w6dl,,k,, silken boods. She will ill futt 'it is'a good day,,a pleaant tinic is antic' well fel),00CL anAwe1IwPteked.,,. -Five aerbs of,o ofide oro p6st office. this Week, and take the services,; of tlib 7 orlot�come up to the standard h6igbt, but ture be. kn�own as Mr.4., Chant. While pated. 17 Goderich. Rev. Ali. Grey will' be lie
makes up for it in breadth, and weight. scores. offriends: are Ad I ntin- Praises of re- �T-X, USE, SID Z40V F61V Slitk.-Tlip subscriWit'Affers tha�'latgO, well-built and S0me people would say hem" band8ome, the happy couple; we would Ve� stoical -in- �urned- to Walker'bitra The Reeve and lethodig . t Chuchi on Sunday.., Ei'le SC' ' but a good many others would only admit deed did,we not wish, the ha 'Couple McD6,ifald, The Masonic,ser vice, in the' town hin i '. � , 9 eleven� ropmsi,with stoe,'oeyar,Jor. that he was passable. Hewasfbiaraim- PPY A. T. councillor publicly ).� he lot on whibli tlibre is 'fe-lono� enchanting time. �The oil Sunday afternoon wasatterided, by al, taPPY 'let the contract of repairitig,the Walker- JIL4 arwa pr6hardi, hard' and $oft water: her � of years a Commercial. traveller,.: and . who, could,,fifid' a�missr
perebuce 6f*t indulge -iii the burn bridge- last Friday.- Messrs. Pi,,,,,n tointhe hall, T ms'e ,an&b2adekAova.iDn application.,, tiler was no more popular boy -on the road. refrain of -"Holm: (s,) s'eet home." Is. IV "ll IT, � tl : L , 17;-�' kbout 75 haso t regalia, G 0.1 SO dock �hd Robi-rtsbn. are tile contractors
He has the knack of.Wling-a- mote it be; .goodyarn, the t I �same day Mr. - John. Govier took which,makiis one laukb, he don't .were. several, f,om. 1, A N 5 want to, part WEST WAW Iontra, 'Ohor Rev. M� -t of putting railing on, the hill .S'"Orth a&I wid,
ANOSI1. , Smith, of Guelph Nylb 'officiated on
dr. John Bll's on the base line.. r. r) 1.8 sur vey, At'present lie iA
iL 11 firm 6f R.l Coats & Son,. of this 'apu streem ner of the on _wal wil, an . lo,o Frederick Youngblut, of the Oc�RsiOil, too sfextfrora the first d na," ed upon as'one of the the latter part of the [oh there is, I fr. Win. Wellwood,, of W, Waxvanos
oa� iu- three roonn; an& block, lost valuable horseJast lie wears a on, d1prpnep, r rooms upr coming men, moustache returned from Sco the 15th lost.) went out a bnd 6,L. rm xrsj-and� Ton �,"b which 19 difficult to distinguish from a. with four (�Iydes�ale entire coliq and one §fz%4�s, g00%Z11 ater, and a en, whose hearb3 the Lord -bad toucfled.�� or goodiTVUlt,trees. Apply on'the 1,j;RAVE. h AW11,11 QU, daub of.paint, litit it may7 flourish;'yet -�- mare. Mr. T. Taylor has since Durebased e sermon was po iseslo,- dL6n6Ju its gerieial
J N�l E S FERGUSON" e Vely ljs�tel,C -former for th surn d $S�O tute labor, started here Oil poin s, and was attenti d to He ri t
f., in politics,. and d6s, not. let one of the,
his - : Heis also . �nil, ftea The;�choi,rofW'Ili.s,:Cli-ureb,m,itlI several ight.sbine uhder a,bushel The Bethel S. S. held their an RENT. -For t offhe.Pr e! a I; 0 ITIU6111 'Ork as lle (Lo"e'. frd ';:other churches 16d:'tlie 5'r in r;�atarin of. 84�.acres,,being Lot 27 as3bitefian Church., We' meeting ort�the evening. of y `18th livill do ,."r think
on'tknow vVillsmatrimonia intentions, JDat. over'$60:was re lized s the ptto-' lat year. a ich.
ftcre� - was in. behftif ofthe Tho collection, wh
pwater,fahow" but�We do notbe levehe e-dg� CAM Inge ip�& I' , wilLbe,ft ba&�ilor 'c6 The;:picni in Donnvbrciok: e 0 irtoulited �New ftaine h0L1'6,`% !Vparno ana other Forn terian i i.�sioi, 6utthilldings. Iong� He lives:at home 4n the sucessfully, an& t4ey lla4 considerable to over -`T: WA� r A One of th inerchants �borse a Ian- insement, etc e rol-Ig oad, arid run§,a.-garden :E VNOS-11., Ah9o;, to , re ioPiHiRss iticet", Clinton, tein in dark weather,,aud a mysterious tin TRev. .1 Philp late -of B( there, 'and he- pasto,, -of Bel-ravc Akftchcn'�artlor, and uskial pail. �circuit, Was made the recipient ofa il�and- s i�est�hat bie saw the' finest lookin YOULI(I -G an thi t off6 W. W.:rARRAN, or -to, Modni Farm, -A I . jL'lif6._ f ge Excursion t1W YrW� EHA IX -Mr.. JamesSeeti. some donation, in money, and a, very flat-, ladyAheie he eve saw in h ST n 6 r.' jAoi� Scott, L har,it terink add egg it the hands of the brick is,a particular friend of the young ladies. On Thurday last an` We me. church eongreja'iJon, on Mondy-e'venin ' When will be take one to-him9elf excursion ti He belongs to th-e hi'stoiie county, of Qx- 9� W der-the�,atispicbs. of the Grangers started 4'k* �CAMPBELL WitlillinttL to his departure for%liis elsh, 'of Belgrave, hd , a . 1, I I.. I , I 1 ford, whence come s6 many who,' I prior from Exete ki sengers along; defatigibleener y have.-Oliinbed the ladder )arta cirenit.� contract on the gravel road ot repairing �o:Olii�toii�, �lld tlieli oil the CITI BARBER.' SHOP, OPPOSITE popular both old I the roac near the bridge ' 11 c Railrod. Alt T 13' ofsubde-es.', Hb'was-bokn in the year- oHe col :(r,nd TrunI Ifou -h the nly With Pil ;POST 10FFICE,: CLINTON.� - the various appoi�tments, pitted i , ihd it is one, to day w, butbis age,mhkes no diff6rence,.f6r he R, id n of the best jobs s, fine -,1d w s e f pi 6a_ -is done o Ahis read for some snt trip, t1lere as iultny,'on, thQ -1 Care row is that ill, been
ne',ofltbose vho 'do not -et ol, l4 ()Jintan. sits very lightly on Ji 1116 'IV Ao,'pe the two townski S W1.��n attspded to �Cins - - e t lltiejp�%t�d, esp p f t1yo not have it said' that flo, doubt the wet weath er rin ecially of 1, to disturb the serenity Of;the even , tenfiorof;hl�sway. Th e_fii)ieralLC,f"A�ii-,5,5,-,i��-0;.�..& -0.11.sundky, the road 'between fflyth,and Wiligbarri,is two Oil t 1--6f"all Wa I "O T evone. of the' worsi in the county.'�',, It is Withoa ;'PROTEG three da'ys -previous. The train. le
as If giTman Ce "Cited 111,L SU t incident. the end of. it,, A ''hiaftdrs,,and Puts his t L nei-liborhood thefe beiri-125 in the leading road from Clinton Tce8l'info the DICY about, -eleven - 63�lock. nd then bro, and should be pat in Oa, or(h�. Put`
with,a d6cided:Scottish, procession. go Wi6st of the ecursionists fboted 'it to the TGW-N,�, HALL B ILDING Scott is overly tall The tempernec'pichic oil as'Tkat part between Blyth and to withill L l4rui ally wel bitt. is st L I—- - - 1-1 r, we rarnost'dordi, ------ YL sbilild,,.qn well proper After he was jr 0041. ltl : _�ViqghainL h, Manchester W, suEfittisis -�Very you th. rich It tiiT PlIrCh' _ �ioned. ""S' 'id,tlyt 'nable state sto tu tiou, an d pr'ofl.. B
FIRE -.A TI) BITRGI , A,R �PR,( OPL 'lee I n �Cauada 9hould.hve. the subject of our Lodges Were present, and beingl6ftunbrkeh. Mr'Forbesinspect-1 th6 ()PejLtldug Mr. Welsh's job, �ind we hope he t. a I -io title viewl -sketch turned his: I l her not connected with. t 'ii& the muset'lui-and
nt -i to' file'. eg also large-num eping Vftlq_ profmibl u with. be able to inpe nd-direct', fit( t G� on"a, P i. After spending .96111c iu ny oi,�,auization', but i drtbe instituti on the gravel ro o1,.1dC,(l Wood, 66k hemei lunch pr by, th(, rnanager� eur! other p[tt)(IM; . o Toronto, Where he- the principles for which the picnic Ivas ad bet�veeh Clinton nd XNNING SCOTIF IDt "got The lodes all me t at . Beniniller Winghaul.a well. vi5, occupicd�,L�de,Sk in the of' thp gret erve& to. tho �it&q er fr Tliom�ort has the ubr &Boyd. lodge rooms, and down to :the, Al er6: iuipeAbd O to Alf'. C. to , iretUr. )v I headed by. the -Beniniller brass referred ;t pleti6ir olis� terin, of ervi ce he passed i grou n d.� Wants Of file inner W�o S� the finl exmintions witl ndftbr the nlan I Tice, "we' have It 11 ppy by svrn the He member ofthe froi bundnce tini� they.e,�bibit&l O'lo glving�good ing Scott r6ni-what we pro�7ided, b Y.'Lthejadie, Rev. M ledures 6irthe'qtilities nd of co tt we d o n o t b'61 v'e -h 6 e ver Lli i n lc.� o f ,on S i e was chosen chairnian,. and ddr:esses, hdilT6-enb llr-66fls aild "Or- the 10 drivitio, t ar s A L. R PAIR -SHO�'� irroros'e,at the mention of the j'air Gooexich: Star and' -Revs . Turnbull, 'Itlloy t.,() -leaving the beiledictine and Iro Mitchell:,of the Ile is variet neit 0 icked by otic Oi- foiteiiine �een jilted- nroy ail (I L Ri
is conunc-d'Wthe! Poll; &c., -d in the, the bestni'ethodofaiding the cause. After su ell 11, 5ubjeet!oftemperance� nd of 01C.111. ILleis bl� V e He is very fond be extiect i.t requires in 6ek - 4 vel r ; , - - "be able, their linea ,Pending -y' profitable the to �Qr any other ood healthy exercise, WC would not be'sTtate :'m6ment- to giv - e'any t an. earl hqir. b . , ly . 110OWN$ and gi 11 nd young lady, the highes rc�6m -- . 101111 �d S.Ott,L; their Le atil iersbf'lAi,4 hear -
f 6' lild til Cop% �$. to the ier day I ers, The -field idiereini;the ni6st 'of the 'fib iq��U-to be seen 101'e,
60 fo r.� Th h0rSe 'He is s Wal I� c r orim nis in diftereut E,�ed ecretary ex 1) i oil light ibis at ny ltel. &C then ot of terk hard e4l. ll and w �" 1] g al I iat tai Cu t. J�Thjje Cleal)illg joljt file thlooked' well,
for Ili's O the t11 to I iig badi Y 'Is P oil"(' 1 '11 hst' at thC idea tl I O - 0 ' �" d1c b o M11 not CIO is- Res' Arellibi actly what it Yields. deflhR6 i could hoeon one ofits feet, it is thought the 111.1 the coriditions�' w to 01'r- horse live truck hini: on lve have inentioned,- C cllttill� . f" ES 01011 took place to Cal ks of th 0 sh 0 e IIN acc� MANC11 -KEIZ. barn, Bishop vya,� voted . to th c d cus--- ---- OLU11 b(AllU hsteeth c o o (t Templrs here ittended hall" NYU,spoke feW words . vorn:mend- is 'a wil,ich, swollon that, force,�at the temp6rn,ce picnic A Ben- n fov'ynanyye,ars In d6ni Ifn ourLillr('�t�,� -lie Was born on'th atorjr of the institut'lon, and was followe'd 'hillo, 'h I . " Th c hors c is ral y. 11, 11 0 b b Le by Messrs. MdMordio, Mcquade" Hannall. Col on aturd it 11 Ifford fttisfae tion to e,St. Lawreiic6, iii the c6unty very �q I one it i.� a Afonder Walker '' "To b6 or not to' be", is the po'' their woric. t of'&6rmoPt,�dtf the 2�46f` AfaV 1853 . and sition of ,(I D. D. NVIlson, � wh'G iflov6d and, see- is not the orgalf question, here -�'t Px0sent in the 'onded. resolutions expressive of cot' fidence" an a, is Ar6hil. kiII&I by. b6ing st`rnok u$ e Pr )aid he was. in the east, i6ld, ,brotheiof' Cyril',�rcfii- good templArs Lodge, in and commending the on,Ao, ML:.' So their fellow b tIf`or,:St6r`niont He as bn Lech ws he, ' I Ort oAin e, Methodit church 'working in the saw inill here, while- farp roug up in ICL �S plq6e,� but� has od the scr�iCes in 01 reach- en, willuhiall ep'arted for the, 't goo Sariday' even in (,,last anddeliver�dolie ing over the saw With the cant book for town; which they viewed for a short time trAvelled "' (I -of his eafor"one* age, oil s erm- ajid bAs spent Oorimiderable 0 be � t A ons ever given in the the ptiz pose of reftioy� boarded the 't, 6 a for home, iind'in, Mani� Qf the 9 It 'is L expected that .Rm I tdb and the Ndrthwe�t 'Irthismoccasin the callf book was cught by the awwhere they arrived in due time without, feet; io the"N,V stands abaut Ut. 10i,,, StAbs �villpieach,his pin� :soilmon next . (r a asJONES�'& , a", L' ' here I CaUSID, he handle to Mr. Le,�cli Pllytbing to M but own, 11p to Gft. "01) the side of the HE N-, A, A A
10, El