HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-22, Page 7ly .W2, w• tc e. stock ie cleared out rid rie n�a e 4ur� tiT , t diol. Butter and Eggs taken the sane as cash, All the goods narked- i:.` p,1an figures. HODGE: S, OLI TON. ESTATE . o 1m1 1 ET Ec U1 -I FIN;LD SiG1 0 Now in stock, from the very best: Seed Houses of the country, embracing every description tion of CLO'VEP, TI111oTHY, TITRNIP, VEGETABLE . and FLOWED SEEDS. Garden Tools. Prices the lowest. ;ILAS. DAATI S,.r.. IHardware, Seed and Tin ;House; Clinton., Too MUCH TO- &T. RAILWAY TIME :,CARD. The -people of the United; Stites'are becoming dissatisfied with the operation •of a tariff -v ich'producee moro'rei'enne ,' than -the _GQverl meat 1'0(11ires.and -makes the peoplo pay about 83' for every- dollar,the Government gets. it is• said on behalf of that - tarifa'' that- .its:_ mission is to 'make. em1loyt .cwt lilelzti ful and Wages IIigh, but the people, ,see that it cloes not fulfil it, promise.:. Just now, many manufacturing e5tablish- nfents—especially.tl ole in 'which. iron is mannfactured=ale -loser], •sud. re. cluctions of wages are in order through- out the country. Haring dot• tired of experuneut and failure • in getting.. rich by, protection, a goOcl rnany m Aericans are thinking' of giving fieo trade a trial. Among the other benefits :to - be deriv- ed, they see a prospect of thus obtain- in; cheaper iron. But a warning voice arises to', deter theirs: A wise man shouts "Do. tnot. By removing.theduty', upon iron, the foreigner 'will be enabled . to, undersell the.honie producer. The latter, to the number' of -100,000-----wi'll -cease—making it on; will go'' upon the land' and produce, wheat: The expoi-t of wheat will be doubled; the price•will be reduced one half, and universal disaster will pre- y nail/ iou,ble twit ted I ].now- it o ill gale', 0111 lc4sleel2,..lcs turn i'-- l '; 1.nd your eses with tears will be overran ,. :Nyiggledy-wa', 3cdy-wtut, In tke fil'st place it does not follow that the removal of the duty on pig iron. would cause all the U. S. furnaces to' close. At those. which are well-equip- ped and•'advantageously located, iron• tali be proclilcecl at,a price to eon pe re with any, in the world. • fi'he badly, "lo- cated and=old-fashioned fcirnices 'would' go, the will but they •are bound to go in any case, -.and the soonei_the- batter's On'' -this account,"it is not fair. to expect • that, the whole-' 100;000. photluceis if iron wroulcl .turn ;t'othe land and raise' wheat. \ext, the -Americans are skilled in. leaking.tools and other hardware, and h c] a ness tlleraw material but for the e of 1 iron; they would export harlware•latge- ly to the rnarkets-of "the world. By getting iron as cheaply as -England,, gets, • hers, the ;manufacturers_ .of .America would be stimu]ated, ••and.' many- more niers would find employment makrnb pig iron. - • ' • If An ican farmers' 'bought, 0ze an pig iron, instead of American, they would still have to pay for it with wheat;,.tlreir market :for wheat would . 1)e' -as „n seat as eves•'; -the• only di$'eiencc would be, that they would :get more pig-il o-m .for • each bushel o f wheat. , .' • ' But if::the whol4.100 000 iron -makers —or .ten tiifl_ies that number -went upon the ]anti, is there any danger to be ap- prebended._fronr anover production :of. :wheat? •" The world .ha s plenty of ltingry people to be fe,they d l and are all anxious p..;I?. :to trade•fire°•produ'ets of .their ind'iistry. for''food.' It is not an unusual occur-' ren.'ce •for. 100 000`more men to engage b • g in• farming - one, year in the United States than the year before. It is IllOt for the ex )ort of •i+iheat „eV unusuall • s t o doubled, yet, tile p o -eration lire' never brought disaster.• •The following fisfl. reord.of the exportsof wheat for. fnr's'uccessive years z)AILY 1111tIVI�T(r.: OYER $6,000 WORTH OF English, Scotch :Irish Tweed Coatin-gs3--Worste-ds,--Se-rge-s,--Et• GET YOUR SPEINO SUIT- NOW. Tmnal)se stock toselect•from. J ■ T9 Wii0 NEVER \ DP ..SIJ.S, P9 (:. V SATISFACTION; TS S`lILL`OLh; CUTTER. Prices away, down. J BigStookoStoc. : —Now—Patterns,--- Lo:w Prices: 131ack and . Colored SILK A(i-ev m thuig ustta11 :kept -in -a fii;st class—ih ,G -odds Iloiis Y �` Y` 1 i SPRING: &SUMMER HiAT.S ON THE WAY, FULL STOCK •t7f, GROCERIES.. Our incroaSing trade in other cl`L`parfinlents 'co.11i Fels us'for want ate_ of room--tcs—yo--out-2,f 13C)OTS--40—SHOE-'kS-=aitd--CFO'G-I�E�T-�-Y- , APE. WE OF] EP. OUR - 7 T OIr r STOCK, .: T_. THrSE Goons . AT COST. , li. COAL[S X31 ... Trains 1eave"CIinton as follows GRAND TRII\Ii• (going East. ' Going -\\ est. 0.15 a.m. express 8.45 a.m. mixed .. 8.43 am. mix'eii. • ;.1.17 pan.: express 1.17 p.m. express. ' 0:15 p.m. mixed 3:50 p.m. mixed 9.00 p.m. express CREAT WESTERN raiiawaY.•. ,. tiuwgN'orth. Going South. 9.30 a.m. express 8.20 a.m. express 6.10 p.m. express 3.50 p.m. express _.... I semens Arnica Salve. - - The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted' to speedily cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sor@s, Can- cers, t'i'les; Chilblains; Corns, 'l'etter,l Chap- ped Hands, and all skin eruptions, g> anteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. 25 cents per bow. -"For sale by Watts & Co • Thursday,' June_21; 1883. Grain shows a slightly firmer tendencyr-and there is considerable coming M. Wool is not ranch in. demand, the market being very fiat. Butter, eggs, and like 'produce finds ready rho Makes Your Bbos .2 cRTIICKS1i[ THE BOOT_ MAKER._ DEALER IN ALL ILII`TDS OF lien, Women and Children's Roots & Shoes. S.prin Stock well assorted, ,an complete inall departments. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH . C. CR,UICIKSHA.NK, BTICIK l3LO0T, CLINTON Those who hal ,used our In .the past` are satisfied: with:their Uniform. quality: and low price. We respectfully solicit a. call: from those:ilio Wye not hire ;cir-triecl—gin gtcr1 s. " i i�cs` i. arriv° £Ills w'e6-k- W nc,1 Is 1 best value .ever. offered' in •t the 'Town off. Clinton; at'the„NoTED TEA, CooI,TEE and SPIc'r HOITSE. jCash•k-or Eggs. • 1 sale at (quotations. Wheat; scot - White,-wheat,1.02'( -:, A 95 :a 0'9S S.pri,, 0 99 'a 1 03 Oats, • $1 OO n 0.'40. a, 0 41' Basle; ,0 40, a 0 • .Peas, _ 0 70: a 0'7045• Flou ,'. 5 00` a 5 50 •Potatoes 0 25'`.a ' 0 30 Butter, 0 15 a 0 15 Eggs, 0 15' ` a 0 16 Hay, - S 00 a 9,00. xises, 6'09,, a 0,50.. • Sheer. pelts 0 5f) a 4)-15 selbhien,., 1)' 7C,.,a'1'00; 1 b 00 a 8,-25 • 6 50' a S''00 4i S 00, a • 8 50 •200 a 230 0.'16' a 0 1 S7 .f • PALLISEI. T. IY HITE Beef Clover, . Timothy, Top 1\ o other medicine is so' reliable -.'s. flyer's `CE-err-Pectorial'for colds, 'coighs, find:all Y deran;;emen e of i1ierespirator y organs end- inng toward consumption. -` In all drdinary cases '• it is a certaineure,. acid' it -affords sure relief for the asthmatic and ,consumptive, ' even in.adVane. edstages of`disease, The Cayuga Advocate gives currencyto the runior that "Mr. J. T;:0ilkinsvn, :Su- printendent of IndianAffairs at Brantford, isabout to be :superannuated, -.and that ab John Joseph' Hawkins, :the rnenber for, Jim Stephens, is; ter be appointed in his place. John Joseph; evidently, expects to get the grand bounce; ,and is looking out place onwhich' to fall.' . foras<ftw c John R. Vert, Ilamilton, says •. "INcGreg- or's Speedy -Cure for Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion is cheap at fifty tinfes the price asked I for it. I am a commercial man and travel continually, and would.no' more thinkof I leafing home without a bottle of MoGregor's I Speedy •Cure in my valise than :£" would_ .ot leaving -my -team at home and ,going—on—foot." Tree tTa'sl bottles at ,J-Iit- ombe;a drugstore - Regular 'sizefiftycentsa nd one iso Some' excites ' ht "aa has been cawed":at Vinnlpee by the .defalcation of Col.. .Ken- hedy,Registrar of `Selkirk, which said to amount to'$50,000 and upwards. .The. peculation --appears to have extended over a period of three years, during which time the Provincial Go:vernrnent, has ',taken no steps to procure a settlement. 'Die 'Oppo- sition leader bsition--leader, Mr. Greenway, hail -;moved fora Committee of the Provincial Legisla- ture toenquire; into_..: the matter : and an animated debate was the result, the Min- isterialists opposing the motion. ,, • A simple herb•foand ori the mutiny plains Of a Southern clime it s :•nnder t heaki 1 2, l manipulation of Dt. Van Buren, proved- one of the greatest blessings- Over senttolsnffering humanity. Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY Curti r -is acknowleged all 'the world over as the only ;perfeet• rem y io' -kidney trb,Rles lour druggist has it. 1877 .. .-t7,131,062 1878..... :' ....... 96,872,016 1879....... 1880. 1.90,516,305 - Sir John Macdonald holds his place by what is virtually bribery. He has made a 130,701,079 compact with many prominent and influen- tial Canadians to this effect. Sir John`ly his tariff, his ratlway and his colonization system agrees to permit:.: those 'Canadians to rob :other Canadians-.Rti pocket money The Theory that 'it .pays to leai'slate for the purpose of preventing' people' from applyii:•their 1hor to 'th© pro duction .of wheat, aria of compelling them to apply.theii labor 'to the pro,- clnet'ion of iron; ..viii not ,Stand invests-, gation.,IThe ''United 'States can produce 'reheat to compete With'tlie world The indastry is a' profitable one ---co profit- able that more than half'. the people 'in the do`tinti•y voiuntaril.Y• en,acre in it, in spite •'of legislative obstacles. When viae people makTe, the Government their• sorvan-t— ands -'not': their. 'master—'when they compel the Government to cease interfering rn their'i,choice of eiuploy- mentQ--every inatt•r-tvill busy .lrintself ry1L• at. 1is s 11111 est, and the- country nt tZ1wll add to its wealth` at a iste never • 11. • before egnalled 1lnnniton hisses ;1 i;A�.'a 1iaC' ISLMMD BrPA'CIPI�G •R Y• 3s .i tion or travelers. to the central]p _osi— i �., f 1 >:e enneetialrthe. Bast and theyv est t ere '. :. 3crtes�.r ro, hetd.e,i ,i asseng 1, o Y 6` P t' .yt "c care; .hetes sen ticu , AtShl an' �.; s T -.C1] Nin. a, 2,13 a noelts n Union . ad It. Paul. It connects in 'Union •,. e .o t ..a all the: principal lines,of•road between ! -• A r nt and the; Pastae: Oceans. .Its equip=. r " i ivaledand magne aunt �beingcomposed 01.3? (, e1ortable'and Beautiful Day Conches, t Ilorto iC Reclining Chefs Cars Pull Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best +.)", 40 Cars m the World. Three Trams i ,. V 1loagb aodeMissouri River Points.. Chicago . and.Mfnneapolis and 8t.' a N EA'. RO TE. ,. 6. ERT t U a_�' t :ka- x oe try• ,ne via Seneca Richmond. Ilan r i n Eape beeYi nyeaed between Rielimond, N,,v,part V ,qv, ihalitanooga, Atlanta Au .iii b1 villa.LonisVille, Lextngton;Cinefnnati, Tut, t 1. e and Lafayette, and; Omaha, Minneap t -t, nt.i and intermediate. points.' ]mai is FaAengers Travel on Fast: Express trofr n1sfor sal nt-an- psines al Tickett Offices Canada. i1e.Lnncaeheakx es d,thro,leh B2[ P 1, 1, cod et tors and rates ea fare al w Lv,, ie lcw ioN competitors that offer less advan Ycr taller -information, get the -Maps and -Pold- QREAT ROCK' ISLAND,; ROUTE, r t «our nearest Ticket Office, or address CAftLE _. ••.E. ST. JOHN,:... Nro,. deu'l Tat. h ram ..er. RTx1-T N9r1110- •S a6, N'cansequeiibe� 'of the lorvcpr,ce ,Of Rags, Messrs, I ,IIarland 4rosi'and S. D- a9ts, tinsmyiths, have agreed to take no more in trade, Ai:e have purchasers all their sags on hand, :Slaving afh0ro¢gir knowledge -of sort- ingfor the various markets, we are now prepared to buy rags both in bulk and small lots • cash ]raid for the largo' lots, trade for the small - The highest price paid for tailors and merchants clips -in Duch, 1111(1 a'trifle. paid for their` other clippings in trade: lye also tide.• old carpets, rope, bagging; eopper',-lirass; bran 113,1.. crushpaid to farmers, blacksmiths and others' for largo ors; and trade fOr small' quantities. yv, MARTEN, Petllep Cl ntpn. -without oipients of that favor agrees entheirpart,' to allow Sir .John to govern the country" as he'pleases, to trample Provincial rights in the dust, to scatter public 'money broad- cast and to do Wrong without rebuke. The compact is an, unholy one, and it must breed . disaster. , • Fortunately: the masses who are,not their}selves; and-who"have to supply the purchase money' to buy the'in- fiuentiab few, • have the'.'• remedy: in their own hands, if'tliey can ,lint acrli.tre thei-in__, telligenie and the determination to :apply ik IJ'ainilton'Times. •- --- • -: Nowa vr'thero•iq a roilithlo rctileiiy ro}' kidlief tr'onbles, half t11e"•f errors attached to - tlie$e` complaints oave.ho n removed -Por this lentil he thankful and to Thr. VAN 131:MEN'S 0(t03lEY. CURE tw1all 1 i1L1sfl ff0; halting lon0v rl • 111t1erto 011.1(00(atal t11YCase 11001 0111' path. It Was liciii'1r Itilowir to flail.' Sold hp, all druggists. -.. 1'orsorls requiring Nines and Spirits for Store and Offices td: Let-- . ERRIN'S BLOCK. • II,',C. BREWER Manar;er. •March 22,.1893. The Diolsons Baflly, Clinton FARM' FOR SALE, C1111L enders ned offer, for sale a farm of 90 a t•ea, 11 m Michigan, situated in Alnler townoip, section 22, Stmilac.county near the farm of 311 Peter Cole,— Good soil, :well drained, and will be sola:. cheap. 41 partieul iia given on appino:diem , • . 1541-0,. THOS: L'U.1tls h,. Clinton:: •} OP SAT E T)\V 1 LLINC house' and baked ltttuhctl holl'tie. � II -1 partlyfinished, 5 kcty ready for opeuit,on, m the. village of Crosswel1, 1 uulac; Co.; 111c11 - Good place !. fort ood,bai e1 • no other bakery here will be 'sold' '.. on easy .terms Apply by letter or In person: to: MARTIN STI'INHAUSFP of T. R., UI(L27 Central Lar311 gent, 010 93 ell, Samlac Co 11x1.5 Farm. for sale by'Tender. !FENDERS 11 TI L 1;F RECEIVED CEIV ED LY TUE ]pnery •, 1 signed Until WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1st, .lSR3 PO? the pnrehase 001 otn11m'hcr 5, 11mon road Godu- Mich towlisliip, 'belonging 111 the estate of thclate Robert Cook.'containing.105 ]sures, more or leo'; of first cidxs.laird Sufficient weed. for home use largo hep wg,:ereha d at) ne 1 at.t barkb stables, Pe55e31- im1 111 Jnnulli't, 1.583, with privilege of . fait plowing.-- Ternis, one-fourth flown balance in three annual in-_" stillment;,.with:interest; rig highcstof•, an,y tender;!. 'not 110000rii} accepted T13t11i9S PAIR t I:SCe• llt,3rr J..... IL CC/MBE,. 5 • Clinton, .111ne 14, 1890:, • -Ordinary or Medicinal use. sheul tilrot ]'ail to call upotl us: AB, our roods , . ileilaies6 ailtl arest.flualit We have. a VCI•y 1� i.i a C�• .I ':D'• Tri stock,- guaranteed five surinnor's in wood. LabatCs a. arling''s. 4\le' G lilliessIStout lit p collation ride Tirr. TRADE 80tPr.ilan ,t'C 1.,t)\Vt sr 1'tfrITPLS r0 IN MACW;HIE,TEIt & 00,., (311115011. Stay 11, 19311, ' by1os and Tri: • O1 71A�1Yl�iii . NKationi.a1. LA stPS,,GONGS, SAUDr D 13AtIh' 5 �1\th 90 LINE OP 1 PLT LNC S STOCit 62,x1 3c, s1:1,:for 03 11 gu 1 and 11 t of new 2,011 te0nd-hms]hfnes in 310011•. A. T LANE; MONTREAL ILN ■ CALL AND SEE IT IIAT MILL COOPER & McKEN11El S PLANiO MIL• r1111 oubseribors,,whi le thanking then mtny;ens- taCorners for the patronage extended Pe 1110111, desire' to intilliato that in connection with their factory Near the Grand Trunk Railway, They have,erected DO kiln, winch enables them itlore pr0'11'1y. than ever to execute a!! work in their' •CO.NTR.. ..iCTS 1 or buildings takes,, and -material' ftlnliyhed at the. Sliortest.poesible nonce and ',atreasollable rates,. '. dO-we always keep on hand first-class SIIINGI E4; .' and nlakc;a apceialty of LIMIT, avhid.' will' he sold at. the lowest prices. - Cl,irrtm July -20, 1589.''--- (00EJuIt 3 bIoISEN 0 5 ' S. FOWLER BEST ST Clc: or;. VIOLIN- -,;' STRING IN` TOWN►,, FINE PLATED :WARE. .E NS...IN 51 --� 111E1R9�ESTD G • JEiILLE!RY! Repairing, done Promptly. ('ll iclen, ]lay ']:itis, 1952.