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The New Era, 1883-06-22, Page 5
tot SPRING 84 SUMMER: R 1 for the s ring and summer trade will be found very complete, ete,odk g p h larger than ever before, and for, quality p �'::.. � Inuc g tom Tete help and style .cannot' be excelled, and will be offered at prices' to suit the :closest buyer. • CUSTOM WORK. --we manufacture both SEWED and PEGGth WORK, and guarantee to give satisfaction. Trunks & Valises, large assortment, very/cheap. 5 per cent discount for cash. taken in exchange The highest price paid for Eggs oke for Boots and Shoes, : W. TAYLOR & :SON,. Coats Block, Clinton G Spring : Liles ipf Roots atilt Shoes. Women's Boots ranging from $1 per pair up to $2.50. Men's Gaiters per Bals, $2 pair Prunellas from .60c. upward.' Call earl`and secure good bargains. 'We auls.. `We still sell large quantities of 3 lb. TEA for $1, equal to some dealers' ?O cent Tea: PRODUCE TAKEN FOR GOODS. " . POTATOES_ WANTED, CLINTON, .March, 1883;. THOMPSON &,• ,SWITZER. New Maple Sugar. 0 few gal. Tins Map e Syrup. , Fresh Oranges, Leal i is and . alranas. Good fresh Mangold,. Turnip 8i Sorghum Seeds. • unin9hame,- Vinton. . 41, �jC .k te. tl0 s z�to e t ek ..Kai, ,p ' - , ` v • � .. r�ssitcPs, . LL ck es► oo a d 212 t ,C ,l zest.rrl br41.io ,1 .S� Orin LETTER- Box. A little boy about six years of age, eon of Mr. Arch, Scott, of Sea£orth, m,et;„with ratbet The Now EaA does not, hold itself responsible for a serious avoidant on Friday last He got pop, Peas expressed uu4er this heading, session of a whip, and making his way into the stable made a dead neat upon one of the POLITICAL, PLATFORMS. • To the Editor of Ehe.Clinton. Nee, Eret. • Sxit,-To an`ojd reformer and one wllo sires to see the principles of that party pre- vail, I"feel that your last leader. is - provoca- tive of anger and remonstrance. There is a prayer for "God to save us from our friends," . coupled with the assertion of competency to save himself from his enemies, and I thing: thisis a case in point. • Machiavelli could not have devised a code moreoalculatedto divide " reformers, and conciliate conservatives, than is formulated in your article. Lam in- a fight- ing attitude: 'as far ae provincial .rights and the boundary award are concerned; equally eo again et'prohibitionm\ nearly as rn'ueh eo for the exemptions and against taxing church pro- Perties:: I am net opposed to, a standing army, nor to." deputy vice regarconrta," and ,the clause respecting the French language, and the two as to suffrages I would cross out. Before the temperance -movement begun, I had appreciated `Strada motive of ayoiding, if possible, that that made another to be weak or stumble, or fall ; but.I did not fall in with the temperance people, because -I "regarded it only as a single vice affair, and ` could not believe that men and women, not at all sen- suous, could continue the use of a drink not necessary to their•effioiency. But - when pro- hibition was rohibitionwas heard of, I took up the pen, and have never been answered .but onae—more than twenty.two years ago ;.and "under " Mis- representations of- prohibitionists." silenced him. Nothing makesnie so hopeless of ,the regeneration' of humanity, as the clergy being' so largely in favor of it. Dr. Duff, in a lei- surely return to India, through France, for recuperative purposes, notices the.growth' of vinesina certainreeky district;: as being as much a'p'.rovision of •nature in wine as milk to the Ayrshire peasant.; Dr. Guthrie, in .his "Sundays Abroad," was told by friends r ei dent for five years in -Florence that they :had only once seen a man drunk, and he not a iia tive. Ford'never saw a Spaniard take a sec- •ond" glares of wine, and that drinkenness was only known amongst' the muleteers. The Frenchman Taine attributes the drinking ha- bits of the English to their " execrable c1i- mate. • The military instinct :is too strop in hu-. Y ,g .inanity for me to fear. any effect from-.pposi- n, and t nt' ' do a hes •e •s 'too e o� 05 pageantry r o e t; y general Pg . to:apprehend"the casual action .of au official• being substituted for a permanent govern- ment head; -'and the customary hospitality and parades. •'. The Dominion is ruled in the interests of railway corporations and the predilections of the French,and it is 'suicidal folly: to give the latter umbrage by interfering as to their : language being ;used in -the,legislattire and courts ':of the, province of Quebec,. or ,in the Commopt; where -they are found. When the move against exemptions was begun by the .Tor onto'corporation and. the Globe, I took down the act and; then wrote for its 1'maintenance. Notwithstanding the pressure brought to bear on Mr.'Mowat, by the parties, named, and'by.the taunts of Mr. Meredith, he made 'only a trivial modifica- tion, which I' do not think has ever been used and Heuer iris, -be �n Bringing--up-the question again war is made on the onlyindi- viduai to whom yve can yet look for provincial rights and autonomy, and insistence on the award';` and that,'in ethanes with an adversa: ry who would only make. semblance of as.,. sent • to the plank"'ior the purpose: of dividing, on any question,the supporters "of the Award, and the Rights. • For forty fivd•yeara I have had` control of, or been, in connexion• with, the•'press inCana- da and liM'fearless of being able to contend against <alI comers tf'the sacrifice of time could sufficiently: promote public welfare. June' 11, 1383. T ,Ho $runt's Fluid "Lightning Needs .no advertising, when once introdtited. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others; by doing all-andinore-than-represented-for--Nen-- ralgiarToothache Hnadacbe, ©tc.-7t removes any paininstantly, quick as flash.' Try it an yon will say it is well named Fluid Light ning: - Geta twenty-five cent bottle at J H. Combe'e dreg store. ,horses, -.The animal, to show its diapleasure �sf, Such t?atment kicked, striking the child on.,the fapel. and ,eulting'his upper lip, clear through.' Ira well. be poisoned, woe be to those who drink thereat. It is worse to poison the foun- tain of life.•for one's self, and' for posterity. Often by care agneas'; cr-by--tdiefortune,--or-• inheritance, tlt,s has been ,lone. Ayer'saar- saparilla frees`Lhe blood, the vital stream, anis restores appetite, strength and health, Town cffioials are treated just the same ` nt Seaforth as others, and so they should be. Read the following :—A ftw days ago ex - Mayor Strong was called upon to contribute one dollar:to'"the pound funds to redeem hie horse, and the Deputy Reeve had to "fork over. a like sum for the privilege of leaving his cow out over night. - A.. short time ago Mr. Francis Morrison, of the 10th concession,ofMcKillop, was troubled with an ulcerated tooth. He .paid little at- tention to the matter until the pain/became Unbearable:and" his face got badly (swollen, when he called in medical assistance. Upon; examination' it was deemed advisable to have the tooth removed.. When this was done, it was found that •the matter which had ac. cumulated around the root of the tooth being unable to escape, ” ran backwards "through the• vein; clogging it up and preventing the blood supply reaching his jaw. As a result .cf this the whole upper part of the jaw bone became • dead, and,isnow decaying. So much so is this the case that he bas no feeling in it, and he jean remove the teeth on tbat side with his fingers. He is now in a critical condition,: and will be Laid np'for a month at least Salt Rheum Cured. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, •imples,or Canker sores ; if so, go at once to, . H. Combe's drug store and get"a packag of McGregor & Par ke'a Carbolic Cor• ate, , Pricet_wenty-five cents. It was never known to fail. • AROUND ,THE .COUNTY. .°.; ABogie : of Colborne, has urchased`the . a, r P youiig"shorthorn bull "Garfield,'l two 'years• old, from Peter Fisher, for Monday=. -morning Jos. Morris fine entire "two year" oldm Drayan;colt diedat his ;farm' near Garfield. .It was one of the best :colts he had. raised. Samson lost his strength with his hair Thousands-ofd -men an,:tvenren-loose,--t'heir beauty with theirs; and very; large numbers . restore' the ravages of,•time;by`using the fam ous Cingalese Hair Restorer, Sold at -50 cents per bottle by"all druggists. Mit. Jas. Moir,, of llsborner received a gram that hison James was lying very 'sick at ,Crystal City;' Manitoba -" with very .little ' hepes of his recovery. U, Kt r Kiirr l�l'im,ix cough cakes Quick;suis air of %tl ttsa7hrs 'Torts."— blaster Luther Ui11 s,u of Thr. F. Gill Of • t xeter. met with a serio;as ac ident a few days ago: \While playing, at school he fell anti broke :ire arm = - "$1,000 FORFEIT.. Having the utmost confidence in its superiority over all others, and after thousands of tests of the most complicated and severest.cases we could find, we feel justified -in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars tor any case of coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, conmtmption'in its early stages; whooping cough and "all diseases of the throat and lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim relief,; tha we can't cure with th west's 'Cough Syrup, when taker according to directions. Sample bottles 25 and 50cents ; large bottles. one dollar. . Genuine wrappers only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent by ex- press qp receipt of price. .John C. west &, Co., 8]. & 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. For sale at. 0omba's Drug Store S (11HE subscriber will, continue the business formerly carried, on by the firm of Newtons St Dennis, and hopes -:to receive a continuation, of the liberal patronttfie.heretofore enjoyed. TITMNE S. , 111 L K1117S. TIzU'NKS VALISES;'. " WHIPS, COMBS, &C. H!iiCer{ always reasonable.:. ,rf CLINTON. Cita filci, �Var�rooms; P,NITURL STORE;;, CLINTON. TIS'` E �S. STEVENSON.. NSON : Having moved into his new brick store OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, Begs leave -to state te, hs'numerous friends in Clinton. and the suciieuuding country, that he keeps ,on hand. a, superiorgiiality of Furnitnre ofall l•inds, such as REt ROOM & PARLOR SETS Aftermany years of" patient investigation Dr. Van Euren Of Germany, finally succeeder in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would per, manently relieve all cases of Kidney Disease Be sure andask your 'Druggist, for-Dr—Valu YUren's, KTDNEP- Mr.,'J B. Secord Vargas , Id and esteanied . merchant, after a swecessitil 'business career of 30 yeers•in :Varna,_, has retired front -the • mercantile business,' having made his pile I-Ie.and nis•good-1sdy have gone on a visit to .I England.to recuperate lire; Secord'e health Delays are dangerous; particularly in Kids ney Dibeases, so take at. once D, Van Perren l 1rinNrtx- OtuxE and obtain relief from all your so iferings. ,Youi• druggist keeps it. .Last .Sunday night a large frame barn, nn lot )3, con'. 7, Morris, owned by. \Ven,' Kelly, .Was struck by lightning.. The posts were splintered, shingles statteri.dand a large door torn off both hinges and thrown—into the yard.-- ^ Although a large quantity ef straw xv'ae-stured-hr'tirrisarrit-dtd not ike re Dov'r PULL Ir.—Ude-Newton's one minute goothaclie cure.. -Relief at once.; of all dealers, 15cts, 'On . Friday, Mi. Patrick Maloney • re ta in ed- to hrsformer home in gekillop aftAran ab encs of oer twent -5ve years, This' gsn tleman now resides at Fort Hauch'usa, t ach- ase county, Arizona Territory; where he has over -a thousand acres of land, which h{e', Uses in,stock raising, employing a large number of men.- Mr.i)laloneyis`abrother ofJafa'loney, of this township; Excited Thousands. All over the land" are going into ecstasy over'Dr. King's New'Diecovery for constinp- •tioni - Their unhooked - to rdco\ery by the timely•use of this great life saving • remerlY, causes:them to go nearly;wild ;in its,praise, It is guaranteed to •positively cure 'Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 7-Iav Fever, aBron- chits, Hoarseness; Loss, of voice or' any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs 'trial bot- tlee free at Watts & Co'e, Ilrug•Store Large size $1. !OPULAII- DRY Cr; llhIIJ1L Of the, latest style's, 'also . BEDSTEADS, ADS' `SIDEBOARDS, btTREsTTS TABLES V_ And everything that constitutes furnishing a"house in his line, which he will sell at the lowest hying piotit- 1 asst a share of the public patronage, 'being thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future. The public. are invited to call and see for theniselves. -'THOS. STEVENSON. Clinton, duly f, 1882. Vegetable 'Sicilian.--- .. ,AIR'RENEWER is the firs1V\p, p ]ration perfectly adapted to cure It Ut-rhes uf;t.hc sc;.ltr; and the that successful re Thded or gray hair to. its natural color youthful. beauty. it has.hbd many nett.011F.,;blit novo hav e so rally ,wet all the re- , ti, e,ue.tts needfulfoe• the •prop5i treatment of tt set-seilh. trALi-'5•11A1 i11r'yE1Pn has ..' in favor, and.spr�eadits• fame twirl t .e_:• to 5v,�ry quarter of the globe.. Its tui as . le u u� es •c i i be sttfibuted io but one tl a , e rr 1• e1 film, Nt n/ ets„p,n)nices. r.� +c tpr,ct0111aV afttsnb,.-0n s,rr,jscdatthe'- 4 U1dr, ]rpm remote eount,iss, where '• , , ,.rc n a e1i eltortfor its uint rod notion. ' { ut e Jot. idheet bat's of FI;i1;1's •)I'_tilc . Jule:H.1111y improves the' personal ` ell tht e- -• 1 r c litsiitce s the wain frdiir all tui }'41` s.• ati,•c. ,Jig; lmino,'s; fovea•, and -dryness, c.eni taus prevents boldness.';:lt ati,itulates the e4.0ned b1nt•is and enablestl,e,n to push for n:u d •, row nn I i igorouS growth- 1'ha eil'eats of , c t e-.,, e ani 1a-ansion6; like those of •ales-'' t, para leas,butt main a long time, which t,iratc its -nue t,natter; of eeondnly. ��`i r..OKIT\T�aHAi '►�, ,DYE rbrt 4}'1 6,n i,;'i;. the h,iand to'a,,i atu'al. brow, ht' ti one, 1 .tl sdc, ref It nodt .nor ,too or' c rtes n r. tliFt v !f nitivn h awn ota,..tw <i single t i vt y � i. g „ r a,nni�,i,1w,irtiL,. t•�L f ,i i is applied fluint P111.P<\] E10 ItIt" • W : HALL , e,o., N':ullel 1, 46)r1 ley ,h ,C:)eager ii, iile.11e,,,es. . 4K FOR ALL .THE FORMS e,1, ScrofulO,te, 'Mercurial, and hood T)isorderk,. the best, remedy,: because the most. se,roif1ng, ant" ih,.rc,ugl[...lslooi3- pnl,fier; is \ ;.yerfs. SarsaparWa hold by all Druggists; Si six bottles, 8C5." ull 111 w�v dd.1pp171gns•. .tak am an RES' SOOD ][1N GS ti ar e valeie ►R CA EC - SAT-_ LPACAS S.:A TEE 777r.:4:07.07 4-CTIL/LT2' • Spring' \NOVELTI E S. J, See o ;u fine assortment ' of ;Strain" Bats,. and Bonnets, in terra- cotta, crush," strawberry,,, any d all the new colors and styles.— Fine assortment of white and., colored LACES., Fineassortinent of ENGLISH and FRENCH I+iowE s See our Ottoman corded` . RI.I3.l;olv5 anct_SILKS, our new shades in SATINS.. Our Sink' ai}d Lisle GL'ov s. Our HosIEPY and FANCY GOODS. Eine assortment of beautiful FI:ATIIE11sj and also.. PARASOLS.' Don't forget" that now is the time to get your -, STRAW ANI) TAPE HATS made over into all the leading styles.' R. BEESLEY, Beaver Bloc, " ' Clinton,; • Item is the hest lace to ileal this year for ore: He keeps the best general" stock tura town. Everythina: Fresh RBB, the Grocer, Central:Grocery, ` Clinton. i�c:-�� secare f81RGA��S�y A'LL DESORIP'CIb.NS 0Ii" M , Yolk �, �ad�esl. �Mzsses a� �hllare s loots, n Shoos. . ENTIRELY NEW' StPRINGLOWEST STOCK., LO. ' PRICES C VISITORS-WELGOMF: I ' Q TROUBLE TO. SFI0W GOODS;' 1 -. f ALL 'AND Slfl gf-L'ivf B �'FOPI • PURCHAS r G T L 1N QR1 A'I, .VA1 TT4;TS' _. - - , S, 711. • OUR :STOCK OF. HEAVY & LIGN`• T HAO 'ESS _. S COI�PIETE.- 'rinks and Valises 'for :the• Georgian,Pay ay Shingles �niivays, oft hand, a THF' USUAL •,DISCOUNT FOR CASE aetora r -. )vc� r4 C la a' ,crl►e:'.