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The New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 10
CLINTON NEW gRA.. . ERMAN, J1JNE 15, 1883. Z pWI; �Q1)fit . LOCAL NOTICES. • The highest gprice paid for`'eggsid'elm tinge, • for Beefs and Shoes, at N,A.YLOR SON, The, well-known stallion:Poseoi o will be at rhe Rattinbory House.stables ,every. 'Saurday ufternoonduring tbeseason. G. EMERSON,prop. THOS. COOPER, green: is paying the highest cash prate for good potatoes, for ship- ment to who States. he slack k demand for potatoes cash for eggs. sOt tesing toat t of them fp the states, -and' who large quant), Y Pere, the price duly ranges from about 30 to 95c MAS'TER ROBT. COATS now has two ( Shetland ponies; one is only a week old, however.• MR. JOHN SHIPLEY has bought: the team of ponies lately owned by Mr. Shaw, of-Goderich. THE safe lately in the store of Geo.. H. Wright -vas sold to :a Mr, Moyer, of Waterloo, at $75. Tnf weather has been hafdon bicycle riders this spring; hardly two fine days; following, each other. TiE Signal .boaetingly •.states. that '. "Goderich is a place .that knows no mud." Stilt, there are a. good many suckers there. WE ARE very sorry to learn that Annie,. eldest daughter of Mrs. McLeod, is so low that no hopes are entertained" of her recovery. • THE stallion "Mohawk Chief" is to trot against time, at Stratford, afterthe sea son is over. Stakes $100 a side; time limit, 3 minutes. . IT Is reported that the 'Orangemen in- tend torn an,excursion+from this place to Woodstock, on the 12th of July, the fare to be placed at -1-667 A gentleman was last week ;in town with the intention of starting another grocery store, but he could' not find a vacant store suitable. A curer. of . Thos. Ti lin 's fell, into a cistern one day this week, :and would have been drowned had not an- other pluckily rescued it. MR. WILL FLooDY, late on the Record, is now preparing for a civil service ex- amination, and expects to get an appoint- ment as mail clerk on some of the trains. -THE CLINTON FOUNDRY has°sent four threshingmachines, complete, to Mani- toba ni=toba this spring, and have orders for twenty-four or'and the season has not yet fairly commenced. THE Y?OUNG man Kenney, charged with stealing a watch, from the house of Father Murphy,: Seaforth; was sentenced by Judge Toms, on:Tuesday, to 15:. months' incarceration rn Central ` Prison SATURDAY excursion return tickets good until Monday are now issued as follows :-Clinton to Kincardine 8-1.00; Clinton to London $1.60; ;Clinton to - Stratford $1.15; Clinton, to Goderich ,50c. THE farmers are beginning .to thi that they will get.through with their ing to take them to Manitoba with him;: spring work by_ about the 1st of July, and but -owing to what he considers excessiye if the weather should hold' out- favorable freight charges, he did not take them on they may commence harvest: about the the boat with them. Mr. Paul Cleave,', of 1st of October.:' Bayfield, subsectriently. took' them with -Tiers has been a magnificent week for him. gathering local news. I17ras every day CROP . PROSPECTS.--- The late heavy rained more or ; less -particularly -more, rains have been beneficial to one crop at" and the streets are not quite knee deep in any rate, and that, is, grass, which,' pro mud, so that moving around has been the raises to be very.heavy. ' Clover, oats and most _pleasant thing •imaginable, peas are likely to be a good crop also, REV. NIR Col liv2 .who is. pastor of. barley may turn out pretty fair,. but thee; wet is against it, spring ;cheat prom see'' the Hamilton Bible Christian church, is a` to be about an average crop;. ?ut thre' brother of Mr. John Collings, who resides was very `little sown; fall wheat will. near town, and -Rev. Mr Washington, of hardly amount to anythinge and it is the Meatord. Methodist church, is a son' more than likely that the farmers of this of Mrs. Washington of this place..: section; instead of Bailing wheat to sell; DoernnioN. DAA 4s the 1st . of July. 'will be;purchesers for Thome consumption.: falls on Sunday this year;.it will likely be Potatoes are 'not far•enough .advaimed to Cele role Crick etee playa watch at 1 1\TIt..ED, 1Vo1 TIIINGToN (son of. A. Guelph on the 21st inst.-iVort lnngton U rs novt opera ar a ef Friday it:was weltering ]tot—Sa Maple Park station, Illinois. turday a fire was:necessary .fm comfort., ,MR. O'SHEA, emigration agent; has MR. JOHN Dunkin;of theayfielcl road, been here for a couple of days, trying to Stanley, recently refused $230 for e 3 -yr locate Irish families that are on their way, old mare.. out. THE High and BIodei` scliool beards MEssEs. Foster & Bayley are now get meet neat Monday and Tuesday evenings, ting up some of the; finest photographs we respectively. WooL has begun' to make its. appear- anee on the market, and sells at 16 to 18 cents per ib. I s , 11I: .) , t • t MR. HORACE FOSTER was in Detroit: last week, purchasing additional scenery_ for the photo gallery.,, 14Iit. MEWBTTRN, of, Hamilton, Customs Inspector, was in town on Tuesday, on his tour of inspection. • OwFriday .evening the firemen, when out' for practice, ran 200. yards and ,made a •coupling in 4Q seconds. PROPERTY CUANQE.—Mr. Wm. Jones has sold lot 9 and 11 Fulton street, with a small house thereon, to Mr. Ira Fisher. THE Dauntless Lacrosse club playa` match at Seaforth this (Friday) aftern'on. They also play at Goderich on the 2nd' of Jul , y 11IEsease Watts &'Co. expect to move .into the premisesMimmediately next to their present stand the latter "part Ortho' month. ' A YEAR OLD entire colt, belonging', to Mr, A. Innes,_ turned!'. the scale here' on Monday at 1,270 lbs., and a yearling own- ed by Mr. D. Erwin, at 1,350. MR. J. BUTT has bought from Mr. H. Stevens, of the base line, the building erected by Mr. Wade for fruitdrying, and has converted it into a stable. A-Sn TINo, of the Division Court'will be held here on the 23rd inst. A number of'cases `are ' to come up for settlement,. but all are of minor importance. THE Customs duties paid at. •this place for the month of May amounted t"o' the sum of $459.13. The largest; ,amount', for any week this year, was the--seciind week in May, when the sum reached $258. At the meeting of the High Court of Canadian Foresters, 'now in session at Ga= nanoque; Rev. J. Pritchard, . of Auburn, was elected Chaplain; and Mr. A. Wood- man, of Londesboro, Junior Woodward. THE ELECTION of a. High. Constable' for g the County takes place at . Goderich ' to- day, for which there' are three candidates. All the magistrates of the , county are' at liberty to attend and vote for a candidate. A BoY in town haste red squirrel which q around in his pocket whereit hocarries pocket, r makes its nest, and which is tame enough to feed from his hand. Someday, when: it-tries to reach the nest by the way of the inside of his pants leg, there will be. a circus. Ecuits>:©N.—A11^ who .'wish to 'visit the • Ontar`id Agricultural' College and Experimental farm will .have.. an oppor- tunity of doing so at a remarkably cheap. rate on Thursday 21st: inst. . See adver- tisementin another column: The train will leave Clinton at 6.45 a. m. LAST week Mr. John Sheppard took thinie four horses, with him to Goderich,.intend observed- as a,holid'a,y,';o Monday but ,,be 'hurt by'the• wet,- as some, tear,,•the it will require uproc'lamation from the greatest clanger to thisorop is the ever - Governor -General to make the foiloni11g' present bug.: Manyresort to picking allonclay into a legal holiday in'.baiiks and "'them off, but Paris green is a more of--; public oflice5. fective method of dealing with the: var-! A uEi TIVG of the directors of the Westmint; a friend tells us that a decoction of Riding. Agricultural Society was held at tansey is lust as good as the Paris green, Goderich on Tuesday, torevise and :pre vvhile no risk is run'front poison pare the prize list for :the `fall .show. No •. THE FRUIT - PRO, Eces. -- Although' time was fixed. for the.show. until it is there has been a' profusion of blossom on learned what date other `societies' intend almost every tree and fruit bearing, shrub to fix, but it will likely be the early part this year, the prospects . of the' • crop .;are of October. not altogether .• of the most.; encouraging character.In the past two )years there IT Is stated that Mr A, M. Taylor, fore,have•:. beenbut, few apples , but it seems° merry of Clinton Model School, has re probable'that' there, will be thisseason. a signed his position in the Ottawa Normal tolerably' good crop; 'in this section of • School, and will devote himself exclusive- Ontario at'least:'' Cherries promise arex-: • ly to the study of 'law, at;Toronto. We traordinary yield. Currants ',wed 'goose dare say that Archy will make his riaark 'berries are bearing well, but an,insect ap-_ as a lawyer, but he hast slight tendenc`' ,. to be what the bos call "hifalutin." y pears to b ' at work on the former, and: y the mildewis:attacking the latter, Straw-: SECOENI AND re CASs LXAagINA- berries :are 'likely to be a good;crop, if the TIONS.—Tho Examination for 'interme weather w�ilbonly become warm enotrgh'to diate, 2nd and 3rd non-professional. certi ripen them The peach is not a fruit that ficates comes off on. the 3rd of July, at tion; and it ill 'd en thein tines este of mha'to sec: t - the several High Schools. of the county. tempt to it is oatethe a This season the About fifty will try the examination here, chancet are that there' will be sea ei an one fifth of .the; candidates writing for Y y, Seconds, A large ercentage of those'. in the most fayoredlocation. 'The season 'who try here invariably, pass the exami-.:. appears to be, backward for the grape, nation. successfully.,_andwe; hope-tosee butitispossible that y, out e may t taro the number as large as,,ever. - ' a good crop. NOT ACCUSTOMED TO IT.— A certain rTSnE'CoLnonl�E BRIDGE• -One of the' gentleman in, town ,.not long married, re-,. wisest things.the (7ounty,.Council didc'at. its late cession, was•to; unanimously pass • ceived'a present of swim plants last Week, , with -instructions that they should'be set the, report of the, Read Commissioners out in the garden. The; plants were of a -recommending the building of a bridge, ever the Maitland, near Holmesville; ly inlignr kind,aod-heoufriendwasevident: how :The necessity of haing a bridge at this ly in ignorance of the true nature of how particular place has long been. admitted plants 'should 'grow, for he wenteto work . andia'a."tem all nicely' planted, head by those acquarnte`dwith the crrcumstan- downwards in the earth, before' his wife .ccs, butat has required a good deal. of came out and discovered the 'blunder. hard work to.convince' others of its urgent :If properly fosteeed they might grow. .in necessity. However, all who have con this way, but it doubtful. - tributed their influence towards the ac- complishment of this, object,- now 'have PERSONAL—David Oantelon is not only the satisfaction ofknowing, that home from the northwest; a report got in tbeir labors have 'not been in 'vain, but circulation that he had been shipwrecked, will realize with pleasure the benefits the but the 'only foundation -for it was that the bridge will confer upon an ever increas boat on which•he was returning, was in-. ing circle of the community.'. The erec- jured slightly in -Lake Superior. • Mrs. A. tion of the bridge is to -lie proceeded with Archibald; of Dickinson's Landing, is` at once, and at an early day the farmers visiting her relatives here. Mr. A. O. of that portion of Colborne more directly :Pattison, agent G. T. TR., expects to .visit interested will have au easy way of reach - bis brother at Ogden, 'TJtah, next month. ing whatever market, they desire tteattend. ?blrs. Andrew Moore, of Port Arthur, is, That the bridge will be of considerable visiting her friends here.,. Miss Whitfield advantage tb this to'w'n, cs,nnot" he .flues of Dundas, is 'the guest of Mrs: ' Horace tioned, and we have no doubt whatever, Foster. Miss 'Carrie Fishei intends to but that the business men of Clinton will visit Rochester at 'an early' day. Mr. J. he sufficiently alive to their own interests A.rohibald•-return, to j•?ortxge -leu rairie. -te Make-the-fullest=-posyrble rase -of their - Nettweele, y,pportnnities. R9 have ever seen. We doubt if they can be excelled anywhere.. VERY little grain is moving - just now in any shape or form. Cars are scarce and shippers are not doing, while farmers!; are marketing very little. WE are pleased to know that: Mr. A. McAlister is now able to situp. He finds the change from bed to a reclining chair very comfortable and encouraging. THE executors of.the estate of the late Robert -Cook, are offering his farm on the Huron Road, Goderich townehip, for•sale by tender.. See advertisement. THE regular meeting of the Clinton lodge I.O.G.T. will be held in the tempe- tanee ball this (Friday) evening._. This lodge is Increasingin interest and . mem- bership, new canidates being proposed every evening of meeting. - CAltl;'ENTEES are so' scarce here that contractors complain of thedifficulty of p tshingeen work-; and Mr. Searle has some notion of putting Off "the erection of Tris- buildings until next year, owing ,to this, also the increased cost of building ma- terial. ?aterial.'/ AT THE recent meeting of the Oineei's Medical. Association, in 'Toronto{ Dr. Worthington, of this place, was; unani- mously elected as 1st Vice-president. This shows the high esteem in which the doctor is -held among his medical.bre thrsn. COUNTY Poon' Housl .=The manifest indifference Sisome of the. County Coun- tillers, to the erection of a peer house,; led'a wag to maker the suggestive .remark. last week that, "The day might come• when some of the Councillors would wish theyihad ai'Poor House to go to. MEssns. Hearn & Craig yesterday ship ped the cattle they recently bough't.ofMr. Jas: Fair,' which were a good lot for young Cattle. .. Buyers cornplain, that they can- not sell on the Toronto market some of their shipments, at the prices paid for them, and have sold at a;Ioss, so that far- mere may have to take slightly lower pri- ces for rices',for some of their stock, unless extra Well fed.' . FOOTBALL.—Ou Friday last a 'f'riendly game of football was played on the H. 5. ds between ' club • chosen from the ounbe woo a e se gr lacrosse club and H. S. club. The game. was called at 4.30, Clinton winning the toss, 'defended the south goal. During.the .first half the H. S. boys .had it all their own way, but owing to their crowding the goal itwas impossible•.to score a game. In tlle;second -half, the lacrosse boys began to play' better and showedthat with prac- tice they would give the H.S. boys a hard rub. For the lacrosse team Shaw, Cor- bett and J. Stanlaury' played in excellent' style,) while the playing of McKay, Mc- Lennan fe:Lennan' and McGarva did riot lower their reputation as football player', SIGNIrICANT," On Saturday last several county coun- cillors sat in front of the Albion Hotel, Goderich, discussing the business of the week, and among them a well-known horseman, of the county town, • , "The building of the bridge at Holmes - I ville will be bad for Goderich," said one. "I don't knew," said another Pit may make things a little worse," r . "No -darned if it will," said' the horse- man •in question "if they were 'to build a hundred bridges it couldn't make the d—d old town any worse than it is." - TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. A meeting of the Huron Presbytery will be held at Goderich; on the 10th of July,• An effort is being made to get up a Sunday School excursion to Port Stanley for the Methodist picnic. Wherever changes in the stations of ministers occur, itis understood that they take their new appointments, the first Sunday in July. ' It would be more comfortable to most congregations.`, if Sunday evening services were shortened during the summer, so that lamps were not necessary to close the senv.iceeby-. Willis Church S.S'. picnic will -not be held on the 26th inst., as' previously an- nounced, as cars cannot be obtained on that day. Another date has not yet been. decided' upon.,,: Rev. Mr. Holmes; (B. C.,) of St. Thomas' preached in the Methodist church, on Sunday morning and Mr. Bartlett in the evening. They also filled the pulpit of the B. C. Church alternately. Rev. Mr: Marten, of Exeter, will con- duct the services in S,T )lis Church this (Friday) evening, and on. Saturday morning, and on Sunday, Rev Mr, Burns, of Halifax, will preach,, morning and evening. . • The stationing comnaitteesaf the Metho- dist Church have removed' Rev. W. Me Donagh, of Clinton, to Sarnia, and ap- pointed Rev. James Grey, as his successor. Rev. J. Wakefield,, of Goderich, goes' to Paris. It in intended -,that the Masons of -town will attend at the town hall on Sunday, 24th hist., (the anniversary of St. John the evangelist) whenea sermon will be preached, bearing ainly on the order.: Rev. Mr. Smith, Guelph, will preach on this occasion. Rev. Mr. IBl tchford' willP reach fare- well sermon a }3olmesville next Sunday morning am at Clinton in the evening. Rev. M r. T omas will occupy the pulpit of the B. C: Church, Clinton, on Sunday, morning, ,and Rev. Mr. Spargo that of: Flol.mesv lle,'in the evening. " The e. nal draft of the' Bible<Christian appoin ments, removes Rev. J. J. Rice of thi: place to Cobourg, to which place he removes the latter part of this month.. His ucccssor will be Rev. Mr. Kenner, `a gen eman very favorably spoken of. .. We have not learner who will assist Mr. Ken ne here - Who's Yon"- 'li-Tat 1(420-ai•7 Who i Wig` :L tter•.• s7t oa�a• atte •� ` ( \ Light Texture res. Eight L7f-rOunCi. Prints. Check i AT PAYE ' I ..� � lVl.A.l P:A R.Asozs r N suAD is MANTLE, SILKS NT. L� ORNAMENTS. PAY AT. The :bottoms.' has been reached in CIR.Elr COTTONS. have a F". Z7P 81iLES TO ,SELL. AY Y.Y I1::JAT" Al�T, S OfflBR'N'011 A:SUit.OFCLOTll ; AT r. .._ase DRY ,GOODS EMPORIUMCLINTON. f We have .received another > large lot o This week, to keepour stock furl and complete, to meet, the demands ' We are kept as busy as ever, and have otuu Iarye; staff of 2.3 }lands workinc, night and day ' i�..Order:./our Suit at :;the: noted` ClothinHowse�you where: are g sure of a good fit, good satisfaction and towp aces. We have just opened up a tremendous stock.' of Overalls and :' Cotton Pants, in every size, from 7.5e. t� 51.50. W. JaeiLson Jack ; aai9 Clinton.' 4' W. Jackson.. :Clinton. A. large assortment of 11 � 1 c� � :Rl1ss�1 �co��L boa s FOR THr' 1-10. WEA:`PIIEI�. L' , 'CLlC 722 N.