HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 9Speopendirkip Tel! June '51 ZRIONns A IZOYAIL ImEccp QUJBJEU IF NOT CUAZY AAuLon� Wtii�w U Amelluj, WhO Will Sit A'Wragle Itoilsode imt the Brooklyn, Juridae New, MY dear," said Mr. Spoopendyke, in. TheCom any mscm at the The. Ilar less Jbunadr, Who Built 111k; With �he, rrophet In Glory. catigtatrailike. *anding before -the telephone and prepar, , and the, Drc Abode 'Up a Tree, audrhltlier'�Co"ed ]IS I�NESS. Eighteen I of Brigham's widows live he : re (Now York World.) ing to explain., the mysteries and' advan. a Wife. 300111ESTIC SELF I is gas to his wife.. cNow, my, deai,�, this jg� T40 Princess of Wale� has held still, writea,a Salt Lake correspondent. Ann Two little children played on the fr .60 diet going to prove the most co-U�eili��t thQ ing-room at �Buckihgham Palac6iy MIA A case in Loa.Angele who took the of 41 Watts �street yesterday . and a has excited much the postate a we ever had' in the house When I,ivant mAnd of the'Queen. lt'was ver'�,' t' Zt,dogp. at
lajg6lv ention this *ask because of the difficulty leciure field, is said to'be married and of mourning hung from the ball- to�talk to any� one 'The Ilaniterg. that Beget 1Iu%b4.u.(,I 40 I , 'not, turn this 0 attended, and, St. James' Park, of draing the line etwpen eccentricit living in Chicago, but I could not learn her knob. The little ones were, the ob rallik y ildren of Hello, andinasnity. Frederick M.'S
Wife. hello I" and I Aell her just now in'the full beiaut f baw who -of'the widowslivo Geor'ge Smith, aged 36, who efore the wbo I want, Yn springnWas ifiK-th7jirfarifiliesin the "Lion House'! Brooklyn Bridge ace' Now, to se&fhe lve eng, 'llask forMr. Speckleoot frolutca Angeles, was decli%' EL all 8 husband's name. Some: ident was a � track nd a call 'him p crowded during the afternoon I s in the- Cahu a Mountains nine I red in so called from the,oarved* stones that co, ,gM tle, and Mr. arrivals, at the palace gateR. the band of mleB p driver in the employ of Baker a c Spoopendyke, turned the crailk, Utterly the Aorse Gnardsfirst by the Silperior Court, but 6n -a re- SS ?, P took up a position IS THIS YOUR IAIRENE th illars of the entrances -where 'they groders, of No., =Greenwicb. street. forgetting to presa ihe tton that ak' inside the pEdace gates,,with a detach heAr ng this judgmenrwas set aside and he lived during Brigham's - lifetime., but the family, which sd of Mr..and Mrs. U Be ment the connection. ubtiesV.forms: of Selfishness ow the Smith of the troops 04 the oppositesilie. T. an was released. The charge was brought One f the's main building im which be lived is n and four children, the oldest being what does be bay?" asked,Mrs� Spop. the band of the oldsireahaGuards' . Ill - , - t . him by,a n . ei'ghbor who, it is iq tfiatw'hich comes.from selt-abs4ption-du headquarters of the Church. None of the a girl of IQ And the youngest a baby boy' Marced. agains
endyke, cocking bar head t do work. When � they are first Married & 'idows hilvei remarried.' , ieliorts . to occupy the pa 0, one � Side, as a; wu*ith the guard of honor, which is ghrawdly suspected, dovets his Shawls w r1orfloor. InAboback-room i busband is. everything to the wife�, � Aoqap� the contrary nofwithBtandiiig� Amelia, it lay the, body of tile husband and father woman always does wheh,� her husband is alwas Stationed ineide the quadrangle, history is so, peculia "r, that it.is weffworth. trying to listen. a marciie& recalli isa, r�lative of Chief , ng oaras� Are Small, or none, at wllberemeinbered. was "the, baost attracr with the ficebruised .,,aImo'Bt beyond PO lastly the Life Guards'band - 2_4 He don't Bay ahvthing vetj," 'growled through the palace gates, the gay -Justice - Shaw --of Massachusetts, and was tcelpli iBe little, -society; ther days are ong, lve of Brigham's plurality, 'and cognition and the bones of his body ofthe carriages Mr. Spoopendyke. -'He ain,t I a you, He nobility attrddug,jujair account_ of .Airst,j2eard- f�on-this coLtat-%boiA ten-yehia and,lonely the wife copritethe hours and� �jpient, of his mosi consoicuous favors. crushed into a shabblass MI] 0 _j husV. ,;.re ago., waits until be� hag g�t-'t3o'tae't)�i'ng,im��'o-r-tL- a'fiention on 't'h the _,even the good -to live Smith'Ithrough her tearF,toldher apartof tile 'crowd mean� ago, -when 'be, issued a FrO9paC Of ti ant on his mind, and then he says, it. Hello, While. As the Prince 'and Prine Re of bygibbib colony to be - foulidedin Southern r own -injuri a jand everything is, ready -for his, 6oming., aB; : harem,, and he. built :for. bjer, adross the pitiful ea though 'hello P,rosred Mi. Spoonend k i"i fi a to live _L - off- y a, giving t a Wales drove down, &tfetded ---from---the �i EMIR by their uBuELl Califoiniso';'the niein�er like'h'imBell �though he -Were all, -the-w6rld coritainek-so- -13treet bT7&n—e1T9iCn_f_ _'6_e_ver6 n 6-i —to troublb. her in thb , crank a vicious twist and, glaring into the escort, they'*eie loudly cheered y those 04 a, Strictly vegetable diet.' ReWent to indeed he is to hei. Lut this c9ino6con- of kono,,Similar to.-sofneoiAe least. enunicator with.,a vinaictivewok. Now� wholiuedth8whOlooftheway. TheLDUke bbildren 'co'me arid divide 'residences that adorn Prairie. svenVe iii- - "'Ge6rge. had a holiday 6 EnglandtoAloat big Scheme,butalthough long. nd -he �bad Mouth of I niSh�BdL by"blin With you keep that youts tied up; or and Duchess of Connaught, the' P `nce�B, lie obtained some -eilcouragemehi the and.. love.,'Sooi ri Attention, icaao� It Was fur promised to take ine-'across tbo rage you're liable to, loose it Rome day P with Beatrice, the DUkeL 'of Cambridp, Prince enterprise as a failure. This'! made poses its claims. The Chiirch -demands time. costOuxurisince, -And here he ai bode during We startbdiu: the Afternoon Thechildren D16ful pr6guostication Shaw MiS'&UthrOpjdL; lie retdrh&d,,to and which vqry d, I T&r.- Christian, Princess Henry of:. the - Net er. thought. , There &is calls to return,. the last years,of lils.,Iife in tbGL bosom of want6d to go, but we feared, a 'prowd and Spoopendyke iattled away at the crank,� landg, the Hereditary "Ri6hols Canyon in the mountains, M and meetings to attend, and dresBaB to hi's favorite, while across tile way' in the left them at''home. We had proceeded and awaited some the other- of Saxe 'Meinhigen were among,,� , those, ]me A the line- old adobe 'Str�ictnre, which viI�B erected-. to the tower when iduashiady said P, ail ever . sign of"life Ili elf;
make, arid baby. to.6ure for -, an end. Y� a lit ad_�--
or ar' to` step,: SUPP68 THE DRESSES. p place. Now; 666 )o, the that the 'bridge bad, .broen,,down. -Then a it is really that girl's fault," pulled u the ladd r after him. He dressed
-band has to take EbL koond, n -after'thb exodus from Nanv( night aseended to big erial tenemc
ever',easy f widol murmur. ecrow from Brooklyn Surged towardsus, inurmured. Mr a. Opoope�dyke, eniffi in peculiar -style, wearing only a, flauric 9'4t The Court Circutar gives -the off from his pedestal, or; �di 'another one Coprtiers came to -woo bar, and it, was George folAme to take �holdDf his hand the instrumebt�as though she smeII64 the glongsida.himself, tile husbknd who has a treb6rted�`at one-time ihat-gho.ha�d`_b'aeri and I did e6just aS we war . I d6script Wing gh rt and trousers, abd lived upon the fruits; e being pressed jig lady from a�ar, and found'her ion of the- dresses worn, by the moderate Share. of dDrilmon Bonse will not �,, sealed to on6 of th6 apostles, a business. orwslrd'�tcwards the Stairs.- We. kept you no Princesses-. The Princess of Wales and nuts, The fruits of hia communion better than she ought to be. "Idon'tsup- wore with nature were a set:es of. lettar6 on tle expect the wifd and mothd4� o give the. man who lives at Ogden, but .she rejected, together until tb�e stairs ware reached and a, dress of ciel blue'_ Satin duphesBe; am.
I I L�Ail . 1. . pose she's thereat all Moro likely she's . creation of the huma;n Species and the best� his�addresBeg:�an'd Still 'wears a widow's then we were Sepaiated, The last I SAW- of broidered 'in silver gilt, drapek;. But it us no ra 'ex of� the 9
'bo'Gentileb know little About him be had a deathlike expressio gadding,.around somewhere." methods of' Recuriii health, :wlii6h were young bride gave -re - weeds. n on his 'What did y.ou'want tot�lk j' t, -then finest Brussels lace,� looped large printed in the Los Aug6les newspapers,tind perience for the wife and mothei tdbbcome her," but the Mormons Bay She is'true to countenance and was, being bo , rne over us �bouquet of roses.. and, lilies of �eiel so- lie absorbed ii hus- Brigham, and believes thii,f- She 9ward. Then I.Iopt sight of him. for?" ffief661Y 'I 00 enayke- binmde embroidered in variouS,colo'ked. van apre
i other duties that her Will Bit bad howled r. 8� gave him a, local reputation,as half philo iba. steadily from the first'pl"e with hi :"What's your measly object in breaking flowers and' trimmed-wi "a uher, half crailk. , His fame a ad, nd recedes m in glory. She was. the wife of I was thrown forwardbu my face. and a m`"%COrSage beyond the coast, and Among those who_ to the third, thefourth, pmdfinallygops out 'his old age, amd never had any children.. landed on the struggling people - below. . 1'. out with" the' conversational smallpox at �to correspond., :Head dress--La�, of beoarne dee-plyinterested in the p'lillogo- ofBi a no longer witches that critical juncture 2, Don't you. know diamondd,' feathers and veil g4t altogether. . Sli an instant the crowd behind vVa,s pr'eos�d on she. was' just beginning' to 'talk, and ou her was a New . Jersey schoolmistreis, for his coming ; she is surprised when he Next -Door Neighbors. 'top of me and I was completely� buried in pearls and. diamonaS. -appears, and half, disappointed, too, that It is Simply frightful' to think of what 'a the human m0A. I do do me lose bar? - I tell- yoi� one thing naine'd Margaret �Garey Wright. A correA.; not know how long in' and Alberti the Crown p6nd'ence sprang up between th6 for this bit 'of Jo , hn��, of added Mr Spclopendyke,,- with impressive two. Shaw he is home So soon., great 'number of people Buffer from ban- Iwas there. 'It seemed1ike anage. .1, Catherine . of 'writer, Me solemnity, if you don't.shut your mouth - proved to be, An impassioned, lettek, household wd'k 'Le done,', or lied . Jerusalem, and the Danish. -the -which he cairied-orl�at long
"likerous and ill-condifioll'od . neighbors. Sbrie a For God'& sake Rave And Family Oid6i.
-in a: and wooing t, let anybody wa ti 'd 130h range was appropriitely ended by�a mar- tob i�inot quil Co
that last St ot yet takenI, arid jug' tell the reports of the then ome Men came','to ; me, bought ma, once while, the Moths. will get ill ther Viincess. Beatri wore a ain ai o3he is really more Anxious to' hniEili Policer.Court god they will soon. see. And' .'under the EgIrms'and *attempted. to. extricate - and make. you trouble." of white corded lined With satin'Ai . id the seam"Ibian, to see her buaband t96 better still, let &�great number I -waswedged in.so tightly that they It she 'd only . cominbriced to talk, you bordered with pomp adour. rnouBselihe -d a- riage by telegraph On June 41h, 187q. A co haven't lost her," replied Mrs.. Spoopep- despatch WAR Sent to , Shaw by -the Rev� little things that Make home happy -are for- notes 'with each other And Bee what has- could nt-move me at fi�st, but I begged. 11 sole, and a ptticoAt :of -white Satin X _4 - �. .. - hose. S. Cott of Newark, saying Ives Be earnestly,to be. taken out that thq were You'll have duchesise, draped, with pompadour and gotten because of tlie supposed larger daii�s been the state, of things with- theinse dyke, wrinkling her. 'ife no trouble -with her it'ghe's got started.1, ZYOU tak ray Wright,, due*to society or the church ;. And the�.�.v and their friends for the laist thirty'orfoirt �ed toi Bupekhuhl*an� 'efforts and they y. urg opped, up With bunches, of-Bliaded roses how present, to, a your i- d with the ' design ,of, :the twedded wife??' To this',Shaw respondedi by her self-absortion in it years. . Sometimes the, complain ' b is that finally succeeded in get Hello, hello I call up Xr..Spec4Iewottle,?' correspondiv of his city' b- life'outaide doesi inoie tdmakei he rhuibbAnd :these'niaighbors are cold and re t'ngl me out- 1 was 'bowled Mr..S�oo'pendyke, apparently con. mousseline-de-soie. .' Head dreRR�460bers,. , 1 served; that. sent-toille Chambers Street'Hospital and, W
died at 1, diamonds a;ncf'emeraldg.�, "Orna they have lived next.door; - fok-years without afterwards home.' : My husband vinead by his wife's manner of liar own vai ill; 11 And two witnesses beillglat ' each cauSe the one all a � touch'e� very nea'rily, and' so much as exchanging the time of day; the hospital." -a x�erien.ce; - �There,ehe!a. gone. No :use, -diatiaorlds %ind emeralds. 8�, end of the line, the martiage was accom- k I, 1. .� Order! I ,I for Me to try'anything when- you'ro-round., pliBhed. The bride was. very - slow., About. - this other she in up',poes on y.a wo a, that t ey keep theihoelves to thrnselvea ;� The p or young woman here buriqj�4gr fare i6torla and, Albert, the Crown,,'�of� 1iidim, niDg her husband, but' at last, afte . r I he o -that a 0 n the Portuguese and the Saxe. 301 -seaiisgT er,-Bbb subtle they Are proud, and go on, an in her fia ds and broke. completely down. notheitime' I want�to,talk thrcugh� a, Ill taks it over in a vacant lot'l Order. The',"'D haR,: up-ai&-hope-of h* 6f.4e'IfiSbnes6,, be"o-'auso I 'ambi so On., It ;S'a matter for great thailliful- 'Her husband. was the only support of telephone I �c
16i soia Goth, . Family
the Ddyou know of anything, t � -1 , � Appeared oneday in Los Angeles and was., tion makes soci al care and. social negs W`heu this'is ihat will keep of Connau-h't wore a the* case. .At least family, -6nd: they are without means.. iet f Rion ti�ken put to the recluse Is mountairi: retreat . b good woman mes -better this ' than � have the You al'f iend. The latter went� diit a ple�a�ure -abd ten' ti doin, to -take p a -Spoopendyke, his v demanded, Mr. t Ain of rich"prune and'gold.-broicade, by a� inutu r I � really an familiarity or the. warfare with. which the little boy as the reporter withdrew. with pals blue satin, arid;a pottic6ai�& ini.agines to' be 1 a selfiali, .:is 4ath rising as he, con in advance to prepare �the :-bridagroomi enjoymen I pgf templated his ill vsage� 11 Nevei mind the ,.Jo . We'. -have many 'are tried. Think of the, easy No,� boy. White,satin, draped withfulle and duchasse, axpense. Just name 'the article whom.he� found clotbed. in' a shirt And. ca, r Why teried up With byaciriths and sprays gatheririgbotley. He was prevailed *upon oo, ,QF leads a neighbor All Illy When yo known - wom w weary of familiarity which to' yight.. Dooa�bye�11: hi woulddicof didn't y6niell me, u referred I'd." Headdress-aitiaka of diamonds, to-don,a, Fair of trousers to meet hi's brido 3MV919 lug�.s`94190 Odle, Y11K. 0 e continually running in aitid out, aid The poor little fellow could not realize 't 'a I k ofit. But your measly old dad, that I was. proposing of g Ieknuz J ey,W.. th f.a1h r and veif; orname: 3till more, whiahleads servants to spend at his father lay still 'in death in the marriage 'to dGd nts, diamonds. The meeting was rapturous and the, coupe this form- is far half 'theii'fime in idle gossip over ib,6 back room of the humble h6 me. d"*ied , steam die-, OkdarB�'Vibioria .'and Albert, tl�ie Crown of h, i I I � tionary?'?, Set up-.h.cusekeepiDkin ashany��Wliiiih iotpiier seah-A,ii the -husband tbA n -in t' a fence. Thiak.6f the pro6essofpromis Piussia, the. Saxe.CiD&Irg, -no - big ,Say, dear., -under the bra, of a gn can- ti Shaw had - built wife* He" ",as himself up to his, business, cuous and contintisl, borrowing extending ---Brlde :w1unlog. I tsl iiougb it?". and Gotha Family Order, And the Medal - -tree*., To the, bridegroonils.6tore of only B,�Jririge and 'fragment of to 9,11 manner of articles, from a garden of cooed MrBi Spoopendykes auxiolus Wilisarm, oUthe Golden Wedding of- favorite The. natives Australia facilitate the . 1 - I ': _,ihe'Emperor of aliiiiis -and boncyWas add4' th� gift of a ber,husband.'- W thought to theWom ar� whom he idolized for hoe to a. cupful of. porridgii; or, a 4�dra,*4 �ceremoriieB of Germa;ny., bo wooing in&- woriderful ',way., Isi there anything you'aaillb,Aalk x of iaisins from the a month, or eve, with rare fidelity of mas lig Man, fanci -he Those Who know the terror if a you R6� a 'pretty girl, through 9 ".'squealed,Xr. Sp6opendy'ke, be- this primitive fashiouAL6 couple lived for fiiine affQction, for %.tWelvemonth.- When. his One I -Arm -Men Care I I 6r., and worry of such a State 'of friendliness justknooks -her down, slings her 'over me ed two years, when, the woman grow weary .1�jie comes holne,ha lea�es his., mind.An: the Will be'the first to cry for. perfect non-, shoulder 4: nd: e , arrieg lier,home.;. ginning to X-eulize that illere,Was', some- of f I ashiblis in fig leaf , and- an awetio diet, 0 thing -about the telephone. that lie did hot ah y uladiep, d -11-Wheii L"get a eavy' side-, and took up her residence in he town. counting-ro6m and only brings hls��body t acquinitailde, or" at the lealst. for a condl-, -. A.Iovd-sick Rlmuck gathers. his-Iriends ,is as,a big mAn, with h a togotber_ma�k 0 0 'a IAnd often 'po AS_& .1 r ug for you diaphram *ill be Whigki Sir hat Shaw grew. more eccentric, - and Some of the Biippdr-table: Heis ge�er abstr oted 'tion,of �'rmed neutrality. _ Ohi. the awfui- raid on the houB6 of his
�1111 Yi ii t eh th ars, ahict A ilitary t, b6tokened sitively, cross, wi -haB nees- -of W, q 0 a � in a any inamoratA, eudgeloL his intended father-iu- on as in the'presenee a � neigh received So many.kebuffs from him that, if t n t I a ti.te r derAre; and heL*aR��& his Otteranc, I a". d be a wought steelt; with long service. un .ho had wc time, and does. not- hesitate"Pto MaAe,hak law and bangS Lhis proSpectiva, mother -1'12* jail' bor.,w )rried him; led'to the-�vbsxge iBitb&r into the kitchen or the bed- road tracks for t I that 'ehebosenaitive;' sho learns to study him way. lawi'and'earries, tbemaiden oft vi et ams. - , wiiei, and I -don't 'be-, orle�armed man_ The emp y speve tba6 he was insahe. Tfie�testimolny n furtively before�shs-ventures to dare_ss� room on I#etence oi: being have that wili'l9lat mor'n subourand a hung tit hip, right bide told of. glory sou.ght Arid Said o An EBquima," youth inust'firstshow his ha][1 lffellv,be I llo-o-o! wa;ke tip an . d call and of H te'd in the r6hearing was v , ery_-conilio,tiri�-,�, butit theq.nietoftbe evening fire him f neigh- ability to boas a houseliold-by Rlaughtering� paril undergone. ewaBeea even in 1 they, what is to be %1V lish street - resta was shown that - the philosopher was not side.; 'and if she be, not selisitivO' she bors who . have � a' taste for rnonstrousiv a bear. � If ho -can do this he -is thou-Ilf fit up SpecklewoCtle I 11 I. Mr. Spoopan�yke an Eng I . , urant,,"laiBurlBly .1 - , un, 'to I 1. � rattled away tit the crack until his arm' bi"Wa6tina an& going through - th� dan�erous ; so, he has once. more rot ad-' answers ba9k, and each sliaip battle of, -and disagreeable. pets Who I keep'. grptliple;with the. dAngers, lot, matrimony. fo words separtttesitbem_farth�r and farther poultry in the back' yAra-I and ached. mot ns of, the meal with a: graceful ease.. to e�jqy his coMMUniou. With nature, from each'6ther.' The beet� in main. ' Having'a'ec')Mplished this feat he, casts his, ,Be patient,' dear. . You said she had that betokehed.a Man. of high breeding. an are Most tain %. continual cackle, the cook -crow- eye about for' a Spouse. He forthwith cousum,ption Cure. go 'IN ife �4Ad f, I easily subject to this unieolascious form', of �ing under one's window, whose dog" conT elkeBher.' Sha� bites, kicks, Re , rat -chi -ea. and Ilej and iVs a long way Around. to,Mr. ever n;lind the kn ork " he Dr. R. V. Dear Sir Death was hourl subtle Selfishness. The higher: the, thoughtii finuallY either - bAys, the Moon -or, mourns- yells, while all t a Specklewottle.'s house. Perhaps he iifn't gaid�' As,tb6,ih66qUioUa*- waiter placed those h women in the-- village t k expected bkmyself-and'friends. "My'pby,gioiams home,� ai ful implements beside., the savory a as p onounced my disease liousumptio ,, and "if! an1 the larger the work the greater' tb ad she's waiting for him." use a abBan6e ; whoBe 'eat concerts rush to her r6scue.' But it the young man That's the way it works, all 2" shrieked, tbat I began taking yoLii " Discovery danger And the easier the foirh6d ibe basis of,' b meal I ;m I inUSt. die. ause- t a every lawful evening, to *hich the qatho6d. Oan catch her twice more aftar be- sed nine botdes and am )ndykei g r wife; "It already provid6d," So isaying he and', Pellets.'? Ihavou As Rome of the Esqui- onderfully ielleved. I ain now able toide out. Reader 1,we will, Dot say w �Natbanto of r the neigbbo'rbobd� are invited, orwhose rescued, she is his. log, Mr 8 11 la ing at his' David Thou'art the man -", but 'we'will of a neighbor, too� �`Oupieo 'get hold of it ! When 'I i Call drew, , 1rom. - Lis pocket a small zpl&�otc., ? Then think mail have,.brawny arms, and Be w4WB of ELIZABETH'.THORNTONT, goiibollgd�-Ark. :say interrogativ�elyi Arthou, the man ? If musiibai , Ot�not melodious, howling %like x that gi�l She goes home to' dinner, and Morocco � case, And removed -1rom �.ii untanned sealskin, the chase is quite 'at- 'along in the evelling'abe goes Around -to an ivory -handled instrument, - highly. you want to., know, ask your mMe hns-_ a floggied,bound at'all timely.aild unBeason- 'citing to the young man. slob ted: The man,of EQII others most. c ra; band or wife -to read this Aicile; and then,, ah,16 houre S�echewottle's house and brings, hiM here, polished', that looked Strikingly surgical and.their housesall so undeaf- In Central Asialbe tribes give the girl a in a back 1� Tbat �our idea of it ? Or, its Spotless "brilliatcy. Openilig this by for his -self- enial was Ann to -night tell you whother. anything of, your 'enedl It sets clheiB teeth on edge, And -show, They. inount her on a flostporly and perhaps you've got some, sort of a '110tio the�aid of his mouth 'and,,his remaining face can be s6enln this mirro. -0wistian makeB thwheart sink down whether it likes She Starts off on the plain I ith a: tribe of tb t n I COBNIS C AZNS� Vxion� �'youth after be '9be generally mana geSto a ahe runs the� wire through Speckle- hand, he diselos6d,.*bat pro ad tO, e & r. Discovered at IE st. a it or not. Then the 0solutelY;'Ji 6Wingly, 4mady that ii su� wottle, turng-onthe current and slams him knife and f6rkdombined'. . One side,''Was' fli, nd painles6. PuTNAzrr's PAI.14LEss CORY EX- malicious -neighbor, the, drunken ne, the especial favorite come - tip ,With� I I .11, `66 side of the house I ., well, ahar�ened'khife,, and At the ends w iiis, never Causes Pain or even swearing quarrell right'up b.ere t r ere TRACTOR never fl They Wcren't-Sandwiches. ivgi �busi'vd ohe, the one. her fitst. ough r L ale broad pi. -at, Served'- the slikhtest,diseorafort. rBuy Putnam's'Corn witk nois That SIourdd�A 9 . Well, she don't; and -she th Weill the .y, impudent, ill-conditiorlsd child- Utt,6gL: Of Extractor, and beware of the many :che* dan-' In the great Eastern islands they have a -ak bar back- trying. oma,ka's: L . The larket. 11.1 or 11 I L' gerotiCandfIdsh-eatiligsu tL ran, the one WW a, or w oi� raee� for it. �Alcourse is -staked but, the. girl and Ibroug y, ee , P the AmongLthe-score of ua� v'vho rushed -into. �tbrashek his wif' h bra purposew(4 a f bstitutOsih the n OUSe In IBBISSIPPI L a t ua railroad eating 'h M %hiobetters siarti, and -if -three 0 of herself, like some women A dak, was h Call oth gialf, L yqu �howit- works,". And, then hiR breakfast beg&33.. By thigL.time the Sri ierileigbbor�, 'times ro . Und Arai "'h fi` �' 'but* understand 't. or a pABsabl' a els, ree, d k ;the wri, a' love IrismirArb eUp 0 Bay ho' Many It IS L faltbred� Mrs.' S'poopen v a.,, U. 'Says ter'; anitou! to learn More of the The B ar ing ro.In of,hishy
was a eba;p who � had ad od, even for neighbors.w&,�sfter, 'generally, notided 'that eL Came , pay t rR 4' h hed man, tooki Beat so's boot somethilijunpleaBantwhon h' aevices of t 'a one-arr -The old nro, are s,rahgo Y -footeq',,ma'idens ore fpr,�i� Meal. e,wma grovQ1ing�.wbsU,'he.,, ng� �'. . r. -;h a& a t Ill 1 L ", �, �,��There's-th�1,6oMbinetion.'I", yelled. M ,'At 0 in 9, a and ordered � his bri6k accasio , , " 'L I. � L . .1 I H,* , L L , d I while Ile h d nano he jawedLal the Spoopeodvk6-� 11, YOU,got your work in that isreinarksont e ease'an . grace Tbe.f( Golden Iiiii,ow of Ya ulk = Freaks of ILIKilt1ii -they Ave �&--Oanoe race. 1!�i and la. Up to_. t]laL In Singapore h - L It :1. tell his- a' y . dn't' OIL I may be retained by using Dr. Pierce'El IFAvoriti) when, he -alouch( A,Iioe;LCarr,,of Cuba,'Mo.,Was killbdL bv ThegirlhaRa bjg-'startj�paddiii or, own line Wil di YOU me I war� '4ithwIlich the" P h, a b . 7� joint'fimife ' ' rg4rj� i6n.;', a apecide - for, fem 16 � rom- r MM pay his, Be�ehty. Ave cents hebroke lightning H r clothing and the walls', if canoe-, and bringing,thie thing hometo the inventor and. -fork were well received, a
can generally '�Aes6ape -out wit oj� ,,a : . : . 11 o, ge WhaVil'you want toLlat"I]�IRL etanduphere� -and thelo'emaiined, Willingly explained B�. druggists.' Therri fla . the. ro ,a Bet on fire. -caughtiagallesees fit," 11 . I L ; udwicheo are. enough to kill a. John English was stnick.by'lightuinig in .. In the c' and'expliin -this thing:tQ� the o ly,dompre-' Borhe'at the many�':devicba. thaf.Aid-glid, dog I" ountry of 3h6.:Khurdw a Man, hehrive brain. that fo ? bib, , ru&i�L din the war resort to for self- -The fashionable salad is invariably well his houswilear CaAlllac, Mich... He wa.-i wrapahisbridoupin axedclotli andearrieg Wi ever ,tackled it r ere me What saudwrolies V not th what you knoir - now, . and Re I rVice. d luiured above. his'wast, but his', log wore hei.hom� like a sack of meal,,all the I&dieB, Why, them on the'table." pe . Itin I g:.bi . in �. with . Stones. :This ;ciiRtom , what You've got to 'fiiid out; YOU only This I knife and fork," be Said, 11 wore Our Progrefj&.' But we have no, sandwiches on the aralyzed. needs, *igL&Ud a law Suit to be the wlioldl among the first inventions for one-armed I tall Yo thili, Ao' stsges are ickly abaudohsd��withthb. man rode'under a tre at affords; am adinirAble opportunity with science of�electricityi is"th d have table, Sir," prote4ted the laiiAlord V I UrlUg &�_. .1 I L I been in usofor many.years. c'om�lstion of rai roAde, so the huge, dramatic, Mound City, an., d Shower. SlIghted:beauty to,�get even. -with. a'gay� a men,, an You haven't I's 01 'like, way.�it workal " and -Mr. 'Spoo hs,ve other devices not go �cathartia pills, compw6d.of crivIe"and, bhlkY We'lli to Lightning struck the tree- and killed the Lothario. pendyke. But we br it. LknoWn. ickly abandoned with the iu-�
: ble cin a Air know what you call. them rciiRti4 brick.' U a Ma kibi brouglit the box a � hick thsot i Mi Purgative borge, an escape with k% a 16 France a n die a with the ad For instance, wher troducti. bats on that bIue.ph_t_te_r�_:'2'. -light , I.. See it works? " he demanded, p'nlliiig, tile, face arid hand I ba�e affixed to Mi basin a bi6b -L are shgar-coktbd,`ndL little You didn't try to eat one of thosd�?!' pa;rentsof,his intenddd,'of whom he'Beles. k1l brugh;, upon Which I rub my o6ap and I I tb tarA geeLls, but cojnposed 'Of ei ly GO' .1 , wires until.thay, out L his hands. - 11 Watch em� ar in :1Y . as, I did'11? oLowder of Eurs", Ill., Was little dr nothing till. the trade,hi f li, in- necessary. buds. en -I big%.. tying a horse in his Stable lightning Struck' :pleted. itwhile I coney Your regardB'td.the other thus, raise the I .! . . I I . Youth makes Iovd, his Ant i0dilt iny.ii&ils I stick a sharp:kn' Then' rriy, triend, you'llad'better go -for them, killing'the' ho4se an4i �iving Lowder in Engl: And D" , lUnatids ? tl -and lie danced on the remins W 0 to -bis instrument, and, aiLghed the.frag-' ink ully� -6 died inA few days. prospective rnoth6r.in-law,'aud toadies his &doctor at once I T am are table 'orna-' such &,shock that h of the i' the table and paSo them carol w little �iiiiati th Monte, made of terra-cotta, and'were placed menti�ag , � -- , ' . ,d.th'eL.6dg6-of_ be is. ill Up RpMe'I J The tbr6e daughters of, Jacob angdlls'father.,If they bee.fil a,b6ginothe. there hQ)P'f :,And o' catsA dear," remonstrated Mis, shoe in'&'bo,vi-k�ot.re4nird,d,'Iolig rical M6iow1g,of-Winona, nweteplaying-ini. __chagq-After the. objecit,of "his sffeetious.�, A, g aUity,bUt 1�cand Nor tMISCHIFVA)�, BF, pilcipen ykeiBputterin &roundafterhim 4'n '13 I but you must bave lived in a, c ebrak6. -long, purae or a" good rerit-r '11 have be.. o'itt a ingei t' 0 It's"ily 9 Ifow � I do it eanno explain, �in all your life 1,` . : , alid�-,ikrylng, to Boothe himi When we now. TT done' it'is �ecessary'that'renle(liel)r:i3lnco3d tbundbr Storm;. A..iBtrok6 of"Aightning- found -excellent weapons f6r,:tbis apboies'of, the �ublJb- for general usd snould be The tr&Vellorr rushed filito,tho sr';alld' want'Mr. Spookle*iittle: again' we'll juBf iords. .'For a long great, before killed 'two' of: them, * and "paralyzed ':t'h,6 hunting. ' I % - .1.1 ` 6 Orne of,medical Elud perfenb6d in''W6, 'send a servant around 'after him., That'll trouble in.buttoning my collar, bUtn6w no. On C tigg nature . and action bf dr 6nd the, form' of -11. they agresa- n the ordAhiBui.'
b ilk at A, . brandy flask, and hO hdIii'Ambrics L the,-youlIg',p0loilO iSke-Ahe lie M - bililiesi L tha,ri�r resist'me. I nergy " , i Tba mix-' et over L lookingale for� three hours. U trusting t6 a� nasty*, button, da beli " eve I =
g'tb SU' Lightning Struck the house of 'Mrs. C, whole I]iusfnes's into their own hands.' L It is Wire, and I know thgrd� WAR Ar '40 6witolles of flMacb6thI'L
idn t Aud they were Rabdwioh6s after drought "ovroit half as much,duri Reration as ture in the',cau dron of, th, s # MR Ipg 11, d f t, L' A- real good hAm sandwich'e made tbat'day. Z 9 go -M -YOU rough that box. 'for 1.6ould foel-,it a�s most, mob who, have wo - W. Jenniu&, df,dmenville; Conni k, �.pleasd All, th a 0. would-be ati'ratlon4l ruedication Of the a hole in th roof,large'enough,for w maill 11 b-, arid if the goal is t6ry often the 'If 9" villainous stuff every day taken bv the credfilouil The landlord bad adopted tbat iieular .0 soon as it *cahie in the room Can you Shae yourse for the cure, Of diseaso.L it is a gratifying and, to crawl through, �Au Oak taftei was divorce co-�ri, it saves an immense amount, roared.:Mr. of oiyle'inatead:6f us -Detivit -Free you could, �ftidl t V !if Oh,, Therwis no dit Ity--abPut, hotable fact �that since the i0roduction knocked to splinters, and th� light b y'to the old folks And on ASAYA UtIng ran of responsi ilit 'In fa6ti iU;tbd..tWe11LY YOMS Since _WHEET`ER'S PHOSPHATE SAND- CAI ILSL jet: grnootho�L Spodpondike, r&tbejWondojir]gLhowbeLWaB tbat. Ave 0'ev'pr equ occasion, OL down between the dlapboards� and.: p a rough ways-,most,offectUally. It t y- arm �ho'harmful.resultsi ba b d xccount to the. �complahy for.the' Antietam, Where. I Ina 'tilf h - to, t E folloWed 'until �is the girl; too,whici often, does, yot L ir Robin li 3;L -Mi hi waste pipe. This it to ------- ecome almost perf all the. 'quarry firowses 'on �"13 the huntlugi %nihi was called, magician be- t fd�ched And B"ttbied lobs is &nd� in onion, I'd hire Out a eq istaf - oomf'
sensitivenef a u i or ort.11 Philadelphia Tiin�s. �Pag
Afbisr 'the battle of Fair Oaks, live huw aliking:Stc, -7- and railroad bonds. r his. orchird V, Axi'a ith-iihis cutminiting cause he could 'draw "a 'wail. out o!f died woundod 'Alaboarilans lay at Peach Ilia, Pain. in, 1M1r,*oop.6ndyke crushed big hat DestilutI46n' in the Iffighlands. fiddIe. Or6hardin tb a mud and ra�in - ''Union orii. L is ' I . 1 A'Shower, efL Boras. A` Cincinn man woli't ad! and Soldiers were doi*ng Ail One of the largest.damB in the world and rushed around to Mr. Mr. PiBtotkin, L General Superintendent of they The inost rem&rk pmenon re4 d 9110,11, that, recently completed across the Ottawa Speoklowottle's to Red, what ba better be Vertise because so many other dealers o. a the ...,,,,for them, preparatory to. the Sanitary 14ting to Iowa storms occurred at Ind6pend., Poor, has. summed up -in He hasn't made a dollar for the )sit teh' River, about 40 miles 'above 'Montreal. The done about the matter'. boats at White House. "Ids Are �tviro miles long,, with A fall Of 10 en6e, not long'ggo, when'66 people at night, I don't care,",murmured.Mrs. Spoopen- Board of Supervision the r=.'.tf0,. 411B years becawe so many other dealero'have Doctor," "a,"ath etic fel, ra�Pl ware aroused by loud pelting - kiinat the' �dyl' I investioations in the Highlands a;nd Islands�' -he bad been his, feat. The dain was built to rvi,iBe ille'leV61 ke,agahe floppedidowri on-the-floorto Btiess among the orofters. low rried only three days windows whiii)i could not be aodounted for ick up"th6 pieces dAed tel Let no,oneno,OV omit to buy of the Ottawa River, to supply.& new da.iial' p of their, regarding the'di before-" doctor, I,feel cold. Is this aeath'2 until the next Morning; whouAbousonds'of box. �,. no),, UO, have an op It afford &U. -interesting, glimpse of the The. fragr6ntL and try constructed at the same tinie, and As It port it'' for' Wa a' 0 g up'.h v It seems to be creeping to my:.b,earti Ibirds ward found dead all over the city. 'It standin troubles Arid trials of this hardYL ro'b�, their n the aware. closed, vera.channeIg -in ' the r ere and talking t_ot EL gi I Rd si pIqpIeaL_vMir6R MUd-the OUR 6-m—Barisrn-9 have no feeling, in my feet, and'm thighs had beABn %'literal sholn�of Wxdo,�-Snd,_ iW 't through which the greater portion of the, "and W t i Bage -strange"till-'r Been such n. Aare numb." C6U&dfliad over expression; of 'her Batisfacti O� from their long poilodg of iflAOIAtl0 ve t a in, speaking -of t winter bucket of hot soup,� and �proceeded to fill arld Wribi says mi�. Poterk OT Iwo, Ill' fiiza,�thei we reaultofthe experiment, Mr —A. -F a d a r ail � s ol a is r - - rianie-- - ul �quare-.'timber-cfit-W-tlle --upper -0 ta birds before. M VKJ�V he taries, psased,,it necessitated tban a anowbird - atid,Aoir- OQl0r dike broke 6,W the 'ends o p open. ' d a ring nioths, 11 potatbes,are plentiful the building of a slide,600.feet -Jong by 1�8 filie. 1 ires, an� p canteens and.filates. He Appeared to he's ' = like It. is supposed they I n and-,ther is a. eupply of salt herrings or' and possessed !eat wide for. its passage. Wherothe--.1am rL. intoaVoiteX , - a d Iiid them away to crimp h r 6i on. othL relative OfMaA Tapleyj ia6. with a werie:d a n, Way down SoUth r.-fiih, and abundance' of mesl,.witli.a. is built"tte river is 1,866 feet w W a the %tniosphere thoo6 little jo%: and nothing to do,'the mi2ch of'tbat estimable person s Jo i y. and rusbed,through 0 irely epth ranging from 2 to 19 foci, -slid [a out to ctimmit Suicide. pe6ple, (the crafters and cotters) are ent Come, pardher," he said, ,"drink yer mile.., AUPL urront of.nine. miles an, hour. A crib .1 c y, tbis'll warm ye sock J�-, 0
Now, old ho PY."L it is gratifying to learn that 60ea slide A lbrilte, VI"llor. timbor will Oaag through this (Goo Itlis A good rule to postpone 'suicide, At lisp it down and yerm see yor sweethoart feet) in one minlit4alo least,.gay, for a period of 24 hours.'' Had potatoes baveblean provided onctoaitpeaxl�. Ain't you ashamed,gir; to come home' -these' soon. You dead, Ally-bammy I Go '�vray,, 'Herr Sandtlilafin-,,the ir vu - When are watches easily stolen a ru bur Reichstag, done this, ou ?-Wh g in the'German I will. to ybur,wile 2il raised in Glasgow, Edinburgh and else-� What I not any ? heyare off, their guard. Who 61BIJ L would yorl �Oeo' me -To come - he would probably have been alive to -day. �here, Wig to be hoped that,,,the, miefor- Git out':;'you'll be glap on yer-logs next: The death of S ir John O'Shan . 11&6y�of the, bOL 0 But heYle3ded to the n'e'ws of an impeiiding ioraber for Him verywhere by the proprietors,. and
hundred a nken man R't'tbla dead hour of 'midi. IppReA being.supplemented by'the funds M to. I ain't that oorfdr a: man., Sh tunes anticipated in the immediate future week, arid have another shot- a�i me the 0h JuSt'urlilounced, No 'you claimah to be - I a i J a 'spcbable 'ooman business failure, - and the telegram which colony -of-'Victori do,' came on the following day, Stating that the will be tl&ed over. �YOU.know OU- w h,.--y.bu,. 'Only Lar week-arter- ill. _,ble olonial politician MO yer 0 I f dour t�6risis bad been moti rived ill, rebil I say, you with the bu users, ever lived.� He wag several times prime. so, I am arrespoo Ub a womani very popular, wiih I ILL, .. for the inqueSt.1 Lond6ii Globe. -Alligat6r'belt6l ar wakeu 'atid,ta'kegome..olthiB.,-�Ho�16,lAd, Minister, Arid really was.,the founder-oi-tho.. _Ycu Eih4mdlesb man." alfokfliand broad- P -the colony,,for the girlo just now, pardner, I Wake up I" Home gule,ConBtitution of Then it you are' a 16pecable 16oman �The man has not'' yet bee eAume it IdAinle p6pularliy He Stirred biba. gently with hiR' band which7 Re ivicb be was. knighted; though for ain't,you"fillamed to betalking to adrunkon� n, diScovered '616th will r8au-e it he bent down to t I onch his face. A. grim: a time be was, regarded as 'it , reb6li He mail at , tbe'd6ad hour of midnight ? , B Ill. who c9,u take off big pat&IO6UB at ,light when the. evenings a little warmerf:: nose came over his mairimentI The man sprang from.,the Irish peasant claasi and' whatsher g1vin' us 211: Without -tumbling everything,out of big r. A pookets, �X6t � woman will, brough, wasdead.-qavi. atp�,qfa �Toh.Combatant. always identified himself with his Irish fellow 0016nislB, having been. for years the most'inclined-to- Ahoss-qamt�' aM%Utoobt�iifi "permission 'from 1118 Wife Up to a new- -color 0'orushad, �angleworm;�j,Iead ei-lat-�he�-liSathoLl'i'etarty�SSL�it J eS DT1061668ly that even t before lie can �go 4 Up in %`balloiin; -Th eHa was the prompier �of the 1 see there Are'several editors en date there has not been,onaappli6ation rb- a ge many Is in being rather overdone, Ono cann6t,look in Victoria. g about it.,
afused, and the authorities are into the striet without seeing the color dis'. spi6rldid contribution. from' Australia. for for Eurc&," remarked'a. Main Street beginning to P dsant resul ts fro4cuftomiiro of Ohl,- ,-A -Russian in the Uslay peram6ntgLho,,�ing.usbill7ibvi7�A-. 88 the, relief, of tbb last Irish famine. Though to& frien1 "I Wonder why tboysolect think the law might vell be repealed.., inplayed on hats, ribbons, dresSes", 0hoe-fiesi peninsula cl6dma to, have fo4nd'in Use there epresslo or Ow 16iter of hig"native land,,he w", tbii Reason of. the Year �for A trip.', bich cauBed.by Indidostion OkLLJ,�,er fiohbld�`L�"W:b and on a windy day that is a I y th6smalleSt fdoin 11 in' the World. � It is a Bd�utifufis'the activity W works YL day day when tbe w aid a6fter the' O'Cbbllell over Joya to The crown jewels of Prince are to 66.6fia, tree. for good ; -blessed the self-satriflob of the QU6dh_ViaorijL P a t ' h ' 0 Imperfal Goverh� sold. at auction this Me] hilnute Water Made from the jui it li.totb, 'for up Se'a 1� its value is abouti.the millionth, part 'of a One, arid blessed 'the:; self-forg9tifulneo" of popvintioh enough" expl 'Cent merit. anAtory roply.' vUislUft' y a' " dollar. I the other. right I 0 i
th a
on r
8 b a r