The New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 6. ......... died very young.' Oil 'dark,nights he also $500 ;REWARD T ts a lan�ern, Josh is I butter for R. Coats SEEDS 1 SEEDS will pay the above reward. forany cAe f' liver AlLint, dyspepsia, sick headarille, indie$t 0 & son, and AND GARDE ton, con- A LORS, � PO is�one of our popular boys, Ile OW IN STOCK FRESH FIELD X stiparion or costiveneps ve-czalnot curo with west's "I 111111C 1, r in; N Seeeds, front the 4 probably wears as. good Clothes as any one lost reliable Seedauten, Vegetable Liver hill when the it* ly I I V irectiorle life, strict tow and always tries to lead the style. We conipliedwith. fie� turepurely vegetable,, 'andnever 'ArWifM2 WHOLESALE fail ty iv , 6 War coated- 14 0§, sh.Ul d jud. c that,he was ab :ut' 24 years old coutainin �O pills, ior sale li�A'all go %box _1 C111111 40 0 if it v, ,ot libellous we, would'stato that 4 Beivare of� colunterfelts and fitaitations. Thdgenuin c th and as c we fro.m,Goderich twjvh�hipj but as it is, infactured only !by John 6. west d. Co.�. the I'll, ITry. our choice Tea at 50--c. orlb. In MARY -ANE) I CIO not make the sta a is b� eypn� ulakcrs,`StI & 82 King St. Toronto, Ouir Free we trial i)aekago Neut by irtaillprepaid oil ieceiptof a three a genteet kirid�. iiljd Nk rb(pir Inelt;lts itic- alldoubt.a lady kiJI& ol atho wft,ze 'Tws c Irancho n1eVft% 14111d liet-4-re the it is hinted,thatbe has been ensnared In re Jp- yslowberiding ub :tJI1iyiofXeW .1 I lis lastflilficeti is, 4 pretty town at1, as wo wrinaerld aran grea than once:. TRY S CELEBRATED HAUS. The reat WL'Ilrultd:6 its a nest like the IEr, I GRAY'S SPECIFJC !ttEDICIINU. "! erS. girl to whom Daln�a Rximor says he will riO whispered of licaitityaud lo�e TR birdling;4 I a A lar�e (triantity- of Lanill Rernedy. All un, soon be inairiOd. Com attiin4s the B' P� Salt In stock. failing 'cure for Se- And never more. Oil, ye tist church �Alid sirigs in the choir., � He has a s! she replfed, and cau furnish it ni e initial wealness,hu- ct"I 4) t-I)e I'll ails J. McGARVA. n much demand, at Tea SiW Clinton,'April 9, ISS3., Albert Street. torrhall, and all thlere's ifiLmv a �vohltbier inan times arid for �socia,18 ew Fair Minus a, f creatare egr" of conceit, a,seqLt cases that.follow as Vould gtadlk. hive you ior C/2 he call love yo nicre fondly a_O s:1.1i 110 ol 4� d lie is� not a bad '14 But hnfellow. H 6 resitl6s at pTesentatMrs.Sba�W'S. It q Ilse Oil! had u W Universal 031`J)0t8',Qf 61d— Alonzo. If. ManninW. soledaud ,�rdous JONES �& to follow the iashiou ai)d open And of,511vor—rA Consideration, Be ore Tali= IAfter: Takhg. Upon &st acquaintance Mr. Manning gires blo6k, aa Society Column.. We are not above imitating o1old it, One'tfie that anytbiug of vj�inoa, In'ernatut e, and inany other diseaialt; 'At the" REI) he don't know is P� �hat lead to insalifty� or consuritption and 9; pretnature no worth' He hj 11rave. S�rf,�ull parti our 64 contemporaries w ' Ien they� make -knowing. pp6ars� to have & Collars in our"15allipillet, 3ylliell Sub me contempt for all othei mortdIS who muhinis Sl When �all tl,� to Xest, L move in, the right direct�?n, 'and henco *6 %ve dcsiiL to siid free by inail to every one. Th;Spc- iiploy�d a real, live, full growil editor, inhabit. this mundane Sphere.' cille Ifedichie is soldl, by'all drug�ists at said V�"jtl have on for �5, or will' be ent by inail oil te- "I like- BENN to'. quaint�aiic6,- hOW6 he greatly, improveis, N the be t especially for this departnitent,,who. comes Ter, of by addressing tabtDs iftl�i HsMILE - i Co., Toronto, Out. us with the very highest recommendations as and this: manueri wears, awa_ �J)[FD -a So )y pit drugg la-yer by profession, and next to -bauk clork one thoroughly posted pon all, the social I I to lavish otir affpWotis. on that At the questions of the hour, and who is al6le i tj -tai we relsir with ever Slice . of Lumarlitv� Lou (for that is his ning td qtiquette an a H EAL T H IS WEALTIIe -y matte]r psi familiar riampywas �orn in, South �V ales, and ARd Gonora"I'; BLACKS MIME,' p � of cour glad the 4ilosoph tship.. Hq,.wilLb..e g I about tlie'Alm-quis�of bluto to r miler our 'Teader& -any�4-asaii;tai3ce-in-,.his,,.�.talks,familiarly u As she gazed at the inarvitIs of b0ftUty I0 and answers and other lto11ul I-` T C Irg ftoto questions . ill'be Upi both, eon:cl �Ivncir, in IMI;Y, in the pri"Itilses Oil Been married a twelvenionth oi- 1) wer given. Itt mill.king fiisd�bvt, the ood of-Cat�diff, ill thy British romptl� :2; Ato her lit i yea rs ago, tZditor tAinks he canpo,r, Ito better than I r, dqce to . o r of his bach for froin'Torolito: where'lic,"h'ad b. . I C, ii Oil Of ti V2 Iriends it U SO his 0:6urse, aria in that' short -period as pro- bpe, that b rie acquainted with as rll��Iy POO. only "them but bably becoi . ..... .. 0 t doing be A,�A. BENNETT
do in an ordinary life 'tinie. He TPI J�A ey say in adver.' PIC ds most 01, ):Irr, some of If ocf 0. N�,esys Nerve .in I d Brail . I T .. reatia'ent', a Lia . r- a6out five feet nine inches tal a�parb, ant6tid spooifill for ItL� [loss, 6011 vulsiolls. fits; perhaps 1, and if it were for his facei worildba'pretty Tbouison. ,seott 11.1 ., nal ill'. Ncxt doov to B9:r).3. Store Albert fitt lig Ll p and -stood, they U, aud--1ui;eUd i inoily. iwy "' - -. - --ing. He is sorn6whilioted for his 1i , badache, nervous I tioncausF ir 'weekl ed by tile List' �uontal del"Ves- care oss nianxier'of direasiii,, aria the untidy -1 S -�f ion, the braii nd for NI'lliel 11, of his hair Von d discussion, and ig it) niii�ery, ddeav aiid4eath,�Orerrlaturb old age, 0 our odit;6-�Rguld LOSS barr, title loss of lio�ver. in 'either sex; inyolu iitiZr� ever, in� XC a, r6ultin� in hisaii6
should be?c"' 4 d If it, %vJth a Sarcastic style of takin�, he becomes at tim c S , a formidable opponent in r iteaii�od 15� over -exertion -6U-7- or 65il t,i 11, a eueral; 1%racilit Repa;r tlieliam solf-ablise 61. ovei:-i lid tllg�n'ce. Onebox%vill -is considerable It rl� Society. Blacks ' b conversation., He Core receni caes'Each box contain, one' Inouth's This . eligible young bachelor was OrP than and, plays- cr4quet to, perfection.', '�The 011e,M14tr it Gx, orsix boxes for five dol-� inningLof this il Id oil r1eceipt oWe somewhere about the bog, e' � I\T�� Nv, E pret6uds'to be prett;S�. ell :Pos�ed' U I I ' b -eentary in Dishop Hatton, YOX'kishlre, E09, "on most matters, And' ban: always an e ra tee oxeS'to �eure case. '�Witb caQli or- lbfive ye open Li Came -out to tbi And Nvell land, n :tO business, but; weArif nior,,do we lart; ive-Svilf swill file our baran- was just; coming of a9c,' He may be ee�ii IiriT v Q a rs IIbelieve anyone al'se does', arlythi his, & ' Co's, U? 1161'id the nioney,if the treatment does not ef, a,very, I U Guaranteesissuedonly-by-J. H. dl�y, wet or.shi matrimoni I-intintions. Rrinionsays so and Ime, on our stFeet's promenading a ffor&9'atlbfUU- sole a,,wit for -Clinton lit. ep theill 'With their , ork:. vrith the liv6ly Ste!) and superb'style of a so, but � t lie - Old- Olt uthat� w �Jollll�C; �Vest & Co., sol� id " 01) toi�; Pr r lie is Sit to be worth bou b baVe,disruissetti her from our reportorial s ta ff. $20,000 Nyllich lie has ral. NNES WARD. i,d fitted'up,and the ,h is� b�in, JO o loconomy Sir Shrewdness. He is not ari d - .'-,Th IOUs, 8 OVERY Cii -April:1�0,1883 3airer oi the ferri ale sex and� was ne bui n toli, not oil to -ether 10 waste juy smiles on- the4 He does Whoban doubt that both for orws own cowfQrt and hofses and rievOw drive a Spanking team of the ideasure of inost important sry buy i Cream; . ifa boards at the - Qaeert7s 11i 1141� I where he enjoys plea- W a !'our- News'pap6rs arei Hot. unmolested thit III these Ainies. L c' in(! fc Cne brdorn We do no' . think he turelv ra, o t,:, o T' It I In flooded wit 'patent med"' 6 adv6rtisements SE" 1. � I bott e oi., L is open 'to procure t at to engagement, but will introduce it. -is gratifying to Luow what h will ce�rtaidl 'care , you are Billioris any of our lady illaders . ho. wish to-likyre that you. houor. blood out of orld i er, iver. Inactive, br` gene-,. OMINION HURHESTOHER., d' rally aebilitated, there is nothin�lin themorl, 'th'at will cure youL So quickly kubwn arid ters. They are. a blessing to *all' �!'I a, If y Nl%dej by St TPS UOTT�:` ajid i "qll be as Eleothe' it- Mr. E,dwiri Keefer, the well yhose spare and gr prat luol TR iN G
dskilful dentist, aceful, f an,! aue had for only'4ft �a bciiQ6 6i peop e, are 4 l i n L,:. may be seen any evening 'after busiiiess _E N T S ih� PRI Watts Co. hours'an Albert street, enjoying a walk a�ind dgn'.t j us now. �,J "T 11 OE bachelor. of iwage. Matter' bit he'Y a smolpR, is a ver n a He ball a from Thorold -on ca:nal, ombi-natiOn ac es....arid s, ar 19th Coil 9 a 00 as. and wax. bern�'ty nearly in the'naiddle of 111. 000011A al d othr d I _B tjujy. H�Uwffil ly boasts.`ofb�eiri p�in i eap i. morith they Etc,
descendant of the U.I�Loalists. Re'was. for ,oTo'W. WO 'S I e some time postmaster at'T4orold COURT CLERK The ottly sure remedy Yet y QIblifoll"O.11t. : I I stasir ot- marriage Licenses. 4tubsdqtientj W.�1C,6111c cer, 6fllue Rititte6bury succ� hi was engaged - i Cop skirt f66d"is S'ut"IiRtTh`k:�D IttoN sTEE Q0NN"EYAN( and Corset in. the. States'. A. '176ARFs �ER, an lid lusui,iuifie find 6c'neral A,poiit ' ' I � . '' . , W, to which fact may be attributed, his' long I -.c IiLoci� il-nd P ARD about two years ap:o to practice his pro- neglect of matrimonial mattiilrs�� Able to %0NE,y TO- LE� ':d! 01, fi Clinton roprie 6i,.'
A, yith the bloo �, puri es Alid 6iigobd:'M-bi-fdALi�46,�.sd'(jtirity, moderia fesision and has made his vray veri rapidly. He Piz, te at&of int6re'st enribbesit, nd irfich, ronor sports a fair to middling moustache and side whiskers, is a connoiseur of good cighrti,"'tanid blood flowing to:e' LIST OF: LkND`,SM':Hur0N FOR SALE ver - pa generally well posted oil most matters. "He.,as- AtheXanada 6��pany:, iiiay'lia seenWthe III ice: y of the systein repairs Jhe to�be a successful coriversationalisti and heundeisigued.' H. HAL Clinton. 0, -:.Out, J GHNSTON 'bates foi III , in anything, is S ENGLAD -wastod tissdes� drive particularly unwilling to much he . beate , us in talk, M. D.;, be L disea80-and health dud Outdo bfficeand.itishle, ft &Olson's Bank market square, Church. di�& who know him best, say, that he no% is really % pleasant com] ere: ing. LA strenorth. pA;rlion, if he w 'APPLITA Th . ig-is -,Vhy SUL1111UR ANID D-1 RUr G G 1 S T only not quite so conceited. i matter Of D R� AT RESIDENCE S,,. RSAPARILLA -M rn_s -iOstkcet;CIint6n OfipositatheEllglish - G __H_ LE _�J , S
013 Ontal fact. My..Keefer cah,talk of mge subjeots C Liu Feb.. E ti-triluce by aide llzo.ii BITTER', Will al,,re kid- yonug man,of I is yeflrs� 'YOUNG, lif TORONTO An than anty 'B: . I 1 ' -. dis' d ioruxifying.tho Vro "His talk is Ecis )I'll !reliide.nterat, I r door� east, of the* Whits been in use for, 1.0yetti-q. F�n,� ,;�s I b t With rapid clisliage firburro4s io roF613, Temperance �7 0 AUCTIONEEP� lasil Londegboro'Ont. itto'be th 'i geti e la", dy. pepsla, ='for 1;1('eKt rA n uralo,' R slips f rorn politics to -pun? li� g idea from '-I Te THE -SIDE OR BACK et to' iolsiliess, interniift6nt VeTS' t ll I . . PLAINT,,- PDIPLES 'ZYN TIff" the best q�14Ti�� egi illing �iitb,tlie laws that holv- -ifoF the County of t1:11fort'' Sales, att-ended. DYSPEPSIA,� PILES.. iuld all :t, The planets ill their or� - that arise.fronal a TitussES' SPONGF� ,itb same geople take. ip� and, ive it,to their _U LDi,,.f,, BI.Acr.s,
rid ending precept deep iipure blood. Thlbusailds. ot oil bi m Ps S 1. 0
-1, 0 For bldrinliag eals-or all FFICE. RATTF 13T Office oF Elliou 'T �D efug V 'Wholctiala and it Gr�' '�D AS, 1, K T'N John �,w)i6,uso�itoni�6;;�rbe6nitn'�nd it to'btia A IN SUA* LY XEPT�
Site the Tqn�pprarie S A'Cor Bleni:y and Lagaucheficre. 1� 1 11"; It'is-maderfr6rh Velloir Dock. Vondll, oto 6�p. 'Like t he, Itrael, -8 years iu tbb 'wilderno ff :a, great SU ei�cr slL ha WaDdered.2 Ss other,, *6114inown valftible. Roots'and, f d into th _Ro�-al ol e _Om� 7s Herbs. Itils Strictly ve�etable, and C tithout a gtlidi�g hand t6 16aa him tpepsia, and f6r. several. an C . C F. AN D wee &nstitution., ileasslit land If matrimony.; about five k -s' c'QuId ca�t �110' th eLniib a t; inches tall, Of at fair o6wiferratic was growt,ug weaker ��c y (Iaj�. itaq orie, �f �ihp in Use for eet nine ROgulatinghe, Bowels. sie TR'ACHEJ�, 01" D_ and wears 6 ctib%rebby: mousta.c,h6 -and e- 1, r 6-4, It IS,; Sol ' bY all rc�potit§iblei�ft srs rTf Ers;, and am happ� to say at one dollar for, a quart ;six, I lli`�d S1LJLPIfU,*P AN N.-TRAL '�DRUG BTOrffl"
-ers 'a a- b, -er t L� I , . . . B - L
whisL ul by profession. a end ' it(, . I . I CE . P "I ,ou'�, huton Styeet, Clinton; '21)1�4tite . , e flin of inathod tau�,rbt if -,I good, a member of th V I now have bottles forifive dollars,. Those obtliifi�a bottI6 of nd anit mu6 better'."it' He is well fixed so far, as tlljg'V�Orl t his Sty, ooc twe Will �Eeud it V JH1 -er ai colic 1 erned ad is GRAI1U-.AT.F,-OF T11r,AINDI send -us one dollar, and" tbathis.ellaricesaroprett Lir-for the ii6x OtOrlY Of th4i'llOspititiq N6Nv Y'ork to them. 7. *01 110 Sprung from Adelaide- ClAy,".am OR s IlurdnjBayflaldl, Out. MIIERI�.' RGI: NT. Of the blae blood which 116wi- ,F011 THE FLY, veins. At one time in - his career, ne-, %vas 6 w D ) it ar(liint advocate of. eniperance principles, ilinil. ont., TER,' IS 11, WA T!, 9i. -ii ........ . .... no I +h I . .. & drid.becaule somewhat a, eleb*rated as all orator,- Albert I EnnAT bat it is sai(I that -he bas grievionly'ba�k- a Duntla., AY (.1he on slidaeu. His bachelor quarters are immiiji, L I 11's Jo tion of I roll ately in rear of his offim. 'nd are' ost gor- awl h a t � 6ii i s 6 I 1,9 EMS PILLS.7 1 P-1 pro, I'lit I CN� rides a'bicycle when' 8 _�ttel�, � . CLINTON, WNT. in ff E,NI I A, It Buirei m a ann 11,�- i lon. . Allarge propo MrIcelleat dancer. AitOgetht ll.ilv:o human suffering r6suI*.fiom:derRngcrnCnt, ' of the WO CATHAliTIC en9�� �touiach, bowels, and liveir. yrn�'sl gOOdL CatC NVOUICI I soon. On_..thcSe_org4n9,�.and cest'll r, Josiah tAirtim, dMiursday and Wiltoll (!%Cr�' JL'J'idd,V�of ach espe lly.designed foL,&P-eltho dlgedse� caused first it be I- Stioln y d b thojr dorarigerriOnii; inclu ing CdnS 1111 tpven6on If you 'jilijiges6oin, . Dyspep!!R, ea Do yorl I;iiow L Curtis 3 inuritli, - i )EG dielic, TO 8ocrates, or solliecilier WATTS 60N te IV, itud for all of don't, yOn otiviat to. thr-itten, "of i�ll sure, prompt;,aild pleasant philosopheil, has wi MONEY': TO LENTD, a about I those P teen senses, .1 like c6milori senile .g.r.ap, 'In. regular praetice, shows as any of em." ydii agree, with O cannot help, liking 0ifrtis. He 1,11le!estilliation in' which they passed Ids 40th year, bt� by rib m6ans�old. 1011'. � , '' 'PECT LTY NVTT11 He is about five fe'et'ton inques in 'bi§i,,6t (led of. ve,,etable'-nli- A
I wo.wl'T I-, o -TON, bright ityes,-liglit hair and, whiskers, which oil. I, are always neatly trimined, and bar the'ap- P a�n �OF 'NEW YORK. pcarance Of some cafe.. He drosses ffeiler fro in.fleadetche ties: any glaring incilualitioct. "As lie s4its Chatting -it it severek
Ihawith you.110 usually puts himsdIf iu t,heo-pll �or �T P.36,)s rnt�tuir are the BAYLIEY- -,.C.lj i� F(O & ture of soine n�ient seer drifts 'on I) � ' * I L , , . .
out,. thilig .1 jool� to for, relief. One'dose througli a variety of moods 'auld si�biec III Is and free iny head eilective and the sometirtlea langiiiii, solbetinieF hilipprons, a. d Bea-�er 'block nearly always serious. - He R of a %-cry retir- to run ill and Idw ing die do So position and will not Qbirude hij.U�clf* iS. 11108t., t on anyone. He leads a. vory busy life; and B, t1l belougs to nearly every 8 beina ppointed Soll- tNow scenery iti)d furnitilre ad, ocidty,rel�rtiseutc has loug,hal (Ira,wri to twit theniselyc 'VO ,iicl luort,gar,es PC'i C, Cti n,ow On— S.. - , -see colle clintou. The Mehodist church Jl ifie, 1,-�Of Photo
his.-Sekmieesl.both in _._bbtirdi� and Sundav �IS I by 13 'If , ' , . I J :
T� tent. IQ Itlil lO:L1,'c6ntj)lish the desired re. 101, 0
ur GAO 'He is secretary o.1 the Bible 866� TOlVN II&TA, school. an ,in o, and the Prohibitory Le a Moer in Ircliabl,t I'wiffly Te. FOR, DNPk1SlA a dozen other institutions. oeverlillg*party. JA,NT & II n very Al I -wo .by'the new taneo' III- d6ne
nl -6 a is complete withont him, and he e o3 large circle 6f friends. Ile is a Cabinet maker UAIMOWII,�Writihg front e, slid does a larg and groWing bits" ays, 11tir souls years liast I have .R. D. B
01'T by trad e S�A N K E R S I - subjeQt, to in F has.- Rumor his been busy so often with cpib� of tbe of various kiids,- on% name it is -difficult to Mr. Stevens' that IANTON, int-reaging ineonverricheti,iintii Some ce definitely on his miktriuronib6 prosw D, gol beg�lntftkSll Avtill'sFIftS. Thev pronoun R E M 0 V E h:1v, eiitil-cly te costi-Ve habit, and pects. Hopes have -been of ten rallsed. 6uly to. fiu�;CLSSOks o va Fitly 6nlivoved genend health." ththsNi�w EnA nnounces that this po far I'll I of tile ite ariA 11, JOHNSTOR, TISDALbr &'GALE �hiiulatO the iptlet .bachelor's lataatencbhntregs,,� is Said to e a di "lio i,nd by tl)e�r 1�roiript'afid tb -very clia:rmiug young -tin Bluck,opositc the Rafit,Clinion be blasted, and it is with some bes�Utifion that -ta IRANSACT A tANKIN r, i3usixEss. Vigor, tO,tIl6wh'O'IC ocal AT Sbore town, not a hundredmilas f com Cli Monevadvau�etl on itfoitgniges arld Notesof hah ton. He, himself-, tliiink5 his, 6 0 va RE, L-AiLh AND 11T,IRFEC PITI me, Drsitsisitidd finytili,le ftt tho cimce'i oftlic The J)Libliviare �16ail'A e0l'tRill and because they all do i Merchant's tank of CArtada, ' Newkoilk exchange COUIUCI,�'feft. 66111111111C Slingerl' bonght and sold, PROMPT-kTIXENTiON PAID TO C . OL- lllf red for salo liv C. Ayer & o.-4oweill 011111.1114,1110. - tl;MoNs throvgh�uf,Sanalltl and thoUnited States. kill o of om, Sol( byll Druggists. A young bachelor *6 partg his. liair in the, buSALE, NOTES BOUGHT at olq)so rates, aild nio"ney, toiik 111, fil middle,, deserves to beIreali with more than advii:ucca'itio farynevi; on their own notpp�foranrylarigth 6F 'A VOUNG the wondiwful beriefl, -11840 4
-ower, All ritarketable qticuyj . y , SN' waggions Stot-.1i oflar9c 4�111 ro ordinary consideration.. The iiinoto or 1116re thilli thL, CoTilhilled cof I , - eial dffects,of re are hot many of so it the bon .1 OLD, �AND JlPletillikeX, riones'.&e. in the town who have nerve i6bough to do this, over thirty er s,.Sarsa0ari,IIa. MIDDLE- i , and. , , I . ' AIR made, iv,f Mr. Cole hOWeVer parts his hair intho -con �f . Cldld�en With sore 1, Sor E& s 9 �OWN .n'tNkErts IN ortir. A(frNTS OF T III h FANCY.r'GOODS. 1,101E tre, with colyaby and. juitifies Elt0fiANT'8'l3ANJ: OF (IANAIJA,' AGED. tally s6rtlf.166 or siphiliti STATIONERY 'AND 01 ;e, I y be unade hedittly and strong by its-uso, the Practice; itia un4orstfail oill the ground' eotb(, O.A� - a for 4C A Til E RT ST. of his ratibiditil tagtdi, .116 aptorts a moustch G EO. Y. by all DrIigaista 01, eiX li�ttlie' IiA-f E TO'' ATT-' D ADE -MARK b,
W. - 'FA 11, 11 A N7. . IST�A which is about six Varg (14i': bul� must 1ai@ . . ........