HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 5FOR SPRING 8c, SUMMER & S 1 Our stockfor the spring, ring, and, summer trade will beffound-:very-, . complete, being much larger than ever before, and for quality. and style cannot be excelled,and will be offered at prices _to suit the closest buyer. — CDSWe manufacture both SEWED and 'EGGED WORK, CUSTOM 11I 'QPORS Trunks & ValiseS, --large -assortm.ent,.-very cheap. n. pier cent discount for cash. i W. TAYLOR '& SON, `Coats Block, Clinton TO` and ,gnarantee to give satisfaction. 1 Spriiig L -i1 es of'.I300ts' and Shoes. OmenS ' Boots ranging' from $1 per pair` up;to' ;2.50. ` 'Men's b is and Bals $2per pair. :. Prunellas from 60c. upward. Gaiters •. ire:. good bargains. . Call early and sect. g 5 •e- still sell large quantities of 3.lb. TEA for $1 ecliial to We g ,� 0 . some -dealers ? cent Tea-. PRODUCE TAKEN FOR GOODS.. • POTATOES_WANTED. 'L1NTON, March, 1883 THOtIPSON & S. WITZER. F New Maple Sugar. A few gal. Tins Maple Syru Fresh Ovaugc;s, Lemons and Baana i iS. Good fresh -Mangold, : Turnip & Sorghum Seeds. J. Cuninhame, Clinton. THE 'FAR WEST. Moosejaw, June god, 1883. To the Editor of the Clinton New-E+ra DEAit SIR.,—Once more I beg leave to :soupy a small portion Of your valuable space to let your readers know hos the people ef• our young and rising town spent the 24th .of May. ,Because we have left the old land, there is no reason that we should 'forget..thet we owe the salve re; epect to our honored Queen as we did in the land wherewe were born, and _we •eu joy the'sanie peace and .quietness here as -we-did there. {Che-morniug of the 24th opened with bright sunlight, none of the more,,enthusiastic citizens of our town woke us froth our pleasant dreams by a continual firing of guns. The neat event of the day was the ax•rival of the paesenger train from the east, which'. arrives at 8 a.m., • bringing a goodly number of pleasure seek- era to our town. At ten o'clock' a large °orewd assembled, m front of 'the Moodie Hotel and listened to:it pleasing 'address from the editor,of the News on the coca-• mien of the first celebietiou_of our Queen's birthday ii Mooaejsw ; he also spoke very pleasantly en, the future prn`.perity of the w . ton.At, the close of, .the address the crowd gave three. cheers or our Quem and country? and then the- men's races Dorn menced in which a good uumbertook part, and •there were also races. for the boys, and just before' dinner wu had a'.wheel- barrow roe., in;which six Leek part blind-. folded ;.it was one of .she' most amusing' sports of the day,, . In the afternoon we had orae racing, jumping, throwing - the stone, sack -race three-legged race,: and all such amusements. The Laseball elnh, of the tewn'divided into two aides and had "a spleuslid,'•game ; .a great 'number of the' 'players'ha.ve played marches in Ontario. Everything passed' ufl' in 'enud style, and h parties were well pleased with -the events of the day. , l think that though Clinton can boast of a much larger crowd' on the sande day, it was far behind Moose– jati out far as peace and'•quietness, is con cerned, nit drnnkerineas,•no fighting, every ni•in :was in his right mind;—this is one -grand -thing -in-our western towns; we -sire- -free' e Fire`free frons that ..accersed thing, intoxicating)' liqui,r..''There is'none:of -it here, only as it is hrnnglat in clandestinely ; I believe it car be found in. some secret places of the• town, but, watched as those ,places are, there ie. little or no' aurin done. If the sell= ing of intoxicating liquor was a laWful, business here it would. he a terrible place, to live „in. I; don't wish to see. the day'. wheel liquor licenses wilI.be granted here;. but•I ani afrad it, ys .not very far -distant. In the evening 'prizes were given away to' the amount or 8150: Afterwards a con- cert,. cert, in mhich• the •musical_talent ° of the town did great credit, it was indeed a treat `and was • patronized by • a frill house, so. ' ended the 1st: 24th of May in the future. :c• apital of the north west.' Times are fearful dull all over the west, everybody is grumbling about :hard times,' wages are low. 1 woeld pot advise men, looking for work.,;to eome,'tn• the west cro:ade are returtliug every day.: We have" ',had no, rain of irnportence, yet.;• we had a:' little erl5.w the fiiist night of June ; rt raga;`• very backward prieg The track is laid -tu with•inethree-mrlea of Medicine -Hat. Mr. 0. Stepbensma, of the Babylon Line, Stanley, recently sold a three year. old entire colt to Mr. Sage, of London, for the sum of $400. Now T1raT there Is a reliable remedy forkid t nes' troubles, half the terrors attached to these)! complaints oave been removed, For this let all be thankful and'to YDR.. VAN BUREN'a KIDNEY, GoaIp.awaret all praise for having thus retnoyed� a hitherto considered fatal disease from our, pruath.ggistIts. was never known to fail. Sold by all dy On Tuesday John Sample, sr., of Merril, an old.gentleinne of ,about 90 years of 'age,'i passed' an ay to his rest. He • had been ailing) for the past tuR'iw outlis. The i'teceased' was, well known, having being a resideu'tof Morrisi far a lohg tare. He had been a life•lgee Re-; former. A large family connection monist his'; decease. .- No nousenoen should be considered cemplete� without a bottle of DR. VAN BUREN's KiiivET, CURE 1e in the closest. .It is the. only remedy, that will•poditively, permanently and promPtlY' • cure allf rms of kidney diseases.' Sold by all, • The latest sensation around Dungannon a'bear. On Saturday night about 10 o'clock, John Martin saw an animal at' the corner ofd. his hotel. He, at first thought' took it to bel a large deg,' but after the animal started' off he thought from: its shufft' ing• gate that it was a bear.' . The same bear! disturbed the peaceful' repose of. Dr. DIe.Kay'e, hens on Monday night, As THE frosts of widter vanish under the nn1-I oric influence of the suns rays, so doe Brigkt'al Disease, Dropsy • Stone in the gidneys 'anall Bladder, and Inflanlatlon of the kleneys, leavo' the body upon the administration •of DR: VAN BUREN'S K1DNE CURE. Sold by all druggists. A rather unusual accident happened to al. pig on'th'e farts of, Mr. J. H.' Linklater, lot! 20,' con 11, Tnrnberry. It appears they! were trying t6: drive it into a stable, when,'. •(contrary aepigs generally are) it made 'a 131 line ip the o1'posite direction'coming in col-, lision.with._tbe point of the plow, making an. ugly gash over four inches deep just in''front' of tlte_eibet ldNi ; It sin vived only a couple of days when it by ent•the way of all the earib_ .! X1;000 FORFEIT. Having the utmost confidence in itssuperiority'ever all others, and after thousands of tests of the most complicated and severest eases we could find, we feel justified in otfericg to forfeit One Thousand Dollars I for any case of coughs„ colds, sore' throat; influenza, hoarsens s bronchitis, consumption in its early stages", whooping cough, 'and all: diseases of the throat and lungs, -;except asthma, for which we only. claim: relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, wlieu taken aeeording tai directions. Sample bottles'25"and 80 cents-; large -bottles one• dollar: Genuine wrappers:' only in bine Sold by all druggists, or sent by ex- press en receipt.of price. John C. West & Oo. .81 tic 83 Ring St hast, Toron' o; Ont. For sale at Combe'e Drug Store • Byatt Rheum Cared. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker 'sores ; it so, go let, on.e to J' I3. Combe's` drug store and get a patl age of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer- ate. Price twenty-five Bents. It was never 'known to fail. 4ROUND Tilt a 'COUNTT. Mr. W: Hawkshaw has bought Bowrl u's •,HotelSeaforth. Brussels •Mechantes' Inatitute is credited. with only'..25 memberee -' •Delayseare dangerous, particularly rn Kid • hey Difieasea n B ICiso'take at once Dr vauren'lnNlsi'Cun7t and Obtain.reltef frond all your sufferings. Your druggiet;keeps•it. T. Gatenby sold his fain on:the 5th con, of 1 Grey, to;Robt. Sodden for13,500,,• Wm. Ballard, of Winthrop• was,fined•:$20 and costs for selling liquor without:license. 1J • 1 AN'r KoFF.— Climax cough cakes. . Qu•ick; sure. cure ; of all dealers ; 15ots. •• Mr. Fulford has rented the Yarn; adjoining Mr. Carney'e, pear Leebnrn,.frorn the Canada_ Co for several• years. f wh o rutnnle n g in the garden ren telintly, had Juin; I = his •wrist broken: A simple he.found on the sunny plau'r' rb of a'Sciii'thera •clime lias;` under the skillfn.l' manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, .proved;,c,rn` of the -greatest blessiue s ev,}r sent tri suffering. humanity. ll,.S'au Tur a n ;s k lr,sN V Gt rs is' sackriowleged ,Ill the worhl• eivere riveras elle- 'tjnly' perfect .remedy.,t;rkuiney ttou'1'es lVour cures.itheumatisin; Neuralgia, Rheumatic druggist: has it. Gout; %General Debility, Catarrh, and' all VANE•ro ch,,s sill d:'itny Bruset-I ,'•broke •disorders caused,by a thin and 'impoverished,. away again on. Tuan sda'y tnorhing on•account or: corrupted, condition of the blood; expelling • of the,presearu' of the weter•fiow the.; recent the' blood -poisons :froth the system; enriebing rains.'' Loss heavy, ' ' and: renewing the blood; the restoring its vital izing power.' if,a, well'be'poicoueel, esus be to tlione who During iilong period of unparalleled useful. clank thereat It it worse 10•pnistin the (anti- nC69.....AYFR'a.--SAR9A.P A.itILLA hag• proven. its • • •`sin of )die fo^ bust self -.and fur po teiiiy perfect adaptation to the euro of an diseases "Often by, cart 'or rrnsforeute,' or :. originating in poor bl'otetand a Weakened vitality. inheritance, this has be:n'tl a}r. Ayer Sar . Itis'a:highly,coneentratedertract of Sa sa saparilla'frees the blood, "the vital stream, and . parilla and ether blood-purlfying roots, ,rectareg 'appetite,; streegth and heal; h. combined ;with .Iodide of Potassiuru and The proprietor of the )loyal hotel;�Vingh iiu, Iron; and iskthe.safest'most reliable, and most i was cous'icted of selling aiquor,nt, atureltey e'co,nomica1'blood-purifier and.15)(6d-food'drat= right after hours;, and' ou 5nndry ',•The fines' eau be used; • in butt. cases,,, With Costs, amounted to ,60.;Inflammatory 'Rltenmatista luted..___ Af ermany yeiir9 of 'patient 'investigation "AYER's SARSAPARILLA has Cured me of tite ler. VIn"Buren; of Germany, rinally eucceeiied Inflammatory Rheumatism, with which I have in P rfecting • suffered for:manyy years.)'- W. 13 eit ince . a kidney Cure that' would; ter• •. Durham, Ia,, :March 2, 1882. manently relieve all cases of Kidney • Disease Be_sune..iin(Lask: y-ew, ])rragReet (or til-. ya'u it:" Eight years ago I had an attack of Rheums tiaren's ICumev 1:0'IIE. • • Barrrsteseveruthicould-notonovv'-fa ori, the bees, er dress, without help. itried several reinsures Whilst Jimmie EIAs, of Iltorri9 waa at. without much:if, any relief,•until luso). AYER s tempting to climb over a fence the, other, any SARaePARItr.A, by the use of two bottles of • which I was completely' cured. "'I have not been he fell 'baeltwards, and •as.one :of bis feet troubled with the Rheuwatismsi.hoe 'ltavosold ,.caught. in the. fence set•iral of the .bones were largequantities of your SARsA8Aitinee;.wait it broken• still ret:Iins its wonderful popularity.: Th©'many notable cures it has effected 1m this vicinity eon- 54n79o11 lost.:.}lie strength with his hair, vince me that, it ls'thebestblood'tuedieine=ever • H. P. llamas."ltouasnde of then andwomen tneu loose their,River St„ Beckland,illass,, ilflay T beauty With tars, anthers offered to the public. . large numbers, - resiol.e1Tierayages of time by using,the ;nus Cingalese Hair- Restorer... Sold at 50 Icents per,bottle by all drtiggists.' ', . ( It was rumme ored sotime ago that the Revd Mr: Patterson and"bis.amiable lady intended • leavih g Bayfield; but the congregation;' syi-th wlrorri tides are great favorites,. haveprevailed • e, upon them to remain for. some time lob gef': Avon's S,ssmsAPARrtlA cures. Serolula and ou all Scrofulous Ciplhinls;Erysipelas, Iso- iireui�e Rlaid 7.raehtning. zoriia, Ringworrrf, Elotches; Sores, Boils, Needs no tdvei'tisinglwlrou unL'e'iutroeluced. .Tumors,andEruptionsoftheSkin. Itclears Every bottle sold sans: hitndredit of others, ljy ' rhe'blood of all'impurities, aids digestion, stinru •' donag all and wore than represented for 1'.V ell• late6 lice actio)) of tlr0 batrt 19, aucl` thti6' restores rail is Toothache, Headache, etc: It removes vitality and 'strengthens the whole system.•, • any pain instantly, quick. asflasll:'Try it:du<1 ritiOPbnrn xY you, will say it, ie web named -Fluid. 1;ighl Dr„ J„ C. Ayer & '(,'O Lowell; Mass. ming. Get a tweet pri re cent bottle at J, El ! Combo's cling store, Sold by all•Drir) gists; )dire R7, Sia l cities; fid: OPUPULiR DRl' CCODE flI esiggns. Alfie's 0 — rryn1 subscriber wilr continue the business for.meily' cat rigid on by tale titan of Newton. & Dennis,. and; hopes to, rneeive A contin-ii:rtion of the liberal patron tge.lieictofore enjoyed;. HARNESS, ALL ''KINDS. T11,1INKS, VALISES, , WHIPS, C(rgES, Vricee .id Wnyy reasonable zw-To CLINTON. Caty tabinet - Viareom.s FURNITURE STORE,", CLINTON,• '. THOS. ' STEVENSON Haring moved inti bis new brick stole 'OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, -43e0 leave to state to his nutnernus friends tn, C,linton• and,the snrrn onding country, that be keeps on hand a superior quality of Furuiture of 1111'k1nds, sutti'as :BEDR.O:O:M-. & PARLOU:: SETS Of the latest styles, also BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, . , BUREAUS„ TABLES, And everything that con,titutes furnishing, a house in his line, which he will sell' at the lowest jiving profit. 1 ask a share of the public patronage,' being thankful for past favors and hopeful for. the'futrrre. The public are invited to'eaIl andsee for thetdselyes, THOS. STEVENSON, Canton, Jelt_G, 1R$ • .. AYER'S rsapari.11 "Last Maven I' was so weak from general de- bility that I could not walk without help. . Fol- lowing the advice of a friend, I eommeneed taking 4y nes S.ineepAR1I.r e,. and before I had used three•bottles I felt as well as I ever did in my. life. 1, have been at work now for two months, and think your SARSAPARILLA 'the, greatest blooei' Medicine in the world. 'Assn Ain vb lin." 520' West42d St., New York, .July 1',1882: a e U�C•��E�. ran e Al Spring Il;caf Simmer ` ALL THE.LATEST NOVELTIES:: See Our.' fine a'ssortnlent of Straw Hat $ 111�i 130nnetS,.•111 teil'a- cotta, . crush, strawbert Y�a' l ;� , ,nclalthe new .an colors d style — ; `-F rne� assori merit -of white ancl, ,colored LACES. Fine assortment •of ENOLISII and FRENCH: FLOWERS. See our "Ottoman corded' RIBBONS and Silas, our new .Shades ilx SATINS. ' Our: Silk and • Lisle GLov '.' Our IT0SIEi2Y and FANO .:' GOODS. Fine assortment iof, beautiful FEATHERS ,:and: also. PAR ` , ASOI;S Don't forget that now is the time: toet `our; STR g y AW AND TAP)' HATS made over into all., the leading' styles: ` - R. BEESLEY, Beaver :Block, Clinton: V' there :is the best place to deal this ear fir WHIY W11111 roce. He Ise ps-the hest -general stock in town. 'Everything: Fresh. ROBB tile (xroeel', Central l'-rQceI'y,' C171tl old.. tic. ts ALL; 171']SOIIIP'.CIONR.O' )1461 s; ;Youth's, Ladles, Misses and ,Boots: add : Shops. -- .E\TIRELYNEWVRSTOGK. Iiee1Mr'iSL yA�IETS , LOWEST (PRICES � . 'VISITORS •WELCOME. ND ': TROUBLE TO )110W 1.ioobS: • ' INGREAT :VARIETY. c ATI AND SEF.T'F,HEM.:IEI20RE 1?.URCHASIN0 ELSE 4S EitE::' O:UR F (STOCK OHEAVY & LIGHT HARNESS• iS: COMPLETE Ttq tks slid Valises tot the Million, Georgian Bny Shingles ztl'wtt "s ou knit( anll • US U AL DISCOUNT POR OAASII : `M • Orli t;c rf ` flI ( Qlzq . Cll.lntton: 9