HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 4X'7, 7' i, F�DITOill.l NOUS, Wo"Rit how much. Mr. Plumb gets for'L TTV OUR L 'a, stumping North Brant in Tory interest 9 He Vie THE CuJnmbia are plati is act the,man to'd10 the work for uotb I ing, �rmv �ERA does I'tot )Onsiblc, for tiolli'g. me Qovernme A to -tillow no, F, i ! J, u 0 illeas tilks Who's y1our purely 0'as a labor of lovia.11 I i What btisiness. For jund-pay IV ha's a 1§ n T OR ivl� 1 $ 1 T L IWNS. . I G I 16a tr, a it is -stated, to the, fatal clima- EXCUIS1011- Trl1ngQ1`S, , , � ! I I P n for bis actions) meddling, with Pro�inejal sj0 _rid i Of Cli'lt tic influelwos,las malty 6yo thous4fid Chjn4 '071 Aj"to r/ dection anyhow. P I ei iyanted J)r R Lao to `RE 'ENtA , cro of their countrymen to cQ a is responsible to no one R man blivilig (lied during the past year, This Al� 81 -1VhJ1c Frm'forlsalc' W, W. the 6 Nells-Record of last week, i�' lisoneluethod at.any.ratp, of Wetiug the Tirr..aunual OuPUg Of. Dominion Ministers, C0111.1ri Of. t J'aalulcirl sale-J'obu-H`01117Y� 1" I noticed. a letter 1 signed " Cofiservative bugbear is anuouncea"Sit ohn is going L to England, Fvioi fior �sa 'Chinese 6migratiOn. ory Ckookedri 0, for a pleasul jaunt, and afterwards'to Mani. and,headed " T' �vipes have decided,ou- bring. a. Siir Alexander Q on some letters y,cl correspond Tar, Qonl ob ents sent yo n, made a a mbiaandothers of the Ministry to sea ment roil of our town- S"Y 0 0 tac nd . id te!to oppose the Hall. James In ampbell,to British Co. - Li last ummer. Thechargel the
ing: bath- was that the S Youn ' and have induced a Mr. John. Strick., asses . I 91 ing resorts. 1�hese' -,bt if till were ship was got up f6r t andT i ,arp all,ri, par y pqrjoci land p The, Only lylpiid for out of the private purse's of - the defy Conservative to sllcce�sfully refute .,to'becoma big a polaent. H .Fr j TE 15 the cha�iwel, whichl by his pers6nal know- clai i he has is that he is a farmil and wd' �naividcl but W�heu tba'p�abllc treasury foot! 4 ledge ha"is 'b 116fe a contest for the reeveship st the the ill, Lware cannotj e done' Does lie deny, that boys at a�ed in'. as &'98 every time, it is too imuch ten�ed V I �Al AND PRTY lWe do not suppose. he has of a o0d. thing. - school.aild gave their ages s 17 years 7- 9 vhich threatens our I Dominion" ary.chance'whil of',being, electedtir but till not' on tile roll, or that ol 4 inen wh 'A 0 HE T -eut6d their f.itrntl Still h RE ROBABIT S FOR �jng,ey t 'i im is re�ogrl byinany h ad i from. ell Pat y 13, it bli tllp�' Reformers: �f Piralit to, see Stir of 'Our exchstages keep peggin, away ' ' I'll ei r S 0 11 5 iguring Pat iotic Q�Dal Parties and party-Je�d- unscr . -t e fi as good. Tory to -be - ----------- 77� at Mr. Young ga6 a full �olc-. at the uPu.bus liar who led like �sfiee'ji` ers are maphinds-alia tyritints by w:ilich all in- -th dividu,,�li�Y�Ottliou�htandactioD is crushed. edit6riat in6larIgajo.r the in the hope m6dibal students qf Xor h- y proclivities w o: I, Ij %,bat: their make': r t much th -Ii a a to a I p- Parties. are la P Till there is only 00 at they, Cali shame him into, in it seems to penetrate or.e Virtuous were in active prac i�e, were ill the ratil al�d file until t4a var nient S,- in wlitiell the nobler' Qttaw,Free Pr�ss, is e'very i their wind. Vau the leper change ..'ais -for rural- purlsuits, and'4 e form a honlog d I , d stel'their bogs votes in t -lie ne s, ra enec�u�s in as' "of lAre Ila ve on y"toot spo r file I t r.., d d them. Th6leder's spid ------ a'They wi ei,r t
truth in the following observation !from th and honorable Course' s if they still retained it - e
ion elem�zil -lit as well -Ar t e �of the younger members are aperson ts O� his: skin, -box. Agaiutheici wsa.c rtmn, Tor), aspirations ant of room to'e# t is be-, p I I . I - . I y stted f . r W, land. good reaso4a to Ilchetire that the co" aid to. lie, nd lil�e does his work well-, re- YOU t1i who vot d. a, stubborn spi�rit i's met, A ry. e tu JurieAast' it' the. s- nte man, pe�cliance, With more' persistence and in�,-,systeijdati'cAlly..Iilundered by' a. ring of gardless of the co rapt .]into which be is sessment. of 1881, -, tenant A sworci he pluck thuailhis fellows.' .He steps cut of .-the elf -seeking pocket potitici�ans*� who uncle, the bringing his ii"i-ty. We rethember a'conver- was a tenant nd �-21 year�l of but, 0100 s mark the �result,�, OIL le asseSSIrl or ranks, and while acting independently Itill ha itha y q pretence of �he: Conservatitire Yjame, ve'llill Pation w oung man, who proposed g i before his late associai6s, class iio alwvii Jluoking�in, .18.82 he was apt)eaqed ag�irlst, and irl the Paper business.. Wh bugged,, brilYed,'bullied and beat tUir way ;to All -jifi the direct' hi It his'm6r�-�ai!hol' I' -fe iqu in Nv ic iTd that he 'was -ask�d lii�, I " Oil,, I don't tii-dViii'lial 'ictiPn the bighesf-position in the lArl neither of age nor -was be,a teIl : And d (a,tfiis kjullI�usualjy fail; bebtil the ihdi-� cate .was theye principles4re nothing Youths who,were in'tfie Unite4Sfaleg n N --a-I f'the etrua-le oil coti6g ho'll Caa -I ua W4�a�lps 0 a -lueeting of the- South Horan With Line, for I'll work for the dil if h, will places of on.olit, --ternoked yt apay editor of the Mail ii 4:,.p,a,raI- T - roll as 'farmer?s � son��, who inight Ory -re'.sivept away, and, lip falls f I t' Conservatityes : Mrt�� Ha'ya made his little ac.cidblitally turn la- ' before voting., day. lel ease. Such a- state of aff, pl, i late slowly f la I -,l marks of i b b me� The i vilayside,of �iialiticat life. AtAimes. the. non� i rs did. 'prty.liligs 961 'Ifines with speech, and claimed that; hcontest was co�fo�mistfo old , I . . . I � - 1.11 .-- . would again, but,Conserrative! is blind to tency na'a flrm,�adberejlca 'to not Overet-for he was confident Mr. Gib- 111ETHODLIST UNJQN (logged hou 6st and, fair - play. So . much for. at- broad principItis, the qualities of leader, and son would be s a prophet M r, o'n-serva- a Th6 proposedbuisof Methodist Udion tending Courts of Revisions. ; C he gathers around him a hand f bIld tEi'llill H ays is a 'larnsiltable, failure. Ila [predicted five says' he was surprised on I the 28th,: ers wjIQ folial a new party, They promulga,tp does-, n t a pear to,be very popi�lar a d Aoubly- n Co0eireill �their and in thfoln upon the that lie,was going to defeat., Mr.' Gibson', by- jnon� 'when there were no appeals an contillilin t] collstij�tioo of'thedr Country. It ,would be., the members of the Lori so, when theasseqI'ment was dorl :majorityi but h didn't-. However, -per-- -16 need no P fulfilled its mission, far as cau* be jil , by the speechl Al- Tory. I t be so as itierels �aps his lateti ro I ec is based oil the fact - l I I the field, butsuch never' e election:for tb four or five years, ',What ready deliver i 'in the d'ebate at SIL Catha- e would be'tbe use of the st'ssess6r huhilng Usually then collies,a reprodlictio that, on belialCof Mr. Hays, a Earmor not rine ave" 'been.' retty e boys for nothing? How-'gred&'6tir. s.- Some of-wbi�ch', hhick. over thi a stay .at home. animated. 'Union ,W6fild lind'oubtedhy, ge tends 6� be..' 'No of hich originally it one hundred miles from Clinton, 'vilas offered T h j Iritces. ey the la t�,l ctiou t avli Tory ia oii pre -�e 'off o no V Lich' giV6 phic bo tho ,10 a. 1, Wonder lie was surprised. t6. hear of use it gre�iter crosiliug of ifilinistergTor p6ai-s Id bo, t 4' appeals -after tbe� proceedings, 'ir ohn to the use of mQuey.'and Other, tt'a the best -paid. fiRd 6f labor and min ters lic founder of th I . sery . abopt ofla9tyear. H�31ike;�'ise thinks it strange Call - 8 o a c a I . I the lei(iwc. a re s h- in ' n: ta: tif go w -t b at --a -Tory -s ho u I'd- mi e -,-s* ffibb -d" 61 edb' -dislibubidbN p is it a adr t.o,-r 'be P68iti6n 61 disgraceful r, C sheet 4nd-not think it their breadand be al. reformer. i . his�manticl fall, oilla the w'il6ri ay,ot getting elbs in thew, strange that the appeals, I�st.year, should butter- ; Thestrength of the Url move- 'our'townsbip �o Mr. Blkc,!the leadi�r of.the iberal party,js Times ash's "Does �Mr� Meredith ielisb� ob., �6st morerratic aining o c'\ man of: lost opporti ies, t - - ffi -a b, lictniesty.would have'saved:the sum. Y� 1, ta missiento y mean of .such agencies as mi s niainI ' with the e4l Sfr,a-n.,ge aY p e., The fulCil.: Sir John �overhsliis �arty alid Ilia Wi 'Shields? D6e�heh'oldt.hatth-e.ezid.jdstit-les ureachers. started the booill, ivith their how some of the got their 'fingers we is taw., Air. -Blake leads the meanbYl Assuredly'lie does, ll i 11 �-reased through the crookedness of -out, I -1. Ith.. - 1 . If - our, fine speeches about brothei-ly, love, and the ' I �t 0 0 rs is �more s gauge, and the prosperity -of sister nger, thanall, the assessor o�lot'his sql-' hef the leading, *prayers 'for n no ]letter. maribas, asyet, Q tem ill .mg - a so 0 And what� -Hamilton Tribune. str, 1, . ary. raised one yicar ago. as it for -hit n t- 'is scold, truth "r will be mist e Wh led
spirits of the Tdry p�r.t�, it liken. o While'admitting that there -churches. T careis li, nicarts of There are unquestilil yJ honest, men. among irl the Stray Sheep. -00l, worthy and in, �Q�.-egfiqinl we cannot cri tIlp Whole savlug unnecessary expe4�tum They' tbe,ranks,of o,u� opnonents, bu.t'in gl resp,e&ed clerk was, lrefusedth� raise on �uf it, It is not alWayo-truetbat, "pitties and recioign ized the folly I of.paying two minis- his Salary, Vt,hich think he 'was justly cases their hon�sty iii, overcome . at cfectio, ii. ters to preside over t,wo-balf-filled churches entitled to, but there- was nothing Strange within a stones! throw of one another heii the�� clerk. mittle his Share 'by. the just as. strongly against ',-,ir John and Mr NVIjereiis vill �rookeduess'of` his,worthy,colleil so tradiction of tbe.wiertion. d. tio rushed in court c� IVIeredith as,.aily llcformer� in. the 'interim mmi i my back ill t�e -ongregtidul ud:boiiestly b6' dual thougist an ac n C a - betwe an elections, but.are always oil 'haud- to ch both a h for si tion with the Party,?,� As li:�matter of eformer, 'un- r z ent -for attending the great Re t C lievb [Iii would be, in. the-intereat -of- -fact Tribu've editor is himself a Rc vote strai ht.vtheu wanted. Expeil correspond I proves.,4ue Tory� doctrine to be, chriStiallity to consummate a union ' form'Bancluet heldiin Olin 'Ortuub't'-'Y, but ii one, revolts because. lie exercises an ton. It Wa's a So wh'itiu the Union question ca�uie before The end, justifisthe means, no matter how individual. independence, and. we 1i af- orious gathering of the claus nd a impro per the meaus: nilay�be; the people it was beartily'supported-,aud jul worth remembering,, -and if Con nes 'a ing d b en' there it' h serva i la e ve -bar' dvel "p le e7ni.an.. Jim that the most stIvIiii thinel no I w , the I juinisters It, d work t6 �vbuld` have y n,�ew 1 V enden in their bis:old Tory vith a feel7: those, who indept li�ck the pro . gr hert 1! f I tilent The i ouly.,by the relative position of '3 , - , i otho, ti6zllovei t -Reform, p4rty.j, ing of' honest pride that'otir belovied si 1; t Is form' ra, t 6 hat've the It a I st fo r, churches, inter -the oe pers the, Globe find the Section B P y st�a n tile t, loz:i6 the, Tflibul �-but nbasi was nt d b , delegtes'froil the Hdrow; bd re essirfent rolf tinkers.' ate te d I hop6 des, .-een�,addnd ciallv tha a X, nd b,, i I f the poiler of our fidr Ontario m'yliever ineet re It is 11 to eel as -LI ,tv a f a , t :of it. ot rea.s,driable e, ppose thiat, "ll gtes were lymen. The plea of ti e -a politicill failure, 0 ebratc,, the.. destruction ciC our fitir a. ill 1118 im SUM on the iss rti,ju is .8 ,cl mi.nisters, is iim,l ji his pro y so mer at� - Rmsill sieenis t. '01 ver, rel� . I t ' d-1 spend largesunit ofm It b whietc-the t ra e 'Y' was� basis. but not this naction purposes I'll that mont, They :desire unioif, o Y. sore t now; No wo lder, ai' it on Pr- jus 0 Do iini opp6sittioll; is lid .;Some sha'Pe:ar. another.. of I I inion. �Wbat the outeolue illay liament just cloRel,, nd no mention �,i.th& featare of th(i'affair is th t has, riot beer. a succesq�.. a, no, two be it'is.uot Safe: to pdtbutit, looks as, bell made i n t, ic 'osti re- CUMStalleeG I . upeetbd NVitr. members of� the -h ich t. ICY - , f -loll ofthe Un 101111 ompen-ce f6r the now v thetooliStailmat titne, an r cclieSP911d. in a 11 cl :There is a, union: of,I r ave ccolyipli r bvq-th q 4eeii scbeme prodijee"
y Aynd do r sort tQ'irl f the statements *itb6il a union of - berts-as it', there f It Idle irij all, sclruo,6 been reComIjjLenij6'j'tL�) hel' Illemeelvel ill. poWor' NY no hon*orR'bI'0 c6utlimin the Globe bas. would be, E" primi- p of like rest w,can.0,vercolue'r stated., -In the�iotegast of the public ib'i8 'Bible Clitr�gtiilll iii.the Metho-, in-th ju his individual ex the completion' of tli'e 1, (11-Y n i that the tiireittenod libel: suit' ill, Cliurch ft T b ossibl) In :tIllie �%Ir. lake i� described as Cold, a�fl%e hop dist I Th e hia 3 ttot r (he bo n facts, th ity Io a -f6llow' be P ceosde(l With' so'ltlat I o''I t arrived at.: The Glob L C e is on y ac. mg, Ittiers ilito better't ill I t ours Y W11 till istit-nds biAeit at a pi mad �niong flichl 0q atid w petio. o Nv nAlk. nb,b tter:opportunity o owlng!� r"and 1princip f6r, all INrefai its in Iividua _is a - ri V tsit nit .0 -hed voteon t1lis is�fic: T. ue,.. ofilost oppor 11 I`L M -public Will cl I d- t -t rj ilt('o P,l/ �l - all- witl atiqn Jm be kCqt�p�t, oy.-But- tIOt-j)roL Iliec, -h` a great deal th-c i Iferenee but, j, it we Will jrbas accomplished to draw I low Will b 1, a iails( odds he 'as toL they tousidLringth iril ous �Llf'. fft6t8 Cc ii&ve: b1tol the I U t tto I i "I zorl gai t fellor liel I I t (jul apComplisliaill. ? �A'&,be iev.p general Bayfiehl As thiload ritim near- course in and out of plit-liament welets' ).%-itli rotut,inoideuts that BiLice, bub 1:ic I Cen'tre' o[ t'le through the the a pprovall of lij Stipp' iTri- �01 Ontario its� iuvabi all s ivi t Cent 611-t ther Ilyr t�ther I i at it be 1) ced r b�uue,�rould, sooner see hilli�rander tpA lie car, pol of, not have a veky: ct�xa If Cd pi Rion of the t to C Int6l); C. jS It tile bl, _ , 6.jr',,jlI ' t '11, cselit, tominion governmelit trict V qt; LIS fLb AIM70 I GOIll Cb 011 IY bee'll a: a�uiu of in oil ey �bllt i re into power, �than antinlis ,-k colirse that can.- bas appropriated sucli t 110I)CAtIl'a it will' paE ill not be im - . I I , - , ;Ilg(' I ll 1jje�S iinnief, .fte it will inee wit itt,c to carr'� On ii, t f 9ted .This it t -of etac;' bodies. o NVA�er. and to I)c the tion" :."Irmoh, tile i.iortion upport from t a grea mass Weell of -twig! auts: ha tile k k. wn' 6 itli;. Blake is the best and riost abi 'at -lateness, datri r�at,B.ritahi, 'lil expenses z ase, 13 lit its 6oderich- from, T 1872�'�.tlle IsIe 'Y il cot'inciL gra-uted c0i polit4jejan of his (lay, and tint!] -a better arises se f I :Were Wholly met by, unc s prill ed by the nc suninior weie chosen to reduce t e but, the way in� nE _7 i� ill'beconjes those who pitofess to have the __T is t" Whirchr -iiiany- contrhets adid.-Cau'lidia'n' Vern' wants, and al-�T' go to' 0. �All(ImuliCil� . 'I� ItVery It ent, fio beft lritorlbstw� i C !(IF - I r
th jltjjt;l.itjeS'.Ijot ... ar r I lVoilld a at being tii, itdie aiii i -Now; -C 01V T 0, zq� T, 10=12nis pnecite his efforts. P"Irt;L 6 y p Y, some! req p, e, deeply ill- contriklited by t he. selves from the dy heS �1 1� )t'fa- Stj g�cst 'that at -1 r I . ice, 'old fWill as out ivorthyArea 11 1). i S arted t6tho day of their, arrival, at Gode. vil 101; its is all agitati(itti goiz:I6� on tc repeal the t6clrirl�qlcll injIll efli 11 -C; nd,I)ENIMSto and k , �"`l of rom tbist-degree of assili'tance itwofild t it TIN statute allowing fflunwipalitleg 'to giant bo. (I p,'Ititioll oil, be imaginedibey Avere 'Into dstdiseasc'(about�' the raTepayers, itlid '7) le r onorab le counci o,,rravb a Aliases or.c eniptions a manufacturers. et, Got t s suitab a work wodIdjbe o ere appear to be expen( C( )y r�%bj o er lis ;I I I I . �. . . I , , " I I position of tI , ie N 'i 3o, o I if d. t
U :c' n 13 n ( be let, i kSioncr pp( by, them they w6 Id be eiget to addept--it-, 03sure il 'a 6 , "' I 'jijkIllown, � P ,with earn, sbracl to belp themsil ; but niot wheii is 66 epidernic ilear Lite day to cut tlie hill arld'eu-1, Il the hall up lou,;er be legal fat �0,' for, theyj:magiried their Se rV ices, W'Pre,Tery there fjoubt�"but tlwt 011CS lyay o e r:th & In jift)i ere frona, il'gav ii ed by -tinrecogpi municipality to rob 6ne in order te verill An. /ft . I I the whole par"tipit, providingthe saicif'rat- -valuable, or else why should CA13adfil hae 'Pass I * . I I I f. . I t. Cel. otber. like the �pl C, payers will gil give, ree gra is,a y ble anCI of e ookeol'for, t_o na I eni ngg�ij hL CIS T er ll -'est t latp Press argil il theni-to this countr'v. T'he' Inen werie-offol*l -anilishol be nticipated bv Ix-,og -wou I'virt bntb allpK statute' labo hrOnd 1:r6ason a trifle lower thers are now getting who bil y willy-Mr. YOintIg have-eiperience in tile -work; aud atmospbere., with ab"undantflannel und,t� rod sin�iahould be defeated at,theelec- widercfand A, ivarm day ortwo-Ahould ii6C i' tionr to take place 6� the operations of farming iiiis condneted tempt Btalit, it i� this :-'that,rthe' PORC6 of society caurl no, they alust got - ----- -- all jile iwa"es, done they'shol bo'xiesumed agai'll will rtz--, Lot. Ely 3I Ue;efoell hey only fie- in-0-ne to e'd' ministration witrds the Di Cept Occasional jobs for ithoi-t 'p house. bseut,� but I . . r 'b, � "r il - Coll- Resume ad� ocottple t men entere ol Oiarl6b tho-.,.6 �vh* tk� the to nna ii Mill Obarlebois a reason Ill no founda- labligrate %vitbout ll &hdichildren w n bed tbre,,cics, to any lined fil its 'oil 7 tion in faet, and the Fres Pr -nows the I(, b e, dealt with as ever '6ther per. S, ti-nitd, . 0i sentry id 'the ass woll It, ' ' I . 5[' dpill w1jilli other Cut0il the adY. bLe'li j re ated it leach liabi f it, but its readers hia" so Ioi4 is h� wants To eh er npon; some eliter- aild I�oo I tile. romill. and "er. Th 't pi t lie s to that which ii fill that it is . unde'r, prise tha -efialiacs, a: good return, aa he.,; eireil a e bilb Illay -III the impression, that offier dill not tile CA�illaj t�, are, rat, I., t ' , , J.,. ' r any POP C t row the money and. ente'r 'intb' a contract 'to time, b Ig til Or fi et an d dathe.,cad.,,es at, Ivere o arrive, welild be to thean unpalatabk. he -true fads niv, I I Y it Wi6ll te - s Theve,is a . :,11, $ t y4a I xt, thrashed tile are , that it -is the', l;)6rnin'iJ0u Overtime t good deal uil Lcljoj�tj�� . h �f I '� lif., - - The� 0-11- i * der d' T V o U 6vor offt oixpeidt, Or 0 Lion, often mAde that which 'is millif 6;tly and O� truth in the aisser ficit n. pauper 'Lila, lilegfe6t' Agairist.the Ontario Lcgiiilature. Mow- nec. I ways a � pauper," the am in , cel 1,61"0111Y a 'few I ris DI FED. ti the R-ItflU Jjlii'� t:ll(r�l'ot.l111)'-",���t":.ill� of his bn,brook-' tt is not 'a aggressor, and ny arnoullt of asl5on6e a, thief nisi -,i, thief t 1(! Coal- Iin Dito 81001 ........ .. . �V di urril ytbe' ,or Ut� organs 'WI of ��t. Itit e, latte 'at) .).V a the. peoplo: a he i Igpli. I h� .om fa not mak believ s abu Me I 11. IF ,(I but. b '11 et that eVery, r 111118C be thoroughly tau _arson be kept g1l, condit lie will tKy anti bavras8 'the government of n their own offorts',lor 'all exist- 'all wi(e every shape and form Sir John is daterrill hea ioll bV tborollgil-, oli: 7tit of va,tbat 0111 . Y : Once, all It ften. by nd oA r. Nowaf, anc Nye lielie a t at the V Inuit, not, expect: or t0111111011:1Y 1B.,
ac., Of a id daug 60pt ay)Ytb�;) U*11011f, 1,�0 n I ATI erjIJIVA-' s.11,('r) ter of ly it JOHN Pefoqner v d I te ti 101" i .,11 I . t. ..... . ... SO
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