HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-08, Page 7Our Grand On Saturday last was the •comment of who paid us a visit of • u n.dred.s o lades rail, a aits'AL 13011 e I-antIes eur, al (7Ri?I� Boots THE BOOT'MAKER. DEALER IN ALL LiI•NDS, OF Dien, .I' omel>, and Children's .Moots Mmes. Spring Steck well assorted, and p in all departments. coni �- e� ALL GOODS SOL CHEAP FOR CAS`EI G. CI,UIOKSHANJ , 13P ICK BLOCK, °L-i:NTON'. CE T'�TRAL DRUG STORE J_TTCT_R�G�+xVF3�; . DIiaLIr BOR tied P IS GREEN, D�1LM�TI 1� d Pl',I SI i� INSI C I POLDERS; T\SECT I'OSYIDER 017NS, 'DOR tIIL 1rLY CAi[PAI( Lr._, or:A.EFS ] 1.: QC011I] 11-t;, CHEMIST AND .DP'1JGGIST; . CLINTON O\'f',. And our prices are 25 to 30 Per cent lower than any other house. How cheap your goods are," was the 'exclama- tion of almost every one. EST. DRY GOODS OVE English,S cote: Coatings, Worsteds; Ser SIT}/ ARR1VINcL • rls PIER .111AJESTY'S+ ;rtEA121'11 • A London special "says the refusal of Mr. :Gladstone yesterday to give the facts •connected with the Duke of Albany's Canadian offer caused much comment, and is regarded here as significant as to the conditions of the Queen's 'health. 'It is said to have been' directly ,:<at.the request' of the Queer that the Ministry refused to discuss the matter, as it was at her com- mand the Premier declined to accept the Duke of.Albany's proffered services, Tier. Majesty recognizes the precarious condi- tionr-o-fth-er health and does not wish any. of her children to leave the` country, at present. The _llarijuis of Lorne would lra� e lil,ecl to-remain=m Ctt7 ada-:tt ytb rr year, but the Queen would notpermit it, and the Princess Louise would have :been. recalled to England permanently early r 1 this' spring,;i a:d it not been, that" such ex- -- enre-ryou'tcl-haveb-een tyrist1. -dertood d' misconstructed The':Queen's.hearth ',af- fects the detail of Govermnent matters in many respectsand 'since ''her fall from the stairway with the ,nervous troubles that followed, and the -effect -of-the death of John Brown, the 'Ministry and those who personally surround the Queen have hacL frequent cause of anrety, Hence such action as that cf Mr. Gladstone in turn causes some popular anxiety. Recent te- legrams show that Queen Victoria is liv- ing very retired at 13almoral,;and selclom goes'out. , She is still suffering from low spirits and a shatterecd"irervous 'System., Til ystem - ile physicians are -const ant-:-in.their tit tendance on Her Majesty. When Charles Carr, a prisoner in the ! oroirto jail,.}+•as informed that his mother, Dlrs.-:141c4darri, also a prisoner i;n the same institution, was at the point of death, lie -not-oirly-refusectto sec. her but. brutally. :cursed the' dying woman. According ; to the latest reports from (treat Britain,' the crop prospects there are so far, much,bettet:.than they have; been for ,5.orne years at, this date.`., The absence of -heavy rains and the presence of steady drying winds put the lands into an ex-: .eellent 'condition for seeding; and the weather has 'continued favorable. weeds GF 1 \'oi r, Sri iX(l Su i'r „ow lin.lneinse stock to Select f'i wn sW 11u 'NE E1, i?-iI S 'TO (AVE' S.A`i'i;Sb11tr'P.10\ s si lr 1,.'O1 1t Cl -1"11,11 PrteeS lW V C101�'11.' Big: Ten Pati,el ns. Low Priecs• Black and Colored `'I BOGS N. 1 ir};rr\ci . ,In Hallett on the 1st,ins',,- the, Wife of Mr. Isaac Lawrence, .or .a (laughter. Snrei i f. -In Hullett, on the uthl inst.; the .wife of Ii'I'r.'lilos ` Shipley; of a daughter;: and on the Gth inst:; the wife of;,Jhe' sitme. • of :- second daughter, These ale solid " Valets. l'he best blood purifier and system regula- tor ever placed within the reach' of 'suffering humanity,': truly is EleotrieBitters. ;,Inactiv- ity of the Liver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Con- stipation, weak kidneys,or anydisease of the uriaary: organs, or •whoever requires an. appetier, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known They act surely and quickly, every• bottle guaranteed to give entire satis- faction or morfey refunded. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by Watts di Co. About AS00-worth of sheep have been later killed.hr. 11'eIle4tey t0 reship, by dol. 11 cur bi i 'Young, t-1ie-aeev--Pro'cin-cal Treasurer; \l as -sworn .in.. at 0iovernmeut., liou,e, Toronto, Saturday morning, and Will ntonce repair to mouth Brant, 'the constituency for,which•he_sits. ',Elie norm; nation take place -on the 9th iit-t •a-rrd election on -the lith In all r'ob>.bi'lity; . the hon. gentleman Ivill'be returned" by acclamation'. John, R Vert, Hamilton, says Mell reg-- or's Speedy Cure, for Dyspepsia and :indiges- tion is cheap at.fifty times the price asked __ for it. .1 •ain a commercial:inan, and travel- -continually, •and would -"no rnioro;.think' of'..- leaving honie without a bottle- ofcGregor's . Speedy Cure in my valise than 1:.Mwould of leaving my team at Home and going on foot." Free trial -bottles •at J.1i. Combe's ding store; , Regular size, -,fifty -tents fiftycents and. one'dollar:— -Those wlio have. In the pts.t' are satisfied with their uniform quality ancl' low Brice. We respectfully solicit a call from those who have hot already triedour goods. Fresh arrival this week, which ;is the. hest value ever` offered in the Town of, Clinton, at. the NoT -.TEA:COFFEE Corr'z'1 ii and -SPICE Hovs;i'. " Cash for Rao's;. PALI:ISLI: R T. WHITE: Where: is the nest ..place to. Eh'1il this year fir. ��TIIY VI:'9''Il F, The Grocer: He keeps the best general stock in town. MARRIED. r�! 111-�-e7 CI �ti - . �,.1.0� .n On Thursday, l.ta ..I: at thing Ytstitall ].�-e 3t�zT�t-'f-i� stea.. ,. 1')l (:a-oocls Tlolisc y, y , y 1 y —�-=-1---the residence of the bride's' :fabler; Uy tliti"' .. & SIMMER HA'i'S ON T "F" 7"hnrscTay'une'7, ISS 3. ' \Ghent, scot - ...$.0. 1)1..a' 1 00 'White wheat, 0.93. a '0 955 Suring; 0 95 a 1 00;: 0 Ls, 9 .1.1 - a '0 4`2 J rlt;;f•; - 0 •!0 a -0 45 : :Peaats; -;. = (1 .() ;7a 0 i; 'hour, ' .i 00' a40.5..50 i a0 l'dtatces, } 215 !t. O 30 73utter.; 0 15 ;i 0 '17 - 0.1-t•. a 0 1-5... S00 a.900 !i 00 •' 'a.. 0 5.0' ' 0 57 (51 'a 1 00 1 Now hz Stock, froill the vei'y'lest Seed Hoilsts of the country. .Q.(0-.VEP!,., ai • =U i ,S0ilzz��acilz., l.vely decxlptioi of G,o��r,, rillo;l«,. r, 1TP4NI1T-;' &r: ,4(.00 a S 50 VE(11 T1T,LE,and F101ti'hlt SP>;'r)s. - -•Flay',.-:- •thcles,.>- Sheep pelta • Lamb skins, Pork I 1 eef Clovoi; Tunotliy', —1- 7 ev W' f3frk lIc T. Sno1vrol sijUesing- 1 to Miss Jane 1;., youngest daughter of iMr, nthon . Ta for of Hulls t . • � Y Y ,r_, t , �y y � . : - �F' \ - Il'E' WAY. JLrvhr. s Cui.cr,�Lr. . Iiy'•tlie'I,.ev.:il Ed - SPRING ()ur_ nci1.easing t -t=ide --in otli . el , tlel).Lz trrleni,S compels -us for wan -t- ot' room to go out of BOOTS' & SHOES—and -CROCI'ZERY GT;A SS WARE.. "WE OFF Gila OUR \\!HOLE; STOCT :DE TRES-C Goons. AT `COST.• It COAT 111 Oil wards on the 561r'inst at the residence of grcoin, illy i'ohn:Jekins, of Chicago, to ' Miss Elizabeth A. Curgenven, of . Mitchell. '[tA'irez`ii,uv-Loc,.A,' -'A1 ($oderich, on. the Rh-inst., by the Rev. Arclydeacon,Elwood, Mr. Joseph liattenhury, (youngest Jori -of' --'-W, Ratteisburn-Esi., lit (alin`tois to riiss Martha . Logan,_of-Goderioh. • fformes-WeirrNer-- At Detroit, on the 5th inst., Mr. Wm, H. Holmes, of 'Chicago, (iiephew.of•L.1•lolmes) to Miss Ida Whit- noy,• only ;daughter of Mr; T. C. Whitney, of the Grand Opera; House, Detroit. -Wm Jenkins 1's�rt ..brother of the bride- FULL;_- .. .. STOCK OF GROCERIES -. Ever- i i e vth�n Fresh. - .. 1 OB1 the Grocer, Central Grocery; Cliz>Ittin. Sl LA S DAV1 00 1 2 50:. ESSPI611 rden. 'Tools.: 'rices the lowest,' SILAS DA VIS s;'r turn' Ills sincere �, lIavdW L1C, SceitriUlrluikou1laGtrrabe:t)tst;oemno•3 nL'od the puhl;c generally• -foe-tbe-liberu1_p4tronage-e1ter1decl-to lTinrinilrepl-st, find; by frrrniehing the -b0 t anisic ;it trielthi•est.ren n- 1ietatiVe ln'iee,.be.hope,s to merit -1 cont,nuauce:ot t10 _• 5nmc. Ile would Spewally'ict nn)cnttatrail01}ij riiirrr finfrortation,,, tbo verb• le-'tbra'nd el •-, cV o• Brandies, ,,Port bines and Holland :Gin y Sui i:ein:F for ILniGI ,i L'r r:r esriS sn 11Aeltt ,sr,, BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER F -Po Il0ttlii, Pint, mill rL tar;,, •sem -« and Tin Hous,, Clinton: N• rs Ono ted M t _fa;ac O CAN AI11-AN-ALES-1- -D :PO -v` -' �. tit — - p. ( limso'. tont navie.1 r,:c5ea egnstoullir'on ulna. -ars .,t�. t j • r,. 4.x.0 ,�e�„ G !".'+• 'i • b l c - G :fu,t r0,,eived, n) pe•inic Condition, ilio nf,anl,Ginger , Ale',. eltainpC Jrac Okle'i", 1=x ASE. Cojf wf.riw,;-,-At' the;residenoe of the C Irtilt, eSptkr;, bride's 'father, Goderieh township, on the Soli; la.goni, tela. 6-'odo]•iclt ;.el1f'.. 6th inst., by the Der. Dr. Uro, Mr. '.Tames ' ' - 1'raser, to Ada,' daughter of Mr. James Pl.R93SON, Colwell. ALBERT S•rr,sg'r, 14111(5 111005, OCINTO).