HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-08, Page 2s , june 8 1883 ' . ' , " Lys by Am Freneame "-and by a good- - ' ' • y • ' ' '' looking , young man who seemed. about 1 , he . a and therefore I am wretched. W .n / ne • b ' a ' ' most pagan I a hor my fatee-I,gro a under ,, , - not win everything, but by tInessi X P4a9 A. MARKET; —FOR 042118. ' ' " ' ' ' , score the trick. . , , ' . ,,, h,//x//:/,;. ".!..1-11.; IlLUAL:..64:_ttib://-.-: i e. -se e • . „ „ ' . . ! . • ' ' -k • ''-' ' - ) N k' ,sef!'..,,,,stri • • , . . : . I ', 1. thirty Mrs. Gardner discreetly her it• -•,I snatch handifial of •gold and buy " And, what is the trick?" she asked, with ' \ pulled , I ,, POETA:LW ' - r--- . chair oat, of , earshot, 'and the'young men, who had been watching her moved:lents . , . attentively • softly clapped his hands. myself deliverance I When t am meet Christian I sink into an aPathY of resignit• taon, or, inore Often, oonseience-gOade, me tO '. e eage.r. curiosity, . • . , , . . , Denciand for the , Feline! iii. the. " The, trio:1k," he. slaid, .wtth a pecifliar. -,, , - . smile -m the trick -is the ehirteenth quar- , Tibrth-vv-vast, ' tot fitty-twei Good-eught, - --- • -7.,00 chord. . , . • Heated. one 'day at the organ, . twati Weary and ill at ease, ' " She ha; disaiPeared i" he exclaitned• . " Who has disappeared,. Sir Oliver ?" asked Amy, . . .. , Madness: s t , 1 . . ' Ha spoke with . so „bitter au energy,' aed ' his Manner Was. -so strange and sorrowful, oat of garde. -ee.......- , Mrs. Gardner." - . . • (To be continued.) HOW ', TO SUPPLY ' THE' DEMAND.. , . , . And. My fingers Wandered idly °ter the tvory.keys ; • - -know lint *nett was paying; ' Or what! was drea,min.g then, . But I Struck ohe „chord ot.music, Like the sound oe a -great Amen. . - . ' It flooded the'crimson tteilinht. Like the close of an Angel's Psalm, ' And it'lay on my 'fevered sPfrit, • , With a touch of infinite calm It cittinthcl pain and sorrow, • , Like love hvercomin,g strife ; .. ,It 800naed the - harnapnie echo ",•- , ' Prom ouidiscordantlif& • • ' ‘, . ' ' ', . 4 ' It linked all perplexed radaninge ' • Into one perfect peace, • • , And trenabled aWayiuto aileribe • ,As if it vvere lcith to waste. • - ' I have sough-6,1mA I' seek ,it;vaiaiy; , That one loat chord divine '' Which came,,from the Soul of the organ And entered into mine. • ' , . ,. - , , It May be that Death's briiiht angel - • Witi.speak in that chord again ; 16 may be that only in heaven • , I shall hear tho gray,d,arEten. , , -;Adarcide Proof. 'or. . , , '' '' " Your damns. 'Yoa are . YerY 'fond of • her ?" 'lee seAll, interrogatively. , , " No I -am not fond 'of' her," said Amy,s "but i think she is very much i -o be pitied. . . . , I must tell yea about her,'„! she continued, turning' .,to Melioent. " She ,' sehemed a Marriage with a verY, rich inan,.who, how- , ever outwitted het,' :He refused to make , . . . any settlements., but said he Would do her ivatiCe in.his will. ' He tyranized pier her -for-several years, -and ,..hept her shut -Op in 4 Swiss chalet, ' and at last' whenhe died, 'be onlilett her a few' thoaeand pounds-- tvio • or three hundred 'a year,' I .believe. . , . .,She was terriblY dish•Ppointed" .. ., , . , , .„ . . . - !' The love ef 'meeney is a passion I do not understand," .obee,rved-Ree&• " AnY one ,doandliye.eorlortably on two er three hem. ,re . a year. • „, • • • , , , " Quite.' elegantly, I. should think." said Amy, who had '430 tiotieri Of the 'velue of money whose purse.alwaya contained gold, , . . sAid whose simplest toilettes cost fabulous siiin& Melicent etnew thi&and laughed.' . that Melieent felt her beart pierced „with a sympathetic grief. • The tears Tose to her eye& and -sheeimpuleiyely held out) 'her halid• ' • ' r ,,. e Oh I _La, m so sorry -I am eo Sor,ry," she said,- He raised'_hOr laaeld to has lips, and kissed it. Then, in .poistic and unutitia fashion, he thanked herL 1, , " Sweet and gel?* ..1a437',", he ted' ff'Td°3' have given me my heart e .1 si . 13lese you • for., itt. Vo-isun. evere '1064494,1 the heart of a .vagabond dandelion, more benignly than you have gladdened .Min& Fax teeum !" - , - , He still retained herhand, and 'the Pres- eure 'of his fiagers !sewn ed to ' enthrather e enchantment.. 'Efi's face was illu- ij-e ail -mined as if by an ecstatic vision. IP altheise seemed to her as' if she Perceived thefra- grance • of - a .flower-s.trew,. n. - altar-ae if,- the fantastic. and. extraordinery man besidde her were the priest of some:unknown an • . it a 1 r, He had net yet xelinquiphed exa e ri es. .. .,. , , her hatid when Mrs' Eremame. appeared at , The Lauded Primrielmrs ' al Great rttiiin. , , , , . , . , , s . It is a startling fact and one which rall_Eft ql_ty. minds of .reflectingFnglish- men with ,grave enneern, that' •nence thap onebalf the lanolin the -United Kingdera es 11..0 by oiee tweives-thousendth of the.repu- le,tion. That is to say, 2,238' indivi uals, 011t •cif a population of 28,000,000, moilopo. lize forty millions 'out of the seventY-two million act' ri h. 1 core 'r" e'tle' territeee, tohf athteretewroe 1:shla'annwdosni.Ce.IetiishtsPiitildilsfen,t'hoeeeetsertarri-ttcilFe comprising 9;74.000 agoras, is held by foresey: - - , - e four Persons, not one ' of ' wnom. owns. less f h • than 100.000 acres,- and , tWo o w onn- ',Lord Mitldleto. n and the peke 6f Bather. land -e -possess over a ',million', acmes. each,: The follewing table,prepared from analysie .rii3717iaelidciisatlriAbluiliteadnartenkel sohf olawnsdhhoOwldethrsi:nprtohapene . e .proprie ors 0 e who, are the grpa-t 1 ci. d ' • t ' f th ' kingdom ' , - ' ' ' : „ • The New Yoyk Times Bays pergolas own. 'ing or living next door to people who own. cats are earnestly advised to pack the cats . . . . , . - oinutt'd°xeleseyrda.e.beend.wtitenmip•etgoe.rWs.anironicPlaeg 7.3;itnh' for nate, anti at the latest, adekies were offering ei•dollar apiece, for fulLgr.sown ,cat& end 81,0 Rai' do,zete,for-assortealkittens. This .0ity .113 onerof the •largest oar' promint. ia,g diatrmte of ttle whnle'' ijouniy• We eaid& according tO the last peasure seventy- four oath to every linear mile of back fence, While•I'biladelphia-;.which '• stands next te '1.1e in the table Of oat culture, raieee 68, and Boston, only 22 cite te the mile Our , . . . , , , , . •eliniate ' and back. fenries are peculiarly e ,., , . . - . . . , .. -.exorable. to.the productien of eats,and the roeuirulwt iasnata tinsel cat'oropfar in excess et t• -t t • t ,. - s. -, es oppor uni y ,o expor . cats to. Winnipeg should not in these eir•- ourestanees be- negleated.. At 81 per eat ' - the profit -On 0:Very shipment of cats will• be -, - 0 per cent.,!, letia:' the' mist ' of tran Bp.orta, '1/10n-. • Thig'ire.1S no other 'crap upon hi h .,; ve . - . , • FOR TiEn • .. , KIDNEYS, .LIVER AND URINARY - ORGANS • . . . •-ei,e TUE BEST BLOOD I' CICIFIENC, ' .Tiiere is only one Way by,vvhichanydisease can be cuped,,fand that is by removing -the cause- whatever it May be. The great niedical author - Lti i e:assefeidleirgoydf cdareyer. del see egtihearde ekp nitahl Jaya etzi i: eyfrbi .ilyi vy : ea iditifeitoothie•SO, th h " . " - . ' can be secured. Here is where:Warner's Slate Cure laaa achieved -its great reputetion.--1t-aets directlyhnon the kidneys and liver and by placs- , ng them in 'a healthV condition drives disease and pain from the system. For allKidney, Liver - and, Urinary troubles, for the distressing dis- dere Of women, for- Malaria and h • 'rat 'tr6roubles .generally, this great remedypliasyal no •Pqual. 1-'9Ware of . impostors, imitations' and. oneoctions said to'be •ustas ood. . • . E . J g • • or Diabetes ask for Warner's Safe Inn- beteg Cure - • • ' • •• - ' - ,,or sale by all dealers, .• .. ---,. -..,...--•--H.--H. ..-WAIChi' 1E R •A5 -CO ' -- . Toronte,Diat..;•Bocheste7 N Y - Lo d ' ' '• • rt. . .., n an , . . , , e - - ' ' . • r. , ' Good Night. ' ' ' • ''' `,` I cannot help thinking riches are rather 40FP.03P.iY0,"•_-alt.e. " For -one thing, the aperture,hetweens the certain& . In !In instant -the altar fragraace was gone ; .in an. Preptietors. • Acres , „,,,,e iDDuukkee ooff_ArAtghyolile „..-••••••••-•-•-•••• 17"'"'" _ 0..137 , any thing like eio .1 arge c a n . tained , No 'reset:6 is' 'assigned for 'the' . ' a "IE'rahofic:isisaact.cisubawinoutelicl Goad night to Meet h'er-e-astern-hills - " • Eas•star-eyed. evening leaned to .see. - • • The sunaet ga,tes foldln their gold ;, • Now cOmes she silently, , - ', - AII day Pve known "the near, so near, , Our wpnted day of sweet commune; • When each to each grew yet more dear ;' .0 blesaed day! fied'all top sbon, ' • • I!ve read.thabooks we loved- to share,, • :said._ they, Would. (So 'co speali) 'put Rome and Constentitionle end Philte the Beaptiful in 'one's hand.' I' ani .qUite cdfitefit, lint I •' ' "' '` ' h I • " am .glad that 1 am no poorer t an SM. " I think 'money is the choiceit of all. , . the gods " said Sir -Oliver.' -," I.do not hesi- ,, '• 'tate to eay that I adore him, sad that, if . ray wealth took 'to itself wings •and flew - . • -.• - " ' life. .., initriait•-ther-rike-e-r-detelH-aspett--of ClintOn - liad, vaiiished,and lie etood before her, Et Pale And weary Man, 'who had.passed. through a har a Sing scene who had :endured an ago. r B, , . , . • . , nizing Moment. , ......e.e.„. _., '' ": ' ' . "-Ii Wanted to know lir yell WCil4d 11E4 ' have an ieei". said the intrnder hiandlY ' .. , Melicent would.takO fte iefreslifeent, but" Wil_engly from her h ' 'a ot tin li e e emerge n , -194,000, Evan Banie . . es„,,,,,. 165,030' Rich. Berridge ° 170,000 marquis of Breadalbane ' ---'--- 438•1".• Diike of Buccleuch marquis 459'°®. of Bute • .. 116,060 Donald Dameron M",000 "Earl oefsO 1°1 Me. J twhdisoiLini, , • Daut 9 f Clev 1 u '•-•• '''' ' ''' • ' /02.000 e o. e au . . , , , marenisof oonygham ''' : ......... ..............._.„. 173,000 E 1,4.ofioDofelph 33-3-,04•j0...er'eieht..df po . - sudden and earnatins demand for oats in Winnipeg. '. It Will, of coutsee be suggested th4Winiiirieg is suffering frOne a plague of ' t • a . • b 't ' - ' ' ' WrItshanthemirceeE4 .'uchnaros.oieerw . dream of applying 'to ' them for assistance , against such an' eneiny. Undoubtedly- hatft . • have been known to .catch both rats and I food to Pve sung,theisofigsswe-oft•did-shige--- ,_ At table set for thee a chair, ' , s •• ' And gave thee dearest-Welcomin„g,- , .. . .• • ' • . ' Three times haire sOng-birds waked from Sleep sweet Aprit'spets, the violets, . ' • Since,we were parted, I to weep, • Thou to knoW Joys, without regrets. Yet‘it is sWeet to" fanny."k- • , . . ' . That thou, from heaven canst bring, its eheer To blesS wine da,S,s; 'since this we knoW; ' • ,' That Christ isrisep and can be near. • , saway.,..1_wo.uld gait • _ e . . , ..,-,,,• e. " Oh, Sir -Oliver r cried AM -Y. - • " Hush ! huish l'.', said. Melieent. ' I ,mould. .., p o eded , . , . ' " • ' '' ' r on ' Clinton 'sada- cionsly. "-I' am a wretcheO -being, and nothing but nabegydiSpels the. gloom of my existence; I haVe no turn 'for On:lite:ling my , woes in win& . but meney helps me to:for- get thene in as.theusand different, ways. Lon 1 ' ' h I ' ' ' f t a ,bOY I Sold g ago; w en was a mos . , „ . Myself to the 'devi4 and 'only. mOney Pre- , , _ , , ... , .. 'place -of retiremente . Amy -wasetalking to, Mrs. Mathieu, 6thalMr. Marrable had risen to mono olize Rene., kr& Belamonihrid an P de ht ' law' ' d taken hie seat, and her augs er-in. . , , ; had Joined the group. Melt- .Mrs."Marlay , . , Cent mOved toward thein, and her appeoach was hailed With 'delight ',. • -,.., ' • , ,-. : . Mr& Mathieu Was, fiiill it -little • ruffled: She Oould not forget- Mr& : Gardher's rude- , _ , . , . , ,. . ,- ..,. nese. hlelicent iriemediately detected her' • . _Dar musiti f . t .,o0uostleiro - 19,1,000 owilarehir.o........., .:. :!.......:' :::: '''' . J. R. Farquharson - • - "•-•* ''.. . , nesesso Ear I of Fife ' ' ' , • • 257 000 • • • - Earl IF azwilliam - '114,000 Or on ,l' G d ' , . • , ;„ G. mop. Grant liege "" 127 000 Duke of Hainilten ' ' , . • 157,000 oeuntess of Home . .,.. . .t...... . . .. . ... ......,:_,103,000' Rord Few:noire 8 . e • we m•ereuie of Lan ,,down Lord Lecontleld '110,000 Lord Releat - , ita,000 ' mice. no is given a cat for seven ayiesheevs.in;isom- etimee.,:pe. ete.e.;_tos• patch a rat or a meuse rather than to perish Of staleation, Inn even a -oat redueed en- tirely to rat and mice rations will nOt catch • ' . . ' • . more than o e o t e Is dee n f the lit 1' aninaa ly-- 'at 'least' or the arpose et -eating ,it. - O te - with familieeunqUestionably doe catch rate , ' and name for strictly 'educational .putpoees -uBing.t hem while giVing Obje,et leesoes. to. kittens in rat•catching ; but 'a judicious apd - - ,s, . . , KIDN , • E. , „ • , , - , 'RE C PEAT 'r:touRE ' R -H -Ell -M -Al -MM . . • • it iB far , all the painful. diseases' Of the KiDNEYS LIVER , AND DOWELS•-•••• It el a tli that -ceaui°11 esmstisee =al th6t9rit Pti°c.11 anis the vietinni-Of-Rheiimatiem can revralize. . ' THOUSAN S OF CAS S ' oe eh , f• P - . . E .. e worst orms .of this . terrible disease klAVO been quickly relieved, and in short time '' .. , PERFECTLY- CURED. • ' • • MICA '$l 1.4quip Olt DItY, A 01,0 Ili hrtccists. 44- ' ' . Pry can be sent by 'nail ' ' .4 • .. , .._ . . 0., Bur . , onlit. vea.,ref.seeecitAmeseeresc ' aMe4' '' ' •._..:. . . Friendship.. .• ' ',1,1*Seitt is up! showing a emiling face, . , . . . Like a. dear friend we always love to see., '. Faithful in protease, both in'tinie and.place, With many radiant welcomes, waren and free.;„ - " - NochangSee'er 'floats acroSa iteglorious -form, ' . • ' • Though sornetimeS", hidden by .the 'clouds' P.tich la true. friendShip I --Even adverSe:sterna vents•My hearing tne clabh, of my chains." 0 '' Your renoarks are eminently amusing • • • •, • 'and . seiliable" 'Clinton, said 'Rene, ironi- . cally. ''' " lJn'fortunately, Miss • Fre Maine , , • , . • oes noe eppreceate your ese „, n. . e - " t ' a d ini lli gefice." . ' , , • . ,, . . „., . ., • • " No, I Os:Snot," said Amy, frankly. " I is i e spea mg- ig y- o t e evi -.-- -y- cl• I it . -k- -1' hti f h •-d '1 lid ' i • . aenoyanoe. .. . , . • ., , ' ' ' " My dear Mr&•Mathieu, I,am coming to - - I. - . . „ . you tesmorrow for. a ,knitting -pattern, . phe 1. said. "•Thrit is if I nas,y. .-You once talight me a attern for a • child's Sock, and I have , . p . .., . . . ' . • foegeteen 4," - , . j. - • . ' . . "'Yea are -alviitys .w.eloofee,, . my 'dear," • 1" d th ' Old lad_ - Consoled at Once by -rep ie - e.-- -. , Y -,7 - ------ Lord Maddonald .. • 12P,m° A E M Iti t sh 124,000 , : s ea.9_ P.0 Sir li.. bit .naexenzie . iscede .NOrmati 'Macleod • ' 143,0X Alex. Mathesoq...,..,.. .. t.'..J........-...-220,000 Sir J. Matheson • . • .._.„ • 406,000 .Lord1iliddletion . ' - • • 1 005.000 •Duke of Montrose ' 103,000 Duke Of Northumberland...see. . .....es • leeeko • Duke of Portland.-.....; ....... . ........ ,: -,16/,000" -Duke-Of -Richmond. ' ' . careful cat is ablate make a single. ram or • • • • . 1310iifie larit 'during half a doZela daily lesson& •and healed the number 'of rats and mice aatight for, edficational purposes is: ex.' . , . , .. . , , , . tremely small. If, there are,.eay, a•Mill104 ot rats and mice in Winnipeg, it will ' take --,z • at Ida:et-half a' naillionof cats tO extermi•nate em in e e course o th'''h''f 'ItIf-le. •. a wee t en, the Destroys not love in a wellbalanced soul. "-", , , . , . . .' ' • ' • . .Not ao the Moon--inconstaht in its light, ' ' And variable in visiting our eyes ; : , Oittimes refusing to relieve thn night, .'• And only monthly with a " full" surprise.. , Itarays are but reflected --borrowed beams- • Like the poorfrienclehip of those enipty; hearts father. never names him. . He told - me . , . . . . onee he did not-ebelieve..there. Was. a devil., but I was so distiessed, strid he wae so sorry. ' And I think he does new,.for•.I Ire Prayed about it many, 'hearey.timers. • 011 • believe -in - the . devil Mr' Du Lys /1 she - - --","-- ' ' - - --"--- , - finding herself placed ie a position of supe- eiority. • " Yoe ehiill • see . all ney patterns, and Sit my•reneipte shall be atsymir eervice. Will you not come and „take tea with me re.t five o'clock -or aboat ,a quarter to.hve,; if yon dofi't mirtd ? Mr. tolittrable generally .- - " 286,000 Sir C: W. A. Ross ' ", Farl of Seafield - " 5054300 • .1v_larscie of -Sligo • 122, Duke of suthersand - .- • 1,208,000 Duchess of Sutherland 140,000 Marquis of Waterford • 109,000‘ Lady Willoughby de' Dresby... .. : .... . ... 132,009 ' '' ' . , Winnipeggers are buying .orits, with any . vie;m.to.slippressieg rate and naioe •theyeare. niaking a great mistake. . ' . , .. • . • , The demandIfor eatais probably due to a sudden and unControllable ou-tbreak of, the., . -,,b ati inestio .affeetions among sthe '. mate; Win-• . 11 •ss , ' „. te• '• nemeinber Thil . - •, • - '''." -. ' , . 'If you are sick Hop Bitters Will efirelf- : N t ' ' k' 11 h 11 1 •' a urea] ma ing you we w en a e, ae,fails.. If, you,a,re dostive or dyspeptic, ot ate suffering f na an 'otla' r f ' tuner • ' • rO, - 3'' . e o the. ti , ous diseases of stomach or.bowels, it is, yeur own faUtt if rencatin ill; for Hop Bitters•are a scivereigir rent, . . - .ecly in altsuch complaints. • - If ou are wast" ' •• I. Y 1-, - mg away. wi.h any form is dney Diseaae; atop tempting- Death this ment, and turn for a cure to Hop,Bittera -.It you are Sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness • ou will find a " Balm in Gilead . , • Y , , . . , .,, , 'in the uee of Hop Bitters. • , , , , , ' If you • are a' frequenter or :a. resident of mfasmatic district barriC d' You syst cf i _ , , ,ae, r . em a a t!Se. courge of •all-cou ntries-malarial, epi emIe. bilious and intermittent fevers by the use Hai Bittere.• • I y ''h h • I ll • • ki ou , ave a roug , pimp y. or sa ow s bad.bre'atty ains and aches and feel miserable general] ' 1) • • ' ' • ' • y, Hop Bitters will. give -you • fair, skin, rich blood, and sweetest breatM healtM and.00nd- _ In .short, they.cure ali diseases of the Sterna:eh; ' Bewels, Blood, Liver,, Nerves, Ridneys, Bright's -Disease •.4500 will ' be paid fOr a ease theY, • • . . . not curo or help. •. • • -, -. , - ' , . •That Oor bedridden invalid • wife" 'eider h P tl ' ht " ' • . • ' • mot er or. aug er,.can be made the nicture '• health •Ily a few bottles of -Hop Bitters;.coating but a trite' ' Will you. let them suffer? , ...s. • ' • . , ' ' - - ' ' aid the yen of- mo- " . , , a nst , of ., n, • . Will -. ' of -,' . That noW and then will ' smile with love 'that seems," •• ', • • . • • Until the:fashion changes -then , it parte. -- --- ' •• ' - .. THE DIME. „---A 11M-dab:dab young ina4 .. , "'A. fa.h-lals-lah young man, . An almost new' . - And utterly top,,,, . " N tra-fa-la youneeman He thought he'd gO arisi. see 1 * The world ao wide and. free,' 1 _ If anything was good enough for him : He climbed the Himalaya, • lia tramped through Africa"; .. . ' . But everything was fat too rough ler hind. . , - A tall, teathete young mam - • Au. utterly sweet young man.; • . .- . - • •-•,-- added,' Taming her luminous -eyes to Renee face. , . • •• . . • • •s . ' ], When d Was.' a: 'little „boy, and • read , ' Paradise Lost'forthe first time,"• replied . • . • ," • .: • - .- • . Rene, " I fell on my. knees,- and _prayed _ . earnestly that Satan and hie angels -might berestored to.thepresence•of Ged.'" .. • Amy looked relieved.' ' " I, was never So ' . , .kind atitliet," she said, regretfullye, "-Once a little.Freneh. girl told natahat 'She. and . , , . her' mother constantly besought:. God to . , quench the fires of bell, and I theaghtthat impious. But it .. could noe have been wrong," she ceneluded, -naively; '•"•if you praye or t e evi . vies . a a . .' Of' h d '1 I •IiIhdlid' ' ' ' • Sur% a nice thought bat I fanciedit was , , predestined. -- --- ---1 -- ., . •• E.t - . al he dines at- steps in for. a• cup o ea, an aS . six, he likesehie tea r,ather ,early." • " Then. I' sliall-conie at four," Said Meli- ' ; • ••- • - cent,- 'eompliantly. - " I,. should not like to, , • - . , ' • disturb Mr. Marrable e arrangement& And „I • I take tea ae any hour..• , • , .. s• , . • , :e" Poor Isabel is suCh it.great tea -drinker, ' derstand " said PoIrs , MaHrty. • '''' I siealf ull.. ' ' - . "[ - - mes to• ell ner.what you' say whee she co , . etay with. ney• father ;and meither. next' ' - , . • month.".• . • , . , • i. Oh t I . • • e - - • . s she coming? asked Melicent, _ , • • • • - • - •I hall be se lad. to see her eagerlY. - " 8 - , g , ' ' ' she has not been here for year&" '. - " How couldshe ' pOot dear ?" said young ' , - Mrs ' elainour. " Fancy a husband and ,. • B • . ' • . -. • ' . . • • • • ' .. _., rorty-fOur persens ...... 9;374;000 I th'' H t. L rds th' . ' t . ' • • n e ouseee .o . e 'proper y in- terest is of 'course paramount, 438 out 'of „, , . , . . .,,, , , , - . , . ..t, " . - . auo. peers, oeing laneowners eo u,..e .exteny .• _ ... , , e - , H f' of .14,2a0,000 acrese. white in tbe ease o c ' i.1 - ' 191 - ' t . ' . ommons t ere are. , proprie ors, own- acres, - es es sons an 2 121 i)00• ' ' ' b id 66 ' ' d ing . . • . heirs ofsland••helding 'peers.. ' Taking •both • • .• , . . Houeee together; the landholding Members . . . f p 1- , '. • • • ..t f 120 . d o -ar iamen are.in a mason y o • , an • since , ey. own near a qua er o a th ' '.- " 1 ' 'rt ' f 11 the . ..,. . . . .. .5' • ' • land in the kingdom- it can hardly ' be ex- • . -, -. • .. . eated that they's:Via piss any legislation -P - -. ' ' interferin materially with thes,exietin, - .. , g • • -- - .. ' - • ' ' land, laws or operating te their OWL, ' clis ad-. vantage --N:Y. Observer. ' : ' - e • e • • , - mpeggers. . ...ds - P3 wee knewn, • -tnere are • hardly ,anY womenin Winnipeg, and hence the inhabitante • are withOut • the. soothing - -- ' . influences ' of domestic life ' Wives are , . . , .- . ,.. . . 7 • . - costly and f eV:, Winnipeggers can afford:to. se , - . . import them. If, however each house 'Oen . , . • , have its sleek . and,. contented eat,' the; . 1 w'll ' t .' h ' II ' t th anima - i impar a orrie 1 e air o 0" ' pie,oe Whiell Win be,a pricoess yalte to the'. - houpeholder. If the Winnipeggers are bey. . , . hag' cats in order to cultivate the ernes ni d• t- ,affections they Certainly deserve encourage • • , ' . ' • - • . . • ment, and true philanthropists will, prefer d 1 t t t t W to sen pure y gra to ous ea s o . innipeg rather than.' to deprive any, man Of the ' - • • ' , , - ' . - means of gratifyibg one ct the holiest ma- pulses of -our nature. . A great swell -head,- , " ' " I neVer ' " ' me intreduee cin to MiseDo: L s " Let_ y y ' • ,an utter bred,: . ... . A finished quite berciplele young man: . He quizzed the continyit ; • • , In eighty days he went, . • , Around the world to show' what ;he could" dd. He said with all his force : ',' • .. ' The w.orld was all too c,oarse • • And nothing did. What it was' meant to' do.' • • - , • • A Roman nose young man, ' A tooth -pick toes .youug man, Whci sucked his cane ..+ • ' To soothe his brain- • - A-tighttit clothes young_matil___ • am sure your theughte were anYthing.but.nice,„" naid Rene: ' .. ' ' Amy . blushed, " That is•kind • of you," she Said rieing . "'But. I think I must not ' , • • stay here.. any longer.' Sir , Oliver; -I shall look. for Mr. .Bostock 'and send him . to exhort Yea " . • -- • : . . • . ' ., - Clinton, however,• ecarcely heard. - He was a ' bsorbed in . his ' conVersation 'with kelicent and AmY 'and Rene left the out- • ' • ,' • . - - • .tained recese unquestioned., ' . , . . • . ,, "'You. must let me tell you, Miss Du Lye, . . . , lie said. ," Miss Due LYs ancl her brother. . . , good enough to say Itheywill comean are ' • ' ' A •Ah 1 Sir dene ;'with •us on Wednesdays . . Oliver ire' you 'off ?, dome to didner en • . , ,, h ' . Wednesday le We -are so appy as to , expect 'Miss Du Lys that evening.". ; . ' , , i, • ; • • " These are • such pleasant gatherings " • • • , - • . said Pdelieent getially. " We are. quite. • ' • ting iedebted eo Miss Fremaine for institu them," ; " ' ••• • ' ' -. ' r - • . . - ,, Mrs Gardner warened at once. • • . ' , Farm; antkiaardg1,- . . . , , . . . , , . AS ate Us snotiid be out oni b careful , p g , .. y y, . hands who will not inpire the plants : , , . ,, , . ,. . ,.... . - - There is nothing,better for /eying. hens in the 'is tin • tha Milk afte the cream ,. , p g n , , .F • . has been.taken off. ' • . . ., . . •.. Young vines making their first. growth ' h A d ' b t '' ' 1 ii. "f 'th .s ou , , pre, ace, u a singe e eot ei o erg start, remove them and tie up'the stron est , , . , . .. ,,. , g tosessettelte-re--e-----.-----77- ' - . : ' : , Siiccelis • in . gardening depends' largely. ' ' - . . • .. • - - - • ' ' FORTY YEARS AGO. - . • • • - , ..,. , . , . , ' , . A Memorable Event in Church Motors' ' . ' , , - . ., . - . ' et he Disruption la Scotland. .. . , . , •,.-_ F --d - • • th' aoth ' ' -' .'f ri ay was e • anniversary o , . , . .. . ,. .. .. , ,the eonsummatioa ot the.Disraption in the Fstablished ,Chureh of Scotland, which , . _ . . , •resulted in the formation of the Free. . , , . . „ . , . . . --Churoh.--74...ymtter,on....the_aub3ot_gives...th0_ folloWing. graphic , account of the closing '11 •th • • ' ' : • gteft a week in your own town.-- Terine, and ,15Du titf ei Iii • "ra" & C P ra d , , out ...ree. . . Ames e..,. . 0., , o an , $5 , ei m ' _ " IEn Acts at the Same Time on • •• ' ' . • '• , K ID N . ' 0 RI ". ' ' ' - .' - - - • , HAS IIEEN'PROVED ' - , . ' . • ' , ' - : The SUREST'CUREfor :7 ' . .• - • . . . KIDN EY DISEASES': . , s . , , .. I'.Kidneya; Liver.and Bowela:'® . ,-• . ,..., - The menall feel for hind, -- The girls all kneel to him, ' ' ' - , The dear mainmas look eagerly his way r . But he will take his ehauneee - s ' Clinton wag ' saying. " When I Was -quite ' 8e, . i e youngi there was a , pe wh,ch arcie and trated my entire life It intoxicated pene • . • • , Me; and prevented, iny • senses 'freed 'die se " she said. " I am glad t y ,.. y , ,. „. ' 'o hear Cu sa " Amy is. such an old. friend 'of mine, and .I .... , . d - h fi 't -L• d h `. was. so etre]. , , w en rs ;bear 9 e wae ' . rdly be coming her& fleet she 'wOuldeha , upon little things. . As soon as seeds 'are ,. . b e k' th ' ' h h ' soil • a seen r. a ing e , . s s arp oe run. nearthe rote will lel them .• . , • .. p . . • . , • Youn • chicks heed to be ke t clean and . .g . , • P • le- h scene, w lc wi e rea wi interes .: b d t a e, . 0 . ay,. ., e enema ' " 0 ' th 18th f M 1813 th G ' 1 • Assembly met at•Edinburgh, in the Church . .0 ' t. An rew s. he arquis p ute, er , f S ' ' d ' ' .' . T - M • f B H' • • • • • • ••-- ' . ' And lie will datince his daunce .. ,. • ' . For every dog is heund to have his day. . -.,.. , ,,, . • An eye -glass quiz young man, . ' A " perhaps :it is " ,yeung 'man, ". A perfutned dear , . . From, ear to ear- . ' . , ., Do.you know .who it is, young,inah?: - . • /• . cernin whether it were beautiful or ugly ' g - • ' ' - . • ' ' ' • ' - ' I know' tow that. it 'was.- loathsome- and • ' ,hideOns,-bnt • then it. overpowered me., . It oo toy an an we e wi me, en i t k ' h d d lit cr •th ' d' "t •,kissed me with.' its poppy -red line; anti a profound stillness fell upen •me.. And then . , . . , ' ' ' appreciated in a country towne--Yonwill- not thisanderstand me Miss' Du' ..IiyeS• , - • .. , , for . 's , a Chatinifig--plaelr-ei. eitmoursee- • Delyp d i , . . , ,. but Amy has been feted -at Vienna ;and, . e., ..., „ . . , ' • • ,' "' ' ' . •\ ".' -raps. ; : ' e • f A" t h ' f ettled It es yeey ewe t o . rey o . ave,e . down BO contentedly,'? Said.Melicent: !' But , -n-a-Oresplace.-4Iove-the_coops freqaently _ltin, the • garden they ' will •,,catah' many -inseets 'that, Ought te be deetroyed: • . . , . , . ` . ' ' If -canker- worm 'moths have - ascended the trees andlaidtheir , eggs, the worms must be killed b 'a, . lying by means 'of' a , . y PP ' ' ' ' ' green stirred in water. - .. . est t s c ajes y sr... ommissioner,....,•precee e . rom, d d .f .the ola,Catherdal of Ste Giles, andattended• by the glitter of arietooratio poinp, and a 1 '1 t . ' el . ' . ' - . ' d ' -th' ong me i ery an civic precession, an , wi the. strains of martial music heralding his approach, entered,' the Assembly, and took 11' t ' th th . ' Th t ' is sea upon , e mete. , e mee ing noes a lame back or disordered 1/14110 indl- cate that you are it victim P ma= no NOM 13:ESITATE;, use Kidney.Wort at once,.(drng. gists iecommend Wand it' vrill speedily. oast, conie 'the disease and restore healthy action: '-, a : re• • s Fer'oomplaints peculiar a Ies. to -our sex, such as Pain - '''''' "" andweaknosses-Sidney-Wortis unsurpaszied es it Win act,' rOmptiY. and. infely. .„ :. .,'.,''' ' .• ' aitheraiet• Incentinence retention oft;rine , , , , , . , c us tori_y2pz_cpost. ,- an u • bil ir:d_ t 'd *to - del 11. ' • . " ' ;-1: en joYed; IP' •':-•••:' ;;',.'' ' •''''.: :" ; ', ,' '',. ; .: ''' ' ' . ''' , - . • ' ' ' ' '''' ' ' "; . - ; . : '''' ' ;; ; .' whateversribe doe. '' .syringe,,Peria In. ; '''€'-ahitia' ePlenita rai ea tide 0 ring '' ' bet- P. WaS then opened' withenraker by the .11Iode . .. . .. ....-: fi M I Well 1".:Saineelhia2e-i-:nrathereeaeriatell • . „. , , .. . . „ • • ` 'Yeu have ' ' • • - • have Me 'devil . . .. a issweet. • -. 's Amy. wishes to please her father,' • said • -.. ' , . • • - '• ' ''''''Y ' '•-: - ' ' • ' ' bed , oreoldtrames, must be well hardened • , s. '... ' - - - , a or ev. r. e s . • er a rie ause t ' ' • R ,D W '1' h -Aft ' ' b • f . ' ' r . , - . . :.1) 1, . ,_:4 shoe len leo yet you, ' • . . - ' • only_shoWneeneeese_pleltietomebleyear , - • - : . , . • e . . . e • - . .Mr Ftemaine e ,eshe "is his - very.. good; e • • ' ' , . • e • ... • , • .. .s. s . e - • - • -, • , ' by exposureebeiore tney are ,planten out , ' • ' f ' h ' ' 11--th - it f th , as i .. weig ing. we ' e empo ,o , e . ' easeeeenspeeeese.,essaes,sse,,,,...e.nee. poem, es.... ,soesu see..stee„enundeeesTeesieseessete ' . Tlie Mystery o le. A f tl . V T4 -ref ' ' , ,J. e - 1, ttre. ...----- ' • ' owns. '. . ,,DOn'tdiedainnee, Mise Da LYel" shied 'Clinton., " Lam in earnest. I want ' . . • - ., . s , - , - ,` ° "• b d R ' ' . '. _ nixie etncit aniee, . o eerve ene.. "In iny opinion love ' etenearniount'obstas ' e Os, --for the latesceop .ere te be sown in a, 11 '• -'' (lb' d' ' - th ' '" ' ' ' a " d ' 'ft. We ,1:),.y!Ekpare e .in ., e oppm.gro n . a , er 'the ,Weather.gets welleettled.ess • • i ,., . . ,wor s . e was a ou, . o u , ere. e %game .after 'a few , explanatory sentences' pro , . . . . . , „ . .,, , , . ., , ... .eeeded, • to. , yeed ehe proteet which hade , e _ •• . . „ , '. :1:21 --. ,...,_ - R T K.I . -1(' WO . . .. . . .. . - - s.. -. . . .,, A NOVEL -BP FAYE, AfAli0 C.: . ' ' . ' • - " Or varnish forcenttesy," retorted Mrs.. Mathieu., with a suPerbsnaile',.bilt With'two: red and angry spots rising,in her ,cheeka.• The polite contest Might have. continued ad infini turn,. hfid not Mr. ' Marrable inter- ' . - - • ' ' ' hilt tO know. That beamed Shapewaea Pereoes ' ' ality. '• It posseseed mee and -1 gave it all I. • • . • • held, dearest.my name, my lineage., my. lbopes Of ,iiappiness,,,,,.E,',Or • a little while. I Onssiy 0.. , I . lived. -merrily, and . caeed for. nought: ' At:last I awoke, ' and .the, poppy's 'red live. cOnld kiss me . into slumber -never' again, '. AndiAien, in • my misery, an faith " . - • ' , , Oril in this .case there- was no Obsta- , " ... „, 31 __ . ,„ .. ...., . , ... - • cle " 'said' Aney, blushinge :" I like being . h.- 'e.,,' " • .' -: , : ' ' ' ' .. ' , 7,Are• on snre Of :that; DU Lys 9" asked Mr Frain' eine' ' .,..4 thoaght love was rether- ' , . fabuldus corian'odit nowadays 7' • ' ''., a eIs itT-. said Reney Coldly.. , ,. ' .. It is customary to set ., liearly all the plantsen the open air, but many .are much. ' ' d b - is ' ' t• -...: ' '' ll • b - h ensure. , y e Is. prom me; especie ye ye t e hot sun fallieg upon the pots- and scalding the. teat& • The- , note .Shoeld ,leither ' be _plunged in the soil, or -a . ehade of , some kind ,proVided.'' ". • . ,. .•,' .' ' - ' ' - A cdrrespondent writes. to 'the American ". ff. already. been piepared. Then laying it on t e .ta e,. e sbowe , to t e. onemissiener, d -tha ' .' i ' --th h ' f 11 ' d b an wi . rew- rom, e Ouse, o • owe y all the evangelinat party; among whein Were those Whose•liVes,',and. works hadehed the' brightestlustre'on ,that age Of the Church. 'a:ROOM:an& ' -I 6 Wee a.solemn and Montane tons teaneaction BYthat wet they gave..uP Churches,. ,e, eiensesD '1,17T . • ' '' Irreih r ' ' ist _ 444`" • . The ab,..N.e ia a gda ., , . e os ;yr..n, Miss. „. 1319.1.be trit'qUilYealled 'fie eams ef. her correspondents . Is.zea".oxs:y CevOted of a Ufa -study, assistatte, to .17elp whiel-_. dellY pc.....1.re burden et sneering . ., • , Vegerzt le ComPound 'ova par;osee. I am Bade:Led oUhe 0' meant of ies acribed by 'one eayS t ...It ytorks c :., at win cure Paji ' of th'e uterus Leacerrhces ' - ,Areastruatleieall Ctarian Ulceration, Ploodi-2.ge, ,seetient spinal weeitness, tao-Cho,no of Life, it permeates.every mwIffelna;v1gcr• - destepys au eravug ness of the etomach. - . Nervous Prostratice • Depression and Indif;estIon.' down,Clinsing pain, permanently cUred under all cireumstanceS, teatgoverns the fernale it costs enlysi. per druggists. Any advice thonatdes of many health by the 'use of obtained by addressing tither home in Lynn, , per rudney.Complaint • e unsurpassed as abundant , „ • . . , Mre: Pinkhain,s apbest in tho =rid, 13115ouniees and TOrpidity Puriflorworke wonders to equal the CoMpound . ,;-, ,',-- - ...._ ......_ respect enitatioalsto do good ' •IdiadelPhia' pa' IIINTITLED'I)1701HAlifc, ' - the 'posion "Alleke. Cei. e 4serses.'e . 4 likonesa .,'Whe;above the "ir) to her wOrk, and is. obliged her tinswerthelarge 'anima her, or joy ' ' ' Lea medicine have. -personally truth'of this..- proven merge. the hest physicians lite a entirely the ' . • ?•• Troubleei, 'al] DieplaCeinent and • ' • ,' ,.. portion,e1 ' it' re.mc *-I3' ror stiraular:ts, It cures 43.snerol weigbt and,,tatkitehe,le liy its Use. act imbarMctly sesteine bottle or requiredas who have the Ve ge.-ble Mrs. P,,, Mese. of either .• . s testimonials , Liver pills,",,says for the of in Its in its poPelarity. her ixs anAngol to'othors. (1) • - . " • • " - '. ' • • GLohs,) . ''. • . . • • . ' ' , / ee .. of , MI.. Lydia It. Pink-- ' all other li ' het Friend of No ' . .4 loye to'eall: her...She. ' which Is the outcome' ' to keep eit lady correSpondenC0 each bearing its special at reidaSe from it. Her ' - ' ,-' . for good and not • investigatiodit and. • • • • - " ' ' it is- recommendej • in te. ,country„, charm add saves tauzla , warstfmM Of ' falling, Irregular. and panful • • ., '. Irdiamma..ou gal and the .ton.. . is especial:1y adapted to ' •• . . . . , the System, and Wen , ',.; Pantzess, .5atuliiic9: - and relieves weak. Bloatitg Headaches - • ' • ' . DOLIty,,Sieep.eeenese. '‘hat feeling of bearing alwaYs, • It wifiat all them, and • with the las,. , ' . • ' ' . sit•for I5.,andia sold by • to spe'etal eaaea,ava been Teetered to perfect ' ']"•,' ectrepouild, can be with Stamp for rePly.., ' ' • set•thie core]poundfs . • , show • • , .', , • • 000 writer, ' are Cure of constipation;-:-.., , tho • liver. Her Blood. sPecial lino and bile fair ' ' , of EOreY whom dolo . ' • . ' ' '- i 3•'1". A. II' D. " • - - •• • •' ' ' ' .Posedhe-ponversation---took-a-tarm. • Mrs. Mathieu' laacl'. the Satisfaction.bf feel- . . . . • -' ing that she bad had the last Word'. ., ._ . " You are visiting ''Delysford at A Most .. . . .. , enjoyable time of, year; madam," said the old gentlethaia; in the _polished and ponder. . ous diction. of a( vanished. period.: ,,, yoli • will find life ameng the, roses of Delystord . Most refreshing, .espeoially. if ,you haye •beenlately sojouring 'amidst the-smokean& :genie the deviU mid pointed, to my, money,. . and taught ...ine ,lioW ' ete buy' the waters Of Lethe, and .prdinised to. rescue Me in the last extremity. . , , .. . , • ". I do not uite com rehend " said Meli- - Al ,_ , P , Cent, , gently.. .Her ,,momentary. contempt, had vanished- ;She, eaw that .Clinton wag much moved, , and she .desiired greatly to; -Succor him in hiS :neceesity. ' Bat Clinton, , e sonnititeesbeeneeoreed to ,think .., I have o ' ' . ' • .. - .. ' e, ' -• '' ' - • •• • ' ' • : s'• " I think ' ' n'have been miStaken, Sir," Said Rene, and his eyes travelled te AMY's „ . , ... . , , . , Iace• . ' . . . • '' • • - .• - , • ; " I.thinkr we ought -to be going Rene " 0 'O. Mali ent - - ' : , ..' ,' ' ; ' '. ., ai . 9 e • . , , e ,' ''' ' - '' ' ' . ' ,, There.was, indeed, a general move. .Mrs. Mathieu had set the example, -. and,every eiLesetculeariet_e_thase':,e, one mills -when, . the', deve 'is on, sprinkle &little fine haler:in' threleasis of ani Plant he wishes tO•Isill, he will be bothsurkised and pleased: at ' the reedit." 'Beginning eome • years - ago, , with ' a.feWonarts annually, he now. ufies . Some' thousands. of 'peands of. Aalt each . year in. killing weeds 'while'moinjur • to -the land or the cro fele erceetible y• ' ' . P. P - • , their and their manses, end tor- teiteil their-.1Wirtge.- , Yet- • theY deli berately„ andaalmly went forth, . led. by 'His heed. 'Who hed ever. been to ,Ifis people a waltot. fire and anunfailing refuge. '• Ae 'they left , , . , . the church, the dense croty&that filled the' etreets divided,. 0.43 ' if , bt, a single inapulie, and thrmigh thet •',east Aea-ef human beings thoeenoble wee issed on ta the lace re. . P . P P vided for their •.meeting.e' Already ...three ' din of .:tovins. I am infoimed thiit in 'lune' - ' the parks in London.":are es &inlay ae the ' ' ''.. :gardens ..here, and their flower -beds: ea. ' bright and as sWeet ,as •any. we aan shoe*, ----but-I-can-hardly credit the statement's' It was still thinking of the rentark which had.' , . , , , shocked Amy, and. which had even 'caused ' " ' . ' ' • ' . • ,./Nielicent to bid.him hush. • , . , ., . " Listen Vele . said ''' There ,Was a man • Whe went up and ,:clown, the streets and...in -ene.wasefollowing. SireOlaven hadgeme... Mr..Botitock was wetting te bi a mu., , • " Good -b e Melicent darlin "'said Arne/. , , Y y . 7 g, , • - " I, .shall' ace y,ou. tenaerrow,afterneen ae. 'Mr&.Mathiea'e. ' . • ' .' , • , . eeesee...: . ....Living. to .Chnrch in_.England. •._ . - ., , , .. ., . . . .,. , . . , . , • Ire• oin abont ,--yOu are expected te • fes .. g • g - ' • • = - • - eVerybody_ exeept members of the nebility,,, says a London correspondent of. the: Cleve- . . theusandpersonse were ,,gethered. in the• . . specioushall, when, the protesting ministers.. andelders entered. Dr: Welsh opened the meeting With , prayer, 6thia the 'half ; suP- • emotions :the • is true, however that in the,siity. years of thy pilgrimage 1 .have neVer , visited; the .: great metropolis, htit my, convictions Are. .furnished by my, knowledge' of . the natural .qualifieatiOne 'which adlint of sunehine•and• induce floral growth." - ' ' , , • ,. ' , -' , 4' Tou are a man of science, then?", said. Mrs. Gardner, rememliering•that.her geole- gical remark had' been extinguished ..hy., a Delysforcl lady. ' • . '' e e Pardon me, - ma," he retail:Led.. " I am thankful to. •sey I am hot a. 'Man' of science., I have • etudied botany, and -to some . extent -astronomy... Into.: farther depths -I have refused' to plunge: Indeed,' so highly. 'do , tereprobate all attempts -to pry into the seerets of, the .Lord, that' I have done all•in•my.'pasyer' to.prevail upbn it yOung friend of •mitie in this ,.plasse to "What 'he .and Outeof-theelimiseadaiighingand-talking.-L,_Yea,_dear,.. •'But he cartied ateilit with . him a malady 'which he -kneW to' be Mortal, .and'whiph. 'woald haye 'made people ehanhimand draW, thoip.garmentat'away es he, went by.' Only , ne onektoewof it When the diseepereaehed its la4t atage and .the Sufferer Was' about to •expire, he Set, 'fire ,,,to the. litniee where he lay, . and ' his body Wae-barned. • No .one. kneiv Whet he 'died -of, or what caused ,the conflagration. ' • He Possessed hie .. tiecret, eternally:. . , • , . • . • " But pea speak sn parables! cried Meli- dent, " L wish yet Weald speak plainly." . ' • ,, I 'have. striven ' to,. open . your,' epee" replied Clinton, despairingly.. ' " But-. you' ?Dill beeblind." ' • .. • ., . ' \ ‘.. . ' ' ' ". You .Lbaake, me , very 'unhappy.," . said. Melicent. , ' . . , ' ". • • . .. "Do. he, Then ,O...0_94.-#0," sipid Mittient; btightly., • . , • , . .- . ' , ... .... ---- ; .•, ‘, Goodnight, ',Miss.' Feeneable,"sesaide 'Rene. " Shall I his". in -•the Way if ,T look ie ' i ' at Mrd.,Mathiene icisinerieW-2' ; . , . ''' ' -1 et" -* ' " ' ' ' 1 ., , ' • Yonwe 1 ei be le ety.way. I am, on y goingsto loek 'at ,anold fetidly Bible," said Anay. ' " Indeed,' you' :might 'help me' toes understand • Genealogy . is it, thing I never', couya.gragp.,, . . . . , :N. , " The.. genealagiee Of •Delyriferd i are exceedingly. interesting, but quite chaotic " :unless yoa have grotvn up' aniong them,. . 'said Ren& ." I Shall 1.like to. explain, Mr& Mathieu's pedigeee." • ..,'• , - . , . • , • "•But if it is. BO 'cionIthied,,Your explains-, lions will take hours," ! said AmY.' ' ''',/ shall. net 'mind that," returneO he, • ' I " . ' ' " ' ' ,looking.fixedly at her., . Good.night. , When.he hed ' 1 Amy at' land•Herqld. If you ask any favor of a' shout:lam-you-are-expected Sto give.him .a -few•pence, ifehe-conaplios. ' But it , story will, silluetrate the'prevalence of thie ,eipectation offees , A entlema 'r 'cent v e t red, ' . . • g , , n f • ' l'' 'It e ' .- fashionable Londoe ." .churcb• • h a • . . , . , , , w er the female ,, pew. . opener expeets . 'erateitlees Twiddlieg a halfrcroWn (62,cents) between' shis finger and thanab, .be was politely shown. Mid a peWe and' then "Oeiterdarily 'co)kersyed; a halt:penny inte the . expeotant s. p . , .,.,iic , is conductoe, whO clutched, tne cona a d smirkin" I 'withdrew P esentl , , \ , . g y . r • ' the We an broaghe him a, hymn bnok, and still Smirking, whisPered : ," You made 'a Mistake, sir ; it Was Only a ha'epeeny .you gaVe .ine,." " No," said the gentlemen with &benevolent smiles," it's .all,righe ; I never ive les " ..Exi ew o en r ' no ' •rkin g s. t p p e , t smi g e' - ' pressed, of multitude, when .thanY a•. minty; face:Was • bathed in teare Dr; Chalmersi•verts then chcieeti by acclatna- hen to be moderatdr Ot..the •iirst, General. , , _ „ . bt f h ' F • ' "'CI ' 7 f ' tla d 4 ssem y , o ,.t .e , .1 ea .,. , turc .t, o . co n . • Th 43 d P 1 --els' ' ling. 'and in a er e . r . ea ne au El . , , er y offered,' 'and go. 'the Assembly .was rogue laxly constituted.l. Ond of the first ricts,of eee, . eoey.. a waseeto .prepare a "Deed of '.;..t,t";jaisusio, ,„ -y . , ' n, D which all cOnneetiOn with the.GbvirnMent a&a, ii•e'' established church": was renounced. On\the 23rd of. ilaythis .. Was presen e or egna ure. o t d '-f 'Fl" • t All ther basinese *as euspended-,„ -The ;roll' wae called, and ' in ranks ',of ten the mernbers • , adVanced and 'affixed their 'nemeS to that mementous document, by which they gave. up' their hOmes, and ell their worldly . . f ' th h r of el rist 'their possessions, or e ., ono.. - c , . i g an ; ca . . . Int ' d II d Thus was the Free Church ." abanden the parsuit Of is pleased to call physical science." ,. , , , - ' " Reallyi" said Mrs'. Gardner.. ;" L dare . say your yOung•frienWs stUdies will do hid" no harm," • • . .,• . ' ..:-, -' . " Madam; I greatly fear' that they are 1 ?" exclaimed,- ," per. , hips I may yet be happy." - . .. ." At ' my expenee 2' she , taidechidingly. " Ah,,P.ir, .91iVer I I, think. you . have' been fooling me." .• • . .' : . ' ' . .. -" And if I had ?" he'said tentatively. • ' ,. still stood genei, . ,the drawing•room. door, shelling , happily, !end mechanically. shaking hancliewi,ph her ,guests; As 'soon as the last hed departedi, ,she ran quickly up -stairs. . Mrs. Gardner; . , ,seemg she had gone, prepered to follow.. . ewe • - ' ' . ' • . , • The builder of rieeeurch; whene eheiptiet Of hie health. was given, rather enigtn ad- pally replied that he was'', more fitted for. ',the scaffold than the public platfoint.": . • woad ashes Make the best Of fertilizers of Scotland •onabled,., by the, grace. of God,, tO effect its'exodus frothi the bondage 'under • Which it had long geeeesed, It was a seene scarcely surpassed ,even amid the trials of ,, • the first Reformation." ' ., . . causing him to slip , from the. Christian . .„ .. . fold," said Mr. Marrable.•,"•Seience appears - to me , to be -in direct opposition te Holy .Writ, and it is purely on SoriPturalgroande that I disbontage,its study." . , . ' . - . , , Mr& - Gardner ,stared. •''Bir..'Freniaine wag crossing the rocun Mid sheitroie and , . . ' aceosted hini. -7 . ' • ' ", ." I should saY you had offended agairit , ., all the ,canons of good. taste, and IshoUld ' beg you' not to repeat' the &roe." . ' " But -you Weald not Odle me from year presence ?" , ' ' ' . ' .' ' ; ' ' '. , , , "No.", ' . . " Yon. would , not? Then' the gods •haye Me.", ' ' ' • ' ' • " I want t� know iane thing,"she, eitid, 103 ' ; ' ' ' ld o Mr Fremaine !she held, out her ban t . ,. , . ," If you, deqt want that beautiful.Mr. pu Lye to fall in love ,with Amy, why de' you i have him here so much ?", ' , ' . „ ; . s e • • . , ' "'That it ' my 'business . said -Mr. Fres maine, Politely.e ' ' !. .• . , • ' " But believe•they ate in love with one for. all 'kinds of 'flowering plants,'( ite they are , destruCtive to inseete . The ' houee . ... 'slops, if •• well diluted With. Water, are, also excellent, for floWer beds.• , . . . --4: piallopopikei says .:. " Live ,yoier life, in • • ' c ' such a • way se to show a, ontempt, for , . wealth," . That's "mei " We , want otir daily life so intermingled with Wealth, as ..' can!e Get It. . .; , e Diabetes, Bright's 'Disease kiiineY, Denary or , Diver Coniplaint8 cannot be eontiae L.ed by von pr 'your familv if. Rep :Bitters are used, and 'if lyou already ha,ve anY of these diseases astbp Bitters is the onl Medicine that will positively cure you, , y „ . , • - - . Don t forget this, aud don t get some puffed.up stuff that will only harm.you. , - ' , • • . . . ; " Introduce me te SCM1 ' h ' e one w o wae,not . born in the ' ark !" she said. "- These pee- ple pass the bounds ot my wildest imagin. ings. Or stay -I will' Sit elown. in ,' this chair by the curtain. 'I -Would ,rOther watch the scene then Mingle 'in it. I am an ingredient which dogs not assimilat&" • The seat shehad tedieatedstobcfcloseto . . . . . ' ii, dimly lighted and partiallY•• Concealed recess, dontainieg'at coach and ao couple of low chair& Ai this monient these seats' . . . . Were occupied . byRene and melicent 'Du- . not forsaken ,-. • . ,,. one ways spea o le ;fee s as 1 you ' " Y 1 ' ' . k f th ' cl. ' 1 believed in, them,' ,, said. Millicent. e " So•I d& • I belieire vetily hi the silvers tongued Apollo and the blithe Moinus, and the glowieg A'Plerodite, and the glorious '' Nine." , • ' ' "" ' . , " Atid, I helieVe in the divine consunama- • tide Of bureau' abnegation upon.Calvery," PaidMelieent,•irea lbw • tone, expreesive of ' deer' feeling. ---' e: '''', ' ' ••• ' . " An& so 'do I,"' be sa,'ide "I' am. too Christian to live my life in a pagan retelry, . •I th 1 ' d: !" ' ' '• ' ' ane er area y • , . ,, , , . "',I, have/16' special 'Objecticin.' - , • ? " Then,evhy did yoa Say Mr. Du Lyspaid ,too teach coart to AmY 2" . . ' • , 'St. • " Mee. Gardieer bite° . you never heard . theproverb; On ne par/epas, ow on.croit 7','' ' • , , . " I' fait to cemprehend you, Mr.' Fre. Maine." . : '' , , • • • . , , • ei I am playing a game of whist, ; Mre. Gardner." '' ' ' • • "'Well 2",,, • . . " I do not hold all the trumps.. I oan, 'hundred it Were, that ',familiarity will breed eon , • . ' . • tempt., ,„ . • ' ,--Iii a'Salvation . Army meeting held. in Thomas alai* evenings since a prayer . Wae offered. as.follows': - ‘f May God bless - - • ' • the reporter. If he. is here to -night may e. .. , . • •s • nd, , he speak the truth,for once in hi life, a . • shame his .niaster, •the devil." . , ,, The largest steam, hammer In , Scotland iii at.karkhead Forge;illasgow. , 14 weight is 12 tons. and it etrikee• as blow of.sevekal , . 0143 • - , • . . , ,•--.1.-.7--7- . • y . a er an ,s, •was mama , e , The da ft '1•1 t -dh remarked : " Iteeas pied so easy 'DS a neeOle Could valk oat mid a camel's, eye as to, get der behindiord naid a Viinians." ' '. ' '''''.P '• t t I' ''.' h ' • kl- - : ' am a ee wit gum ime mixed with , , „ . 1 C d t ' ' • ' sweet. oi . oate hup, grates, fire.irons, • t b k ' t f th •th t ' ' e ce can . e ep or, mon s . Wl. ou any , ,. toupee - • , . e ' . ' - • • , . - ' e „ • •and -There is no need for post elerketegans COi the stamps =postal -cards. , The Oflid13 ice Cancelled when,written on. . • • THg WILLIAMSEVAPORATOR . , -for the preeerVation of all kinds (Tit -nits ''; vegetables. Manufactured' he, S. B. Br 1 M. Sprefit, Ramoton; canacia. •send,, for eirotuar.• - . (6174 A WEER. $15 a dav Eit tiorae ettsily„mada MI fa Costay,outit free. Tann & Co.; Augusta, ?fie • _