HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 10• CLINTON NEW ERA FRIDAY, JUNE, 1, 1883 ou* 'Zojli tg. LOCAL NOTICES, The well-known stallion Peacoxo will be • at the xrattenbury Rouse stables every Saturday afternoon during the season. 0. EMERSON, prof. THOS. ;COOPER,; grocer, is paying the, ▪ highest cash price for good potatoes, for ship- inent to the States. He ie also paying each for • eggs. 'Owing to the slack demand for potatoes in the States, and theiarge quantity of th©m 'here the price' only ranges from about so to 950 MR: CHAS„'King,"of'Dublin, is tenrpor- arily,actingas assistant -agent at Clinton station Oz? Saturday morning Mr.. R. Coats' int drxying'horse put its stifle out' oflo while. gettlug-tip in the stable, but 'is all xiirht atgain. Dir: em 10y ed. at McGarva's J.Ha]stead, salt block,•got .his hand jammed in be- ,tween' some ofthe machinery. ITe ' may. loose some of his fingers. • FIREMEN'S Sun's. -Mr. W. Cottier is engaged in making new .suits 'for the town Fire Company ; they will be -trimmed with gilt bands, and will enable the com- pany to make a ,Eine: appearance. • TEMPERANCE''MEETING.— 411 parties interested in the formation of the Tempe-, ranee Lode should remember that a' meeting for the organization and election of officers takes place,' in the 'Temperance Hall, this (Friday) evening. ODDFELLOWS. On Sunday, next Rev. .r ' Mr, Turnbull deliveres a sermon hi Knox church, Goderich, to . the Oddfellows of ;_-tliat`town. Invitations have been extend- ed to the Clinton brethren to lie -present, and -it is.likely 'that .a number will accept. M11.1U• P.'Wiffenand family have re• Sarni to Clinton, and -left ino ed'ii•oin ae y 1 for their new home on Monday morning. Mr. Wiffen has been'engaged• in the hard- rrare•businessin this town for a ,number of years, and leaves a large e circle of ea e a friends among whom ho was generally"re- spected.—Sarnia Observer:. TEMPERANCE PioNrc.—It is content- plated ontem- o1 t to hold ar icni 'at Benmiller, zed oda] e c n the 13th. June"wh n the different tem- perance orders iii this section of the coun- ty will be present. Addresses on :this yi- •taLsubject will be -delivered,` and every- thing done to make the, occasion an inter- esting one. A BAD Loss.—The.many friends here of - Mr. Luther Manning, (son o f -R. Manning,,• of Exeter,). will be sorry to learn his stable and contents, situatein township 2,• range • 13, Southern Manitoba; wereconsumed;by, fire 'on the 10th inst. There were three horses, two cows and two- setts ofharness in the building. Nothing was.' saved. The cause of -the fire is unknown. "Mr. Manning's loss is about .$1,300. DEATIi Mr Geo. -Thompson, of gersoll, (late of Bonnyplac.e.Farm, Huron Read, d-oderich townshipYihas-justreceiv- ed intimation of the death of his brother Archibald. Thompson,: of Carlisle, England. The deceased was Por many -years engaged in the Inland Revenue Department. We understand he leaves a' legacy to his bro- ther of a sum between '4$7,000 and $8,000. Mr. Thompson is now in his 53rd year and may he long be spared to enjoy -it; His friends: hereabouts will ":be glad to ;tarn that he, is in good health.. ON FRIDAY, Mr. Jas. Sheppard sum- moned Mr,W:D•Cooper before the Mayor, on a charge of 'assault. The day before. (the 24th) Cooper was on of the Com- mittee looking after the sports,and in. snaking a pathway between the crowd for a, footrace, some difficulty was experienced in keeping the people;:;, back,'; and 'shark. words passed .between are parties. men- tioned. Complainant relieved an assault had been committed on, him, While de- fendant believecl he had notexceeded. his duty. No ` fine Was imposed,' but Cooper was requested to'paycosts of the case. • THE I'EATHEIt.—All "the. seasons .. - Spring,` summer, autumn and winter— were experienced w i;thin the compass of last week. ' It "has rained='almost: every day for the past 'Month,. andtovary` the monotony a head y storm of: hail was ex- perienced on Sunday, the stones being as large as.good-sized peas. There ]las been no steady warm, weather since last Onto- berms eight mgnthsof; cold r=earlier 'is',' d long spell—but we appear to have struck a ” warm wave,". 'if it,'will only- ,last: for • . any time. People as farsouth as Georgia' • have been enjoying just as 'cold. weather:; as we have;. the dailies ,announcing the c . ' unprecedented fact that ",on Friday snow coveredthehills in. that state."'_. , • HoxsE NOTES. Recently :Mr._ • Hs• .Evans,;'of the:Huron road, lost a foal that was.valued at, $200; . Mr. John] Wiggin ton; of the Bayfield road, a short time ago, refusedl$200-for.atwo-year-old' mare. Mr. Thos, Welsh, of:poderi ch township, hada small ;Ware which be sold for' $2.30'; it is. - of splendid stock Mr. Geo.' Dale, of Hail lett, refused $110 fora sucking colt the other :day ; it •was got:• lay Mason's Bor- land Chief. We believe that''Mr,:Cowan, of Seaforth,-who is travellingla Stallion :in;. this neighborhood, is entering into Iitiga tion with the parties of whom he bought' the same, on•the-ground of misrepresen tatiou lli,, ,11I. Crllles, of this place, last week bought a team of two year old colts from.: Mr. -James Turner, Brucefield ; they are handserhe, well matched, and cost him $250 . PI R50\AL.-1Ir. John Copeland is on the sick list. The wife of Mr. 5. _Davis,: accompanied by Miss S.; Davis, of Gode• rich,„leavc in a_few days;for a trip to_.,the. old country. Mr Isaac Humble, former- ly of Clinton, but new assistant' postmas= ter. at Wichita lis., was married -on the,' 16th inst. Mr. Stephen;Walsh is serious- ' ly ill, and -Mrs. Sturgeon, of Kincardine,' - (warm personal friends). were this 'week on a visit•to him MrGeo.. Wright and family expect to lease shortly for .Berlin,,' where they will reside in future 3ilr, James Archibald', of Portage'la.Prairie,, is visiting leis relatives here. Miss L,man-` .,ging, cif. Almonte, comes here to 'keep `:'house for her brothers. James:' Cross, a y plasterer who has become,soinewhzt,pati= !idly known en 'a"edount of the: frequency of fits lie'was subject to, returned to Man- chester' Englaud,1 oil Tuesday.- Messrs. Geo. add Albert(lro1l, of 'Hamilton, were in town: last week,, yifl.tllia t11Qi 1illcl'e . lrii'; Jahn broil. , • Ax'F,,AILLY CALL•-A0ne morning re- BILxEFs.—Mr. Jas. Fair owns a yoke o cently, at,4 o'cloclt, the mayor was sum- moned oilt of bed by a hearty rata at his d d going down to ascertain the. oxen which $200 would not,buy. Track s mill has been improved -byes, coat of red 0303=, an paint, Council meets next Monday night; cause of such an untimely visit, he found besides considering a petition to have'tlie several ratepayers who 'reside below the streets watered; there is, very little to,do, station, who complained of a nuisance in The next sitting bf the Division Court the shape of a foul smell, and they wanted= will be on the 21st inst, Fruit trees are it, abated. Aftershivering till 'his teeth chattered and promising to have the mat- ter looked into; he wa& allowed to return to his couch. [The parties interested have since ;been eonaulti'ilg, a lawyer, to to pre- vent u ed ns can s ea n if some ' •see pp is hick vent the deposition of night soil, which the cause of the trouble.] PROFESSOR I3i,LYCE of Manitoba College, in a letter ;throb refers -to higher educa tion in the west , s to ..a ,Fu]lo_t boy, who took his first. steps upward at Clinton High School ;—"fihe Rev. R. Y. Thomson, B. A., B. D., a most brilliant. graduate of Toronto University, is spoken of by some for the position of Professor of'Metapliysics. During niy absence in Britian last year Mr. Thomson gave assist- ance in the college and was much, •appre ciated._-As an examiner in theTJuiversity likewise I spoken of .lis h1 -b Jae is likew p g Y y his co -examiners. 1VIr. ,Thomson • has lately spent a year in . Edinburgh, and is fully equipped Mr his work. • • TixosE FORTY BICYCLISTS.-1'�ocal lli-. cyclists are coming in for a certain. amount of eensnre, because 40 'bicyclists were advertised to be present here on the 24th, and there turned out a much less. number.. A word of explanation' is there-, geons,etc ,are called ia,.0se the name o" f the fore necessary. Tyenty-five members of medicalpractitioner associated therewith, the London club had arranged to come up apparently not being aware of the fact that by road, -but owing to the heavy rams this is a.breicl of it f,,4'`cnal ergn Ott+ sent word the enight before that they' breach -1. o t i!z e._o' fl t s . 1 R. Flo1>ries roils a 1u11f iruie ox tllu�riv= would come up by train, and the wheels- ing park, en Tuesdayy'"; in 2 _minutes and men went down to the train on Thursday 15 secondsci G1 incl; bicycle-as-.uaetl,. morning, expecting to meet them. For and the tracir'"wtiw ioinewhat rowugh ff blossoming out, and give indications of a• good crop. Messrs. James Stevens and D. Tiplady, of the base line, have raised their barns and are building stables be- neath them. Mr. T. Stevenson has refit- ted his hearses so beautifully that it, ;al- most looks as if it would be aP leasure to ride in it. There is a `;new fence mania"` in town , this year—not a, bad thing ,to pave-Boney Campbell .being the last to catch lit. " Mr. Robt. Fox has made aself- propelling `tricycle for his son, which is neatly an"'i.' ingeniously constructed. Mr. H. Tewsley has constructed' a large re- frigerator in -his shop; Messrs. Farran, Macpherson&=Hovey, are making prepa- tions to, ill' their Manitoba oro Is, -but cars are scarce; this; firm have 'geit the system of packing a car down pretty fine and it is doubtful if, it could be improvetd upon. Mr. Wm. Core was 'thrown from is buggy on :Tuesday, but sustained no serious injury. ' The balloon ascension dict not come off as•advertised on Tuesday some misunderstanding Baying occurred about the payment of license. The fire -engine- was out for practice on Tuesday night in order to detect • the imperfect partsof the hose. Several of our .ex- changes, referring to cases -where the Set- -vices of medical practioners,veterinary eu r= RIFLE.M Tells A INE,DAY—KEEN COMPTIT]ON ---SEA'OxtTII "SCOOPED", BY, CLINTON MAIIRSMEN. Thnnual matches of the 33rd Bat- talion Rifle Association were held at the range, Seaforth, on Monday. , The day was all that could be,deeired for shooting, and -seme''good scores were made. It has long ;been the special pride of Seaforth • that ;she possessed the best' marksmen, but Clinton shootisthis ear succeeded, i prizes 'in a a ;arca in off the largest zes way carrying g P r5' t our that ust have been surprising =rein o 0 p g � ago of � ea�tl� neighbors of the east. Clinton took $48 in prizes, besides a $15 field glass and the - Dominion Rifle Association medal. • The members of the Clinton Rifle Association have, therefore, good reason to feel proud -of theirJ] accomplishments, particularly as Seaforth marksmen are no mean antago- nists The following score ahows• the prize winners , FIItOT MATCII—Open' 'NllC0NA'MATO Ti,-" to nionrbers of the assn. Open' to tnenaiersof the' bJatio r, 200 and 000 yards, aamination, ranges 500 and five shot at eac11 range, 000 yards, sever} shots at Lilo '1,lltiWing ,Worn :the each, any position, with Whiners u1 �,trovoniatth,ta peal to target, the follow tholr res IeetivO Oriler, big fix the IM of winners, in their resp'letl ve order. 4e:cn..1/w Pl., an X15 r ,,. ti '.i .., of fi �: 1--� t3 c,,:,, 4.. sal c. ln N to � r c� a Q ti Iiii 4wC ,..� ii1.0 H •� - ..�,. p :,: ��Cisp��@:yi'� W1 2.• .y.'-.' ' ltv R'-'–' r'r-;y'' .1,^,7tx- tn;.-e..,51•21,..,,-...td?, „...5";-5E.,?--.,..,..-t,'-'4„;,,a , ._, : :r_:._ TO OUR ALREADY LARGE STOCK some reason not yet known,they failed tot the.. person in. Gown who some, time since best' show among themselves that "they 3, orksl ire" ti'vi11 rotuep it to airs officethis �" `�' `K` tax{' `'' `r- `4. o could. Mr. Mitchell of' ihe Blyth RReview, week, the owner will feel greatly obliged. who also intended to be present; had, the The Steel 13ug_is destroying, the gra Band ca P G to 7.0, 7 _ P 1- i ' ,P cit IP'/f--c IF One f his handles �t break o misfortuneo o oth'r buds in'some � ardens The e g 1.1111 come, and:the others had to •make the; not the lox( z of n book entitled "Guide to that very,' morning. . derers.play Blyth Cricket club en :Tues i F t �' cl "' DARING FEAT.—At Niagara falls ora,. day. :The fro' it door of a store ,in ,the wr c w the Queen's •Birthday, a- fellow' named Steve Peer, attempted to give au ezhibr tion of his levelheadedness by walking: on the•cables of .the'railway Suspension. Bridge, across the riverhe. succeeded with- out any apparent difficulty in reaching the.middlo of the bridge. Many specta- tors viewed him with -wander,. admiring his nerve and the ease' :with which he akipped over the awful chasm on the, sin- gle cable,' but suddenlythero was a hush, and anxious eyes followed: his everymove nt The truth was made known b� the me y cries of Peer, who; shouted for help. He had fallen when in the centre of thebrielge, "and grasped the cable with one ;leg. 'Un *bleatci raise himself, he hung between sky -and two hundred and sixty feet',of space below in fact' between life -and, death. TWO/Med happened to bo passing over]: the top of :the bridge at the tine, and. finding Peer in his peculiarty -dangerous situation went to reseue and restored him to .his natural equilibrium. -. He ;is well •y .a en which occasion theacho]ars willc ; gimme known in` Clinton,' being a, mason by trade,.; 'a number if reading,'reoitations, et. and had worker' two years ago on a num- bei of the brick .buildings ' then"• erected, MTO. D. 13. Kennedy bas sold his hack to here. a man at=Stratford. Brick block was left open all P 7 night';.the lock hacl been turned, but the bolt instead of`.sliding ,in its place caught (in -the other door.. The Jane Jeurnal;for, .lune isan'interesting nurnher, and con- - tains''considerable information. Several` f thebrick block stores have been im- proved by the -external use ,of paint. .-Va- . cant 'a - cant premises are scarce in town, Front gate "open—cow' in .'garden=tearing Wad ratepayer.: , - 1Ir: Joseph' Wtiiteliead, formerly. of Clinton; was. not engineer: on the ':first Stephenson locomotive; which is now'be=. `ing exhibited. at the Railway Exposition in Chicago. as;stated-by some of-our.lco- temporaries. He was, too young:to be that, but he Was fireman. SCHOOL.—We believe that at the close of the present term, the Trustees of the Model school intend to distribute a num- ber oftlnzes_rri:'each division, which wi11 be publicly awarded in the Town Hall, 0'7 6.,P 071 C7'}PC71 G1 10' b0 yr If-' a. w t -'If- o t`: :C.0 vi ca 'o w VI ,03 5. 171 071:031 GJ c rc- rP � of. :01 011 .. R. h *043 if, N•. Ip )1"•.' I I{ i h '1 µNi- toww •tNn to GO I-.ww ;s co -+.03 o COW rn� IP Cr? CO a) ' SN.a�G CN�CK GIVGHAlIS, SEE TH:E rand Assortment of `Dress Goods With EmbroiderYy, , Laces,- and Buttons to snatch. grand rateasso eat of th ode b.eattzfu lbordered and ` r • large Pattern design.n. epartm Let y y W C.a3WCx7 Cc 104 i:- W'•IP'tP Ot 071 AGGItIOGATE Pzti E Awarded to com- petitors making the' highest aggregate scores in the first and second matches, 1st' prize, Dominion Rifle Association medal! and •,f 4 N. Robson, 1I.B,A.. • 2d prize, $4, 1'.Cavan 33rd B.R.A. 3rd prize, $2, Lieut•. Young, H.R.A. A' Binocularfield glass, valve $15, was competed';for, the 'conditions 'of 'or— competi-tion' being seven -shots -at 200 yards, any position, ,three: trials, highestscore to. count,, which was won by Lieut. Young,' with a scoreof thirty-four., out of a pos- sible 35 en's, - Bo e largest a a.c[' finest colleetiOn o irl's and Gds: ldren' Is to ` be • found at Son's, t Oc•7 raw- oda .00. The cheapest goods ever ofiere • All. styles,: sizes and prices. 0 s sol coo l Iatc eadin.g Styles in ; . :TS FOR YOU G :•!UJ .e lade . N Yor Styles IN STIFF J��: MEN - The :Famous "latter, .Clinton :1 Large asso1 tTe t of FROGSand MANTLE NrLE :OIZNANIEN.E'S r 1 Just a rzvec. � 0,7v�u J o.o 1 oleo .�ot� �_ S�UI�..Oi CLOS , i lsema.: I �,Y GOODS EMPORIUM CLINTON. TO . r4