HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 9Now- i "Tun, consideration, of the License 13,11. -0� Xr. McCarthy (with Va ( Ltroth)—yes. P& VTNAcm IN X All][L. ou oun It"mos onv. Clause 92 viallig: Vb4tliO license Shall be Here, here.") q pro, (Loud laughter and cries of riiy of the elep rarted it n, m6jo ble 'Xerna ova 19trF11211c ExvctlelaceP Hdated by Abhop looteireflolng A etc's VA He contended that' although , th R Wbut Cftuffe* the TOrrl iub4division petitioll'agaillat" formers, had' been, III P, war, in Oaf, io. The AtlOctric 101sch" �1)4� Ter. 13, 0 X, . hick Ary . r,,- there I I a34 cal lbavid. raeroa or twelve yeArs and , had held Remedy V , V. Wtqbolk .1 I I 1Daczp)at01ed,by T1 DOMINIQN P IAMENT. nd rBergin Strongly objected to the office in the Dominion for five yaArg- 'The tornadoes tliat, Swept away - villages, he now Knox oburob In conversation witil, E� nep ' odmt §55, provision Cattle ground that petitions c6uld they hItd never jet presented Such al and con including bite, ntry houses, and killed Soong of porterestaiday Bow be got up for Anything, and this plan �might, good lloullso law as this. It was,he'held,. People in Mississippi, Gfsorg�a 84�id The construction of Ei' aci PW,44'and Sir John Aracdons Td, in moving the be, takelk to close,4p, % respec0able, house. 80 law over pr0eerited to any And South Carblinst �on', Sunday possessed WeStbourra:Railw%y ig.t gone o- , ith diDs'of, the b 11 respecting the ��e best li n , i " I am not a - bolievdn',in modern spirit- -a W
second tea 2 Mr� Foster, on;the other hand, pointed, e, expressed, . doubts of, the Some peculiar to&. tyroa Wbiob'tonder them aialism , and do not that s�xritu; at once', an(! the issue of oil adviss,Witty pf- passing such an' impor- i,artic�larl y worthy,oi attBUtiou. t upset chairs. and move tables, but I'canBay The qiVk-w,s,terwOyhB at Bale Of intoxicating liquors gentlemen baob- -The ArB licelagea &,rafor, Bald blip object of thb bill Jeted I to the principle that the peop . le of a tant claUSIS at h1i I at hour, 0 L' f- the' noteworthy thinj pbaut them was their t4st I have'riever been able to abaount for now, run by. mule power. was very-podurately andifully described in locality should have B01116tbipg toeay as to Session,, , aO the bill could be amended next number au&, the � great aitent of 6iritor, ad a Pailf Il. cents the prograb 'tared 'that it was, the grantiug of licenses to)lquor shops W SOSSjon. L mauy remailiable, o' u dec 11 I rieaces,11,have 4 1. [L' '' . " I they covered. A4 in the a4so,of the torni. during my life urader d6siiable to regulate the L raffig'in into,%;- their midst.'� This right was'already exer- 'Mr., Desjardiu .different oircum The end of'the Canada s.eixprpseed the fearthat does of last June'juthe Aiijul st I pirit tr P ying South- %130es. Wears milich'hearbriLthe 8 ' ackiswithirI20milegof t�ijo oating liquors, -� and -it 0�vas ex.padiant that 61sedaudertll6 qdebec'A.0 now, andhe 'the system in Mr. Gigult's amendment West of the great lakes,,& perfeet'neSt of World than' we biuk, perfiaps4� and 'the wall river, and that poi t,, i i od the law respecting I tile saw,e should be uni- hoped" that thb People, of that P;pvinee 'was too cumbrous lot blunicipa n � s t 'fiCia't �tbe tl�at lities. Still atmospheric eddies seems to have been Spirits of the �departed dead; Ibolieve, have i I be reached in a week form throng w6uldnoi�be deprived of that right, which he thought that in order to preserve all suddenly fbrmed over the Gulf States on a'00rtain influence over our miln0. Wil provision sbQuId..hei made �iu regard tbbreto: had Man found of great use in Montreal. 'rights the provigion ' Should be that a two.. Sunday, slid the tornadoes thus gener , at�d Quite a number of gpeoillatorq are, out, Ifor the better � preservation of,peace and Mr. Robertson, of Harailton , ep :11 When vOyaging on the Red See, I made ainfilng the Men near Em � Rou,buy. pealed to tbirdsmaority of the eleotbre be darted swiftly across the eoun'tr7, cutting, it a practice to -pray every rfight�and morn. er ' eggs L ry, as sig lug POtAtOPS- Fifty cents per Jorder. The bill -containeid a large number tbia House to Consider this matter dispas- nerak to -the petition affect. glean Swathes many miles i6ng and einly la hig for my wife, from, whom i W lit", paid, delivered at Stephen, Greta,, as ahs ' oil hwould,be�qanaidered in :�ionately. He feared,thaA a g6titiou wduld ing�pro ibiti An i'nVLjjd. L ; I or ofew hundred yards wide. Some general and who at the jimeL, waB ers6n. CaUgeL mUSt committee'. The Measure was the result of be hawked aroimd to injure 'Lone: desir. I �ir. Fostpr� Strongly prasged,, qp!?jg^, the of course have been, at Work to ilig I'llnelp,doWaL AS usual tried to 'inga- license- A. Winaipeg paper or Fr v I per apa. on -Was against I ay ast says: --the, deliberations-6fth�co�amittee�speciall�,- House two cciiisiderationgw-one, L L p;ay for hot, but found I could not'do it.' The wari ,in last night hua the, e ffe "t of, appointed by the House to con ' Sider this all- perhaps on political grounds. von' Mr:McCarthy's argurnieut-thatwhile the conditions 'favorable for the Biraultan'eous' This worried ranch,' but i bringing Out frogsld vast B. jifter import& I at While the sub- la'dies,,might ulidertake to &txlp thegaped- $4 Scott" ActApplied to II4 county, it diAL development of those Storms, so Widely attributed my iiicapmity io�pray, forL hor before. the � 6 sundown these 6rature ject Was, ommittee the ticile. .jllere as "no such restric.ti,on in not'repeal the ProVibcW lawB-authorizing, Separated, and yet So similar in their chaf- Chad a I a :%�are to be 50011 in to nervousness, as I haI prea sermon swarms oil the streets running to general lines Of the bill appeared from the Crooks Act.'and be understood A was inunicipal pr6hibiticl he'--apoorld- -Was actor &lid effectB. Th�s cqiise is' f6undla to' the pass6ngemon -board that� aftdrnoou�' Or 161313 accuracy, time to time with more' not i the 4ver. Pedes rians werom Lich yed ntended that this. law 'should in,� any thlIt the rights of the Provinces'. *ere theoonfli6f between the cold etorr -current O� the following- morning I again iried� to "at this- as repeatecll in the puiblic * press, and �. attention y one G� ixogs sense be more than that Act. vested, fights and, j list as r cleat to ilia which. w.as' at the tivie .I'aweepirig prayfor Mrs.Bowman, experiencing the would bo'crusheaucider foot, pro,,' thus called to it the Government had Mr.,_ROSS-L said that- if- his 'bell. .friend. peopie who, erjoyed them as the so.called across the whole , country from the same difficulty t1hat, preve,i3ted' Me' from sensation tile reverse of received numerous 6' ions of the droAs ested'right of tile hot6l-keeper to main- westward, And a less extensive. but aCCQmPlialling My Purpose , Oil L tle-evening P60t� wanted only the restilot ;hOuld Bnpport 0 The arrival of &boat at lag it, Some complaining of the undue, Act he k the legislatioii� 11 taiii W13 business and sell liquor acroBs �the powsirful warm. Current advancing' from wonaor�d ''What had , hap. Stringency of the measire, ardL others this �ubject by Provinces. He p6intbid put bar. the Gulf.. Wbaretheseou I previous.' I Landing one day last -week had b14 intbr68ted'"'. a, treats nadt there -.pened. Was I loging,my Senses At len th 9 the- licensed vio tbeL 9 ful effect.on roar Specially . furtherllat this 'principle, of' petitions. in was a sort of tba�aaitery, th6ii&b ocourrefl, to Me. .'!Your Wife the, forenoon the'lollowing cesere tuaillers for ingtance, desire to alter and regardto liquor licenses was recogai7ed ill The II)hIldren -inclore Queen Victoxiale which -resulted in the formatiou of toi' may be dead.� But, this I consideied Eggs, 50 cents
modify Some of, its clauses' as being unduly- '-six 6ffh6 Prov' aces; aad'44oalci -b a do�&erl -beef a wrong adoos along the of meeting. An- receiv d al': proba;ble�, as I had a etter few pound'; Potatoes, �1.50 athe y Sold for. Ila[,
All these q '-'() 4L�ants;: I - pressing upon their branch ot,the trade. to do away pri q da s fL r long time � afternoon the vile I g s of the people - Miss'� Helabol, Stratton;: writing in the other fact of special interest idthe wondei- tit befcirest�tirg'.that She was much.
argej3 w i 0 8 I be fully dis- in that way. April numbarqf the Sunday. at'Home ful 'electrical Uisch ob awom. be or than she, bad beeri :beef, 18 dents;-potatoa', cussed in committee. The general system After some furthu'discuiasion,' Sit John Says Before the'reigii of Lo )(). of' ur Queen Vio- panied the tornadoes. Electricity * is If6wev r, I wag a xious: to/ roach. a point the dealers got nipped a fitt�fe,! the of the measure was that'there�-sh6uld. be a' d ways strongly `developed during hch, a U Be ommiss on era,. compose s I . I where I COUldL eXpebt, to receivondditiobal Osed Ithoit S'look d' compromises must be made., lie admitted ob , 'children. The State, left them almost Storm bu a the lightning ticli�g��i�lati,�et6her-ei)nditi6n�. -Finally, Boar L dL of Litfein � -C in 6 bill of thi§� kill toria very little thought had been bestowed Cas majorit�'of them disp
of three persons, in each license district. -ha:,ving-IoBg had a prejudice'spist' a' 'man entirely to the care nd,mercy of their seeing to have been incessant, remiiidin'g my -arrival �t ROMe,,hI found aletter before th6bo.at arrived,. on propo losing big license, through-, petition, behind parents, placing them practically in the one of accounts of thunder Storms, in the awaiting me conveying, e� news that Mrs. should be, the -Provi" 0 a as of Ontario' his backLl-it should- be, by- notice in. goille position (a,relid.of Roman,law) of'being' tropics. Books and newspapers were read Bowman was dead. and''buried, � SlI6,,bad Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, anitoba, and Prince Edward Isla open.wsy�bat this was'not'a general peti- their parents! pioperty., -They Were sent and- le tters.iPwritter. by the, almost - �iuoeag- died on the, same.'eveuing that I found Yesterday evening a ma,73,. A little top- to_pray for vanue, ad, the County 'tipn,but was well gadrded.' He thought 9, to sea; theywere sold as. chimney -climbers - - lug illuminaion, in the'. clouds. There In heavy rushed into a Sixth 9� Court dor the jua I .1 11 yBolf unable hot while'XICyag- . I i8r judge of�. 'the CShould be made, and,.he theywete driyouilitolfactoriesand buried� seems to be no means within huina'n reach I a telegraph and n stub., ing over theRed Sea- fficecounty, as might be Sel6ctsd. by the Gover Bugges'ted that the petition be of two.thirds underground,. in mines at ail , age' t6 cope with' these powers. of the air. � A 'was never. able to account for, yet I aball pen with a ball of driedink,on the n d i And -In the Pro would no;v hardly be fornadocannot be arrested in its Corse. - never by propping bimself against the aoiidtoi; nor-in-Courall.' vino&df Quebec of theelectorS. Wlien .'-they, C I the first Commissioner would 2 be forget it. 'Sir Leonard Tilley', Speakin as he out of. 'the infant School.'. ..In agri- 'Tile Only thing to, do is to get out' of its 4-A ma'aaged to write thefollowingin'tisage the Superior. Court 'jdge of the bo'lievdd, in tho�4 iatereSts-� , 9 , I 1. I bout the same'lime my daughter had judicial distriot, exc I ept, in the, 'cities of temperance, cultural counties. tbe children of' laborers way. But at present there is not even any, another extraordinary�l experience. but it Ratfi,.1-won't be home till ur ad u the -House the priaolple that o us no g Poll were taken from,their homes at the, age kf means of Predicting their coming. , The t similar to mine. What!ll , that- cost?" i�aid yan, of -Montreal , and Quebeci here, it attempt should be made � to enforce the 8, ad� apprenticed.to, the'ratepayersa�-oor Signal,Service-can only deal withordinar When in Paris gbociuld, shut her eies handing the message would be the Judge of tile Sessions of; the., temperance laws without havin . g 0, I ,strong, IAnd those Who have B�ent their own Stoilnsltflat,sWee nvarying and couldthell Bee hot mqther�g face dip- to, the iiiauipulator cif� electiici ty. of temperance :sentitnent to d 'in the country can: recall, the course clear rbss' the Thp Peace. In the Proince of British Colum. - ' vbil so ILet'me Bee. Seven ord'sJ5 bia the co r'lon tinctly. On the evening-ot her' moibe?a memoryof little cienturesempl 11 death. she atterrpted� to do,tWs, and we. e0 t;How ten
mmissionei would, be choseiI back He had always.advi%ed his oyed from telegraph can give waxiling of, the, approac it up from such.of the judges .theGovaka6r., in-�ubmittingtbe.-Scott- Act-iunny- -daw oi-suob7t�-�totna-i-but-tornadoes-spriiig-ii�to. -tar ifiad-ab-noj�seeih Mce'aSjusasl that r g-theLf, *OrdS ill -Council might'appoint.! Ile had rec6ived county to make sure -,that they -had fit least, 'growing corn, their monotomis and-mou being and, rusfi,away,�On their career''olf shexan out of the roori� into another apart- 112he sajae price anythill 6t p;aeed- representations � flora 1the Piovipee, of, 'three-fifths of the people with them. ril cry beirgasfamiliar to''the'eard� He, ful: g, the destruction in the most unexpected . man ment.. She felt that s6h�ething� had -hap- lug tdri Will costyou 1.5 Cents to &1l Quebec pointing out some'. practical diffi� Supported Sir JohnMacAbliald's Suggestion. cu6koo's . two -fold Shout.' It, -is true the nor. Stil],Jf tlia-thookes of , the meteoro- pored. bi t her friend , s Old I bet- that - her - in thii��ity,'?AnBwered the culties. in the way df the udge being a- l6gists, arp corr so ; ear, I 11.1 Mr. Blake pointed out that under. the Children of the decent workmen avere being t abd . tornadoes, are were. all irciaginary.' Sub9oquently wBpripg o Muzzle- an instrumen t wa�s Member, of.the -commissioners—They'rha&- In British &-ad National Schools,; but gen6rally formsid-where,* opposing Curren she received:ne*ws iCat her motfisir"4 died Bputto;�Igs if -it stem ib ore AS in -the, tion was, t not a County Court �sy' n6ca�saiy' 14 craort. give Lb man i close and Joul slams of ourgreM as offsho.ots'of a maill! Storm, it about the time she f6imda impossibleAo I'm bound -to have. the, e,,' my other Provinces,a - ad it wa's alleged t�at the: mlicensd,-arld-now-it is proposed io'make -&ads ofohildrou" h.. go *possible to obtain some warning, -w yesclosed.,� la.1 oil cities thotigandsupoil tboiis sda her face ith her ffiia Money out of* y jurisdiction of the Superior Court judges� a two-tbird , petition ',necessary,, against , even thbugh short, of 4fie'-fim'69 and'places -a thi� Said the man; brab Swa,rmed who never2iWard i� word of kind- bouS4 rfegto,hiazesido-nee,! whbr was over such a lar�e area :that it � Would it�;, so- that evory - 6.ter, .resident and D' g re6pite from terror. where these frig attics in the air ar' is time oountor as he traced -otx a b, tu) Ic t clear trictei",And that 'llon.residdlit, woul ess,or riewaillhourE btful b a Conversation tool: plac6),about�-tb hive to include Several dis d--�bae to express An They wer6 unfed, unwashed and unclad, 'likely. to be fou�lit.' "laBtyear'.1 was lingsick, at the:,point 61 raessage - .perhaps be might bot -be It bad opinion on the' matter. �Purther. , he - growing up in, Ignorance and Crime a race death, the.physiciens bein unable. to!'�re- "Incomprehensibility, these, casea. the, contended that. 'in' ordmaxy alections, a of untutored Type-14egter. , 1. 9 been 'suggested ilisit 'in �� . 6 live or d4 Then I transcendentalism. Registrar, who held offlo4 during good be- ot whether I Would ? had some -very ha I stated -in cavcocfnvex�, ']Aassa6husett�;, majority -of -votes Cast dcoided a-questioll, 86fiowfulN C6,1116d th-am. (Lindsay Warder, havior, might b substituted. 1 The second w�ide,thi§ Act-'Ma;dQ,'-a two -third majority ppy visions, as P deliver Hall, ,reonayivania, commissioner would - be the , Wavdan of o' A ociuP16'of days ago Mr. Geo. H. Fox a sermon ed rec f All -voters onthe list needful—wraujurity I %,s1cottJmh Jotttugs. ie,Ottawa',Fr61 B t the county and the ' r of. iho 'city., -which � � a . I . - . 1. . I ciy-oditor of tI could not be. -secure except un at t, ' - - fo Off On gen tiveness.": ayo d 1 B beii'e'ved that the' E, all of Aberdeen P(rersm�)erly still in this section'trying to, -These visions were pub�lishad 9; Short There, string that oil yon.e and Then, as this was a Government � measurej .,exceptional Circumstances. To oarrythiB 'Hi 150licfin. - In 1 them tne send , her- at. a 2A0. gait," tlie will:be the -h�CI5mmissionerattbe fcfrth� and sigbt; dropped lntoth� tial -ago in The Re and the Government were responsible use in this shape meant practically -to. Coming GeaeLl I Assemblv'bf'the Church regain !threshold 'with a look of ve'ng I . , - . . Of TFarde�..Pffioe, , and while being: piloted Biahbpwas traoSportedjo,tho eance,in for the carryiDg out lot the. ob- I . I : . I -� , b abrogate tile clause a to0tber. After sonae Soptiand. throug y6noof.thil proprieto h of the spirit world, where b.6 Saw and 'con- The operator, counted th,o ut jects stated in he -preamble,' it I diviii ra to. ear furtbe�djscuasiou the Committee 1 , ad de t was proposed , that the ove One,of Lady Florence Dixie's ecoentrici.. onob more the clatter' of the.presRes and versed 'with the spirit bf,,bis! oeasedi volunteered � hel informat' a� th 'j -ment rn- on the'amenda2ent to make a two�thxrd'voto wasjafew y"rg-ago,:-When livingin 'the Clicking. of type as I it . wab being' daughter, whp told him his:wire aa , wait- was no sense in the meesa�,40, �1, the should have the Appointment ties mar,- no6es�ary,which was, carried by ai;aajrjrityof - ingforhiminheavan, St.Loui R6ubiicdn. f the 'Highlands, to dress.,in Vbritable sh%liea into line,,. passed the:rerbark that dictionary, must basil r
'of one commissioner, who should hold, offl&- 71' to 44, th4,��'Govorinment t , s votiil& M�Ca g,,,bi6f Old Gaul." A photograph of her, be could � set, type notwithstanding hl� the'longbst words. goo a alm' ost to'a man a favor 0 ]Lui 1, kuow� there's no sense in it� b to Mite during d be'ha'v'or;; This tituted Sapp r athe oard the, -hole % of the COM ittoe iak'e a governing b hot Standing by blindness. Upon being 'introduced to-& old 'thy, Chairin a in on the tree, I g I UnJu hand, And a o: it wilb the 11 ' understa bill, Sir Leonard, Tffloyt ran(" Mr Cater iithe.commissidners being a some de d grouse case he readily found, the'boxes With the u ad if ail the Same system, and of taut. Pill oil a driank anyway' When I nend. a body� two' memb r ere quite tiou air lying at her fast. She wears a kilt of different letters in, allhoug �i is qui e a Ile inolucled,.and the Cipposi nolst solid di ary length, of grey tweed, a iaoket of nuznber'k�.of- years since, he,was, an active came- in,* an ook and as .,Message at this hour, whether Cyr or in independent of Govordm�nt lafl'Uren06 it aaainst, it. Work in 'the' jive and Soon B he thawed'out" he began 56 +6 -break was thought better that.tbey, rathei tlis�ri On a. subsequent clause Mr. McCarthy t - he Same material; and a' light vest. Hat a `ait presevat talkin"O not" long on Furpof. Stich and i6le :. - fgeeze'in 118321 when all.. qj,j li Shoyr . ..... oudbonilet"is of ighland pattern, with e, Stag's when 'a Were given bitb�hb usbout the big. the back of your darned njD�j, e.- el the Government, in- 0 Buffa,16,Bayou� broke%down- crank. Irilie, propose anrame liewl tile, left i , Anahait- went to work -Withdiltllch diffibul Y an suectors. As woulcIbe seen'by-thor Bil . that 110 ),CeaSe Sho , ld"�e granted until the --the trees on'-, the a ndmant providing, ineffec 4 e U. with ice. After he'llad, almo9t persuaded license fee imposed was, ilorainal, but he ap I or tendered, the" hairds cut short. � Alf6geffier her appar. - beset up the following, 11 n good'time. Never min the e7pe- that the freezing -:-r Weather! we badjust your hft6en c6 A -n-' -r. �plicant bad either psi( us, a I nd the a m �a out 6 a Bill,to li�6nBe fee inip6eed'by tb6 j?rovinoial Gov- ance is, that stalwart young Highland' MY IMAJIT'S LONGING.' -ad with "th�et,ho 'a f h' Proposed during the progr�ss ot,ib t Ilea was - tropical compar bull at. ., . . I I . I � ., I.. . . alnd'hailed a ciLb." insert a clause giving.,tb', Provincial. LegIs- hi the purpose of r 011flf�Oru tbO lar. o s ad'W" r I Ad.g . . ernmeat t Us. I —Out -frolh h one throu4h. we � Asked him It is proposed .to construct a pathway the.land latures the right to legislate as to all'such4 Mr�Blike,said the a cientway'would be Waiting and sighing and longingr if, Colonali do you' remember the,time Pr �Whe licenses in order to'kaise' airevenue.for O_ for tile r local authorities to i8sliartheirLown AO the summit of Ben Nevis.- The. height To catch the,8un's bright gie in that the Thames was frozen� ilwr�.thrde feet vincial or municipal' purposes. That WAS. ji6enge'rand charge I for it. of the- ;mountalh, - m: 4,3b8. feet, and the To see, the forms and faces a Bd forty days without h thick, and itr �S �gany.presS Comments ave becn�'111 e
esasil, Of friends of formf&:da TeferenCe to. the. rumor th4t Sir Soh u �.,, acclonald, the Bill. The r the' ale r comistea y,B average gradient of the path": Would be one ys" now . I After sorde d�scussiorl Mr. McCartb 6d To vi,lit'fareillat p1sC68, stoppiag. Wab likely to be elevated to this jmp&trini� rrie from And walk in well ka6wa`�y,ayil _Re , In , ember it ? I shoiii'c1sNy I, did. That tion. We ask why -hid narne sbbtild r�,oexva of its machinery. With these 1 V7 remarks amendrilent-was 6%, in five, while it§ 'Iebgth,-i2aea%ur be was ndt in aa state of b Sam r oils 0 special prominence; unless it'i.-i clatcdod he has �few becaiiaer 06 the �clwuse limiting� the' number of the nearest Point of -an eiiitiug- load to, t a- IN i,6rlifdf'b4iiuty,� - was the year. meall 4 ' ' � 11L came to health to discuss-'tbe at greater top'. Scattered o'er earta $0 fdir� d 11 given"us the N. P. and has not given the dist),uted- licenfieB in cities., towns and, incorporated olbe 6 liftle,over fofii miles. a battle of put To revel in'scenery,grand,. Texas together. We'bad territory. Dr. Scott Putnam, Wguld tnove tbe SeCondr reading villages to four for the first thousand And The proposal for a national monument Orr6jdice in flowers rare; biike, �but ft froz6;8olid. We broO the that- great. corn'euve, Putnard'a, Pop1bii6 Coin'
W of the Bill. (Cheers.) at Dunfermline Abb At times,l thihic-1 seii d1l' ipppd drinks with a one for every five rated above, that,' ey, to � Bruce Is taking . -these' bcfttie�and, ch Extract6r,16 hereby placed in Pa. r A meeting was hold the other Butltis,Ouly,in mv:mm"d- the poBitioaHisxecoxd is'tho Mr. Blake said it was to be regrattedithet:, rl Mr. Robertson (Hamilton),objected ':to sha ,day Oh God, be* saddening it if; �j be claimed, ifor -by hiSr'Corn, Parliament-sho'uld-ber,invii6d-bu-,tbe bull_ this a I s mo Act, jil E -ames A' Hun t, To live -and yet be blind I Do you remembei..when the Adriatic ministored-td the. relief of huialii of the 868 re Strihgeilt'iban tbe'Crooks xe, Presided over by'Mr. 4, dredth. day to, r read 'or tbe. :Which allowed one for every 400 people of Pittencrieff, at Wbich,,a Sketch plan of, :Sumayside;:Ops, April llotb� ism' H.- was riozeli-over, And � the, trees burat opeii. Putuatil's Corn Extractor is sure, sale f leis.' MC�Polsonf%co.,Xi secoridtirilea bill 0 t'hiirinagnitud' a. lf� �Cvei one thousatia., Many respectable'men, 'the monument -was sublaittear and cordially M with repoiiB like'c&nnon lnoettingup tho,abo�e r. .'Fox had this measure was,.as alleg6d, forced, upon keeping. respectable houses, would'be cut , approved of. It is propomed to place the- Of - course! do. Vhad a plantation on virtually -no ;typographical errors, wrong Parliament- by decisio . of -the Over 1,000 oh tr eShave thur, ar-baen a PrivY�- --off - -by -this which h6- -6onsidend r--gresit- -roorlutlyaut -'over-- thegravai and Sir Noel st ever go plauted'tbroughouet Trandoii., letters 1picked �ciut 'of the right b6ke4 ifip,Adriatic, and lo "Council,if'really should have come :down� �bardship.. He instaucefl. Tbronid,'wh6re Paton 'has agreed to, prepareAlle perma- b:eing easily Selected by feqIl' Thou. you miiBt kemem�br 11khen tbeJ ty the� ng, com- er he� sad git6r, but a few of,tbe I r ette -BtOOa
earlier, or . it should, if, the Premi or n their nen eoigil, and t6'make it -in keeping with auelleB aiidthe Black Sea.were fiozell. ra Were Wid t to be, HTHISIS,,� INSTEAD 0FREING originally intended to refer .16 com an away. -historicalrnionumen 8 a cin'their b6id. Tfiiii 'was not iled 11 pIrrejy"a-, loo it to licenses tak, the other over, , and the., 13,nOW.rWaS, 00 feet
wondered al disease of �a,a is mitt6e, at the earlieSt moment, practicable* Mr., Bergin strongly Suppoit4d'Mr. Rob- theAbbey. The:costiwastimatoaa �92000 %f;'howeveri "as the type bad -d6ubl6!,aiclki3 hjgb'r'j'', �bonlmohlybrcrlieVa 'MUSt�be views,. aud-'whi a 'a � total Bt n effertisAo� a ill& a O,raise j§� -L Me Colone mmberod-�itj 'and said Constitutional, malady, the r6sult,of irapavexi have been -referred to,sucb�bominjtteo. sh- 6vel;"aythe Snow. t okthw'itb�- ing be$alpild togla ndid not propose at, tbig;stage to reitera & bimself, B'aw6.re%gbu - wby� this laW Should -f f failure �61! ��nutrihon.' renderedthe matter o sertt. tis it db 'Jimatic-InflueneW he ma eatyranulog one. OW esEle , wl 'd l6ttergl.intt.6.,,pe4king Words a Most. difficult R Old Are you,. Colonel i� aus's IrnPa e U'aSt,te. giV6. )VAY the views he had alrea dy expr d' ith rfs� athis vions Iselase, are t reference to the necessity of this legigla- some', dIBOUSSIOnLa'.'Vot :yag Ye only I - ... I I type composed that a ",I'M-,& young Mail t have the Poverty of ban� one lare som! In oetello, P, P'L, K11ebay, Ne -metal, and as th sumptiori of the spine� h1p,hboa w2d, bowoj% Us tion. He mighk say though'. that, Is- and the.Aads6 tby' a vote of 71 Rev. E. 0, of ere are. civet question Wag eMi; 'to �0. , , , ''I Wl� 500 Pieces
opinion; the licensj�g. ose , 11 Colonel.., the'. only time- tbe��Straits of well as the lungs.. � The." ei%ct con8ista tie, West, died I%tely, aged i4O boxes for,letters in a pairr of Cages, the oss6ntiallvin an oi, foad ar at was� stopped I judge of' the difficult task'por'- 'he h , spbat�s.for tissue nd the Y #the 6V6r,arcent Would Th`e �D�ilhdf6lk�-09' ia k reader�car
ne'ntl -',kr. GigaaW-gaia stood thatr. Dardanelles ware'fr&ba'over, was in � df,rfod - 408 ; so yotr� must be mistakeir P . P 'P, A, S stage he would move to that effec�,. a in passing the lal to' the existIanCe t4nd'inouth formed by our afflicted friend. Wo.are ye , At &.:D. generation t of nerve'* foree. Premier had indicaied'thati heinrt' Phosphates and LCa)lSaya '-b n ow" go, pleoLsecl�to-Eit�totb.�t.t�e.d-6et6ii3 still hold in,yor age -you MUB.: - nearly 1,475 shows the boi.A, vord he ndedto hot telex. any'of, the t be ilia a a ions: in the measureas, it Joice in an�y of the Provinces'. In Qaeb&c, . C e,y �yet'.%ttained- in b6nefftfRing and eurirg dis� 'iroln h 6 r. Fox that at re- yekrs.old.", P06010'&L a slopes' 6f -the omeras, an )Utr opes to 'ease. proceeded, lid would. not delay the bill by ever ojac6r if WAS 0, Province; the. 'gain sight ia' Some - degree through - -,an' .,, The old man -said ib. was aitonishfug� how-, along the valley Othe Blackwater, -bull- aoff as balmy'as af A Sort.. of influenza that hw� pi_ Prolonging his remarks. each municipality had1ho.right to rogulate4r or Ai . notice. operation-tc 'be walke The bill was read a Second: lime ar-eds viredaily'16avingf -Performed ill the course,. of : L . I , in. this We Sir ' ] Spring illornTexd6f Sifp-nys. deraid among, the,.horses r6und �,Vizinip
on a, 1ibit the liquor traffic..'"He bad many a fewMonilig, and ncere y eg division, and the House',went into COM-' if Eagle moutibain; near Castleialand, as =fr6mall,quartersof Quebec that ornififske. i an rigtilowidtoripAisapp"xing,.
ri Wn I I I i , I �r I 11 .
mittee on the bill. firb.recently, aud a Not'ithe Clotl this right.'wa8', Interfered the, awpartially devastated,b, After Some discussionoii-tmuo'r p6xfi'ts,- r.� colle"e'rued,: .w S quantity-of..gani killed-- Death Ca �o bear,'�rem-f king at aoidiq�n had,happened i out 11 � all llumorf; 1',-olu h the licitel in Alexandria, Va.', a. man a - 11 11.11
Blake again prossed upon the' Goyerinherit mogt,uupo�ular.. (Loud cries of hear, boat, g rt Hall.'. Richard Deasy, Judge of, the A group 01,11tille girls were 'playing,and his proposition that PPeAIg th4"", t -t pliodple,or 'eruption to, groat --v instoid'of Subsidizing, irorn Quebec meiabers�) agreat anyCoul land, is dead. 'He 'd rt of A Ire. ng -rope in t a y4r . �,o 0 eneruen to �be publicly, whipped that' s,Y, sa company to build the line from Graven- Parishes &lid counties of Quebec tbdl� t Wborn in 1812' n iy I � Station to Bee grea - , and was lappQi, hose 9 41 Park gtreet� dn:Thradi over to L the po i( buret to Callender, this �G0ernmont should 'last gobrietyprovallad,-6wing-to this prac� in 1878, r fol? �to olin joinrWith the Government of an axiato, ing. , There was Sonia rivalry as 'to which how the affair was Conducted.,- The chief I It is often a good deal betib build the line &ndCont tical El�ystem of 16cal option now -in. force, The Land' Corporation of Ireland have of them could jump rope the inost times. had no'Objections; and havi r n "g A ljttle�'tlme �',,bear tioubldthan get'rid Of it rolif. Th9he'lleld ar�d if their present happy: State was intbrm a- to take Over be , tween 40 anctr 50 Of to be the only true Means of eecuriDg the Agree -I'm Sure Ioan juriip 100;" Said 8-year� to Bpare I Went clown - to � iiatervi.ew the Widowed, 'Lord Cloncury's farms -in the, disturbed old a a b Ilige ant MTha F avorito Irated with-the� would have ajusb right� to Mary'dairoll,, whose, 3 -,P -r so arip f! bLn-L--c, erob independence of the load and fair play'to Complain Of the coindiiet-of the legi ]at i ,Cures " ilia eyea ness -offe 13 O .8 a�ricts of Lirnerick'r lives in the rear house. h . a , 6dold:white man,,whoSe neeconew a Bydruggistdi f 'a ill Ste& lug a g, I looked Toronto and all of Western- Ontario. Who had pasBed this law. (Hear, bear.) Tb6 the rope'was:,6et' idL I* ame chicken.. As�i: ino ib cl� A ..The �,marria,E Namara acsthat While I' 0 there werd�3,206- hile h c I ard 'it Charles Tupper, after .ebort C I'DOolen and'Em Clare, Withr be a to, ju " 4 thiough the gratedApor he' camb- forw Thi6o French b(.)atg, fishing'off ,�hq 00 S 6 6 t n Sal .. r �,�p Or 't r10 C O a 'd t%tion with Sir John Maoddinaldi said that 'tavern, licellus; were in House, B lie we t ate Ir 0] .of Clare, recentlycaught ill C 'K
the'Government was no as yet committe& , Quabob only 14,., .b. tbefr Youngest ddughter� of Sir � Daniel Showed '��b&t , extent a t m Bata 0 t a steps of the roar Believe me, Bit, I shal never touch Worth of mackerel. a -'Mr. .y d il April 26th. I ' 'tip av�w a He ooper, B,aiti, wag solemnized 00 particular Schism ws that UiBBySteMOfrl( I t ,ici ftbrwards whiskey again." ...... e OPO ition WoUld"ll r , , 11 I . � . tpr F3 ave every con- * A vacAncy, � having occurieA in 'the Kil- i� quoted, the. experionce,%Rwa oh'andotber went to, tied. to,hear it.I' 4c Threw r'bykilf-to 'the, t'AbIclobkoh-Fridaymorw: , ogsi piderati countries to Show that a rleautioia.:in the hevvy-Town Council b V �deatb of the ing showoke her mother, with whom, ebe rveI ad, ib, dif.- aeon in am, Paine I Wer lioereeg 'd qleepap�'6yr crying'out. that her. boad d, forent'life'afterthim The lollowling meaeurog war�:� PaSsed, aurhber of, meant re notion of late. V, who had b
It through final stages list f6r Be. Joha's'Ward,TameB Byrne -do arot.jeel like blaming Macbeth oj: kii hot. Mrs.'Carroll bndaged "if .With' we That's good Xprossibn of disgust ven nowaCuty",4 n108 'IV abeeti.doclared elected. -8 Are- groat repulaiy6 The Bill to give a bounty to h a catbartic thiB he*,, thought 1 'The Om �Mauu, 'And as tbiawas a means of, adcomplishing oloth,,atld.far -few moments the,child was 'And just ll�foro you down was th turn one's stomacW' Had Mdcb�'th 6vai facturers of pig iron; - �', 7 . � r . Lord -Li a, vibit to' kingtbe'cbi6ft6 -to . I ". L trghould:'be odin . eatenanthas pal ..r I : relieved. The pibins: r6turso ' however! thiblkin taken'Dr. Piercb'a ,,'Purgative Pell ots"! ho �vould The Tariff Amendal 11 ofe Bill. St. s7aviour!s Church, Da-blini wi t1i a view at 7,o'61ooli she e- Madown -to, talk with �mo.- lihinkJfyou, nothave uttered ihose: words �of Con -Deputy Corona Jaries of judges� Mi. Blake .expressed-. pleasure that, thio. to the',oreption,of some-, guitable'.memori6l- W a The Bill respectitg the si Donlon found thather death had. regulted; ekb fouff - Playing an:i "g found drying .druggists.' The Bill to continue ill force, th; Blak� iildin g1gig � a, g to the late Under-Secre- og , I t" iNo. 40"' deserted by inside the by from congestion of the biain.-Niiw 1 rorki: when fbey came, down fl me - they'd tati 8 Mr. Burke, is, W�ell:kylown, 'Me off Y. 'Sun. How much Pleas wold ould Act; its,pu� �V . fatbery'rand.jeft by those who tar W96S a, dra it very mild, or�perhap g let anter this � ?.11 4lialat'visitor to t , his church, it being his easy to go�,
�o bC
The Bill respecting sh6ula-'b3 its natural protectors to the fre be- to live in were ItA4 'd.ot altogether." P, E. 1. charity of tile Cold World'4 waa'. at" least to 'favorite place of Worship. Th&Lorcl-Liou- Preferred, tote 0ifier., h, -night as it is to remAi"bere ill"t-111 Sir LeonaraTilley moved for w6ommit- be Present M , R tbnantdociaed moinorial 'Should But.'I'm not a pre . so erl up ij)'. ad before the House, as r, osB If is said of a rich Hamiltorlian'who has rbu'ain'tl"' mg,.and as easyto got' tee to consider the ref3olution to advance announced biniself Ova it.� take tbe'form of a -winaovr. Wi �J a bad some experience with ailver Stock, that Why, no I I'm a newspaper mmi, and lug as it is to talk Of getting up do to the Harbor Com'missioners , 0 ' Mr. McCarthy sala they'w'erio not here in while a York recently bo� j cl 'a Over t to,bed. whis way. to New 0 Flee 16M wallop you go Montreal, to deepen the channel.bf the St- a tempe Cetting Abend of the Detectives. ma� , who: iot . , I for 6VL Ile tried t6r'got Luttrell -told of a
rance, ' meeting� but, they we.ra in. Isat,in'tile sdaieseat with a well-known and when be Lawrence between Quebec r And Montreal. parlialrentto make go6d,practical logisla- )iess gang at Ottaws, burglar at an hour a;nd Seemed to -on-' Ilea 'me :500 � nl&-names always Actually unbearable, WAS We know that the I ootildn't be on f I . to 27�, feet, I" 8 disagremble as the circiiin- 'tion in the interests: of, the people. 'While are a, pr6ity lively Crowd upon occasion, joy, his Society. When the burglar left the bulatea up 300 new . apithets, - and flung Ouf4 alway's al T�e Bill founded there if Was., read thd jar Such a t.bl-hg,ra�f this prinbiple may be easily applicable to but ti�er� carrying a seat'along came 'a well-drSssed Stranger over 100 hard word4 Bo�,entirely. now to lime BtaUces would permit.. first,',second, and third time and passed.'. the� Province of Quebec it could Lot be Joke tob,far.' This we, think "Scime, of them and. dropped inWit with. the remaik: that I ffered,him a dollar 'to: Write them Rev. John MoEWen; r Of 1rgomll, ag In moving the second 'r6adipg of the Bill 'a plied to the other Provinces and they did when they'll Pub up a job", to load a "I b h O' 6 Mr. Sho Lot Harrill] don. When they wee'. read I to Put On received the' appointment'of :'Socketay.y of 0, leve y uar r Y respecting lotteries, Sir John 'Macdonald, sb'�uld not, for one locality; go Ahead. of le. .Of Tor6nto detectives to believe t6n?" d' to the the Canddaf'Sabbath School As�ooiatioll, d 'be presontlotteri�g Act public Sentiment, When gentlemen oppo, lyn . Amite plot. tly . as, Sir." the'strap his hauds',Werff fasten I a higwea- and WilI.-move as t explains thywe:re.on the track of c gratings And a stout arm ' wielded to Toronto in May.! prevented.tbe Art Union- 6f,Oiakio from Site were 4n power tboy.repoalsA. the Ddakin ters, This the reporters did by concocting' "Well, Me. SbortJ have been sent East bi, fell Ct '4 1� u0p 11 11 I Pw� Miss Frances .B. Willard, Prosi an-, carrying out, their annual drawing of Paint -A.0t, which gave this power of local option tile ble 'plots. When the ' knew by-ifie, Btockholders of the Great lbdueeJ He'-begarl'orying b6for Most horri y �vhen the officers laughed t him be Out_ the National Woman's Christian ings, Which only �under a i4raived reading �within smafl:bounds, and. pasBed the Scott that their, conversation was :being ment Silver Minto---�" jerked ance, Unio,'who is'now, in Calif
of law could be called a, lottervi this 'Bill, Act, Wh�Ch:r in� because I did not give that right. 'He had, listened to by the 'detectives. This W'" EXCUSe ins, '8ir-good morning, 1'." I Pro not cry visit the, SandwichISINLds before �eturiiijig' was to authorizo such The always opposed thio clause of th 'A detective's interrupted Mr; Short; as he Seized hig� belillge to a Bill, and wrong,. de6dedly vron8 Afraid; but it- ll'hurts.a2y'f� motion carried and the Bill paued fhrough t, pride is his wew mto the east., its f s Consistent therefore n suppor lug Mr., kest Point, and'it-is nae& moved up eight �seata ahead. thin k I took'a-a newspaper re -reporter for a Ilia) a tages, Gikault's position. In isue'll a, vulaer- P_Ptr . A certain continental c0imtosB VNS intoq, Thi§ wad a'licerlee Jaw- le%gy ciubl to Woubd hi C-clargymal]. sa bi : Cut I tutor � oil �he � P o"'Ireag eraisno an, ra rog T It being rear..'the, hoiir, for 'recees. Sir Bim�ply, and.he -naughty reporters .'*ill younghopefulwari'makind in bis�t` 1, John said he would not proPoso &u -'Y " other lboing a PT011ibitibli. clause, wag,geima�n to please 'regard themselvep as justly re, get in st ping a inan's Alcohol abruptly.' .. - I 8 OPI I I . Ill ill,. nr . .11 f grl 11 How gets on t a, viscount?" ;Said she. 'iser. - The doctor knows not 'A bi I a business At present, blA after receBs he bject lmd�f iligousoion., - Mr." Blake bdked, ?tdon whereof b6' . ort �o me I o. o a worth a Wbud&fully woll� my lady e would propose to go On wit , h the, consid4era- and his friando were not beat B I , m, a -the Cubic footj - �M%BBO'-, a cub' d inip y on affi an wnt into -a saloo I , 0 yar ;.,We A am arraBBIng The sword wom by John Hampden other day,' and..'When the d �9 ��7,762. - -This ie'valuig 'it li't �18� 'tion inpowmittee of the License till. - b those who desired, to - mako i barkeeper tol An iiig'bapdat,tho,scienoeo.' The viScount is r t has, jPSt . i I ibis a good law,, Or they would no� take th' duribg the civil war in I ngl&nd h in lie, coulAn't have nother, drop, of ou'�Ge.' At the commene6men't 'of the Particulkrly Weil up in his e6d, Ali 1, then Henri, my dai tb fore 6 o'c ock, Mr. Speaher�. We miglit got� poeition they did -I been sold 'at auction,. in London at 5� whiskey until h6 paid off the bid score; te'l Christian' are,, there': WoS rin _tfig world through he Franchise 'Factor r Mr. Blake, i guineAs. 'It,is a long rapi&vith�croso hilt picked up a porter boUle tell me' what- is dyiiamite,?� ,,''.I' DT-doil ro�ically-,Aep, bear and FArack,tho Oal;000,000 ingold. 'This had diminiBbed ]3ill in that t'ale,. Wer I ' lava passed teiI Mr. McCarthy 'iaid big friend mig�t Bay, and scroll guard 1, and Wag in'tbe.posmsaion dispenser of alcoholic fluids on I the, hgadi� toD557 000,000 at the time interitipt6d the tt)i?, �Ifibut this afternoon. (Laughter.) i�ir hear," bub"such wag the wadays , dynamite, does not" beliong to of the Hampdon family'lintil 1861, wb�ea it � from the effects of Which 'he . was laid UP whou if began to, inclease. Now no, Vt. I 4 ., I . redas a with other effects of John Hampd'aE,, Xaurwee� - I, mount I u use is est After rccesk,, Mr. supporting t] By k8:' This ghoW8 that, there is dan 'th gold i: chemistry. It is�ilonglder Thei House resumea, in: Committee' the the committee �neal deoeenant of get ill StoppingrS Man's alcol lbI abruptly. DEXCel'Of political ecqnomy�" .1fa original owner. "'000'000'000- t M, iy mp at an ons
h ru S mp Imes ,
ow a