HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 87 sidersil, vesta rather s� presumptuous inter- Now, Louieg, if 'you were to marry a, birth, there we ought sheerfully.to I n44e our, AMONGHB PHVRCIIES-� With the o ourse of, nature remark- homes and otir graves.". 111"20Mathieu. i-katthe-DuLyseBwbar Ob, indeed I ould not Ill cried she. �Irsilatthf6tr&theral�abotird.p�iiuclice?I isBut if �ou­ aidi", he Persisted, " you rather a superstitious opinion, saidM them. � I happen to, kw� that. - re. Ix 0 t1c01- -for C],xistianity jxk wo Id Eldrum place, and OU Gardner. POEWIty- I dare Bay they may,l' said the doctor, n, leave this 'hur y Red Pictiffe. The myste 61 the Ve 1 I ,,I had not 'the happiness of would fand life much pleasauter mud your. With us,'madam, it is, iubted,'l replied Ity . I - .: indulgently. I xhi:t 13100tolliag a"A -the. Vading. being jies6nt when either Rene Da Lys or self much better." the old ge pAleman, Somebody's )Aetbday�,keptto_c1ght, NOVEL -7 -By Eiyn MAD00i 'his sister came into the world, but -from II,But Delyaford is not humdrum, and I We have been wout to accorct -to the A : , ORGANS IN, PUBIJ01, WORSHIP.' 96we')oLly firmE,saw, the blessed light, What 1 know of their ant6dedents, I have could not marry a Kaffir," said Louisa,, domestic virtues a prominant place in our CH Ui matiQ�,",be With a gunial, all its ownI. APTER�11-' no 1. d I o ubf-ifiat their conBtitutions are of a ,and I am q te viell, Rbbert,� esti gan Mr. Marrable. d peculiariyfine and Sensitive grain, and that 04011 .0- coursel" . M L rai I Gardner intei. The London Missionary Society owns five Soimebq�lyhorii lift the veil of '6ourse the DelyiBlOrdJaus gossips me pre auii6ns you.l, mission all]" That Spirits doth still prevail; They could Scarcely be, cailled scandal- go xnay be advisable for said he, Surveying her pretty, rupted:! Chac"'a son'gow! Different Pa -n to See the light : ! Dem wbi(p ,000,000i Catilolici in Spain Somebody bw butAbeY tOW an, intensity of. 111 )h Other people hairdly require." rosy face and neat Supple figure with satia. places have different ouBtoma.P There are 18 Mhat uWaeth in darkness of deepest night; mongers,, i �11 56m6boav's Wrthday I I aot.tial'intdrest W the faction. You are quite well now, and IThdyl � 114va,'! assented 9 Uithiiu.' and 40-000 magnificont'Ichurblies. may his face, hypoth'etical! an And -why'are precautions,lesd profane re IOur social go,theving often giacie, affairs o I f their' neighbors They, were. a than .. privention6, doctor 2" asked- Mr. am thankful for it. But you must know In Delyefoid we are rather jealous of I A Jewish annual � n amed Purim, the first And way the good wished our"hoaxts ciatpou� r a-" intrusion. AS one Of the. oldest inhabitants, attempt of the ki Often fly iu at his open door hindly people and discdap�dtheae aftair� Bostook., the, curate-; ivho had joined the that'the nervous System requi e' �nd, hap appear4pil in Lou. And,gaxkiei, in lory about hi's headiL without ill - lature, but they disonssed them ew'm 0 ,Now, Robert, dont I" interrupted Lou. I think'I May safeiy say as much.'� doii'. grou� of elders a f inut a e.arlier, and Miss Fremaine had A Jewish syuagdgue of Bedewed with the happiness heaven doth shed. t infrequently. They held had beeti-quict imploringly. "I amuotataIll'nervous, IlAhl Iwas sure ..Soin b -d bell MA -ph and no IyJipippirg to, their obBer. wa, Only m6ndon 118 o'jr the li�eart-17fth a Solemn knoll; print vatio Rut Mn Bostook wl covered near ar age, r their )ipal , alocssi6ita'on the after- not a and you must n6t­tilk in -this way. ed -you as an 614 inhabitani,il said century has been die I the third or fourth is -lead, _Mra.Gardiiar,condeacendingI7. "'I believe' a 4_4 I and the vacant air noons of 6, a or lau, and it was the f tb --toy very $aturdayi andVeduesdayl , m 6ther.day ftBhqok b bou 9 I I . par o ; every, f Call. t1en inilep f f we are hoping,to have th , , r in Tunis.' presence there; in �the drawing-ro6me of he two large and said yomieminded fifth of young Leroy a pleisfti6 0 9 � I - I I I - - _... .. ., , Tells l. us, el afo ian Q quell ayward a r t IS W somel,udy's gonel whither away? , ! , I . the dreaditil'man' who wrote that lampoon ing.upon you one day'this we are about two thousand Chinamen Gone througli shade red houses, which, with %� few. smallei and ra. X k Six hundred of 'them wy dates of day; one Mr. Fremame, you know-hrld ion Miss � Fremaine, I is extremely good,'! Ther it ieaidenc flanko& In New iv or g I I y ctibn in Bobo somebod),s joilc t and many a heart leis pretentious es, rec tion my goud- -Sir," said Mr. On Poo return9d Mrs coldly. II believe are rece in nstru Ole under -es tora apart- side -of th Is gardens at il is, sole .61 precautions have See, he went to Australiat; and has never Mathieu, 8 marla Rath ivs fen detest fibi IS Green', and whos I y th gemeat of di And huaidii are 61aspiug and tear -drops fal'7 the back Sloped, dawn, to, the. May.L these' b a of Joseph,- the does not owe me a. call, but I shall,,be fferent churche'13. orize -by. the example, -tuij�g--if-r-glacl-to-rea-her-neverth�leEil.--f�She ut,-editor-,of And the p 1glit like a pall. ald-Fe-iido-od ou a I but we're going, too,! - houses belonged respectively to Mr. 'Phil- Who, though unable to stop, the famine, T�TorliaP4 old � to the bright and ',late, the doctor, audWr. Philland, the� went to Austr religious Prom tb� alld,the yet succeeded by his foresight and intelli- alis, " said Robert rbflectively.. Bweet young creature, and One willingly, par- paper Says: "Editing this 'At loa�t Leroy KaB become.rioh." 4oaB'her little iglaorances, especially when,, paper is like trying to swi very large cat When aba Illeet ip its giallsonals day IsCwyer, and go Similar were the exteriors gence 1h Mitigating its hor i Of leaving Dislysfrd one iefl in �-Vory small garrei klilt9ha.ut hurting the 11 Why do yoti tall ects that She was brought up an the itWherc gi6v�, pass away. of the mansions; aud so�,alilie the gentle, ",'And why-M411ot M�,modern Joseph Continent,' where manners are,notoriously' garre r S., San _F�6cisco. and, benevolent countenances of th Awo mitigat6 the, hdrrbrs of brondhitio, by u It is nokrid to have one'afr4end'S go away, a 1,� todi lx� has been B'ng Said L6uled, pouting. an i,op.;um prayer I old gentlemen, 'that many a short-sighted laxnd unceremonious." A ti ra'i 'It and intel igence, and wearing a, r -'at least I thin k —not English mannerB ae proverbially stiff," formed ill GreA 'O I irt?" persisted Mr., BostoA. I allam't Britain, of which the A or olbsent person 4ad"found himself gravely h 90 S,wa3 "d Mrs.� Gardner. I"] She has It's softly ifshesi&edl exhibiting his tongueand detailing his ',Mr. Bostock,'you are indecently"bere. -unless, you marry aXaffir," aid 10.��_ al It is �;virell' to be Members residing in differerit,parts, cove. as anit-not.ou any. account.' acquainted" With z �She sii&and over sympt6nri6' to the Solicitor, or tranquill But I ph di styleg.- ' Then one I ndnt to pray at least once i., week, on Thu'rs- Irbe II,oll filled.and a beart*ciltried- Y tical,'! cried Mi% Mathieu,"reddening, and Of a ri aeki�g tl on's opinion on the subject 'Gulegs=unleSs-, YOU VvQre 'to set all exam- steers dlear-in any socieiy-,of an appear- days, for the overthrow of the opium trade alinost'riain to her feet in. herintolerant Ill in iA and Oh I u lch u'll, orthy love 'jigia, dei he ance of under -breeding. inw , -elsewhere. will. The Ifela- g pie by marrying'k.S6dth Se an 8 .Tb6y ivo Let, for bersoul must sliP- .1 6, leg. "' Burg disputed 'excitement. iThafamiue�was�revealedto Y- -The . Lutheran'sas Keep out the�r L y rejoined. Quito -sol" replied Mrs.Mathieu, c6oll She 1%,j,l lie tc, NNijth,her fair red !ip-: ti,_Ship a -ti. between � the two old men 'Joseph." 9gues .in -i g d No, noi" -he said'. But he looked very, Experience undoubtedly preventa' one, and hypQcritea from the Church." It But trucrilovifig., ewht involved. Thej�-boa,Bte � IlfehouWhave thought tha;t past'exp6- itaking posilion for, birth, and bonhornie p would an identical 'descent - from he twins� rience4bil*I& have' lbavealed the� likelihood serious. He longed'to alnulate the awful MiE. Strike an average mau, looking on from the hfan in a sweetness dumb, of Le-roy, and 'emigrate. 6 for,breedi6g. Phillippe le Petit, so called * from his' of bronchitis to Mr.'Makrable,'i Said the to�fi� outside, that thege� are -the very_p_ergouR____ As Lei I iiottgb is w6r'e beyond recalling. ,Or coiieeit for real importance;," said diminutive'. size and -delicate health, and larger field, if only he could peksuade- wh6-shouid be bro'lightinto the church slid With a glauco-fur Onb� and a glance for Some Phillippe i6 Grand,,who 'obtained his nick- o orgyman. Louisa, t _61301npa�y`him� --:But- this-. as Mrs; Gardner, with easy dompbsu , re. -lias, rising and failing. D a made bette-r- men. rropi )aur oy( - , ":.Your argulfient ifili6rfectlylirrationall" I h ' L) I I - words with,-ablushful 6 name by -i -doubtful. Ile know S' a was his, if he (To be contlnue'(' Thirty-si. thou a b , it. firide of his great atature� and Said Mrs. Mathieu, frowning-tdrribl.y.. a nd ministers urnish 1,ol Cues unreproving; "You iemained at Delyefoid-that went without Buthe., says what Elbe ne'ef -Vill, s,eas- Strength -who had. come: from Normandy speak Oi iiattirat if they spiritual instruction . and consolation for in the tra.ill of Rene, the first Baron Du Were :d6rivod,1fr6M. 'the Lord., When X Saying ; She had been' his little Sweetheart the,people of Rugland � and Wa, lea. About 9 Cadies' GoviiiP.., gui I tar, Lye;. The-forrefatbeis of all the Del�gford a direct even in the nuraeui ut would she follow "28,000of'these Wirifters belongto the to the night speak. 6 reveiation; P mean' and him into the 'Wide -world? He. coula'not Dear rnean& beloved, also expensive families had come over in.ihe gains, fafibion, Cliaroh-oftaglanil-. For'e�ery�500of'tlle i4lklilOtO the bringbr,- tangible communication from heaven. But .1 � I y tell. So he asked imself over and over �Iow'oft.en, the two meanings are 66inbine"d popl.t Then ,Lu -,Io as Fiveatlyi when he is far, or at least it was supposed that they had it is,no usequotiiig Scriptiire4o you.- ou _Sud In One woman I ion theie i's a place of wbrship � Of Attii,.�-�o;woi'tLuindoc;rsing(3r.; ., - i e u -Should he marry,. Louisa, somakind or,other., so come over, but in many ca,Bbs.thig dOm- p'reach'd 4dite a Shocking Sermon onJael a.'ftli Bask ttAll,ioti), ljoucath tendereyes, r was* but traditional. 14the o"e; .last Sunday endure an eternal stag -D61ysfoid? i h V ing O'�p nation at The Empress' Efig6nie in, er pa my Gianco ngfiLly on their removing, * . , I assure youi e I � ' I siian Advocate declares that a �illallds'and the Phillot6s it c or should he forego toViisaa day.�i.atlg an ionion at 6 o'clock every m6rif. The Chri And join N,'os'to old perjuries- of theY ould al uted by the nd follow. enter. church donation po�rty is in -most cases a- Oved. The twin brothbrS BdBrS'4__ I your views unftrra priBe 2 And he hardly, knewwhioh oftener, i6g'td pre6erve-her-66mplexibn. But ayo not call it loving. be a Pailtially p ible. hadift ly coz tardy, substitute loi an' overdue ' Salary.. It over'� and had offspring. IWe, felt=that came . uppermost-)iig love for' the. sweet A romantic Scribe calls a blush m9desty!s a,� 4 --you,- almost 4efuted -the: Lmight h&v&, added 'that in' majority of Their seed had, never fafj`ed,�but the pedi.. Bible " added Mr. Phillote. �If hia:-life�,or-his desire- -beadlight 'but 8,-go:d -ma�ny trains are rUn; No o h cl* iN Soft in the rbytbin ;­ " I I . 11 . ins ances they are regarded-�as-:,an intoler.- Unleiili You Call feel when- ][off by one gree bad soon bifurcated,'and though more tIlt, is -au awful filin to, deny the Bible` for's wider' sphere-oi �action�, 'Helooked without Uadlights. at hia sisters, 'Who had :ad comfortably able nui§ance.by the -clergy ineir oil whom 'Tha- all lu ise go with him;. than one marriage had united, the two Murmured Mrs. Pbillote. An entire.sulte f bed-room:furnitdre they are,inflicted. yott �im know when upraised, by his, obra,cobes, f ' ow generations.' bad always But I don't deny the Bible �protegted married Delysiord gentlemen, and he'sighed msde of glass is' the freak of. a; SiFa-m-elf tbrif. them aasullder. . At the oregent date 'hing to, El opprobrium which. A European, merchalt at"Man�W%y' Tha� ,o,,,.r 1,cmuty itself wants Proving; . I Mr.- Boatook. I wa's Only mis ay as lie thought, ;6t, the grandm. I I - . .1 . I � � I can 6wear," For life-fordeath!" thiscousinship was indi6tinguisbabli), and that I I bolieve�.God originally-mada man was attached ,to the other sistdi-the eld- India, imporf6d.a- thdus"d glas's images of whether the famili6B.would-re-amal Set MiBB Phillote"whe had gone with a' Cayonn el pepper.. is,an excellbut,tohle for CxUatamk and Sold them to t . he. hea;th I on., c browd all.day gamate; strobg,ianc meant him to.be hei a range anaries. "Hang a red pepper, pod. iii.the One native boughtl4e whole -lot. and,m'ade unleiia you cau iriuse in at for thethird or. fourth ,time,'in the nine- Yes, in the Gaden of Eden,"' said the t busband.,to Bo'distant a portion of cage, allowing t I hein to help themselves.:. money b :peddling them out., The image I a On face that fixed you; teeutb century, remaiue I d - to be proved.' doctor.' ,I You seem to forget that Mali is the, kingdom that'it Beemedto the Delys.. U�cle,.�s y6a bin love, as the ang6lB may, I Mr. Philland had- a �pretiy daughter,, who in a I fordiaiiB like foreign prig. Rev.;`Mrs. Stoddard hawtakerl'oharge 9f had blue eyes by mistake of the manufac With, the breath of heaven, betweenyou ; - !allon c�nditio." t e ond'Afient 'Church"in Oil City, Pa tarer. This mistake 'hid to be rectified, Unless.yrou (Iream that his faith is fast, had'ecarcely e'ver'slept.but of De)yBfbid. Still li� Might try: to be health as -well AS it in answer to his*ogitations, Mrs. he S c 'pr r seen Thro,ngh 1,�ehvoving and unbehoovill9l; r. Phillote as"the, Wller� of a V16iier. as try to be good e young man. Bertrand was just- saying to Mr. Bpsiock She is Als firAt. woman eaoher eve Which hebessitated'a few touches 6fha,tid- the drdain is past, w said th Unless you can die when YOUDg son, w o n to.a�,pu-bll I 0 66hobl, had. Beatbd himself between the two .iu.the,oil,c'OUutry., painting on each inaage.: The'idolatrous Oh; nover call itl6vin 1. h' had*be'e' I I There Is ':no parallel between ',disease- who' ima" � . idd'iii � Birmingham, � Eng., 9 had studied at a London'licigpitaii and bad said Mr. Philla nd. - ,Disease siwters, 11 I don't think yon have ever met, -The novels of MiSB Evans, Mrs. South ges were, m� 'turned to: Doi eford' to assist my. poor sister, Mrs. Hungeiford,! have worth arf eb an banished and �erved'the purpose of Hindoo devotion now re a Mrs. Holmes hav a Y. and is. part of: the punishment accruing -from, a she is�,06ming to 'visit aswell as it made in Beriare4.,wihio=6 they, -quite clear tom 'eventually to', substitute his father., But Adam's dis'bedience. I you? We hop Up from the Cleveland public library as being Said to SuLum.er-;. f you do away are. supposed to sive come. Thal, see.,,ons are.baly'adjusted;' whether these des all f' the Fall; what Icend ts ofthe illastri- with, the ponaltieB o ext month too trashy. h The called Spring, you must surely agree, ous twins who had come over with the becomes of, the Scheme of Divine Retribu- syou; sister a 'widow 2": asked: the Johif�bad come on a visit to.London, and Is oue whibli all'axedisgasted. .1 I . I . tt A .4ittle too, inuch repose about the first Rene Dti'Lya (in, .what� capacity- 4o tion asked the old la�vyer, sternly. �cdrate innocently. mouth' for it. to be natural," W&B,the arranged,7vith his resident relation to. attend Her van;t-,',,qornethirig' imense:an1herwile's", chronicle: had eirei. precisely determined) . "I do'n't,knovv-l� have notatudied.phi. cried Mrs. Bertrand. b'6to,. the Temple Church.., Joh'Ilike &good Soot' iremarkofahusbandtoa West end' Axe wvutau,deceitful and fickle- wot�d, ever become on e`� *as aB yet w rap.. Josophy �much,'V replid the curai meekly Quite the contrary. -She has a husband' p nt,in good" time, and got'a Prayek: The farrde).' Who trilSt$, to the cf�eaturo'a false' a, graplier who had �taken hiB.wife'B photo-, was Pr SO ped in''uric6rtaftity.' Th&,io6t was undis' Philosophy V, ejaculated Mrs. Mathieu; and ' 'eight children, poor thing III raph. book hatided\to him. . After, perusing the ",Is -Bhe an.invalid? Is her 'husband 9 sacred b6d for the first time in his life; ae'd to the� bkan6he'e��, hotly. .14 As. if philosophy, hid anything at,,?,, -fi- - .1 I I—— "d'-11' turbed', whatever happez , k� , , Tbi ceremony ever per. J, k On�a certain Saturda� in it certamlu:" un u e a first wedding- 0 U Seized hl'B "i and pud, en y - bolted tie, wi�atever toAo with'reli,gi4a I Phil6gophy for shed, Mr. Bostoo I dy took,place at That Su, is Not upon Nature's'fer plan,-. of tbe' present century, the upual, Weekly'. will1ead yon.ini6 schigmi Mr. Bo�tock, but No," said Mrs,.-Marlay, iIiL & Melanchol flqrmed inAmorica, by a a y I . mi . froila the His friend met him ldafact, awl the world ought to knowit; Poor Isabel enjoys excellent health, Ob mbus O.,: recently,,' where Mrs. Lydia. outside,. Shod' the meaning of 'fi, Besides, it whoinflicts upon malli gathering was taking place in Xr6,. Phil. it will never carry you toleaven.1 G. Romick, the evangelist, � married Charles and;. a is That.torrible. bore"the Spring -poet." lote's drhwing-r6om. Mrs. 'Marlay and and her husbandb,Lks, I am told=for I have flight. IGood garaciouBt ifiari, Ilooked over 'At -this juncture Robert.l�Philldte entere� never Pi I of Damascus, to Miss Ernma Bryan& `4nd. Mrs. Bortraild, twoof the doct6r's inarried: the room,; and, in � the little commotion of been able to get so far myself-& first- In nie, and I found every here Your henad is quite leva- Summer., offee 'hich'enaued,.Mr. Bostock rate practice --: Yorkshire, where he Iiivesi Miss. Mary A F; Robinson, the London' doughters,.prasided over the tea andt hand -shaking w in there "Collect.' Now 1 can stand one ciol- retreated. . I -fi Spriughas gone wrong, I a=tbinking. pots, and the' young. Men, of the party But the whole thing was very Bad. About. poetess, , whose life of Emily Bronte is lection in a day, but I canna Stand 'a doze just sac llow, he Staggers from side -to side; y9un fifteen ye I are: I �ago, an epidemic of scarlet attracting suchmide attentiontis described No doubt in bhe world she's been drinking. -handed the cups, and carried abodt plates "'The unsettled state of. that id � . � . Rev.' Dr. Pe�dio, 'of Edinburgh, has 9,11everbkoke-outhe I nd"my-faiheidaught. as,a youngg o1passion- of bread-and-butter afid''plum-cake. 'At re a offeredAhe.agentB of the bisBenting,M'nis-, aule �mind.,' must, be awful,"', said Mrs. She steals -waRther from me,and oteals weather the Delysmare Ai-H6rnea4heae offic6awere it., and . he had. to send to - London for a ate.enthuslasms.. Mathieu. 11 Now i if you I tora'Friandly Soefety.24;250,,in lieu of all from peiformed ;by soft -footed la6keye, but the ... in my opinion tenerw.-.De. Hung6iford camo, and 10mm L A Galveston paper Says that a woman in clainis-Againat him ofthe give p Jael, youWarraign the Whole Bible." took Some sort of odd 'that city has wbaby that -is forever, getting S06iety, as late Treasurer, ,, And ' hat's !low she picks up her living.. emulate the inagni-- through, the� fraudsl.of his I am linown to be verV warm�heiarted,-'tiB true-, elysfor,diansdid not Quite so," said Mi. hillote, politely. Poor Isabel and- he But oaniiot bb*always forgiving. 1 ficence o . f�Delysmere. '�'They- could aNrd- fVucy:tO;6n6 another, &lad, notwitbstand� iptdmischief. When she hangs� up'her Buthd was',,,getti�g a. liftle'weary"of he brother,, Donald Smith Peddfe�,, This offer -and they could. chat; b i,g all' opposition, notbing wash she bwags the baby to � tlii;. clothes-. 'on the hospitality, ut they wred1alk.- would satisfy av� ou rea, S -Its I - grandeur. They If, theological discussion. He preft has,been rejected, ground, it is.said tlifzi.. b I oW th,5t,�"`wicked y ng c" ture i did not banker.� a them . but to marry. -,�My moth'er cried line -with clothes Bo she can- keep an 'that,. after full investigation E4,506 � is th� praise( Ing imse about, it and my tat Wb her tomperlean neve be trustedi njoyed Miss, Prernaine's .'evening. rece , p- ..-I Speaking of young men, Mrs. Philland," her was so unhappy, eye oh:it.r, lowest sarn which ills society, can accept. I'll had -to follow her to. the And wh,�t uouutain6 of sonlgi in her honor %re� tions, but.they. had too much. good sense he Baidi lowering hiB�.voice, '"you must. $Ad wepositively. There lives in Burlington Ev young lady Some, weeks ago a,summona was 131guetiBd Taiaecl, , I L ' '. . I ; -he Aar` I altar in blue dresses., Was it L not"disfreis- 'force When File uglit-to-4e-yed, Sir and good breeding :to. i itate 1329 rosily look after your, little Louisa, or you whose mothertold her when shebadmade against the Rev. Dr; eadie o the: 6 u'sted I" 'innova;tionB" ing?", Said N�-intor Ther I 0 _n . Cell be: no lq 1 Rtirrel or. 41 -Well V'* said cld Mrs. B : elamour the will be having my boy popping., her into . ",,But is, 'Mrs. Hungerford U a dozen.quilts,with her own bands it would surrender of his e8tat and it is understood flannel: vests,. bie-fdrd-you know Where you I . uhappy?" %'be�ti6e'en6tig�foiher�to,thii�k-Of7D�arry---th�a--i3din-moni-w-i�llnow'be allowed. to take' inquired,Mr. Bost6elr. -The "SIB well im, and IReally-, Mi. Phillote Ill said Louisa's ve every reason tobelieve Bptch says: In the No present, propiletor,of the Delysford aa I zett . c e., f- Young men will be young men, eh 1". Noil ha she rse wo �:lau squeeze out theIifeiofler quite, fin a the job in such a short timis'. thsI its cou me Closely caress her Widow di.the late,. and the mother of the, ar t, at'it with 4 -.v- I And'siloutly, surely, suppreIis her.: -,I *611, ladies and _�entlbmen'yqu will-aw ia perfectly ha;ppy.. That, is not theToint. :the old lady was struck dumb with I amaze- A r a L Pre mother, withao air,of displo"ure'.' abyteria.Geneial.Assembly, Rai. Dr. that my Bur ise i'L� corred Doil,tybu 0 He When SpXint,k III[lf d6C6]3tly out 0A ; in, see she 6, �broken throughyery Welit. r ill' will be derR I.. . 11 I see ii�o-bbjebtioni".�roceeded'-Mr. famil traditi6n. 'She has- introduced rick J612ngoil i a the report of. the We two W no nio led Very likqly,", said Mrs. Phillote; 11 - . y P Theli 31 wffl taliO Alareblaii shail'take May,, y", lots.' ,,it's the, old twine Who will have to . It is said that Mdlle' Etelha Borryl who Special Committee on; Education.� The And ltL, April be fairly divdyou surmises usually are coireot.my dear -Mrs. among.us a Strange, and unwel66me ele-' ied." anawei�forit. I.dbn't suppose. they dreamed. will,aoon: appear i ibiscountry as &star, report says tho field for necessary Work -is Belamour." went. Shehasopeubd the doors of-Delys- n ofthe iittie dramas they were preparinA for al a day,, walks ten miles Nnst, of:� Ohio. If present 'indication& are' Me but One me ocrI. ,I. believe it was. Mrs. Belarnour*'WhI5.. ford to Yorkshire. 'liberalism and ; free. a A HAXX the future." t Conceive the horrok-of my child. each day, swings. Indian ubs, toys'With correot;'the year 1900 ill see, thirty Mi - . never though �prophesied that Mr; Fremadneould It's i�pretty, little by-play," Said Mrs.. � aUYL hundred -pound. dumbellg and boxes like a' lions. of people West of: the Mississippi. at L rlin,,9nd my sistar7s children; - and 'I krlcm rle'd think lthou�ht she slept, come -back all, but that if, hd� did he.. rize- e -Should think thtMd1le. America ' has too �many 1,bollbges poorly Bolamour. "I'm pleased to see it; though nthe fi 1liter. in g 't mgw.do. I But T.wUS sure she did dissemble.; would; bk a second "Wife With 'hiln h hi jail upon.' . a woman o I ver, Eorry Mi lit b Managing, endowed. be,. do�da few . and' better.. Ii Acron, tb'o lior6h'l sciftly' step' hildien our br r By have in the future . a quite, �capable of S n er 9 i is th'aiked Ims., Mathieui �lh aliciously. .66i1WcbuBins and.firetcou'sins too-�46 R� 1.ku6*'sh6'd think I thought She slopt�j- Iwas going to you� 1er CbriBtianityinuBt not be:dumb, slid allow d ' if severity'., Bui.w. manager., - said he Would. marry a secon wi a in nesVof Yorkshire democratBT' , colleges and'prep.ar'%t6iyabfio6ls to b' Audo Elie baminock slyl I.- t 4 , " , ", I I !sally intereSting Which i on bject4 A female ,iorturie ioll6k� is wanted.1 "come Ariel lii�sed. her sweet lips tie I course corrected Mrs. I: - � 8 imP6nd g1v yAh-eL - _In I '' I 'nteriupted'.�...But,:l �see-Jt7 yo - ----- - WITall , idd—. think I th6ugbtshbsl6pt,. _gi :on y as,i h " on a c %rge o a 'Th.t �to ry Delysford young lady Englis po ice Vexacting "I was sidri) she did.dissemble.1 g clearly.. I �- as � coming � 1hiough - Page'A were o oar Mended. m Syst f 11 k ith�. money by Th& impostor, - � .41 11 Bin o co ege Supervision won to. eoV. donflden't. There is a 16s off, O.Chb6hire,l. s.iUMr.'Bostod w re! -passager: justoW, when!, Ddescried--h- e car a; a a or patient ,confine to a now buaid,:havii1g'1eaAquar- 'a .after shu i ffling th d" ' 't' b ter6 at Cfileago.� The report was�,accl*e'pted. Gardner re now. rnot thinking of any. young, h 16ed, 0 tell:fale winds, the secret keep I There*he stood in, the deep porob, with a . 't _lady_. in , He"' had,' in that,her� gre%tes,t,anemy is er --I-Af .- Mrs.: Phil.. D A committee of the. 'Paris Presbytery lwho'd-122198 me. - Obtained, no sile-i-11- _ - _-W I sa%v him through the lattice.peep-;- lots. What is Miss'Gardner like'?" lidtioti-E61J6.". cia ooing-inany e a- me --para� yza­ M-0 8 - de-sig"niing, person, an IS - .----The� C 0 tell-tale windri,'the secret keep- �. 4 -H I 612i�whor demandedseveral voices. ford hoilsehold,-andthe gir1p­bf_,._Dbl' I ber'-for -aF-6�6sidaraiiom _lza iii rs urch, oodsi6ek, on iw a t d 46,Ohl don't you knOw?"'bontinued' the 11-taber 6C' �,�dauhtp' d ' �etfle'& difficulty. An,l closed my CY438i f0igUilig'51bel) Oid,!' roplied,,, Mrs.- Belam6ur. would have Boo ir ca;ps,�at a rs-in law 'who' have ,,to en eavor to -very eccen rned to get the ''I - mperturbab Y. II.Di tilt, you in ad her 4ervicei lsBurprising,. difon with �..ihe introduction' of a But no, I ileverthangbt ho!d kies tie. oldAady ' I a M70031ne n secret keep . i She and Miss. . F remaino'called - on me all I from a region -So wild �nd engag 0 Sabbath Sch bol Th6re 0. t8li-tale wiuds,:tho know. he 'arrived yesterday? '.,Dear me, = I b t rganAiiio ihb I Stole away; �kucw he'd1misIl Le. yesterday, and she, 6alled.'MiBs,Fre'm`aine , n as the old,Cbunty;Palatine; u Several ayf3,ag6'Mks. Manuel' Guiferrez ']Xiro.Belamoiir�,,it'E;yotil"he,B�id. Iwass, was a very -large m6ating'of thw-,corigrega-, Than Amy, and Spoke � of er oar � at er. all things are possible, and he threw out 1,0vas §fiting in her cabinl which- is located ti6ii �DY. She actually talked . abdut,"the g'eology'of littI&tart'witb� him, f6wn. 'Whom Should. the hint accordingly,' The younger laidies,� on the'Los Prietog.ranche, in Sant 'Yneo The�committ6e bj6ard Mr. McKay, 'ho pastor of the 6ongr6gation, andessts'.— An April landscapej flush6d�wjth torider:'g' he be to most in Delysfor but one, J L -DelyBford. - I howevei,"were ai--quick- to4epios6.1h alley, �Ca.,_whefi.sbe_heard_a_nols& if, �W tt �1: � reen Now -to the bliefi for-, V 'A level broken by a%road clear.,cr'idek,.. .�, I .,p 11 � , 1- k I �. - me eigi rs�ha_d' een, rs." Or,-,, soinething was approac iug., Looking 0 e at inhabitants 2 � aske Then - ner,,, their bids -b- " ' - ' - i- ­ , A I'twixt the maple rows, withstisak �Delysf6id has no'geology." f Olds s6n,,McLeod,.._Re1dl 'Q ron, White, vIs took off his Of roal'tbat meets the arch; all this is Seen Thai'. comes I of " living in " London,` Jane openiIdetlie dooi;.and hii� t ,d ais6d warning. tiger. and others regmiding,fbe Matto hat, and *a paited, - 1, u�t jay I 1,ke,Sir - r , D r the'directillIX Elbe BbOU'Saw a deer emerging forma'l-vo','te wawthen taken � of" both com. Where three wa,yri ineet, and many a f axiabouse struck in -Mr. Phillote. it It B'juBt like My 6..not_ attempt, OM. 'thicket; When the deer was very Olivei� Clinto'll; though I aln abiort with,him it Mr. Bostock," she, munlcanta�and adherents on the �queStion, pcct�: Sitting by tho;wa I V " Bon Robert. �St. Jdde's'bm Sent bim back said impressively. *�Il After poor Isabel a close to bar she jumped at it and Succeeded Witbin thepros With the absurdtBt . notions pogsible-ab now-FLud -then.". hich'�showod, a considerable majorityin A crippled child, bent low in innocent play fatet�not i! girl hero -would go with6u. in catcbin;i g hold 61 it;: and'marfaksd, to hold using he'organ I ,,but as a' large aises a sweet, glitd face to my unbitppy,cy6;. ''I uHm Ill 'Said Mi. Phillots;. Ii6mt's 'the' favor of t ga vaniBm and chloroform and Heaven only : _: _.- � : , . . fast until,her caiis'were.atiswered. by �,her Over the 116lds light-footed children run knows What, �w_4 _-CHARTE . husband,! when tbe animal -was dispatobed number bad left the meeting' by the time ,7A -1 With merry-laughter,.but this blessed,on6 He will 13001 down� in .. tiiev- is it imag-ice io", allowed Mrs. Bela. The dDelysmere w the 'Vote, -,,vas reached ther, committee Fettered finds dearer i I tell him,- ana. I hhdit best, to, go,' draw* er 'of fat oy whea'all'is,dorlo. onjuBt ing-rooms E ore and theyihad anounexpected, diun ordered a vote to be lakeii:; by ballot.. Mdur.� "I d6nit�kno P 'B- 60 1hronged The, ean I accept the lesson thatJ seet &6 I do;.and as my, father did before me.,' W why, 01138 is with'a weli-dressed and radiant Mrs.. tL wn little Be - wd and'L.thd ev Once- Presbytery will in Here by the way whilieof-best Sermons be? erpetually�at that tumble -do I cro en�ng was already's act on'Monday, the 28bh. Happy is he that, losing; gaineth.Me.1 "'Quitis. righti'l sai e'lamour, P ro,, Who �waa lately M4, Lin ,Woodstook, to open the ba I 116ts and -app . roVillgly. .�what_ ad"need,w*4 Rene and Melicent Urs..M�rtha; 'Pod' a ", a eautiful V burie.d,.: at HighIand_,.Milla, N. Mi married, lice Somewhere On ore Aake-further.mtion in thenaafteri rofteriwon erlyaqtherloyea,Ocreep e encouraged.". t� '�palej'handgiomeman, with benot b Du LyB were ush din. ma lag kied theggod' the Coast, .1 believe," f3aid'hIrg, Philland. Who is th �Pe.dro many, years, ago, an e I Up to the garret wheile the cupboard stands One of -his b* ther of Several �children_ Th And mit UPou the musty flooi and weep, I , pur Sir Oliver is a very *611-ineanilig yo nd the gra7id airl" mo en a -u�cd,by pe6ft4try. Holdilig a baby's dresses . ill her ban doctor,- ho- dearly loved tb1iaianglie ung the intellectual. face a 619paratioilL Occurred:; � 'Pedro,' married Longevity rriaI�c m*n,!' observed � Mrs. Mathieu.' "Mr. Mar- inquired � lad�, in black, W d It is not �kobab a that -the average :smiling audience, 11 is that every one Should I ho "had� been rable'thinks: very, well of, him. the day g to thi)-.'staiel�, another 'woman aii'd his wife marrie I often wonder'lpiandma loves to sit weak flan nel:or silk next to his skiii.. Itent him talkll)� , master -,of the house. -longevity hag greatly increased, although Aloue wheie liallip, a portrait oD the wall b#1ore,hiB, bronchial, he, said -'I Vmean the tall, distinguished anothei-man.. By the latter , marriage. looking bal .authority -6 kr� both had children.. Pedro's - sedond�.wi a has undoubtediy�, been a decided haridsorriti, haughty face, wh i6,writ the latest'.1lospil tome 11 Mrs. Mathieu, Sir Oliver has, writ- -Man who is, now Amyi-Azid -his there rb of ibe ereoll Mairrable, when he began with his bronchial t6a fr '-London to have:" -the -white gat improvement The phatitom,of a' love She Would recall. and the'; Second , husband 'of his first *ifej milong that ' pai attack the oibei day�,' : Marrable igothe only', in' -wife is equally Btriki'ng." d' d. T4bn � ille. original humad by whom .� the'lawH of health I wonder, too, that sister, paie�atici sad! mended.' I went, by the next day -tosee, "That 11 Said Mr. Fremaine, with rather MIB.. per9oh, bereo,bo&a who, Pedro r6 I arried again,'md-_ Mor6,. childre I n have been Made the. subject ot. careful Waits fttfl� gato and,waitingi seem� to hear' I udit was quite'true. It had been off its a'peciIIi6r Smile, is the� Ren� Du Lys' Of I . 1. I I . att"kB,.60 my practiceAg not over,iurgo in to 'hem. Study.'' �A,hag.been proved in nearly forty ThefoWa of�the brave, herole lad hibgesioAy,jearg, 'and Mr., Clinton never wh 1 a by life insurance re y. b' orn you ave- heard,- and the beautiful years of actual ekperienc —y� aith-bi N'VOT might know a good, ption.: Wel];Off, -worn U -W M`_I - - ---- - .4s- 0 IRZI ko a MILU 17 to 20 The little lips in voiceless death are sealed- he goes, and says r g, I Mr6: Marra. Ily to.ab nd6iihi self totbe tender, 13, li�'r is a' -nice yo`ung. inThe haughty Isquire 510CPS'now A 1�`sting ble,'do you wear ests?1-1 No, I:do not,, d iir Itried Said �'Mr'a Philland, but he pays Amy too The'nu!mber of persons trying to ok , IS Out per cent. loDger than one wh o drinks. At , is -1 '69� be quite un'i th don't ant her, to be a living by the. 6x6rciso of their witawould who abstains will live'from V' oght.t. be '�n'-ioii k' co p sleep- says Marrable very positively. I Thou yoii shaking.,hisr Much court, and 1:! ertain'that rrect babito in regard to 11 � I .. I u..,.,S The lovor's bones bleiach on the battleifteld- tbi t .d B. That is one reaBou beema to !be OA the increasel- if 0110MaY other things than drink affect longIevity,and Arid brokon-hearted women live to webp. MUBt take tO� thorn at once,': say.9 MY Boni , ,ry Well, well, he vvil marry so6n; I'dare why I hope you are �in'.,no hurry to run judge by a, glance over� the advertising -of and obedience or I can't answer for the conSequencea V the thorou-b knowledgb .1 skv,ll said Mr. Phillote. I like the young &way.,.An.eldcr lady can be so.cbarming�y columns of the ilewepapers. , Amongother AUGUSTUS Ai4l)Tar.wILLIAMvGOA�. Mary'able bowed in his polite way but he �to; the 'requirements of..gotod health inay follow. He seems generous. and �opOla- deterrent. But'exousej,Mo,,pray. ImuSt methods' of 11 raising the wind " lie One Ultil Augustus -.�130ni�-pri-vatel-y-for-me-4iid--af3hbd if vestall some depend I entsinto- 'go naiely make.,it no extraordinary were essential. Mrs. Math' 'But -first- let, .6 . I -hAnd6d. HV. lfgA-put And following traditi, n, leu we cobRi-t'i1y_9UeStS; --froquently.-practisbd and 'exposea. in the t or a . mau,. to life ainciy or I­y9u, were'. the Lbbk Cottag6--a deaf-and-dumb ;man edpecially.in f bin'hu He hung )its clothed off a hickoryllimb, me introduce you�Mrs-. -Mathieu, Mr. Mar- cities of the United States, one ndred years. -Progress is con. - Devoid of alj'hugplcion. there ai,the time." 'and's disagreemble'Hort of a Woman. I have rable, my.old friend Mrs. Gardner." Chicago, �and which: has recently broken A William goat cairio,that way,, I'And.vihat did you Bay? shed Mr. made in 1ygienic abd :stwi- a 'notion Fine was'his mother ' 'a maid. He He buried dill and the tcte�,w-tete bobween out in Montreal. The advertiser wnts tary Science, So that those of the race Who -Philland, with interest. Aud, following, trallition;_ 'BpendFl big in—oney, t66-1-_Ag`forPld'CliiIt0A, I tb6 widow. and the widower was inter- 'somebody, male or female, 'to fall &'rsopOn- Will may.develbp and preserve'their vital, He witkadly chewed. up those Clothes II'said,-firinly, ,No, my good air. I have rgot agingle sixpebob'outof him. Hewas rupted. But, Mis. Bible situ�'tion�at powers better than� they, could had they Devoid of all contrition. never been a party to the profane iysf6m neve well,` Mathieu showed no 'but mus asalaxvofsay�12io��20, Au I -11stus il�im e-arno Ile In't, even ova of a' r1byance.. -She was veritably from bid OwID11, of ,prevdrition. . My business i's to cure t 'always perfectly and he dit I., . sympt n I a week, t give security in, the shape lived at.an earlier age. The introduction void -of all suspidioil,;., -limb, allow'ine 'a d6ath-bed. a.FancY h�is dying ariBt6cratic.� SheWas res'ple'nd6nt in gray� of ,9, cash deposit, of Mo or �300. , The of dentistry hi4 contributed wonderfully to when lie Saw the 9tripty diseasleswith 'which Providence Bees fi pit to Suddenly, and never having consulted me Satin and fine lace� Her delicate hands were. ruse succeeds . often in 'Chicago. The Strike up, but Am my pro- nDr. Goddard, the popular Dean _quite,baJvona is'.� engaged, makes the,; �equirea, L 'th-6- about his heart III, Bmall fe' person Street dentist, BrookNn, says tb6t the arrest' odly Mt. mittened nd er, � et encased in rou, T;;� vin6o to:, chaStening r ais carried an Indian ted to "begin I it. deposit, and. is reques the moutha'.cf 1hose &Venlml rI?F1 Behavior :so reprehensible caused quite qandeffied shoes, and a) prevention 6f decay in J . :. .! Marrable was kind en6ugh to Bay viewed shmh*, , I - . my professi6n in a relidiqud light. � Did� be a[flutter of agitation among the little party. fan. of exquisite workm IUlship And unknow ' n ,flext daY.� ' In callind'uext morning at the who give proper cake to ibeir'teeth has UD� ellina, rich and gay, not, Mrs. Mathieu?" The"Vvbblo�group bepri to.spbak'at,once,� cogt­_ Smiling, courteouslyj she butered, offibe-,br boarding-house room, rented -by, questionably protected them, froni-mubh— For the pitcher,will n6ver be whole again - d with animation. into conversation w �ith her new ac4uaii That, was smashed on Afovifig Day, Your remark was very well put," Said an Ut7 -the wee.k,�the dupe finds his or her employer Sickness. He mentions the case of boy What a hubbub III said Robert Phillote, &nco. has debamped and left not a trace bohib&, tl . Mr. Phill9ldd,, with cordial admirati'On'. -I I - jn,wbose Mouth be found thirty cai, lea as aim,all-d* WHIT.LiinAi), the Birmingham, d�.namiie am of your' opinion, Pbillbt'e. God sendg glancing at them.. I '.Louisa, I wonder if you it has been, delightfully w V, He probably opens out immediately -in an illustration of his theory that disease in', iaudgen- sberem'%rhed. �IamnotBurprisedtoBde �notberparb6fthe city, and advertises hitains an air of the� grbatal disdase-no 'doubt to do us good -and, it and 1 6hallbelike those old ladief , )eopIe 'rIiakillg their again dfider a different a7ids. The num, tbeteethmay,bb expected to krupt the' some of the�'ydung 'I whole system. . -'When obedience to' the qangfroidia jail. Heisalternlatel�jocular like afsort of -deviltry to try :,tl 'omen thirty orforty years hence'?" .,Even M�.'M , arrable ese I " Said � Lotilea way Into the� gard en. I cations 'received' by th' 61nmbn rule and .not They are bur parents,' her '. of' -app i laws of health is'.thd ico and sullen I- at one tim a cracking,j6kes with and,circullovent the*1Loid',g' dealings witil "a, and he has e' the exception, . the annual Mortality'will be Philland, blushing and inconsequent. hardly feels the,opeti :window chevalicri� w6uld, indicate the XiBten0e. the wa�rder and'at'another sho'iVing a most His creatureR. Even the brazen serpent maruly spirit. Xhas'ligen deemed n6608. only had been bit- But must children be just "like their I ofil� just recoveied1poin a govero'broncilia. .'yet of.. a ! fair proportion Of adult Young but 15 per f,060'of population, instead."of in the�r Iill his call, at , night' on IPP*d, the people, Who ents V questioned- the young, doctor. 'attk.11 Men and 'women over credulous' 31.3, as in Now York-duvirig 1882.. eary to place a light I , , . I !��r - I I ' deed, looked 'very , i I that be may be �'Uioie �securely �,Watqd%, "I Robert aidUrs. How can I tell Vl� Said Louisa. Tha old gentleman in i1aturesi 2 13 To. this he strongl y� Object Philland, kindly, and glanTing, I , t it will be ancuitto prevent it if *e,live frail, and coughed frequently. aassertingiliat it a mo� 0 and'on.here,", said Robert rather globm- 11 Mr. Marrable should Winter abroad," U�, S, Senator,Fair is Said to have th; ught viterfereS Witb'hjS Sleep;, A double lob'k mechanically at ber,daugbtei oimia. " In 04 or has has I scarcely believe iha_Yffi'-V� ardner, graciously., big wife too plain, too dull, too UnintereSt- Liver Coirplaints cannot be qontracteci by vouor n placed on �is 6ell,- the kej- being my humble'opinign 6 good Proviaence 'will 'ilY- YOU wOull 44 , * 0 batru9t d t th ' %' 'deliver him 'father bad Over been'Vali of this place, biit We enter fain 'rather & prejudicedleel. Ing to occupy ill L head � 9f his table at his yo�r faffiffij if Hop Bitters. aremsed, find it you ii.e .0 0 C re. -Of, 1 -the governor. He from all ignorance and preju. changed since already have any of these diseases Elop Bitters ameals with re�niikable: appetite, dide before'lle sees thirty." he actually' once practiced injit,suburb of ing against wintering labr�oad, madam," said banqu&sJ All.this may 'Ord she hap received ,a lot of $4,250060 e only mod,iline that will positively cure you 'rd his position with the Mr. Ma;rrabla is 'almost Well 'again, and London itselfi. He came back re, how Mr. Marrabla, We incline to the opinion t forget this, and' jears to rbgk he and donit get som� Puged up greatest indiffe 1 me that he . on- ev it and the place olaimie&hini'as its own. that in the,place where our'Maohdr gives.lus'l alimony,41 ainat him .6.ff that will nly haxm.�76u. rence� -be did not Scruple to tol 19 ly D MO P Ph 10 e U aut wl F,