HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 7T � r _ On -Sa$:.relay ran 1 st was the comient O hun drew :®f ladle who paid us a vsit. _ Gorgeous Ja s of every ` si nothing coup ats e a And ourprices are 25.::tet house. How cheap your go $,jo a of a1rost 0 �l antles t. r, ^for s 1 Who Makes Your Boots? H. THE BOOT' MAKER. DEALER .IN ALL KINDS OF Men, Women and Children's' Neots & Shoes. Spiring Stock' wel'I assorted. an complete ire all departrr�e�t, ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH 0. CRUICJi SHANK, 'BRICK BLOCK\,,, CLINTON, J Those who have Insect our. t- In. the, past are satisfied with their .uniform quality:and lowt prime. We'respectfully•solicit a'°call from those. who have not:. already tried ;our goods.. Fresh arrival this week, Which is the best value mush offered in the Town of Clinton,_ -at the `-NOTF TEA,' COFFEE and Si'I'OE I-Io.usE., JWCash for Egcrs: r cent lower than- any .oilier w ds are," was t .e exelama 'very One. E STAT r JOHN ODGENS, CLINTO 0 English., S coteh Coatings, Worste s � DAILY 3 I�IVINU. 'rish Tweeds, . _ s..: _ ...:: • ;,f i , : is • . ":Se EGI- `t 1'0111 �r.'t•' IOU. S r I'lclrrcx o ��IT.;lvw.- lln>irense•stocI. t:0 J. WHO NEVEIt.EAILS TO GIVE •SAT:ISJ;'.ACPION TS•STT[,L OU1 .',C)1.T:1'ER. Prices away down. Big Stock • Nev' Patterns;.. y Low Prices. Black and Colored And everything usually kept in ��I, fizsticlas SPRING & SUMMER HATS ON THE WAY. FULL STOCK OF pROCERIES. inci casing ttade ot ter departments compels us for want roOm to go out of BOOTS di SHOES and CROCKER:Y. & CrLASSWARE. OFFER. OUR WHOLE STOCic OF THESE R. COATS HER`,MAJESTY ILLNESS' :CH IJ WORST .FL'AREll']i1 Ii F. " '•.MEDICAL- 4]) vISEIL . CI1 CT7]!STANCEfi 01:.HER RE—TEXT: Al';cinT.�T`d U SICil' Eti, OO TT ASCEND1?\C„ • - ;TO• A PATA.L PA.l: ? OF • THEE SY5;1'13f. Lq�,iros May 29. -The •Queen's month tion is'nov. known: to •be sucl're warrant alarm- even on the part of her p iysician and personal attendants. The • ch raster nf• her illness has not been 'well della : d be yond the'fact tat it is a nervous`typ� and is` not readily controlled by ordina••ry re- ined les e-inedles Hi r condition has�been such t at for days:it has been': difficult•to get' fiot herself any sufficient 'description. `of . th syinptores tri enable her physicians: to act intcf.igently. Her Majesty's nervousness 'has become so extreme that she is frequent- ly hysterical'aud sometimes almost beyond `control and ,bordering on ;delirium. On the journey, to,'Bel;inorat no cheering or( other exciting 'de inonstrations were 'el hi accident to the Queen'is, knee is charged with resulting in the present ill - nese: The'knee sprain was.`;secondary to. the jar to.her hip.joiut caused by, the fall. T•ho:' jar Sed directly to sciatic troubles, from whick the royal patient suffered, ter rib1y. After all lighter means of relief had• been tried the'(pbysicians were' con gelled to resort to ;hypodermic' injections of morphine iii order to secure •Her Ma- jesty any relief whatever... On many oc- casions after great pain and', loss of sleep, she has •been" temporarily quite • beyond, cQ tirol_ tie fall;�praiii., acid inflamma tion have allowed :the gout whose exis tense had long bean known'to ascend to the•hip, where the sympathy of .the sciatic nerve was at'once, efeiteth Usub)lly r•in;; persons who, in Other 'resspects do stet pos- sess excellent health, this.is the fatal point:, .ingout. The physicians fear this may ba the '.oase with the Queen. • M.Laboueliere, inLondon Eng.•, Truth; says:—In spite of _"communicated" para- graphs and:, authoritized" speeches., it is;' uafortunately, a fact that the condition of the Queen's; health. is at present. 'causing considerable anxiety tit tier inedical.advis- ers and'to.the royal family. It is -,quite Arno that.the injury,to the knee ie getting ell right ix due ceurse, but. her. Majesty hss' seen suffering for several weeks past from'fregaent fits of deep depression, and, these, naturally, exercise a very;; unfavor. able influence on `her• general health, all- 'the'more .:so.at a time whenshe is peculiar ly susceptible from having for some time been deprived of her usual active exercise as she has not been able to walk; except a few steps with assistance,; since^her . un- fortunate accident: 'A1lclassoswilllearn ly.:eympathizo with her Majesty, and everybody mtist hope that she will speedily be restored to. her usual good health When people suffer froniao;a spirits; ju- dicious advisors " uisuaI1 'recommend a thorough change of'scenb and'surrotindings and this, '[ believe;• is the prescription of Sir William Jenner; who, it is understood;' leas earnestly protested against' the ap- proacl ing migration to 73airnoral, a high, undoubtedly the very worst place for the Queen at the present time. If El'er Ma- jesty could be induced tago to Baden for a month, she would doubtless "return, home -ginite well. The Villa Hohenlohe.is stand, Ung empty.,ready'fer her`receptien al a few 'day's notice, and the beautiful woodland scenery (and" ut i'fs'-best)' and trier cheerful aspect, of Baden would be` far more effica- cious than the dreary solitude of Balinoral:. '[Late despatches states that this report is exaggerated, Louis :Biel has recently been arrested fol• complicity in election frauds at -Billings, Mont. A Wisconsin jury has awarded Timothy`. Lewis $1,400 for'securin!g a wife for Ben- jamiii A. Jenkins,:a wea"lthy'but aged resi-• dent of LaCrosse, whose wantof `success' in seeking a second matrimonial partner induced' him to engage an 'agenttoact for ,him. • .The McGill Graduates'- Association, of Montreal; after, some discussion on Satur •day resolved `!That this'society will hail with satisfaction any steps: , that: the, authorities of the -University .inay• take 'tending to the admission of women .to the, privileges' of theUniver•sity." r - Michael hagair-, another of the. Phi nix ?arlcprisoners,. was hanged at'Kilmainhani. g ' of on Monday morning. He declared eh rtly before'his death that he was in-• nes nt of Mr. Burke's death. Before as sen 4th• scafi'old hoexpressed the hope • :that ishmen would avoid secret societies. At a.i hotehin ltMammontlr, 'Ill:; on Wed_ • needay• travelling salesman named :Gill: ordered w beefsteak. Rev ',';Cook, 'of'' T3oston (w o sat at the same table, remark-„ ed that.; -o' gentleman would eat raw beefsteak.'? Gill proposedto fight.. The clerk .of the 1 otel prevented an encounter. `Gill:wae• exce diogly angry, and invited Mr- Cook •outjde: .Mr. Cook-- refused, and made his escape.' Gill sent him a note regnesting a meeting an the steps of the hotel. Mr, Cook sent . for the City Mar- shal, who with.a',polieeman escorted Cook to and frorn the Qpera Youse, _where -he lectured. .. .r 11, I 11'r<r:v ° Mr t RKKE I' is . Thtirsday, May .3,1, 1 SSS wheat, scot $0 95 , a.,, 1 00` I,Vhite= wheat, Spring, - Oats, Barley. Peas,.. Flour, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs 'H Hay,` , Hides,_ Sheep pelts T.,anib'skiris, Pork, Beef, - °lover, - %iniothy, 0 il3 a 0':95 •0405 a 100 0_=f1...a _0.42:..... 0 40.'.-a .• 0 45 O 70 a 0 75 500 a 550 O 25 a 0 30 .: 0 15 a t) 1.7 A. O 12 a 013x. • 8 00 a 9 00 '4I 6 00 a s 50 • 0 50' ;a, 0 75 O 15, a ,-1.00 800 a '825; .6 50 a ,8001 ` 8.00'' a `8.50" - 200 a ;2 50 ISER T WHITE, S..PALLISEP. !Vhel'e is the : best place to deol'this ..year.. for.- wily or., wily 'girt Croce lie keeps the best general stock in town. Evervthing Fresh, 1IO•BB, the Grocer, Central Groeeiy, Clinton. Fluid' Lightning Is the only instaneous.relief for Neuralgia, Headache Toothache, 455e. - Rubbing a few dreps briskly is all that is needed. No taking. nauseous medicines for weelcs, but one min- -ute's.•-application-remo-ves-rilld will -1 prove the great value of Kratn's Fluid Lightn- ing. .Twenty.five conts per bottle at J, H. Combe's, drug store. FOR SALE. pytly finished, baker,y ready foi:operation, ill the 00 :„easy terms. Apply hy ser in "'person to Lan &Agent, CAteSSWell, Se nil ail 00. Mich ' Store and Offices tt:;, Let— pElumvs iiiftr'elt 22 1888, The DinlsOns Bank, (Allston rl'hat House on the cornet; or Spencer and kiise St s., TiviE 3.14009C S DAV embracing every. description of. CLOVER, 'TIMOTII:17, .VEop4A.iirit dncl. FLOWER 'SEEDS.. SILA -JAR acwhipicr ai.a spirits Ordinary or Medicinal use are of the finest tindrinfrest qualtty. we iihye rt very -- • kinness' Ste in Rime condition. Cc.lin tom 186. 'rilEAlIS of Oood 'Working Itorisis for sale. Apply- —q.--11-IE undersigned -offers. for sale a farm of 80 acres, Situated in Aliner township, section Sanilac. county, near the farm of Mr. Peter Good soil, .well drained,,and will he sold cheap. Al particulars giVen on application.- , SPIRITS for the lineral.patrenage extended to him in the past, and by furnishing the best article at the lowest remit-, nerative price, he hopes to merit a etintinuanee of the 'importatlow; of the very befit brand,' pi Brandies, Port Wines. and Holland Gin, BASS' ALE. AND .GUINESS'.PORTER Just received, in prime condition , ' 1.