HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 5FOR SPRING & SUMMER • tl yz 1 Ourstock for the splin� and summer trade will be found very tonnplete, ,being much larger thanever before, and for quality and style cannot be excelled, and will be offered at prices to suit: the closest buyer. CUSTOM WORK.—We manufacture .both SEWED and PEGGED WORK, and guarantee to give satisfaction. Trunks & Valises, large assrtment, very 'cheap. 5 per cent discount for cash. W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Block, Clinton 0 Spring Lines of Boots, and Slices. Wo1l en's Boots; ranging,ifrom'01 per pair up to $2,50 Men:'s riaitersand' Bals, $2 -per „pair. - Prunelll►s, from 60c' upvvarc. Call early and secure good bargains. We still sell large quantities: of 3 lb. TEA for $1, equal to Some dealers' 50 cent Tea: PRODUCE TAKEN ,FOR GOODS. '�ltlxrox, :March, 1883 POTATOES! WANTED: TBOMPSON &s S W ITZER.: '-r •' New Maple 1e :Su • .ar. ' A" few gal. Tins Maple Syrup. g :. , • Fresh Orange s, he>nniEiis and' Bananas. ;f` esh ai 'olid, Turin, & Sorghum See in `harne Upton.C S. 4J 'AROUND VIE COUNTY.' Mr. Fowler, of Tuekeremitb, has 32,000 acres its Dakota. , Thom! Brad well, of Brussels, broke hi leg iu twv places last'seek. $1,06O ,'Eolt' ErTm . Having the utinostconfidence 4n its superiority over an othersand after thousands of testa of the most jcomplicatedustifiedin and offeri8eyerengto fost rfeit eases die' Thousand AoUara we. could find, we feel tor any ease of coughs,reolds, sore threat, influenza, 8 hoarsens s, bronchitis, consympti Din its earl stages whooping cougI p.and all diseases of the• throat moll lungs, except asthma, for which We only claim relief,. e that we,can'8 ureWith West's sough 6yraip wlae?a i taker aecerrtiny�.to directions. Sample bottles 25 and r 50 cents; large bottles cos dollar. Genuine 'wrappers only m blue, S Sotd. by .all druggists or sent by ex- press on receipt of price. John C. West & Co., 81 & " W 83 Kin St, East Toronto, Ont. For solo at Combo's Drh¢ Store SO FOWI E R & SO%. Dex'T PULL,, IT --Use Newton's one Militate goothuehe cure.' Relief' at once ; of all dealers 11?ot,' • • Samtlel Love, of Morris, had his ur broken by a kick from '10.s stallion. Bluevale Foresters 'have a membership of 61, and over, 808 of local funds on tr.�a As'nig frosts of winter vanish under the cal °ria hnflnence of the eon'srays; so does Bright's' :Disease,; iDropsy eitoner in the Kidneys and" ;Bladder, and Ipflatnatioir,of the klencys, ,le;ive ,the• body upon the. adrginistratiim 'of Da. VAN. BIIlutid'S K1DNEX CURE. ` Sold by all druggists.:' Mr *Stephen God kid has purchased the east half of 1ot 18, cion. 10, McKillop, for thi, suai r.f $2;000. N. ! • . • . Mr. W. Downs, rif Manchester, was sornewhiat hurt -last week by his horse kick ins btu. 0. W: I Mingay, Parkdalc, Toronto. writes: "My wife had ,several very severe nttabky. "f cramps in the stomach. Bearing of Dr. Austin's Phospbatiue, and its Pleasantness- to take, 8 gave; hurl two boltles. ond she bus ' net had an attack -since, and ber-herlth is much impro e d." _Per male Icy-all-dauggiste • Mr. R. Pulford has ;purchased .the old • Canada lit of 50 acres near his'own farm, Leebuin, for about $,35 an were. A.•Kennedy,';grandson of Mr. Charters,'' Ti ekerewith, wait accidentally shot -iii Wis- consin, by drawing a gun.towardshim: Mr.'otiias.Nash, itf•McKillop, 'hag ,pur- charier, :the McFadden ',farm 'far - of 80 acres ;•: adjoining his own tifty for 0,600: SA0rs•DnrnEx : "she knows her man and ichon„ you:rant'aud swear, can draw you to her • wirh a single hair."• But rt must' be..beantifuI hart. to, havosneh power ;And beautiful hair eau be en - shred by ,the use of CINGAI.'EBE HAIR, RENEWErt. Sold at.sects. by all druggists. Mr..James -Beatty, of the 9th cin.; has sr,ld the 'north ,half oflot 3o, to Thoinas garter Joh $1,975. The,bargatn is consid- erect a good one. • The Seaforth creamery hi. now turning no10 about 200pounds of butter per;, day, -and when the pasturage improves' it Is OE, pected this will be more than doubled. No other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Peotoral'for colds; eohghe.and all;de-- rangements of, the respiratory"or'gans'tend'ing, toward consumption. In 'all ordinary cases; ;it is a Sartain cure, and it, affords Sure relief',. for the asthmatic and `consumptive, even in advanced stages of .disease Mr S. Smith, lot 15, con. 9, McKillop; has purchased . Mr. P. Ross', farm, being,':. lot 12, con. 9, McKillop. It contains' 100 acres, is well Am rm. eved,andina.good 'state of cultivation: ;The price paid, was $6,500. Tx' TILE histgry of medtoine no preparation has received sash unrverea ieommendatron'for the alleviation Eitr afturds,a'and the permanent cure it effects in•41dtiek,,,diseascs, RS DR. VAN BUREN'S KIDNEletEnhd.mIta action in hesedis-. tressin.00In 1 er p amts•Is aitnply wonderful.. Sold by'all druggists .Sown Iunknoivn person bloke. into the dwelling of Mr. Chas Moss, of Dungan- non, but went :to his -;trunk they could have secured •a much lerger•sum • J• 8. Wetherell, writing.froiu Winnipeg'saayys: "1 oatrrsao more about Phosphatlne uow ;tliau when t saw;you hast in Toronto. bfy•health ; is', much improved, 'and 3 etirfree from, headaches_ ,or auk other anhea having only.used twoand'a' half bottles -of your Phosphatine.. For Bale by all druggists { Last Tuesday Chat+ 'Harris, of Morris,' was endeavoring to catch ane of his;Mares. The door into .the stable is ,nade,;,ef half. doors'and the animal in` her. endeavor_ to elude capture'atte,npted-to jump,`over the lower half door When:. she :knoeked,'her head against .the bean' of -the etable,•and fell senseleas.to;the floor, and died,. soon after. "Wily `ahunld a man. -whose blood ra:warm within si't.like bis; crandeire cut in•. alabaster 0". Q rlet hia_baitgro_ V_ llety;iscantand this{ when ,• CINGAiESE RENEWER" will make •it` grow the faster, For sale; by all druggists. Mi. Gillies, a: resident of Belgrave h`aa suffered• consi'derahle lies in -Manitob`a. It •seems he gaveThos` Brandon; money' to purchase a section of land 'near Brandon City,' which he did, but owing to _some .mistake. •thenuinber et'the;section staken np was:not•the one Mr.;;Glfllies`didilt;is set - BE` T STOCK OF VIOLIN STRINGS IN' TOWN: FINE- PLATED WARE. NEWEST DESIGNS IN HE POPELAR DRY tiCOD. Hfl11E tlemen duties on Another Arian then a`tapa :in a»tl eettlea eg t$e"`lanai'GriIlies imagined was his,.the =latter thereby losing between $160 and $200. Wo nuessnor.D shouldbe complete wftbouta bottle'of,Dlrs VAN'BUREN a Knout •- .CariEladn'the elpppat J l8;the oilL' remedy that will positively permaneutfy anilproniptly' cure alt forma of:kiduey dlseases. Sold by all druggists =• The following ie'the aulQUI] t.whlch. each ;municipality in 'the lnSpectbrial District Of South <Hurcnrecuves'-`frons the License;. Fund;durind; tha ell rrent ie1r:= 5eafxr'tii initeteF';.Uo6 8v; Bayfield $129 f;;, :Stephen 163oti I8 Ilayi$226:85;:Usborn.e, • .$97:22-; $162.04.;.. Stanley, $129 63 :South 'Godericb, $32:41, making 00'006 the inupicipalitaes of4:2,485. In addition to this the shit;;-of5875-goes-itato- the Pravincial Treasury. •If, • a Well be poisoned, WoC he to'tltoH , Soho drink thereat. itis Woree.to,poistn•tlse foun- tain of; life fol•= tine's self and- for posterity. Often by carelessness, or misfortune 'or in heritanoo this.has been ;lone.• " Ayei'e 5iirsa ''parilla-freet•the blood, ,the vital stream, and restores appetite. atrengtl! and health•, •Now rx t.r•thero,is a reliable remedy for r ney troubles, ball the .terrors.attuelreel to glu'9e; 'complaints oaveboon removed. Forth islet ltil abe thankful, and to Dn. .VAN BUREN:'t5 • KIDNEY Cosa award all praise for having tilos removed' • 'hitherto considered fatal disease Trent our .path.. -7t was ut3ver known to fail.; sold by art druggists. he Toronto World's Ottawa correspun deur states that "It has been ,„discovered ,,that the person who abstracted thoTupper- ,*iicdrautlell p eorreepondence - i .s •.not Mr. hapleau, who w a at first st spti te1,, F,ut. another individual in whum the ,'Minister's �hare, up to the present, placed the most � im het confidence and•whoso political and : 'social status is such that the .Government dare not order an ini,esligation._ ,The gen • uiness of the letters published is now ad- mitted o t all hands." Certain it is that i the'C4overnment organs' have lapsed_ int silence in regard: to this subject, .arid that the fierce. threnta of libel snits and Brim• anal prosecutions with which, the; publica- tion' of the damaging letters.svere first met have vanished like a breath. .fineiilen s' Armen halve. l'he gr.atest medical wonder of the world Warranted to speedily cure Burns, L1•uisea, Cuts, Elders, Salt Rheum; Fever Sur•es, C 4brs, fifes Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chap- ped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cute in every inst ince, or money refuudet 25 cents per box. For Salo by Watts t x`r, JEWELLERY Repairing. done Promptly. Clinton. May 25th,1882. BI'D•DI:,EOUNI':BE,' Watch 'and ::.Mock 'Maker, JEWELLER; &c., OY.P(IMITE THE 7IARHBT, CLIlrTON Where.he keeps a select assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWKLLERT, SILVER WARE, Which wewill sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of every 'description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Clinton ,Nov. 1882. es RESP 11 e_ HE subscriber .will : continue the', business T formerly parried on by, ilia firm of Newton & Deuiue -an f hopes to receive a continuation 'of the liberalpatronage heretofore enjoyed. HARNESS, ALL KINDS. TRUNKS,VALISES VV HIPS, COMBS, &C.' Prices always reasonable: NEWTONS CLINTON. icy Cabinet \Varcroom� FURNITURE .:STORE; CLINTON:. THOS. STEVENSON -; Mating -moved 'cute) his new brisk store, CO7OPPOSITE T -FIE TOWN HALL, Begs -leave testate-to-hisnumerous.friends in Clinton. and 'the surrouridmg';country,-that=he.keepson hand I, e superior quality,of Furriitnre of all kinds;'such as. • -BEDROOM & : PARLOR SETS, Of the latest at}tea, also !3EDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS -- EU-REA US, TABLES, And.overything that constitutes furnishing a'liouae ill hii;'lme, which he will sell at the i'lowest living profit. 1 ask -a share of .the public patronage, tieing thankful for,past favors and hopeful for the future. The public are invfted-to call and see for themselves. T.H.OS. sT:EVE TSON: ATEJ ran VARAS -amid S>!i<m:mer - ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. See out fine assortnlen . ,; t oLSti'aw;.Hats.„au-cl—.Ban-nets .int �>•a'-�= cotta, crush, strawberry,..'ancl; all the new colors and e1 ,, nd styles' �I .-' k ine assortment. of white and;,colored LACES. Fine assortment, of ENGLI;'SR , and ;FRENCH FLOWERS See our Ottonan'•corded RIB'Bo s 'wild Stites, our pew shades in SATINS Our Silk • Lisle: GLOVrs: Our HOSIERY and FANCY 'GOODS.' and Fine!: assortment. of..beau tlful FEATHERS; and 'also I'tiTiAsaLs..:•. n•Don'; forget that now is the time to get yourSTRAW AND '!`ATE. AAT. into all the leading styles 5 madeYover Beaver Block, Clinton.`; 1 - restores, with the gloss and freshness of Sonth, tailed or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, fir deep black., as may be desired. By its use light or red hairmay he darkened, thin hair thickened, . and baldness: often, though Writ always, cared_ It;olieeks falling-of'the hair, ahid stun; aces a wexk,dncl sickly growthto vigor. Itpreventsand euros scurf and dandiuff;and']ieals nearlyevery; ilisease peculiar. poculiarto thesealp. ' As a Ladies; Hair Dressing, the VrGoca is unequalled ; it contains ireithot oil nor-dye,=