HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 3......... . Dirpoteire redingotes and Marie Antoinette SATURDAY CH and Her Teeth. URCU -NOTICS.: culateve lugm, oi? IRGUS. just. Ali Corps. I must also call attention to Why" said a piomine the fact that the present fashions no. longer The,income the Pope Cool - I ut dentlet'toi a what In Done"', NFIAI� 2,400 a Day In a have from Now Yorkreporter, 1, o'beautiflil young V exclude velvet from the materials employed the'llis;lian Governmeht,if be Chose to take -lady Came io-me aud in;ist6d on, hav" 149 ifi'�sumtaer dresei.s, but the velveQ use is § 50,000. teeth pulled out �ud, false Comparatively fe' her, realy fine persons Are probably vith ba�y laughter, Skre manufactured expressly for the Sea 0 ed twiny J&uby lips that part N I -by Bay, � , '0, n' Philip Goss, of Lyadon-,Vt Is in, ones put in their lue. I protested thei Aware Of the fact th4t eggs are do Heaven-Voit 0yoRthatonder all,th slid are-v6iy Smooth and light mousseline t! extent except: &A an article of food. 13 4 be- fa"Sh, a Yet if,
Jilley Are her 83r4 year, and still- Conducts th el'a's in it.would illy, "senseless; blot post that only yet,hae truant wandered velvets. PlEkill, or 11 ured and such is the case, and there is! an Where the primrose bides in woods�of may tamped or ciseless." By this CA term the Sunday'School. she ei - id no, She would have them out, noestablish- What in life's great Book in written after in one of tbree� in the Will those f�et press prinarose beds for aye 2 if; meant that the pattern'of figures, which � A ladyi ou the' strength 'of Palms oVii. f'would not do it Wome othek: dentist - ain this city— ill bloom where brooks 17, 18, Contends 'that the inspired writer would. I My teeth not iaSfii ' shli f United States—which utilizes large nuni. Will the divers st Are. either spots, flowerm or birds, arein axe on e, calls the advocates of an exclusive vegetable si�id she I they are too long, And Short little bets daily. curious reporter for !the ared ? embroidered in silk - either of the diet fobls.11� broad teeth like corn kernels are Union recently paid w visit to. the Albumen his linucts, warblfulg sound'asgay ? relief, Will t same obside or "of a different Shade as the all the kl Water Street. the primrose bowers The Bishop of Nottinghs, fashl -Paper -Compapy ?a well a on n maiden I triping from grourl of th6,inaterial.. i Surprised the on now, and no one admires illy Mouth The first eight which wet bi Into June, wbose rosesilush lhy face, bucolic Mind in LiMCOInShire, and I will have'them.1 So I made her li'U A � eyes Was an England, Ufe to thee is but a dream of beauty; This the and What'llon-t. teeth, and they oost her jtsti $300. ]immense basket of,egge. The reporter recently 'by putting on,& pair: of white kid Than hadtonjy started in the xace.: I I She Than bast loaxin't not Yet to miss life's flOwexi'vi It is not the style to issue formal i6 ta. gloves trimmed with gold fringe, to confirm couldn't Beeany one for two weeks after' 1 made,itiownhis. wishds� tou iepfeseutative� Lot if bei I in Aftef-years tby grace �a�aum4er of 'boys and girls. Pulled out her own. They were ille'Upp!8r. 40c company, whokindly, in - answer to may by pain be mellowed. ho Would show ones only, and I old numerous queSttons,gavo all - the informov. The Congregational Ministers of Chicago olade them up with g -thee, Small and, eialyll. is the fashionable towards platpa for a handsome younj fellow . who ti6n in his power. As Above stated, there 'Mi&eartbls eh'oh abal I be t I by place. term for good- Old-fashioned suppers' now%. have taken: ail important step r had his own teeth knocked but i � only two *other , Albumen p ; .. 71 -ed 16� 1 1 , iver, days. reforming the divorce, laws b iog to n a, base. Are � . h ' ' I "' t ' . aper Pax away where autu ni n's i �yps,agut; 'U ball game. The worst of hi An factories � in t coun ry, , one - being , : 'Parry those who have bfen yre a ths't he is :- may and June are links of, P White neckties,- especiially"i6f Satin, Will , divorce for love. with this very girl whose � teeth he lbe %tea , 'in Ca and one at And a woman in life's N11 September; other than,scriptural reasons. - I I � I I mden', � N. J., 11 . be all theirige Among yquin wears, and shenows they axe li�rs. just -.'Philadelphia.. These three firms supply the Ripe with sorro% wear� a drown ]at last 9 society gentle-. Wears the crown that home and love doth gfv_6'_Ms11 this �suuimer.— Three bf.Aiiibi children, aged re- 7,000 photogr�ph&sju the United: St spedtively 8, 10,'and 12 yeara_arp in the ponder on that.11 with the peo�iliq�r kind of paper Brighter than earth's gold for love is vast I Invitations to fashionable balls should T necessary 1-2,
always be given in the laaylp name. That 'United Presbyterian school At- Cairo, Egypt. Ansportaus. for..the;r business i The manufteturibg U111 'And life never can e Iiaito Decombei On6ofthefemale missionarieBoUthe'Unite'd Where, der hear�% is cast. season begins in the.jaifer. part of kebru- love's golden w, is, if you4ant to be Ter Stylish. Freab�t'�iian Cbnrch has had the oppor.' When you, isit or le ave Now Yofs� city, save b ' aggage expressage and carriage hire, and to ary, afid' continues until near the first O: if -�,,(`)u, *ant to be jilst right don't 0 MON OTEr', .013p9slite KIDNEYS, LIVER AND: URINARY ORGANS
tottering fdet�deScg zg� Wrinkled brows an use tunity � f conversing fre6ly with the wife -at the Gnxb V Grang the f6ilo'wing December, During the season your poon in Sipping tea, or coffee incom- and mother-in-law of Arabi. Central Depot. Elegant roonle, ttbd up at� a THE JE;IEST Dir06.111, PUS91FjOE11. To the grave where all -our loved�pneB go, to $1 the Rochester company uses on an averag6 ev tiquette Says "it Ain't the think. cost of one million dollaxa, reducedi- and y by which any disease can, Journeying Home tD,rost, at t1lankidl r paonyq Rev.. George ThoM615 DOWlitligi-Of Cleve- upwaxds per day, European, plan.!. Elevator' About '200' 'dozion eggs-,(2',400)� per.' day, There is only and wa be.cured, amd that is by removing the oiauso-�- For the suffering Go&o eve doth bestow. Graceful movements' in dancing are al land, Ohio, who h4s,�not been called to S, Box Heaven and earth o'er human failurei blending, y1plisol ilih the b�at. Horse cars whioli'makes a� total of jabout 50,000 dozen from the hip downward, and never in the ch rch.ia cinci6-" to. whatever it may be. The'gibatilledicalauthoi- U ti, gets even, wi amilies'ean live better for leas money at the ilecluothat neaxly,every diaeue Golden Sunlight kis�.Ang winter snow;, th her stages &ad.-eevated railroads to.,all-depoi (600,000'. eggs) pei year, .Grocers: in,the ities of the day
F agela-stepping down from God to sever knees. thii out and. pista it in your Surrounding towns i furnish the,- greater is caused by dorapCd kidneys orliver. To reftore i g bonnets, 'Young ladies., would not in Cincinnati on Any terms, hot I n the ci e eggs; which � must be perfec , tl these- liekefore is he only way by which -health,- A20rtal ties, and caucel.ov'erywoe. unappreciative p�oplp by declaring that he Grand Union Hotel than 66t any other. first-class new sprii? a part 0 y can be secured. Here is where *nruerls. 1%afe It young girl's want to.L just exs�cily the because s6ap is too dear and a man caminot ' fesh. I Some''idea, ollthe extent,oft I e Cure has achieved its great reptivition. Itacta Wbatleomes of the clo thing in the jewellery'way,, wear all yoo� spend four hoursA dayin the bath-tubl; th&J-P,Ips�?" :business may� be' 'obtained from the tact directly�liipon thokidbeys and liverantirby.plaO"
Itha;t paper suf I ng them in a healthy condition drives disease THE. LADIES' "COLUMN'd 'bangleB'o14 one arm and all the, ringi on one For twealty-nifie years there -has been it a the newest household conundk6 ioiciat'61priot.260,60rO plic. ol pELin from the system., For all Kidney, Liver
I , -: r , . easy they. 11 get three sheets in the w"ind " day. finger.. That s the, gtyle now., -connected With the Baptist tograpbs tis been.:pkepaTe mone Tow Sojoicity' and Urinary trouble% for the,idistressing dia- .; I - and goi off on 6 tear." The paperuBea is of'06 finest oluality,, and oiaei� of women, for Malaria And physioaJ, Peoplewh6 took their napkin under their Church at Memel, East Prussia. It buys , . . I : . . . , is imported from Fr4rice. -Tfierep.orter troubles generally, this great remedy'has no CossiptAbout Fashions andptiIer'Hi6use- chin and spread it out are oMd-to be ill-lirea. worn-out ca;bfes and ropeo.of vessels, picks �;s two'boxes- Of Dr. -BMsonla Celery lmpostors,� Imitations and, . :.. , Was shown into'a room where a young I equaL � lbeware of hold atters. Maybe they-aro, but of what Use is napkin. them to pieces, And r Bell$ the tovv to ship C4aoinileP461s,'i�ured a.friend 1 neura,lgia, ad y ebacoctio � a said'to be J u at as good I I � - I I was busily eilpg6d�' in" breakin ifitis�placedouihsilap? repair6rsIoroalking purpoioeB.-, Thousaude -110in th Drii� here,00uZdn't U1.6, !Zt send for 9 09913 , For Diabetes. ask for, Warner;i Safe. Dia. CJU11`FdSiI3 SIIANDi Winda,,pr, sepkratilig the betes Cure- Bridoigrooms Will. be,lelighted to Is of dollars have been received in this way. Nova Scotia. *11ites. from For saileby all deal arn 1, . . I . . I i the yelks. The-, whites. are prepaired, era. WHAT MAKES WOMAN DEAR. that etiquette requires,thelbilde should.noi TherelS 9, wonderful revivaflW religion ------- "— . - : - �,* I . I � .1 - I Jill. H-WARNF.U& Co.,� I by a chemical process and,filien spread be -driven., to the church in.p Carriage for- taking place at Adana; one of the indst im it is, perhaps Well that' some inen do not 0 Ter the surface - of the. ..paper,. -leaving . it, Toronto, Ont.:; 3�qcboiite �N.'Y. n Eng.,, the bride or- her dear portant ci � r, I 0, male by,him,bathy ties in the old. kingdom of Cilicla,- love their neighbors as themselves. -The glossy asi seen in the photograph. Noticing Asiw 'Minor. , The American missionaries neighbors *ouf"oon be hugged to d ilth ' D. C, Na Jl,. 22. 83. doas os. that �ught too Itlabbooed.-Trath slid �P&PA.. e hat theyelks were als6carefully preserved' have been laboring preyerfully for many be' C=, -ZM,, Cheerfiflaess In the lo6o� A young lady should neveivisit a,restau-, 'he re )X or iU4UiIFbd1 if it.waspo ible to Remena r ryw A Nerve and 11redin Tood is'ne6ded lfi,'�All rant After the opera or theatre alon'6 with a years in tfii�'greati Tli ' rkish.city. *Ah:va Utill.rthe. and - was amsWered !a the If U ard sick Ho� Bittaro,w ill, Barely, aid ing siic harvest time ce6s,,and now the has ases.1if nervous and" hexuai- prostration. � mack's male cozopaniou. - She should always have affirinative.' are ��early all sent to Nature in Iftaking you.well'when all else fails, (co ed by ii:int Kite0 ng lady friend With her, even Magnetic Medicine meets this wafit.,: *ore -effee- Johnstown evad Gloversville, whieim the if you are cosiive' or dyspeptier, or I iio�fiuffering. rupil. A'YOU If it does Come- taally than any btli6i-pieparatioa, and the price. ma,u f6r'05.eNtra 'A m6thoaist Episcopal- Chureb-At Ba�l brings.it within the reach of all. Read the Stick -the young Euskid. The. from: diiy.olbher of the "numerous diseases pt the ti rtisemont in another coluran. i Ad gloVers use,,,thera, for �6baervedi. more halo . made 'a new departure. Last o 'and jelke arei.,placed together in's, lkewashionsl i skiu,: st6i��eh -or bowels. it � is your own 'fault if'you Sunda;Y R t temainill,f6r lop,Bitters'are ere gu xeul-, _jM ST. C. B. Felton, pastor of the 1 trough and tramped u&v with Jibe fea dy in all Lou ft SOV I
e Notes, on Dress andthe, Toilet. Hoyley says i�, Ne I rtner's ch complaints. There. Must e no hal sores, no , , H_ b _. �ff __ L . I . church in. question, used rearonsive services Ter rumpyourps, fihish iB,thUB impaited 1 to L the skins which Ifyou tire W68ti L . I with any form of Compromising with Vi6iodaL fa ig '001 ures are,agam in vogue, though froin the Prdte I L I Prayer ae." �Weneverdo. our luck i8l, never� -to is;obts, nable in no othbrLwa�y� Intorlas,' L� I ng away shions, We stAut Episcops i KidneyDiBease, stop tempting DeathLthi$kod. old t . hat 411 shoe's sholild'have flat the low c6lf on' the nape of the hock -is by Book, including the � Apootles'L'Creed and- h%ve.&trulnp,L:An4 our 'Partner a luck'.113 tion as volunteered t' he �Ieffe& thit a mnt, and turh,for a cake to'Hop Bitters. are t w - nomeansabandoned. thB'PsalMS of the -day.- The' congregation TO all'ace. - .1 11 : -If yon 'are si6k, with! tbat,terribI6 � sickness a shoo never to ha, 0 1301es and broad toes j that all waist Id large number of the dogskin., gloves'and J�lid Nervousness, you will 'find a "'Balin in Gilead.-' be as guiltless of -restfaint -as that of the ', Ecrue and Havana brown shades promise appear to appio-vd-of-the-ilatib,�tLtiou;' axtengively r� nothi th "Little'thanks are due to him a I req enter,. or a resident W a Shoes worn BOA uginbrd o use of liop Bitters.
Medician Venus; that sleeves � 6ould Us to find great,favor for quiet refitiod�ioilets� An.English Clergyman preached a.eer. who only than sheep,or Calfskin dressed and fluished - If You are f u gives- away what is no use to himself." The inidSMatiedistrict,barricade Your system againat roomy, skirts straight and bmiets fit, to to be worn in the street. Mon lateii from the $sit Goa forbid that thanks of invalid's the world, over are being with., the yelk6 of eggs. Col. S. S. ddy"s the scourge of:all countries -malarial, epidemic, protect th6,head effeettlallyLfrom sun Col officier ii�.A high collai with bow, of I Should gloryL -he, cros§ of our showered on the inventor of Kidney -,Wort, for. it 'Morocco iactoi� is tho� only establishment bilious and inteiraittent, fevers"b� Abe, use of � and save: in'.t thiL D IS giviiig health to all. Kidney-Wokti moves 'the 'in this city Using yelks:in dressing leather. Hop Bitters. y wind, and &.greati man otherl, t b'same,s�d is a, great Lord Jesus Christ," and defended the use 'bowels, regularly, cleanses he and If'. YOU have a X6tL.gb,L Pimply, Or Sallow Skin, 1, for one,. Should like, to see exemplified, -Preach i of the crucifix as'an-aid to devotion. The radically�,careB kidney disease, pile's, Mr.,Eddj, said.he aliso used the wbites to, . bad,breatb, pains and aches, and feel miserable not only, on the persoiiii of young;andpretty Bishop of the, dioceBe"chanced to be peseut,- . billous heiOacho and pains which arb caused by some ex&A, but.ndly I in 'the finishing of g6ii6rally..H6p,pitters will The Bilk and linen gloves are almost, disordered liver and kidneys. Thousands I have give,yon,' fair Skin, 11 in anything, but on the an)d,befo an I I - the roan leiither-:-Roehiester ridh blood, and gweetGai breath h al andeom.' girls, who look we superseding -the lisle hre dibiwe was digmissed,rosd peen cured -why should'you.not tryitl% I� fort., More mature ladies who have hitherto t , ad. They, are t1i b o' and made a public, and earnest protest Oraareh � I L' Services, 16 f r commo Wear. .0 In short, they cure all diseasesofthe'St the tal4ing and vvriting,-.I�and who &re, against the bold peiTersion of the text.,, As Lee XIII., was recently conyer v 7 of6turally, tb . e pern rld -Women Are Always called upon to make� Reports.1rom. the hop region: of Prince Bowels,Blood, Liver; Nerves, Kidneys,13right's said a L little Sunday'sollool Edward are Unfavorable. with:8, French lady in her native language' Disease. StM. will be L paid for a caso,.they�,w4l- the excellence of the new.way. ss6rificei,. ust.ppw the demand' put upon not cure or help. them is -to Swallow the .east 'wind 'an Scholar, do we ii1_fgo't6 Abraham 'a bosom he fpund,himself'At, a1bss for a word, arni That poor, bodridd.,en,JnvdI1d_. wife, sistOrf M6 aewe are real good Holt You. TRIPD IT ?—-I -SO, you can ielimbe made the�pfciuroo asked her it alie-spoke T rply.
While spring� toilets; 8`1191-0� wheri.we die, it, ,Yes, ther or dAugh er; t ( ti a of� Hop Bitters, c on lot fliemuffer? 9 iinworzi in the' P "4&Wlih U138 my! 323UVO laZI'Ua ut a trills. Willy Of all happy nouseholds, thait�is ;he lisp- tq�, Child, go we are 'taught." All of us, testify to its mArvellous powers of healing Wag in -the affirmative.', ".Theo , said the health by a few'bo osting, wa;rdrobe. go, for b pieSt where falBehood:is never th mammeo'; All the little boys, and the: little and'rebommend it -'to your friends.L, We Opel of' The housekeeper IS,' reconciled at ealt appength' At this' iils;and refer to Briggs'Magic Relief, thei"gre,nd All peace is broken UpLWh ibe growawup �eople'to,?11. - 11 y6s, Ifear that it I employ yours I may nave to tlmeA6 hs.� 11 clutte"r of, newspaperaj for. specific f PoilselaTinfallib '.Y,I" there is liar in the house. Aft co, dar y eye, mamma, or all summer compWaia, diar.. COMPP !lit a L mfort, they become hbi chief assistant XUL 11 __ has gone When suspicion has 'Once. entered - - packing, Iig,hotel sort, of., ev oscm, riatea, cholera morbus, dysdutef�l cramps, away the furs- and winier garmonts.1 , The- —when there must be ieser�e in talk and b bp�ve, musn'the?" oplic, Sickness -of the '.Stomachand bowel Pa. TA'OERMANENT CURE. OF resdrvation in belief. Anxious I e L at , moths recognize t beir' devil Ill printers. aire's,, ones is � now used 'by the complaints.. TIO .. .. .. .... CONST A who aware of. -the pains, o suspicion, S%t,li t pple y as.aLrepository -for :t;o other diqLcas N Fine checks in- e Are shown, in bl Ox -blood is a now a lor for parasols. 6,isisoprovaientin Will place general confidence in , their L Bibles.- ritish Bible'Sooioty!s house try as Constipation,'and ino reniedy h children, and receive whamt'they� Bay reely. blue lla& 6crhe, strawberry.pitik and white Bla;okfjl'elS, stsinds_wher6,� equalled thw'ceiebrated Kidney -Wo se ever SL These ga�,i nl 0, ree , rt ak a on' slid is blUeL and white. Answer Th1h unless there is StrC reole to distrust thi . es in,13 ouncil f6rbidWycliffe: Whatever the callae,howeverobEftl3 s aie'preferred.by Inany ladies%'of refined (�5 the 'ease,: fhis-'Teniody�, *ill dvarcora6 it, truth of any. c 1 Ali occasion. Should lating portionB of HOIL �.80 ' riptukes, ;and, Call you find a,case of Bright's Disease"of the- taste to, the y ul I � ;TM 'distresaing.cora- "D unhappily arise, they 'Must. 1 keep the huge flowered pompadour wher,heuttered the words, truth Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary Or, Liver Complaints PILES. P �, 1 - �:� L ;;� . , 11 laint Is very Ecpt� to ,goods. that is,curable tbatHo Bitters basnOt or cannot W( t Suspicion from spreading aslong oball prevail," And the Religious. -Tract .cure? Askyour neigh ora if theyeen. epraplicatedwituconstipation. Mandy- )r as possible 9 B Who ba�VeL low, bro&aL Ui alud Avoid disgracing -their poor,child while . 7PUBOilaie, the Society's preMiSeEL: e b Were t1o,vreakened liartd and q L C; there is a chance Of, its 011ie by their coil'. Greek forehead L adopt the sevoroi,style' f Little t cards all kinds of Piles even when phy�i publicly burned.,".,. -beer kegs are, used or perfum6. 0 and. raedicinog have before failed fidential - assiisiancei ' -He should liave their drsowing the hair Straight back and brush. �imy has Theynie,of Oxydi ed Silver. 42� Theouccess-of tfie.,Salvationj pity and. assiduous help, if he were ing it smoothly to the� coil'behind., showin' g IS IDrUN silffering under some disgusting, b0dily�dis- 'the cdntour.of the head,- and'olnittinj all given - rise to. &'bluriber of similar orkaniza- ti..B iUL ]England land Wales.' , There are i Rum. Pon LiFv.—Sixteen 'iniles were Order., It he Ca lie Cured law will become shading of looks above the brow. -the Army of the 'Mug's Own, Christian. covered in two hours and -ten minutes by -a. T -%74&d@ aDID A truly grateful foiL the treatient .. If the L 'this is se sample. of. I Army, Gospel Temperance . Blue R.ibb6a' sent for"& bottle otBriggs' Electric Oil. endeavor fail, Means Must of course be describeolasll�§prluggo cbstiime'61! Army,, Holiness. Armi' H Goodtime, but poor policy R, to pi L '-eat _ I ',dL Ire 'L M. oing 'green velvet. The cape came I just Reo]6-smedArmy, -Royal Gospel Army ad m a drug store without t. TTt�o-.Pieservation: of ail kinds offruita osannal Aim, to �be, so far. 1 hIrm; And theu,,as I said, the family peace W16*'the Waist, And was' trimmed with' Salvation -Wavy. Those . bodies; together and vegetables.' Manufactured by Si R. It J. Pa. C Sprout, Hamilton, Canialai S6nd forLoireular. is broken up,.beca MI use the fa, ly confidence -darkfdr.. TheL gown opened over 'a salmon ,withthe let the' alvinikio lode Cherry blossoms are the ionab e is gone. petticost',with I flowers for the- Core arg6�patterlrin'green velvet pendents, the Christiati Evangelists. and erdayat,home Samples worth- llnu L o_$20-9, &,,Son Portland Me $5t
A Trounnalo, S T. Temper. of convolvUli find � loaves'; � round, the. edge he Christian Pioneers, have 45,000 places rs Ip.; -GUARANTEED.- eaIrLy grave byno What ablessing to a househol I d isa mer . r I y, diminutive pleatingB of �green Satin. and. any oink into. AUL t A CURE cheerful womari—one whose'spirits'are'noO salmon ; the back looped up, Satin b �,:im�aediat;6 attention' to Slag Until the present year: the.highest,salary C a slight LDIA ED PINKHAMYS ffected-by wet d ..-.or.. little, disappoilij.L an t of _p&id to any lough.which could be. -Stopped in time by. R ays minister in the, Presbyterian 11ty-five caut boittle of :Dr.L introduced With the olvet be e mentm, or whose milk; of, bunddii)kindness -velvet. Church in,Canada, ha's been 54,000. Only 1b use, of a twe -EGETABLE COMN t ti _W -2. laic S' le sunshinoi4pr it dopgrge, JOUS &VO L Pal 18 i SUM., Oise no, sour in i two t" 11' ll!c� yrupi These are Il6r6fito,', Rev. -H. Such awoma'nihtfie darkest. O ri, tells DE, mARK lit te iece o all s in ALMSU Comok fe, the house' like a Jitt e, oPara6us, -and CreBcenC-Strcet1'Charch,. Wits tirib, aUdL, jools, bbstl fe male poplm atfolu o 'er. iles, are1d b'popular weatber., The magnetis f .�S after going over his feelings, Montreal- 'to ev. A-.: B. Mo)"y.' But b 12 so eo esA Nedliolne.r.6r Woin�n.:,Ljniented by iwbfinan. tbarelectrical brightness of 6r Ioo an Concludes with.� arecomplee y So ipsed.by� St.'Peal's f . ........ . . 10i. oung aie 'an o :ixow-t r that' the iurch�- d' ry- fh W" 0 eilp e? e Ing a a 00 rhon o serval ctor, call. yR7 000. Je Positively cu ervou, 'L its., Jbges T1,6 Or'Ated suess to school.'with a seuse,of, 's 11 no ostandard o1natural health and nbrinid Setiity, th. D- r Jalt,;,�Y. Can you cure me?" Of over ameBL', Bard mong American women -i4, bs� Weal-, Meraoqy, Loss of Brain Po r Sexual roov,' usl�b��ad in�ag S'L -lt-r8�ivc . and tration Night Sweats, Boo " atorr coa Loucor- great to be achiev Ediu'burgh,�Seotlldind, w ng:lowerod byatbe .'Opim, Sir n is�baigierl Or raither Bt�- C11 hom influeuee-ot false ideasi-and habits of life,, bl�gon- sthodro6pin� 0 rlacea, B a Doss and 6noriil' not Ing,.LIB, it the S ti,; Paul's people have Called to be their dered by fasliion�bic, Ignorance and iuxUj,OaS harnioniz6a the or��,c gives ' elasticity ai�d Ir.E;to= a LOSS - ;f Power the CO For's 13 Ib "more certain, '(although I may the matter how peopl ir hi f. her mipistier, has si�uiAed his aboapteWcb'ol the' living; R44 a happy circumstance thatMrs.,: aroiee0tothe top, restores i�oi�furallustro . Surprising Tape and Vigoi to. the h Exhausted Generative oigans.x��With presence shiries; take,LaJittle ti.ale),.I�rovidbd you are willing Lydia r.. Pinkbd,m� has conie to � the front to eye, and re 0 e w isperall Im' to do, what is: needed. Pall plants on the 0aiecheek ofwanitin t4o t 's rdeZ,for TWELv]M �avdka 60bonipanledi�ith $5, sains-truct anddure the sufferers of,her,sexi, mses of Utels sf;kingilL�id esrl,jOuramer thno.' I , ges.p � At home I a rest." Why, Doctor, Lam willing to Swallow 'The' ewi ur . rttEdi"Guilranteeto refund sh. Chronicle we will send o
B: The Jews O -Phys le fans Use' it and Oresedbe. It, Freefy�-64 the money if the treatmentdoepnot��ecta cure' 8, BraudOn is this Tear getting a great deaL It rcrioves fainuiess, flatulb - ncy, d L e8troys all . crayfi�g "411ou 4othebary Shop if I'cau get rid of of`the�piost'were English Jews; the-Jews� Pamphlet son free by ail to anv address. Sold
this miseia b16 of "the 'present have -b600 Me JO WiSh Eng'. of the hotel business th9t Winnipeg got'.1ast. f OL. �tirriuWit, slid iollay.es v�cakncas of thostomac h. b, . ruggists a C. or PDX, or 6 boxes for, A. Paris correspondent �wrilieSL About L, 11 My dear si L rr medicines . Pa . a do ing lishLuien. Ore*a�tbr,i t6lermoce within �t L, That fe�hng orlbasring dov6,'. c�usino� ig ht 0 e 6ile a 6 poatage; on�receipt of he Summer.. gloVes: IILTbeLLf.asb,i.onable*bim, in virtue: hfg,j eta L , ot , 0 �YOar:l n'.08.0 C runlunity,: has � led to greatervommuni and baolraeho,is always pcnnari�otly �=qd, I)Y,tq .,for you if on lickli lanauctle rRedlelne Col,. on of which gentlemen in' t a evening appear; 9,tlon , at. t e f won't help - you of course, you Outside it. Eduo h Public IN, 4� iko 9 -in Society unglOved, has: � 6Btroyed One b tied La -',;L-__'1 '. ". � I2 'a . " unist keep, your 6se Clean) ;, thei&'is'67bly P Cole - has to own the oharact;rlsti& WESH. $1 a ay, at home ch I complete,' permanent care4, orne, warts, ithe few manufactures 'Which; does not break Askfor" "Rough oir Corns� Quick-.- - one'thing you CAli do,u'd that is, Livn -op. self -'confidence of Jews of 'the . earlier __TT.0TA -9., We inning: 'to, recognize IRM EVERYBODY St6n 4p the operatiV6!s' home. The masculine -period.' Are beg , Bloo, ele Inanv rength hband is now only gloved in the � mornfilg, e o� or Insi upstairs -I'd6live theif the differenc6 between oarselve6 and. Homesteads- And pro-emptions to',. the NEWSPAPi�R. at race courseo. A strong hind of old. upstairs now I But, what has h ot, so great as our pride t' at to do our neighbors is a Both the corppound and Blood Furifler are preparrod extent bf'4 600 acreei'were Catered at :Qran-i Acin Avenu larat aim IS, fashioned gant cavali& is alone permissible. ana 22- we e, Lyiail lff�ss_ ilrice of THE, SITI a be truthful, 'n.nd y Sent by mail in the form Useful; itS.L Second,� to LWk'te an' entert6im . ng ithin, Judaism Used to -lead us to think. We don in k . .: : �Ith on �da I or, $L. Six bottles for 85 It is the glb-�b whiCh Appears as, an abcps- EveiythiDg, Bir. If will live nix mor6,wAhAlienii imbibe their ideas Up- 1 of pills, or� of JoZong�a, on receipt of price, 'live.; Bory jilL.M&DY Of Vandyke's portraits, and y por 011 history of the tivies in which we - prints', get"W611 in incm freelv and imp&rt Lear OWil,with no ter -3 or On an 4�verage, iniiny rdbi*than -amillion a week.' ham 6 er befokm .Whibh,'WaB.Vori�b'�- Louis XIII. when be -T e� u has -it Buadfqrpaml) 11�,t- tli'S scription.� 'DAmk (4�pages) -by. thi6e I - . ' " , � - ' .1 e ssi� b ' sit' ation Enclose 3iat. stainp. wentAo hunt., Ladies hav6,on y r6nodliced', upbow many flights?" gers As well as its advantage, but it, has to. Wella'Realth Renewer restores health and, flight of, -RTTA7 I I , "' or, Caked Dysp6psi u urelcoroitipation, biliousnui*l, is pages), $ pox Y*;: W g"*k vvhlte� kid gloves. n paying vial befti,ot LTDIA B. PI 5 0, 96, Ycax SUNDA.'% isof, Core- enJoVen will be iecogui ied in contrasting tbe'p�st and% v1p a Inal5otence Sex all Do-" No ainonth,'or $6.4 a white Swedish glov6s, d bility. Sl.� JaVDU PI LS.. Thy. e in. nony they may do escribe them. present of.Englil3h Judais i. andtorpidityofthe 51 per.year. With -Sold by, all 1. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, New York City. their lieraldic ffited or First Step' at w eat, oats, corn, 4mi through, the Rye��Piokiag bearings pai E b, f !]pile in I on tln back Of the bond near Is broideret ruits, bLeet' and, M�utto% plainly Cooked, Ono= among -,ybishey barrels., the wrist. The glOV6 now follows in'tint, cold Wave in May" 'DOWN in moderate"quantiy; an but two meals llS1 EMIR; r of the At was affir mally.years Since an Faded artic eg ofall ]:'ads restored to tliaie evening as well as i 96 day., d , I .1 C1 armonizes wl e n9, By or two beauty by Diamond Dyes. Pdrfoeb land D'OLW ith it', t th old lie "good-. ain, day, 9s,1069' been believed, that 8. norhir4 the 6010 dress, or h Second.. step. Brest tCourt of France� ladies only .,Wer� gloved d nighti of abnormal, cold � Aim6st al wa� s occurs an o the .ridii3g outL or tiavbliing. �' The glove,in I Thi'd stop. 6 from the..116 Uh,_of May. This society was &device of Josephine e .r . E , iorc I i : Be freely�, 'i l ' I Itis -the first Anty 'to,wards� children to. open air. year L theL , Same C I on iiition was 'observed, the ooaxse,armfi of a &arshaVs wife who t, make them happy. It you have not made- A SURE CURE,,,: Fourth sto Retire early and rise �Iiith a continuance of the, cold for severa' . I � I 1, . I . . P them happy you- have wronged them - no', lo a discases'ofthe Kidneys and X had been a� laubdreE.is, .',The - Duchess days after the usual -time.- In 1834, Madlet - earl prejudice other goq& they, BREW gbli',can make up or d'Angoule.bad an old-fashioned 11 Fifth step, Wbak,Jlanhel nEx6 your by examining the meteorological recor s L IV, E,R��� �Uji 1�aS St6od the test for FlFTy-Til:RrE z against,gl6ves. But the voills'weris promi-" at Berlin for 86 years, found that the hat. "'� I I . �'. 1_1 — CD skin every day of the year, and so, disposel 1190 , I edAys,L , I .............. :it has speciho action on this cr) r�, I I
nent in the Wicks of her hands,,. and rings, your dress. that your. 'limbs Shall, be ke b average temper6iture of th named bad J'EArs,_q d bas proved itself the best organ,: cnabling�'it to throw off torpidity and M of Which jeweM she was fond, accenWaiedl' p been more than. 2 0 below that Of the a'ays Don't DW in the House. , .I. , : Z kilown, for cure of inaction, sUmulatIng the healthy beorbtion-of reme the 3911c, and by ke6ingtho bowels in fres ne. immediately preceding: (S h on c ears on rats, mice,' inption, C6u h L< bed-bugs,flies, ants, moleo,chipmonks, diti E ti regular diaclmrgo� ore - lac it - Wilra otiX this ugliness ; Po she�,w e Dat ens Coll 012, 0 ec Consul I frorn I . .
In Louiikhilippe's time tbb waltz, and thW Live Ili the SouBbi I Cosmos,!' Volume 1.) Mr. Ermand, a dis-, _6� obligatory." Let'your'hed room b6'. one which recei ,tingUiBhed German p ysicist,"qonjectured islf�yo� aroauffi�ring Nhooping poike, dances rendered glorV Spend your . d I ays either, b have the hil Polds,1 D' L Cough led, Mdnoy;' flood otlig6t,, and ;h is. that Such depression of tempo�rature mightr �One real springL re tilious dyspeptic, or connfip4 and tk�l I �Luajg iseaseE in Savinmer FamhI64m. out in, the suilligbt or in aoQm whic day makes, the whole surely r6lie�raand quieU.17 1 . I . I Wort will Well ig Ited. beL explained by'tbo_passage 'oA- meteoric world,gria.' 11 : I , or old In the Spring tocicansothesystorn,.every The vogue of checks and Scotch plaids Streams between the earth and sun, thus ko a thorough coinve of it. 5, per I I nth , Step, Cultivate a chebrfu one should ta n e The most popular next Ve the, LSOdioty intercepting a paitot the solar beat. Till's lay SOLD 8J: Prtce 1. ML of jolly folks., 'temper' Seek howe On cloths wruug from. 'very -"hot water., DOWNS' ELIXI.1 is u' diminish d; : th ver,' eqmS extretably improb- To case earache or alalost a� bain, MUM
�o and black, white slid 'afraid to la,ugh., Summer willbe S�otch plaids and checks of
Don't be a' Tory, Change them every minute. n to two colors, wbi. Goi'u� this flight of st its T�ivo,above.l We. From what we know of meteoric r blue, white'and louteii pink and grey, out r rrh atreams, it is safe to conclude 'that . the a week in your ovv wn, 'To and, M e pretty Co8tum Catarrh Can n crawP up the a. Cats, outfit free. EIJlAtTUTT&C1o.,;FortI of.which fresh An so will, be. a ther. malaffies areL prowling about �in neteoroids are oo sparsely scattered to A specillp, and the only one too; for allfo'rr" madeat most reas6nable-prices 'Nearly and types of"skin disoasa; is known the world -FE -MALE ��-TROUBLES all 11 �Oor intercept anymeasurable quantityof�the Over as Dr. Bontion's Skin Cure. It is y. Drug- _UIRE I the,dresseB Tor young gir!�LW i be m,O'e the,hasemelit,and cannot i6ach. tlie,P n t a Patent Sun's beat. ' If, therefore, a comparison of niedicine, bdt a,reliable, certain remedo IPT with round waists coming'down very OWLY..' o , bservations shoulUdonfirm . the existence OAS. ADIE S' ARE J�ENEF ITTED over the Skirt, wJaiCh I giLVOS'libeal - Very of, Cool its given above L move by C 11� BE C14RED IN SIX MONTHS BY' ranCe. Hamilt6it S. Whife, of:,Syracpse, a, epoch at the; do A good rule to follow when boiling corned HE:youthful and. ch'arming appea n 'phow of'President Andrew D. White" ical-aAme remainstabediscovered. e Our t the '6iid NORMA know, as axaafter.qf fact,' that all the e b efis an b' 0 N'S, ELECTRIC BELTS
miilion�ire, amseBbiri�self, by going after it ha commenced to boil. P�l t NORNAN'S EtECTRO-MATIR I TRUSS ]leading areSs.-Making' establisbiiient'S. will and 0 and, tL ban by all the'LB"ien6b Of"inojicine.� mey at comfortable and durable. - comfortable, ldren frolo �a I the, ro6 e and'i to 6,11 ther Ries in tbatOit be other. A Mon has invented it chair that can be Influenza is al use mountains of. faille! next summer dayeescand two. OWL burning adjusted to eight hundred differefit POBI- Lnted'to bold' for their most � stytieh 6osiumeB. ; Nor Circular free. holls, fir Man ith his salts are Worn at the girdlb,su.s C;vvarant et6d ix1enaltine e With the aid of a, e _I 7fions. : It is designed for .,a boy pende& bya, is there '.aity- material: 'Which OffOrB silvpr Chain. dation. of tints own money he built and supports 9; spleaw wheii:he goes to church� . .. 1, I I Circular and Consultation Fred. a more wonder didly,e4uipped- engine house and is, such a Marwood, t6e, English ban uslette richest �in colors Gen. John C, Leei of lthe U. S., tells of a gman, dra�ws a' NblimAil 4:,Oaeon Street . . oil . dt, Toronto does 'no aver . itq with the firenion. that, he has been good monthly alloWance the, Biiash (�UEBN ST. EALST furnish & wora', Complete gamut of im 8, captain who Seems to be a sort-df-beg'Imen'- ,whioll pass, almost imperceptibly from th Bt t"Chiel Engineer of the Wor SL e Government,wbethbr he or 6 eleptPol Agsi` an tal Mark Tapley—alwaysBayingsom thing-, ker Bbadbs.' The reader Fire 6,patmeu CheeryL when everybody :wag down in the' Rev. Dr. Hornblower, L Cillitofi Pitt L ,lighter to the dar an AW travolhig 14 this countryp May consequently Judge,'Wbat reS6,arces Two young , city ladies 1nL the country... -mouth. One night When. the men came into, B011abld Proisbyteri sbuig AX ENG I hitarAlty- S UIWUDX OA dor"gp0,��P4 are worthld6SL lie "is VA tha norse and Cattle Pa this charming material presents to fashion. were standing"by"Itho' aide of a wide 'ditch, camp wet# miserahie 'And starving"not a Pa., oil Sunday, was Stricken with paraly" Says that in voill make liewls Very,much the Same ",toy be Said of the Vhich ih�y didn't know how tbOr6so.' They cracker left—the captain , 'bustled about' sio, and it is feared will not recov that Sheridan's lay like, Shlorl Or- Condition Ildw. dan"O'L 0onoll. Ottoman silk; which is equally Supple and Apealed, to a boy who, was' coming along' Oheerfully And got a bright flie going, and ---,One ofthe latest fo�eign'invea rionas a d0rs pro nbso- tidn Podeii. and' which' - IntlypuXenrid, 6reupon, he pointed rubbing �io habols in the j6lliest Mann that of,the' mandfabature of :bo D so, one the road for �bel�, vil or iinmellf ful t 'on 0 301ghl: o I he The plain 'patterns Will be 'behind them witifi, a Startled air and yelled vbr. the fire, oaid�: 11 Well,. boys, it I had oth. And'bro6 IA� I dome milk I'd have some mush a�ad Milki Of Bilicum, a i3oinpound.whidh is siid t� Ing on earth OSTON MASS. used for Skirts, with Wide pl�xts, the broched' Sn&kes3" *The young lad' . escrosabil. the everywhere, ok out if I had some, meal.?l : 0 I dor' tunics, bodies, Louis' XV. -vests, ditch�wt 9, Single bound. I; resist the Aotion of the Strongest Adds. ing
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