HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-06-01, Page 1k- -
Barristers Solicitors,
" nris4ioner5 for Ontario and Manitoba.
oeslog „ - TOWN HALL, CLINTON,
• ---V-E-HAY,K.O.YER
In f5tock to choose from, suitable for mak-
ing all 80/t8 Of WEARING APPAREL: -
They are the latest styles. Buy thena and
save money.
. .
Just to hand, Warranteil-to be good, and
will be sold cheap.;
Slfaig Machilic
25 SlifS OFTC
TOL 18. NO, 22.
VERMIN - $1.50 IP'er Annum
FRIDAY, JUNE -1„ 1883,
E....1101.1111.1$ cic SON
Appyto mas. R. RA/7011'0RD, Huron St;
Clkut011..wages $8 per month, for experienced
.4.2P1NNING-- The subscriber wishes le inform
prthe people •of Clinton and vicinity that •she is
prepared to do all kinds of SPINNING on,the short-
est notice and most reasonable 'rates, having all
appliances therefor. Thisinntuni, Albert street, oppo-
site•Mr. Cralb's. MRS', MeKINNON Clinton
Ta Dicyclis
Just received. This Croquet is made -of
first -las a material,' and will give
good satisfaction. , -
Baby Carriages
'Wonderfully cheap..
Books & Stationery of 11 'dads
In fact we have everything in great yai‘ie-
. ty; and at the right 'priees.,
City Book.Store, Clniton
Her Majesty's birthday was celebrated
here in the usual style, by a grand plc-nic
under the directions of the members of
the Benmiller brass hand. From early in
the morning crowd si flocked in 'Trona all
directions until Mr. P att's beautiful
pinery was inhabited in every corner, all
apparently enjoying theniselves at differ-
ent games, although the principal amuse -
Ment Of the day was tripping, the -light
fantastic,which was indulged in to asreat
extent. The proceeds of the pie-nic
amounted to about $n.
'Hr. John Thompeonelost ' 'valuable
mare last week; it cost bun' $175 to •fill
_Natio n
her place with another. . : • •
- • Mr. •Wm. 'MeAlliater •is putting, up a
new. barn, this ,thpiarner. The masons are
busy building the leinidatien at present.
Ile farmers here are beginning to realize
the benefit of bank barns foa'stoak.
(Ind 3c. stamp for, catalogue and liSt of new and
seCond.hami machinea in stock. • . •
A. T. LANE, 1‘101sT'llt.EAL
sucoissoas TO
• •
Moneyadvanced on Mortgages and Notes -of hand
Drafts issued payable at par, at all the Milo:gin the
Merchant's Bank of Ca Now York exchange
LECTIONS throughout Canada and the United. States.
SALE NOTES BOUGHT elnse rates, :and money
advanced to fanners On their own notes ;for, anylength
ottime to suit the borrower. All Marketable securi-
tiesboughtand BORT.. • '
• . . . I .
1.1.y., W. EARRA.N.., J. TiSE.ALB.'
b'rANLE I ..
FOR SCOTLAND. -Messrs. Thos. Baird,
Alex. Thompson and Hugh Ross, of Stan-
ley, and Mr. McGregor, of Tunkersmith,
I•left on May 31st for a trip through Scot-
•' land. They will prebably return about
1 the end of July.
The lateness of thepresent season is
shoeyn'from the fiictethat: the wild plum
trees which are the first trees, to bloom,
were not in blossom till the 26th of May.
They are sotnethnes in •blossom. during
the first week of May.
r1.4 Oil r:
,Good location and wliI bo ,old. st
,_cidbd,hargain. MISS L. FHILIPS, a e• -f.'
BOi"I'LES WANT/ED.- Ciasla ,paid for any
quantity of clean Ale or Lager Bottles. -
(Z18 1BIIIII--Caine into subscriber'syrernises,
Lot 2;3, con. 11, Hullett, about the last of: April,
A RAIL The owner can have the sanic ,.on proving.
property,: ,;d pain,, ettneMes. soene LEE; Len-
A large quantity of splendid Strawberry
plants; of ditorent 'varieties, for sale cheap. W
C. SEARLE, Clinton. •
.• Dahlia Bulbs, 10 cents eaell,
• OOD PASTURAGE. — Colts ,and Cattle.'"
•k...T taken to pasture at reisonable rates. Mait-
land. concession, ,Goderieh . Township, F
Farm. F. K. MA"R. '
&HRS. BLACK.ST'ONE, teacners of "rocal ands
.111 instrumental 10 5511, Rattenliury Street 11001 tir:`
galI Factory. N. B -Singing Class now foz•Iiiiivg,-
Violin Lessons given.
Clinton, Feb. 10, 1802.
101)1ANOS FOR -. s.even'essetteee
neW,' Also
a Se. ven-octa-vc Sl 11(10 .".4sinlY .J 1115
RIDOUT; Oln ton. • „ ' • :
California awl British Colombia •Ex•
eursiou Ticketa at bottom rate.
Pree ItFBATE TICKETS to Qu kppelledi.triet
INF. -Parties desiring to go NOr4liWas;:r
tickets at lowest rates:
Met 11111 Donimon Steamslp_Litto
All inforniation4reely given. -
ortimicst ritrail_poplatio.,11 CO
THROiTGII T14 iiKus issued to
MOOSE,Licw, CURRENT, FARGO,- allA1,1.)
YORICS, and •
Any point in 'labia or tliU -Noptliwcst,,
Boats leave Gotierili every Wednesday ,and
Saturday niorntn gs, at 7 "o'clock, (1. 1(1. Fol . all
informatioll apply to .
W. JACKSON. :Ti•cket Aserit,
Clinton, May 18. 1888;
— • . •,. ' .7, ••••,--.
. ,
Through Tit•kets -issued to any Point at lOwest
" I "I, ••
. . , .
.. . .,
,M1AlUll *FOR SAT.E...-=Will'be sold cheap ,
:X' the weet-balf -.Of ,Lot. No. 19,, and the south.
half of, Lot No: 20,' in the 7th, concession of the
Township 'of Hallett, contflinIng 100 , acres. --
4.:140 -to S. RIBOIJT, CdintOu.
fpriast,Ekiasi.ci,.*:.a.Citil\TE FOR
A' seeend.hand '07.,FMAX nE SH12, and :
Iters(3-' Worlcilig, 013,!!:•s; '
• .stioiii• line'in use,: iS offeretli"fot"M.06
501(310. JOIL "{THOM'. Cl -t '
Prepaid Certificates issued from
any part of th-e-Old-Country to air
points in -Canada;
A. O. PAW 1SON, Agent,
;rand Ti 111111 Thin Way, Clint on.
11, Fsel‘l 0 V A
Late of Toronto. Honor "0 rtainnte Royal Sen'•
lege of Dental 5111,1110 )10( rot/loved to the
Coats Block. over W.Tavlor & Son's
•A0 york drst•eluts, ":1mTges metisrate
:8; 114),. 13H.ERDEICS.-Th0 splonftid
,-1,-Stal 'YOU•N ,Ge-SAMS,ON,-wil•LO:nr t,SW
Ti olel, Clifiton,,E'VERY SATUR.1•20r,•tiTterimoii
iluring•the'seasoM A 'limited number of infixe,±4.
seeeen. merles, to i net:lee:SS, for th e '80110(41 SC
PERDCE,,Goclerich yes proprietor.
. . „
IlT,Ii1E-Tlic.coulicil of the Corporation the.
COuitty• of Huron will,, Meet 'in the (Mort' Roam
nt the 'rove 6V-Qoderuch; ,TOINIYAY, JTJNE 5111,,
ersets. All itecOunts against the. nrust bel sent
n, before the first seson of'the Secoitd..claymf_meethig.•
PETEII;ikDAMSON, Co. ,. •• ' '• . • •
. .
;1-..sen'tielli-S:ISrein the Preinises of the Substriber
1.4 : Lot 77; Maitland Co'ncessioir,,Goderich toWnsliip,
...about the. ond
. tour., year-old Pigs, all black. ,Whoever will give such
'inforiniitinn 'as will:lead tO 'theil. reenvery,:.will be
snit Mly reWarileill• ALEX. 13EDO,UR..• .. • • •
• 1110inprik HOUSE FOR SA ',2f story,
. LI brick house on the cOrner of Vietoria'and Clutter
Streets; Clinton,msed as a Cohfectitinery: and Ice Creain
• Restaurant, 'offered' for sale, It is finished -in filt-
'class •-style, fitted on •svitli all cooveniances, And iS
chinfortablexesideneeifL corniectinirT5ititir
,Applyen-the.prenflses 10•Mi15, SALT. 20."•''
eeived 'by the' undersignecTup to, 7 "O'clOck 111.
o'ir• SATIJITI).AiY; .11.' 0,15 for the perforMar ilmofs-
the. following •work::--i-Extiavating' nen:1r and hauling
a:way earth. .Fertesetne:stonp•and Munda•
tion. Brichlaying. ,11:tictites ef work furnished on
application,. Separate enders required for each cliv-is
„iit work. W. C. SEAR „,,E, Cl in ton. •
cr,s1st:toN 'cot or EYES I i)
-Wee 18 hercby' given that the Court ol
I' or hearing appeals a go] 1151 a11)-1 pGpiEj EA;
tlih, AfiSessinent hf the• '1'6Nvii of Clinton,
tvill be held. MONDAY,, JUNE Ill 1, o, 7 no
01,', sharp, ix t14 pouticil Chamber, .10IIN
CALLANDEE Clerk. Clinton. ' . •
Mr. M. Spence is building a stone foun-
dation under his barn. --- •
Mr. A. Jackson left last week for Hep-
worth where he spends the slimmer.
A so'ciM for the benefit of the C. M.
Church fund, Bluevale, was given at the
residence of Mr. W. S'rnith on Wednesday
23rd inst.
Pastures are/ making -very little pro-
gress, those who have got plenty of feed
are still keeping the majority of their
stock in the barnyards.
Mr. Jos. Leech was thrown from his
buggy lastweeknear the junction en his
way to Wirigham, he received several
painful ipjuries, lout we are pleased to see
him en his feet bnce more and fully re-
Mr. E. Olver has a colt two. weeks old
that gets away with anything we have
seen this year, its size and proportions are
simply astonishing. This colt was sired
by Honest John, the imported stallion
owned by T. Agnew. of East Wawanosh.
The celebration of the birthday of Our
Queen, at Bluevale, was rather above
what might be expected of such a small
place, the sports consisted of horseracing,
jumping, putting the stone, foot races, etc.
An interesting base ball match took place
at II a.m. between the 2nd nine of Blue -
Vale and thejunior club of Morris, result-
ing in an easy victory for the fornier,
though there was some excellent' playing
done on both sides.
Last week, two of the leading men of
Wingliam wandered up a little- creek in
Morris on a fishing excursion, splendidly
quipped and wearing long rubber. boots,
after tent long hours spent in wading- tire
s tyeam for the :purfiate -of Inducing' --some
the finny tribe to go home with. them,
they were- seen by a, resident on their
journey "homeward bound," with a neat
half dozen delicate little fish -that when
dressed and cooked it.would not be con-
sidered a breach of 'table etiquette to take
at one mouthful. It seenss strange that
men swho manage the affairs of such a
busy town should trouble themselves so
' LoNREito.g0,, ,
T. Bell's stalfion get its , leg badly
eptained but is abOirt well agaith
About three good men an iglit have taken
this village on the 24.th, of' May. '
are •
on a visit; prior to moving to:. St. TIroinu,s-,
Tliore were three n gs. in this 'neigh-
borhood . on the -241h of Mayl,-, and one on,
23rd-, and 1111thereis 'room for.- more
to. toile*: , . • , •
, People around . here eiften 'been
warnect'o.f'shodclY pedcllars but still they
lsnY„ :-lPut :it to tlieni jtecidler,if ttreviliav110 iiwre 501190.
„ . _
"The 'Rev. Mr: liaMillon is receVerieg
from his late ales's, arid 'iS eXneeted• to
Concluet, the Services in. the '1\l'etleodiet
elmech next Sitnday niornioW '
• wiNortam. r• The celebration of the Queen's Bilfth-
day in Wingham was a very quiet affair
during the day. The evening part of
programme was excellent.
Mr. Wm. Downs, of this village, nt
with an accident last week; he was com-
ing along the gravel road from Smith's
Hill, wheat opposite Mrs. Blain's the front
axle of his buggy broke, he was thrown,
forward, causing the horse to run away.
Although considerably bruised he has not•
received any serious injuries.
A social was held in the Methodist
church of this village, on the evening of
the 24th May. The MHiflyar
. .
gave a short address. Recitations, dia-
logues, and music furnished by the choir,
amu ed and instructed the audience. lVrr.
and Mrs. Smith were presented with very
appropriate addresses; Mr. Smith's was
accompanied with a whip and bridle,
(the balance of the set of harness was pre-
sented to him op Monday morning, on
his leaving for conference) Mrs. Smith's
was accompanied -with the autograph quilt
which has been formerly alluded to. A.fter
suitable replies the entertainment was
brought to a close. We are pleased to
state that the quilt and social were finan-
cial successes, the quilt realizing $75, and
the social $26.20, paying fpr the organ
and a balance on hand. -
B L VTR. •
There was a full house in Watsen's
Hall, when Nip and Tuck IV ere here last
Q oa. iinnilj'er of fine maple trees have
been planted the last few days on Dinsley.
and otherstreets. •
Mr. Ja1:0,84'new4t-extwectecl„-his-airaters.:
from London, Eng., on WedneSday.; they,
landed aE, Quebec on Sunday evening, ,
Dr. Carder is making preparations .to
build.a. neat brick. residence, which will
add very much to,the appearance of his
Rev. -Mr.. MeQuarrie,-. of - .Wingbam,
preached. the'Presbyterian church.last
Sunday. and on Monday morning. 15 was
, :
:their sacramental occasion. •
Mrs. Gordon has been taken away from •
here' by her sop; . quite a relief CO the.vil-
lage and .county councils, from. which;
.august.bodies she received:413er Support.
.• , • ti ilnids.wer. •
The 'corirt of revision for the toWnshiP.,
of flullett; was held at.,..LoOdesboro';- on
the 25th of May. All the methbers, pree
sent except J. Lashani,• 'and. duly Swer:u.'
A.T. McDonald was apPointed ch.airnian.
MovedbyB. Churchill; sec. by J. Brit-.
ton, that the assessment roll. be now .re-
vised as followselizi-E lot 19, colt.- 7,
be assessed•to Henry: Carrick, tenant, 'in--.
stead ofnon-resident. Lot 28', con. 6, to:
Jane Janaieson, ONiLler, instead of Samuel
Janiiesoll. Lot 1, con. 1, to :Chris. Dale;
sr., owner, instead ofSinson YoUng-,-and to
Wm. Dale; tenant. IV fleif'237coisf:&;16.
Ben. Hunter, :owner,. instead.o'f Thomas
R A lot 08i:eel]. '9, to John:An,'
:derSon,-instead a James 'Watson.
lot 9, clan. 9, to, John •'1N-arwick„, owner,
instead of Win. Cole. N. F. part lot 26,'.
con. 2, (12'aeres) W Thomas:Here,' owner'
'instead of, ri dii,?yeSi den ts. 0' Pattelot'26;',001f.
10, '(2,- antes.) 'ie. 'win. Jenkins, owner,and
'Chas:Meyer, te.nant in of non-resi-
dent. ..W lot. A, (W, stir.) Lond'esbore-,
to EZeleiel•';AA.tose, -ownernseestead_sof
'Mary Rose. 'Lots. 25-26 (1-Isur.). Londes-
Imrth'to John 13elf, tenant, John •Lasham,
owner. 'Part lot G •ecu. 7, (25400 acres)
to ' a .'Keishedy, -tenant.; AMOS. Good -
ma 111a ,'. owner.' . Henry Adams,: tenant, in-
stead of fargibeS son, W lot 21, „con'. 8.
Thos. East, jr..,:farnier'e Son; lot 26, Con. 4:
Henry Lyon, farmer s.son; C part, lot,- -b,
con: .. •
,• Moved by J. Britton Sec. by B. Church-.
assessment nowTevised
1 be passed, and this. court Of 1051 011
1, formally' clis,ed..-eCarried. „I- •
s A meeting -of the, ceimeil, WaS held at.
the olds° of the court of revision. Zfiff-
rites of Torinet meeting were read and con-
• finned: ; Moved hy S...Brittons et?c: by.: 13::
•Chiirchill that .las. be -apPeinted
pathinaster TL -
Carter in plffee Of With'McCool.-Carried.
MeVed. by A. T liSieDonald; See. by. B.
. Churchill, that 8720 be granted fot repair-
ing sidewalks. fretirLondesboro•Village to,
railway station, to be eXpended'under the
direction of A. NVeodmall;, path in aster. --•-
2 Carried.; Moved by 13.,Cluirchilli see. •by-
Bri ttorf, that th e f011oWingaccountS ,be
,pait ,Vra. Brigham, for ;elm, planiss.,---
$35.30, and :Ps: HurikingLibisdo., $10.65. -
Carried. •, ezerowed.by'A.- T.McDonald;s..eb.'
by. J. Britton:that the reeve and treasurer
:authoriied: to borrow ,$500 'from: the
'Mole on's 13ank -for.. the. use of the
when required.--Cartied. ',111oveil-':15y: B.
Churchill, see. by .A..z...MeDonald: that
the reeve procure two new read scrapers.
-Carried: Moved bY:.T.Tritten, sec. by B.
Offurchill,'that 50 cords Of..,gra-vel' he -pat -
on S.R. front con, Vto .con. 8, -under
She , d tree ti mho sTs:Alt.a.Sion
and. 60 cords on S.R. 25-6,. from "Clinton
corporation to con.10, Under the direction
of J. Mason and B. Churchill.eLCarried.
$2 Was ordered to be paid for the Use of
each of the polling booths,at the last pro-
vincial election, and the'Ceimcil adjourn-'
:ad to meet again when called by the reeve;
Catastrophe on Brooklyn Bridge.
A terrible accident occurred on the
Brooklyn Bridge New York, on Wednes-
day afternoon. 'The bridge waS crowded
to its utmost capacity at that hour. On
the- platform at the New. 'York tower the
Jam 'became so great that many persons
fainted. A cry of:distress was raised and
a dreadful struggle began between the
..panictstticken crowds coining from the
east and the west, and a number were,, it
.is reported, crushed to death. In the end
the crowd coming from the Brooklyn side
prevailed, and rushed towards ;tire New
York anchorage, trampling, clOwn every-
thing In' its way. Men, women and
children wefe trodden under ifoot, and
falling down the steps leading ter the tow-
er platforms, were buried under the mass
of struggling humanity.
The cause ofth-e accident was this: -
•A woman, who was ascending the lower
flight of stepsTstumbled and fell on the
landing; the ctowd pressed upon her and
she shrieked. Bridge Officer ;Frederick
Richards elbosved his way to the spot and
lifted her up. The crown closed upon'
them both and they went dbwri. With a
desperate effort Officer Richards got upon
his feet once more, dragging the woman
after birth She screamed again in des-
pair and fright, and the crowd !above and
below pressed towardsthe spot to discover
the. cause of the comlnotion. The crush
immediately became fearful; those on the.
approach below the stairs were carried
-forward-in--a solid Mass.!. Many stumbled,
• and'were unable to resist the pressure from
behind, and the crowd .passed Over 'them:
From above,the crowd corning from Brook-
lyn was carried to the edge of the steps,
and then fell over and down /upon the
struggling mags below. A terrible strugs
gle for life began. Men arid women
fought with the strength of despair against
each other, and it was • Only wherea force
of militia came and at,the muzzle of their
guns, compelled the 'crewel to fall back.
A general call for all the hospital aur-
a ,
bulances was sent out and policemen were
hurried over upon the bridge. The fire-
men of the hook and ladder companies
followed to' assist. The bodies of dead
and dying lay so firmly wedged together
that to extricate them was next to im-
possible. More than half a score were
dead when extricated from the, throbbing
heap, and others were more or ,less terri-
bly injured. 'They lay six, eightior ten
deep. those in the lower tier long dead.
The clothes were torn from the bodies of
At.yFittalancoateessa, Jeffry, statieu agent here, intends
"Baytleld its tirst sitting
1-11 Talte notice that the Conrt of ReyiSio. 71(1 1 taking ft trip' 10 00 lOraCIOvi 11 heliclays
theVillage of ;
Which he expects shortlY. It it -reported,
vit The Town , On goSDAY, juNt t I '• • I 51
deinteencing AaNte for -the pin pose, , - . but report. is
Of hearing and reetif3log al colonial tits ng iinst not ccrtai is, to be 'eOrreat. • 1 -
M.,. etrors,en the AssesSident noilot this pi oson . • . ,
year,. poetessinterested are vermeSted 1 r.,.;'n1- Mr. Jas. l!lanaing.is 11010e Item Dako-
11i(Lfl. inuNTEri. Curt!, . •
sna,kfiel.de.eiay Stir, 1:88:). • La. lie was sick when he arrived' there
-•,_ • • ,.. . aird returned -IS 50011 i, .1,75:
T.TOUSE, ,A Leer ' rose SAI.E.T110 Afr, C. Murdock aceorapirthed him home.suliscril)er offer's -that large, wthi-sytnit imst 'Clark looks lieerty encl well •
tfonycniently:Sitnited.fraing hOuse on trio $t.. . • .
Containing eleven, rooms, With stone collar for Me. Andrew Taylor has been clioSen by
sale. The lot 19 h tit an acre, on. winch there 19 the Good 'leaned:ire as delee,,(4-fite to 'tho.
a barn 'and good orchard, hard.arid•soft
Torres .casy. and made Itilown on. :Application, Grand. Lodge at Woodstock., The Lodge
GEO.,/tEss'n(iiine. Clinton. 11--' liere brie also. chosen A. Woodman andr.A.,.
Taylor as delegates to arrange for the
uniOn picnic to be ,held 'at' ..Berriniller,
which' pro i ses to be a:grand success'. The
loclge here, intend to ire a' hedy. •
ll,(z Storey rranie hoase of three rooms and
'n'ood kitchen doWnstairs,' 111)(1.10110 rooms up-
etlirs.;-good-col t writer. and a.
lilt -mbar Of good finit tree8 A Tip I O, oi 1 v - (71) hit--1-4;-1)-00wNsilliri" •
raises to . JA'srEs Visintirsoss..
erinY -ivri Ile,. She1211i 0001, lLtSCly
. . _ ,, /s
''" lost e OZTC1 1.`A from'm ills fever.
tHitiCE EXAM1NATION..- :qr. Thos. otter, of..the 1211i con., is in
,IAN -, - '
, . very IOW health, being confined' to heds,
(t!tillttiollat (11)1 11111,101 not on.toi„(,,st ,t, 13,, vot, ith for
seheol'on trolarariay,a flat Friday 1 ^1ea1:4.
anal. :nib or .3 Ili beginning, each da,y at A at,c,L. nicotine, 104 tie 1,41,,...uark
Irmo non, intern:lessee slesrlhl ites '"111 '411(1 '1' • ed ng it -\[
01071' moans to:the'nesideilitster not loici• !hall alnil I it le ..10tlt5a 0 1. 1.
the 2.1th of slay, - • ': -",Deeves, lt-th -7:on., on TheSday evening.
ean8idate' 8PtUtrikg 11(' 111gheS1 B[r.1)CO'Ve 1)0031 auhbring With dropsy
ninabor, inakS (Ina oX nonunion 'W111 • • , •, •
eei at tlie 711101,011 etiglos10bil6Ifet' 801?1C., MC, an (1 earl are entertained
'rho Vein' 188•Y84AH ' 1 that he may irot reeOver.;, . Quite a mini-
7no1i0 0, t
' her of 'oho lleig..111•Iors:\vero Pre,ient,
(101 SE AD 1,01' VOHINALE,. N . 81.
he, corner , Of' Is, ad arab:Fulton. stneets,
-1-Lz'ati 8, in It 1011‘137Rattchbitry:s
131101111, tWO 11 ths Of. an acre wltieh fencre
, .
BRInes.-s-Tne tanners Ure considerably
behind With: thei r. spring work; LoWingto
tbeearisOtert it of fall wheat that; had to be
plowed tip,-The„sping wheat presents it
itealtITY'appeariince and al' good yield is.
aritieipated. Car miller,' Mr. tD. Urqu-
hart, is erecting a divelliag house a short
distance north of -the Centennial liotel.
--We aro 14,83rry'to learn that Mr. James
l?'etty of this place is at preSent =lined
to the Itonse elfrough i Ines0.--1;feesrs. Te --
Donnell '& have diaposed: of, a
large quantityof barb wire this 0011S011.-,-,
St•r-,, le, Patterson 'a th.o planing 'Mill lin8.
nitieeteten dwelling houseg under e,ori-
structioniand haa taken contracts fbr:that
many more----r.fitne, '
Rey. It. T. Conrtc vl1 Prea:01114s
Clinton B., C. church ox Stinday °vest,
Rev.RThomire, of Chagrin Falls,
is here on a visit accompanied by two
members Of his family.
Rev, W., C,lraig will preach next Sunday
evening in Ht. church, on "The ob-
aervance 011ie Lord's Day."
Rey. Mr. famieson, lately a student at
Montreal,,but well-known to our readers,
-will-take-the.services of the Clinton 1VIe-
thodist chiirch, on Sunday.
- Rev. Mr. Hill, of llensall who has
been ill; was able to be up for the first
time on Monday last. His work will be
suppled for him next, Sunday, and poa-
sibly longer.
. ,
mere:than one in the attempt tO get them
out; All were hatless, many shoeless and-
eathers ho elothes hung -34 rags.:• -rive
yv.ete..all dead and traMpled.into
unShapelye nanas. They were taken,
from the bottom oftbe heap.;.•
Tiiat. one first. Scream. :wtis:;the: 'deaths
knell of many, in that crowd., 11 grew at
once so ungovernable; and so elenee that
Movement of :any kind was iinnoSsible.'
--T.lie.erowd; forced :by . constant pressure
• fin aeCen ti ote the, , side,
went ()Ver. the •tateps.'like-.,a :/Cat. arftetes -At
„Midnight firescaerialtY::'
•dead,-eleVeii•-efeslibm,hadheen identified,"
. , , . ,
and .thittys 'injured, :seine fatally' Sortie
.-bit lly,-and:•-othersnl-esSsiieri-ouislyi-';ThthliStS
will yet be: extended; :M.aiiviof:tlfeWounds,
ed; and "perhaps . smite .dead, - Were driven
. straight to their -hornes. .
• The annual meeting of the London,
Conference of the Methodist church as -
sembles at St Catharines next week, and
having business to transact -at -Toronto ---
Rev. Mr. McDonagh leaves on Saturday.
The Bible Christian Conference cora-
l:reel-ices its annual sitting at Exeter, next
week. On Sunday, 10th inst., this con-
ference will supply ministers for both, the
BibleChwrinst.ian and Methodist churche
Rev. Mi. Thompson, of Brueefield, took
the evthring's service in Willis church, on
Sunday.- Neither he or Mr. Stewart ap-
pear to enjoy that vigorous health which
most people long for and if good wishes
would give it thern,:they would- soon be
in the enjoyment of it.
We believe it has been decided that
Rev. R. J. Treleaven, (C.M.)of St Marys,
(formerly of Bayfield circuit) will take the
work of Rev. Leonard Gaetz, of London,
during the coming ecclesiastical year, ow -r
ing to the latter'illness. Mr. Treleaven
has risen very rapidly in the -ministry,
Lind is now considered 0116 of the most
able of the young men associated with the
Methodist church. His many admirers
hereabouts will. learn With pleaeure of
his progress. ,
' • •
We hive unecir.pleasure insannouneing
that Mr. James- Young,' theniber Of. the
•Local Legislature for :the North Riding
of ,Brant has been called npotiYtei 1111 the
TieaSti re'r''. rendered
vacant by the retirement of ,thelliffezi. S.
C. Wood; and' has accepted the .responsf-
bilities Of that position.
Thffannouncement will,we are sure. be
hailed with satisfaction bythe people of
,tile 'province. No more fitting selection,
conld possibly have been made, for no
nsenibere-of;:the Iegielature,:aeSat- present
constituted, 18 more Peen:Haply qualified
for theProvincial Treasurer$bip tlaaii ie
'James Young. -Globe. '
'I' he Scott Act is to be snbinitted in Ox -
e The Tichborrie ease will be .ininiediately
opened on the arrival : in .Illeglancl of the
party 'now ceffveying from -Anatralia'Sho
lonatic,.Casivell; who i0 alleged to be-At-
thur Orton,
At the -Convention of:the F.piscopal dio-
cese of on Tuesday Bishop Mc-
Lareit severely castigated the Rev.:Arthur
-Ritchie, rector of the Church of: the As-
cension, the most advanced ritualist in
the' west. Riehtie's friends are greatly
exercised Over the affeit.
.Che Franchise 13i11, which the Govern-
-ment purpose introducing again next:ses-
sion, has been reprinted with.some amencl-
ments, and may ,he still further amended
before ,the Horne meets. One cf. the
amendments added confers the, franchise
upon- householders in cities and toWns who
pay a• month rental of $4, it half -yearly'
erentaLoLe,12,_orn11o5 annnal rent of $20.
The same provision is made for house-
holders in counties whether the rent he
payable in money or in kind.
Mr. Greenway, in' the Manitoba Legisla-
ture, closed his peech on the Address with
these words : "If . we stand up for onr
railway rights as firmly as we ought to do,
and as the member for Mindedesa has
done, if we ask nothing more and expeet
nothing less, then we Shall get Our tights."
'That is the posit:ismin it few worde. • A
firm stand by the people of Manitoba
tvoeld' secure the coneession of every 'light
to which we aro entitled under the consti-
tution. The Federal Government 'dare
not provoke it contest with the 'P,rovirthes
on this, issue. 13ut what are we to do when
we have as it leader a man win) is both
n trnitor and e coward '1----1franden Son,
'There. svas a Liege' attendence.'"at the
B. C. church on Sunday - evening, .-dn'the
occasion OT the funeral' sermon df the late
William 'Shipley" being preached.. The
text sehosen by Rev. -Mr'. Rice. WaS the
words " Let me. die, the , death of the
righteous, : and lateensy--last end be like
his," and while he faithfully 'portrayed
the character of deceased and directed
special • attention to his , possesSion, of
christiau graces, he did not fail . to im-
press upon his bearers the benefits , of it
rightemiS life, and its necessit-ty if eternal
happiness was desired. The -pulpit was
draped in black:. s
Prof's our advertising color -tins it; will
be seen that it change has taken pliree in
the 'banking business :heretofore earriOd
on by Messrs, : Johnston, Tisdall &
Messrs. Johnston and, Gale' retire,
sind our".tbitnernanetWs W. Fartali; Esq.!
joinS.11r. -Tisdallt. and the firth in future
will be knosvii. as "Fatran Si- Tisdall."
Our readers Will; We are assirrede ,join us
wishing the new ,firrnethrery :success.
Mt. Ferran has been long known in the
community as an 'excellerit':business" man
and has a more extensive acquaintance
with thieD
'art of the. country than . a-ny
other we k'ffeW of. He laiiS steadily work-
ed hithself ins to thegoad position bellow
66ChPies by din t.Of perseverance and se-.
gacity. it bee been noticeable -that every '
enterprise with ivhich he has heenseennect-
.6a has'Sgeeeeded, ,1\fr.Tisdall is also'well
.ancPiavotably fliercnen 10 our'readers, lend. .
having given up all connection With' any
7,f the othereinStituthins Connected', witli
the banking. •bissiiiesS\of Mrt.',JOhnstop,
will,'confine OfIlee,'et "-
Clinteire..'sU404,Flitellearrepices 81-leo-se:se 1-
More. 'than aSsured.; canriot'
•Mes.sre.• Johirs-tofF7thcl Gate to retire with-
neni t•LeiVings thgeed. _ .
1i -era geqlemeh whowere always welechns
ed 10 Clinton by a large Circle of .friencts,
and whoSe'ntassive forths were becoming
well k1i0\(I here. We...tin:St that they
may still favor us occasionally with their'.
'presence, even theingle their,busineSs eons:
neetions lia.ve ,ceased.: .
' Messrs. -Johnston & Cia16 Will *still., con-
tinue their banking•birsiness at L'lor,e.
r7G---e-OFge the woild re-.
ilowned sleeping,cat inyentor, andbuilder,.,
wire •l'oreinan of carpenters e'for , Mr. JoS.
"Whitehead, of, Clinton, when the ' letter
was contraetot for building the Buffalo & .
Lake Huron flailwav.'
. ,
, Orinsiseensns--Therleath.: of one old, set -
ilex after another felloWs.ip_iplick_succese-
siert.' On , WecliresclaY. morning, Mrs.
Cook; relict, of the late ilobt.. Cook, ofthe
Huron road,' Goderich tovenshim died at
the residence of her' daughter, Mrs; Brig- .
ham, in Seaforths'!at the age of 86 years.
With het husl5and She emigrated to 'this
country about 50.yem7s•iigo, mad settled.on
thelot ane the Huron toad, where Mr;
Cook died; in 1875:: She in. been
in f'ee-
1.]e ltealt rfor'sonie time, init. her death ie
supposed•to:Ifave bencausedby an, ab.•
-sees's'," ariSilfTgeltiiin if fall' .Slie Sustained
about 'a -year ago. I -Ter long residence:
here nth 11itppy disposition phreed her
high in the osteetn ,of, all. . She leaves
seven chilelrensliving, :all of whotrt are
married. .Hen•remains will be interred in
Clinten cemetery on Saturday aftetimon,
leaving the. 'reaide'nce of iMr.; Brighan
'Seaforth; at 1.
• . gxE,Trat.,
Aoornr,NT:-Oh. Friday last, While IN:Fe- ,
Lean, _of• Liman,: was driving down-
street, he fell from it load.of lath -and in -
jetted his kneesseve,relY. :He Will probab-
ly be laid 'up 'fOiSOrnelinie,,
TACRDSSE.--Tlle ladrosSe club. has, been
re-organized.e,A. meeting of the nienibers
,Was held at tlid-Centeal hotel 011 Friday
evening: lest, when John Farmer: sew,'
elected: president; Dr. Sweat, viee-presis
-dent ; J. C. Stewart, secretary; H.Sara:
well, treitenrei , P:•Bawden, E. ai-gTetr,-,Isr-i.
\\T(1155 I., 1.. \f-teopea sncl
Tho Eyening Novi; publishes it Slate-
nient whieli is proballyunfounded, that
the I):uke of Albany thieved hie seryiece'
1d7 the (1-Wernot•-(1eneriilship, of Canada,
beforeIainsdowne was appoitget.
The congregation of elniteln
Woodstoo -hy aivote bt 262 to de-
cided. Cis inttediled an organ, but the Pres-- •
bytery decided,that; ihey do not rot tile •