HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 10R>' CLINTON NEW ERA. FRIDAY, MAN 25, 1583. &pwm Zovitoe,'. BoloaPs, -Mr: Davis,horse buyer; paid oehtly a young pian named iWilson,. of J.S. Cook to go to College berecommend- to the consideration of the Conference, Revs. Messrs, Clappison, McDonagh, Cornish, Dr, Towler, 1`deeland and Faek were appointed a committee -to consider the best ineaos of promoting the work of $225 fora mare he bought wear Seaforth - Port StanleY,• was engaged as operator at last week. The County couneilwill meet the station here, but left on account of at Goderich ou-the nth of June. A blind ill -health, and died one week after getting in the window of Combe's drug store fell home. ` We believe an effort is being down on Saturday night, breaking one of made to induce Mr. W, B. Laing; of.Osh- __ LOCAL NOTICES. , the large display globes. On Saturday koah, to accept the --position of • assistant the church on,the district and report at . ! p moste the . , ' evening, while watering a cow, Mr. Robtr agent:at the Clinton station • we hope he h financial Distr"ickMeeting ", .,,. Fitzsimons narrowly, .escaped au accident may accept, as he was one of the Riversdale circuit: was- recommended to.' lir. Geo. Ward, of Berlin, has bought ii _ obliging and universally -liked- officials I '.beput on• the list of Missions and that will by the animal. trying -to hook hi m; he was g S , Y a b the, the stock of Mr. G. H. Wright, i ht, and struck on the back of the neck, but fortu when formerly -in the employ of the Qom- 1, sum of $200 be ' asked from the Mission g; sell it 'off .b auction. } nately the horn did not penetrate the skin: pang. - fund. 4raloS. COOPER, grocer, is Payingthe Mr. Pickett is erect ing a new frame e louse FOREST-RT.-4 few day ? since Mr. 1 . . Upon the who le the state .of f the district s tr ic t highest cash pride for good potatoes, for ship an thegrave1 road. O Fridayevening,Robb, to k partin a abbe installion ofwas'found very'eat s$actorYrand after ex monk to thestates. • He is also ipaying cash for c'8 �Owinn to the slack demand for'potatoes R.and;. Hof es,�r.,rode to L pndesboroa Foresters era at Paris,the Paere ofth t lace Presstons ofsympathyfor the chairman 5 5tbe states, and. tAolar;e nuanttyof them on 'bicycles, in 35 minutes; the distance is complimenting him highly, OnFriday in his affliction,- and the kindest wishes here, the pries only ranges rrom!aliout BU to9)54 six miles, and several -dismounts were he received a P. W. H. •C. R. ,Jewel. of a that he may be speedly restored to health made owing to teams being:meta Messrs. new, and elegant design, being', the highest so as to preside as chairman over the dis- Mavor liorrester, `whose card appears Jones and Ward are'now`at work in their badge held by any Forester in, Ontar;o, trict, the meeting +djour ed,: elsewhere, is not a novice at the business in ed machine shop; they are waltrng the ar-Next month he goes to Gananoquet o at- , , he proposes to engage in, having s rival of further. machinery before they will tend the meeting.of theHigh C41 TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. sseveraIIYears-With saes- Ith some of the best leaf• be in full blast. '0. Spooner, jr.., employs tien'LLt Wnror is HURON - stapes the ' Rev. Mr. 'Pascoe; of Mitchell, well 'firmsProvince ed at the foundry, has manufacturedb1 lent a y PEARs.- n `LII mas '':0• cycle, , fallwheat prospect in that section grows known here,_ was recently presented' with _ _ ..,. , O Saturday Mrs. - o for himself, which is well made con- :,: entire a :arse of $:10. : — - i ,- dail -worse. There was almost An- ft e Pg _._ _ Cooper left with us a sample of fine penis, sidering that the tvorkon it wag nearly all Y grown on the farm of her son George A. done by hand. On' Sunday' a cow belong- absence of growth last fall, and the same On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Blatchford g g sound ingto.Mr. Robt..Milier,.base line, dropped ,unfavorable condition of things continues took the anniversary services of the B. C. from a:seedhne. They, were just assou PP this spring. Th hope longdeferred that Church, Fullarton;; as the day they were, picked. twin, calves. On Saturday night the wind P 5 e P , tore a trap-door from the roof of Davis' suitable; weather' might at the last ham Prof, Gregg; of-Knox-CIolYege-Toronto9 111r.rally is effectually ex- occupied the. til itof Willis Church on .LA1�EN mo LO\D01`. On Monday store, which in falling, brnlce a onion of cause the'crop to y P P L? J. T. Marsh was taken ,to the • Loudon the ornaiiiental fence on' the roof A. large� plaided, and throughout the county, gene- Sunday morning, and AIr,�Higgine, a�stu- Asylum, Mr... Fortune taking him 'down, -t dog was accident' loci ed in St. Paul'a'sally, it' is felt; that at the best no more dent,. in the evening': It requred,a little "nanceuvering to get chrch from Sunday. until Monday even- than half a crop will be reaped. London .Phe Episcopal church at Summerhill Y.•„a.. nj • _ �. e gog' q safely -o unatelyitdid no'in�uryln��rying � `, C Y• ` y " w ea undergoing-'i•epa'ii`s;'will" Lim -to "-aloa quietly and'° be safe) Adver tti�er "'It'is"s`care®1 neces6a,r to bleb has be locked up. to get out. A chimney between the stores say that .the above is wily too true,- from be re -opened on Sunday afternoon next, IMPUDF.N;C, - Ori Tuesda';evening'' a of Messrs. Angus and Bennett was on fire appearances, at least. Some farmers are Rev. Mr. Craig•officiating. :tramp called at the house of -Mr. N. Rob- on- Saturday,& and on examining ,it, the "allowing their, crop -to- remain untouched, - Rev. ¥r. McDonagh delivered a tem -son, Huron street, and asked -for 'some- same•wassligh.tly'cracked,'nearly from top .in -the hope that it will amount' to some penance address at Seafotth, on Friday thing to eat.. On a slice of bread and,to bottom, but has since been repaired, dt thing, but most of them ire plowing up.evening:There was a. good attendance; -butter being - i � lie tossed it out isreported that aperson near town" 'acre after acre. thio' chair being occupied by; 'Mi.: ,Imhn' t .g len pini, 1 eliving � ., I T ,into the street,and remarked "that'was will sherily. _become manager_of one--ofthe -' :not go -6a enough);" but getting_ -nothing hotels in town. Messrs. N. Robson and :more he sulkily walked off: Jas. Young attend the matches of the PHE CII.ICAco BICYCLf6TC,.-ifhe pro posed tour of these wheelsmen' includes the following' route: -Thursday, July ,5,_ London to Exeter, where dinner will be served, then from•Exeter to Goderieh, via Brucelield; 'Friday, July 6, Goderich to ;Stratford, via Clinton, Seaforth, &e:- If the weather proves favorable for wheeling, it will he a sight worth witnessing T Ir v - unced last Ei��TIATI_ D. It was anll�b week that Mr. W. Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, had bought out his brother .Tohn, at Exe- ter, and gone there' to, reside. This was - true, but his brother backed: oat- of --the ' .'agreement, and Mr.•Haw-kshaijfras been trying to negotiate foi• the purchase of a -Hotel in this place buf�so, far has not .come to the price�«-hich;the ;owner thinks his ro ert worth,- - - -:,r• P P Y S1TDDEx DEATH, -The wife of•Mr. R. Thompson, - formerly of this place, (a: -:daughter of Mr. Gallanger) died - suddenly a few days since,` at Essex Centre; in; con- try, states that he does not remember a finement. Her' husband was absent in 24th of May that has been rainy. ' Mr. W.. Detroit at the -time, and the party with Weir recently had his foot; hurt by a wag - whom she was staying knew nothing gonrunningosier it. People think that aboutherfurther than that she from the, like of this weather"never occurred, be Clinton and her husband was a member fore, but six years "ago the writer of this of the Masonic fraternity. Some of the attended•a-pienie at Niagara; Falls, on tho members here were communicated . with, Queen's birthday, with two inches of snow in reference tothe matter of her: burial. on the ground. A sister• of Mr. Arthur "TuosE BLEssIID Cows." -The Couch`died slit Iviitehell this week. .Thos. 24)k/ow- ing lines are very: appropriate just now: Jackson, jr.; "attained his , majority en "Oh the cow, the beautiful roan,` curving Tuesday, and.was the recipient of a.num- ber hackles she slips off alone; defying her of.valuable mementos •from chis nu - the law for her bread and meat ;_...ow ging- ymerous friends. A. G. Van Egmou , (aunt:of ;hlio. W'o-Mrs'thington)died en Tues- day;_ at Seaforth ; both,the papers co. '.( OUT AL;L�EAI)Y LARGE STOCK, On tat o(' boaufifd SNA�� CBE (f,INGllANS, SEE{ THE GrandAssortment of Dress Goof With Embroider Laces a : ~ uttons to i 1 On Sunday morning Rev. DI5T121GT nIL+I�Tl1�G.� Y g , Mr. _1ZeDon- egh. paid a tribute to_ttte. Gladstone :Min- i i The May district meetin of the lie Gode Y g g g. 33rd�, Min- istry b saying } "the e ov Y Y Y b t ernment-of Rifle Association b Battalion R fie at Sea � rich was'held in theMe- `England Canada E 1 nd to -d n a a was the best for o freedom Itsnowedd Y coni forth, next Tuesday. for � thodist- church, Wingha;m, commencing and`- onFst � that the world ever WHI'lcouple of. hours: on Tuesday last.As, a 22 , b , 3 e sale, andy 2 rst days proceed he id n tcare who aid to the „ C-Onse uenee of continued cold :weather a in 111a- no fned 8 d s contrary. ,, E AN� q -deal rigs gore confined to examination of.A;ba tams) font is this week being-- •gread deal of sickness exists in town, character of ministers and other routine I iis main) in the. shape of. severe colds". A' business; During thisthe4 placed in St. Paul s Church, a gift from. dog the other evening; m limping out of,� g day ers o en- airs. av, W: Ferran, in memory of a. little tatives were composed of.ministers only. girl"she lost•some time -since. It will ,be a yard caught its. head between two) pick-; `In the evening the ladies' aid held -a fruitn - ets,, and hung thea ,until morning; it was,: placed three feete oh the and iSgdeeat apiece of course, dead "rvhens found. A ;yours festival in • the -church, the proceeds of about high; and is'a-neat piece b g which were to aid the church funds. Thcy. of workmanship'. It' was turn t man'' named -L. Woods: employed in Fans attendance was fair but not large, and • Ped ou from Mill;, accidentally -sprained his wrist very, g the marble shop of Mr. W. H. Coope., severely last week.: Mr. Davis sl i 5 ed a' after partaking of the refreshments; rove- ' TEA MEEtrNa:;=The Baptist tea meet- car_`.ho ly last res oMr- Daviy.s JupA. pe la ,rah short and stirring addresses were de- I iug'took place, as announced, in the tem- P livered, the Rev. ,Mr.liakefield,presidi-ng. perauce hall here,''on Monday evening of traurd nary bicycles passed through Among thespeal:ers were Revs. A. Au- last, and was imore ,than usually well at- onTuesday for Goderich; they are baht drews1 McDonagh, I3srris "and others. ;tended. After the. tea the audience• ad-. so that a header is impossible. There Qn . thewhole it tvas;,:an en•o able and was nota � , Y ,)earned to the church, when the Rev. Mr,. quorm at'the intended meeting - :, . , profitable occasion. ; Carr astytofihechiirch: aookthe'-chair'.. of the school.boid,,. on Monday _evening. • ig " �. opo , -. ,.;. - -_ _ rhe- second -day the .district iueetuab and eu d b - A -large number of Doherty Organs have was composed of an equal number of lay- chair for a' t e hervices by r a short on the been'shipped lately, eight' last week •ao-' r n anthem:'' After: a short ad- in the northwest.- ld:«well-knotin---tfiecircaicon-thed7strtct ti ereipiesented;` the reasons for the -absence of :Messrs. It was found that the increase of member- McDonagli find Stewart,-who:were adver-:_ ship •n the district, after deducting' al ti -"sed; to' be, >i•esent ! he called upon the 1 , ,P deaths and removals, was 167; and it, was Rev,,Mi Rice'to address the audience, also ascertained -tient nearly all the -funds after which he was followed' -b • the Rev. of the church were very .conside`rable in NIr,'Craigi Both gentlemen gaveinterest- advance of lastyeai, but the mission fund- ing and instructive addresses,, and were especially' seemed to .show thegreatest attentively listened' to, and at times `ap- increase. I plau;ded,--"The choir,jwhich was of acom- ' The representatives to,the- stationing posite character, the"Methodist and Pres committee are Rev. A. Wakefield and A. byterian choirs- having . been laid under' Andrews. " Rev. R. Davey was appointed tribute to provide mater}al for it, was, of delegate. to the SabbathSchool Committee.. course,' a good one, and' contributed 'very: and Dr. Towler delegate•to the Missionary rnuclr`•to the pleasure -of the occasion. In Committee.. consequence of the-liberality,(of the pro- - -IG WAS `recom'mended~•that-risme°-•of-they- q -ciders of re rf ashments'a social; was held contain Manchester Circuit be'changed to Auburn' in the church on the following'evening; longobituary,notices of her !:death. 'Re- Circuit. which was greatly enjoyed by those who i. It•was resolved that the` request of 1►lr;i attended it. _1_rand assortment of -,those beautiful bordered and largepattern p e n design. Clintonian,-long a resident of this coup at large through every street; hunting, :bunting; nosing around, till" the open'. front gate is sure to be found -with its binges broken and ruined quite, by the: lovers who bung there Sunday night; it', won't stay shut; it wont hang; level ; se in walks the cow and raises the d-1. SHOULD BE 'REMEDIED. - The NEw' ERA has before called theattention of the Grand Trunk authoritjes to the necessity of baying a guide -board to indicate the (destination of trainaleaving Clinton • sta- tion. ' When trains arrive both on the' Grand Trunk and Great Western: divisi- ons, about the same time, pasSengers very easily' get into the wrong one, and it would really be as much to the interest of the railway as the publie if the boards re- . 4 ferred to were used. PERSoi AL. -Mrs H. Hunt; and her,: brother James Burns, left for California,: last week for the'benefitof thee former's'' health. Rev. Mr:' Simeon "Fisher, pastor of Knox Church in .Elora,; (who: was raid- ed in this neighborhood) has been, angel)' for some 'time, and-is.non1;•suffering from; inflammation -of the lungs, and itis feared' c` he will not be fit'for duty feta -genie time: i Rev Mr Jones,- from Pennsylvania, ways in town on a Visit to his brother, Mr, •W.' Jones, last wak he Was on his way West, and left his wife until he comes back • Mr. W. Coats, sr., had to call on . a doctor on Sunday, for a bad "attack of erysipelas in his face. Mr. C. Coats,;(son of Mr. W:' Coats;) has: returned home :from .'Toronto -on a visit. Miss Sturgeon, of Kincardine; is the guest of`Mra. S. Walsh. Mita Hata graves;;'of Lonilon� is spen hag a`few days with Mrs. CAS! AL Nov s. -Spring work is very backward, and many farmers -1 have yet much to do. -We are getting now . the rains we should have had in April.. -Very fences Seem to be the order of the day along the base line; some of thein would: have been improved in appearance by the lose_..of smaller .posts. Mr. ---E.. Butt has 4 field of fall wheat that•lociks `as well as any we have seen.-A'I-"field of peas', on, -the tarn'of Mr. John .Colclough'..loolts well. -Mr. Mellveen ' s- making aim-: ':' provements to liis house oti th_e base line. -The Su nmerhill.school ground • would be much improved in.;'appearance; by` planting a few trees auruind it. -Some of the cows and cattle seen'' on the roadside, in. this locality are i disaage to their owners, whoever they are;-.• • TI StaEan log __ OitoAatezATI0N.-,it_,9,.......::.. ineetin; held in the Forester's Hall; Tuiisday evenining, to discuss the advise-, bility of.orgtnizing fbr temperance work,; considerable interest was manifested. After the preliniinaries.':of calling Mr. • llsnning to the chair, .and prayer by Rev. J. J. Rice, the followint 'motion'was sub milted and carried. Moved by Mr.'J.,, C. Stevenson, seconded by }Lev. Mr. Rice, "that it is desirable that:a temperance io ciety of some )find be formed in Clinton." After considerable' discussion'As to- ti hich- of the many organizations inCanada would best further the -temperance cause -in Cline' ton, it was moved' by,flr.A.11ale, Seconded, by Mr. ClarkM, "that e organize a lodge, of Independent Oaclerof .Good, Templars in Canton." Moved in 'amendment by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. -Thornton,, that .We organize a Gospel Teiiiperarice. Clubath 'emeneliacnt ads lei tu. a nil-t)le• infption carrieddbya large' on -amity. The, meeting then appointed` a committee to correspond with the grand•secretary and malt 6-lirangem entafor proper operation. The next meeting, will Beheld on°Fr}dav, June ist, is the teinperauce hall, 1' The largest tinct finest collection of Boy's, lVi°s and Children's Straw at Is_ to._.1.e.,W_found..at. c son's, er,. 50c. 75c. $1.00. The cheapest goods ever offere All, styles, sizes and prices. eadi.g Styles in HATS F'OR YOUNG - 'h latest N w York stles1. ia s The 1'a: o s it attee'; Clinton; COTTONS. Departrnen Largetis5 t_ nen� ofFROGS and MANTLE ORhA MEN. just arrived. Leave you'. eviler fora SLUE` OF _ G1,01 HES .. Fl. e Fit gu�ira»ie ,��. RY. GOODST�-O; 0