HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 8Dow Delystordialls cannot afford to travel on tors --tided grandees, crusad I ing bR rout 1 3 TRAFFIO IN BABIES.'! -in, the the Conti ent, or mingle gayebies of modiinval lwigbts, he- E,�Chtef of lite Ucd in and Caroline gentleman London, they ne,lver lack new raiment from El I . Ar. Vev I my the a'rape:i,, and. Mr. Lunae!V wbil.eto tile, 9tbaLr_ �bore clungJike a ,Visit to th'e 'Home of,la Wo man, Whp absurd emernbiii�Juce d Louis Ribl writes anoth& of his the tailo.i. nor'in vain desire 9, copy of: the, pire, the r ye, an uppliesthildren oeiDemand. istles to the Helena Herald, in which he nhateleas graves, wbich yet b9lituined'hin ep ot the Veiled Picture. Delysjbrd Gazette, which appears every;, claims that the half-breed is a man and a a ole_tixgun. d " old' ilrday.,­aud-is _vexatiously precise recor win ....... many a! brother, and thati. Ilia only tronble'with notions wbjQ HAT HERNORK IS, JOSTIMI) Pro had' N4ey, and that Wavy and ininliled and crimped-holgh-bo I from which Delysiord derives its _h disclosed SHEASSERT&T him is that he likes �wbi Orimpod'and griwilea a WELVy, A FA�R MADM both of trifliu� nd momentoUs aaBlaie, barber aud chirurgeoiiL� (Now York Warld.) whi Is the only stylT, and childishly 1 marxied-t ely Jilans and 6illi te� men will SbIl it -to him. -whive men, D'alystard is i perfectly ;be home 8 This caile'of little Annie Taylbrjn this qqobh 'a?, Why,, Great Cae6ar! , IS,the a Posaeased of no ambitiou, it knows r T"t is, deeined wQrtb while, happy. the stillroornr. the scullery ; of imperish-, is tile l:rC Pity and the less recent lease of Lizzie And that tirdfthoperlo(JO�, 'PROLOGUE. -dasds which only a' tal!ultho Northwest who. d6eEn't.1n6w., no distippolatmeht.'I DeVoid�alruogt to a able title . i _ - ' r) lie Soldail jil Brooklyn, have attracted public tb� Rilelha;R been making his piew A that you are a quean� t6oplamly that the as of the;Premai attention to the operations of per6ons: who carious existence f or. the last few yeara.by So mneba yard, mud Pomuch an ounce; "I shall -not forgo Vby vicious propensities, still le Natural curl With.spritig aildbounce; ong',w6men,�'! said,l. I hope I did not of any criminal tendencies, it kbows no had commencad 'in the reign of Anne, Patent 11 wave " with It crimp, or a I r . a 1E Of their whilom mas�eJC8 Beem to make � Ph business- of procuring- Selling whiskey to inaiauB, to ba,lf�bredds, spea a and, 1, fouir.". Idnocent and Joyous. its life glide k pfle n 6 i Q Y, he� W.4S. ArKie w.bpn the fortune Fltiil'y.oi�stiff;tooling'6);hLtug. 11 , I . . I , ­ I - .__ __ ., It W48 I l6gitimatelyin most instances perhaps,hut ­,to.,negroesito Wbimp -man, to -every person Non�iattek what fe 'lure or -tint of sliin, was, not very young, 'ainobtlily on, excited by no ale ble pleasures, were beginning to walle. a " ong, illegitimately very ften it is feared- who would purchaae his atrocious liquor? Sallow or rosy, or by no ackite pains. An occasioDal enough Pedigree, in good sooth, � but by tBe 0 plump ol� thin, YOU ar� most., kind," she replied, with torn a Da Ly'ses it s6emed,of unueb- 6hilaren to "be disposed of in �one , way - or Sometimes off the reservations, but usually JuB04.oy_11.yQhe, or sprite Or Glytie, gentle dignity. I olo- not Often Speak *9,13 0SHeofinsttuity'isli$soiiebugbeitr. Batin- side of th4 another, on them, tu defiance alike of United States, M6dtis�j or,G61,doii, el, Ap4rodite,, Fkamaille still loilpe�d to Fa oefully plain, All investigation of the matter during the and arritorial laws, be hAS plied this lr;a� or fra. kly &ST have Spoken to you; but'your Sanity is of God's sending, und. wboul the room growth, i�dy donfidenc-6,andyoq Lord lcv6th Ile �htistenath. Botha D�Iys- drive the Du Lyseia. from Dely'af9rdl, b,ut, he Or matron, sober or tlii?Elet vain svmpatby laimed lie ous traffic, only...pLwsing,ogcasionail� The head of a wornan to -day ust be J;uv6 b 'very I ik.t� Lay crotche't f9rdians bear their cross, when it com was too wise now to with his last few days by a reporter. of4he TFrld sell , forbearir - s., 68, ripgB t6light tb�e fa blac; A mass Of frizzy absurdity So we parted, and I went, on my way'far without repinind. They live plausly, and rival. ' He had ushed away Ila aIlger - he b athat a great traffic to try to kmail the men who lega I y, A curly, Wv,�yiTorphead of AoB[3 i children is carried on in this city by and without the conflues of any reserva- th too-visible'net dran welI across,, from rejoicing. I had been for a moment their *ays are v&ya- Of pleabantuess and 6ame back fulf' of sobriety. . lie', bad n Wi persons who,are so far from being reputable tion, sold bi no his stock in trade, A fugl- red clown admitted within, i departed an impetuous' youth he ia�' ey are, claA3 I ad.. . by the polio I a A the or, loollon lool),',stiil* larte the pre6iucta,of a aeoluded peace, heedless of the advance of science, ry, of In lab6xed rows from bt crown, and'mysteri6us, preseno W that I With Its - Ef, I a elegrams, its turned ill the sobriety, 6 mature mail- tha �th B tiVe'from Canadian terrAo� Or puffs that ruatch oiZ, puffs that vw�y, 'Ail nst6am engine auspicious persons and constantly watchhd. halter. awaitEt his return, abandoned by Fa 'hood. �' He ws,reqbivea', to be a worthy From 'day ril,infalits' dud. his own peopli Ilingstillto eatch the wary- was driven thence, the World'- appeared to restleBs and, Infectious' activity. OLJcq it to,day'newb6 a, who have at last diadov- Anythilig,.everyb1i Ing, so that it be Ine blank and worthless, I Was engros . sed' was, proposed to the Delysfordians to III . ring loird of the. mador, and to extend, -the right children of bo , th, . sexes atty �rascal' that he I is, he has False in effect and.& shamb to sell. ry aide.* His , � I up -to 10, years old ored the Pe by,,the, thought,'of Mrs Fremaina,, whose a railway to -their doors, But illey re3ected: 1and of his patronage n eve' are advertised 'foi,adoptidn." Other'ad- now � found a place of refuge, and a'sanc. 'as only surpassed by her vertis6s, express their desire to adopt tuary in the bosom of the Helena Heratd. These are'the thoughts that make me blue beautyw the, to "ition With unlaniMous horror. So (faugh ter'returned all visitB, And, left cards When I -ride or drive. th l th ezttaor4dinar-y..,.donv'er'sdido�,-and my -mind, the P.P11(li passes by at' the distance of �uPon Buch Persons as w ' are tbo',, d ' iffident is probably o' Or wall" tile streets" or t�iecuidy�horZogps, dwelt perpetually, upon the anticipa:tion 6f 'nearly a dozen of miles, � and wolis not of :to take the initiative in'balling upon her. hildren, articularly girls, The utmost Loui8RJel Be of the biggest Or crbw'a through "teas," Vrocepticn,Bj" hops," h �eare and secrecy'are observed and no,names: rascals in this territory. He, has an uni- seein-heragain. ButIwas soon after called their existeno . But they do not care. . She was -at home Once a,week from eig t 'c nuiBg which has so far'saved seek, a hall g foilike u pyb, ara'g,ven.l mal 011ie' "lly froild'EQland eturn or Ajew years, ago the leading� mani of �in the 'evening till,nearly mid�1gil6_'unlI At the, outset of his inves. to ion , but it Will be unable to r onefrom whom I lio?er would -roam; aw - .and did not'r - f t' t' the his worthless hide, I Aild I sigi for Bomething,that's not in town- several years. Directly I r I e-trbd my native Whom Delysford was universa4 and. justly every one who had auy pretensionsio gentle I alai"�har�baa.u.ty_'s_orc_wu rter citilled,upon Aob6rt:PinITertBu and presetVeLhim much longer. 6�d, w".Rdile Du,'Lys, the descendant birth was not only hidden, but expecteol'to =d him to I give the result of his ekperi- Jmy way tot a pro F and JL�St representative of the old Norlian: �4&ar' frequently at her. Monday recap ' - once in , trac P1 I honest Car Conductors. 0' Berenice, crowned in the sl�im house where, I had met.Mra. remame tions. In a, a I i . L Con. A�, 3 these tbitigo right'? are -these, things wise ? did not own tomyself that I hoped to meet' &6on.who had taken upihis abode in this w months Fremailld Was. a ing loat children and'kidnap-- V., by the light of thy tre.s6b"gl6w I pem. A. koiitr�al despatch: says: For a beauty, no I her there.again,, but I did not hesitate to pledsant'spot eight" c6uiuries before. ' in �popular man. � Still, W& ):Lmppibsls­ was dhild'.Aealing"IB so dangerous a game,!' siderable time,paBi it has Veen suspacted No: by all cai_�,ous of )6ked for -news of Ren6 Du Lys and his aist r 'the, whol imperfect., Like the baa�uteou:4, queen in, admit sooratly that I lo- a . a he "id, 11 that there is illally very little of hat 'extensive pecuiatiouB have been- in Then' girls,� deal-, girls; scorn ye to spoil. her. talent -and' energy of 'Delysford seethed � the fairy talei who is ever consoioua� that is 'stolen, progress on the ally passenger cars by the Vh6sbiliilag grace of a si . mple cull a greater beuilty than -She 6� it practiced. When a child Though, raven or gold, we wilt not'lla-loath My hostess was not at,ho6f!tej but as a tobe concentrated. Tile 6bligutions of their Ki I sis, 'Fre. poor conductors. - Detectives were employed and in t e .. was , qui a how6vr whether it, be. of rich or To -your ti-ilsses free was expected back very� 1, ghbrtly, I weSt ill. birth "ieuded them from the possibility of' nam aware.. thai,� ,r parentage, let it ripple, float such a hue and cry is set up by the whole the suspic Anla,matroi)s,erown ourdlgnity� I look'd'roulid at once for Mrs. Fralntiine'8 'mediocrity. ' 'By virtue of' this cirojim- popular 'he might,be, -a yet more popular, a he hi ions have, turned out, correct. U p _y community th t idnapper is almost to the present over twenty, dishonest offi- With the one tbinglovisly beyoudcompar- ainting. - It hung now against the wall, stance in au existed.' He k1feW. I that if a uestion --The beauty that ol�Velleth in a woman's �air. they were raised above the. level of sure, to, be, traced and. unished very., cialghave been detected And discharged. Ba 0111611 Lzar. andl.a curtainPoncealed it. their daily. associates, and 15y their integralt- Of'�fealty'w6rexaise' the mon'iin t se�erely. child is stolen.�uot a 'all for The arxi6unt� k�Htraqted is estimated' at No one came to disturb my solitude, 96 1 merits they retained theirposition. Rene of Dalysford- would�rauge themselves on thesake of the child,but for the. sake of fully'W per day, which would give a,good liihie'6ide Of Da Lys. It was never likely ,%�Gnth JKxi presently pmsbd through the French winw wrote to r the press., his sister drew and the Ahttt 6 question. of this sort should arias, eyitusom to be denianded. Illegitimate ntd�he 'shareholders' atthe end of dow, and roamed musingly' through the paintod well. Both we're readers; both children Can be 'Procured Bo easily:.that the year. Tile' company has *taken every The tide of life within myvbio3s'i8- swelling, shrubbor!A,whera I had walked witill Mrs. 'could converse. 'To thb'miul of Delysford, but it ienled Frema: iva to know how. the., there is little need to stealAbietn" -In most -nipaus to pkevadi tob4a . ry b y suppl " th a -strong,' Fremaiue,�till I 'found inya6if -at last lWa the b I rother paid a ma ziDgly , fre4 us - Ili visits ying. a Tile rdorning su n 1 ;ll risen up red and possible case �Youlol'bc ad., , Ho' Iwo cases where, legitimate, dhildren disappear� * Earth is to ine'axision-baunted dwelling,. conductors..- with patent boxes into whibb.' Where birds aiid streams sin stile'leddiijg into thecharchywrti. Crossing to the metropolis. No �erthe)om-, Rens' D a Relle Da.Lys nb- b6tt6r.4hau he'llad liked it turns out that they have strayed away! I of' the fares Are dropp - ad by tile pasBellgers, g ever a Liew song; I I a g' , ys wa's 'a poor man. Still di-elanis the olawn -its misty hours are mine; this, I wandered about among �,th raves', L ' I I . :' his4ather. fliajealouaybBriledlis,fisro I 61y their own volition, and iho dme novel and but.their precaution, it appears, was use - 0 life,"O life, than art 6 gi . indsclij-e� and' asever; as rj.ly Always of other trashy'.1iterature are accountable. 'less -it is 'said 'that Ahe poodiations.are, ift divin I e�, eyeing _Tbe October sun ever', invariably li viBeyarci of N&Ildth to 'King Ahab. In :youthful days renie m-bor thy Creator: Shine lit up alike thesoulptur6d tombstones u ever *failimg !:to marry into 'distailt'i'athl'- the. it Persisten , t, inquiry resulted. in the als-, still in pro,5ress, liaotwitheianaing the exam. So whispers in mi e -ear the ancient prll�so of the rich and the tur�eli of the' lies where talent 'and beauty were likewi8 ill the coolness�qf fifty years he bid but a Mrs. Post, kno a � But, wit wn to the police ples already made of so!many,dapredators. Bi&ah,�n6t yi3t-'ooiA,w1th thy wisdom 1.ter�e_r or and as'l 'reflacbed. rupon the luxuri. inhere he Du L�Aes'had preserYed-great a- se'lltiment'R in' his br'east,' and'� was co ve�y t 4 GrahDy*Post,t` a a' pri�clpal -age perchance-l"ll t , like thee for my teacher. Q. ; �1_ I as Must Bowl lithe tbhilaven,'Ie�sb fit the last 0118�8( 11, brdial to, td, p for. many' genera Was,. 1301).angaged in the traffib. The follo; if,ug" 1, luires� and the toil.stained clown a who pride pom f, - * outw ardly more than' commonly � c 'd Into the burning lake I may be cast ieposed"there aide by Side; I wondered, ntil a successidn' of disasters, beginning . Da, Lys.; He�,'had, 'indeed, designs - a d arQ4 yeat . or a' a vertiserhent, which.appe eme whereby, the bather to many.of them 6' h had.bQbn a, ein the Civil.War, siugment, secret sell obBtatilea in his eat ." w ad by, the Iiceuw, way might be, succesfully. removed put, the repo ter o I n her track 'But shall I learn the W01COU16 bridegroom. §q4denly , a na vagailce'of the �estoied Court, 0 N Commerce would have me for a votary,' r .trickeries of tbe� Bus tious Rjotta and, , 7 Bury upon a small white crosg'aiisted and culmlouilu, in�tlie fatidl ente*rpriod of: to , acc( R, AD013TION -,— L 0 VE L Y For fear grey hairs s,houl a feel chill lie my atten )mpliah 'this scheinei 46 bsolute 10 9 r OPE a A d in sery'sblasts blow o'er myriakedil ti t semed-to kandstillasI 1.715 concord between Delysmerb and the Rot blach-eyed female infant -.full surrender. I ­THE HO Its ULU y "o7r BI as' and 1745i impoverished thoun: so, S 'l1gNZl6educ6,2ne, ;sitdoestherest; was essential. For, this -reason h6`encour.', 59su'llivanst.�neai-13robine. '-T C�E Audrob -o f9TW4_rd_ -that-, ast-the, tbn_bead_�Qf th.e.- and w-u-1king up.the lowBtOop t areporter -as the iw' eagerl� and cle�oured thbItexoiable ineorip. fa-mily-7-driven to, bav with the wolf V _�__._L_Mhe.prudent call meto their beaten,ways; ti6xi. It was simple and �ery short the creditors alike at his dobr--mada up and,hiB daughter, and! 0-y0uug rang -the bell and -while' waiting had ample -bd a little name, To Book cheap honors 9, : . - . I I I Of his fine ludieg had a; iiatural affiuit� for each other, time to notice tha his mii.ad to. soll.ibe entirety V the house wasunusually Where each his part with nice decoruin plays, r.purchaoed biS . diflicultv 'on that score was Smal. quiet in.that noisy neigbb' ADd.finds.the grave without abreath of blame! estates.' Thbywereimmediatel* o.rhood'� and that Shall I subscribcl,*,to failhi6n's modish rules, Delysf6rd gentleinall'who 3 diait-nord �as Friendly relations were quickly estblishe& very',blind was drawn and every, Shuter U feels I 'descent as himself, and wh'se nalne betw ail the two houses, and Rene D u L And live the c I omm .. on life o I f,coilimfl long a o a Y8, closed. Just as he was making Up,his mind After life's, fitful feverihe sleeps well., Fame in her burnifig t�mplo sliin�g aiar, was Fremaine. But kqigrea oftbe was soon drawn into an'intimacy, to which that the, fiouliie�l d terialy This was, ail. But as�`I stiod there bare he was-. not, reluctant. He , barborsld , Be girl, with' sleeves and skirts tuaked,u And beckuns we to come with whispers sweet, latter., was Ibng, bisrigin -was. obscure. and Wbat boots it though I glitch up rock and scaur, headed, I knew instinctively -that.this was his"Afitece'dents ignoble. Tb ruiby towu.�48 the' m -all whose I progeni- To hiss with ravished lips,her lily fooft el - progeDi tor ell opened,the door cantiously�' Sb Il I lay bare,bly beartto ilun and, id:I6 the last resting --place of � Mrs Fremakta'.., I .,�of his race -had'tiome over: in 1066 as the tors hadlawfully pdre'lia," ' d the estates of I 1;-vnt to Sao Mrs. Posti" Said, the - re - u It. 4 U war f T multuOUB, Siour Dd Lys�s'barber.. the Du Lyi3es. 'He,,lhcd no - porter,boldly. ring ower'9: illed,�,,with inten lon.,jo For the poor riches,of her alitte of The girl adinittad hiib_atd' thoughts chased each other, through, my lnch'61 the 1). a, Lys. pr'6pd'r'ty now ever up his'own holdin the alammin� 'the door to, turned t 9 after o run is'forerurmers,nordidbeev I s6uf. Thb warm sunshine seemed,to mock passed to the family which'hg& once beeii� PIRQQ'0�f OrmeaP, up -stairs. Show the. gejAoman, mto the �M� imielisoiiable -grief.' iobih: I do not.hi , low whereJ humbly.-domes6icated. in' the household of to iluit`D61�sford 1�i which he had iuhc­- fro nt porn," Bald a voice � sha, rply. by vexed me. I felt that the world Lyses, - The residenc it'ad�,& -passionate,a action; but he was it slipped Uom it broken string, the Du unique ri, ff door of. the front room wal s looked,. but it Pic - Fol should1be draped in bladk­,� A Veiled : d ' d :5�gd% -1, qd.ite.wilIiDg.t6 accord all due deference -my sight to�day aroun . an And far away,from a8sage only was soon�, opened, 'and the. repo rter It ure�a, narrow, grave - my remained to the fallen race, and to this'. to the owner of Delysmere-1- to who.m,.be Seated opposite the little.woman. /7 -no, gru go, ai sbreinityand untn*anBed,�my fortitude. bor� d �d with whom he -w1as How did you know my name they retired, while the FremaiBeS took up she Or ivorse,.. sinceit mav:b&an6+er 'After:la time 1,16iter6A: back Wthe house, their residerlce�_ at bh6 beautiful manor'' at --terms. That lyls v*here-1 AnC lnlrlo� with its Jueddt shine, found my seated by, the 'which the Do Lyaes-.had erected,' in sister: 6did,-, have 8 -charming., triend Oh, I saw- it in the" papers,"' replied, th( t tho'gem. that was 4ay be, set in soger. strattge.,deviC6 atitumn al fire. . It.wita ii, long,bafore. sixteenth can, out of tile- Pleased -.him, -and "be should' take reporter' I have called ia'answer, to I adv`erted to:the "hock�_Vkf�a usiai' - ury, a little .way, I do not 11 know ivbeii I I lost it:- ned in, town, and which' was I called 'Delyamisre ,ddlight.in. the sooietyi.of his sister's,friend your advertisement to Bee about adopting a It waii just as the i9awn-ing burst the, churchyard. A shad6;W fell across her from the 'natural-' lake' in, - its - rolludg. Witt' not gurrismg. Nbither,'was' it sur- baby.," A,Ei,.P1%1 9 1,eriu� facel,as, she'. reoli rsng6authe, handRdme� widow6rhould' Which adv'ertis' Thr ough the' bare - of, the lir. '.,It ls� w, sad story. Thus the two, families� of identically long 1) ement Miss Du _1�ys. But, r,_� C, ttl A LE asp creature I ever but not identically noble lineage, lived. sideq admire, the beall This ouie abolit the little girl wltllblac�h !�hat with.5orr lu�ssed it first. -.new, and -She had: suffered f b the obleap. lb si a or many years, b moans � in thiLt Frilmaine should'suff6r* tile, semblance eyqe� A coriain of, mine � w ho'ldst;:b or, little A Sure Cure for' till XE -AIL -El y no but -it Ferhapa ill ail opalific twilfgbt. cap y.. ,She coidquered her grief;:," hot Bair his amity, and ;someitim�.B in oven hosiilitv. w gaskod,meltc,-s(�b if I could fni'd a nice- NESSF-�; left &It d 0 fittiber, �ach Vrefu�;ino �aud-xhe'mlliu fie. dabe8tad' w'ould, have been ab * ' . I I a trace upon ­her�' -As'far;as' ab v. '. : 1. - . . i delibi I d "gii ar an �h their delluate ij�ivex Q'er field aud i,iver I, know", Mr. jas a perfectly good strove'his: utnagai - to obt I ' Il,pc8SaS8foa OfL h any one 4ob6er.ved it. F rAh I" �'�uid the woman',witfi a citd6kle, of Inflainination and Ulcerailon of Wil surprising -re- he !'s.desigu, however, rwmi husbaBd r �to be til WaWP sliti8faction you'd like to see the baby but it was�'n& given,t6.ha' fl, ll�, us which a I belOnged!to the ti lig, plzow. e afu ver.dr�amedbalfhowj)r6cious vVas: fond 6f:,her Son succeeded to ftber,' 1339 0 circums�alacn. he a _DuLyses; and as t 8 r -to, Oil." husband, and he idolized her;,but she had �ac-h'Du,Ly as , olutoly�refuBod ff As She Lkose find We t t6w rd Till P6 Lilef h _a ro every o or n a a tbe-back to the ta,9te, eilleacleiis dricl immeil fats ctoss, nchl'and this'disappoi.nted him greativ.' tetnpti_ug,� to � pur� I bore over hbwevar,hrilliailit. Jtii d6N� ths.repoFier,followed her, but With1her in i6 ofrwo. -A is it great hc3p in pregnaucy, and re�.. He, is a large proprietor, and coveted it with his . � one fo I 6hold j on the'lwb& of his I'liE IV qi�l�:D . 0,W , V_C _4 ivit. E topped suddenly Ln hand oil the knoWshe 8 nlicycs p oluring, labor and at regulLir pellods. You marvbl 1 You do not divine it- I dircet beir,, Last year it was hoped that� forbears.- tiQii'6f the'lluby's oliali'ties'ifud", PILYSICUNS USr IT,VREttY. an -I have ib4t wht I nll� lit 'be granted. -'.Every one was li'llicl Whitt I'll inourn while I live � fo� �o art call give one' Jealous and baffled, the Fremaine.who ­No',,�no;�you sit down here and I'll Sal 'A�T, aof: the genqratire` organs To heart the lost heart of, my trieud. pleased, and Afelicent was -delighted. But owBed the-Jielytirriere widdle 1 -ds time Vollth to bri her to' You." of is second t no d� 1Y t as.e,er '19: A. glimpse Of sevefal (5 reme t: a .4 alfter all; When the babe a,Bborlf, it was. a 6f- this century at. length whlidn" a wotua beeit kjefove the-publill; and for�all. d1seases.qf the w� from childr n's cots'a..nd %; brawnv lri�h u an, imi: Charles Barnard, in A Fable for Boyo,". .THE gir w neBse disappointment the fleld,'after, Using ovary means:10 *or- ng a nurslng-bottle� -the P to r.� remaine,ai r recov- qu'alui old church -Rene Du il� IDNEY Co 3)[PLAINITSefl, r Sex - Oct. opens Tost re� M F asfor May,' ithe encb 1130�e :smyA: As soon as a bo�� leaves sch661'aLldl, ait6l!,yb suado3 the father -of L�s to'r;�, d It rebently 'Ara.' eted.� She die �u ani '111oth�.�hoirlbetniyo about six' quiolibis holdirib in J)ols�sford ill�d'flndi in ty-wra, 1ts Use. hite dr But vainly through it I cb 'He' .,had brought. .1er here for PLTIZJFTF nade lisatening lg looks around to Bee What he shall do il oxt, wakds� and inducement whs poll in a bl(mn w ess, its big blue 1,YDIA M PIN Fox�tb6I voices once held so dart change', !lot "dreaming her 'slid was Bear. futile. Foi­t I W 11 enty I e he is very'ligsly to be told by a -Unwise year no ey, Fremai" as opened in listonishnYent. No1ack of molo�lious art wLis there person The. %�olrld you,a iving. Djdoid,,al the IJalli'e-tinio ivill giveteize,and t t StIll grand wlre the chords of? prais'' BL& her spirit: was broken. She passad� abiBefited- himsolf fi�om the home of his .:Proceeding 'at once to 1his'probably strikes him as'�,beihg -a very Mrs" Ill �;esults as iltoat jiAo Yet I rdissed with a'p"IngL tile farifiliar air'. awayi and he 'left her lying here, as- You birth,, atad of Ils ancestors. -It 'was said I 3�01be reporter that� 'thb baby, 61 the.dbdir bf mycboyhbod,'&days� w 8 remark,�and'the boy says to himself Verllotli t1l&C()mli6iui d ancl1310od Lille i)re.' sav�.- 'They say be. m6tirns inexpraBsibly :that the very nar�e Of' the pluce Y as �di,.3; 11 waaJ.11 uietes1:.b4by in the world,per., �for her� that � the wortil a butihat 'her brbthor.is,iucb'psoI-- Ituateidl-,to.him. T '�4 ouny goera- 11, fectly haitby, �'Jof'Frencb parentage -and' of'ei tlf.er� SU 'Six bottle., 'The sw�e*k'�.,.,�o6d r a;- ill 'I] owe P tion , 9;b6tL,speII . ing . and pr6nn"n'diii,ti6ii'llad' :r( 8 a P ace ii, by is young his I , la fw6�inonths �old.!. Slid cambined,the:'Vock. is,gard, by,inail, lit t c Qn Of my able ev hi U. 411:ri�,ht He ft 'tiful little' Son, wil. b till er06nd,t1:change-j: in u 'tjoi2 of a,midw fewlibIrlier other'busille'S' -ex, aproba IY I rk^ lanYujly� t :after a h f�om� 6f*pills�' C And of Yet.A d6ai ope'ac6eutilch,Oi i s, .'i6:�;�o pei. 1) - 6x h to By of tchildren­.: q: lide�that­ther ey ans itil ill erib the bd k of �MrL .Oua I a d tiansfo re� 916'said and -�ma' consId 'P to-w-chaiiadislinkell 'th ar. In the he nd Ioizurie., Some '. daiy: I Y�iil tell yoU'tbg,,, quent-r6petitioh -It, an e,81ops d b -y "' & , . QrItm�. -_ 'a f b Ii ig,-vhy,-.-sh6uld-l-.-tr'oubl�e� OT. ory �as ar as I' have een a a o sounds of b 7- - - d' -owes,- -me--&, ivip �Isford and, erc� en�brought tioutar:,baby,'howevei, _had�-be 19 �,y -but t ist ihe 'world pay. it gla--thgbli 'a d -1 is., the derivation' could nothe forgottew; time to herby.its,m6ther only­tr-fewdays­be� mourned,t.bqq.,,:1fc�i all Oili6iixtigusaBa dlm 'you it 1b,v he'inieresiin for yb�lz�, 'not� I. u ad to'elimiulite� 'the- ?/,'and this has but'i ;itld: bir a I ruggisr of 8 n' Grew. the ii irithIs botird.ab ei �pe " 6v.e her. r, gall'and wol prqu , Young�, d Id d t on tbe�airil�h d Q'pe ymn rnwo6d. to. tlile nothing to do. 146 is 'Surprised�, aud'won- the d IUChal)d sbrong'with'the old-timIl fire, ers , why the, *or oew,no gi ' ve'fiim: his d t U Is- 11' k"' Op klng!'g I 'gen t4as we V Boy Each tone in remilibr&uce Rept tiat-d his- days',"Frem' due. as and!regu. she would char ad�bee If y6u,rhr,6`sf6Ii itters will Bdr6lv aid thrill cotatic I recognized'. lstoloy�o . J 171clicent. aiM6 had,not A nice bad,, warm cloth Jur din go nothing as a h a While � that'on e dear voice, than of ners are good things,,and I Ought to d "I Of c( re . in.makingybu well when allelsefals. 11111 more only.6one 9,11,.in his,powar.to,Wr6st,1-the un er no expeusp_ )urse,df,anyliod on are go lvd or.olysp( CHAPTER. L have them., the w*orI&-ovVeB thorn to me,. t )Ptic,or'aresufforing Retreuftromxr: b 6- Lys, but that be had , Ado'ses to give Iwon't throw a e I I My innermost heart-strin'p swept:,. la the iddle..of, t6e:.re t, and if I do not get tbqm,llve b � cheated fr6 any o6 of of e, numerous dis ases of file inotb :and, old aloo'used endeavors- to dblibefsee the obhOX2_ 1. . . een .1t,in the ahe��dded. Or o,;v6Iil;Jt is your :Own fault if you So real it wastbat I tu 'ad fashion6d,town of IiIllysford there 8tunds el. out of my rights�"!, I �: L . 11 , a I . ru�� roly.ii But"somle'bo'dy must, pay you 4 1. froin.U6 nanae b or xelli- a "0 try -was-a wilder iTo the singbr8,as it an is libus'e'ind... 18natiive4own Hided— a tiiiia �this: Boun time, ana trouble.?�! 1OB: between twoprincipa quarters of nde.:0 custo man could live, save by The prayerful eyes ot'lify,beautiful dead. 'h Bea y6t, danLooking down, ew f In an , :wbemno� .,If on are asting %�wy with'any forlir of 36foJid'onme d �wit t a or o . �.Iightirig �he wit beiiis-ts'. 5`6111a . 1 11 1 . 1he 'the, Kidne isga6b stop tempting Death, �this i -no- -When recalled no face, - town,- sleepy,.. I.ittlis High 6tree�j one chased tb t,t h- o, �id herself.. I erg. ir anlong; or Ii cuiajo HoplBitt -b- ay;tbe;' orb interested with that terrib t iree:Apd_Lwi�h_fy,; bad caiisbd die�' a, be parent w 'o t'wisbes t he'. YLtof-aw -he��s and wo Yes, cut down. the f a dropped as far 'a's possible.: , He had it, of tb6 childlis in I ving, I �If you fire, Sick— iif6knyss d the aream-hyalu' fading, gqMil gradual place d h " faille is indolen y ransacted ' adopted than e�eu the person wbo'wishes To th'e psalln that was beWd smig. d ` t and 'the Omitted on his cuitai an ,wagons; a If forests )aid out roads :built towns And prim ail arist ere the :dat 1 8 wItlf6U't it, -j3ut -tile �oratjc Green,, 7wh Aug canals. Som iii the use of Acip I ebody spent vast sums of to oed , his letter you a;ro a fi-doladitter,, or. a req.i out of a if 13 * , dlg4,It'y,6f'ccun46ss uges seems to repose� attempt was vain. Moro than 6nbo:ihe money in constructing �'railroada, steam- oof oi you. r. authority to give up Miasinatic district systent against I pasKed with. the goddly Wrong, o-urept child h t , lc once' Ild 06 Ile t i a -two by apublic tb6rough�, to hs letters mfscu�iied% schools, libraries 11 'ge of, fill ;011 Aud� the quaint little clapreb. was'hoiahE I the childcan you show.? more fam kunhing through iti midst, and into, I a,nd�all the -fine thingWYOU'leDjOy 60 frs6lyl- always have a paper like this S -d bilious and. tbo use of at -an at last a lumpoola.. 12010 ook long; w ich, on' sit er; alp .I somebody', payS.the P0116'e- other Said, -banolBg the if you '9'�a It h d' front 'and �a' ck the Composition of a- youth' w o soo� $d to refor a w jeered d ' byjbe ow a in, reman, -Ahe. Soldier,. sailoi,'.-the y8 I fast, -an -except t Areporter d Bell a bad-brliat6j pail's Ion 0 'we liee�er,aiid adhoolm '�ter.� ,But you - need have 'no fear�of ever generally, Rop Bitters will 9,�vo you. fair shill A, phantolt choir bold sovereign sway is: 6alled Page's Passage, probably froin'tho tho'generality of Delysfoid.f6lk by depart- a rich blood, and wesbrombh,hdiafth, audom� hseI were b6ro your fathee 'being troubled; I Only get the papar� us� an for� With the. al.uth sins ofth6 past. that it.,originally presiontid, o 'tbe'� t. I a, Fro- the day you ing� fr.n�'h a na ivp p ace..,.&P, ma iDg a', and th 'a a fed; clothed ail red� name, for b rnaelf I ad or v aboAte oxtraru e.9% eguar a of the Stomach, Yes of Du Lys House, a ahort,cut from:� It In sb'01-6, they diii-is Till, tam' anBipii �upoil the Green to' the h r r n, Kai,vos, Killueys, Bright's stree 6, Bid. ran� 6, ell ws ydu.,� It.:hag coot you nothiDg. '1 No�ne, of: cousin wishes to -'be, very careful Bowols,Blo6d, 'T Discaile� $500 will bo paid for a case they.will these great' public'�w6rks, roads, canals, My babyitshenestli he tall 61,m,trees, tile booths aiid rnaikets��f- ihe,tob�! The The ert� bogolilA 6 6t ail eilr; w and -I think I will make a,co it, to shb* A yon-any,thin: not curo ol, hell). towas,'naivibs'arid armiesboA;, g. P, f* -t wreath of,tangWd ribbons in her lfands�; necesb1tv'Which impalled"this:extraordinary. wily.wes, 11 base Olar? bay lawyer and' as 1.0111 She und.:,twists the lii�arly�colorod lk.bis',o' 'pin' Tbaf� bedridden,. inva i w; a,,, Bis er, c6n8tr,UZtiOn has long Since psrished. Pages 'CausoivIly a u6we,tro I oil,. HOW cau'.you,:Say. the 'world -6Wesyoua ill . ofhor or daughter,. can be 'rilado the l3ictdro'of Oh, Ws all, right," said she,� nervouglyj coress, weaving a6s illies, . t , -,-ycu­-.Wb6'-ure ill debt'? 't to r'e-gain. the � Paper;' but as t eal bb by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing A lihlb'sor ho longer. rush from D a. Lys H use' to WhVi it Provo 6 is c olor I ,. --7-7- 1-li-ft rying butu t'r'lfle. Wift Now the uure:wbite�sbe "u tg�, 0 bas,'a'boy'don ... I it sb&, w6ht -on oil let th'em� suffer.?,, :secret eiratid, �enlerga tockfl Whit a to" dserve"al this )rter pio6eeded- -to' ight., Some 7 repo thepee, t'rini'a'n'd, alert, to,snabeh.a lirlef mail might., fia'' 'a d Thing�: Jt is you who . must Pity- twkin6vAth renco. Oly of erfrusi 'the affront, Not a But 8tP11iei1)`s`o in, luridae'tllo'brand ve ive - own Pti.. of indiffe- F U 0 WaS7 11 so notfibe World. I-111he paper; wfilch, WaB,iJigued inia trernu� 17011i pilsql6n'l flreS' oryollow� liloo the bauall reoreatGN6'the fair. Du Lys Hauge has b ' b ot'of, this ' A. :,th6rouAly' That lend soft setting lb the astiro sead. tobe the residence of -the is listed, he turned his back upon Eng- Ahl lio*yEiihe ..'was foolish,,creattire who lou 1 s Fie I rawl . abd scaled . With w4itfer, I lib, a And so with sweet, 16il Hhe-tills .9 A suiuy'or hour; still follywing,fanci6s iiew,' desceAtnti of ffib� S'leug, Du U and �6ughv- 861uce- In myrriade. For first The' owos rne'a living." mother of tbe obild:relinquishes 01 laim KPIROVED -W si-e lir� -abf- - t jb �,Id­ d I� Tilltsb suddon,iteri-or-thrills -be leC'8ived,fr6rn William the -Conqueror r -.sin CURE foe l0 ac i gives crinto the CUBU(Juy �S Le 0, Yvo&ves, hoeail:dJJ!JI36.C1l6l0J pr0VG, tracts of land well watered by the no, man, living' till' he has done E IDNEY'DISEASE 00 true. river or, Mile' &at,, if lie had -from time of Mrs. Farmy E. Post, who at. her pleastIre to tithe , I wortilty-dGed; acme g shall give the child out for adoptioii or, in P Does 4 Jame back or disordered ii�rine indi- Thank Godl our fates proceed lot from o r� ad I :wh ' o eventually gave his Dania to the to England, he,had nev­ar visited ood work to mitk; the M town which soon sprang thevicinit�.o 'world b6ttat'and. a: fftirer.place�tol.li'vo in. other Way, 4i6poso f ts best 0 cir�,o thaty.,on arba P THEI�, DO-.XOT up in f Dpl�afora* But on a �udden'tfiere as a, any of' it. or STa . -Wort at once', (drug, s E , use lCidney The P,,Wor that spius the tliread rba'll,bland hiB,ba�onial re idence. The Du hyseshave 4�tnge. A certain Christmas.. btotight gists rgsivirtend it) and it wiu speedily over - the lruc.,� Tbo3e, - old felldft, who dug,.oabaI6 mud laid interests without interference' or ques too. m long ugo retired a humbler residence, back life to tb6 solitary in 0 11iJttOwDs ' Who built 6ties'-slid Invented' ansiou f Delys :the �mk6er or any, one in her behalf." die arld restore licalilly acticIll. arb Tif 0 0 Thie S�U it E I)ONE IN THL 1)MTKI but Plige's'liassage' still leads the pedeB.' mere., Fro 9,11 these'splandia things-th6e teJagr'aphs, 'Tu r a. Pbs't confessad to the that (D cae-or corrip2aints p0oadiar ESS. Basins reappeared., bringing wit I . �ifi,. s �r triiin through tbb � heart* of their Retreat t. : , ­ I heoe�� ships; fibese maguificelit. engi4eS,-� She know this paper had no legal sign Ja Ladie- wtoyouvsex, such as pain P ' Ryt6d in, 81101)(2e, wil parted by night" him 4, pretty, dark-e�ea. daugh er. hl�td thi� right idea. Tb ",%ndwonknesses,michloy.Wortisu�16urp"sled, Oil tile bank Of It 66MUtifil I river' Ly work6dmabfully,, cande. Arrlitigism, whose, parlors embrace it� on, '�#har' side, - He fouudhis tenants aud.fellow-towns-� ants were.tben'madd to it win sob promptly arid ilaftly. No son nd be t a Ali rg]L, its sight' and whosq, upp and the world at last -did, owe'thilm 6 Vving' call for the child, to -day. � B . afore h6. left or chambers form its roof. men glad, to welcome h6n. -The affa'Ir of Swift she sank, with scarcely t alliver a �d,pkid it Many times. ove�- *If you ean, brick dust or roPy deposits, and du I o1raggleg The. nightingalbo; tbe, stiLls' $Felytly Part of 'Du Lys � House bas.' degenerated th 6 1 am p6on was forgotten, o r �oWy ell tickle d Mrs. -Post drjclttre'cl to he reporter that She 0 pains, all sp6edily yield to Its'euxiitivii poiver, i g but,Aebt �:yo� owo: the einto- the 'Du L us, and the remain. over occasionally by the gossips who,had r � � ;� 11 ­ � had been thirty ea�s,ilf'ltfis busilliess; had 43- soyD BY'Au��p=GGISWS.'3? Ile ng-goAbwork an �Pbow I:y B Art to got 0 And, der bq boQu nubdivided into. am -thousau t of babies, and th at 1191, .: wonien When disposed 611 sorrow sbowllfl n- Iniddle-aged rue� and illif v a 9, man. Th on;� �,w in 'ate tenerxie'nf;V.'� But if'o bu Ii�s has ever the liBiBeemly ..joke had been perpettate& Y". a nott6nly, had her'acti �s never been que§- N Di h"D vdft�%,6ve sShown the world you can worh�',It atteanted t6'Ajel�oa�eaa P--- T 1,, T - 1, A � __ �­ ;, 1,;� wl 4ioned in,'coart but' that her conscience ys - so a, a ri, u i I I . . ing; and the,floor and, ..6pprove o procure g'ob'd homes :r" _T_71 k- J-1 ay, -A rougi'his father, who har -so stre nuous The aphis is,doing m'greab deal of I 'their rikht h ly - Opposed. 91,`dly Pay you'a "v d her, as sh a TT' damage dwelliD I be to -the -buds -on --app e�-ti h7d� -vicinity 9 FretiIaiv6's wiiihes� had Ion'g. been dead. more libble y6ur wo:tk tho: greater wil for obiWrou�who would oth or wise �.killed T itliabita,,6 of Delysfbrcl- ilost . IV, the. place 11 v . vas�.chs;Bg�d, and, your-reward� or grow up,6u the streets. OUR m6 TdS b5Y of Bellpville. are I: Thil aspect of'. CAN BE o IN si\ N quiet, - Stay-at-home i�ibople,'.whwa wea-111 C. Mtillor and Win, h FreiijaibQ hiin8elf waB'outwsr.dIy'.alte,ied *� , -Kei�ta7 �rurul 0 itor, 'whose paper 'br Ilion, bad a duel :,W.-ith -,io r, itt. . . I . 1, . Rusebern, 'married dclas not is ser6ne exter a Can't Get' broadsw6 exceed: tb6ir-'Wit, nor their wit Bu�`,Botwitljstanding' b 8 110y, '011TIVE, RUSS; Ids 111, their wanderings � whose health is generally. he Was, still dissatisfied at heart. i& pubW3lfed,Pn'Wedussday8, makes the to- !�,I'illllry 0i ad allek�d) Diabefts,.B�igpt',8� ROOM'S E 1, E 01 A 0 Bownlunville, 111, oil Thur8day l?1sb% 0, Moll �Ltbi�ndant,-bu-t.-v�hosb-enterptiAe,if3I usuttAily-_1 - -povert-�-�-pr6varbia�l-i-n-ili6--Du--L-ys -qu0St-iU­&�1JeV6vt-jS _Eiver P.1 -Lill Th a tj�'? , , I , mer,the atfootiona Of all ialx- dormant. 'Their !families,. have' I dwelt at family fo'r three o I r four gen I erabl6ilg, and contempla�e'gdtting- hurt, gdttiiiA,o6t d' yatlrfainilyi� �lop Bitt'01'811roese I It (Lif , mrriuL of these �'Iisbasos Ildl Cire g66 Containing principals, Wbich t '1,� killing � Bdinabody, - runniug� off �wi�h: .."I�olf'Ayba,vo 0,11Y ular, f'rqo. secdpda, Surgeons a; Dolysfokcl from 'time Immemorial they he haughty. aud,reserved race bad I'll, Nlhrl nd friends 11r6ceeded to hav; all - intermarried"aild most of' them not mended by obstinately adhdring�foi aoWebody'6,v7ifo,'.or getting kicked by a DoWtjoi* aild, don't, get sow a u h �eli.this, , 1$11�to the re'nde'zvoud, Muller, thJ"Cliallenging bear names of French � origin. Strangers 'At least a *century; from. father to.soll—to mule, will please do So On Sat&Aay$"�,Si1n_ . 6 buiT t NY] 11 ol�ly harni you. INT CD –I—, _1�� Party, was out rather aeve*raly'abo 11eys and Mondays, A13 Ahalt willil' head and cried ol�itsl' , No' arrest 'It �ha, have' not often settled 'in this man-forgo't- the pw:suit�of letters as their Sole profes- Ive us, ONTO. s, CQUIDIIN ST. EAST,,TOR a. 8 on the tombstones Sion, still clung� td Rene Du Lys. Never." ti�le to write it -up" in the'..fullesti.:. atails �Wllat the ye rs 'Will' briDg a in an is, ton Spot; fhesarname . v W . , I ., 1. A diseliso,xo�embling glanders has broke ile,it is fresh, and 89 cry. HtAv,he'idtO_geit that coal stove n in the -oburebyard' by the May recur over tbelesB, b)f virtue' of his natab, be exerted wh rP1.1 E.,WILLIAMS E VAPORATOR out among the mules in the Stables of,the 'and over again.' But the place is favored an influenea in' the place which, P remaine* , Relatives to be's6voided are c%nJ out into tile back kitchen is�averythftlg.',,� , 1- .11 JL for tile pro8o�vttfton f all loinds of fruits New, Orleans Cit� Railroadi Several were by Heavem the�rayer of Ague hasheeil might claiin 111, Valn. The two men con- nibuI8 those that' lj�a on oth6r -piso�le'?" A Brooldyn, �irl recovered a verdict for audv�gotitblcs. shot, bu a disease appelitrAlfo be Spread. , granted to it. Nature � bus fed Pelysford I 'thert, with `eolual talents, 1, "Then Uncle George' 1,000'against Johir And LinaBogpnachube S111:6 at, Ifaiinilto if, IC ana(lit. Solid,,for'circulak, ing rapj� th fronted each o 9 Yes, my 'Son, I - . ..... Y. There id M�cb exc'Aomeni 'with food conven1imb for it, and she' has equal urbanit d beauty. But to the md8t be' a cannibal, for mamma says ho'8 for alle ing that she' !Ill L ......... * -- Y) � equt I flirted w a orqe caIr A, WOMIC'812 a dav lit hoind eamlymadil Ivan it neith r,pov6kty, n 6 one Was -added, a long tale of goodly a aes. always living 0 M Angusts, me. abo. , I 1� . . I . I I , , Ig . I ­ a . 1, n n -somebody._ c0n4uc or. Costly 0311t free. lit it., or Xichoo. It. th J, .. ...... . . V� j