HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 7ur Grani i :ekes Sur * ? len, THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL BINDS OF Woilr eii and Children's Boots ,& Sho! s. - spring 'Stock Well assorted, and a.D departme'nts. complete in. ALL GOODS, SOLD CHEAP FOR CASA On Saturday last was the, comment of hundreds of la who paid us a visit. rye tis. we_ :.e ancE siia e cal i _ grb, :deur .ies es for And our prices ' are 25: to 30 per cent lower than any other house. How cheap your goods are," was the exelama_ tion of almost every one. ESTATE OF JOHN IODGENS THE :DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON. • DAILY .�lItiI2IVTN r English; Sco�c: Oo'atiri s, rs 1i -ram's ' Fluid Lightning 1s the -only instaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache,' Toothache, ;Sic. tabbing: a few dreps briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one'min.- ute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of`Krani'sFluid Lightn- Ing, -,Twenty.filie cents per bottle a,t }. H. Combo's, drug store. M -r.. ;Blake will probably take a vote before the prorogatien.on a constitutional. issue. The' publication of American•land.ad- yertisements, in the Dominion Gevern- •Inent's'.:itnnligration literature has horne" onespeeted fruit. _ The Secretary of State (Mr. Chaplean) has purchased a.magnifi- cent .ranch e of nearly 12,000 ,acres at Los Angelos, California: . Now, if a Liberal. leadcr.h'ad'made this: purchase, what a howl of; indignation ,from -the Tory press of Canada would have echoed' to the very, heavens.—Hamilton -Times.. A sudden rush of water caused .Uy heavy; rain,_kfav aauseii. Deallwood_ci� er,.Dakotu,. to rise and sweep away several mining, cities built -upon its banks.: The loss amounts to millions. FOR., $ALT+� Irish. Iveeds5 ikELLiNO. souse and b•akeri, attached; house p,artly Indshed, b nice y -ready for opcnitioti, in the • v ll a ,a of Croswell, Similar:, Al ,heels: Conti- Place for a good UaLer ; aro oth} r bakery here', will he sold- ' on terins. Apply by ;letter or in person to AWrIN STEINIIAUSER Air r B. URI N (,enera] hand Agent, Crosueall, S.ani1 e Co.' Mich • S1` er 1 GET' 1'4I?'Jt SPEINC1. SiT1` NOW. inimetise stock to ` select from. 0 W11.6 \ I,VER FAILS TO (r1VE'1'JSFACTION, 15 STi LL OUR Prices 713v y , c oival: Big.Stock of FARM EOR SALE.. fhl1E under tgnedonet•5forsilon, firm id50 acres, in lire t i in situated in Alnler townohip seer iou 22, 1a a it: e c otint;y, near the' fat na of Mr. ]'01e• Cole. Cord soil, well drained, aiid will beweld cheap. • All pertu.n Kais givgiven on application '.. 1 i-ni _ -. J.ITUS: d:l)1LK E',:Ciinton, ll� 1 1 lei. C(1I, AM of (;ood Iforseih for Sale. Apply _L tow TOWNSENT)Got lo, Htr'lii•ld (on., Bothe - rich tovaiihhip.. ' •i N ow Patterns. Low 'Prices. .Black and Colorer Andeverything,iisi! l ,, kept in a first-.blass'.Dry Goods:ITIoITse.. SPRING '& SUMMER FULL STOCK OF. GROCERIES. TATS ON THE WAY.` )w' increasing trade in .Other departments compels ns for want room . to g'o out of'BOOTS 6'6. SHOES: and CROCKEPY. T s , b �'1;'� GLASSWARE. Wl , Ol.l.lOUR �VIiO`Lr STOCK' Oh "T,FTk51. Goons AT COST. 11,. COAT C. CRUICKsIIAN)'i; BRICK BLOCK,. C.L IiNTTON FURNITURE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MARY AND Y. 'Tivas'eveuipg in May, and tho soft zephyrs, sighed 'Through branches low bending above.: My Mitry and I, as we wander'd along And whispered of beauty and love.-. 1Ve'll make us a nest like the birdlings, And never -shall !fartanylmore. Oh, yes! she replied, ane! -can -furnish itnice Atthc_S0Reo.Roo14ER" FURNITURE STORE. ‘...Fair creature ! there's many a wealthier man Would -gladly have you fora bride But no one can love you more fondly than I, My treasure, and beauty, and pride ! ' i ' had I a mansion,.with carpets of ging- • And of siker I d cover-the:floor Bet sinning,'. she said, `ion can purchase the best " I • At the "BED Rosare' FUniairtiu STORE.' "l'll spread you a couch upon which to r eclilic When cvemng shalt -call us to rest Of the fleeciest down But she said with a sigh, "I like •Bo:vtraTT's. mattresses the. best.' • `'Then soshall it be, love=and table's inlaid, {•, • And seats from some far distant shore." "Ob, 00 !" she eacla;naed, `they havo elegant chairs= ✓-.--: At the "'RE] 1 0ot:ER." FURNITURE STORK." We went.. IIappy days Can I ever forget' The pleasure that betpned inl her face. . § she gazed at the marvels of beauty, ,displayed 1u this most wonderful place! - We furnished our nest in an elegant style." Been married .a twelvemonth' orrnore; And Mary is,singing this song tri;,her babe, Of the" Iltsn'RocicsR',' Fgavrruas asrose. A. A. BENNETT, • SION OF TILE REDr ItOC1iER,. door to Harlcaa(l Bro,q. .t ors, Albert, Street, Clinton. „r um; ut,aareep asnVtuan3 sstio sxtg diuo.atty $ iDu las' isZON/107 FOR, • HI A I'. GROCERIES Crockery, Glasshiare, Oat eal,`and Cornmeal al l\tiffs On hand, ALS O Petty's celebrated • English Breakfast' !icon; /0,,,..-0/ eap• , I;iicau; S"ugtur Ciiretl.Hom$, And Aro. 3 LAR.D. lines$ whteh cannot be beaten in town. HI'S 60 'TEA -.A S;PECIAL;TY SOLE 1GENT Dobbins' ELECrI�IC SOAP HO11ZAS ALRERT STREET C SEEDS ! .;SEEDS .! QW IN 'STOCK FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN Secedi, from the -most, rel iahle,Becdsmen. • G-�OC�R�Es Try our choice Tea at5O c. per Ib. I'Rl FEARM,U 'S' CELIIIBRA'rE11 IiAAMS. SALT A Targe Wigan SaZI in stock.. ' J.' M GAIIVA. Cliiitan, April 11, 18Ar. Albert Street, Store- and Offices „to Let l'Eultws 11 0. 11121 WEIi ;Manager 'tiln c11.2L>>, Thr r, io; MoiSonS Ban (11utani not) STOCK . RREEDERB -The Apieiidul:,. .1 Stallion YOUNG SAMSON will bo at Swarts Rotel, Olinton 'EVERY:SATURD',&Y afternoon during the season. A limited number or ni8rns served. Terms, to insure $8 for the sa+.ason c1; WM. PF,RI)UE, (toderielc 1'i', proprietor. TTOUSES 'rt1 RENTI`h at, 1i, n a lately qe;u� 11 pied hV Mr. •.11erse. • That ilOUOO 0Wtbe orner-ot 5leeue cr--aud Elle ;- 10roonie good stabh,• well, &t Will lie old ehe11 .1 nn Application ma' be'ade'.1, MID; S. r WALSIT,_ or . • 31ANNiNC, & SCOTT, IhtiriStes DRY KILN ("ALL AND" SEIi iT AT COOPER &'McKENlIE'S PLANING MIIL f 'ME subscribers, v\lnle thanking their many ems .11.. toniera for thy pati oitiv00 extended to them, desire tOintimate, that in connection with their het or), Near the Grand1runk failaray, :. They leave erected n Dry Ifiiia,. which enables them more :promply,tean,cver.tO execute all work in their ' line ofbUoiness, CON, T . A 40-r.1_71 For buildings taken, and material furnished at the shortest ti �,ihlc notic rind at t aon hie rates t, ;: 1 ti '� en Panel iht t sills SIIINC.LI.S k 1(:c a vi n1 41,Cop o § atldtnal e , ,ptj(natty of LIME, whieli will be sold at Alio lowelt prices. Clinton 11112 '1, 1S82, COOPER ;1, \1c 1(i s-zr, `, " trams. dOItN RTI)pi7T, 1 !uton. 1 it GRAND °; GENERAL gOLIDAY. It(ontstce Denio'ii.straii4in—Genuine OIt1 Euuutry Fair' i J A .CRANI) I3ALLUON• ''ISCENSWN (1f two niomitel' Balloons. wi11 takepiacebn the OLTNTON-DRIVING .'ARK Wit e— -(1a 1OZIa. 29. A grand gala tf.t- , Flee hi 'c6t silo of'tho sea- son. Excursion trail's on all l allioasls at re- duced rates CAPT: iA1AY:T) ansa '/,,OLA Will ascend with the hallo4n, and Iglve traps/o per, form 10005'in mid air. V9r.;r fthflcr pnrtieflats'. Hee bilis •. 1 G IIRLSIIIV'11A I1� [ (lII K FOR 'iALII. _L— A second hared 020121.2, TititESft:n and 1iorso rower, in F,00(1 working r older, only a Short timo in n80.-15 offered for saie on ease.. Triose wlio.have. used our. In the ,past 'tiro satisfied with their uniform quality and low. price,respectfully solicit a call -from those who nave not already tris d can. roods. Fresh arrival this week, ,which` is' tale best: value :ever offered In t11e TONVii:.of. ;Clinton, at the Nom'Ei/•: •TEA, COFFEE aSPIc°i '.Iiot?si:. Cash f arid ;for 'Ego's. ti S. P—LLISER. T: WHITE, M .. Vi NETH ELAS DAI Now in. steak; franl tate rely. best Seed houses of the country,, onduqcirio. every description .o:f CLovl:;lli;.lor:Ill- , Ti,IRN1P, &Cr:; ' VEcE,rAt'r,E and 1,LOW E i ,SEEDS. a 5 arclen} Tools. Prices the lowest::. sti P7 DA VIS, I'aiadWare, Seed ; and Tin Ilouse, Clinton. tFti CcS. c'Dh, 4• M C v' y �•�{ "mom •rn y•r� , C—y e=' powI. a, 50.. o <i