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The New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 5
FOR .SPRING & SUMMER',, , Y L , „ 0 , ,p , , r Our stock for tine spring and summer'trad&'villbe found; very-, complete,..being much larger,tllan ever before, and for quality. and style cannot be excelled, and will be offered at prices to { suit the closest buyer. CUSTOM WORK • We manufacture both SEWED and PEGGED[WORE, and guarantee to give satisfaction. Trunks & Vali,$A, large assortment, very cheap. ecent discount for cash.. w. TAYLOR & SON, `Coats Block, Clinton N re Spring Lines'' of Boots an( Shoes. Women's)Boots rangin • from $1 per pair up to $2.50. Men's Gaiters "and Bals, $2 -per pair. . Prunellas ,from (i0c. upward. Call early and secure good bargains.f We still sell large quantities of 3 Ib. TEA foi 1, equal to some dealers'`` 50 cent Tea. ': PRODUCE TAKEN FOR GOODS. '; C`LINTON, March,1883 POTATOES WANTED. TROT/EPSON & SWITZ]ER New Maple" Sugar. Fresh Oranges, 'Lemons and Bananas. • A few gal. Tins 1VIaple'Syrup Good fresh Mangold AROUND 111E. 'CODUNTY.' Stanley l!'Tetliodist' ,.Epiacopu]-Cburoh• • voted;9gainst Union. •1 Mr.'H'enry Penedo, of Manchester, left last Thursday for England .and! Scotland, to -perches() horses. a to '1S>fde"Awake Druggists, Mogen. Watts & Co: are always alive to their business; and spare no pains to secure the best of every article in their line. They 'Mire secured the agency -,for the celebrated ' Ring's Newi'iepovery for Cbnsumptron. Tbe''onlycertaincute known' for Consiimpp: tion, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma DON'T PULL Ip.—Use Newton's one minute Hay fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the toothache cure. •`P.elief'at 0000.; of all dealers, ' Throat tand Lunge.. Sold on- a poetise• gna 155cts. a ranter) Trial bottles free. Regular size $1. Capt. A. "Bogie, i s ;purchase] the farm > masa; ed bytthe late John Strong, at Shep- pardton, for the Loan Co of:Lendon, ami part of the stock for $3,500., '1`lie farm Si, FOWLER R lG contains 80 acres. • W. L. Fagan( atatipri agent, at"Ethel, has secured the appointment of Prince Arthus's Lindlog' for the Canada Pacific Railway 13E�3 S;l'OeK• OF ASI�TTie* frosts•of aidtervanish.under the,.oa1- orio indolence of;,the sun a Grays so'doesiBriglit's Disease,' Droppsy', Stone :in the Kidneys and Bladder. anti Inflamation'of'the kleneys, leavo. the body upon the administration:' of DR. VAN BUREN's KIDNE. CURE. Sold by all druggists. Mr Hu'h Leve, of Hills -Green, was re corttly, Sffered :but refused $1,800 for his splend.idyeung imported stallion " Hero." The t,ffer was made by.,a gentletnan from London township.' Mr. H. Mills has rented W. Patterson's farm >f 100 acres,, in Morris, for one year, for 8240. .Mr, Pat.tersirn retains the house and garden, and, purposes working at' thee brick -laying business dorring the "simmer. GW. Mingay,• P•arkdalc, Toronto rtites "My wife had several :very 'severe attabk.v of cramps in the stomach:; 'Hearing tit Dr, aGetin[s: Phosphutitte•. and its piston t s ro .t,its; I gave her•twobottles ond;she has not had an attach stuce, and her herlth is much rwlirove d." For sale by all dauggists. ' o r e' A .ors. No the medicine ra so reliable as y Cheri',. Peetoi al for colds, coughs, and all de- rangements of the respiratory organs tending toward' consumption. In all ordinary cases it is a certain sure and" it affords sure; relief' for the :asthmatic. ani] consumptive; even in advanced.' stages of disease. 'Mr. John Denholm,.who resides near Blyth;',has disposed of his farm to Mr: A. 11. Fod7ity, ttialfiebelieopei afiWelpaid bei gr$4,in500.. -M r Jacoby takes_ possession In "about" a week and,141r Denholm returns to Blyth Says DRTDEN "She knows her man and when you rant ands•wear, can draw you to her with a single hair. But it, must be beautiful hair to liars ouch power ; and beautiful hair can "be•en- enred-by the use of CINGALESE }Ata RE>,vEwER• Sohi'at geiotsj;by all druggist's. ' r, r Mr. JameerHi11en,'of the' llth" con. 'r f. McKillop,, was offered thecother day $150 for. a -two_ weeks old colt, "providing he would keep it until it.wa four Months old. Mr. Hilhn:refused the tempting:. offer.. IN THE history of niedieine' no preparation. has received such universal'commendation for- the;alleviatiou nt iiifords,- and. the • permanent euro.it effects iu kidney .diseases, as DR. 'VAN . BUREN'S. KIDNEY UL xut. Its action in these.dis- tresszn;; complaints is simply wonderful. gold by all druggists. - Mr. Robt. Campbell, ; orthe 7th con. of McKillop, -has purchased the 'west half of lot 29, ou the 9th con., known as the Clay- ' ton lay. 'ton farin, for Which he 'pAid $2,250..The farm contains:50'aores, ,and has on' it a go"od,baru -besides other baildings. "Why should a loan whose blood is warm within sit like his grandsire eat in• alabasters" or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thiu,•when. ' CINGALESE, �:ENEWER'will make•it grow' the:. faster. For sale byall druggists.;" Terni & Sorghum Seeds. Mr. David.. Sauderson, of.:Howick, .►110' •hoe been confined•iirthe London Asyltem for ,the last'' eight years, greatly surprised hie,family and neighbors' by his return •homer He escaped. frein' Ike Aeylum last Wednesday: atnoen,, having wal1ed.the distance, 75 miles, in that time H'Nvas sent -hack "on Friday •-- • No (HOUSEHOLD should be considered complete without a -bottle of DR.: VAN; BUREN'S KinNEY. CURE ie in the closest.. It is the only remedy -- that will positively, permanently and promptly' cure all forms of kidney -`diseases. Sold' by all druggists. ` I" Mr. H. Madeon, near Chishilineet,met '• with' what might !have. been .1' serious accr- dent a short:. trine ago: •1'Ffe'was in, the bush with a teats of"horses, ons of them •a colt, ''when tbo annuals, becoming •un'man- agea'ble, tried to irun`awav `They pulled Mr.Madson`eveir the dashboard, and• drag-, ged'hiim sorne distancs`aii the ground:,"He" -stools; ;manfully to, hie; lines,; but" in doing so was considerably scratched'and"bruieed•. If a well be poisoned; woe be ;to those; who drink :thereat. It is worse"to poison the form tain of, life for one's self'.-and'for posterity. Often by carelessness,' or misfortune,' or in heritanee, thiel has 'self done. , Ayer's•Sarsa parilla frees the blood, the vital stream, and restores appetite ttrengtli'and-health. - Now Slur there is a roliable romedyy for kid- ' ney-troubles, half the terrors attached,to,':these complaints oars been removed..:,For this let all be thankful laud to Ds .r -VAN Mixtures KIDNEY CURE award all praise f, r haying thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our .path. It was never knon n'tcrfail. Sold by all Last'Monday.tlio•aittention of Ccf•oner Small was called to the fact that the dqad. body, Or an iiifant kad been'.fnttnd in tike;; -water eloset'Of Mr "1 ni.,.Evans,''betw• en Brussels ,and, Wros'i>ter:t" A jury; ■a empanelled and a peat iiroit'em exatni' a- tion>held, but no evidence" :was given to convict the unfortunate smother—who ' as a hired •girl tit Mr. EVans'I-of foul' pla4l'.- The jury gave a verdict n accordance.wl}tft Dr. Brownl'ee's • evidence, that 'death . WJas, caused by natural causes and want of at• - • tentiori -at .birth " J• 5 Wetherell, Writingirom"Wimuipeg, .Sails : 'hent saomore. about Phosphatine now. than when saw saw you last in Toronto: MY:health .is much improved a, d I'anz free from; heailaohes. or any other aches, having only used two and a halfbottles of your Phosp zatine. For, salo 1>y • all. druggfists: - , StAFOR ii ITaMi.-'Johm' Campbel'1, of Bivant; aels, has taken posession'of the;Co- merciel hotel. " Mr. James Laidl aw, of the, firm of Laidlaw &'Fairley, ]itis' purchased the' residence and property 'belonging to Mr.'aas.H. Beheon, for the slim of $3,500. Mr: B. Clary, of this town, haslron'ted the Alma hofeil, and will take'possession" about the„1it of June Thetown gets gravel do- 1iderdd at $2A0,h cord Onil' twor appals against -the assessment roll. Tit salary Of the. Mechanics' Institute librarian has been �. O rale©d M to;$300 a year. r ,Alex Cardno, a " a few, days ago, sold a grade intzlcll co�v ,to "M"r: IrtilKil Donovan for"Glie bulli of•�$'92. Bowden's hetet is: to be sold by public auc- tion on Thursday, the ].4th•of June. Mr,• M. P. Hayes, hasp'tirchaeed`an island, in Nipeaop Bay on wliich,he-is"ggisig to open •out. ,a red sand stone .quarry. The amount spent for.into footing liquors in the• United States Iastyeai waa$75,00Q0,- i 000. -The value of all the church propgrtq In J. Cunin"gharne, Clinton geor O.: SOI;. VIOLIiOi`' S 'RIN IN TOWN.. FINE PLATED -WARE. NEWEST DESIGNS IN JEWEL - f. Repairing. done Promptly. iC1inton, May 211h.'1882. ' t,lathh aidClock Maker, JEWELLER, &c., OP_POSWFE TILE i4'iii iiKET, CILANTON Where he keeps a,select assortment of • WATCHES, CLOCKS,. , JEYJJFLLERY, ::,SlLYER-' " WARE, Which'we will . seli -at reasoliable rates: Repairing of 'every description promptly at tended,to, and all work warranted. J. BIDDLECOMBE Qiinton, Nov. 1S82. V' G'CODe R w !c Alines plain an RES ODs rplEIE subscriber will coutinuea that business 1 formerly; carried on by the firm of Newton & Dennis,,and'hopes to .receive a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed. HARNESS, ALL...'KINDS. - TRV'NKS, VALISES, WHIPS, Q MB S & ,the Unitech•States Was but $3643000;000. I , Itncicieu'e Arnica 4nive. "he-greti eS,t}medich"l-wotfde of"the world:- ,T, to speedily cure urns triode, 9 er Sores art , iF � C Pricer alwisy s reaMouitblC,, W L• : �TVCT'�ON, . CLINTON: _ City Cabillot 1Jaooffl8 FURNITURE STORE, • CLINTON. THOS. STEVENSON Having moved into his new brick store Car OPP,OSITTHE,T.OWN'HALL, Begs leaye,to elate tolh'ie numeronsfuends in Clinton, and the eririourjding country, that he keeps on" Band su a r' r pe is .9uali tyof!Furniture gf"all•tcinds,'such as'.. BEDROOM". & PARLOR .,SETS - - ^ Of the -latest stylet; alto " - _. BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, • BUREAUS,' TABLES, And everything tliat constitutes furnishing, a house in his line; which bewill sell at the lowest living piofit;' 1 aslt a share of the public patronage,, being. thankful_ for pastfavors and hopeful for the future. The public are invited to call and see for themselves. THOS. STEVENSON, Clinton, July (3, 1882. 4YE;:air ALPACAS L i u11 ATEE ARASOLs. paring-, :mild Slimmer. ALL TIT LATEST NOVELTIES. See our tine assortment of Straw Hats and . Bonnets in ter 'a cotta crush strawberryand all' theiieW colorsaiitl styles -' ,y Fine assortment: of White and ,colored LACES. Fine assortment of ENGLISH and -FRENCII FLOWERS. See our Ottoman corded: !• R PnoNs--a,ni�d -Si xS, our new shades iii SArriris: Our'" Sills tiny isle GLOVES. Our. HOSIERY and FANCY GOODS. Fine L ortlnent of beautiful FEATHERS and also PARAsoLs. . Dont forest that now is the time to: get your. STRAW AND TAPE; HATS fuses over o into all the leading styles, BEESLEY, =Beaver Block, >Clinton restores, with the gloss and freshness- of youth, faded or' gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may bo desired. By its use light,, or red: hair maybe darkened; thin hair thickened,` and baldness often; through not alt ays 'cured It checks failing of the hair, azul stimulates a weak n sick ly growth to vigor It preyents and cur ea scs 8f :and dandruff, and Beals nearly eVe`ry` disease peculiar to life scalp. , As wadies' Hain' 7Dresshng,,the x.;IG0R is unequalled ; it:containsr neither oil nor tlye„rehders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in.appearance,and imparts a delicate,:" agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. C. P. I#Rrcnsa writes from Kirby, 0., July 2,1822: "Last fall my hair, commencers f rllinr out, and iu a short tune 1 became nearly bald,1 used part of a bottle••of A VER's II IIID 1'r br which stopped the falling of the hair, and started a new growth'Phase now a full head of hair growingvigorously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald J, NY. Eownv, ilroprietor of the McArthur (01tio)' Enquirer, says AYER'S HAIR Vicomis a most excellent preparation for the hair. . T•speak of it fronr my, ower experience. Its uses promotes the rroWth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft.' The VIoon is also a sure cure for dandrniP Not within sny;knowledge has the, preparation ever Mailed to give entire satisfaction." • '41R. A.Nous I'Ailiuerrtg leader of the cele- brated 1'FaiibP•irnF3,mily 3ofscotticli'Vocalists, writer front Boston, - Utile , Feb. 0, 1880 ,' Ever since my hair be air to give silvery evidence of the change which tie etina time procureth, I Have used Aynit's 735515 1 iooit,"and so: have begs •ablo to maintain an appearance of youthfulness—a mat: • ter of considerable consequence to ministers, orators, ors, actors, and in fact'every one Who Lives in tiro eyes of the public." Itis. 0. I RrscdrT writing 'front 18"Tl1n Si:, -. CJtc a l .'tow 1f r to ❑ s. s. April R says : Two W 1 }, 1.82 s yTi years ago about two-thirds of my hair came oil'. 11 thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing ltld. On rising Aviris's 11AIit Vioou;tlie falling stopped and a new growth -commenced, arid" in about a mealy 1 covered " t i m had vas coni rhe of Y C 1 1 t Y with sttoxtli fir. It has continitett to grow,,and is iio ss good as before it fe11. " 1 regularly used,but ono bottled of the ViaOss, but now beef it o_ceasion ally s a dresst ig," — oe 53Zehavel ter it timorfAlstiri'iti3"" u t eds�rrf Sim ai les efficacy of it hit's ILtut Vraol. 1t needs but a Cuts, Ulcers Salt Rheum, w ' trial to convinco the most skeptical of its value, cern, dos, Chilblains, Corns ;ITette 1 ,1Chap-. • .1'RnxARED ng - pod Hands, and all skin eruptions, guarautl;ed Di'; J. O. Ayer &'00', Lowell Mass to cure in every hist! ince, or money.•refuttrdcd sold by.a11 Druggists, 25 Cents per -box. ;For sale by, Watts k, .Co : . Nit ' timg to secure 'BBRGAINS. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF oll's, OA -S,_ �La eel Misses a Clitorei}s Boots_ ally -Shoes; IJNTIRELY NEWiS.PItING; STOCK:' • IMMENSE VARTI TY LOWEST, PRICES VISITORS' WELCOME: • NO. TROUBLE" TO -Si -LOW: GOOlIS. I IN CEEAT TARILTY. CALL AND 'SEE T/IE‘111, BEFOPE ,PUECHASING• ELSEWHERE. .• J` OUR. STOCK0F HEAVY &;LIGHT HARNESS; IS COMPLETE. Trunks and Valises for the Million, Georgian Bay Shingles always on hand: tar 7.13E USUAL DISCOUNT FOR. CA 8H _ 113l®elit, Cl >ttc) iii.' MRP.0_4; The larbm sst stock and most beautiful designs ' this county, in • ant ti An - Ali`, d<tllo clleaP est:.•-=I'r-om-ilio-cOinxilo]les f to efiino s t -ems pensi'vo: ecu.' H. STMMPSON. 4�. ever brou'ujib into