HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 3—T ...... ... .. This iB�bne of the principal and sure testB ROMANCE 0 A KICK "YOUNG X 1'. AL J9l1NX8rr*t7S ESCA Ma)7' 4,5 -188. tit, the health of an. animal, wit"Xing foll. 11[olding can,­ Grame geed In Pubturew. iv,,rovviv 'tile -*Ny�ttlin' tvv, the BONOW of 11[1� )kl ps 111114 SUM. the t i tosi, At:ivaii Done. One. quandering whic.h:'Hei Whe Farmers often comp�,Ihin that thgi� pal's despatch od Itisnolistrialige was HeirJ, A, prominent minister- residing in.:Ver.', An OWAWi Y 0 '%,,he days are short, and the nights are long? ihat such is the case, since they do, nothing made the�lfollbRin to the drill of the native o9 Statement And tile wind is nipping cold to keep�i ip their fertility restore which. is with reprinted entire - Wrong, 4ege militia for 1883�4- have been issued The And tasks are hard and the sums axe force to be trained this year for a period And the teadhers often $cold, g&aseg and 9thpir forage drops thYt have BVYING' A, BARONETCY. To the r�ditoi, of !the All will ix been whp1ly br, partially exterminated by' Birtohnny NleCree, a& . uses.,, and those Ob, what pares be close feediDg, bad seasonp, or other York elegram says: In 1869 have al,ways, shrunk from aj)pear�ilg rpoeivia t a pay of thdir. ra As he whistles along thO Way.? Up& Willium� Tilden,% a relativ pror aqrpa ordered to train in camp 'of exercise Some kinds ofrasseB add at least ons, I a of Samuel J. nitiently before the public, but a 113, ,It will all cauta.t4ght f �f the duty I owe' humanity and thavorla will,receive in addition rations and shelter. By W-ijaorroW night. of clover remain in a pasture ut 6, ew' Milaen, died,, I i eavilig. an estate value'd at 0 ayS Johnny McCx(30 to-daY., a�000. Ile distributed it equally Prompts m8* to o bill y or years. They are only propagated 'by K t f , It is not yet decided where the camps ill a brief be held, but the numb r Sea, $%560 h- it' a to be trained in the RHEUMA E which of course doea�llot inaturp on plants 'moijg St. U -his four­sOnsi Williami milaull Makin a �our paper. The pluins are few and the eake is rilal C., " �at I th r, are bitten Wl, ther it,be true 'with Theshdesa�veoutattbetoe; off when they ate a few MaTmaduke� and 'Beverley B,; aged others I c4uho� differrit, diatkiots is as follows Province of For money you i6okin the purse in vain- lbehes high. Timothy grass and, red 20, 15,' 12, and say, I%t during my entire lif 0, , I have fre. 0 ritario, No. I London E GREAT CURE- Fq"" 9. Josiah district, TH �M. !t was 8,11 spent long agor tilowly and silently- working to undermine txiot, 2 a ai 1,640. Toronto distri clover affokZ eicallent pasturage; b6t William . Blodgett, David Dows Chas qUently been conscious that Something was 350 wt, 4,900 No. 3 Kingston Blit Johnny NlOd 60, 'land s'Oh,what care$ a , all 04 be retained on Tracey,, and , N. Ely. warp ap�oitjite� 4 Obtaw -What it was I could, Province of Quebec, 'No, 5 dist ict, 3,690 coca- health and',Iif;. As Ve-*Ijistleis al 119 tP9 stre6t?, coustant1v gri;LAed xebubqrs. the executors'employed- my Would you have tbe-blu6s d The 'productive- an Italian r named Bla dot tell, but that some-enaihy of my einNo.'6, 1,600 No. 7- New Brunswick, RHEUMATIS Slonany Sawing see �gx as. tutor and wasdeVouring me wi aLle8s of pastures, could be,�gresitly in- manager for the be s, and sent them tw thin I WaB certain. At go. 8, 1,700. Nova Scotia, lNo., 6, 2,6QO And U.c.rnplaints 'of a Rheaft atic nature. While, VQii have a pair of foot'i , ' - y .1 � E aropea In Paris they occupied the roqms RHEUMATIME is not a sovereign remedy for a Ing pftiUI3 times I would seem comparatively well altid Manitoba and' Northwest,' No. '10 380 oradaed at Small expense by t k, to sow the I seed of grasses an be - attacked wit) ish Coluiribia, No.- 11, 240. The �now is. deep, thya ,are lilaths to break d clovera Ph f ormerlv occupied, by the Piiijoa of W�le then I � would - 1 the most Brit "all the ills that liesh is"heirto," bu for, NEU, jy But the little arin is trbng, a those portiouB of them that are not, well and othermembers of the royal �f Mi a didiresisind symptomls.1 would feel pe�uliar' Edward lWand -. 12,' 475., Tt is under.. No RALGIA, SClATICA 'RHEUMAtISM. �and And work is, play, if you'll only take various, parts of my body, my 'head! sto d Zb at Bit ihe city corps and - isolated complaints of RheLimatic'nature. Your work with i� bit of son covered With kod. The seed can be Be wa England. r They than proceeded to 116rlin,t paina in and lived id sumptuous Style, expendingin "9� . 'O't ural companies will be, perthitt dix. the:. fall or early in the spring, and ild Seem in Y� respiration labored ; r ad to drill IS, A SU CURE Ob, what cares he I scratched -in with a light. harrow or iron- my appetite'� would -'be ravenod� 'at their.'Iccs�j headquarters,. and the re. Ashewhietlesffilong.the road?, toothed -rake. If the grass. has chiefly sixteen months about, 570 eldest one day and ; I ,Ir Would loathe food, the day! mainder, of the,for6e called 6iit will be. in He will do his be6t, of tlfe',tour purchased apalace in Coburg Violin, 01". 111 -.112 axivell, who Ildsi'llived In And meave, the rest disappeared on certain SpOtS­where the f , ithit the title'of batch. followiug� Then . akain I � would lose, all�' exercise. The regulations for i*mps � of: or 540,000i and.w, ife Would .� feel weary Without t, gubsist6ridej and pay 11 0 -til va for the psist torty year&, and is wil interest in I orillr transpoi To the care of his Father, God. Boil is very poor, it will be harrow W R WC114i nown littwurance A grisit In that. hile in, his palace liq became 'much wi The mother I Is-faPeds often sad-. Ahe' groun d'zh6roughly and to apply some interested in the wife of the former own . at, exertion; would become Bleepy at. mid- be as last year. The departmen t will ar. range lown� ws whs�t to do; apings� of barn -yards, and'goon was under the complete control day'and restless, - 4C night. Occasionally or the holding of oamps,at times� O§jjrA-wA, Ontario;�Feb 6,tb'IW She scarce kno fertilizers. The Bar 11 "1 But at ohnny's kiss 'she is. bright and glad- my breathing `w6uld� be� fabored nd my� most suitable to the diff eren"t loo N.8 -, .. well -rotted stable, inarture'aud asheB can be of -her husband, to� whom be gave power alities., In 17THERLAND, She loveg him, 41ill wouldn't you? s 5torney, -and, -Whom he permitted heart almost moiticiuless, 'r While at other' Ontaio they will'ba' generally entered'on St:Catharines. Fbr Johnny XcCr6e;' applied to good advtftiliiago. ome grass- of , &I times it, would palpitute violently. . I bettvebnl9th-to26thi�.e,;,','IuI obecabout fil your 'it have taken four. bottles o Oli;.whsii careB he seed suitable for sowing in pastures Where to purchase all the furniture �'for t_ D r affords irle-much, pleasure to A thought these , tro July let, andAn, the and it s: hehistlea hl�,ijjg the w ' ay? cleanliness is hot Very essential can ordiw. his palaoe� , In 1872 the executors dis- ublea were the result of Provinces lj�ve received great benefit from its� The trouble Will 90, narily be obtained f rob]l the mangers where covored-Aae condition'of affairs abroad, and, malaris, aii.&I-ireated hem accordingly, . Orobably a little later. It is more than use. I have be6 in afflicted with litheumatiefill for And "I told you so," but I got. no better. ',shortly afterWard my p . robable,that the camp for this.district will aboutwplve yearb�for the past two years 'the- 1 Our bra�e little John will say. horsesare fed or from barn floors; Jt -is by the payment of a lorge� sum of � tomach became derauged, my food failed be heid at Niagara. pain has been so great a& to be almost unbear- 1, arper'S yol r a lig Peo),)14- a w g than -was extr I ays desirable to keep as large a variety the youti foated from�'his ble.- 1 have used manybxterual remedies, bfit to digest; and the fluids I passed'were of a 'n of forage 'crops in a pastur as'possible. difficulties. Thefour than conceived tblo� n elief, until I'-purcha-ed' �our'jthonma. peculiar,odox and c6lors And -yet I did hot Openhl�;. n Iteg, Messs Higgiubotbam & Son, druilgisti, They insure a greater amount. of food and idea of a � ball in honor Of �. Americans in here 'Xilicuinatine'lliali be"u the cause of my"; D GARDEN d eRi,able change,. which is agieea- .Gdr man I y, hired- an'immenBie beerhall: kiat, realize', that these thitigs'naeant anything When I was a young he, said-, as, preg;nt comfort and 6age. Yours trill F -y I consulte Y, -A NT serious. I ble to all hin as, of stock. gave a ball which. Was widely.coulmentedr d 9 number Of be walked up.and down the -platform, we H. ]�TAXWELL. on. . When they returned home the,execa- emillent phySlc'lsns,e,ac'h one of whom took did not depend on our fathars� IVe made lot, F.arnleirs. tors, footed up,their expefises'for two yearg a different View as;: to the cause of my, Our own.start in life. There is a much Do not let the cattle prune , the,' orchard.. as r�185,000. troubles." , 0 . 'SOLD BY. ALL DRUGGISTS. Best Kivid oir Flowers to Plam and�i[pur,mouths aa The always were bun lara'atsuctibuSl er flesald 1, w 8 Buffeting from, :better show for young men io�day, and yet y then.seur, to Harvard College, but aid not braiiii isease ; another Spinal � dif'1161111Y -; norie of themstrike, out for, themselves." The.� kheumaiine� tanuf9diirin Co or so, W.40,w. : �11. .. L 9,, - man "WilliELm was made"executor. others hear� affe6tibij, , kidney diseage, Do you kno*- ' f d , . ST 'CATHARINES 9 re. o a goo opening . ONT. TOw nes let them run ..un-, of the eStatb, Rod iii 1877' etc. Symptoms were 'terrible, timidly inquired. al young� man -With a j. yviier 'Co., wholemstle AAenta,, an. expartner. and in li the hope of!', relief I sampl� trunk under him.1 pruned. To grow grapes, prune,' -the vines in the. businesS formerly carried on by his HENI& AND THE I R NESV9,1 and let the roo ts run., was .� c%uterised, cupped, blistered Yes,�'Bir; Tennessee, air, there areA :[�ther. This he was compelled to give Up'L .�I , t and Subjected to almost every known for in mountains Of iron in that State which 'can should be her eIn-minti that the"f atter owing .�to his Inability to manage it. of treatment." Durilng-'cme of theS, -acre." a atta' Now to.Feel. till Allillial's 1`111U�Klifl jyjrilL W` a breading How is kept the more liable she Many accountings were had, f or which large chs. be had for fif ty cegtiB an while at Red Bank, N. -T., ai phyglolact Wag. is to destroy hei pigs by lying on them or counsel eeB,were paid. In 1877 Gustaivus Is that so left a preiiari6tion. '�kfter'he I, is.,, -0ther XoW.. eating them up. -G. J. Thebaud was appointed guartlian for' had g6me, I requestedi� f riend10 go mud ask ,I'll tell you what I'll db,'� continued -the RE, Unground grain, Should be fail to fowls at Beverley B. Tilden. He' feceived �1;259 him'w. �,QRFAT OU hat -he thought of my troiible. The y g-� man, aii- he bii�&f the ;e night, be and afterwards, it is alleged, was,l,:icked o6, cause it slowly. digests and 1111B up , . 11 Oh, he will -center, if you'll buy tv�o llow. Street ail - foir eleven moil pbe All"right in the l6rigInterval. between Sunset and morn. in L* the 'B only an attack of dalirimit, twenty days it I :and get things booming, I'll come down and MI If we have -not already �made Selection for miBappropriatin 0 b I of those mouritains,, set up 4 bla'st f urna;bo; ing1ptlisr, than soft'food. g $1-5;00 , a onging -to R -HT -U -M -A -T-11- 0 of the,S'eads we wish to pl'ant'ill thBV0M1DV another,,e§tate, for which he:,was attorney� triintens.", He was,at'once. informed., that It is for -all , the . painful diseases joi the -0 be -Bt -to make all Colt, breaking' Should begin at the birth From:the accottuting"nowi . n pr . ograsg bafOre this. was impo6iblel as IbEO:mever uApd.,any, warm spring -days it is jerk the staditig outof a. set of bbokg�for You E K1DNEY%-LIVER,.AND EOWELS.� r e should iiever. attempt of the cqlt, because he,,then 16tinctively the 'referee it appqars that,th6 two older kind of intoxicating drinks; whereupon he at 6150 per month.'.' ri it cleanses the system of the acrid poison haste. now. returued,--made -inquiries,7 and: chafilged his - The -�elfzhjade took:a- w I alk -down- -wh�cfi -Luan inore�:than we can accoinplish ;.� and if, We,.- -'hows,his fear or ore an air ctint. -realize, > 8 0 s0: hi dis' the V1 with limiti5d time, plant the more delicate h uld-be'th6i:.L.,-completely-disEiil4ted- share o charged that the mortgage prescription. But all the,care ofiny friends -the tmcl� t' 1iide 8 gust.�TVall Street THOUSANDS OF CASES orses a do itid physicians � availed : liothip, I grew News. -4j or the worst forms of this,terrible disease va�heties -a often:..Ieave thein I sadly. I It is' well to give It uble arnount for �-160,000 oh-Ahe Jersey City pioveriV., - ise constAlitly, hd' what was most "Vo ileen quickly relieved; and in short, time neglected. Those'that, will tliyiveiunddr� of feed on -:the'eveniiag � preceding a 10119' with interest, was collected li.y.th Lec� w the most. ad a rain'or a PERFECTILY. CURED 0 v rse circanisigiaces., 'and jouiney,jand only'lialf rations of. g' terrible to 1hiak of I did not know What rj PRICE, $1., MQ I UlD Olt. DRY, SOLD BY �*rticqjsrii� .0' 'tors; and that "bne of them deposited the , ailed the-, ��r could'I find ay one 4 Dry can be by inail blo'ssom into.perf act beauties � with , proper ittle hay on the thornitig of Starting,, - ey tohis private account. ', The estate odid. Wyou visit or leave Now., Yom city, save Each baggage'expregsage. and carriage hire, and stop *�MLLS,RiCIIAnDSle"t a Ddring',tbesummerandfall of cultivation, at the,st. a g-reat Tb -e practice of runi�ing hay through a is in a bad cor ditioril, and, will now yield, .�IwA yea�r at the GRA14D.UNION HOTEL, 0 posite Grand lover of the old-fashioned morning gl()r.V-'I I hay -cutter and, reducing Lit' to as short %but� K0000 to each cit the-ybulager sons, MY plilse',rangeil from 1,20 to 139 per Central Depot- Elegant roollis, 9tteLd up at minute ; I Ila 6lish f Or f ood, and was cost of one naillion :dollars, reduced o'$l and :1 M f height, covered and then' d no r have had vines twenty Sethi pieces as, possible . mixing with The 'executors are -charged'�witWprqcuring upv itiopeall Plan 0 us of their acts' by ..threats. qs� pitiable obj . yar s per da Elevator, 'in Restt each morning with hundreds of blossoms ; corn and sending it � t an ordinary grist-, ratificatio indeed a act.'. I c4titinued ant s=d w,th the- beat. Horse cars White, pink, purple and' lavender;: Striped, inillto beground into provenderfoipoultry, 13. Tilden how Books to have the it! this state until last December, When I stages and ed railroads to all dep6m. 0 mottled -and b1citched,'bells,',116hook and� haBbeen followed for several years by car- various accountings opened on the ground and lost my reason, Families can live bettor for: less niqjji�y at the, The -though I had . Grand UnionMotel than at any other first-class danced about in the 6a6rning air. tain breeders with -good results. �tbat the . expenditures 'were, � foolish and two' -physicians ' in whom hotel n the city.' L ira8h,- unnecesgary, and contrary to his mygelf-dild friends �plac6dirnpllcit confl­ morning-glory thrives with little oare,but. - : denc6. I'li"this condition, I I was, take hildr' We do not ji - w ow lime- caii-be�used 120 n to. At two, a an were iven rich,soil and a -sutmY spot it :amp Y, with bettor results in the renovation father's will. He also claims that the, Brattleboro','Vt.,, f of the uurposeL of �b6in repaysalleare. S-woetp6asare,anotherof: mil -with-'the tin. A -killed 'by lightning while, pla 'he of 'old pastures. Liming noea'dows or old, executor§ Should be 'charg ying: ll:l, t Eiidorsed%ythel� iic hi�r OF kirijlror�i: rieed, deep, ric placed in an "111S%ne asylum. 1'remained-, street. mylavorites., They h soil,, thirty-bushels:to� nece8gary expenditures., , Th.a', executors a until - l9st',April,' be�nk attended all FOR WLAMM06 and will begia to blogkm� (unless P?ur P,ur. ndition mad and decl a that ther �.N OFTHE URINARY ORGANS thqaclre, has an effect -upon the co' ir hftil Wife;- who,never i I keys find them) in June; and continue until they have accounted--for-every, cent they the while by my fai ,c�usedbyIn,di,sretoyiorE.xl)ogure. HotelDieu-1 ofthe'�rop of grass thatfeW�arwersl bali6ve lof I t me and believed ihat'iBome disease and Ou to a 'Ji,' long after* an With frost. I , Spent, and that the -boys, when: they� came esajjoyin� Kidney, Hospital, Paris, Tretitment. Positive" Oure in nuals awithout giving it a trial..- not insanity was the :cause of all my Blatiddrand-UrinaryDiseas DrgtPhl,,)X dtilcoultihii1i iS of age, ratified -their acts. one io three days. Local Treatmeirt' oni, A ary substancelijib wool 4 sawdust, for trouble. I regained consciousness in March -��,equixed. No nausqijus care, bestowed'., but it lilvi doseg of. Cubobs or hens' rieg-to, abstracts moisture from the last and insi&ted upon being take n hoine. .,-A little variable,' �y§ makc-s :Copaiba. If these were; one could, properly carp cult -ED BV:.F�'kIWJ1.. PREVENTIVIII �be'tter to fiave'a;f ew fill 6 S and ruins- them. The�h6n;-if leftto The�phygiciaijs. advised t6wt'I,reaiaiDL tsP IllrAL6 LE, HT&ENIG CURAT . IND w6jid � 0 - . 1, C, I I . for,it tegrself, Will' make 'hen mst''on the �but I insited upon leaving; M a d6zen beds,'o� stiag- moist 'five., litentarkable - ',Expe;ric-hccs oV 1i an ww -1 ­ I . .50,includirigFulb. yringe., � Sold- by earth. - At ith� b6tt6m of the tapstink boxes 'A .�Farvvi r's Ivite. began, the )'journey, travelling '816WIY., I :Drluggists, or sent free by roli'M see gling oijee. few crocus bulbs, a narrow uld it v,, was - tbk at the dock by a friend whom.I: Call you find case, of �Bright' Descriptive. Trua" seafed god, of ear all �mo aLifdJ sDiscaso of the on repc6iPt Of prica� eatise flitte .border of daisies, some: prgeous tulips, into M. A New York. despatch Says:, A AMLAIGAN AGE a- concaye for This, dampness is rcoognized. Riede- .them 1. became ..Kid doys, Diabetes, Uxinary.or, Liver Com lftijjt64� ApplicaDioi NTS"I DI 'then the roses; give f from' ot oi call, CI -NE COI,`Wiljdeor,�Ont. ..So a supp y 0 bloom -0 M�c Ys ,a' US tha.t �is k omti6eilo 9. Y. Sa early sprin until the annuals, begin to -111teficial as t, -supplies the moistre the Uij con scious- and 'remained - so 1, neighbors ff. they can. 611170. s 9 Erl6se h�kiljg the pr : oce8s of hatching. instgrice of faith c6i'd heie�ii3-exci�tlna-ruuch.,.fi5r 0 wish you Lindeleyi- a Pee. blossom. Speaking Of roses,' 9 f- �d d 'k COMME d �b6 other day in one garden in Jacks Btimony� of �the, Western Nis* York mrecognize my, rise �an -� -new There- farmer's wi was. eleven 'years ago ill could Bee.my rose h . edge ii I ext T�Ile doctorB, my s urroubdingH Ideteraiiijad to try, a�s- 2,201 'Japaii- lilies Were couate-d,, ie an unsi'�btly bit, of wall orl'one side of Farrner6l Club ig� tilat the failure of, last With 80,211e�iriflln a, Ville, year!s apple,arop was dwing,to-cold ib -ins at g complaint. last resort, a treatment of which.J. had in bloom. the yard, and along -this, there -is -a,-iiarr6w she says, tnistr6atedli6r case,.and �he,was but knew-laothing. 'Neipher the .?,blossoihing j season',. folloWed- by left with a Betio but thick hedge of as,. completely us collatituti6nal disease, 'bad. milch f mith, tba�b, I i . t . nor friends if ug go simljle, and perfect for �color, t,�4 Not] interZL6 the Diairiond Dyes: For carpet -rags, better Screening it summer and Sidc6 1879.8he has been:.confined to her Id help his, but w I d or agythie. con. a reso ve no choice varietif 'One way.bf kil ins �ri'the bed -constantly and ha been's, But die I hart any, other dye -stuffs. are* m but they mi�kb a., ilu�g, off 'wire wor 1 the miniche,aper t beautiful Sigh wbile� fwblooih.: c rer. to, try. We 'accordingly mised laul isto gr6w6vo`6rthree successiv fe Several doctors from�� New York as, anc%n"t 'fe The Q an has' returned to Windsor �tof buckwheat. ad on the, ci stuay, of her case and tried I to� say�that' with'the ble&,dug,o physicians, gave up'all other xemedi d a t� made front, Osborne'. tlieopI3. B moth or, the gr 9,6B.' 0- every method and m6dici no Without Success,, Hil� who.1guided us,� 1. am - to -day a well I— t ------- -- -i -crop- _grow corn �h On -Df-. -I mail; aing not. ee h 9, 1 Collip _Hheat or gLahjon pf n ts -LR Lt - ' b risovigo"rousformlly �.Lydia''E.,! Pink am,,j, -.v Qget b e .Ud Ah -0-4- -audJ -lore h' 0 fartjwie� complaillbi: by j;e1noviLig the is only to supply the.*drms'with food upon could.be done.' For thepast, year, she has -owo it 'all w-ob'deirf they, flourish. auan acre of land, and. will'proVe, valuable, to wbic years an& 1 h been growing rapidly worso. E16t ndL VUM In tiler's Safe' al oSt'mir&culouB power of Wa, farmers atid gardeners, and :to families It is now for:�thisl' latitude the, best tiEab were in such a state that every noise generally who may have only a Small Cure, tburemody wbich I used," Men. like to see therLseiveB in print. Man to soNv,asparagup seeds. Sow them. in, agony to her. Hearing of -7& -'faith our It cau always be 'xeferred tQ-, to Yod 'can well imagine how gratetul I, are mode5t." Woman like to.gee themselves garden. thoughts we�e ooijlstautl�, re6iiiiiing 6. that 8 rt. .,.After recently performpil in Massa6busetts, her must f-Sei. , aa6r the circumstances " R�d in silk or velvet. set.one right ill Of doulit'con'' shallow drills, about two feet., apa . , thej�plants,are -up; keep the soil' je� Subjects iiiVolv San like'a new cohV A, I earnestly that nected. with tl ­11Dr 13pilson's BEFORE �-rAND�.­AFTER lui ire, Scnt 011 are' wa -lot the'care of Neuralgia succass."�Dr. G. Electile:Applianoes Dayil, Trial. Asparagus"iii-12-n. itrits. hero'wa mell6w.aild quite "free of weeds. subject; and'she finally. determined-. to, teiit 6ring' Colery and Chamo ic; pills '8rm. the ciownsfor.ibiansplaut- a B is eans o Asparagus pla, Those Will f ilt drug� by 6c Had 1F6, permaheilt a s.1.1ilext .;Spring. Davis and, Maicikey,, bleigmen, in � . e� r �:QR Barlb u9b dS L 'f,L 'h ..it a a ve,jahmed', Ilsts, y 'feet, a ray' r, er.rectivery ilb. � Beans, bush, in 2; 1ay'mg­OUt.thege is Mad"' HO are fb6tL . L .. shoill 6 tie OL. I in eWs;lle of r 'LOST �,4cs:. oil, NE: i -yinid 4�bjit 20quart certain: night. 4equeat"Wawalso dbntAo Lake', Superlot. 1 , , 11 � �. I Beans, pole, 1 s W 4­by*3-fee1;.-l0,qi�s.­, a� a U. r6 ni.th.6 rows . Should never be less' tban _fiLV6 feet_ t a :11'alton,, , streft, �prayer. - mee ingr ior,� it�D c Be as' ilef and complet eat -pounds. 184 o �oneL nuary air about it. �OTUER CAU!snS. SgIady re e-sk th an", two-'- a-fid."a."If prayers7at th6:gaingt time. L -P God,gave me, ''seemed to no at Eta 6 Beets,'rion'.,, trot; Bkoonj corn d n drills, 22 poull S. inev6 icted with and C abbago, outside, for trinsplauting, 1.1 ounces. feet apart inL;the, o�46 Selectland that 113 faith,' , she, baid, to.day 1-�to believe He 6L of I' On di�cov�ry,or,tli'eN�n6to6iith�Centiiry- t �aitlphletfree. Adclrest3 Cabbage sown in frarlies; dounces. tauBe He'hag. and I od- positive that thousand -poop a,, well drained and that does -not wash in Would. heal, bet romised tol­ aat& L iji' 0 e, roaches,' fliei;, ajjts,�bedL CaTrotin drills, BA feet, 4 pou;ids. ii�America to the `a�ae ii a' Clears. rats, juic ; V011AIG BELT100.'WkWALL; appointed for."tlie similar-condiion. Jtl�ja do ]act kjlow.ibs� bi,.E,,�skuliks,chil�munks,goi)beis. 15c. D �Celery, seed,-8bunces. heavy rains. and ou..the eveiiillg I MIC Ititimiotakably felt the thrill', of cause. Kidney il I :oubles 'are the 1110, 1 st giftS� elery, pialit, 4 lj�-� feet, 25;000. ;p a, r 9, touch." Clever, white Dutch; 13 �ounds. W,).L It ITIEUS . AND D It AINAGE. he --ELEC RX Clever; Lucern a ' 10L poul: L ids. n ------ A nh deceptive f all diseases. ,. They haVeL' ThelElbly Script .. published in I BRIGGS GFRINE T IL Oibvef,,Alspte,6.poundE3..'I,,,, A ELt] Lindsley no S�mptbing, Of 4 thLeirL OWII, b 011 the good new ut :250 la'nguages. or'dililacts. so" in s T, I,'& I aWa an them to often :Show.: '-th6 symptoms.,:of: nearly Clover, �lwrp red withdididtimothy ban he' k a, Sugai "Ther. are a, iew'goneral prinoip as that Next i orniDg; w r hu�band. came in hOW­ FbVe _.D k'. SL: 911) eitt'�'cf Ito relief. :every ��.qo comp aint' Cori 10 quarts, tojbre�ik .,hat.. 'i ying Com; field, 8 cluarts. ought -tdlbe. borne in mind irk draining. fast� lieL.f6und his' wi a BA ing At 1 1 ­ . -,every �day '0 feat�'each _k[asit tkbld.' 'hadAtessed her.. peop a are orn salad drill ten inches, 20 pL 0 'ds.'- . the biba eIrlititioits early Ida C. youilig C un A ditch will,drain direetly.L. 5 rom Supposed,,., Pr:Igo ­ Mp stut, an many, -"L C CITY' 1W.DS THE, ricumber, in hills, 3�quartS, �ghq bad:� n9t d self i som6thing n drills�'4'�cyuarts. way.; and"' ri�the �,sl -heart dlseasei� Spina 001 1 TR -1 i,�, udurriber, i by 9 .11 -years- was.*i�9-drou"tid-ilie' b -b -J ­,J§ -e B �L h' yv4 ope is throe feet of. feet, 4 ounces. a un re ee , , wi in a cases -w- am cause Egg -plants. 3L I direc ly I " Q an, could the bi�aln and musbles; in a word it. is Nature's as-thoughi-fie h ill. 1p"Sih6e that. In Alexandria, Va has"be6n the JL �d beyond this 50 a known"ft be found to originai fo6d.'Th6E1ectric Oil.possasses all lthe,quhlities Flax,bro4deaSt, 20 quarts. drain one-third of a d, ��.',for-.cuttihg)off a cat's. tai a ppa4tsiuces,'been' per` n the idnbys'. In their advance stages' PL116 a t day she had,lto all a �iihlat'it is possible to comijine,in, a -niecti oras% timothyi.Tiitb clover, 6 cittims.' f tlierebyf,,ivingitg,)vid6Lralig6ofel,�, aticnasibn GrRss, tinjothyijivithotiteloveir, 10 quarts. -If the gtade-of'a i's doubled per 100 well' I'le-moet tekrl and beast; idu6f r�ubles,ara� t SO �Eleclrleity and when �properly Grass, orchard �25'4a%rt-� i, t'h t ad obe- !as, as myL own 6 d to the bl iii,pple8t, re'sults 'follow its use and in' Ner".. a , a carrying capaci. y is increaB itnown mwlad xperience can pit ood brain"and- nerves pro.- Thel Grass,.red top 16 most wbrideriul, effocts� - We are told vods Diseases, Such ag'-RheurriatislZ Neill hfi[illy'vorify.­ That I had Bright's digiasa (in eso elements are. tly blended i and'kinclTed diseaises, it has foegual".17,or th Grass, blue, 28 quarts. 136 For,diains not inore than 500 feet long 4 A New York, despatch )3sYs 'At the of the kidnb�s tbe�e can be no doubt. That AXack's Maglieti-L ne, apdIamgDiseasbii,Bowel Coijaillairl ,Gxass, ruly, a mar.W.1 n,, the, sympfl Grass, millet, 32 quat ii�,, 8 1110B, 01th,20118 Iff-d-Ig—ual ion, moe ing a Broo ly r i ve ere . , I; , , t' L . " 'the opening of L L, , , oras. -were thoi3o'.6-I'many other, ther dolurrin, and, the good - cast, J bushel". orb than 500 feet: long should not be 'led called 'to'. p� ro est against the diseases. is equally certain; and that Lwas tite;,pioinoting iges top a Retail, broad in d' nd checkipgfer i�' 1�111c; G61,111ar, gie6jjis, 3'poutilds. Cents.' ointach, alitido with2-inch'tiI6.A 'inch tile ge Queen's Bi ' i ik or colin 'brid rthdayithere were ited in dollarsarid ti011: t rjtsth 3- ill drain flvet� n which atism Lebtilcu, in rows, 2.J feet,:3 ISOL1114S. dbothed to 6, ierrible death had I not. bee effec6ol-lin St uces r t. -f at acre4,1and. shouid not be L of greateij6ngth, 'not 100' aj,Ariy time in the. B%ved. as- I was, I -am. positive: 'The fol- �y des to in �.the Oxolate all 06 ate of little 'in bilq, 0601 feet.: One 0 -Dubl.-in ought to bea good plAco"Ifor ithat Y Lawilgrass,35POun s, thani' , . I I . hall"an;not' fL the distinguished gr-� lowi g1ettoirs 'just received, confirm this rid the iiiezmnbr riesi closing the - ; 8 by 8 feet, a pounds P old, by all Bleibins, wetel, twilli: joints, Price 25. cents a bott Melons, citro by 4,f set, 2 pounds. A.four-inch til'e will drain'12 acres. sons Who hall been invited appeared.. The' FOR THE druggists. uin,hilig, 4 VPIi 8 Oats, 2 bushels A five-inch,L26 aerm a'�`Said Ahat the :op6nin*g of -the, 2.). 4 -DO r adow and lose the Vermont, Oct 30'' 1§8 i6t erasp �,ai the ell Wort,i6able'to convert you -IESS Ohra, in drills, 2;ljy 20 pounds. Bix-inch, 40 acres,. beid'ge on such . a d*y was. entirely' out of B liitl noy- eonion in b6ds f5i'9dEs,50' ljounds. e.bulbs, Vilounds. A Seven-mcb,'60 acres.- keeping,with, * the.iews of true 'Aii�eric�ns. fit s 101,111-ormif inte'th sub: A�ill10�USJ Onion, in rows for lar� 'E I DEAR SUt;--YOurs a 21s instant reedii6d' 2J,feet 5 pounds. Of �,course.t,thesb are the mainii, "and am William O'Brien, said. that for the purpose 'wo.congrattilato-you not oiil�,ijpou: the,continil, stance. of health. Sitid'a Ouffeker bs, Zi by f ORDERS'OF THE Pepper, plati Ova ingm6n, their'u'sieee anco,'of yorur ;health; but also lipoll fts'api)arelit r.6 ��iducytrotlble�Lhen r , Lsked.to'fryXidu �by -apkin, iii, bills, 8 by 8 feet,,2 litinual impro�ojjljeilt. Few OMY A Stoni�cliand-;ivcWarscorreci it11g. ey supposed,fo bethr6ofaetindepth,andon a Of rawibg themork 6n 1�t or Et xiApedy ed, .Put gral].6� of, 'three inoheso..�thti,h6dked 'feet had invit6d:the two.band-box reginieniii of, last dose." It'cured"him, ai�a now bd­roboJjj,' pek6ons,. I think, have through so exhaustingan expori- it .'an average.- WObld � once as You said rallied fr61ja it. Certaiuly,L pi edisoiacrad.�kidueys AN'S IELECTRI:C 8 LTS� in,drilhi,short varietie's, brisb6is" hlibli may be'ta at as Broklyh'�%ijdNew York to paraile.' ends t to:ibll. 3 tall varieties, A to li bushels. 0 try AM Peas, in drilli, To f urther in Cal6tilaiing.L arains- it neyer*do to 'allow the rest unwashed to, caurl'ot recall one who camoto its in.so critical, �donit fail t 9 broaddc ajidfoidays�-ajjld even weeks in sollopoless,ii ay a a: -ors''If bushels. inbe Stated. th t in 24 ho�lrE, that on Bully the robes of the two. LordMa3 116tatong, 8 bushels. Red, a halfinches"of water f allB in S14 -hours thi S' to state''for arrienchricilt. aSyou, and who Survived There are no indications that the fro t 1adisb �,dying to E,ogland didn't st6p'sQme.. and 'fbcovereid� f rovj- it; jor'L I think, yd may has 1"nJured the inoso iii' rlyc, broddeast, 1,41,bushels; 'and that,oh. an Acre 40MI -ga lng � Will fall', thing more unpleasant than a; protest WOOLId 'n6w consider yourself recovered and nb loii-er o Crop. live, drilled, li bugliels: iia. this time, and one-half, of this amount is have to' be tried. Ye6," said one of, �the olitheconvalesbent list� Hoping for�tbe. cli. Circular qlid Con@liltaitioll Free,- ni'drillB 2>j feet, lolloull&:. finuanc f your health, used by,planits and carrie off udience dynamite.!' -It was followed by wishes so with the best, Spindeb, btoadeast, 80 poun s'g. : I aw, yours trul�i�j ' it 20,, 11 '- 1, nfailible, tasteless, liaj�u t, Ril,�N, 4 Queen street east, Toronto, 4 feet, 3 liou lids. tion; do tha 366!gallons"Of unneceissaTy ;use.- The - foll jjie&8� cath,tr io; or Squash, bush, in bills 4 Ly appls, lowfiig was adbpted :, DRAPER. Squash, running, 8 by 8 feet 3 Oullids wate' .- or acre woul d be required to pgsg Whereas, the - Tra�tees' of the' Brooklyn S;orghdm; 4 quarts, p . OCEANIC, N.J.,.'Nov. 2nd, f882. iTcejatii. per.day fit hoiAe S.j�cpie. worth, througfi iat Uast'a phrit of the niiin drain.. tridge.,, uotw'ith'stanaing the � protestations 110plying to. vour letter I STiso I N.& Son-ortland Mo." Turnips; in drills 2 feet, S'poilln' S. My DEAR $20 65 ftew -New York Alderi-nen, the labor and �wouftl-suy, I �have beort acquaint roy hina'Vakne, the e of L., D avi Turnips, of the. ed �vit - EL wi. SIM 11 Alvin Xbsiyn,' had � recently, in a-Ppor A" Tomatoes, in frames, 3 ofirjcei3� AAwAlficent 11eque other organizations of Now York - and �EigblyViiliieclfi�ieti�L,I'tLv. Hbillaiiii, about '?-c 8 55 NTIL1,10 Tomatoes; sc t�, 8 oiluces: eighteen tuoriths, an�lvol,yiiitimatdlyac(ItiointeciI hous i' DeijVer. 'A MdrtreO daspaIdb says The late,4F. Brooklyu,' have determined to.' ctiltivaie for about six neouthe pa8f; For 6 little morl6' a a Torn atoes, plan 6s, 300. � . .1 monarchical ideas in celebrating the, bikh. than live mon publishod ad'ibi hills 3 by.3 fee 1:1f B dw.rd-Mackay-has been � Very, generous ths he wais ari.linll�l t f loy, hoilHol �A Getrn�n, scientist;rec6litly ublo it! To presopt:all the news in to ad ietbria fo ;tid we biij6y6d,.coiisl;anC intel" tilll the truth'thogh the 0 0 Wheat,.broadeast,.2 buslibIg. day of Qfteeu V ur�ai with each a 6ff, ot that! �kimmed milk :aD in his &qtiosts to the Presbyteriall',Chukoh , Din bl)iniOli to th 6 blo �and to d btljoh �Vlojji b*e clinic in April last he was glu-IOSt: 411 -e the two groat purposes of I the' bridge, 6n her " Ily Op a g' a Thti Pulse of AnIniiiii,(4. througbout ihe- Dominion. The-foll6wing ir d 24th; is.about-als nutritious lite the original fluid ; boavaliq 11111, al it resolve h il,rful to see'ho-W �quickl,; this, tsit liewspaper- for eerybody, 9, friend ounce In horses the pulse at rbst; lbeatoUorby is &list of his bencfactiots-:, Piesbyteria;ti.Ythero�br6b a don bad come to us bill; t y -body, tbO "Ogu?, frands. �M 4 1 (lie. It 'is wom ts way . 8 1 and Jkldh �Otioh' M' 'hoatile to emocratic to. began th6 rise of sonjoe of H. 14� 'Warn & I ' '' u has times�, in an ox from fifty to"flfty-#ve, and obfedts-Theol�gical 6.utidal, found i �.il Alm: (4 plige8). by until, 545c. Norville: is vicinity, Tliey 6, yfu"r; Slilmky t pub ican prine the warning Vr6in 1ma8t; thO linle lie began aul"g the pigs about sev Ii lbleB�'and sou d lodies�, Damoly, tho,safe -onto, il in, h* in sheep -and enty to eighty, t0,000 ; 0poigocal. a- aIll I and, 6afe pills. WEE= (S pa; boats per minuitd. It may. be felt wherever, 4ilUjOft- Home Mis 'L til' the 120tethAtitisti eb6strangqthoinfitieum their use hIs'irnprovbwenb was I'Lry illarked entbusiasii6a repeat i - to "their , cu8- �$LtZO Ila" Ye ges), p '600: 'Crescent f 'lie Toft: toniors as th it few blue .Gaileral' ,A8sembly,. �10 Werful, and wheri us, after.baying yall lap the laE r', -0 r. air two clovou bottles, he wits like a now great ' horse on. S�tieei Cbukoh,in Moutreal,�5,&67; Foigl'gw W1. TPNGLANP, rublishe New rk City., is ge4eraliy! e"miiled in ithe taken some which, e alwd 8, With 16' 'e". , 1hi, 01 allge was tile DjO$t . -1 An oxchaige-says that the. beat tbin� , �. I i !I " --gbbvr Ly.i., to' tha�allegea pi:ut $66,a wee% in your Own.-iown. I erns arat ibe cord which croeBoB, over., thebobebf the, Kioiiian F,und,',54;000 1, MibiBters', i outfit free. 11. RALIAM& Co., Portland; M6 hindp6sg �'but - that 1 th —e lower jaw in front of its curved Tund, o bony iidge,1ib6ve i�6.eye and in erection of chuf6he8 in : Maniboba� ��I,00'0 itistor of the 1�resb L riall biluroh. 11 oil the CnIOMY43 81 y in the ca�tla � terianism, AS,48,000. F In view, therefote, of' these facts ibild over the middle of th:6 first rib,, and total,'f or.. Prepby �1' Gil you betfbr talk 1". exclaimed 'Mrs. $ 111 sli6ep by placing itlie, hand- �on tl�e lef t general obects-MacKay Deaf and � bumb' Smith to her, 10�rd and mastei,� who was With a lfop6 thak all *,he read' this " may MOUP,- WNW, take timely warning,, I make thiB,opem side; where the-bbgting of the heart may I llsiltfio, �$8,000; Mobtreal General HOBPi-, joking her ubon.hor 11 running &f bar: Limill be felt. i Ai)y�. material variation Of the tal, $5,000 ;.to the executors for general. You know You were dead, -in love With Bf atenaent freely and 'for, the good, of my NEURALGIA-. only because., I was p6frai -itsn's,Air.odyine L injeot rrialandE)zternal w a d X , el low (for, lit figure's felt lsefrdisease r EL sign of If - apid,, )��06yal Institute, AloGill'University, �5,000 you'd sicken aid di thaii I took compa?. HOPKINS. relieve those ter all, it 113 'of high Ing: MonIg Chrii hard and f . itiali AssociationlLaaies' on you," replied Smith, ,If I,dL.1 al will positively alums, Oil small mid Benevolent lastitu i n', Hervey Infitit V, E aBt Ric-lifora, N.oV, 7thf 18 2. ribid is d m 8mv inall lives 1!6' Xnsi4: dn't fever ox inft love you so despev�taly,� you cure L me,: on" L Po &. oure�xhla cases tit of telf. XM tmiation waak, low fe s Of blood, or wea�liet. 'InfantH' Hbmo,�, and. St.-. -Andrew's H�ffi' dearesit'; 1111 give yod, that, 6 t Avowfol ths, c, JO re'dit .; but it fslow, the probabilities point to 'a $12,400 each.; total for general 06jects; was,tholheroickeSt Wni]l of . heroic treat. sheep require k,ptira water. They drink a ular,,to heath broubleg. 0.25,000,- �,,, 7, , . I I utlittle,but n4od to drink'aften. disease, add if ir ment.11, r,'.E MOR rz MAT Co 0 T 0 el E.0 C b