HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-25, Page 27 gERDERED -By flS SON; BURN DEATE. The House resolved itself into Committee 'on the Bill to amend the Fisheries Act. 'ADLY HER ED 'TO DE DOMINION PARLAMENT A -FAT T E CYCLONE. xpdbig disapproval O� - and Deliberatp Murder of an Appalling Calamity to Former, Residents the System jUaUgUrat 'Sag6oflea�ing Ra�agers in* Ka" 9 year I pread i y iarl, ulf of St. Lawrence to geti.' Old Pa nsas Cit d fivers in the G
rmeri of Hamilton. In 'the , House of Commons Mr, tlemen: Sportsmen for. HIEUND'S TROUBLOUS TIVE86 hood. bi-fishing purposes, ." , , I I 11 Landry read the address by He Stated tha salmon were caught on theme, SICKENING CONDUCT OF THE ASSASSIN' the Ottawa Qravgem6� to� Mr�� Johil rivers 'during What Should be the close OTHER AND S ' ON PERISH. waa,.b.ut t�read, the reply season, and,, as a consequence, the L Wealth HU D A la6t,(Mqnday) nigh�'a Dublin despatch A deipa�ch fro�a racebridge gives thd N �EDS,Of� BUILDINGS SHATTEAED when the Speaker called, his �tientiou to of the'rlWng'o me Threatens his 'his - I . I � L , _ *L L. , fid of' the was depleted., alliDg Oa1aML the fact th jh*e,� _ —, I, - , L. .. . I Itl I Says . The � verdict of the Ittry was, that Obacquiel118 At JLUNt particulars oil an app ity to a at rea mgbf,ext a his opinion i t e ayatem,Was�Lnct Slto_ caused' by rupture of fami named Pawaon, who until reciintly ructs from I -Brady's death Was. Armstedi 'ly several ferpions Hlllpd�-_4 poeiti Jor" uOVFJPa1)8rS, U1316BB followed �by -a Motion, gothef abandoned, the close time' for fly- the a , aal cord. , A ji2ryman. � staidd that was not in accordau cc ith �he p�aoticp of fishingsh ed -to the 0108e Pil .were residents of -Hamilton.. .About 12 ofthe deceased were slightly "'A Chatsworth despatch dated last Mon. oclooko the f[OUS9. ould be a9similat a Monday night, says the,report, 4 time for net-�fisi Swollen,! and the eyes., protruded... T)pe day night'Bays. On Saturday evening last fire broke out in a wooden buildi ng owned KANSAS CITYJ MO.,'May Fifty build. Mr. liandty - sitiA he could 'BayLwhat he Mr. Speaker read a Message. from His ougue �Vas,lhalf, out in' two between the a murder of an unusually brutal ci by Mi. M. McLeod, and ocenoed by', a Mr. ings Were blown down and'200 mbadly had tosay Without reading the, Bpee Excelle,.,cy', ' ransmittmg Supplementary ch
was committed about a mileandabalf 4�awson, a gardener. On discovering the damaged by a cyclone hero �esterday. The The Q4 r aid if thereading was to t s for yearending 30th June, 1884. eastL of the village of Williaroeford'L tutio Brady was buried scaffold. The' S n" fire the mother rushed ups�t �ra to B&ve the property demroyed Was chiefly dwellings be to r � dr would On motion of Sir 'Leonard Tilley, they
al llowed by, a, motion M an. y vertebr;O neck were OrUslieA to Pieceso on'tho line of the -Toronto, Grey Bruce two children, who were bleeping,in Bep4rate and Shrubbery. Klump's brewery , suf- be in order. were referred to the Committee of Supply. Railway, in the township of H a The'daughte'r, aged 13, was urou . sE bredsev4iel Mawood sad he never hanged a criminal 611 Bid. It rooms. id y. Thene* German Evangelical Mr., Landiy�I ;iill follow with a motion. Itr being 6 o'clock, the Speak 'left, or hy e a in ilon per- chair. Who. gave him'L less . trouble or anxiety, or appears that about 4 o'clock Wfitrwer first, themother and s6it down Stairs. 6hurch, bostig'635,000,' was ruined The Speaker -Of cours 0 displayed a dalmer or More uniflinching named George Lambert, -about 50 years of She 1 I Methodist Church, tbe� aod . . . : then, prooeeded to the other.room to also the new line tinent to tber6ading? 1, I . I I I After recess, 'age' -came' into his h6uselor supper, mud gave tile boy, aged 10. The father, hearing of ruin, traversing th� e c ; ityj �xtends.nearly , Mr� Landry (reasguringly)-Oli, -yes-' it Sir Charles Tupper moved. the Second` front. I J06 Brady, the first of the iniseuided med W most chaotic' will be. quite' pertinent. (L hterj) -eadiDg of th�e.Bill to.furtber amend the hil6t in theact �of'waabing his iland.s.-ag lioreams overh�ad, rushed to.the atairs�,'but three milesi and pres eat - SL, a' %ug He i y of -his part in the who has, pa,id.tbe penalt shot , -through 1he , ba�dk b i" Ron waii unable to asoond. as"the fire bad 'appearance. ';Tre&,, brickti, rufters and. then prodOeded- to'read the, speech b Act, .1879, - and to
Y y r. Consolidated gailway )ndlsh and Under- Joseph aL,young e t� n, is household ' 'eff'ects are soutte ed in, White and that � by iMr� Scott,; M.P. for declare c I ertain lines of railway to be I wo, rks assassin ' Minn oflord OavE :man aptl about 20, reached them. H e , shouted to h' r
cc fe 0 j u p out of BeoretaryBaike, was a Young Man, 0338 1 Of a of e entric habits, but not I boretotoro Wk t in thp window, and endless confusion, blocking the Winnipeg. - Having finished, he remarkedi for the, general advantage 61 Canada. He' large family. nearly all of whom are in fa It looked on as dangerous, The s1K)t waB draggpd u mattress. out'of thi6 bed -room roadwayl at�- many Places. From that heinuBvia6w writehis motion. One Said that, owing more to kn*overaig htL ihan e and are respected by their exrounistand s, Ered.thiodgh a � ato,ve-,Plpe hole Irmo the down Btairs for them to fall oh.- No one Main -- Btfeet the hurricane 'wed ' f We names: signed to this address toMr. to any: other cause, vaiiou-3 consolidatione follo 0 heacquaintances,. Joe'.s.-father has beeia,for =-stairs.' The ol& tuan staggerod AppoariDg a6 the Window, it lad'der- was -14th street to Uraud avehue, thenoe� to Mer Was'. -,"Edward `C. Baiber"—ha. of the� Railway Act up to the. prese 4p years' in employee,`Ot bublin Corpora. de-aud fell oil the floor, h d failed to, brin�,,under. their operation tion, amd eDjoyS7, -0 good wilell JAH liarnudii),toly hoi ted%y the flemen,.who 6ee street, dos all the houses ou'th6 understood an,employee of the Govern a reputation 'for in- wife, wholwas in the hout4e at tile ruh bud arrived, bubtali Ho'ou au the window was south -side of the street for one block. From men:tr.-and the Houselwolild probablywa nt' all'the railway lines of Canaq The reason telligence, sobrietyi ind�atry'L n nifhonestY- �to his Was unab,lo. to'gou bi�it to Locuqt� on l4th'strdi'A all the e aws: G of t jal w` hat forms so i atiqns were 1�1�okukj iu the Bluoke and flames drove them Oak OuBes tono�v ill vi overnment 6 hi as r'con d Joe him,self was apprenticed to.the cibyat, to his feg�t� Meanwhile the alld all'. -hope of saving -the mother ige,n g 6' park w'erewreaked� Tbe,d�s- I .1 I 4 this question. .tHe 4ecognized that'. the made to apply only t ),;a construcied an aarly age, but latterly up till thetime of loaWng his gun for it Bocond uboti, w1wo biN alld 114011 Was gone. Nothing was- Saved true -tion in the Vioinity'ofWyandotte was Government 6ould.not be �held responsible or to be conRtru'ted unde 'the authority' 0 r his arreat f9llowed'tbe occupation of. pavior mother ran u stairB mudioplutud hin' to tretu the buildi . ng, Mud L rd" Paws much g�eate'r tbitu at Arst f6r,'theT utterancesiot either� Mr.White,or of an, Act passled! by the Parliament of the P on logeB suppo6ed. in the service of'thd Corporation., He was desist. -6c biti all" hiN� b H a man of� about" 5 feet, 10 inche on chold-effects,! besid�e Mr-_._,S,cott,_...but when Mr. Huntington, Donainion of Canada. - The Gia;nd Trunk s in;height, next, Elbe ru6llOA down Atth!6, 411d Blib motley Ile had. Tho charred remains were Mudbie Sta�tidn. For several miles through the late member for Argenteuil, made. and ot . her ralw'a'y's having been,constructec L I but looked smaller owing to, his ma salve was'iu the ijot of ol,oiu� �t) the tibob" rao , oBud all Soon &8 1 possible and. conveyed imch embodying somewh�t h'imi- before Confederation Were, of, a I ourse, tne couu I try, a Ong 'the track, of the: storm a a[, build.', Go6d'diatured and generally oblig- was fired, to *hd ftro ball. 111he fire' hi . "I . I � anyL farm lit' he a -tlie Sly �outside of the is, suppogiid to eyq�yt inglvvug�. swept away., M sentencee, t ttentiol, of enti'r operation I of thha ing, he was a favorite with his', comrades, head d hilling hiak outright. Tile originatedfioYn the stovepipes. houses are� gone. Several persons were House as 1:called to' :it Lind Bevera;l Act'' a� i. and.was -regar'664 with peculiar affec I tion by Ur 'IC killed.. The length 6f.the c�clone an a many important mat in der thou loadoolliio tilpo� !Lti.oburd- Paws6n, the father, was -or must inembers,expresBed their vie Government 'had Do control 4uu it we freely. w:ith iers, the'
his own parents, on the rev6latiOD Of came down 'stairs, tb6K t1i . a mun yours gardener' for Mrs Young, have,b6en' regard to. ij� IIe',W6UlL d*.Iike to k�n ow ov6r"the'm._ Thi' was notabl� the ese hisollare ill the Phoonix parknaurders fell by the bpoi-leg-aud fttggod %-bou b forty Vollorniount, James, street soutl� and with Alas (Af6nday),highb'sF,-an's'aEiCt,,(Mo.) whether the -views expressed by Mr.' White in respect 'to the regulation as to the like a thunderbolt. yp rds to , thel , got of, tile . gardqu where' 7B!� Great crowds assembled in v6io approved " thosc that Should be. ex- height of overhead bridges, which could not L � 0 b;swif,e,on.e son besides.tbe deceased, and In the-crimb,for-whih he has just paid begiiai to prepare ii grave. Ile , thou got, Holuo daughter, leftfor Braceliridge 'two weeks thgi-atreetb this Pretisod by am'ember of the House. ' Ile jtbe eniorced in the case of these iaihvayp. a lumber, whic coal par L t of the cit viewing the destruction by then, proceeded to write:, his, motion, And, :I w the penalty of.hi' life B�rady� toob a promi. h Lie mouccol to Weltauro ago to,day, there to take charge ofa lar e y as proposed to amend the -Act by de Bent part, beiu& -one of the men who, did this 9 I and saw up for it colliu., 1 13Y thiH thDo-Some -con 6ervittor�y-aii,d_�.kh arket garden. The the storm. W6rkinen;are bysy clearing the While he, was doing so the Speaker' rose clarin� that it Should apply.toove'ry rail- Stabbing. He"is also acQusdd of'having 'twpu y doibris fi�nl the' street6andikepairing-houseg. with a copy 'of the -rules � in his hand! &rid w Dy �l L fifteen" or t of 'the Deigllbors, dooedged Mrs. Pa.�Woi7was iTaemb,er of iich was snbjeeb, to the legislative .;been 6oncerned in.the attempt to purdier wbo'were alarmed. by tbo motheri 'had Wesley Obu.rcb,, And, as universally. The folloWingLI are;reported killed:, Willie aid that he i Should, darlier hs�ve called the' authority of the Parliament of Canada, Juror Field. Capable, if his talents had I wer' 'uvabl" to' Sieben, M , re. David Reid 'and JOE I ieph Bu I rns. hoil. miember's attention to the fact that, -if a d in a66th er 'clause it was proposed -to congregated, but a e _do any-, e8feeme'& The littl e girl was, Liz�He Paw- n been turned in the right direction, of doing'L thing, as the murderer tbreatened to Moot son, th.bboy burned was John, tbe�yotmgest' Soine"dozod.06ople re reported S - eriously Such 4OOUmeUtS'aS this Were to be brought name! all, tlOse railways and bring them credit to himssliand his'� country, he, b9_ �tbe.,hrst'mau .;who approached . him. A of, the family., He was,in Miss Robineorils hurt Two children of Joseph Jackson, undei th6-notice of the House;.tbey should under� the authority , OfL tr6 Parliament, by. -i, came tbrough the hifidence of-,ihe�infam6118 warrant was' -also obtained- for - big arrest, class at the Central. are not expected to"live� baread by . the t, the table,and, their declaring, There, were to sons:, the elder,1 agedi 4. clerk a as the 'Union ct.r6quirpd, that. ither,w , I I I
Qareiy and Others oflike stamp; �a Willing: but Be* as it congidered, advisablo to , working in, the city; and' the daughter Juokson'w" ill ined whl4n the roof Was reading :fo - 116wed by a motion. if ih6ro. tbey-,shall be cosidered'to be'works tot tool to v, Murder hich "B 'brought AiB- do� anything' in, the way" of -'eitif6roing ft'till :Sarah' is teacher in the M IS Street cff.� EA'� Wheeler�6_childjg badly, was :no, iiu' in tbis� case :ihe,generali�advantige 6f Canada, or for up I me n other, devices he � capture of the mur- t ayf Capt. Joseph Burns, an . old bout- would go'on "to 'the oqie -Prov grace and li"it--br6sking woe"to fils� ow for t )ol. They, left for B66615kidge yes erd hurt. d its of the day. faxxlily aiid checked the cause of Irish re;. S64 t4e,�aayant4p of two.or':more -inces I oining. there is cps other sonwitli t,h' %Ei struoh. by the flying timbers of his M .7tandry Said ho would have a motion The, next'clahse proposed Was for the purm Aster ere exh�iusted. Alt length a�maii m, e. man, wi r 1 form. anly,,under . pietence.of'rend4ring to b�)use,his66ok'br6ken and his head crushed. ready. f where iailw'ays named E[ father. When the telegram came ' Mis's pose o prov mg:
eded'in g'et�. Pa Wil. em to NeArl y all the tr�desmen in Dublin have, the murderer assistancei doce. WSLarr the. aple Stre6t School' iie'Si6benllwas kille4�by tbs�overturnihg The,'Speake'r announced Orddrs. of the refuse'a to obey the, law requiring'th'
received.._,a.�_oircular.:__Jt --iing-.zbeside-h,ib:l,,-w-lien�be-took-him-by-th6- Tuesday,-iihe-�-swoonea �io,�th J1.00. LVI�ggon 'furnish statiBtics�io the Government. The _ jon'ti Mr. CaBgrain insc 'aila Said, X,_ of 6, , _and when, a ywou tlualysig'of� special juries oil eighteen trials legs sid thre a tree and hW a gul y� 0 9 r W him'!,to the -.round, after much to, the alarm of the little. ones, who Reid'WaB blown i it Beeme to im under the..CrimSs Act," �and-enclosedwith_ -which 'he was handcuffed- and' taken ran to� the other rooms rying for - help. peck broken'. : -It was 'r6ported that �two, H' 7s6 had -:,be' eninifringe .'(Cries on d' statisiic,s were withheld. It W_a�lintendeld by the circular was a j3lip "boutainilig the bjofi'-6mpioyeefB ofl the' eircue killed, but' of.110rder.',) Anhoh.�.msmber1ad6alloid' the next clause to bring'rail w aye, not un der �.P 'the village. , He Bays that - in com- -The sad news has caused quite a sensa, amongst the frie nds of the ft. attention to a in words ittifigAlle'murder he was carryingout his imily here, this is i 't c6nfirwod. It is prob ethat atti�r 'o great importanooi,, 'the jurisdiction of this Parliament within. Woo to you if.youhavd any.goqds' in in f of these jurors, for you and likewise they fathei's inBtructi' Paw. defirifie i6turn's' will.. she vv,., the d to with the intention of following it b- this Parliahnent by
ons; It. - is smid� that he and the deepeW Sympathy 'with Mr� amage. y a the jdris lotion of will have the blood: and 13,Uffeiing of inno- Wished to get the'fitrm, and7that the fact of son,and his children' is manifested both in Property'l �to , be less than a 1 quartef of - a motion. all lines, br ring thit anch,lin6s cent people on 'your heads." The slip' is his bein' �ept out ofit.engendered the -feel- Hamilton and BracebridgO. million;� �ls'o�,tbat the prob9ble damage The Speakei again said ,,Order's -of the as thtou ere for the general good' gh,lines, W signs , d by� ,Hook or�Cr6ok.,', Ilieclicular ings which prompted him to'commit the without the city igiaot So great as W68 �ap- 'day." ' ilie Olork-read the order for Com- of Canada., , It might be said that many"Of has ca Used, a Ben8i�tiori; murderoL,44 Etc A"qU1AF!k1C -BLAZ g� prefiededla'st night." 'mittee of, Supply,, and the Speaker Pat the these'roads flaa l6cal charters, and ihWt,by' meeting-. 'of the LLE At thi National-Lesgue inquest :vas -held this aftpr- It is� t6bligbt all -those injured',in the A doron6r's Motion for the committee. brlog'ingl them Under the jurisdiction of at Limerick yesterday were Mr. Landry rose repolptions noon, and a� verdict of., willful muraer t recover. . Mr. Greenwood, as if to speak,'but the Parli6anent-theoe, charters would be affebt.' Berminess part oir tile 1INivu JDcgtro3!cd- S denouncing the ntendent of Schools, is pain fully passed Government, and- returhed� 12e� murd4gr Was to rucol I I in- Speaker was aboutto lea:ve the chair, and ed, but- he had inserted in� the Bill a, 61au6b' sift'lo. and 1[nirnii:rant, P0kc'dtj'Bii I 0
.the rrearW*of and - Crimes Adis. Owen S�und,'Wii6rie' ]is. 411 �e detain'e'd- till :A man. on 12th- strek Lhad' b is had declared the motion carried, so.Mr. wbile b them under the W 41lartillities of Scitlerml, I , " '' . , t _' '
Psrliar6ent, �higtrial�60ni MIceiA,a,nd L, I I .. I "in
ff lbntro�l,!of �Parliri so that Parliament: es 0 clothes torn from his,body. undiy refrained. V' d4te,.. are dead, Mr.. Laurier rose before the.Speaker left might exbr ise-o-ver.them-the-.-saine. charged the G16 v e rh e n ' t ' with p'nisuing' a Joseph Lamber;,-tbe t'oljs�DOL mukderer,7 her chil`d� near yan
polic d- d th Irish A last Monday hight's -Winnipeg, and Re badly, the� chuir,.asklng, pe mission to - call * atten- diciion which it exercised for the safety of y of revenge ;' 'he. 4 uye, who is a'-comparaitiveiy-'y'ouUg' mani With id aiad,'three other children r .10,k, if 'ih�n. his 'despatch 'X.telegra,m which. has huthe public over other - lines, declared that people to maintain their c6urage; Patience anything, ybunger' eir recovery is- oubtful tion. -to a�mattei-61 importance� :He read a and.- Union', 9�nd 'rimaiked-: that there were a :not ;oer� been r6ceivea ft(, Pa��ifioR%ilway,,is' obstruct-, P�gtftion from'.th'e'R'o"y6ib�i,�adii"n�"Acad'e'my� 'they were not exempt, frona'any obliga- Iim ..Qu'Appelle announces spires won 8 the�biiriing of the business p6rti6n of-ille ed -by 1�nd South of Arts, praying, that ia cotnmis�ioft for: the he a-ree. already that. their d' "'"'Id',be twenty, arrived' ere la t' i fit in charge tions they had incurred by t e Canadian- Pacific The.sborm iS ica p%intin . g 1. Ob" e*entu�liy;�ttai6e&., of.ConstAbl'eVogs�i�,of- Holland township,: town', 'reported to httve.'�roeged the execution, of an higtor' ' I merits they had made - with Local U2_ The Loiidon'Tfties,says The speadia, OL Railway, and the immigrant buildihgs:'juS!V Indian territory between-M6AIlister' and dw-asludgedin jail I I � rnemora,five of' Confederation.. should-, be�� tegislatuies I which-- had - mibisidized General Grant at the recent bgnquet of -the corn]b',leted., L Tile Ere began at 5 Atoka. A despktcl�i from Brookfield -says givou�to Mr. Harris, a ar..tist of them' or, granted them,� their charters.' The prisoner'is abquVilve feet eight incheii New YO ktChamber of. Commerce iSL a eve�,ing in the station'llouse, and imme- live -from tudies in' The nex of-thehill containedtbe with long. s, 1,:we're killed abol ten'or. fifteen talent, recently.roturned -- -Ah person a I to si In Sample ;61 e, o.p `majoritymof wou , Been City. The.wires. are Europe. L This petitioD, -he aid,had, 1p.ndi6. il. iniou Athe h )dnded ,seized noted- at I M iready proposal thO'uapasure introduced eri ttairi�ble. been laid before ibe, Government, b by -the member ''for North TorkL (Bar. ills Am loan, people,�whi*, feet,digtant, then rari'into the idwn- -First I -by the slightly turned -'up., He * shows'..,'sig'ns- �of down,.ai�d Particulars- are Un6 ut no arousec of.,the � dynamite iof in- believed that the, Are' had'. heen. CIMTHAGE' Mo';� Iday," :TlVeAown of- answer had been received- concerning it. �iuloch) with referenceto' the leaeing ana' beifiola�, p6ssoiissiou,'of a r 6� w 'if 'Do" d 6'roDgo"*'as'.cTe's.troybd'by,tbe oy6 One' in a f nceqrag- party.L tO' novan t,11�gejda,' and is a rpergoni that Would, not by anumberof Iudians;vvhOL ha He dwelt.up,o:n thei ini ama gamating.of roads, which measure WAS portance 0 8 Ro6sakeepstemporari vqi merl'CaPB -tak and. built" fires* - at the _w t excepting al ew -permanent ithlicitawn. ettho 1 P$ few, mfilutes, dwellings. i w thl xe4dily,be; en c'riminai.' �'.Onthe n, ing Canadian art, and.uponlie byhim on., e under"Stan ing, after- & Son t,' allue in a, Caadiaw Art allery of.� such that itspr6visionq the ut ^ it wile he tr4d factsof the. way from Williamsford, he took,,matters theiftstern .,'6'r' Six persons were ould be ioicorpbiatia in h 'Wl Dolor and hi dli'� I c killed` and thirty-three- wounded', rnally C teder"a bill now bdor� the House. The- clause Irish question: f6a 1�. quite, cool y, and was apparen I tly, ibdoiffe,rent warAe ascertained. ar6less a,painting &8 this. on tion was an �the ness we , ask � the American people to rid Idoncer I Die I g t he dee&l'O had iiommitted, aLd sm6kbr had thiowu a, lighted match under-� 'seriouell pe��hapB�t' event , of ",great importance,* and required that of roads must'b -of prejudic6s,and torpeoghize n ltttform, W Q 'e, y taken fore- approved by the Governor
the' �earful� con seq , neno�e, Pending 'h r6:-� thope, 'men - who' had. the. and their minds ffet�th� the.jtatio he that the denundiation' .by Irishmen of fut:drs.' 8 were�.a quahtit of shavings and oth.eid6m,-. most part in COnSUWMatiDg it were worth 1hatno coin pany Should urchaseordeal L&TEST NORTELWE.ST, NEWS. England are not now�.justified,. but bustible material. The freight -shod went, Of buVlngL yX E r 14� r roa a wit Mr. Lambert, the�doo6aBed,'was an , ng- their fe ' atu es placed upoDbauvaz �izi bonds or aeon �hli a h ygone histor' W rth, . a . nd ad resi ed'in the almost, simuftk' wh h. woald be truly Out the� consent, ar holders. The refer to b y. I do lisliman by bi h d- neously ..with, the Btatiou� T. 1
er, G old Whike,, in EL picture to not ' ask- 'the : United �, �States . to put. ten,'Years. 'building, a;nd.,befote� the fire had Vlshfin- 1. lllc�r pi" to - r . the Ranc . h ., s., to next'gection was (c township of Holland 'for 'about em. rative. of their 'great service ne to which he�wiBhedto down the organized ruffianism � which pre; f &I -stores, two hard- -: - : - .1 . , .
There -are s0en �of the family a and C. a�ada. � While not prEtending . to speak direct the attention of: the lion. member for Ive girl itself out, three geDer tends to 'impunity and. eitcouragement two boyBj the Prisoner being . the eldest -boy. Ware stores, Harris, Sons & Co..'s implement here! is w ec,are, ty of farm., laborers at k ow�ledg of i rtistic inatteis,be 'North Siihc6e-(kr. McCarthy mider-tboei!r-flag'-- Af -th torehouses, Birtle. ,with deep n e a as it, met a, ey do--hotibesti fainl ard-higbly respected, and,.as agency, a, numbe.r.of wooddii a reerrod.to.a-paintiiag.by Mr.;Har4is Which-, 6ugglest.ion Which be-thr-eW out when discuss- themselves for Aheir -own character and far as. can be m9certained; have alwaye'llornie' and McManus' hotel ware consumed. 'The. Regina, has; A stage line. running to Long, , se� em6d ogreat merit". and ing, the bill be�had before the House soine comfort, they are, not likely,to do go, to .be referred to a respectable reputation. Ode of the girls logs is: eatirnated sit $100,000 s Lake.' . . . his high ly- - Successful, career, in Europe. weeksago. Tbathori.gentlemen,1twould But the� should recognize nominal. Mr. Warner,tbe who be rendenib n to the fact, oblige England. married some yearsagb, and I is how resid- station agent, : Coal 0 anlbeldugoutoi the river -bank at Can�da, he Said, had :rna;ny art , ists. ered, drew attentio facts. The Whole of England is convinced saveA. the booR4 and papers (if, both the Sta ded only opportunity and,'appreciation that w r�ag all railways Were' compelled- lug -in the. State of.Michigan."Th6 prisoner, Edmonton. - rise ha that'tbe Government has dealt generouBl tion and,ih6 freight' shedsi 'A few' trunke!� y for.tbb�tast yearbr §Zi, is Said to ave been I.. I -Rey..Mr. Anderson,uf Paris, has;Jakeu tobecomegroat_. S6me,of'thbm,`coilqu9'r., to ;give, equal facilities to all -lines of rall. with Ireland, but must, r1sBist'the . demands Possessed: bi Bttange freaks, and riot unfre- led. ut'of th I *uf Rk,Mr. Mitchell, who is via were cari o e " mmigraBb shedi but the plat it. lug, all 'diffibulties, , had sobieved Success, W facilities could, not be, required larg6 quantities of other were burned. I i , 111-N of the Secessionists. The Amer not que0y, alarined.tbe rest of the,, family -by lug other p apbs,; in he Presbyterian Church He: referred-, with Pride' to the' f�ct�'that from the for individuals' A'olattse in the.' in their haaxta belibveall Englishm*e'u are' unus In the freig erything 'was lost. pletufts'in this bill required. all companies I 6,'� reat i . ri� .big Reg' fou Canadian aitists had: t Ualbonduct. 'it 113% hyporites and, tyrants, and they should, It, Was vj�ed vo the ceilingwith implements,, R Let every Weak back, 'Year's Pails Salon, and -also that one of tbe equally. e Ahe e ect of t E ST-.- -porkq, flour, %groceric aingers,6ftfie da,y W 'as; Can th%b on'. -at 6very,�b dut, - and, the �imen, -three- PrBS W consider h do gelitlema
au , women OfL ..purpose, and id '(Appiaus6.) He'"d no doubt*" propo8dti -thik d, faith at not think -St. Bonitaire, A'ttacke by'the'Scdurue� 'he:-Tou6hwood. hill$ �,�-,3-uutry patience! will,'make'Regina a, groat capitap,: tfiat'�everral' leading memberw 'f th i Gov- Committee"',, e Ires y crian coDgrega ion a e Al bbrt t If sell emse veB among e ir� Ar eB UpLpel th I bishops'of Ireland referring �to the Parne hEMng.,,been almo4impass-' have is for, i' gma erDmen aving. Conatituji6n wotild av'e 'Mr. Blak� "iA' he was very . got ky to hear fund Bays: It , is, , in , tolerb6bl' a L ll ' at's, pries . t, A last (Tuesday) night's 6icago despaich. able"an Unusually 1�rgs'quantity. of goods nore'effective fitimers. f tbe much more a biBhop,'should' `A spebibl,despaich�rec6iv�dto.,night organization'.11 It4as agreed tw adopt the some delicacy iri' proposing to thd�jlous�e this.'The bill sbould,in hiA.opinio h ;3;gotot� at
promote' such gushad,Apcumulated.' The statioD,house was all :from Winuipeg" Man., sAys the smallpox envelope systdin. for �thp sup ort of the thd.Paintii�g �i subli aPicture.,If, �owever; comnjittbe. As it''Was not going, there,': he.. 'The . b ch ''I .. P Objects." Tfie docurnbri e has Struck : St.' Bonifape ��, town I I a, frame building,. costing 550,000. c urc an appropriation of $3,000 .or... 44,000'was, would object"tb -its-beiBg . ieud'a SeConCl collections -Which MAY 'be Scourg imi:nigrktioB9bqdsWek6 uilt by.Giant & I made for thispurpos� it: Would 'eL ceive'bis Printed in French. .,b M. Gordon' 6. lJobn PrinAe r ;:as' it, had nbt�beeiu ineans of exciting rebellion against the 1945.' rose the' river. I Twenty 'ca�es occu, rrea and nearly all A'& far, have proved h a. circular, asking, for sbbs6rip. own hearfy at ghter.) Jelly, of Winhi�eg, at a cost of Mj,000, ipport, and �h beethe (Lau A Rome despatch says.:. It is stated,that Mr. Baker the in2migrani agent, 0�ly took ont Xt Of pointed out tbitt, f6tal. A son of Com'modorei Alex. Kitson, . 1. extent of 52,500* per annuln for �suppo Archbishop troke on his return to1reland sBession three weeks ago. Westbrook&, t�r.q y Mr*� Albuz A awill visit; Cardinal. McCabe, and that �ih the Well kn6wA.Aurf Patron, was theili8t V fertile support. of a the6l�&Rl OV�ight.seconded #e,propo' A Is Yr 6f e 6 itli�'��tbe , Fairchild's",implement- agency was pot pr.fo. �in_.Ahe .course of an eloquent 4,:11ad -net considered the: bill-iib� measuie'; fobe tali6n. ''The cause,'of� big de&th�� was Manitoba College,' sition, and' , I I I . I 1,
latter will come here : t confet��w to bed. Gould's -grocery Store; hich -was The Bell Va the s of the. membe ompany has seed n events, whion led. was.'in t e. an rs in Eng th Th conbealed,,and nearly 'every person ',that U9 rming C ech touched upo -Pope burned, was one,of best in the North.' t" 'd - fi' 'd -as Bboh'aw big heal h* to Confederation, paying at -the same' ime. i6h sinbe last I ri ay, ve ay a. ago'. e I�i Pdpe,� circular sh �.att6ndeff the Juneral' aught,tthe,' disdaBb. 3.800 acres W'Aand. so far. t is spring. a iribut6 to those, �buih West. her6are,)aofire�b6ppliitnces,,anciti�� Whatiever'Mr. Parnol Yeos*ui�h ',hiothbk. William: was talion Thir'ty-fou'rg�ang plobg�lis 4'r'e,,' " kantly at way.xu�Tn had7no,. means "bf fighting tlib sdaond:readmg� wap,pe.sion6d._� I's object may,be, down And 60nv I ye , d , to hospiad. Last work H 0 y -The Ile -of be hi followers often adopt v� course �penl r .when it broke, thestation. xt li tober The" Ouse reBolved'itgdl"' e,'o m_ night; whil6v��naig�,i�as,sleepiugand while -under cultivation on will be Council of the 10t a ust �.th' el d' 'bled;. the reso ution 6 Sir Leonard gai of �-tha P46's letter t' tankmisfull'of:*ateran tberc� we're but �a -d wicli the 0 .. ifederation ResollltiODS 'were .mittee�6i Cardi (11 the instr6ctiol)(S) it-i4,�supposed deliilotis,,he jumped, - on nal. 'McCabe , an to Vucketii on. hand, but ihb.,building.�.. VAO tlle�G6vernment to, acpeto 116 g6und�and eactiped, fiaii ` 6A ' Winnipeg, telegram 'dated pte e spo e wi pri e lng no lug beibg'of wo6d was.�sooh; e�troy'ed.:' The ris'.s�uccess�_hfth6rto, and ex , sse'd the ad�amce a Bum of.75100,00'.0'to thg-�Quebec; at their reo0n: t meeting �m-i -Dublin. �-oh but a night shirt. A phy8i6ian of the Canadian, Pacific Railway . authoritie Says cB6th, barr stei;OfWinui that. tl�i3 PJI:�61 ut st arbor' Commissioners' towards he com-� 6 Rice' hope Government w d e r.0 While i 'ish to See' hos anda. oteward'h�a�e been searching .8 p6g,)iag t is lawful� for, ifie, it k, . pit"' earnestly protested Some time agb,against him, for he felt sure the - pletion of theLevisGritying-Dock.- for Without success. - I't is believed 'he M. Howard�, as, lerk'-of: the trec4tive his coriamisgion to redress, for their. gr - itivances .'and to Strive,, migration s edq, 1,400 'the 'has he.rairie_frdm._-e .on t ol� _The. the� Abq%tibn of', h, , -bouucll�-of -Manitoba, at-& -sa, lary -result -would --be-4-pidture,wofthy, of-�-Con-: - Tberes61ution!waa 11
lor, thbir)7lghts;,t4 --should- .:of at I- to filing-outa.-fi-ai-tif tfie" station house took, federationand-of,oanadian art.. foauded,upon it, was in'troduc6d.' 'Poll perannum-, 8.r 6�b Macdonald Same time se6k'God'B justice- and reme ie.q to-nigbt,,oal.ls,,.upon;lt'fie�:�uthoy lire, they would 'Bprely go.' Tbe,i D6mi Leonard. Tilley, moved, ihsi:, 0 ' use in'quarantine the bridges -between- St. Boni-, mOnA Tbe Brandon district is t�id:to be goitting it spoke, briefly,., refer Sir, of ber the wi6kedness crime, � even as. a 0oveinm6nt, -however, overruled this., ffiti,lioA's sh� re of; tfie immigratlon�' and ring to Confederationas a iiobie'wbik by �iiitocob�n�l�teeon�th6r6Bblu'tiola cc and Winn ip6g. a 0 furt Sting &just cause. t is th e h� nCe ':British Kingdoull4as 'ogiab- ihg 66 reduction froms.to 4 per 'cent. of meauB f b Qu'Appell Bout next iul ord6r come Portage, la'Prai'rie; which a W Was O�Siitiiah6d elght'i duty -of -6e cler�y-to-ciarb_the �,oixcited_feel�_ -,ago,. Bro%61�e 'up of, the Whole �,6f the the'rafe.of interest payable by the Quebec AJD. r W ejaw. LarR6'nuri��6�8 lishod,. made ings.ofi,the people and:'Urge. justice and towns in the ehants and-- &tbii-Onttir Dort hern halt, of North. A meri ba.' Heals6 'Harbor Co'mmissloners to the Government. The'elegy,aie not permitted io.mbn are pin�'into 'the for- maderatiob. Chaiigie: of. Shot 'otber6who have' suffered are uuanimcu� in' tile region norifiLofFort �Qu''AUp`611e.' referred to s6verul of those who �9�d talie6 upouille s,.Ums,loaned' to depart'from. these iules. and join � and I' di ' t '"b h saying that they will stano by, the site7 and. 7ears Old, son,of Mr.' Bou�vette;, a, ea 1�9 Par in ringing it about,-Particu-. eis (to complete t e tidal docE llgWfa, itAlrip. A boy 12 3 promote MoyeMen 8 Incongigt6a itfi&re� re url wa 1 a Be t Gciie' Ba:y, kp,mtou'lin, b , .. d arow- d' the, Red larly .'to; the Liberal'- �membere: of ifid The resolution a's, adopted, and bill. ith.." Collection's 'to rp`lieVd diktrtigs � are' A t. 'He Was 1sbing oit the 'Couliti6n Cabinet.' iatroduced-.,; �tio 'a RiVeir -last nigh permitte but Subscrip n to inlIttme' says.' A- ead affair ;occurred bank; whedi gave way, carrying t e youth leagiies that. he' ever, ha ad , -'o at 0 aay661�- :�foulAed upon it WaB 'kilt r d.h' cc' per.' eAr the.itOms passed in ramittbe of,,Sup-
pkpsions are.dondemned. The clergy mustr near tbiB� pla6e, oil. Satiirday mornig last, Hi4 body is yet Wadis anapkrn6stly in car- 1pl into tb6 stieam. more loyaliy, cordially were 'conopried in and'.�the House hold aloof Wheli it -�s pl&hi, that, by�sU6-, in:wbichl young -girl, Katie. Turner, s�6ine T*vo 1111ndr6l Itilled b j, the altliou h, g ' 'pled for con'tin' rying out the C6nfeddvati6ti�reso.iti�io�:thELn adjourn6d'at,12,55.. dissension . are 1§ Years of" ige, lost her life. Tv�o fads, Of covered" g , rap Bally movements hatred � and Si W o., Bro �B' the, HOD.-bliver nee 06,06durrence. Ue ar?used, distingliisbed persons ingulted, this.. village-, �Thomati,; Prter and, James A. Ravana, despatch 69,Ts: Advices from 1. 1. i I f her gold br i, Win. The arriva o anot iok from Mo,;kt and the Her (),K).AX, 01r, - iulm V. crimes and--mu'rder.brs go unceristired-And Smith, of. about 14 or were out at a- Ha�fi tire conflicting.- The.. true situation. the Lit'ke of the Woods causes sdm6 excito. no doubt' of Mr. Harris' ability when patriotism where Katie, e to..e I 3cecute I such'a plcture,'as would.be , Viral appears to be hat, Miragoibe, wbiph, is .nient, among gold sockets. It is ftom th .1 0�ii amount Subscribed, for people are - thereby Ti�irner !*as Btoying for'a few daysli', nd defended by' abou'6' 706r6b61s 10-lds Ut, weighs foity-seven 6un6es lookoa upon with interest and pridely the thiL Cake. . I . O - -Arg, 'Some �vild geego near the Bay, intimidated. Therefdre'the Parnell fund is sbain� agaiDgt%006-Government troops, while the fiftS�e-)-a,T'BnDyWelgbtS, exactly five d�A�i people of CaBada� ibng after e.pry*�,man ti no cke_rgyM&4 . im,,_ths_to_"as�. r,,t_6f-Jhe-R�pdl5 y -quieV st� is wurtl , Thoi 13c"Wol of Ag lbure ��ving: some disapproved, a "60. withii, the range 6f #icu
his � voice'. had pass6d commend,or promote it." 'time mo-announcea went into the house for Smith's gun, which, iSLriitoor� tbat:�'the town of n e onedriled thire- although'there , . Rev)ortglrom othek�mj ds WO.Uld S em to la�Vay'. So far aB hd as c IS .18,: in at in ric I n s.., i6r attist who' dreiv hig'feature5 y prizoo.for eggs, s on t a. most �u )cioui� io p in e, Saying, thttt the cup yoting Smitli let, art 1' - ih MH faVoi Some excitement has. been CAUsed by,'an they proceedied to load. Afteiputtl St. Mari Of GOD- indicate was anotl Dublin m6thodg'bf, farpihg,lia this Province, on I the hamrn�,t. dOwn Piquant.' -Six hundred fugitive inhabitants The, Nortliwoot, Cattle Company.and the With, v�onderful Acquracy, aid he d Archbl, bop 0roke's friends seriouslyintend too sudden and '.the 'gun Went oif. The i J.hn B-1 MF .. gen�lg the,followinp Produo- of kiragoane reaclied- Port4au-PrllinCe On a Windee R'a�ch -Com have Shipped. not that. if Mr.,11akriti woul4 dev te.bis tingP. this'pope for taking'the putt- poor I h jed--to, bo,skn0i' in Nor�7egian barque. They state that'the and bxperieuce to,the-taerk be Would2 bo�bc. rge lfb! � a . - t f Stock in'the,Bow be able to prod iii wGet"UP early-, of tl�s - ! hvc, =fiPent, stalliol�s talents
B&tiRh Governme cc; c in her bremBt ' abe!A`,blew up tbe,brfag'e at'Miragoone for the' nt, and threatdnibg. front i , ri mprovemen 0 Ude a likeness" as true and ynamlte, at artist' M 2. or -r or� and It IS po ed . d lKilling. �60, itnd wounding 9, River Three of -them itre* fine as as'that 'excellent r. 3. D. \D illAh6 SgitatiOil. &to that: a; , part of the go, I dbed in b h between a,'Clyde Be (Lend cheats and, lagbter)�. P like nurnb�r. U, whic specimens of the roB� On forfeit a _ f the epuiaopab6'ag. a penalty\f died imm6di�t sup , ')� " partici 010 ipgr.ijgh bothipg Itronger t6m A beat with four rce yodr h6r'es'ni goo 0 dition.,
bishop C, rok�ls, friend�will refuse, accor heart; 0 -)the S ran the blockb'Ae, has arriveCl it, KiligHton, and Norn]9`111,,one a pare: Norman and Be As it seemed to be the,gene!ral wish- of lug to the to.. pay, even' Grif5th 8 0, MiIk,y8ur-cow6'ut,regular hours,,, letters to. Gan. Bazelis, &88uiiDg. :ii Splendid pit. '�)Hoa,:Uei --the-. aye- t, ying 4 . all aq your, valuation,. andwill also refuse topay I'qter s� ininticlan4l 011mer CuriogftAemi that the force in in pl�eiug In t 0, eStlMiate'S a,'Elum' up .see They, ire valtu, IS e Mlr�gpane�cafi- resist This' is the h
Rufficient to cover,tbe expe the proper tim Pence., 'Haih3tonbs; ton inches in circumference; the Bleige for fou�,mbnth% first s f live.kock on the C. P� R. 129bs of havi,ii th 7�. Sell your grain when, - e, pric re direct to theRockies, and will b6l shoitly'L commissioli� executed by f 11 in various paits of Michigaki on Mon.- higheitit.-, $20 6r� lh� e ship-xvirecite'l,by Fit Fish. s lgnments trou� 14e- - Mr. Harris.: The motion carxied, and the follo*ed by iother eon J K ep, out of t . h f e.law,cOU , #�te., Same Par les. A New York telegram Says:' S4i6W fell at,St. Jo a O thingsAbitt, er1m, N. B.,,yesterday, A New "York itilegrarn says. : The b%rque t went int6 Cobimittod 61f Supply Do -not W, Ste' M, Orley. tDowerney, chief, cook of the 'Lotus Club, Georgia'p each be- grow- in the open' air. ngo from Greenock for� Quebee, with coal, Beef is seffind'in.winnipe-g- at from,12.J Mr. '�o�ter presentedA petition fkoi)3 the f I :i I , -foi the sup stil6u' f are not'needed. who on Frida�,lftst cut a maites'O.Oat's till. Early AlexanaVrs'are now on Sale in New. Struck a -large lShL 'and I Ins ' t' ' the greitiest to 20c. a. pound, Dominion Alliance pre i o ris. ertain re, . . ;a 1: R. Woodside will' abortik eFftab- t e liquof'traffi6, raying for 6 10.; Marry your sots to rich gi
h P ff—
Voijr 11., Do- fio�f 10 ;Wil, your heig ors. off with a al6aver, Was"Liried for- cruelty to York:blty. part of her stOrn, She began to lbAk ter )uBdry'at Pri�6e, �A_rtbui"S,L�mdin strict' , Be kund regulations oil the Sale of� T.) 1waySL al � Sessions lish a ft 10 animails-in-the- Court of Spedi Two 'young ladies .of Crystal Springs, ribly and hid to be abandoned'. , The 9. 12;'A do what is riAht, I hud, you Y� � -Nicho, lag _,Flo6d,.,,,Dav -:rOp6rts7'.,iu the liquors. yesterda Dewernoy took the stand and Miss,, are Shipping rosebuds, to Chicago. Steamer Leeidarn Observing the 'Signal Of f_M C -th ' d Je-4ureto�4ucceed. said that the cut hhd �Pruug-at_hiB face and Therc wag', a. find - display I flowers in distress boe -down on -her. The See, was '.Zead& �hat," Regina,can - boasfofso 6,6 of On motion -o r. aron, e 6men me t ma _Th6V Modestly icuse spell.� -thb- - L I � , attemp edto bite hirn, and that 69 the Plymouth C buich, Br6okl��, wh Sunay q --much ri ub 6 _6Z_cT' brightes eyes,� that' ever sh6ne-,6fi' de-in-the'senuteA6 the,Bill consolid t I 36iVe a- prizej s6n`d'it, irgud,ai�apnding Several Aoq.r,el"stii]g-toi-,.ingaiad,*rite.� f rei feline ran off -he, jii a At'of pkesion,'struck morning, and,Henry Ward Bepchei bap- damage the crew of, twelve and the captain' Poor liti a and defen into LinaBavi Oat and' at it With the elesver� severing lts,tail,. The, t;lzed twenty-two childrenau'd-babies be-, and his wife were suved.� Som6 from engines on. the Canadian MI I de -was concur�ed I He couirt found him gUilty ap&;iaiinieho6d Ili t w' k r6scued� ailway have -been the cause of 9, explained ihat' the amendment provided ru - fore preqcbing', the� � sbiifioh, � The, use of fell into the sea. bu.. e e .1 , 1) 1. . fil Winnipeg dur- that , a volun I test, whenever he appeared in Pseifi ' 'I e rairie reB near topay fineof20- flowers in church decoration. is -gizwillg" mplaints tire made in Winnipeg that- r-.Villiam Lane, of Vernon. Mount; the ounif6�m,,sh6uld be subject' to military law. -'Cc
I lug the pkgb� Couple Of weeks.' A'really'
to i Lane practical Spark arresier'i� what is wanted By the amendment the, Act, was resolved rkilWayrat66'1rOm'148w York,bavebe6u senior partn6r'in the brewing firm c MajorWalBhAs confine "is quarters, for everyglipok6tach on the oad, to its original position underihe old liw; increaseM 50 per ce Since last semiin. reentlyi a didrama. co., of Cork� di at Regina with erysigelas.. Moving Spectacle- ed h il
o gh th h el