HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-04, Page 97
M 4,41 .8
The Business Done,,�Mkade Run,
-X rj XbJLJ.N U 00 uti U .LOP.
How s)ae Flajoy"�4 e
1(nofeirwatioll COUCOVUll N QW u
ag _ 1l)[9
0 'Out
Alit Ii
An, Ottawa, despatch says : :Sir, d& eB
INJKW WALiggoliEl.
KiliescriPtion pt the Formidable Mrltli�h
ve"Hel viraikilifte.,
iAt lad, time as ther , a -been Be � much up.
a1nd,,P.r`bfit Won',
Tupper laid beforethe House Some further
tivity at the Chatham dockyard at this
0 knows� to -day that,oni ciou-bye
staterneilts respecting the'�;progresa of
Canadian FdoiAo R%i1w my 06lnpa�y., The
6 sison of the year a: a now. TU British
for sum, reason pushing
At firpt Was not 4 wish, but trayer-
theaght forever
Writing from k1amiltoin" Bermuda,
papers brought down to -day include a pro-
forward the armo ad ehsel8 which are,
othelp nig,,
And 4',Vxod be wi6b. youT 11 everywhere!
An Ottawalropatch Says : The railway
statistics laid before the House t6odayehow .months'
correspondent save : The two and a half
sojourn of the Princess Louise
tile and description of the proposed route,
of the railway through the Rocky - aha Sol-
bilildling, and'will ba a them completed at
an early- date. The, mechanics, itre em-
Not as the woi -ld doth givs.',!--�Baid He;
'that the total mileage of railways in Opera
and Bu ite in Bermuda has beerimarked by
hirk Mountains f�om Port Calk SrY to I the
Ployed on extra timd-1 The greatest amount
Who ef all men 013 eaTth Was truO4
To His disciples tenderly,
C I to
tion M'Canada on June �30th lust w4k 7,53.0.,
Three hundred and tbirty-fmis were
generally Ivor, fine weather. We under-
stand that thev have thoroughly enjoyed
second crossing of the Colli mbia River.
Chief Superiptande'ut -Van Horne r'�ports
of wttentiou is being 'given to the Powerful
tW in.scre in Wax-
w, Bteel-ar ored
'ive my parting word '. .! � I.
under con uclion,,7 thEL track� being Wa,'
e -Hightless-entert inad__aV,,.,th&t_iu_das,o
I ;�,"kdf -f
ending 0Qm sainnait of tile
ElPite,which ia"altogether an exceptional
Than said He, "PoUce With you I lishvia.,
6ad 2 910 miles wexe under eonotruction
Inglewood a few representative peop�efrom
Rocky Moaataini,i towards Columbia River
type Of vasse 1.1 It is intended that
-IvXy peace. 0 friends to you I give �1, '
"? A.
I i, Clisidbrable interest
;; � �r- hA J! -4- ;1 - U
f 1 0 C a gra an , %u a Buall be, the fastest, armored vessel aflo t
MetuopYourbdartsbesad believel Do track being, yet laid. Tbe� increase o a to time, an , oc a per in a A ..
believe in Mjo Shall live." mileageinl&styaar'was269.' TbeMinisteir in,curralatlocaleventEl. Mrs. Gallwey's. seciiXed,buttbatit would inwiveaAarge She is over 300 'feet lone, with a displace-
Ia baB prodeaded garden 'party at, ounC Langton -was .169sin distance, heavy ourvatures,eno
Oh that upon our bosits might He reports that, amalgammtia rmous ineut - of 7,390 tons. � Her - armor platin� i
ap ace and that traffic has notiflagged. it is, as lc�illiant a gathering as, has ever expenoe and -serious loss of,.timein.cOn- will, be� Bte.el-faced, ton inches thic�i, and
Breatbe-evermore tbat,self-same Word RIE MATISM,
a Significant fact Wat the increase In the assembled on the lawn of Government struction, so that the� use of that grad'
And oil, that our " good-bye " might be Carried.` five feet below tho Water line.
receit n to House.' Her Royal Highness visited the is almost impr"ticable. Th6 Company Her , armor is I laid on 9v tea�jach And all complaints of a Rheumatic natu
Prayer for the. presence of our Lord :)ts is by no means in. proportjo re,
r or naval hospital on Ireland have therefore decided to adopti-the direct RHEUKIATINE is, not a d V for
iHiana, and the
Could that in the, traffic, wbether )aeBehge clearer, surer tb,,,,qk1P,,g, with.the usual irou. skin plathig" .11 the ills that flesh � is, heir irf Au
Could emi He a beEter Bond freight., t a increase I � in t 6 selltiDg a Solid th�cj�oess� of nearly
pledge be given 11 number of extensive dockyard esiabli , sbuleni (having down , west,. slope of rriountain ' a with a
the. largest floating dock in the world), g 0 AALGIA, SCIATICA, RI
-'Than ffiat,'wit6which 11-w6litt6i heaven passengers carried beillg 34 per cent. and radieDt of 116 -feet t the.miJb for 20 miles., two,feet,6f �teel', -iron and timbers,gainat! �orriplaints of Rheurnatic naturet.
Lo, I am with you to��the and I" that in re 'Only 22 per cent.,'while the where she was received in a becoming A practicable line is:also Said to have been
ceipts the impactof shot ai2d shell. Above the
'of 12. per d -manner., The Princess saw th oss the Selkirk M IT IS A SURE CURE
What need we but, Oun- fighting deck *i'l'
7ttli't�6atful heart freight truffic shows an increasei officiE ound directly. acr I be a,tower, protected by
Cling to His wodef hope and cheer cent. in ton�aje.and at thb same.1iihe an Salient f eatilies of _'MudiE611 scenery "Ikifig tai6s, reaching the Summit on either Side steel, armor, while her wbafherdieck will be,
And sa3, "With me then alwaYs ari, wiil,'apd her ready brfish� by gradients of I and each' protaot�d by steel-faced&rmo I r.
Therefore . Ime . vil will,� foSr actuid-diminution of 5 pet cent. in receipts. and -driving' at 16., feet -per mile The arm&- Mi. F,divard 1111111chelf, �114nringer ot"�
This is probably due to competition. Idost and Peticil Inade enduring artiatic- notes �20-miles in length, The distanee,aaroBs b . ment will be unusualiy hea I vy, . consi . stibg,o 1111 k, iot,�'Cio
y 'the an i1ninercel, Iturnation,
Then as along those bartbl��Ways ie ha,�e Some'very pl'easi'dg little tbig line is 63 milea;,while'by the line fol-' four 18 -ton, breecli-loading rifle out. HAMILTON, January IS .. tb, 1663.
�of the compan s, . Omitted to furnish here and there 9, basideal
With weary feet we go and come, the informatidn nece'ssary, and the. time talas are in -circulation of her visiting a few lowing the'Ci5lun4bia-valley: around the the usual, inachine gims an
ilhiStrat it d t6rpedei.!. SUTIlERLANO.
Long rinter nights, lo,ig saminer days,"., i_in the opinion of -the MiniBieir; arrived c6untry,cottages� in,her ram1cles, would be 140, mile'.. - Tile -',Ifh
But everyfu6tfall tiedrorlibme- 8 ' ' B a will be ca�able* of piliorcing F3ix:-i St. Catharinee.
when itwould-be, eicedient to. extend the ind her' thorough domestioacquiremi 'ruling gradient on other portions of the teen inches of irn armor or thirteen inches
X DnAit SiR.-I am in. receipt of your favor of!
�Omtajtt L of the' and several hutnorous traits of her charac
our lips shall say, powers of. the Railway. I as Canadian Pacific Railway is,53, feet,"and of steel armor at a distance of I
000 yesferd�y'a date, asking my experie"B"' regard',
goodbye w.Vs.ne'er we pa�rt, \ 1�ivy Council, so-AH.to enable them to deal er. the question to be considered is whether She' -will also h 'of to Rhpum�itine, and I have no hesitation what-
ull.tilworeacui Bowe coming day, jingaL on"all rail- An L excellent cb�nce ave a number six-inch', ever in pronouncing it a success ill my case,'and,
The ble6singof the pure iniheart.' 14 with un�uard�d level croBE hasbben Mat recently the line .63 miles long, With two gradight's breech4oading riflasf6r effective work afla in heartil- reconamek,ding the rem,dy to illoso
'each 26 miles in length,
A�bbxANDIR,11. TjlompsOif, D.D wa�aju the Domibion ari&alw to � regulate of punishiiHt one of 'tbosib villains. who, of U6 feet, Bilff�ringL
Her cost, whencom- ror� rheumatism, I IL - or:
f ormulate Scandal Concerning the . Princess, forable to a litie,140 miles I range C, wont 11 1.11 MY right arm and�
the all ODg, with maxi- �,s with that troub
overhead bridges_ plate , wi be about K750,000, her hall and often.was iln-abl6� to use my hand,'
At Eye Time. Louisej writoB a Monteal - Correspondent. lialgradients of 53�� feet. The gradientB�. ie costip about e2,500,. THE FIANCLILLASPECT. tOL er: and at
of L Y, night th 124- �L Was il en�L r6aL
Y�so a
It seems that while Sir'Frands Hiucks�waa i16 feet the mile are said to be used r 6 a r B-0 -.e-
00Q. This, togth�r 6r ore 16-5 s or 5 eeP an impossibility. I must coafe�a
eived 'Completed d th pre- ma patent
e lig�ts fade out of calined sea; -Domih�l-c6,Pital of all e0ently aletter w IiE the other _g
Th - The railway. CC in NeW:York r as Tee oil all Pacific lines� and many even,heavi6r, vesseh,.-w th t I ente,tain6d, a repugnance, to
Daric shadow's 64ri'Itia lustrous breast; paides doing business in Canada ou,30th ill be arin
the of a flower' InbdT 111?aul'Geor have. been *used -ill � dider tL ed,leinps, but some of, My frieDds persuadc�
Flitished, like f roM a perspil sig gas, 1,432 on parts. InAny aent'year. -Rb6ullla�tiDe and �lthou
The white Sail melts into tbo4est� Juu As.as fidl�'cTe . . i ' * me to try
St. Catharine. str Montreal." It was. case assistant irisjght'engine� w ll: be re- gh it may be
'142,936 true �that I Might have got well 'witbo - ut it one;
Ordina;ry share capital 524 addressed to the Graphic and'dealt.. in - a quired. � The 'shortening of' the line is of
Far o'er the blue th�,weary witidg .... 1 .................. 5
Prcforeu6e share capital ............ 71,m��940 On do know, that alter taking four b;t'tles,
love winged tiheir'llight, and swell Ile More tirade.against the Princess- Of course Sir great importance in con:ipethig for -through the pain toole'itBi departure,' aild I b ave j,LOW thd
I Bbndcd� ....... ................ �:., 92,481,932 h 31 ReyiioldB Peyioil,L M. D.i full use of
The wavejB.sad music olor the shrill Francis stopped -the � publication . CE the traffic;, and on! pafs�,e6ger trains the substi. died Sidqnce ''of. big LS6' MV* aral I heartily Wish you un -1
at the n -in-law, bounded belie a y our remo,47
Of rilip as oil liebbly shore. Ai Dominion Gox�erumeut 'his reftirn' to tion. of heavy. for light- 1.66omotives�oul re
d from ...... 80,757,559 letter, and oil ontreal at' tU Ori6l son,'Portrash.,. all that YOU, advert�ve it to be
Aid from Olitar�'o Gov&n�nent� 3j205,56� ade to discover Paul Georges heavy grades" will. overcome' all possible Agricultural t, Iam-my.deli;rir,�OU�EiniOSt4t�nly
'Regt�coles at, last I olor puT�lo hills. 'Aid from Quebee Goernment . ............ 11483097 Bittealpt Was M operaPons are proce ill
-bell til&les clear,;, -w Brunswick ... "58��66'5' at L St. difficulties.' It is considered that a, gradi- great §trides�in Til5perary. he price
The ilvery aheeb, Aid from, i� 6 atharine street. Then the atter W E., MITcHELL.
-Tho,hoin6wa d ph;bbs, add oii-tbe ear, S,, 6117t -of 80 feet pe action may a Pr is unusually liivh.�,
Slowly the IOWID. Aid'from�Nova Scotia Government N 8223,�01 was giveu.intg the hands of Detective Kel- r aiiI6 i a or4 dir of 1 b
-,r Aid from municipali ies ..... iby, by Col'LDaWiot60 and r. be more objectiona6le than one of 116 !SOLD B75� ALL' DRUGGISTS.:
Capi al'from other'sou'�co's ........... ...... 10oiouel St. Georgo�. Cuffe, 'Castle
2 43,279 lert, of this c Deal
Ringjoyous ech6es,from afar,, Prancis Hincks. 11-he-clurnHy � attempt to feet in . ano,ther, by reason . Of � the B�tt I y6u"'geeb son of t66 -late Lo rd fih6uinatil
........... .... ........... ios"(05 412 ing f6iled, ie Co.
A,; reapers lay their sic near, besides h g eater volume of tr�ffic idone direction Tyrawly,. die
Tbeil'all �ound, dio�B, a discover the trad on March 2kfi, 6ver�90 ST CATHARINE S, ONT.
udlaad nild sea TotaY'nominal $415 611.,810 h, dqd
placed the author of 'the letter upon 113 �naa�'thc other, an d a gradient,of 80 feet -to, yeakS.L'
a Zl� Kentli,
Sloop calmly'neat;4 a klent sky; J. W111ej C
t iscovere W more Xceremonial of interest. tookL place: in
The nominal Capital a, th 61686 of ill uard and 'he has. not'l:aeu d' __6_616ile Ca:st of 'Winnipeg Cold .-be
stcoinesatlast! ob, wo%ryboart, previous year wmi disadvantageous than OnP Of 116� Il the Glencoill' bkille,.,
Yevered�o,Dd fainti g by caxe, Will �6neg%' , recently in'the
tbly I cro�s;� -,S,QGI,520 ]UNIE RX14 OF JOULN JRROWI�4o� M-ountain Section, because the tontiaF.6 Planting Of Powa . ed s of thodgands of.
Ordinary 8,�are capital ............... $1 d
And toiling'noatla thy ear Preference share capital .... ................. 71,466,460 b6LBeveral time's as groat-,or�,the form'
0. 4 N. C. IS; S3.
Too great f6i,mortal strength. to bi�ar, er as gift'ttees b6lug
13611ded debt, . ............. 81'the westws�rd JDagurated on that clay.'
.relll�lljuz: Tribute froul queen
on latter. In going During 1882 Ireland produced 127�777
:oi,biltendure! Government and municipal aid- 104,3 4i-159 VE
Take courago�fuint ii 126 exceeding 5� feet OnSof coal. To thig-totill, Connaught
"The day is post!" grade per mile will be� t Con,
Other sources .......... ... .....
oonsbat& thou say
Sii�li come, of Jiohn'Brbwh But Windsor oncouatered , to witilin five mile
OVOut'do the encl ..The funeral s'Of the, pl�ibuted 6 691 6iis ;Laingter, 8.2,714- tons
...... ........... ........... 0 I I . CULRE
9nd biing the quiet rest at last� Was a,very Imposing affair obsequies. summit of the Rockies, and f rom ill 'is Point IV 15L
ofh I . and. Uslsuer; 4C
't wo 'to the summit the aB'cent is but 75,feet 1per s o� the- Kidne
HT ijfupster, 22 963' tbus, A SURE
FASSrN RES AND ZRETr pe'rson T&ie were Ireland produced 3 6i6tons of Ere- fo� all disease ys and,
TL _i-'�oassenvers carried was aervices�the nrs n 6 P LeiriStai contributing
be, 0 t of the mile, and the only place between' Mntkeal P ay)
'the hour 3,500 tolla'�
352,336�, againat 6,943,671, anincretwe of deceased, tbe Bei�dn.d, at tile Visitors' and the Pacific coast1wbeLre 115. tons, elad, . LIVER—
th o.ixiomont; What 68""per dent;L' The' tdast1b., on. on this most impbrtat
2 408,664�L, or'34 �ueon VictoAa 'trai ill require the, ascent
Brings for thy use -is in th- power,, tonnage entrarj6e. a � . ..L I . I I !
I were pres the east slope of the 'Selkirkia, while
And What thou best eon understand, of, freight handled W" 13 57�Jk tons laiad Princess Beatrice 'I cut at "'the of i organ, en4bliu_- it to throw off tovl�idity and
t st,J=uliting the healthy secretion of
Isjust the thing lies nearest to tby.hand. against.12,065,323; an, increa�o'ptl,510,364 al,hous6hold assist�d at east -bond trains will requi g anCein 7�:_B��[O'r'd corre8pondent tele raphs o 8 1 , aii,a by kec�ing the bowels in 1ree
�Goethe. former, and the r6y
tons, or.12.51 per ceut� tbe latter� 'The coffia, as,"dovered ..with only two. plSces, viz.,� the ai3oailt of the wbicit The hopes entertained condition, 61fecti.ng. its regular discharge.
Vex Sin Thefo" sent. for the saf ety of. the
-idens tonat crepitum JoTWIDgIRLa'Comparative statement,: 'Wreaths
,a1a3,1_ � :,,,you axesafferin,-frons,
by thia Royal. slope of the Selkirks'and the -west slope of wheaterop have prcved pr6mmure
Undarum instar s�gQ a A Other 'the Rock lagtoe of bri The iii,inalaria, have the chills
Ad Rhepum nostrum -fluviam; of pslss�ianger traffic of the principal li Family, the r Mountaii)8, �O in a ght sunshine as brouf4lit. are bilious, constipated; Mdricy!
and 1882 Suust� contributors.- � 1a. the 8io The' � preponderance: of through disaeicrous affeats, and the., most hopeful 'wortwill surely relieve and quickly'cure
1681-82. : , I traffic acrosethe Continislit'jaL Itl
0 t 110" no t�epidar 1, is wok� fa�mars do not expect for much,over half
P 6 t that ed tbeT body to -,0
a r ,ne lepi I'a I' Grand Trunk and leased is household !wasi- repress. Died by ward bound, and in congidoring the cost. Of 8 W,at'IL
Julmota r ustodia I t�ion 'tl . The clo'r �4' ered in,entire
t4t C :, lines ............ ........ $2,710,9G. - Get) Oral Sir J�olin-.Cowell, K.C.B."
Inimota Stat au"sioditt! Great Western aadIeELs'e'd. ,�3o.nstillcLjOO the compiloy had kept%lin view safety.
scratchod, lines ..... .2, '188 Master of -the Household General the v4e cpitalized,value of SaVi 0 in the cost
We are or we are bitten . . I - n
iutercoloni�l_ 779994 245 KC, B., ot'opprating the road by re'so the Corns."
a IlL
'By the-petis to whom we cling; .'Si
Right Holl
Ob, my love she is aldtten� on; of. the d Major shorter: distauce. A WEER, $12 a d&y at _130MOL easily 'alade'
Nor horn &TINorthwest- 6xtra equerries, an Ask foroll' 6'.1gh ell Corns.". i5c�. -7 Addr os�. TATJE!
. . 'I, I I - 1 6 S78 411',847 'Gol 'Costly- urifit free. 0
And my'heart's a ballof 6tring, - . . . I . III 'General'D.Pl. �Qaick Cmplete, poemau6nt! C $ u sta, Maine
ern. .......... ..... ...... 47 �t and the "Ron.
1[r I :cur.,e.
Midla d ... W.illja�m' Cariington" P e itE.L
------ ......... ... 116,554 U a go
145,649 :111,07 w�xtB bunions
DEFORF,� DATTLE OF�AGIUNG COURT. Toronto, Grey & Bruce. 6 '? I . ...
The. of ii�indsor C"ilo
Now comestbe terrible,soul-trying tinle The statement -.of freigilt carried-ou the ordinary. t I he Convictij Huriiina ------ Zlth N' GEAUINE ELECTRIC' OIL'
rs thro' ere drawn down. during, the da Jilli%, my littl6 cherub, wbe does
murmu antl64 a& rm� ra'ilwayB by tons is' as. follows . i at a but 11
When muttered, dism shopkeepers 6 Wolrlk- I : , L. I - L I I .
homes f the town p theiyla sister E, in rn S. return Juii% 1 don't
Grand Trunk: -and. "leased-- and: Corporation met
Fill 2, -,205288 terg,,and,the Mayor common kn'
the wide,welkin of � this weary World. Strange as it is a
grom room to room, thY01 the'stift air of Bpring, 3- 95,19� 1 1 1 . May Seem, I ow Didn't she say anyt ing before -
thing at t a peniten, i.�ry
b to bo' Gieat NVes'iern ... *a"n" 'a" i e* the body at.ihe Station! b for c6ayictS to -she' t
'to Scotland 'the Pilip66o Of a
The busy bustle now 09, om, .......... 2,741,166, 2,572,052 �. The remains were -conveyed Won away Jul Sh said, if
"And 725,f�77 maim their own b6dies,for you came to see he she'd be goce7� till
cy siervants, sullenly submil -IntercoloPlal ............ ajil&L interred� in drathie' 'dhurch-ar'4; etting fid od, work. ah' CIL' , th
To ors,"14 give L . _ '96 2,135;811 at they may doomsday.".
)rs,which-the lio�rtles6'hOU6dWiVeH ......... g
speegh iinswersspeech, and:thr6' th'affrighted 3 Aberdeenshire. eeivic66 were ' con, pit&l. -Many.
�North, ra & Northwester enjoy the privil.egekof the hos
b ll,'C.rathie,,. .. k 'L 1 :11 Nea y Diend LECTRICITYi FEEDS THE'
air, Midland ...... ........ ........... 2U2 dilated by Rev. A� A�. -Camp 6 Cnvict-wdeliberately chop off Ainker or a ; '' :1 . -V ..
11�,487 neraIr Was very IbL Bevera word it is Nature)A
b k I face. , '()95L ud the atte
I�acb worker sees t e other's,dustiflee e, Toronto, Grey &Bruce ........ . .. 12 naa�noe �ai the fu -��hen one d6es� brain and muse es; in a
Husbands object, in language most profane_ few toes,� "d tl�b� L . after�:, taking somisibighly puffed up stuff, 'lectrio Oil possesses all the qualfti6H
Piercing the day!s dull ear; �vhile froultbiti floors EARNINGS AND EXPENSES. large L the whole of 1beten"try on the Royal 'ur6 to follow. . Bat 12208t With long toot food. The I�
at'. . more are 8 iffio.nials,:turn to Hop Bitters; 'that it is 15ossible to combifie ift a medicine,
The kn'e6liug knights, who tempt the treiach'rou4 eB in this neigbborbood-being present he iii
Tbe,compara'tive statement of iiiiiortliDge eat rrible 6tinces. of self -torture ',e�er and have Do fear'of any Kidney or Urinary thereby giving it a wide range of application as an
ta6k and a large -nuc�bar� bf frienilB.atteirifflug
With b3By hamalers take the carpets up, Of railways is as follow� known in thE prison wera revealed b internal and exterfial"remedy'for mail and beast
Giving dreajful noua of pireparsition. 186, f to a distance. �. The coffi. was.covered v Y a TrOubles, Bright's Disease,. Diabetes or
18BO�81 ro ii,it, to that institution this- Morning. LiVer.Corri plaint.. These diseases a .1.1 t The.happiest results follow its use, and -in Nei-,
�4 with flowers. - From Her: Majesty tbere, The vi tims of this. reoklisawdisregard.'of. 6 anno vous Diseases;, Such as Rheumati8m, Neuralgia
�[Henry V., Act IV (Rqvised by the New.Yoirk 8;22%�5 . 0 sist. the curative power of HOP, Bitters. h
.. ... . . .......... �.$10,018,47 -
'1'77-39945.' 18,666,980, were three Wreaths, two- composed of
sequences,are Frank. Summers, a four and Lung Diseases, Boel� Comple, I ints, etc.. it"is
Adverti3m) Freight: .......... a .................. -, it h il
0 'the otho�, which Will be plac is . e.,best fain ymedicinb�:bln 38'_eXCitiUg Mail&and express ... .......... 1,137,460 9� .*A w4�is;. and 'So fr'6 in Stark Couaby, andWesley truly a marvoL - The Oil, besid4o
A W1NTsT.PONN13T., 235857 32. year in earth tfte, inting.digestion and cli chiugfcrmenia-
Other sources...... 46il perinitneDtly the �gravo; made, of 'a I pron:
�,049 Sri ife-,,prisoner` frotn Athens tiou.on the:stausiich,antido�es or counteracts the.
A robip Said: The 6 priti� Will never Come,, xot'gili�eu�ilfdatiLii,..::,�:,:,.:,.,* metallic,sub8tance and exquisitely painted
nd-I sball'never adre to, build.. again tLa-cirelo Of--�iolets- Attached. Countr,:. received Ton.. March '28th.. Sum Thlodh'estnut Street 00era Holfse, PhiIa. effect of uric acid, hich pro,duiees rheumatism
A dolphin, wi-1:1-have�-an-E6rt-giLI16r-y--�cohnected�-.-6-tme-b-o-;�eB�-t ........ 5()9--to-represent by,destroying the oxolate arid phosphate of Ifine
PVfeathEi a , card,, i�lth a; an lie membr
-en�ployed in 6ill's' priisqa�, f 6-undry, lid- with ie�ext 'a'
round moon Said:, T "foll-6wing,
The base nlghtsur�7fogged� -der, earing t a Price'' 25, -cents, a bottle. Sold
increase of K`,040;�80 over., those of .,�the deep black, bor b ra:.s6me eause,. druggists.
and slow, ecatneanorosei� j�d, ubly"I io
I gracious expressioi mairn imselfT at,the
6 dthd working exp nses o a 6.f Royal. revard
I neither cate to wax or care to.wane. previ Lds year, an a and: threatexied to,, h, it:R-No woman rea!ly, priacticea
he economy a week inyour own town. au'h S5
The ocean sai: I thirst from long ago,;, �2,2691�Z90. The of two rateful and. eveeliostin b Many HAL I LATT.& 00
use -earth's riveri 6manot fifi'the Main. Atribute.o 8�ffb6tlr,a froul'bistruest best A.cat,blio6rtunity. Hig-la or: on unle8s�she uses the Diamond Dyes. outfit free. Addres -H,'
Bee springtime came red robin built Su eat, years were c sisted in AWhe'" v r . year.' -tile Portland Maine
t 1�fri6lad.- VIC'TORIA'R.Al,�I. ISdling the , molten iron. Just, � how. he, dollars.-ctu be, Saved eery
"ad, most faith not known, as no
Beatrice, thel aced rapl isbed! tb a, Sat is driiggist.
Wreaths frot-d the Princess'
might E xponsos ........ I ............. ;7p� Duchesi of'. R6)L�urgbe%tud the Duche6sof 0 a He to 'to ave.: witnefmk � it, 1.1stiV,whell
Gray bo.&r,fk6su vaniShod,knd tbO ruge with Roebipts ...................... .... $29,027,789 ZS27,987,5dl); a s h d
�o, 21 :discovered, the motalhad covered- thelower Dion BbuOidaalt has, Made, arau'oijaents
Clothadherinjoaves and buds of'orimson core b and
a grave,
08 the Pr riblTv urDiug.tbe' flesh ;t
11 d. ;Oedan sunned' big- -Net,profit'....: - 6 t 6f -'one b 01 91 ear a U1 an
91 wben4thad,be6n till Fe� t� t
turf the meta I
crest, 'at tbirsted eveirabre. :Tne:41laieaild heaedii P121 11 ia& V1,01 let fro n the k Oct.,., 4mmerig �aid -
vimpled his blue, ability.1per. all ilea, to, WE
d ot deny tbat theduJury, G. 116SBETTI., of iaitwiiy:C6mPlebe, du under.' constrile -was;laid on ti,e:spo
to: 6 an 4 of adies-'ahbri tof al
Otested' li�Qfty ior eeB. tion is $127,363,; -capital I .1 . ., s t Ing 0 A BUNCII OF heand bond in pe I it: re�nembrances oftbe.h"I or DR
80' serilou
'told that 16g would proba.' use of Lydia t.;Pi
a'proximatbly, 03,100,671 rn Win, se, kiudlyiiear�t and Lrignt1ly::b d, to . come uns
mgB-0 Var-would-.th Fin lie 1. W his ke *�driludkln
uwheteq-iiaiL to ill bly have ff lid begged d.
with love riave inade my, ii, a go swe6F aacx�_
- . �pit6btvilv'-.-thav- -,the- physicians we
',LiUe,iinge�touoh,fromh:eavenly�haiid. a, d1vtidend., Of T21��per cent'. -no repen itter y of 'L66 'XIII. BeE
upou� fi'th , ire and bonded' lia6ility�. A last ffedri'&day) 'night's Quebec: de not take it off. . He �i, sVi 1' 7
I biy their fragrarce'at your feet; 'tell says
Bpa A friAhtful death 66curred the act. - As a matter of fact --the legis position, of Latin
Whose life, unso fish,.pure.and true; DEATH ROLT l6oems, all of which are
Its like the swe�test violob..'� printed under.,
here to-day�': Philipl6geoll, a dry goods h6rribl burned and the questior whethiBr
The'total hutnber�,of persons killed on Clark, age'd about -,28, ef t his xeBidence at 31 it cah,be'saved,ik:'a opeii, oaei� with, ibe Af ter a f 6w copies ha�e been' -taken the type Ia any gaiden ever grew.
our railways. last year was 147'and 397 p.im yesterday, in, apparently good health
chances i.n f avor'of saving it. On's 'Would is dia'tiibuted
Thtolh fragranceat�your feet,,. 'Fero injuied,' against 99 killed Said 147 -a brought boine:at � � ;1 esul� or addperf6otlysob6r; ffewa supgoaq-that'. &eeing,'the Serious r
air 1 ion is; iDJ ared "In t -,TOf the killed t W" 66 _ hdi- Die' In. the Altouee.
He life� a ben6d't' be previous year.,. enty4 in�muieB,, to'4'in a corn o CC 113,001r�
bum;h'of violotosweet, arid met6 : I 1 I Ithelorrible" expertmen AnT ummers case,, 11. from �ngines -�Oi: 6 Ia Elis would-be "deterred from rep6�tingit, Rough (in R%ts"-clears-ou ra ND_ 0'
To -in in 8821-24 fe, cars, 89. tion, 'sense sea i
bloom goodly Palac , ell your ce werg walking.on the track; 11 died, of, mju,�: fdb�ily, deeming him un er the i du n66 Of but pod,mould- reaches, moles,. :chip. Electrl L ---
I lay their frogrance at I t , , . I I �.. a u 6 tin was not. e�iwag_ . c Applian6os. ;ie sent �on 0 Days' Rowinder of -the better land, rieB. received.in were getting oil liquor, thought it woiiildbe�r ',off, Said; did . I V mo"si,go
er, and becamib�. discontented an ' d So oral. ph&p. T MEN: ONLYI OR 01.07
Where you'and I may hope to'cleat, or off trains, and 5'wefe engaged in nlaking,' ad al Sdvic' ;until .9.20 p.m.,, t* " b 'k ''his pattera'. Ha� bomplamedlo
_ict c�ll�.in'm ic
'Beyond lif.'s shifting Hand. e lines. to e,. jr,Z from NinVopS DEDILMY,
j��, to .,Up trains. Until.: last year, the' Giaud wherr,a doctor -was sent for, who at once -the gtLakd, who secured him a ne�v pattern, A,Sdottish laird gurp'rwed..hia friends, at, N ORCF. A"
HO � are inir ei
persons i0jure '%IGOR, WASTINGWI41ENUSSIDS, and all thoge diseaes
"Ile- Truialt,made, no return of d' sutembned :another ',Lph�Aician. A consi]tl- fro;L 'ilia contractor. This wus repeated diniAer by affirming that, tha�'fi.
as grapes. and i
and the Qa6be koutroal, Ottawa & 066i. �t4tioa was held, but the efforts of the -for: severSt ay8, when �tbe guard con- hehad ever. eaten were grown ill the open OTUER CUSES. specdy relief andcomplote ieSto-
JU Ujt?.D E K OU14 A S SAL ULT. . I (11 - . I ration Of HTALTuVyoon and 111ANHOOD GUARANTHAs).
dectSl Rmiiw4, has tbfB year omitted to medical , men. proved of , DO 9 av'Sil,and the' �,luded t`haC7;-.Allmhu '*as purposely �jj in Fifeghire- Their surprise w tiie Vinetcentli contuy,
as mod- The gTaadost diqaovc�-y of
i th ei-li fled , or 16 j �.N ev a rt h 6 - -ulifortunate-man died at 6.40,this morniug� ----- - ---- breakiug' his. Lpatterns, that th
a � business -erated, however,, when. he'returned to the
eso, 7 ail.deductioue,:aocidentg lis sub Bti I premi a 'AIIS ILL, ICH.
b making _,ve never ha 7ing rezovered the least conscidus� must top, etc. : Later' in: the, day (yoSter ject Said added a ness.-� It seems that�dur
-says: The Boulevard I creaHed',in a. far 'higberratxo'th4n th 4 - Mann
A'Paris cablegram tug-' his, forty the 'Prisoner broke another.
des Italians as the last'evening of traffi6l the proportion' of passengers killed mihute4;-'-abBen6e froi:n' 'homd deceased when the, guard repor-tod- him for, -ARA
R Inwilarous.'Beene, LY which the lives of tothe, numbbr,carried having been. apprcii- visited E4 tavarnlepb by�one Toqsier', where ment,in -1.',Five. doctors ;',no end of medici
three people were imperilled', %lid for which matoly I in 716,061 againstl-in 991,953,,iii infraction of the rules, and punish ne o
Al ann re, n
it,is said':for'a wager he swal lowed in rapid forol-was' the result. 103 e Ski `,Cure,h�s no serious calibe,given. About. gim��escif whiskey and two turw�d to -work ina Sullen mood, said all and 1`77t; itearly we.11.11-
mixed with w:in n threatened- to di8able,hizh6'61f Ut'the firsb�
half-p7"t & a Prussian Ddrried - Atocholler,, LOANS of beeri a and whibkey� dit C You b a
mounts:6f �66vernmek aud�"Muuj�� t1b 'b'
who , is known . on : this Bourse, drew a ag at ilto IJIl
The a king the laut. tii,niblerful it wa notioed� watc was h6pt on hica y� R t,�ARO.
C)P%l loans the',tragedian, has
revolver on itpolice agent li'amod M 11 I]id tuat'tho,unfortiluate Man urn or �ut of sudden,. While Catry-!Dg, purchased an'
t Men 0' p
etc., ad an ly' th
of the Go' molten iron,
who "was stailding in f roxit 61, the =ge, d, including the cost, ale in which c6nditio. . lad old homestead on: the Ilud, on
de FOpera'and.would,-hm V. ave__sho_tL_�hi,m_:but. -eriiwerlt rail�vays,� were:.. ., he WaS takeil,fiome,,as al`�eady stated� bisJeg� outbehilo4j and deliberat6ly Poured IWE FOOD
wbo melit. 1 .- ............ 1:411240. 440,
for the interference of the bvstanders Dominion GOVOru ceased was:-rnarned, and leaves &,young the metal le aud.'6ob. -The ved, L i6 a '6ff instantly, Dr, C, W. Benson's Celery and Cha'mo Val threw tbern�geivcs upon him. He 0 dt'la: �vjfe of 26 years and'abilifuntof I.G ndoLitbs: Clothes and were bar .4 positively cures Nor suem in ALI, its stages
nevertbeics , lb :,i I ....... ',,mile Pills are �wor�h thLirolwc . ,
H o disc�arg6 , six Shots; by Qiiebec Octave - tartie, oltrier, the thele' burned -very, severely. . ViLhp� iiwg0JdN Weak laoniol-� * Loss of Brain Power,Sexual Pros-'
ulded" Bru �arty,'who and of 9 in nervous and bick headi h h three pendiak-were severbly wou nswick 6",5 d WI 11 d can , So
Nuva, scotio, gere ecoMed, and, one DrOu'll, It is tho.Pgh i however, that t.hO lim more. kand
r ames ar I a Cu'llsac Slid Ve'ur hlicbter, of' hoca, Barrenness, Sew
0 Was
hi him it re8torea Surprising
)re8eut �%hd urging joBB of Power.
also be aa,�ed. I
il. so were dan-
one and viaor to the Exhausted Generative
lid M(ne. �Ilainerj All,tbr Total ...... ...... ritik� have. been rieated as accei,sories tb ; Both upon beds of aiignish, v�A
TheadvTalice Sale for the Salvini-,Mdrris' organs jaR"W�tb o�oh 6rder'for T*13L
gerously. wouuded.� iom it)quir'y, 'Which kunicipalities in Ontuyio is. death. The coroner'B iliquestwl a and their sufferings ar6 ten -fold Worse than 1 11 . ome will seisd,our
I I : Queboc .................. 4,171,OW I engagement at, the*" Boston. Museum has acconipani, d With five dollar,i,
bag been instituted i b � appeis that- after Qd to-worr6w. It has h6eu as6ertaiubd their imagivary wrougs in the shop. I There - ; I I � I Written Guarantee Ito Y efund 'the money if the
6 a to � I" I Now Brunswick.., by decease� wag reached over",000. ure. " It is the
quitting the Bourse Ato holler r paftled a 25'.000 thaiTille tumbler used ae many Blngu treatment do�a not, effect a c
N6va St.-otia ......... il Br,ph'aseg.of human nature, life(liciris fn the market'
she Manitoba' 270,000 water tdrabler, and, a
otiiTig gail�gry in the Passage de. l'O.per%,_ .... ... w6ai is Btyled a, 80da
in the penitentiary, ' ud, these oase4 illut many si
ny People despise the pre-. Pdtophisit s6atfreo by mail to anv address. gold
wberahe pra6tisecruDtil 4 o'clock.' -Then be g—Colit ibus -by-drug&ts at J.qpc. pet; box, or .6 boxes,fdr
_#pat TixLn
Total ...................
Aoa;qed his revolver Ile,
w�hiokoyj besides nearly the' sqnet�iaalltitY bispatih U pig _Qu_renlp_� _0
and aLtitcked Maroselli ciotiaF-pp
�UBOI noney'
on leaving the Pagsage, � without any I ex ortaf tee having given I Grand total .... ....... ........... 0Fb66r 'and "orit wine, 6-11-witliftf space
n Minutes. Ito oet
plainable Motive. It, is supposed that the �rlal. Tfborie Eave " a'O'ed' it Elk.
of fif tee 'agree�
Up to 30'�b June, 1881, 'the GovHrurn�rltl that it is by.fmr the best medicine, known Sold by,al) druggists attempt� was comml�ted in a, moment of W' 1 A waggon con.tanoin� a calf in a Cage, with
and municipal aid pi�omised gfi �1152,715'1: 1-twaction is prbmpt,,thorougb SO& lasting.
)ntal 4�rangomqdli,. cau4ed by IoBs6s Was on ills
inOn -866,., The'ro, was theiefor tbir nadino Ill
a virtually an in-' .14.1 Ca a farmer's wife in chaig
�b.e Bourse. Wh� ' in Detroit market recently,'accoidin to the on't tulke.pills and other merouiia)s -that
a tile, hands of the, dre'age 01'$254,141. London cbl4i�am.says: Owing to, free,P,'res and �butcbei: with �, ad ee,tw -poison tile system� but, by using �, xianey�
lice the, prisoner kept roppatiog that the iA
PC The follow'ibv' tSble- Shows tli�- a;ryiountls the, unprecedeuied.,lomand - for passage a -rebtore,the,aa�ural action of alt the'
French were dogs and tha�� A d h
of -subbidie6 'Paid, Said to be paid, by the af3tici the Allan M e`m4 is that calf 'for- Sale Yes, EiW." 1, OT9 Ile,
vetil, stepped up and iuquired�:, 11:9aditm, FOR I"
had killed one of ill acroefi thcAtl ail Si a rP yariuus,,,Governm6nts'and municipalities : ship Company were. "Sterday Compelled he 6, Durham?" He may bo." Isn't hISTIPATION
7- . I Q -1
r 0
Paid. To be paid It was observed. that 'when' Mi; Pet bell
1tich. Rl fin. to aespatch'three of their flaet,'the Pttris- an Ayriihire,ig he Don't coun- 0
Like e6ough
i�oiuinloa Gdvernineat ... 80,767,559 $33j4B4jSS3 jab AuArign'and �Gieciaa,� cairyi t you know, his braed_?'?L-h ftgk'ecl in 8, pronoii��ced his name beHouseof U0112- t�y as j�onatipation, and no.rouieci:91 has over.6
In we peer ... who is a xich rnan?' A, of the Oui;ariq -b3onB latel�,ha ]aid t4w'iaccent n theftist (1) ceitniled- -the celebrated as r
thoueand four lifindred emi4rptJor d, -e. "No, "'The, realm? Agoutlernaii',w.iiollv6slin&Spleb. Qu(,boc t surprise vrov
wliatoor" tho deui
835 Can'ada A large 'number also.' a t, on' the All that sy
k - Now BrunsWick, how d aelfhith e'.A cler in O'yba 6xpeet-to Z th "Cly will &.7ardonivit.
U2,330 1,084.5 11� comi CD
anBion? ' Perhaps not. Stearns Oc� r�l-, making THIS dl;trc3qing
city establishments imay , be Muhi ....... ... . 015,799 N Plaint is vor�� apt to b6
did Novo Scotin, 1)6mini��Line r I know about ibbia calf is that' his father
Ono of our aliogetlier nearly three thdsan_d okeo. a justic& of
-'day 'for. the. corabliedtod wi h conttipati0ii. Iadney-WOr6
lea i g tiverpooi', in 'Ono people em&16 Tricher than'both of these, - and many- More, he ille peace to death glad
who ociald be easily named; He:,only is TOt`l1`: ......... ...... 67,192,183 .,$43 his mothbr obased f lecturer two'
1tenewer reStor6 health the tvoikonod parta.isnd q
f, J?iloF; even when, Phydici�s
rich whose income is more, and continues r
Do�tn� ion, to6re than double that of any, rj Gil have before- failed.
mi ej and if that ain't broad enough to.ask aud' igo dyppe
The Local Gover O��iiebac, by an day, on record. Nearly half the bambbr are, �$4.on
r,, cures
ne6emiiy expenditure. you needn't, take bim.'� The butcher sexual bility. �1.
iimen de V
to be mor6,tban his licil. have fixed,upon the 7th bound, 'for. Mhnitoba,'anil it,is eatimated
- -re- Order iD-bou said the breed was all, right. _P_R 1-0 E _$11
It is bett�r, poor and of they tage � awiy,:mipital to the at, -for � 64 .Western,, What distinguished his career from tb
Main P'C'o' than n a - _-_f �up*U-dig-df-�SiOOF,000.�
o acquire Wealth -of-Mby
may. foi�.tbe��,t,'�ster�-,-eectioiis of the Pro-- 9,11101111. 0
wrong or improper maPher. Diabone6t, L'arg hanibees of dead d6rllormts of -e -Very ODe a SeL Was a ' ao
his life Peter CoOpor Urbse
a through
8,6 Arbor Days for planting treeo, �.�d razor -bills afe comiiig. Sabot
wealth --and honest ��overty.; this latter, vil2cf, shags, /
I ell Coniparedwith Wo foe 6r, is "a I a I the. provid ad in the Act recently. poss�d on the Gen, P'. G. T.'Beauregard 1be f among 'along most of the Coasts. i r the oiltneya': sometbing,of the simple faith with 'Which
w n per( ay M bome Sampliss worth
supp6Bed f*o h vo been. killed by �starvation $5 to $20'$6 free. Address STINBON & Pon
saulight to"the &w.Worai, Or the, noble subjec Contederit G r eneral, I who is only 62 year' beT de6 out.,qs,9, boy.
riv . a r to the Stagnant . pck)`L� 1 -D . XcAuslane.\-, The social eit'll-Treating too of tell. old Siting Mobile' to ilie scarcity of food (od.&11.) Alight emobyine' -Making gas, I
r is now vi PldIlifatue.