HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-04, Page 8TERRIBLE- ONTOLONE. THE RIOWN JUG AID THE MOM16E, &rid now we ve got a, few thousand dollfrs
A TERIBLE-711AGEDY IMALLED. RtMENT Out at interest. There harigii the bid jug, Ma, 4 DOMIN10 Isew'Vork Ledger.) just aswe hung itup outhai day; andfro M
Cireat'Destruotion of! Pr�operty in: It was ban tbat timei there bagalt a drop of spirit bell. ging up *iAA the kitchen of 4 o this house, for a beverage,. OTTAwA-In the Home of Commont;, tlitifty,16althful, sturdy'UrIfier-W or Don: tiler Isaclijfice, I-rpnounutil Idn'i have IRELAND'S FRIENDS AND. FOES. Mr McMullen asked whetherit V7aB the County, Maline-7 a botiornioes iugl The which that bottomless jug Wou
held I intention of the Government to- introduce host saw that the.curi6iis thing had caught �Tho stragest OU) We moaU to. �kebp it, -anesaay) ight's Dublin cable. A Boston despaten says this session any legislation in response' to FIFTI EN LIVE S 1OST AD 75 OEOPLE 4 ny eye. and he smiled. Dear old jug I
A last (W� 0ime of,th I e age is at length to be brought the numerous petitions presented to this You are w6nderino what that jug ill -and to baud it down to, our children" for the
gram Hays: Complaiiiis of terrible Sufferig before the 'courts; Jour years after its coul- A Wpssoq(M,iss ) despatch says.: A'frI_hC'
ation throughout Waly doritities, House pr&yingfbrbuch legislation as will ful cycl hanging up, there lor' 'With its bottom lesson it can give th6m-a lesson of lite -6f 'v mission, for flual judgment upon the chief -e of the L tale . ove p4ssedover Wesson %Aid Begure-, knocked out?" he . Said. � .,My wife, per- a life 1�8,PPY� I�Saueful, 'prosperous arid
Sairi,thoWest6rri districts, continue 1) gard (a mild, above) yesterday, afternp6n." t especially secure i& better observane
acior-Ob�,rlesF.FieenD:aii,,tlie religious' fa,- rining of r.iIw% could tell you the s ory better thu� I blessed I" to reach not only the Lord- Lieutenant, but Day as � rerardo th6 ru y it, pproacli 'Was made, known by, . deep� a a" Andris ho'ceased spevkizig; his wife, ith
n&tiC Of POCUSget,-who,iii.May, 1879,61ew his IN
alsoitbePremier. �The sufferiDgis trains. can; but she. a bashful and I ain't, So knowni Ile d s, a baerifice to' God� has Sir Leonard I Tilley;r-lt,is not the interi- rumbling i0ouridla. Some people Supposed it t6li'itj,, an arni diawn tenderly ar'otiurl'tbe.neck of
so the doyernmebt- agbuts Say,, to be due. her Was au earthq'6ake. Thunder roared and; �er youngest boy, murnfured ai, fervent
d lit n aug by the 8gy1UEU ; 11 My f her, 4s you, are P�, dbably awarei solely to,lthe I I ack of, proper foo , and in' be "Old sane tion, of the Government to n troduce Such -lightuingAlaskied with alarming force; to r--csrid s there is pending agaiDkt legislation this session'.' owned this f arm before me. He lived H, iAffeD I" aost absolute Starvation,: th.r pie. fences were *torh.4own, �tie�s up. good �old age, worked' hard alli'bis lifej inamy c"eg to aln j.t.,..t or Mr. Charlton asked for amendments to and, cast to'Puoh,6n -exten t has the *tro"le h i.d f murderitheformof ,.--grown in huxid�eils, of� yards away., never squander Old World,Cholcc Wlionghlr4-' ome districts tha'u the coal board's -have a trial must Dow be gone through with. show the arbount of iwportatioDs of grain E ast of the railr . oad in Wegson the damage ed money,*, w -a P&ennan �B much, the,'same man that he from 1874, and for the total exports of each paref al trader, and a goodoulculator ; �,nd reeolutiona attracting the attention, w ' lie led, the litt I is com-unitY On Was light, but in the western portion of the, as men Were accounted . in his day' n '. An. Oxford or- Cambridge degree Ail not ITZ penarit to the�distress and as when year, because when no dutries'wereirapoBed d t1h presorit day evena Social credential— of tn6 Log.a. Lient Cape Cod'iiato a'; fanatician so rank and i6 -r-WdAiSlf ff p w(j-UT ,destruction was awf al. In Peach generation, he wa� aemperate man. I was Lo to t e great increase in fever cases, and ined � and d f all �raiu!was entered aa� Orchards street, where tberel'are a large the youngestboy and" when tb6old,mau- do7k lVorld. . ' '�: ild thatbe was Busts, e ended early' all� so - imported -was n,mbi.r -of houses in� whip'li'operatives There rieve� wa
ng that relief:me"ur6� be' is; hen. W his neighbors in the dread abd all, or n was ready to- go-aud 'he knew, it Abe
At C ores of' ful of .8 go 'little stoicisrn any�
Utley Be cried. He held that under the N P Assippi ive, the greatest, b fe ho, Car. Mr. Porter declared by exp the, Mi8a Mills I here; except abo�ong th �much was * other boys agreed that; aince'l had �sta�,ed v� at the ev5 ence of Ford f6i. tb'e: aefeb'- crime he bti,d:comr�uitted. Rej however, although not so entered for cou- detitruction occurred. People (in all Sides Baid, 'were ull'of it;. and lwho, we 00 -
has lost something of ' his arrogance, suirIption. all that' was ep,entered was at home and taken -care of the ol'f4olks, the, ye in support ofthe i0bi was, Worthless' and were obbing, and. the groans`of the' should ay, if we' wanted to � be cynical,
and his �religious- belief , is - entirely that there was 'r � lly f arrp Should be mine. And to � me. it WAS
large I increase in the amout of foreign wi,,ed., I badi'66en marxidd ubeii three 'conflicting. The was, wounde& beneath.the ruing shcw.much fortitu'delin, bearing others`� jiAdge"a -charge ' overturned� Indeed, he 'is faet 0 . , were appalling., strongly, against the reliability of the eviii tending to infidelisAn. He Do D:wellings w.6re 'torti 4o.atoms. Tlie pine miseries. Everybody who'sufferg I I w . - a 'The judge Baid grain c6usumed in Canada. -forest, b own out of exist I'Weil,Jather died�motb,er had days'either rages or whines Ina Way 'which deuce to,prove au. Mi.: iu9t behind waS I aeLiustigated byi gone there:a"Id bot-� pays that be W: the devil Do eet Mr., e,�oe.. 'Chulechlballe were rung Our'gtandfsAbfBrs would have. proiidnced, be the,slightest doubt that d by The ogob as 'amended to.. AD � i and P800e; thr,,.1 -years before - and 1W t the, farm to I'm wish arid passed. After redesH, ine all diiectiorie.� me, Willi d AD,
bgrutirder; were perpetrat6d'at,the ifistiga, kill his little daughter,end not inspire Ciiarltomr flooked to the. see . from' shameful, but which is possibly' not the.,
Goa. , The eirenrustaDees of the tragedy Mr, MeCranf:y moved for a'tetru of.all tgage an it of �2,000! I'd t, - When the Btornq hd�so!me'wbat ab* over ion of secret societies with. which the tho.ilitoro mnO4 of it before ; but I he claims to be unable to recall, but he does Certificates gruniea for Dquor Under ated result of weaker hearts, but'of rierves more sec. the, 'work - �of removing , the dead; -highly stran �oihdo a PriBoner was indisputably conbected. The pot seem' greatly ,Oyerwh6ime.d. ith re- W cluse 4, second part, of. the Canada thought, of it now. J,said:.to! Holly - my 'g. jury Were absent �but E6 short tibe.� The I afid extricating z I Molly iiaTs I I 'ok, h f6,I'-'Here,s For every �,I;ierson, who has scored itly otlate Freeman hhs t of 1878, by. the h he w6lunded 'be.aan. Wife -
g to :merge. Frequei Xemperauce Ac 0 e -greater or smaller su6cesq'iri ilie -literary prisoner:beiiig asked if he had,aiiytbiD his � Wife, who jOlLted P yelPla's Oali�in. Reed- died frorn Oxcit6ment- fathgih�%d tnis faxm� strength of
been allowed to. vieit of -aa�tpn County. L;ctorF.i soon ar�ived . arid Say Why, sentence should not be priumunGed "�ir' , Leon Govern-. did all' in their Id, there iAre at least 'half a doze'll wlio. with hirialin prayer before the sw;ful's'acriii ard Tilley sL6&-the SfAl, with all ita magnifice'ut timber I ad -or Upon bim,.ieplied t:hat he had not expected 'to So have never sficce'�ded or deserved 'to suc.1- 0er the wounded; It'Js esAi-i bi,.,ix boyB'---' h equal . ,
any me -f the� Lee, and who held -the light, wh9ri. -be Went bad nop6wer toget the roturDs clkd Merl tbat twe - I as,t ey. grow up, ea., They- 'baye no' qualifications re rona court it was v ry in ve. persons were -killed. -
�he' heart of thei' many men, to help him; arid he' has ed the knif a � into Two ar three children ate . missing. One upfortunate that the Irish be was Devpr -for. little, daughter. * Mrs. Freeman was not Mr. M" Worked, bard-*orked early and late -arid authorship Save indrigtry a d the desire to� without Keogb. . He admittedihe wa;s,a eCraney said the Act r qAired Such hia,dred.a6a fifty or two hundred dwelli t a ade. ngs i �,, Ij I writo� � The upshot of their life woik.is the long, kept in' confinement. For two. or ook at it! 'A mortgage of 2,000! :menaber of the Invincibles, but,be was not returns to be ni ore blown.from their foundations. . usstering:,of publishers and three v'Arg she "has been: eari3ing.a.iiving W Some What cair I do*?' Aud I went to that old the filling of- Mr. Blake t6ok the same view' aculous. Th6 "umbe of jug -itlad ifi botio.rL in th ;vaste-paper baehetg. The people Who'get, -iii Ph' nix,Park- "when'the �Anurderj3 were r- escapes were mir n committed. He. loved 'his country and uith -her ,neqdle for herself and the su Sir Heqtor Uangevill Said that aI Witb broke limbs -is eati 3r in Lynn. -She, too, .&ts .info POPP 9 11 mated at good stiff- dr:li�k of old Medford fu! ftoiriit. into thell *rong-c6mpartmeiat" andstick,'.
viving daughtt rmition on 'the. subject procurabib incould suffer for ber;i He declared that the seventy-fi-ve. ..The wounded were removed -face of renounced, the Second, Advent delusion, would be -laid the House. The motion I I . oticed curious look on �the there,"are those who-6911not !Dterfiret their,
witnesses f Or ihe : Cro,�vii � had. perj ared ., t I I . . .. aRfast as posEdblfi taIrouseB.which e8caped, -the He . also's . aid I he, I wue' and feels1morb keenly than does her bus- my Wife just. their, and'i'asked hei'what imprAIses,.6r;baving ioterpreted� a Eeraian; as adopted. injury. Several dead"lay in the,,violent 81, thought of it for"I supposed, of courBS, too proud or,t6o. stubborn, to turu, back'
Ai thei- officer a were takiijglthe'prisoluer hand he terrible manner of her child's w Mr.-McCraney -also moved foria,return e iain more'Jhan, an hour.., t iB'feared "set She Wa4 thinking of what I'd. been talking London &�lobe. ave Ire- death. The � religious history, of Poe of* the, number of children's 'carriages' Inany of the wounded will die. 11101) from the dock, be Shouted, God S. A' 9 abo'lit.. And so she wals. , Says she All noble langugge-rnyst the -tragedy,,which has made the r Uly'Ist, 187� to r is' reache&
Ian Since imported every yearl'om'J' the killed a 'Causty and two nonymous with naodern'lanaticism J 1'. re Mrs.
name syi y st, -18.82.-i-Carried. 11 ' Charles, I've thought of this a go6d -only by iiat6nse labor. S'trivi The Globe, - commenting -upon,extrai0s, 'hildren' ra) childre*of?J. E. dibso Ing to speak the world,over bas� been, full of inte;e�gtlng in deal;, and I 'havb thought of WAY in ith uttermost truth of expression, w'igh- froAn Ameridan,j�urrials on the dynami�e McCr4riey, moving for a return: One of ilIfem"was found crushediurider the outrages, save �liere'is . no drawback to the Two Ze s points. For,al.ug time the event remained sh6wing', the nfimes of persons to whom which I believe we: can clear that mort-, ingword against word', arid WAS till g,A2 one,� villa a.. Scores pers6AAB o mangled e off befor6.five moreyears are ended.' a blight Upon -the whole 9 permits ha& been- gianted-to, make timber gaV the great speaker, oi writer, toils first inte"
gatisfactiofi of the.British Government and -as to be, unrecognin.ble. little boy was 1: 'Molly, tell me, how -you'.11'� "perfect iritelligiblen I ess, then, as he reaches. 6 , of the Adventists sincerely expected ties; -telegraph.pole§ aud,'Baw-logs-within blown - 8evei&I haindred yards nub English:ite�le at large with the tone ofth do it., the -little martyr rise UM to see the district of Rainy� Lake, abd- Lake of the Beemre�ard'ia in the direct p.ath,of the. to higher subjects, and, Still more, concen-, newspapers bftbe United States regarding y- . 11 �She thought or a, little and ' t'd from her ay,.Wood' called tra e and woriderful Utterance., he becomes;.. these- outrages. s,� and the , tributi been,prophesied by,her ey t" 'he yelohe, and the town is:&, maBil Of rUiDS;: sarri ,ecu Amer. T �b6m She, said- with,a funny. twinkling in ambiguous
first, shook their the roads are'All Tweht'y perhions havie,,J,been- m3ted at attention to -the manner III which thei'te'tri- c edi 'With fallbia treeaand -her. blue . eyes -says 9ha: ' CIA ties, -you - if,�dozerr different An'eanings lightning out in Milltow 1 malbay on a charge of corispirAc failure of: this promise being strip�ed- of its 6mber. He. there ismot a house standin� in the place a y faith,. but it Was man�-Ihoiitbs before Some, thust promise nab. this, - and promise, me separate:rays fiom-ievery word, and hero.'
er landlords agen'ta 'and officials tory siers pointing out, Of The brick store 'of thornpsorj',� Co. and to Anurdu fl'�l 96't the extent olem'nly and sacredly. Promise athe -that and there giving rise to irluch contentionf Two of 'the prisoner . a la d of-thc fanatical delusiong were dispelled operations in that ' district, and Said'the, Daniel Lqz largest in the place, wiaS -you will never� again, bring 'home for the critics as to 'what the - inte d d ave turne �ia - e. , meaning,
formerm and eved. now the breach betweeir the 'old people had a right to, know, the value gwept away d timber seat ing for a beverage, at any actually Was; But it is no drunkard's factiori�and the Methodists is,fi6t entirely received by the - country. It was Stated,, tered for miles. purpose of drink: It is% Stated that Mr. � Currarri - diiisional he . aled,� The Spirit of bitterness finds vent that limits lost- 'dead and. wounded gro�' as one time � Abb''re spirit'of any, kind than yet. 1�afible for all that, and1fie Mon. who ihink- Magisirat6 of the Dublin * metropolitan had been gold at private sale by follows: 'Sno. Rose,, Ancitally; M. Sbor can bring in that old ju'g-.the jug that your it so i�t-the third hour of A day do not
ll many a heated' theological aligment.- the Government per squake. mite,. 0. olice, will 'on Monday open an inquir . I killed ; �Morgan James, moital� IS'do p Y During the 'last two seasons', however, ac. ha-a-uged, ever since I knew him-, and highl honor'*theinselves.iii'thet,iioa"lA�,:- and re -sold -irby- Blo6r, ---I- - I - touching the murder in Dublin during the at, $2,000: per --square rnile,- seriously ;M. mortal vy'�; which you have used since he a y ve --bebrI-bringin w s done Jbhn Ruskin: st year of porsol -n- -summer- - sojourriers-lia, --itfie-partie'A" who bought them. Rethought pai aswholiE&e6ee arrests 'wholesome' life. into the Tufnb�ll, of Brookhaven, fatally ; Captain, f6rcrime and tlieriturned,informer's. It new,and, more the only'fair 'aridi honest method wag to" Lamplfihs, vifewand child,, all- dead Geo� strangebut picturesqud ittlevillage, and I kiaeiiv that father used �. once in believed -Eugene Kingston, . the man Sell by ptiblic auction., as in Ontario.... .� . . . . I I I . . 'Wornan 1K lie W. ady��-pr�ved galutary. .1 - Hollaway, morta�lly ; 'Mrs. Hollaway, ,leg a While, eapeciall baying time; and in the.� effect has alre Sir 11tictor Langevin Paid Mr, McCraney in- arrested in.Liverpool,, is incriminated in broken. The depot was swept away and the winter when we were Madam, I am lookingfor a etrayhorB6 the , Be murders, and h bAODg bouugive the G vernmentan,opp t ' at an Arkansas house� Two Justices'qf the Siipieme Court have x, at work i , a tb� '
is, will'be a the casq, of Fr I nder gd�isementil 13. 6rtunity riot asign of it remaine- Wilric th , to get an old gailon-jug filled; so I said a. man, 8 opping,
Osman II to present Th those, examined. eir case. bad ho objection armabroken ; A. J. Ferguson and faMiLiy thonght.ghd meant that I Should nev�i bu and leaning hs chin on the top. rail of the- but it has Dot been' decided 4hat dis,pQsi- informati' y An explosion 66ourr6d to-day.in the Gov- to bring'dowii all the on required, 0 13 u .:r tion to make,of -General f teir :perso a�, ' daniger6. sly wounded ; Inore tharitwo.quarts-at'a time. thciigbt 'fence "Have you seen e riment manufactory of- sb2all, arms at t. The Attorney provided the motion was altered so. as to 'Charl,s Lane,' mortally Dr., Albert G. 'it 16n�' bas he- been -on ity of burb-iDg. tow I and will bring the-pase-to Some final, �6ttlemept, allow thfi'O�o'duciticriA 'of ibfo'rma:tiob as to all over, and. at66r while tbfd her I OT' �asked Enfield. A quant beto . re the S upr eme Court at Barnstable -on. Pierce.a,nd -child, (their bouBe fell Would-agr Now Abind,' 6'aid.'s . he, the *Oman, leaning against the-do6r-f acing', ieces of atia boi were f6u nd'. -among the: itwor * tellfconathe-firet. othepreg6rit J. 0. killed,-. Later. and regarding the iiidri with thaf inquiring, p Mkby let. 'probably be pi',,r o an You, are never nev�rito bring'116me for
hebevera go I Ano rle spir it A, a 'in ttie c
th on )l1eve that t�fin persons ouutry, so d�bris. passer-by saw two men wi a It Ahot �loojk of curiosl* �vla�cb,
box d acquitte&oAA:th�e ground.bf insanity'qr b r . . : Wl',re aoommori . I k . Hesson-Wb6te'. the, limits wer Id U�you pi� ecamping just before the'explo4ion e E30 killed'in Wesson. ain y �pqaks of �tbe scarcity of siranders, can bring i identicaljug.' AbdIg,ave Been gone about two da'ys.
a own recognizance. lag a Be." occurred� Owing to'166 open situ' tie allowed to go oll'bi 'per acre - ondi � that a 11 for, �, 5 c Wong as tobuild'i her the prquil� the, place little damage wag done. mill and. Payillk� the, Goveriarneut 5.per cent. Tin E CALTEI-J'T CII.AN146'. AD'& befote'l What Sort of a horse was he� ?11 of.the,v�lue of tlid-lum or were Imposed. went.to bed that nightI A Paris do6patoh Says it is reported that - - b Aook the last pi:ill� at that jug. was With White lfetl6ck.3.-?'. Earl Granville has The rbotion pa,igsed as amended according �111[c naills out m� Terrible 911wale gor thim inst�tiztied the British Went turriing� it ou6 for a, sort of a nightcap How bid was he ?,,,: orth Boys Fintl a I,ost 97,11th Ambassador,in.PariR .16, ask`tlie� Frbrich to Sir Elect6,r.Le�b-g6viti'.s.�i�g6estioii. of, the . Univcr.c �Fiu Vol r pdo "About 10 yeaks;111 lly lookedi upi,"and Says she: I Charley, L Goverw�fidaht',for the extradition..of two� �bave you gota, aroplef t ? I told her there i, f I .1. t� ... . dyna. A correspoAi dent writin a from.0 , bai6worth, I .1 I I 2 1 . I I I od'work""g, I Irishmen, suBpePt'6Z o comp ici, y in OTAWA �.Tbe last scezJ6� in" the A� Cinci6nati lubatiii wr"ites The prbba- b '� F.D:Bt-'raite." �;' r. was a out -a drpp, We'd hate to get it conspiracies., tells" thq to] owing rom- M ;eholson divorce case was Witn n rr his drought- "Are Y�Ou.ceztainlhat hebas white fet., I antic story NJ bill'ties are go E� IS i -6 Andthen. sh'6 said, hiledon the, I. orrow.' D MMe,6� k ha blin -this Henry Sayer's" �of 'Con. 10 denhaiii, and. the Senate:this aftekDooh' illbe u h. The conviction �of in �u S:V Who IN Pon us t is,summer that I cannOt ifJ bad no objection, She, W�uld drin. t t looks TI Pertainl Week -in confidently,expected...: The te -tart.of the. township, f drilane moved the adoption of. the report of r6frain, from urg rpughout lot droj� with6e. I forget how ati- well known'in that ing ev6rvbody. th Have,yoq SceDanythiug 0
Mony will be as conclusive against him as as ai�fo;r'y�*bhat h'a's recently'turned out. the divorce committee. -This gave rise tol. the land �that have cisterns to - fi)l -them, iolhe br"ght!,�it out-' -That . L., I sT Dito i,!�' hi lbe somewhat romantic.' Over twenty a diFe"siori on the I question as to whether in't soon him:" i-Diediately. , my on S ly object in urging -'jug bottomr,upT ,,ainst Brady and,Curley. However, 1. tippe'd the old It'seems SirWilliam Harcourt's reply years ago Mr. Sa:yers, lived gomewhere rioar the 'evidence justified' the committee in this is , to Delp to mitigat6 the siiffeiigs and got, about. a. great sp . obnful, and I Moll' Have you', heard any One .Speak of r� Painell's ileiman� that itbe d re he had a w and six- or find -the @11n6t pr o people as:much. as po�sible. &Il ay seeing hi 9" ynamlte Hamilton,; who ife f the said' ing the preamble of oven. -.was enough.,%, She took'the. tum., d- to; �seiveii children. - For some - cause or ', Other this mi6ery 'comes of . �, 11 Tea ; since you� mention it. I think 1 pris.6tiers be allows confer iWith`their Mr, Macfarlfine justified the decision on the: fromi the wrath bler and poured a f ew drops of hot water liwyiprs pr . ivately',wa; . FA I ADA , sinterpreted. he Puddenly left them ; aud'they, una Bfied - S.Puban 6,.is Short eein ble to ground that the COMMitteEl Were DO b8atl who, ,knbvving his tim into it,. -and - a bit :of sugar, arid then She. have. I heard a man talk about r 8 9 a. -ythiDg of, him, and thinking he had to a close, tinkled her�glassi mine, just"as she'd meant thatonly solicitorsof knowurespectaw hear, �afi bati tlie'uetitiober came into court With aud. that his reign, is coming roan horse with white fetlocks." bility Should haveaecess to them. probably . returned' to "Epgla�Ard and a a That's Any horge.1 Do you know- - the- clean haiide, and ad�6rted 'to the expense goes' forth to� wrb6k and., ruirri. the world' seeti us hoys do iWh'eAA wib'd' been 'drinking .--The-- thereT-gave-up-a -hope- of -ever-, - g --him- -the-old before-.O�rist-comes-td. Setup -.,Mau- autboritieB abticipatec�nfidently that the, again. Mt. Sayers, howeer,ifound-hisway, .,,A resolution to that effect was dgcl�red Springs,wellsicreAs and.rivers will be drie&� N 77 0. brown jug! disclosures yet to be 62ad: will justify thfm� up� 1ere, - wheiele remained, Over Since, carried on division. T �",Where.do Usuppose'l,can UP. Ithouglit'it6my-selfthab. 'yo find him?"' in.�ref6rringa-tdiijoailre4uest'fot the extra- living; a, lif a of. povefty;arid hardship in an the intense heat, -and will,. , orMOIl . . I 11 Youlcan find � hiiD� 6ut'L there at' the- ossa. -V b ' ' Id log'L Shanty' without it li,ed 01A :The Senate Pat t6-d�y -for-abut,forty I . PO yhiI,dbeen.driphing moreof the dition. of VljoiroVan, R, cry s rong o Y' 11 'of: the. report of after.be precipitated A the. United Stgtoi& ruin thian wa I s good for h . ei - arid I tell you stable.11: miniites� --;CouBidera�tio - .. . I I I r ming lartial the formof rain,1ail,and SLOW, covering The stranger went'to the
avidence, it is, d6cla, ed,will he fortheo'' ly floored, and grubbing" in a small 'bte6- he Sbduction'Bill was, in 11 I V 'f' , a hoe. the Co * I � . . I In it kind O' CriiL'�DB.tO the heart. I,forgot a stable,, jcoke& invol iDg Roses, in'the commission o oert patch :of gi&iri every,: year. with rum the whole la d'AAear'l v,,iith� au'awful flood;" around,", halloed�" arid, return6d', to the! Cits., such, -as, wil dried until io-morro'w. y ab ut:hbw�many times she'd: seen. me when, f HeIsi t'ithere 11 �bri6g him'Itinder the "Although, thWW hept his origin and Postl? I -get"these facts from a h: Ue"Was itiltitudie of �qfi!p' 0 b�ht,to be, ence pro it �qitiite .So steady as:, good, 0 nOw' operation of thii reco6izod law of extradi-' 't Ron. Mr. Bellerbse,gave notice of his in- ti thicker.thair ito An y hose tention to askj . f,i� S t I he utentionof the 'ibI4`1 't history.. a. �Und secret, t titre pasBages,:Which it Would be impose and' ray, -legs n( arly bu-1*� drank ition."N' * -boy' -what, is.416 :who�kncw F, I at�he�.'h d othing end a a w'standswi be, secn�be wtinie liis,60ns� grew. _,Gov;ern in'' bill to arnead thS wL Suffice.: mos vii 11,13ehol ra i:Says 'j, ofAhe DonAnion. so �AI8:to repeal such 4' th To tb'6 �iild brown jug!,' ��-Ye's; I knewbe wasn� sought. or expecte by.,tkie, vitis ovqrnl-, up; web into t lelmi hog. bu8,inese; a& be.: Mei Satiric 'inenib6ig of this li.v fire d . I I 1. - I,— ", L :portions as :rem the Lord contend yi6foirborwhose. came Immnse Y,.wealthy.-- By, ace it 'dsvouriid Ab t d won er tbat,and did my won ent. Lynch is not the dul a" Parliament unable-to.att . eud'the'sittitig. f e,, grea eepi: d, t ou h Wlpar I .: x1l. Then what did D' methereior:�i�-� budget of informaion as been' llaiced'at who�bad worked a��blabksmith� eat� up ' - ' t" Nv,bladon 1 "youse d ifeepative'Upus6 . -if the Gov i ''a 1. ctiore§; an arid the.last, T in wit be' i4, I 'that this' 'Water-' -will thing'I Said JbaViuL
h one -6f:1 9, or d ithen,went to bed their ommand. 'Before he, appeared ithe"rE') Duffy' here, felli 0: sefJ bimv ik owed:�,be?d,�bg thai� beentreacbery in the cam,p6f-the-coii�:- --sons.,near-11ainilton, and in the course of a ment liiav:e'no such iriteiatf6b, whetber. i.t, ls'� -be sif teiwaLd ilie. kitchen fig. r.. igirty-Rill that-Anny- come-- :this e. 'Sit in-, W in you arriv Lynch's evide'llce has reinforced -pro' posed �to �idd to, v6ry.-ioOm-wlAcr we -now I-spirat conversationabt himonwhat he Statesintliefoirnofagreatilood. Tbig,i97 before Parliament at this session any clause, h'avb the old brown � jug - filled;" to motto -far itirei- -t -�biiibis-fither?s-trae Now look h'" that p�revi,ously obtained, but thus o ecti -tile- -Laos in�tbe
-- where ere, ;Btranger real sources of informii;tion-� have 'not been four hours, two of: the sons; dressed. *`4 P4eb I w6nt:'off 'td�bod. And 11have in I I . I .1 I I - You, Can It bas been, asserted that Mr. Cbapieati, the United States is merit,jon�ed. It is �id.- remembered e'wr� ffineb,that I *dnt to bed a e. me: tell a lie. You akiB&"nae if I Ild'. revealed. All the leaders of the"o6napiracy the style of gentlemen, . and bearing every f erred to in this, passage, under the Symbol --fh,-t, - ht,ag'Vfi�dflone,h ndidds�of times Bood the horse, an'I You'axecl. Secretary,of State, i� Vnable'to, iak& Me . .. I I - a Ing 1I on both sides: of the Atlantic'ar�e, kti6wtA to walked into the �old of 11 two wings of the- great, eagle." -:Arf 11 c a, k Ofe b �)rae, Seat in the Houjse.of 6ommons owing to his be'lore, With & hiizzing in my bead that ADS it. I'd. he�erd a: ybod3r0p the r6li'ce. 'One effect of: the arrest and of log shanty, in 'one corner of whichi - on,.,a Lg e titspread -wings isca ational I said , : I with :6 r n heal oug t not to have. I'didn't an- yes:' You axed Ind. what' yoiz� is b�elid that the 'a'Ai beinginterested, in. certain contracts, and, 'enable , tri as all know. Our� la thy Au%AA7 h I thdrities arf in po�- .,bed of Straw, lay'" a'"being with � overgrown 'Mr. Bellerose, proposes making an effort to d is'refe'rred think.of it then; nor had 'I ev�erthoughi of would find, tb ' e wari,� a ' LI, to ' I d. you..! session or: o proy�ibd o in several p aces in t e,Old, Testament litit: I've thought.of. it ..' d -neeais shown iIair arid biAers,'clad in.;rag8,.wh h.a �., - h all:the.diu�s they I Went tha' es ora o ut What truth tbere is -ill the state. i � 'a goo b u6dei"th'e namd of Tarshi h Ugbt,Of.It ion,o :, pu t 'be none, other tha�: their t -' d Ji6w'the G age many times sinceli. and halv' But a was t e'man -in the coinpldt6 r t * ti f blib 6661i" �6n inquiry sli,� i'A dirbadful o�dvil is rapidly Be ing. in upon our a t o And sh :turned; overn dence. I The - GoVernment-,has bifliefto oria-lost 'father I He iintuddimely 'men , an m0 tt-' wit Yortikelf; stranger. e
t &We.r y sbrdous di first geting over the difficulty- ''111 -as' tipon'ihe,.,rest:o� the, h w6n4er.aiid Wi Ir -out ?I
aivoided � Inaking an iplomatic placed between. them 1 -classji ' count . cradle, while very the motion., was made- for 'the we Well I got up th&nck� morning and did., away,to took a �11,dug Communications upon subject of dyna-' rig,,driven to Owen. Soun;d, givivied, cleaned,' wor All who doeireto: reef the stranger' 6htiv.ih� a pariel Hen upLtrny wor at.thei.barnitberi carne in and &e the help onreading of the Bill reepecting 6 cos miters "Io, the United States. dressed': fkom,,bead. 6" foot in -a -bran Devi ribd protection-, of r, the Almi�bty in. the fence in� Die A;nger,,'�,t�rn6d &*ay and agaiiisttho,per�on,' Mr. Afmori'moved-the ate breakfast, but:,not withaiuch an 'appetite 'The Sun!s LoDdoia Special Says � E very Suiti placed on'boarld the train, and takeal , t perilous�'times of the immediate future t six months? hoist,but'discus%ion was pos - as w:farAner QUgbt,:to'have, and gould- saunf.pred down he gonflaefice'is expressed that the cona�ira- toa,homeof wealthand,comfbrt, there tp must,live holy ye#� xur, p6ued,�Iil to_ think even that my. appetite had begun to,, morrow., tcra will undergo penal servitude 'for life. Spend the remairider!'ot' his da�YB in In I- Mr.Charltob, However, I -at Two infernal machineie are in the, posses- sSeductioriBillwas thrown Nil me e �Icreakfast, and Ong ease. -the :C,o . mini Date to- SCENU,IN A CIIIIJI94011 ' , w I out, in ttee 'of the, Se then ent�o'uita�dl�itchedifp the old mare; ..1ktekcd,II1M,, bill Could not 108111 I dwaids,' Sim of ConsUbg6beralPirreporit . .::. v. 1 for to'tell thel was feelingt . e -of- which was -a�short TIRE POORNIQUi4k day. The pretext was that e Jot Extraordiunry li o afcl� i It That rhn to -whom you Sent, ti�e in-,
or ano'their, Was not propitious, of pand. I �',had 'i said si,young dru I turner, i�boha - E, one ",Captured only th time,' e u etweell it ell , Rgo,, an bee II a Bultlfnis�g�f6 tim a, which � is regarded &S Vicar-Atfill it Wailigic Most import Jr eirit 'and that some fion.-Senators, had not had drop in thWhotise. Iwasinabu�ryio.get only vy Anoriths in the business, ant. It regernbles a lump of: Jt"rther Evidencc� 61 "AllhOkunn r. A:-singulai�� Scene took PLac I e at, �St`.: -to consider tbio'Llneasure., I got hit . eh�&Ajp" to his tri coal about 18 pounds in: Wei lit. From ment. time The. com-. the village. Al then iinei in si large, house.in this city. g Igattliew's.Cliurb) ` 8i��ffl Mob the came in for the jug,.� I weut'jor, it'in the fifitteb" thorefom,,riither P391PODed,thhn ' 3, i4d, of w On& side' a heavy screw projects for an ,A Boston des�atch Says: The Tewkes- 'Rev. G.'C.: ODA anney, a -'High Insulted You, !! reitpi�Aed,,��Iie trainer., inch.' The Pubst rejected.the bill; 6 the otion, that, the in Church old cupboard,, and took itout,,and- With in exiression. of conteinot. almost ance is of iron, but the,. bury, xamination was �Icoutinued Yester- q . An h ., vicar', On Suziday,'� 1A bill'be postponed, moved by Sonator'Me- eA.3 is' t e Did you ever break, through' the thin: giifficierit to make the, novide'Hink into. the, covering is of black' gau�e .of a deadened' .'day. Mary'Bowen,� formerly an -inmate April hap -been. the raiatice sincelffn I. eplon a nipping cold'- day, ad your.-, C610r, 6DA givea, it the dinotber Of an Idues�,B��Q.,,secorided by.Senator 136stford. floor. dead black of oaan ..illegitimate ebild,'iestil, sMr. gdwarfls refuses to � Say in.what. way fiodthat thirty wonien baihedAn the Be, the vote Stood Ommahney catae to Sheffield to � have �un in'an fti4t%nt;,.bver your bead in,the 1! Were you never,,. insulted ? tinaidly. Me an W in naunon ter, hiany'pi the aviing'A'4 YrXs-Mclnj3es,, Btaford, K ulbacb, Plumb. - 6lyte Ithin. the 6o ' ' i rgiliiip,� zing Walter TheJUy'was1here, but re9ponded the yo"� man he became possessed. of' the machine, says wa � , , � patient3 b 1. - A . tion*ol the Cona not %hirr digdaSeg,,and many were Miller, Sir Alex. Campbell., d1uring the celebra munion.
obottonfwasgone! Molly had bebil and. .1 Xever,.eir e�ien during the period 'McClelan,' Vidal, On'�Sdnda Mr.: Wynn 66'pairish vValrdieb amyner, Aid it WAS Ananufactur6d,bere, *and that others. d NA -n -Scott, Pellbtier, y 'takeii a, sharp chis'61 and a oVthe kinid were also ziianufade.hrediiiiiiiii' ;vbribiri. Catholic acidwas, one time poured .Power, gave notice --that he -should ii4hi ba`V6,aob� of my novitiate, *hicb,l paosed, through where or by who he refuses to' say.., -,It on the heads of such patients; The rats take Btepg:to: with a'skill that n credit,to very- rapidly; and'I have been twentyyears,
inThe motion was therefore carried by the prevent the e,col ta entering within the :a insist - , . i - , , I ''. illd y et1workman, she haUchipped the in1babifairleis. cdp�talng�b, liquid explosive, and FitAhe c6n. were so abundant that the patients wo castingvote of the Chairman. railings, a;nd' for that purpose he -attended bottom clean 6tit of the* jug,- without 'even -away. I ti I That is very'otra�nge, Said the 'novice Aulafe it is said 'that 6e pattern ' of the call on the nurses to drive them I A Hen. Messrs. MoAisseau, Lynch, Blanchet The churchat half.-paBt 7, yesterday morn- breakiDg.the �edge§ or the Side I 1 16ok6d �gc6ptically. 'time. announced oi;, "rly, Conh- (I the I x I A Molly- 11 iTery'str I an ge if you" d , on't Am . derstaii - a bomb -h . 9;i3bbenimproved'gince.th6lprosbut consumptive womanwai Unable to-6al or and Wurtfale, members of the,'Quebee Gov- at t e jug, an coked at
specimen was procured. The startling part help, and: bor.feetwere badly - IrAten,.evary erriment; arrived, in the city - 6,pight and Abunforis The.'. service ;*'.as, , hbWever, U*'t. I 'Oh t And th - en ' she burst o She Spoke- I it," ferocionalyoliserved.t.he old drumm�er. of the story is best told in the words 'used night until She died. A largo woman died, will illiaiview the Ministry to-6oyrbw in,. begu'rA hve' minute.B.' ea�rlier, , and when Mr. I had never heard 'anything like. it.. No, I have been-oitbri badly abused. I by the Consul -Generali Who says Those- -,arid her body.was. crowded into a 'box by reference to the demand Of the' nn arrived be foun am acolyte within sit, nor have 1 ever'heard anvthiiig like it boiubi-were' to'bave,bedn m4ed with coal' men standing on it. Sbe'bad on a boun I ot Province for, 'Wy been'ordered peremptorily to, leave. t an increase of subsidy from the Domiriio�n the railing, and the -service proosedfUg. At and,�pldced, in the'ooal -bunkers of BritiBb woril when Elbe Was alive. -Anotbii sihc�. Said Elbe premises,.,' I have been frequently knocked,' Occu- Treasury., ..it's close t ' he vicar was ab ' out 16 hand the Cliarles ljheie's where the-bidr-tgage st,69mehi&. I -Xi ailing heavily on the bead of pied the bed on' which this - woman died down for 'elaudizig:--on the order, of, cup to � the acolyte to wash' it, -when Mr., on'tbiB farm -dame froml 'It. wasbr6ugbt V al times, I have been. Ahrown iritotbe re.by. obauge of 9 Wynn interposed[ betw6en1hemi seized the going, all Sever the screw, or being fi blothin ". beibg� molved tile ouzzir. honae in thaib�jug- two' quarts at atimell' the stokers, they were4 intended 'to be made. An" old ingan.6 woman Was beaten unceremoni(Tu-sly hichea,down stairs ; brit,' I , The other night a merchant in a village aco B powerful enough to Pink aniv� ship." ith tick's and'bodroj�.�' ogi,ybte.b�,the wrists, and �rpviented hig.tak-, And ther 7 where all tire - -debt has been I be cobiiaued, g4zirig-fiere,ely -and t.ri- McNulty, who vas, arresfed at Wakefield ib Ohio was discovered in, his, Store at an e. cup. Thevica;1thenbedlioned ' to two And tblorCs where your wbitfj, Skin, uniphantly at the y . o a ii I g man, "J, have;. unusually late hour, and in reply to inquir. WemberB, of: the itiou! for the.par- and yourblear, preak eyes are going 1. And never beewiusult�d, The momet a drum -
and, -they rushed _f'61,11 I 6effheultedheis 'no Ionger tecently*oii suspicion, of being &'Zoni an, ieB he said: pge of' ejecting �kl,.O�Irlel . husband,-, your, i
has been released. �iii that jug, my ii�Petibe ig m,r e in I
A Loin -te,iee but Lis going d from s�-,Rea�suiing state- MY confidential clerk is missing." :towards the Communion] I also 1 'O I let the, bottom r, tay � Out Kettle, an ex -suspect has, secede; -headth� do not Arid . whabolitV, observing that he �foievei I., �Lpt it be - a916, -r heart I monts ab6u , the Queen's dared them to.lt6uch.him� is, de) the Parriellite.party. 14.VVliv I'Dii'looking over the bo,6ks' hat. was a cbbrchwurden� arid that he was there and ASTD'oWiier your ptomi�&to roe , 1-: e has issued a circular correspond with private Anedicl accorintB. 7 The Home Offid y Be ji:o -to be all 'in the discha around Sgody CuAorners-Nurserymem directing the attention -of the aauthori. The Queen toads light of the 'affair, refus,, t e eqAre." rge of 'his� duty. While this -,,And then She threw her �arms jr�g to 1 Have ybu-bbunted your cash?", 'Was going On tbS �ibar' passed; the cup to and buret into team She c6nlo It "Thii Italian's Wouldn't have egg,5 -enoudlp see a stitgeon till Sir; William: Jenher An v, n eck, n
ties to the importance observa, 1b Ii ' �' : I Yoe, wid'it is correct to 6 the acolyte,wnd,that and[ other Vessels Were I oak more. tioAA to, provbut persons g., positively declined 'further resppusi.i ity if,everyfamilyowned 24heng. Tb6y.hje _,otting possession and, in moned,an of ex�log,l mateNiis fr6 which Sir Jt�m6g Pikgeb, ��aA d for- Looked over your bank book?" 6arried by'hinaJubo thd vestry.'. iThe vi' MY OY�B'wove be nd, ar y car A ' ha There wa�s�no'tieef]4 e en figurijig on it a drscou ' raged
:pIog1v68 are made. A . reward of R100 beds the Journey to Balmoral, but allbwed I have, and it, is flatiSfllut6ry. Thab's and Mr.AVyfin follow6d1thbre, and ali-4,11jer- O though by magic. In a, single rpeetd� No, matter 41 Nv0-
Ourney, i the puzztei you see. H 'M 'Sk' d d I cation: took - pla6o between t!J2m;, in"�the Ji the- wboleis6ene�,L;aBsed owi ha,ndsome a Yodlid is, offck6d for information le�ding to. the' th'd j b6�6sb6`tne, on'couditio of the e?� , Ipre �i, an U 6 efore, me. man. mti' be, when the right tuan comes, scovery I o opgaged vicart6ld 'Air. Wynn 'I SaNv'ull the,mortgage to di f any person in til Queen observitig the gretite6t.precaution. can t..make qut';�vbat',f6r. courSa of. whibb-tho all'the farms id alopg B116 is rearly y,iold tlje,pAlzn of 0'aelaied. that the injured ank1g.reqUired in vestry, beauty, if he has"ilaq eoDsoto ask for it. f ',-Been home emce noon. 2" thafte !bad 'no iigbi�' the .�nd our neigbborbood,Ud I 'ibought w6rethe
�p 081yes. �ord a�himtoleave. 'Rel irefused, and the' mo he'very' lag6 mortgage toka Carlin gf Ord, reply ing-in, tIA a H weeks, probably morrth�s, for its complete ney bad gone. ' T A� barid of gypsies camps I On Be of father bad - ever d Mi.sa6n.ri.l restoration. People'abbut the Queen aroad Perhaps lie�has eloped with your wife.'? vicar then attempted to push him out, made bdil been to pay. Lords- t6 Lord Dunrii,ven's rei:riaks4eg�,rd-, lie- Aug the condition of'.the people* in . Ireland, the�effects of the prolonged dopri'vatioti of Lazi:dss,Iio,I,bu6 it may be.-gol, te the, v�qaj�.�Wab sent with co"- a -bill 'held against him. by the ma� A farmer in t a iii ' isiglibbrImou--w.. Bbrug.-I �Est'the -door, the crash, who L 'd - filled' big jug' lor-years. I- Yes -fully. ..twidt,ed,-b.y.,rbeumati�t3�� and said accoun'ts froi n the distressed districts �exbicise which will be made necessary. is)' then the pi�mlg will be, s6lvcd.":.. Bi Stable force fAgE aightoed bifia ont'whfi ;mysterious .10. I . ; " I I . Re-hurrieff h6mg,�'wnd it was so, and he of which could be beard\ all over the aburch, 1"sa' it all as it! passed before me-� Str co were d'oidedly more encouraging the last , * W emo ies. ;This we his II a so, ff big mind. arid. Me. Wnn's hand was.' otit-with a' �flitting, pictur of. rum1-rum I. -tum I� tions arid der II TI The Russian authorities haye hired -a felt , 9r, t'a;DX'Bt'Y.O old him that a, is, few weeks. The Government weed agreed idecanter, which, b6ntained the Communion debt I�jebb I -and, in the , end -death I donee., They t rgo �suni of iderable nutuber of 'private. hots 3 that emigration tad the best and inevitable consi OB, ried-on, his" fariai but they Moscow as quitteis for the Rueafan Guards. Ac'co'rdlbg to Bledtridte, spid:26, which wine. The vic:ai'then called upoil members And, 1: retutned my Molly's and money was bui remedy -for thfr�,dietress, but- they had ion to eject Mr. Wynn aidi did not -know 6xadtly whore.' Thei in who ate to be sent 6 strengthen the garri. 'are very numerous, in� Japan,* spin their of the congregat 13 ither the righti nor was it necessary to. ut this 1 , Ptiops wie to bin had oson during the' coionation f estivitiej. . For Webb during th6. night between' th6' We- from the- ve8try, b wag unnecessary, Molly, Ay,,6wAA I 1% keep th�. prom, 8tru, r all the cash h forceit, on the people. The Govern. for,eight d9ysi and then,to.dig it up, where. UP strategic reasons,, several groups of,'6ontigii geah'wires and - their subporfe:. AS ''the' ae. Mj.'Wybn:cabAe out a;ndsboAA, after left isel I�will-oo help me'Reaven V upon the place of, the, concealed treasure fhent be& received. aopeful offer: for.he o 6B.havo beotitiken in the various do we are very abundant, the webs be6omo the church'.' llA:nd.Ihave' kept,ft. In less than five t the removal of a nunabor of Polbeted families ucu9 h UP would be revealed. He obeyed, add)i
sebw, and a�aerles of ,important, c9inductors of ek otricity and - gi-A. rise to' I years;, as beid' said,� the� mortgage i
a0rogs the AtIgutic. Inc6nsequenceof this 'thus be,occ�pied which y 'grefitdisturbai�cd in the., tiaiismisSion of I Mary .Anderson will appear, a , t the,�. Lo n as 616 . are, y appetite cam� back to me, end of the prescribed time his �5ffl. and a I . I - , the go stat6EWii'&rd Dun'rg"Ws' motiori wa pnI don Lyceum September gypsies were, ne. complete command the city. 'Withdrawn a.... ... .... ..