HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-05-04, Page 5FO',R SPRING 1` i. SUMMER OR icy Our stock for- the spring andsuniinei. tra w y •nuch lar�'er.than ever before, and for quality complete, being i b,- elled and will,be offered at prices t o and style cannot be • excelled, suitthe .closest buyer. We- manufacture both SEWED and. PEGGED WORK, CUSTOM WORK. --We and guarantee to. give` satisfaction,: ve>r Chea Trunks Valises,large assortment, y &� _ cent _discount formcash. , 5 :.per_: cen Clinton. Block, TAYLOR .& SON, Coats lot , a Spring Lilies' � of Boots And Sloes. (r S1 er\ air .0 to $2.5Q., Men'S Women's Boots ranging from p p p ,2 per air.'. Prunellas :from 60c:. upward. Gaiters and Bals, � l? pair.. ,, rgains: ire ood ba I and secure b Call early, a g. W e still sell large quantities of 3' lb. TEA for $1, `equal. to � some dealers, 50 cent TeL PRODUCE' TAKEN FOR GOODS. CLINTON, March, 1383 POTATOES' ,WANTED. THOMPSON 8t SWITZER. S NIa p A • New•• %w: al, T 1� Maple:Sugar m,S ��e.111t011S �146i 1,114E d11 %l CS11 t � O1 , • • ' Good fresh Mangold, Turnip r i p &Sorghum Se ods J. Cunin,gharnc- Clinton• AROUND TELE COUNTY.. David Sanderson, Gerrie, lost three fingers in a saw mill, Mr. J. Shields, of Siieppardton, died sud- denly on Wednesday. Mrs, Jas. Flastie,'of McKillop, an old set tier„ passed away last week. U 'CAN'T KOPF.- Climax cough cakes. Quick, sure cure j ef._all dealers ; 15cts. itis. 'Crouse has sold his fain, on the ]stir con. of East ',Wawaucsh to .Mr. Keabne, fur $',2,300. J. T. Carrow. Goderleh, is away on ap Excited Thousands, All over the land are going into ecstasy over Di King's New Discovery for consump- tlop Their nnlooked for recovery ,by the timely use of this great life saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds,- Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness,, Loss of voice.. or any ;af- fection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bot - ales free at -Watts & Co's., Drug Store. Large size $l tri B -I D, D L E G O M B E; to Bermuda'for the bcuefit•of his health.. Why shnnid a pian whose blood is'war e within sitlike Ins i rrnxlaire cut in alalaster 1 ' Or Jet his stair grow rusty, scant andthin when "Crico.. LI;sn ItnxnivlsR avid nako it gr:oty ti's Pastel. For sale by all( rug ists. T1r. J. M'.'Roberts has prirchased:the store and premises latelyoccupied by Mr. Gienden ning, ,Dungannon. Mr. Robinson, of W. Wawanosh, has pur- chased the Englishchurch parsonage, Dun= gannon, and moved into it on Friday last. Ix 'TUE. history of medicine no preparation has received such universal commendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects iu kidney diseases, as Dx". VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY CURE. Its action in. these4.1is-. trossing oomplaints is simply wonderful. Sold by all. druggists. 1,lr. Moses McBrien has disposed of .his farm in War}anosh, Mr. Sanderson being the purchaser. Mrs•4eaae. Rogerson; of Sunshine, who -has been 'hi de1icats health during the winter, -is. again obi vas cent. The election expenses.of Mr. A. M.•"Iloss, in the late coltsstwere $412; of -F. \57: John- ston T341,'A.Bishop $t31)... SAYS Daynax : "She knows her man and when you. rant and swear, can draw you to her, with • a single liair." But it,innst be beautiful hair to have such power ;' and beautlful hair can be en stiredby the use of Cls sLFsEJiAta'RENEWER.' Soli. at 56 etc. by all druggists. Mr" John Ross, of, the London Road, near •Bracefild, has recently 'purchased from Mr. L. Hunter, of Usborne, a year old. thorough. bred Dash am bull, ,for which he paid' $120. :Alex. Bradour, who has, been attending S. S. No: 5, Morris, left for Clinton High school. last week -where' be intends to further fit him- -.self for the'coming Intermediate_ examination G W. Mingay, Parlydale,LToronto', writes: "My wife had several, very` severe attabks of cramps in the stomach. Bearing of Dr..Austin's Phosphatiue, and .its pleasantness' to. take,'1 gave her.two bottles. and she has not had an attack since, and her herlth,is.much'improve d." For sale by all dauggists. Miss Liizie'raskeri-of the 13.th.con. of Hub lett,; has made a`beantiful'hair 'Wreath which contains the large number of one Hundred and forty flowers,'and.is made' ,up, of the hair of forty one'different persods." ' Wm. Andersooi.:who .has been in: the em- . 'ploy of H."Den' Biussels,'has had to ;give up work on ss . r,a. oftc eing' troubled with hip disease. He. is going,to try to get th'a hospitnl4,at-London or Toronto' for treat• Molt before the disease gets seated. As THE frosts of whiter vanish under.the ;cal- oric Inffnencc of the'stin's rays, so' does Briglit's Disease, :Dropsy, Stone in the Kidneys and' Bladder. and Inflanation of the kieneye leave the body upon the administration of, DR VAN... BUREN'S-KIDNEYCUIIE. Sold•by.all dru gists. Mr. P. iMeGratli,,of the 8tlf•eon. A1cKillop; met with a very'ptiinfulaccident a'fe.w days• , ago. He was. chopt,ing wood when he struck bis feot with the Rre, cutting three of•.his ''toes clean; off and nearly `segeringja ;foiirth.' Messrs. Edmund Collins, Dennis McGrath,' Daniel Gillespie anii'John hfts`Calium have all' been lard rip with eat feet recegtly.i' They all live op-the.8th con; ;: and4within• aboat 'three 'quarters of a mile of each ather , ':• • No mei sEnOrm should be copsideredcotnplete without a bottle of'DR Y,ATt.'Bt1REN'8 •KIDNEY.• CURE in iu•the closest It is:',the only -remedy.' that will positively, permanentlt and promptly' cure all forms of•kiciney di$easPs. So1ld by_ .I g . Watch and Clock Maker JEWELLER, &c., OPPOSITE TILE iii .RKET, CLIN'P.ON Where be keeps a select aieortinent of WATCHES, CLOCKS, 'JEW6. LLERY, . SILVER WARE,: Which we will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of every. description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted J. BIDDLBCOH13E. Ciinton, Nov. 1882 . • o.— r INE subscriber will continue the business formerly, carried on by the firm of Newton & Dennis, and hopes to receive, a continuation .of the liberal patroriage lieretot'ore enjoyed. Mr..Wm. McKay, sr., of; the 10th,, co'i. of Tuekersmith,, Had' an operation performed •on one of,his.eyes, The old•,m,an,gotone of his. eyes. injured two years ago,' drat .by a blow. frotn a chip;•and afterwards front aikick froom • a cow, andwas in danger of loerng=his eye.. sight at the time; then repeated inflammation; 'of„the inja'ted• eye `has oaused him;to almost entirely loose the,sight of .the other,' •so an operation waS,necessary,both for':the per•' pose of reliving and partially restoring sight tol the injered eye,;both of;:which things. we. .understand Will' belaccomplished J 8 Wetherell, ;writing froin-Winnipeg says; Ican sao more about Phosphatine:now titan' .when I saw you lest in Toronto.•• My health is much improved, andf art free front ibeadaches> or any other ache's, having only used two and,a; half bottles, of your Phosphatine. For•, sale any al'1 drhggists. `Lrcepses-were' granted to `the following per, - sons in •the East. Riding of.Iluron •—Hoivick H.'Eushart, T. Jobniton,':A. McIntosh,'.1. 'Haslinet, `C McElwain, Jho. Colclongh.and: • L.'°kmpbeIL "\'Wroxeter -M.' Korman;•Jno.. Gofton and Wm, Johnston.: ' Turnberry—Jnr. m Passore,-Jno. Patterson and Rohit.W King. Morris—John Scandret and • 'Chas- Sage. Grey—Jno, Robertson; R. Cathers, I Gil?,: D. Millard; 1 •J. Tuck, Chas. Dames and W. :Biernea-2viirI�rllop Wm:;Smith; Thomas Crawford and J. McGunegle reserved.. Bins.' Frey, A. °Michue, Joseph' 'Fletcher, .T. Hall. and M. Roe, the last named extended for two months.. Shop,James Dron. . Hullett J. T.. Kennedy. DON'T, PULL DEO Newton's one alinnte toothache tyre., Reliant once ;.of all dealers, _Calvert's, Cnrbollc Ceram: • The finest 'healing 'compound :tinder the - sun.' There is no Bore but will succunib- to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invalnabledressing: for :cuts, Burns, Bruises; Pimples, Scalds, Boils, Festerings, ate . Price twentylive Oeirtsat J. H. Corrrbe's drugstore HARNESS,e' KINDS. TRUNKS, VALI SES, W HIPS, COMBS, &C.' On Saturday the vicinity of Arcadia; La,, -,was visited by, the heaviest hail storm ever known. 'Foliage was stripped from, trees, and: some stock were killed. Great damage was to the crops. Some of the htiilston'es•were,of-enormous size. '• The Q,ueen will be able to 'stand unas- sisted upon 'iter feet before a fortnight elapses ` The injured knee is rstrengthen- ing daily, and- Her Magesty's general health is atho gradually -improving., n OW TIIAT titre is'a reliable' remedy for kicl•- noy troubles; ]half the terrors attached to these • mini oavo been removed Fon this let all be thankful .and to l Dn. VAN I3UREN'S KIDNEY 'Cu*s awar'dall praise for having thusramoved a•hitlrerto considered fatal disease from ohr • path Itwas nevcr.known to fail. Sold by all druggists.- • . Enox, exLWar'den and License Uogpnissioner for North.'Hastiligs, •ctid postmaster. at Ivarihoe, fell .dead in • his st'orei on ,,,Saturday from heart disease. Prices'»Iw•aycl reuson'able. CLINTON. SEEDS ! ..,SEEDS' ! NOW iitt STOOK PRESIi FIELD AND GARDEN Seeeds, trona the Most reliable Seedsmeu. C I='v00 1.RI8S, Try our choice Tea' at.5®-c. per lb. P lit dd,VTI SION . TRY FEARSIAN'S CELEBRATED HAMS: SALT A. l arg'eanirtity of Land Salt in''stock. J. McGARVA., Cliuton;:April 9, 1883. Albert Street. '$500 . REWARD 1 We will pay -the above reward for any case ofliver complaint, dyspepsia sick headache, indigestion, con- stipation or onstipationor cestivenesfi we cannot cure with Nest's` Vegetable Liver Pills When the directions are strictly complied ttith. They arelinrclyvegetable, and never fail to give satisfacaton. Sugar coated, large boxes, containing 30 pills,' 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of ednnterfeits and ..imitations. The genuine manufactured only, by. John C. West & Co., ” the inial; rakers;" 81 & 82 Bing St. East, Toronto, Out. ..Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a three cent•stamp. TO T2s FREE AND •NNT ElirE113 Of the Township of Hullett and vicinity, their ii'ives and fa- milies, also their sisters, and their cousins, and their aunts, the following effusion is respectfully iladicated by their bumble servant, .y� .LJ.. 0OIM E pT Come noble freemen, noble dailies, Nice young, mein, and nicer girls , Read my lay, 'tis worth the pains-- 'Twill give Your our• thoughts some Wio'gi ; to y5 11 S whirls s: i• And -after having read my rhyme, Your vote and influence fairly won; Come to my :store, if' vet or fine, , And view mystock—'tis number one, I've acnes Boots and Shoes incStockings, Corsets, Afantles, Factory Cottons, Silks and Satins, Ribbons, Laces, IIats, Bonnets, Ticks and Shoulder Braces French Merinos—first-class for dresses ; Flowers,: Feathers, Ornaments for. tresses. -Every kind of Fancy Dress Goods, Designed to please and put, iii'- best moods. Cuffs, and`. Collars, nobly Gloves,: I've everything.a lady loves— Can wa,rit oves-Can''warit or envy 'neatlithe sky ; Y Which once you see you're sure to buy. ' I've everything :thin' tor lien a bnd boys, Besides s.' a, l 3 iost of children's Toy I've Gaiters, Boots and Robbers bright, water ' In worst ofweather, ' . tight, ---Both-everyday aiicl Sunday .Suits; . The fit of which there's none disputes., Tweeds and Doeskins, Shirts that fit, Scarfs and Neck Ties;; quite a lit. Everything to suit all well— Yeoman plain or clashing swell. Ointments, : plasters, oils and pills, Guaranteedto cure all ills. ; Nails and Hammers, Chisels, Files, Turpentine and Painter's Oils. 'Brushes, Dusters, Pots and Pans, • Lamps and Tea Pots, Crocks and Cans: Everything for house and farm Everything that's cool or warm. Lots of Sugar' S,. ru`I\Zace Rice; TeaandCoffee. Why my elate l Is full of'good'..thinas---�cheaand new, b b p s With civil clerks to wait onyou. ' .' - Come and see, me, don't forget, Your servant, W. L. OUIMETT'E. FOR'. CHEAP GROCERIES • Crockery, Glassware, &c. Oatmeal au Cornmeal ahyays on hand. ALSO 4etty's cslebtatkd English 8rmakfa$t'-Bacon I.61ag Clear Eason, St?gar4Cure<l'Hcrsrtn,. 'At pricescannot. be beaten in ton n. HIS 60 C. TEA .A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP 'TEIONCAS, COOPER,. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON SCROFIIL9 ;and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipelas, Eetema, Blotebes, Ringworm, Tumors, Car- buncles, Boils, and Eruptions of the Skins are tato direct..result of an impure state of the • B•lood; To cure these,diseases the blood must be'puri- fled,:and restored' to a healthy and natural condi tion.AYEIf's SAESAPARILLA has for over forty years,'.beeu recognized by eminent medical .ata tliorities as the most powerful blood purifier in existence. 'It frees the system from all foul hu- more, enriches and strengthens-theblood, reinoves` all •traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it-'• self a complete master of alt scrofulous diseases. •. A Recent Cure of.Serofulons Sores. Some 'months ago I was troubled with'sci•ofu- ' foilssores(ulcers) on my legs. The linrbswer•e badlyswollen and inflamed, and the soros dis- charged ,lar'gge quantities of offensive natter.' Every;renredy I tried failed, until I used AYr:n s SARSAPARILLA, of wlrrhlr I have -now falcon three bottles, with thehesult Oat the sores are lrenled airdnrygeneral/health grey tlyuutiroted -I fee{ very grateful fol' th&good Your Medi eine has den° re. Yours resp`ectfully.alxs. A1N 0 Biui s 1:18 Sullivan St-, lvcw York, Juno 24,1852. UCS' All persons interested are lnviteel to eall'en lDIrs.O'Brian also upon tile Bev. Z. P. Wilds of 78 East 544th Street, New -'York City, who will take pleasure In testifying to" the wonderful efitcacy of Ayer''s Sarsaparil- la, not only in the cure of this lady, but in his'own'ease and. many .others, within' his knowledge. The well-known ietilcii:on the Boston'Ileraltt. I3'. W. BAT.L, of ..rtoc• " Irav,ing suffered severely for some years •with Eczema andhhvingfailed tofled fel ieftrain other , remedies, J'have+made' use during the past three� months of A1rgn'S SARSAlARII,rn w,liicll has effected a complete cifre. I consider it a Magnifi- cent remedy for all blood. diseases," Ayers- Sarsaparilla stinutlates'and regulates 'the action of the di- --gestive and assimilative organs, ic•news' 'and, strengthens the yltal forces;'rind speedily, cares Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Itbetunatic Go'irt,, Catarrh, General Debility;; and all diseases arising fcpni ant impoverished or corrupted condi-' tiioreof the blood ' rid a weakened vd lit •. ' - - ,a G a Y. Buclrleit'e • Arnica,. SRIY,Ci Tt is nuom csrably the cheapest l loon medicine, The greatest medical wonder of the world:- on account of its concentrated Si: rength,and great \Varrantod'•to speedily cure Borns, ;Bruises; 1.. Owe" over clisf;aie. Cuts, Ulceii, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Can-. 1 erismirtnn nv cera, Tilos, Chilblains, .Corns, Tetter, Chap Dr. J.C. Ayer de Co., Lowell, Mass: ped Hands, ancl,all skin mpptions,'guaranteed t(1 cure in every inst'Lnee, or money refunded Sold by, all Druggists; price.,$1, six bottles for 3. i cents per box. For sale; by Watts ,& 'Cup Pring' a;itad Simmer ALL THE LATEST. NOVELTIES. SeeI our^: fine-as'ortinent of Straw' Hats and Bonnets, `in terra c'ott crush •- strawberry,and.: all the; new `colors anti styles.' --7 Fine assortment of ,white :'and 'colored LACES Fine assortment. of ENGLISH- and FRENCH--FI.oti'VRIRS - --See Oiir_ Ott6lnan cordedv ----4 u- R li3oNs and SILKS,; 0iir new shades SATINS. Our; Silk and - ''Lisle nd''Lisle' GLOVES. OutHcsIE iY., and FAN. Goons Fine assortment `of boa Ytiful FEATiIII RS, and. also PARAsoz:s Don'ti forget that now 4 the time to get your STRAW AND TAPE FIATS matte :over into all the leading styles. BEESLEY, Beaver Block, Clinton. Jest in tiit secure 110133II AIL DESCRIPTIONS 01, M It's, Youth's,- adios, Misses slid G ilars�'s 110618.„ -ally Shoos ENTIRELY NEW SPRING STOCK IMMENSE VAR'IETY..:-1OW1 T' PRICES VISITORS 'WELCOME. ,NO TROUBLE TO SHOW UOobs IN GREAT 'V:ARIETY' C ALL AND. Sh E: TfIEM PEFO,I.E PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. _OUR STOCK OF HEAVY '& LIGHT HARNESS IS COMPLETE. Trunks and Valises for the pillion, Georgian gay Shingles always on hand. e 'J'HE USUAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Tii.ctoria, 31octkl , The larmest'stocl , and most bealltlftal designs ever bionE4'l1f into this county 'ill . PSR.. PA -WAti� `Anel the cheapest. ,Froth the c:Dlnlnon.e t tc'`t'he m est e\pensive Mr; IT, SIIIPSON,