The New Era, 1883-05-04, Page 11W TOWN ckuRCH QRWES.' ING& SCO!rT XA.NN The PX( �sbytery of'Huron 'weeCs here ne4 Tuesd : In Willi �Church.
4y), g YeSt6rafty being 42ce dri, D Solicitors,, Barristers, f4y)
wag el I N b d tl� 1, urell in the
ont�rj -and Manitoba. BEAER BLOCK, CLINTON Quarterlyi, will be held in the rFICr Metbodi ' I iChurch, next Sunday; t le �re- - gular busines,ii meeting on the followin The Oddfellowg of, town, in regalia, at. E. HOLMIES SON V61- iis,` N 7 tended service �t 'st church,. .0N.T. ,FRIDAX� A CL NTON 1AY1, 4, 183. Method RMS $4.50 1 e , . lmulw� I . ; . I I
.00', on Sunday, when a sernion relating, par. ticulafly to the workings of the order was QODER11bil IkOWNSE111P. LONDESBORO. d6livered. liver Potte� is fitting The infan t child s—..IVJT-. tilin'ette's-change- CITY, ORE -Mr. 0 r: Thos-.Mu1-Iv6err- —N-Ew-Gooi)
RuTcHER Snor Is riv, mee kng P , t ib, 'Bible, sli�p.�4erof,andis goinglitaio the butcher-'� of the base line, -is daluge rously ill. of advertisment was received too late�fbr Christian churches within the E.xeter dis- t ing busihahs,tbih su m C,
, , - :, . , � i, -'We uderstand that. Mr. G. Dyke, of thi week lie anrloun'es a full stock, of A Nr E * at on c e a S0.0d�qAncrl%;R� am. is trict., will be held at I litriville, 'the'9th girl. Appilyto MRS 6ovy from dress'goods, dress, ritilmings, satins, &c. ins ?. on R. D-� Bayley; og Clin- -the 15th conq'lo,pt. a valuable at conference will this, HEITULFiT.-Mr. t. The annu 6upiem the Methodist P�Ipit bere on milk feviii. BmErs.-m4fi. Oulm6tte appears t6 take year be hel �t0u, -OCe d- dt Exeter. He is an able speaker. Our ENT, -with gardell, Stiliday, morning next., in enormous Rev. 1OVSkS We ai6. Sorry to learn of the illness 4liantities of eggs. Vd yet. list JaA weel, and iinable to take his"work-' -ot-t-h-6-1-4t-h-coh�-�W_-e-hope- -cricket�club has- nott-been-oigaiiii
App][Yat MISS,MOUNTCASTLEIS Studio. g'and eveIIlng,�on,SundaY latin 'th6 he will Speedily recover. Huber!s saw.mill is silent for the� present., on Sunday,'but lie is' reeovering,,a fact. Methodist church, to good oon'�regatioris. At bf-tb,e 14th There will be no servicein the Methodist 8 is hi friends�villbepleasedtd Itear. It. )Ij&NOX FOR SAIX A.Seven - 00AVel �ae: 6t the mor"in' here ext� Sunday, qu hardly expected, liowevier, lie will beAble Rosewood upiight Piano,, ilearly newl, Also the d1c g p�r;vice � a goodly' con h'id, ohe-oflais test ebws'run wiier the church 1) - er- V.1ces beld at K riburn ; 'ay'er'y S erlAs number remajn�d f9r the lovef&ast and ghdra- sLnj, by the bein i there,,,.Ily aeten-oora�oaquaT&Flaho. Apply Friday raight itir ain. to take his work on Sunday. Clinton., ment. shoiald be s�rvice twice a day here. Rev. n I I bOUTI NtW FECE,-Mr.Watkins, has bui 11 a MG Hamilton eircuit, at, Rey. Mr. Cooke, of I has been. improvJhg in -F'oll STERS: -At the last naebting: of Court fence til6nihis I'dirm"bil. the blige Ii tended th6 examination of robationers week, wh-cri. he'took a -P J FOR SALE -Being Jots 96 and 96 Vie-' Selwoed No. 87; the following officerB ere Ilew he�lh until this which�impioves its appearance. held t,.London a week since, and it glyesr Lt".TiT. St. amesWard, opposite Mr. 'elected mr. 0. I . .1 S.'Lawre-,e. slightl-Vuh favorable turn. Although we us pleisur 'to state that be�sto'od, first, on Allatigoill's MS'dence, faineed (train-. j NNT. ilill, Chap. -A. Halstead IL, S -R NEw L. Manning of the have ' e
: two d6etors living here-r6al jolly. ed. Apply tO'S. PALLISER CO. Lavis. F. S. -T. Murch, S,., W.,---i%-V.1JoIin, base line -has tbe� sforle and 'umber..,orl fellows they are'too�it doe8, not follow tbi� list, On all the pointS' e-xamirre4 he Clinton, May 3rd, 1883 Gliddpii� i-bisLfikim �f�r the eiection of a newillouse. �thatwe have much -sickness; as a matter' took in verage of87 mrks out of -a pos- endrig of the' 'A F Si An.*& FOR S, . AILT. I �Wlllb6 sold clldar� These will be installed on t'he'ev !re i� very little indeed.- ble bundre&, He expects to attend� cbI . 1 - SONETHING LIKE QqiLT. - Anna� tbE the,south I Itli -In$ the, Fthe --west-half of Lot and t* i I s iiie busy seeding, Sterling.. oftba7th-con,, coinpleteld a patch- er half of Lot No. 20, in the 7th'b6hbes8ion of. the -e are klad to inow that work qqlii,t i r which contains,7,500 f At a meeting of the Tdachers d "offi- Township of Rullett containing.100 acres.- , �REco hlast mee(ing 0 an Apply to � �RIDOUT, Clilit6n. Mrs. jarvis is're'eovering somewbaC from her piomes. Court Pride of the West No. 3'I , the fol- cers ofthe Mp&dist Sabbath -School, on illne&sl but although able to rbcogni�a those -F�dM 'R'ENTiD.! -i%lr,. Xames� Gallaher, . ot loyhrIg officeis'were. J. C.. Tuesday even th 'the'annual r eport for- he 'she is not able to.'speitk, even --rX0.1UAliN. ANIO .tOT, FOR' SALE.-Tbe' arourt �r, Galt, has rented his farm of Wacres, i�on the A,dams;, R.S., George Newton.- F 8 A the yershowed a total enrolled member- fferA that large, WbIlL nd for one �ear, fbr §bip.of350, witly . -in av er4 IX subiter-lber o built, in a w er and when she� desires anything 7th con., to tb�) Rudie'Bro ? Woodman Treas�, C'eO. orafito'n, Chap,�' ance nown y signs. hisp 'thle fact k b: convenientlY-situated frame house oil Erie St;, h 4s,tolimike for A; W,,- C�- Of -236. -The mount of -money raisiodt'116i containing eleven rooms; *ith stone, o s, Elford*, who has been wl the sa,le. Thii lot is half an acre, on. whicli,t1tere, is T Mr. Jahn -Ward who lormerly resided Waltds; S Gidley; J.B:`j" 'barn snd,p, -about reoDyer(l dMon Th ' sch6ol purpose Loug I ;o6d orehard,illiard and'roft, water. mumps has ibe,. 'but e s was $16�. an cl m: at poorly.. oil the Whifelle;id "farm 6d the -base line, delegate to the kigh-Court, whic4rileets was appointed a sist I b : Librar and 15 fill Terms� easy. ide knovvii on aplilicati(m still�;omewli * It . I 1. I . 17-� of h0ATt. i s: Mr. Geo. assistant sedre' Ary.' GEO RENTGEN, Ch toli. d near Godericly on Monday, ih.-Garlanoque, is� Mr. A;Woodman. Th ��XNGUISE D 6e disease. 'He ha-s'been 'aillilij for sdme societ"bas now, membership of,74, e( . within the bounds of this lit0p pla three Y AND ][,OT FOR,SA%,t eminen attachment j, time,. bayin,bee&,'. confined to bed all iiell is�constarytly in6rea's' CLINTON HIOU S -CH 00L'
t for� their JLJL aild 6, in Block B, Ratteribury Is 8,Llkvey,, 91, person IV 'ter.- the corricr (if. Isaac and Fulton strc con- church' 'matters; and distingUished by h r I In taining two fifths of all acts, on,which theTe'is , 1. I - 1111ANCHESTER. long, r e6iidehc6 heie who,if they have n6t all The workme'who are re-bilildirig M r. 'Last week -we, called, attention to, the a 1,16 storey, frame house of three toomd' and passed the all oted! I tb ree, Ecore-yearfs a a d ten Butler's house, oil the 16th are, p Th-e-SabbaIli hooin-conneetioll %vith McLellan; the Ciin- good kitchen downstairs, and four rooins up- 'h- visit of Inspector- Stairs; goo oft I ink it forwar� lil ti -e Presbyterian cbimli'bere was Opened 't(,?') 141-1i School, are at arty rate close in that rl6igliborhood; I havirig the itr irater. and ickwork�as wbe a pronumber, of good fruit t John calbick, Mri.� Holmes d 8abbatb, f6r-- the summer. The! Pas-,
We efer to�- hi h as ows: It inarsNout the�ili i l"'i d mises to 0 ��rs. Disney.. -Tbe'-first-named, thou h �,ouse I tor 6f, the ]16Y.41r,' Priteliar& i,;Ctp ine an, progress Clinton, may n, 1883. and M. 9 when complete �-rra sorriewhat therein observed, , He lids since sent.his LS occupied a *ery Active foi an. lxa a' a declining healtli,,hz r -was appointed $dpelriatende t I ly If lx report -toAlle.-Trustees -8 atd - his- -history Ue y yar1JUL1AP*T, CO OF RCVKS1O and we, d it �tbb, flaue6r'ing 'in I ing that time, if rablied. : I V giv6n that the.Arst'sittink aud:experie (uri . ' " I I NOS14 Notice is hereb. HULLJETI'o WEST WAWA enC0111 L Dg One,'� 1provfng,that,:t4e 'Work OWDShip oil *'buld:be':'a"r�adable 4d�dition to 'Methodist S6nii Hulleitt, last Air' Jol in Robertson,: 'of ace6ml Ii illed bl� this institution is Sur the 00111% of Revision for th�: T I lessrs. H. Snell & Uailett, fox, the, be hola at hte6ture. The iname'of"Nfrs., Holmes�, is Ld'ND1,,'SJ3Q)R0; Oil d-Durh no�b,*. his Air. Joseph Fri4ay, 25th 6ek §old.a ten months' o�l' am bull passed by very hliv In the'Prov
'Clock., a. III . , . famili b ti "' Wilson; forth-- sum -6f $3150 i ' rt'ce-� The* f may, 1881. at '16 0 for the ar ar ana wide, L e prominent posi on Mr..'N. Cum Mi. - Rob pt ofhusband occupied it) the ink, -Blyth, t g6odfigure. resuh.of the dif1brent. branches taught he:, [rpose of hearm,�;appeals Against slid revising -Aeceased - -reports which is the high- AsSe"menti Roll of, said.Township. JAI,�. earl history of this scAicu� and the fact that Hous,E.-LkVorkinei'i� are rictiv en- y Clerk. herbouse has for any f, A I r paying �an be made S years been- the home ( ag6d'dii buildirig't ic beW'house o the tlltcoutlty-� visit he came to est report.that,c peakin*wbf.. fiowee, Ilullett; Ala .1, 188,13. school ie s,
y -of'Methodi in, colitribut; in� thereto, Open.- They bave the I qys:- the,f" u farm Ashfield i7be* school hasan hen ted and hospitble to a , degreei it has oundation abo'ut ccImpleted, o coNTRACTORS.-Tenders -'to her OvTi'1'1 "Co r e e c i v e 6, It' DAY
been- her to e orle y1lic mupicipal council le: -N - The, Sabbath teachers, hich of thorough, ol'arfy one., whutli caled� scho 'All i . , -,, -W : drk )fTdokerS,lijth tdrbuildin,�a hens and qt'Haildck -b White has. disposied 'eon. 26-2G, nea;r� T�Jr. R,mes hat way. ,alhough iii the Ior.line� of life; she �wfll be'orgi�niz6d net ',�unday.l . It i ex I r. Josep t t. Tile Classes �ave reat satisfac- Broadfoo . Xenders- will be received ler. a :is,yet:vigorous a`nd �iotive. Mrs. Disney isi elitire colt, G1111an6, tioll. t- 5riage (96 feet span) with cedar I s, not . So e�tell.,lvely known as the pe�'.ted that. considerable addibign.will two-year ' 014 are, ve witli p cither two bents 13i the Centre or -4 Super- bo:ryiade -to the libral-31 Foe, -to THessrs. James and d,thorouir I Structure known a Tureli's truss� :At:the otbcrs�-mpntioned, but stil,lier warm � friends hly for the sum, of'$2 0'00.- L, tIgIv911 classes re �,ery time Tenders ��pi 1'�e received for are innum liaving been one of Ahe riners r.e generally com- C-1,.. - AT.
tothe bridge, at, sa inuch per cubic �plainirlg of backwardnes r. Perry does a S hmediate locality. e, rlie-sit settler in this it: s of-sphn- The 12. 0'cloelc� ryiond�,of Seaforth, has pu ya ril.. Tonders. wi ll,bo recei v,ef up to rchased the o
110011-011 T111, 18Tjr tAll-three belongto 'the Methodist first ctfAfay. -che triisbees deserVe,n I �rn�ili, and is -busily -engaged in librlity Mey There �Lre�'no i and Ap.ecificatIons ivay and: nature may, not hold- thi�rthAii`rufe.. Odevery ide are 11, ough pbysi.a the' -necessary in Oil w eat'; if'it fidis rier- :171 t man years longer, aebi -er-Y-fO schools be�tter 6.quipped y it. 2i II.R.S. W.H. Z? c run ng of 13tisiness. sire; of a I I t�at tild'Beitl; who has done� so 61l'ints beware. Th is, repo rt b ould, not only be satisfc. Hall 1' co -ith the school but rn pport thern n very NLErDLD.-The peoprle of Sumnlerhill. to.-Y'tb' al n n octed NN M is a ! [HAVON.' 'clt e rge� p c. ' of life, Until "Hel Shall at last, Say 1yelieve that, pro�eTty lie lately- �urcb aged, from Mr J-. that Scholars y . I 11. Alcl, *me a shop Was;: J.� I achlift G, Mr. L7d p blisbe&- Ure, its.. propric red- Drew fc� good tn�illiuff as is gi M III ally dntriin�o. examintion to. the, inmio tor:: be dc-' C ar inst inake a $1 750. Afr:'Edi d Drei� has ' dispose of: inail, it ' 0tion in the' rovince.. School on.'Thnrs4ay hirid Friday the'28th liaridsome residence on the -west Side, ations in Uliiyersfty C61-' Oil �ided c l'yonjerlpe�to tild At the exl1min' altid 29th of ifivikZ-, beginning; each (lay ape6ple here any. -eet,',6 -Mr� H. W. Hall,- for .)CejUSb 811d�d .3 ACCIDENT. -A little dluc,ht6r Clinton Hi(rh Scho6l of William Stir in. Intending candidates will Send ian feiv 'days sirice M r. el A 6f,tkis town, fel 'lie east. side of Stre t nanies,to I I4PORTATOX.::fA 4,500, . Air. P. McPhillips ba old Iii tW oi� i I o wn`. till o' � - - d "its have s6cured rst-cla lo e 201i of �fay, ' - propr:Xy 6n t e r -mental and in 'or, received � from Sdotland � a to john ohn Alas hatbatemati.cs, 'oral N.13Tlie candidate sectirlug the stairs liladin.vAo the'llaseirne'lit 6fthe,C�n-- T., Woods. mar this e�xauliljaiio l"11 vc� I - - d �plendW.heavy. draught logio and second-clfisA honors nber f veryserious yinjAre colt� wh.i6h- lie � 6 in gh, F,Y'e A. CHRIS. DICY�-SON';" neeli've free,tuitimi atth,6uhiton ; r �Xh ccilde� th ap Pei] ea il L V 1017 Erigh nell: and'bist6fk. Bit the Year i9sm.4. e;, n Thursday , -and Purl"Oses-tiAvellifig tfiJg. yea�- It appears, TURNBULL, B. k., the little sufl�r6r ties at the point ofdeatb.� to bave Stood its,,V6 I' h succ�eded in ob yage well, aild is Ni1rs:Jeuqilsls aving a feucel�uiltin front Weir -has also talnln,�, the 9... iss,,3. Heatl-inastor.� good -addition to the. illibroyed; of J,ofhcr neat jbSid,-ence,:ou Dinpley'street. Mr, adErwi I n is I]av*Ing incom- the co�hty� , , . . :- --.- . has iIIS ell bas r r Etliof O e6be !iis residence, on t is same, O,T1Jtr, TOL CREDl1rd11SPUr6uaut to Melacet: 6pperatibris on file' G. - V� 0 g. giiadut6d in medicin' a�,dL i�. t to City B o 9 0 li'Q, Clint ch fL , , IS st�c - e. li)OU 'N. of the - 111li: Court of Justice, ove'r the kaitlan(T . Ri�er,. whi B b It aiatihi;; 'fillisbed outside, of,his pr to Edinbux,h t( v OfL oc I the Jutter the e -co -con) goi�ff to by ild,iroiist�ruc 1'esidence and a fence built. '.The �c -all om- oustance--a they, made "T e -homas C I 11 ( Shed is' Vf the, creditors of. the adThoinas 'k, AP I al. rown S 'Ro-D —oil B DC�iFAV 5 CoMl Fir- --Vr,) I w. t- $21 ng�one year (A d was sold 0` L 4ih con. Morrl'f Coun ty of H it ron 0 bration of 'the ')1th sfor Peglnp�. Mir BRTcrs.-Mr Mills of WiLighain,. ifis fimlier, ivh o diea iii 'rAbovt' g"rd tothe cele in I . I the month �ot 0-,�ober, A. D. 181�, re on or'bo- Messrs. Murphy ltel�sold � heavy'span E. 9heiritt is 'thinking of W jUgL from. SU 0lis Surely our town fth e rS Can y oV rclited the:gtot*6 E fore the-11t1t offtai,i ittxt,,to seiid� by or haa - s, at / ; . 'keep !the seve,ral $,225 h4ses-19 shine 1). Erl�V movin ft )Sr, Wsig,8. Piloudroot got lip 'n t- d it uLp,;.in good style ibis will- make I a .'fl 11 oll'Solibitors lot, y h is fornif u * ro L III ' to ("li ' riton by rail. and l yb t� I�o rd p I n g �i o oth e'r t" �,storp I— J -�. oOwns. t maker, res CHUTCJ-,T �LThe Rev. N haSL Web�tc aken, possession Of t" tiff, on, ommerolal :-tore L oetor and descriptions, the fiill -ago at, �mi,g lam the r A short.time _ed 11��le om ttending conf'e�ence; jiotol. : Two of.� -e6pers got' ipto��a observe 'I 't I I . I .) , fy . 11 � nit L double a h rvelf Collingham;'a Pros. "he reched in oil 'uabblo with, ills, butchers, Nfr.- -N n, rtaten'16131) of their a000Unt8 Snd ihc, I Campbell, 0 tile bi-i k- church to!tll'e vill. em t'oil tb III be 1) erellip tori I 3i byterian diyizJ6,: convicte4:b4ore two, srfink, and the xow, r-t4e, bell 6 11, hyd, fol.,;� usilig the' rddif6r 'Eirr-af—esand7fi fn 0 S eve�nhj�.' The F befesCal" ty isto prod ao e, it to: apPoInteTT1111P 611 fills " Goderich it all til e r -16 'fi)tiffl ated. riving upL his croquet name on ci want, Afe. �Veitis is sick ilStt the tQwn 0 4 " I I the� tions notwithstandin thefact that heds'nat ' 'th�in,-,was broke with-tb6 mumps. can( rett is' i and coiniigill collisioD, some -ecover (parterly .,nie'eti thc pre noiAf in vehi�lei and tllat'wa�s�th� iq jio ilcl� U illness. -c 33111a. ent i I wfien the Impor n In a spevere att
OnL IF, neit jet:, Sjel�: , 1, elug the 0,0 rio Medical Act., _It 'Was t of th fu�s:ln their case.. Pease lectures B r a I I b' ' Ul)l. t1i nechar I - h-1i"Ould e�r prescri�ed for mon - �and lion is ewe6ingin 11�7 is- a` 0 ey'l-I quesuion of* U, -1411 - subjeof � war the terly, bo -]that I IJIQ Y� sic ns8,ikbu as!a hlitte, ho,de , quat I I I I . , �riage. The Forest rs, ila�il thei nd her�'this'spring, 6eing Im. 1). .',the simpl'i , - ? - g ee o, and. therefore .13AD ,LOSS. Brr who hy me.eting ouju�s�a�yeveniug, Thequarterly'L a ddy but that two or more-- d etc A, I , o rs., 7 that h es firld agalbst-bilo e hils, not Comm , on:the b' 11 -goo -11, - meeting inthe-Metliod�st ChL Tirch wa3 Ju DIAT �o'o�l has bee lifortli-nte otatoes are.
4 AN ii irr F FT,Y�A cx` PliedL with the tech nical ities �bf, he Ontario W ffice. , ; .n, i� - 6h Sunday as.-tolose three id, ll within lierieneed irl.,. '.l:t:N,l;w .aA 0 i -b re A164ical A,A. - At Toronfo-' riay, efo d, horses attend6d morUing and a 'verY behig sh , 0 , . ' , , ' L "tile L blessed tim LLJ ' = Z r . L L I . - a there niust nave'been-ruord. Chij 'Justice Ifagart5l�, an :order WaS"ob-r dnie.� Noticing tht w ere. y A C*0N:I71,S, 'ION. of NVorl( than two-thirds�of the membership of the pirt dd. to'q��sh the cohvictioo� oto,the 9round lie � called 111' a Veterinary, surgeort, 'he �VaS 16 cuit'prosent, Mr.� John Gossni,iin oil 7' onb DL�in`t May u n a,b determine'wfiat, s , ", - I I �, I to the old, cou P, 'y ,
v:c 1. -on tho grotind, that the 6 wrong;� fig. they had ir'ozye,�of tlic�syr try' :t, and al§o onille� C0117 AN,r�D-6001) 6L LRAL SERVA 'T. Cffrey, I rnd Ocommon ci, of W. Apply to iiIaS' thd AE61'8011S V.idtirt� Magistrates were prac 151nrg, any to, hbrses.� Som� C, iSTAPLETON. A� nthe" n3urders' av 'at �cidifss'� and cobseqUall _11 hav6 ributed- their. death' npare Mts.. brnsis i66bvQring f i.o ill heLt Bur.ce, were, ar raignd og" e motionmill be ar6tica In Alay 'be- water, but it 'is doubtfaIr if' this: of' itself,' r,�cqnt severe illness., lt� O1LTSr-,':'.,k14' nxNw ---AL. (�OOD FRAN, P!, , I I I I They ' creat&l. rlellt�y of .1, .' e e 7 ause their lath, . � . ; 11 , I L .; 'Li . I ty. floth.1 I 0 6 III, fore the full 0 would C, �.HURT011� W.
u on's'13 noll Divisional Court., edneisday last,�:wlii e
Hollso oil dorielt, street. de, I l; M�. gull t' 1) 'fi, e(I 11,00111, hade 011, James C , 0 ACKSO N 'king Afply�to DEATEI,-Mr. Thos. ]!,in rs a d6nald .�Ls WOi in the �Saw on the second of Jiliie ------- ett diL r. a. r, e, e( 7�jbAST�AVAWAOSIT. of the, 2nd ilon ------ ed'ui L edl y- e e4 RONEY HONEY�. A6ccur'rence took I oill triga last,'at t ie.ftire of 8� iformed by his solic, orsthat'the Crown ehelad-lo quit rrlt1RES1l[1N6 �X&Cxiaiqu Von sxv�*" 'years. Ile has -been ailing more 6 Ticket A work and be driven,home. plac& in. this township ab6ut,.-,t.Nvo years r Rd, lilitigation o A Second 01r x, k nd 'R 'On- Sfifftrdai; w 'hopes 6f'a' .... .. 11orse rower,-. - , 600a workil�g only. a, go, ivhic for -h hil@ vno th whitl0vould be� psd �'up� It. ]land uA, �bme time 'but, i's ex- ten 66'Of d --------- in-, ordei h t1sed'JlotLa.JjtJ.1e e, 'short tilile offered for' sale on 8 pected.' , He' had only liv�& -upon, OU:V, '01 Y, ithAt, our otho eil�iue became, loose,. an(%tbe toon him. Whe q was never bated. � Some. f here A fe tv JOI. � RID intoil. rill having nioved fjon� file, -bin a cert, count of off the i,t,,. to plead he Sid: I rn gality, being it, �otitbs �ofik a hive'h aiJi farmer's. rod st rikln� -it brokle -a- piece P find 6airrie�IL. it to a bush-tv His body `v8 L tali[elifto Ilidieby th6 engine. Th' the Park"Rt file, tiftle"tllftt rld FARM'� -here. head 'f�� interment oil _For�L SALE: they Pstroyed it, Tile', caragea- artner Saturday.. 'A re-, cylin'det,' � piston -rod -w6re Btirk&wer�c killed', but I did not xdimilit P6rt-.N%" telegraphe'd west. that his elder Sent to Gait foi-x6pairs, The derrick v�ill be mox-der. Ipled.(rui I tv _UG11 TI[A0JKETS to inr 'I HE biother AIr John-Emeigoni 11 L 'S of if;44ed ction.agairilist hn-lo.Ver o 11 .
n1.0 e itSoottod, France or )III), d th6yvvei but down'lor-a few days; but there itiplenty The,ftidgeexpl
S�et�tiou 'a I - t nedtilis i ' tal cing. lond, 'e of. fheo r5L of Cl to a Ple- -f-i�n via 1&si ssof Hastings, died of,)In P"to� has been I ly, of Salt here o Hi oni a ny.'o usfoirie, ill be flold All hoge ;boy Y. &T Ai _fTpL- 1q. iven and son d*th E )� at tile rej jb i,' tho-.8tapletca alt Works. Oil P iidayl; biii w� )o — Delaney' then f6rni'AlLy pleaded gtiilt Iiricorrect, although: he'L j, in, --"cry J� Cf t into tl)Ljg:, rg b, FOUND.- f OrCiFt7 oil wed'.
STA C Iheriesday child about 4 ilia .4lot ]a on, a years old was: -found. M01. T LIFLVE �TEI A MS11 cile'ditct"'ettle the I whittlod, Con 1, 1011 ad S foolishly, 'and not on tile railroad near tile second brid,eeast- of wag.forde( frort lvoflc to Wh Tr,. �-A meeting' Clinton,'and -was taken to. the house ..of ��Mr� W at was AUCTION S AtE . I . -h
sailing.fromia New Yorc once it, wool tic lij,' , of held ,,it Londesboro, 'oil the�:,Qtli April,,' all groondL of i ebd to, obey,the ordets'dft c'sociotie� 1311mrs. "Opiio�iti6n is e I E. VanE III) Hdron RoAdj and cared I b�azid all infoonation r)ply 1,,Y -egent: MovedLby J. -6 . equences. Whell 1-goib 'at is, in -old Saying and W611 the members pt Britton, - for until its mother, who is widow -of Sea. or the cons JAMS011 , . . old.' ,W '1,16le o the Tavlor & wfls I I "ark, L� , C LINTOX. f 'hvill of" see. by A, L, MbDonald, Canada Thistle Act forbli,' named��111`,od�eis; found wherw it th e� could not' et aw, 1. S, e
FAR111- ' ' ' ' - ' - , . L' 't -, ' L ' , .- ite ing,the night. - i, . .
He ! .. of" Be gfaveAs going o inartage IL lists'for , WiT �;nd came,afier it',dur At the, but. took no.pat I _le , , -9 paragraph we ayt -N S TO present year n order also printed, oxi sthein.' f. went t S bus 11 s8 house �ni , thi . I I COUNTY 01" Rid lists authLorizing -and 'insfittleting the are sometimes informe(Iclf car. He-sp�eal, § the truth, �o� does:&�e Y. -well known Winghafti� pathmamteri to eiifo eir re- news, ilems, that,, on in %,Lstigatioh turn 6ut to The,, murders wCre �coiilrnitted by OO friade In a roe' said � acfi�in th Vio In Lelis'oll.q Air, e sp6ciivo road diVittiorlS.:-Carried; Movedby be falsehoods-; and ellde C I into ( i PRSVXNT to all or I �:Tay'lorL tllintn� be I'� ba,s aver to catch your,- Brady nel Thifodly,Kelly, and by�ii.obody the inattor (if Galbraith. Y. Galbraith do by Isaac ed judge I, the 7th dity (if Ap�R,'A!P. wl , &( L, trade ardL consequU.'eritly Avel f r, B� Churchill, see, by J. Lagliam, that� the HOUSES TO of the Count Court 6na himself a little too late. correspondent nd accuse him of lying, �hiin 'else.. SY o i �tie t,the of bbe County, will statute l call, therAtefable propoloty in in reality- it was themselves that old, tire ris of my own I w , as put!�bn 'to SU REN llou.qo lately will, be otfoVd.for gale, with the fill 4;and munip I 9�1' f, t 6'� Hiii'6n, a We hope certain rart�jes will tab 00� by �Nlr. irlet f6, att ekpd the''township be redu6od one bal for the' fAjsehooas� him by Probation'of the Real Bel lOSolitatilId of the COUIA,V of Tint Ifollso On the dornfir ami JI'L on ,iinder piesenty y sorfl��bfthe Bel' nt, vti' people, but'! car.-Citriiiid. Moved by B,��Irur6h. the hi' way, to escape the! secAy T. Lasham. that'b.y4awB`of 1882, John Couch, (Son -in aw of 10 rooThs,�Kon(l of -treatment I t AppliCIOIOTI niay be,ma(bi,to ATI -1,9. �VALSII SATURPAY MAY'.� th 1883 me, I oped they will gai�Ms' attention.',1 I 1. I - 4 'dividing the 6wilsbip into Statute W. Aikens, of the 3rd con.*ofHall )IANN1N,o Scotir,' tarrKtor�'. bor. roa& Mr ett') is 6. O� 'divisl6ns, is noi� ellellig I y� -evisedi be adoptod'for the n6w a icsident of Stapleton, Mr. lattliias, f'orm, I . aIJudg Brien ir�i sont
7 C f NIX I�,;iio Lt� rl. liresen� year, -C by. L A".` I, -tfake�upr It is refidence in this- Shi 6, haltIre, ba( lit the in the llty;�, of arijed. , Afoved D� Al 0 V A L hiron, b) McDonald, sric.'b tha b Glow intends to at the previous trial oF the Pris6ner,fov Auctioneer be follow. I t -a' Plaw place'again, Lill the house h,c'�for y . Britton ly ilig vainj le ian(l; Liumilier, Eleven, in A G o o.D R I 6 E, AT r, J. 13 & r d 6y - I T S - 'be--npw prqllred and app6iriting path- pied, 'The firo out fo'r, pr&ot, L 'atternliting'toboof L the.Fillch 0�11essloilof st'a�l( qy, in, the A � $8; ice tied 5 -born6 has beery fl6 1([L P how6d sonie f6eling for EDWIN'REEPER -AS. 601 6111111," one Il'un(Ired niora hsmastsrs, fenceview ourvlkiicpers� thib week" but did not work its sticeaTfEBY'as Iiiin because he' !L
withina, r N Stllion olderiyentu The by_lfLw_-,va XT01 Z-fthe V rDE NUST, CIA, \-� LM . t carried. hs -roll or. bout 70adro� t B. 8l)icor ha' erected apaIi;sed, Mo�cd'bY X. Briton, ec� by cotr6dpon(I with the pattiesJi . '611i 'tillblh it #46 see to wbat'rpi.gery thci� had be6n bfough� nto, 'T 11�1)111-111co ' I iinon Young and Chris. Dalo, purchase -d s�gtyhi 6f Late ort Toro al Col. -d wood. , 06 ibfi�farni there are fra,ne see if they cianiloit , be mado,to, by tlie:ivicke 2e,o of DoutfUsul rooli, Ila's the, - iiew brn oil hiSL'Preini�eS near 00 log, hovise-26-,22, sr., Pe refunded ,,,2 ifach, dog taxes flor j 8s -the fi�riie o it. Mews' . hiced. in I 0 6 Clock Coil.�idering that 5PIing was So Ong In 2,,, tialfil their part (3f, in I When CM1,61 aylior & Son's- wili t,oc)cl ol,cllll each of thorn. assesse ql;ring Coming. Air. S,-musb have worked well:to .1 dog nsford have 9,ly:stbck cattle t' thp,barri fijs.fac�- ore siato of there is h� aud,a%bitch ill6teAd of one d d� ady,io tUrn on thegrass.; M&Y.-have. also 20- Of plefidillo� guilty Wa, hasre Ali sec.' by B 'Churchill, spring calvcs,� Air, John Palt6rman all I M 110 " lj� get l,stn e ound atio nA a! d so "r y. �,. A ii�n fully 6xplffi 5 L 0.0 Moved by 0111, fit tho tim( tL� '1,06khilrt, of J&Jr
i'a 0 U- S8, &I, L 0 P S if) ollQ thoreaftor; inttrcSfi� visi ing ("IngL"IsCed Whet y at reselit ;confined t&his that tb6fp.�eve reputy.rbov bd appoint stod- r.1
The above proppro, be.qoId,..ilbJect, to leftso if9l, bed with ni a to examine a fence oil 8, nlilea'i :13 I (-h ad Of I 1, t ro ? con. 1 Aficaster IS 'a .1) Yi8iting 'her_ and if IgoeSil�ry:" get 10 , L ailybiling,to why ]lot, lee Vesp�.c tng,. lit two feet deep on'tho hill. of be the i&rieL O', of b U�031'lbin), lie replied iii 1011(l I I.. I gal advi snow abb Afc,b.' IVY, A%- T, the V�lst horses:ori Meorrii. ofOV fat th6 hilo ptitr6ased 63ib of' the, McCo�- seci by J. rlftoll, t1lat �116a�Plioablon of the is laid up,"with e itotwc oil mail sprained leg and is not 010', i e, Ike P08t office, oeeul)16�1 by �110 bfJolin proprietor oft,bb abla to st week, so' - that Ing bn the'brink'ofthe Vo*' is L me asho 'O noil wero,thr6wn out of the saw 1D con.. ot know what 11atil. for said. Vonr 8 fo'r during ship printing'be live roollIS tbroilgh6lt, In' tb, to �z S611, eerl' ll/,qt ]on" continued then dolirytod t I-M,01T, 11 OLT & C RbN g 0,3116ob again at Lonfle9boro, taet with a pile of bark and -started to burh, b1i tile 050i of ITY of revision. g 110a,ring, fil1lit ty bo, ZoILI 010RI), 61) od'and ooll c%til h dneb d. ot 8 n U I iEll R, A