The New Era, 1883-04-20, Page 9AI�I�ENXU, A�ATXNv. me LODIOUS OnONTS. April �20, 188& PASTORS AND PEOjVLE. 9500,0 a w1ilkitxy., 0X' N' N six. Weeks �ot Doxin NCCCS&F1rY, 10 "yNtCri,ous 9 4 -ole, Plays gin Imporill?wt jll�-Treutlullr a, coloilled. BIshqp-1,IVtIy 'A Produce a:Fnaldonable Gpa"Illincom. P, � : 1. ot, V1.1oney Jl�ald tor a A Winnipeg, correspondent Says: The art In a Gholgit Story. Timel;1 Bushel at 1K qIr lilLoo4y and Sankey-Ckrgir ens�. Scottish funerals have been -'known some- ']Ljqp(ir� Cuther's 001h lakess and riveia are Beverml feet lower than PORTUY. Speaking of w6aku Be of, the gentler sex, men� and I . : I I � Gov. Eli Murray, of Utah, tells this I chey were this time Ittet"Year OW is says, Talbot, in big observations in the timewto aegume the air of festivalsi the -Anniverary-It'he SalvatIon Army. ; the an' :excellent9tory of th6llailte United States fully half gone already, and last fall havin MOTTIM-BB BOIS- Cleveland HiIrald, 1 'Met my,friex�d, the bereaved In 'a been so. liberally provided 0 "I� av The'llindoos are said to have 330,600,0 0 civil war: In ',Yee, I know there Eire stable on my,earpob. doctor, yeste'r(Tay� and as he, and I stood: with'�refreBhmernts, the libationg t(; the gods. ever Shall *gete anbLount been.sver.y dr� �t . ground will absorb most of trioney iD cost Us to, keep anoldWoman of th w 'tar T probabi . lity, is that we arid suirveyed.the passing show, M, PIUHIP, departed haye been SO abundant. ' It is told Rev. J.: -B. Hamiiton, ofi R6 Tbe-traces of'small, muddy boots; 008 � IHIati d, fr6merviugberselfiodeatb. Ofcoursewe may nevei"have a flood in, the raging Red ADd I see your fair tapestry glowing, fair 'woman passed by, and I said to him, that on one of these should,be' solemn Co. ' i, An and fruits. as g van alcohol a ilew He calls it were,obliged to subaiSt off the country as again. , The flood of last Bprin�.'was 6J feet 4 What a, charming Complexion I" 'casions 4 certain mourner who had been aqua mortil�,'.' the watar;uf d� vi,t alnig thab*my� walls are disfit I ured lived,'though,'my dear boy," quoth he. I -laboring with I considerable success to dkown aib. We V, arid wd naturally took the lower tbau- the flood of 1862, 9J feet lower And I know b8f3t:il] flig ingerB an ande, his own 1�ersonal Borr6wB in the,bowl, and- The Salvation Army io said' to ly1vi" a One dELy we took possession than theflood � Of 1862, arid ;11 feet lovier With pTb2tS of an of a an f expressed surprise, far my charm,ef own bousebold most. truly chicken ranch k�pt, by an, old lad 1 than the,great flood of 1826.� And that your Young. "Argenjoi Talbot, arsenic,',' Said denly startled a brisk sale tf watobeb in�bribed eVory I Y, . the company by calling for" Vho it, immaculate purity Stands. stood'itt the, gate, with a , broom and., he, calinly. �Then it 'aawned upon -me Song. There 'Was a panes of deliberation. hour fur An experienced settlei, in 'Xanitoba' 'thn.ateved to lick a4�of Sherrasn's fb!rciii if LThe-cultivation; 9t. - base - �Will �ia ndIlillow that My parior is littered what he-Ineani. � Its How was thademand to be - mat One of - The Supreme-Courb of Penrisi Ivan i they � aid Dot move ckWere = be said : da treasures and toys, use is, increasing. bat it hi'two� the elders of the party stirred -himself,, decidLd iiii. a c �uit that a Canh( time direct attention. The rich flora ofthe With many On is in daintiest; order,',, ertEdu , "'a 'bousidered office'rbl b forms'; the white powder, that caused poor stood erebt, n (,at, and aarwo were th- its boundless variety of peta-' liharmed by the presence of. oys a d in, grav� but gentle to priest cannot recover Salary from b "i tiernali We Went for ! those irs, W icIde the moat delicious honey. Lies uIll bishop, Arid I knowtbat my'rocM is invaaea ihaVe it, aiid,Fowler's he"s Pretty lively.. , When she Sa: in -of- B hungry Jennie Oiamer'S death, or misepious .9 id, addressed his fellow-wouruer - 11 If y9 a to. -submit-,aLl, esti ate: tb ours*of the da I, the drug dea art indly recollect," be -said, 11 our lamented It6cept diicovgriik�� ancient 0-000R. -that'll were, being- caught Y ; : -- or-Kq� or- favorito-fowls­ Quite boldly 411'hl Solution, whioh tlie'ph -n�ver ry iii6iiaary,, ua, By t mence farming 0 corn -yours of the.Old'Testarnent.. Scripturesin Hebrew and killed, she, keeled. rlvht' over, and lot aWaf� 13�ii�iiii,�6f7iiii3eDl�0,,With� P�otash in' a.11iia cared ior mlu4'1c. I thila'k w6'11 not bav P ently I., she began to with here a It and Hebro-Russian have b,e,.6.n made at bogain �to; cry.� res form.1 - Either Way of taking arsenic -pro. t-noW.- At any other time, I a that One yol�e of ....... 00 yes I know Ibere tire four little bedsides d �s the,pluinpnesB I of face, ana'beauty song ]us. in Temen, . in. Arabia.. - ..SOrean2,, 'and, finally Von cou4d. beat One plough.� ................. . .............. 25 00 Where LnMst st0l)(1 watchful each night;_ not Sure,. we-shOuld'ail'bd pleased to , hear tniI y sent go out in your carriage, of complexiori that you noticed Ia Yon;ilir The venerable senior ani'd presiding worUan's voice, Clear to Atlanitmi I On6 barrow. ...... ; . ................ ,io 00 While you can � , so bright gentlman t,hat claa -Sitlg�. u ]l�cb the.s4rgeons in to quiet her, but they �ailed Log. house .... : .... -66 66 And ilash ill your UXBMWs influence is principally on rho Bishopof the Arlie; rio Li biscopal Oi:n I One waggon..:::.,-, 85 00 present it may be as well to humor the.late I I ', and an the offi,:erH Acok. turns, but the Dr. Smith, may be said' to, buve been a capillary surface of the Skip,. laird's Prejudices on the -subject." It may -the 131083-ClIt saw, spadep, shovels, axes, hoes, New I think I'm a noat little woman; duoes �h citizen under evelry PreBiderit-of thdUnited. more attention aid 'bar . , I h * rakes, etc ............ ......... . : ....... ... 15 00 I like rny house orderlY, tOO, a PlutoflueHe- IQ plain B ugli�h, 'bo'hasume(t that the Hong wa'S DOt'PODg, jonore. a a A Water ' A thadOffuence an wprk, "d i States. , He wtoi 5 Ybarb -old when General bowled. Igot. pretty nervoius over Provisions for a fandily of Bix.�for seven lidarie forld of all dailitybelongfrgs; Y I u the arid that Whitt are commODIV known 48. Washington died army inonths:.� .... ............ ......................... 400 00 ybt would net change Places wit4you. end it Shows itself. The shin usou ' - " I . I the.iforrial Doi�a, be6ausetha . w hole w8s a 11 musical huors " did not disturb the. 'woulA bear' h' OF, which in its tr Ii fulleral sclumnities. of the deceased Boot', Total, ....... .... .... ........... ... �fair home with its, order, watery, �trau6pareu In Talbrer,ce to the ppointmept of�a Inig It SIX Poes 955.00 No I keep Your it Its freedom frumbotber arid noise;' gives way to gbastliues� and wbiberlill.- of mrish minni'Eer-at Mid Calder' - Scotland, it somebody was torturing the. woman. An keopyour awliipliciful leisure,,. strains Of' harmony, however, I � h, Finally Sherman rode up and asked wba;t If the settler be in possession Of. a large the lips, That is* t,he'awalibbing from, the havd maiut�iDea association with- the fact -corresPpud,ent. points Out that, althoug, . it,�' I waii - all. aboiit.,' stobk, a m6wing-machifie and a horse -rake But give me mi four Splendid boys! blissful dreatn' . Beauty vanishes and the Done of i�e 1 When we told him he 1dissolution. Rt4aiai"and dead marchaii,' eis - ur&�t, Home- Baid,:'�f Give her a, bushel t'of iwnfederaino; will also be.neceraaxy. end comes. 'Horri bili ? - 'Oh; DOI 1 Oull it ofcourse, form: partof,tller6ligiouB services ltbiug,ov�r Y150 and a rLIUDIF16 'and 'gleb there.werf� u*ver seventy candid& t I op, " 'bbijdm for her, �bus and sea if that Won't idoT rum IIUBB.kRD., fretrribution-.-�: Cyllicul ? Piarhapsl ' but. for tb'e dbad,; and in, Hadition to thege tire Ate' P her.!'- Acbing on tbjIl hint"I prbededed "For, the -Editor Miss Po . Ily Betsey Patterson, rlain truth is, MY dear boy, iD 'thevompositious Called .ghost malodie We understitud bfint Prof. Robertson cei this- notice- he clack these- days of Ours. Arsenic -eating c -'b to - business.; We had o�pltir6d a confederate --Please�pla -most--con in a Mother Hubbard I'D a It' might alrawit.be argued that in pop�ilmr Sluith coiltemplates leaving Edinburgh train the day bef . ore with $4,000,000 of con-, Spicuous �Place, in r. It coniains, And a Mother Hubbard tonnot,, Fs"topped tit aby time, without an effort your pape With a most bewitching Poke, opinion musicis dear: to the'defurict. �In shortly and taking up his.'permaneut resi fader'ate 1money, and I hunted up the train solid trutb,ls6lid comfort, IS. It has� mlny'� ghost�stciy and -such, me except that which. arlity.'dreac mysterious music playa, deuce Ih.,Cambridge. It is not, probable- as at, once. The money'was. worth -about 2 valuable -to every subscriber -et,a curly dog. none of tbe'sophorific effects 'of opium 'or one morning edium si2�e--:, .1ja ne'it . is a ex. an import -part. Sir Walter Scott bas that he will be able,to attend the meetingg liInts:bnthel6llak�. WeIIJ stuffe&iiibout TO T11161 REAIAIR.� his rbques haB.been He was of in orphin'e. Used as'a'medi�i n His ears voer,6 �b coped, his tail waa-liurp, told of theveteran major of hustimrs, who� of tlie* approaching General Aese'riqbly­ �,50q;000 Ibr' b-efiafit --- o I's— -irito an old cdrpet-aa6k-and maieh:� y9ar Andthe tean stood in his eyes. Cellent tODiC;"Pne of the bekit1kqOWu.?' while occupying a bed.chmmber iu-a. certain ieader. ad intoAh I a -house.. 11 Madam,"! said I, conglorneratioif of... pain .,and 'Buffer-, How long, can arsenic be used,before it old castle on the confines of Hungary, wab 'the Presbyterits of the'Soutbern-Pres- openla-g the I'll I gi you �500�000 to. ing, and with it -�iew. of relieving- ive Said Polly tuthe U,Iydog:" roused from,' -sleep by the 'solemn singing of bytorian Churh haye been requested by quit this uo� -t was as still as death in � a of the most 'boinmon 'ailments &shls pecause," replied be, With a s niff, as a my mentor.' on �;. , I . -three'ladies � farititstically attired in green. their Assembly to e�press.�Ih6ir opinions it miuute, and'iben h6r face &xpawdad in, a' heir to we make 'request as above.' Are Six:weekH' uribroatin dosing wilLdo the The timetl arlIver bad., The Diiijor beg�4ed the ladies to stop-ap- res broad�Bmile. I package of Dotes -you suffering from corriB Netirly every' axe-ful ng—tor—Y 'k well.and effectuall' llecting the prohibition, in the Con- parently th6ir stra�As.Z ��gre able - 'Pla. I war V"', aLiAwerad he, -.eye, &B (TiL - -e-- -fessl6n of- t, 311t�--Woxifaff- - It a to hirn as the nocturnal outcries of a a-ts-but of little Mbtber-Hubb . akds, , : i ith his deceased Wife's sister. a womau.-Arnvy`ia�d Navy 7burnal. do is to buy a bottle of Putuam's- Painless, most w6ekAbe pauses, and before the effect of the iiingerd sting oil. Tire major began to Re.v.. Wi Iliam'. Skoog] air dlafi commenced j,Qorn. kxtrii cure But though I've wagged TOY tail' th1� , ' ti speak of cupboards." a sa on, comes elaw 6kea another btb�, a great corn They never In i BOB. Theladiesdidnotdosist. his laborB Be a.: Sunday School MiAsioriary English., Proverbm, In Portuguese Dress. Safe, sure, painless. This great � rem6dy iat�erva,L of arsenic' dohing., Thus fate is p At last h ve thein :fair' -,warri in g that Ira N.,C­P0180 & Co., Kingston, Said Polly Betsey Coins With me. 4 f the. Baptist Publication Sbciety among, -'That- unique Tbe'.Nbw Guide never fail. n hold &ff.� The 6nd musb como,'� however, g am 'garde 'T would -welt a heart of stone I d their singing its it piec'e.of,irdper- his Swedish bountr men,"bi wh ' there of the Conversation' . in Portug�hes arid, ;P, Pa. Mlik" and it comes, all too soon for the areemic: thistles, Y a 0 I'll give yolots of -bread- and its a trick to,'frighten him, and pro- 'are, it is. said, in. the States of IllinoiS, jEnglish," ..was published and committed to Anda, 3iX cy mutton bono." eaterB.: Some � systems agree with the mis'ed them that I he' would give.'them but Iow% Nel5r out-' 30j600.. the w -N, sir,"'said. the pass anger to 'the aska and Kansa.9all orld hy perfect good faith by the mno� dru- longer than othbrH, but a few�years five Ininutes, -law u, -gick, but I'm She took him bome'and fed him well;. . I I I and bat if they con' iug� excellant- co eni,:author'Pedro, Caralitio. PerbapB the doctor, I am ot sea 7oreturne(Ite,laugliteri; of. the periodical eatind SettIOA: it- Verily tinued to sing.after that interval bad. The follow Mpandium 09 e oedly di�gusted 'With the inction of. the WaS it said" Vitnity;. thy na ei Cona- deu And now, wbere�erwofly goes, , .- in 8 NVOInall. a apse he-would-"snredl�. dischargeb6th khat a house of worship shoild be is from most amus . ingphrt ofthis -luminou� The curly dog trots after. It I is an ast6r I a an ED lishpape�r Free frOm all'draughts, pend* . th ­ under. the�. VeSSLI." -iiBhiijg; thing," want 611 barrels at them - -point blauk.* ' Still the 9, ium is - at -Can' ot ACCE PT OUIC 4.1VALTI[TUDE.11 in St, NiOtoZds fd? free�.from all delusionts ff6e from all IdiptismB and Proverbs Es6ulapuB the, Cynic�. 11 that you 12 as -went' n with their song. .'Presently 'The necessity don't know the, how. kill . a pig wi't� arsenic. I.had' a friend doctr'ine,, f the himself a, 'man of. his ree to all naen and free. froba� all R 8 D Y. :Pierce ' Buffalo, ' N.Y.: Dear -at-116a THE XAIDEN,S- CHOICE:- Wko whs: an, enhubikstic, chemist He had' word-, deliber'atery:cocked' his pistols, took debt." To meet any line noA8 e. Sir 'Your !.1 Golden Medical Discovery"" preserved a lot of. cher�ries in dn'arseoi.Cal Still the ladieg Buy ig'. The The. ancient Church' of Birdbrook, Eng. Fewi few, the bird ml Ithe bar D,esl,. has curecl my, boy of a s I - Genteel in personag aim and -fire : d. A horse bedrLd (borrowed.) doh'tlookhi Conduct and equipage;.. solution, arid havi 4g no. fur the r Use for them roan was, completely '.'oveirco'me', by the. jand, bon tains-&-monumen.taL-Slab .bearing �th , a tooth In years' stauding'� Pleas6 accept our grati- hielaboratory obBtin the extraordinary record: "Martha Blew- . iIe Generous and free. , . . ucy of his visitors. He was seized Ta out. the li-ve coals with� bbe hand tude. Brave, n antio', window. A rambling porker,on the lockout indeed, vvitl� &Violent illness, whi6h-elidure� itt, of., Swan Inn, 'at End in ..of iours truly, HENRY WEIITING;'Bos- 0' rom for edible trifles; -Saw them di6�,'and look- ' i h, buried May 7tb, IM 'She the cab. 1. . : I I I . I : L this par B Kee the -the-, It i on Mass.. Le oli, d, net p some *eeks. 'It was afterward explained chestnut Fr onIng them 6.var, alla'L.contrasting them with -b�t the worst,and'fea bleat as the wife of nine husbanda consecu- of the �.fire with Part of a ghost, W - L 11 Ct" fool"L he grest"Weakness -of, , mos the..u8ual expanse of tile, brickbat and old swr� is usually the explanaiion -of it -that tively, but the ninth outlived.her., - T In people ntaining, tin cans on which 'it L had'been his daily L 'fiad'.b feet.L L Ca] erfL Sb; much go,"the jaro spriDg.that at,last lies in the feet that their neig�jbors know eanness disdaining, Want to brous , e,'eagerly -f 3wal I lowed them- the major -an dedeivedby the, non Willi . orce . has: bee.n I passion- it, break there them bet . ter than they�'know' themse.1"s. that he fiad,seen only the reflection of the ately defending himselfL OtL at', Plynbouth, There.is n better San a, who the appe-, Still enter aining- M friend waB7ilarmed'Bid of a bill, choristers, who had sl o C; pre�sumed I]ngdgil)kL and new., A in: linmadjoining againotthebwo cliergyen wh erl� but tot finical 'fo the valueo�'a, �dead and uneatable, LPi ro bite. lillhimberetical for Say ing.: that 'an Y 9 oEp while'their images had been projected to a. Tell me who 'thou frequent., I vVill tell you I �Dr; iorce FSv'or*it'6 Pr"escription is Sa rose like: a spectra before -his- eyes. H ... irably ge, ut-notcYniclil 2 into his chamber with the. help of a cop�. .,thing created b�' God 4as a curbe. Give Whi6h you are.' Dot ext6lleaLa4 a '� cure all," but allm Neve t�rsuniiial- chased tbepig'away aifa­th6ught� that per-, cave mirro�;' ailA, him�, he,ex6laimed, one drop -:61 fokmented Dot spa L fulfils a. siDgle . nesB of purpose; being a moat It, ak of a ro pe in, t - he ronic weaknessies D, or, pote t p t6yertrnel.: haps its'de might not be laid at his.door lariter by. Borne Buch means.�London wine made byGod, and he would drink it h6use'of A hangpo�' -cifi� in ih6se -ob dfthbplgwa:4 ot,there'when,Ataxpir d a Grap 11 C. on the Spot. The cation's' eloquence -has I' r .-to 'wom6o. PKIrticulais in Dr. 'MRS. BAXTE� ',TELLS ALL ABOUT IT. The incident warned I hirn, 1.1it on the fol- give the bold according to the dress. Peon 'a' PampbL I , , I . catise& 8;600 Persons 1 tcr joinT the blue'rib-, mounts, Pier�pa's,- let treatise on Diseases, "Th6serra L--�h.and ytheway,. lowinginorning':he'. 'Was dumbfounded 'to : 1. , I . L � . . 'L �� in, in �work- put out a mouse. for barr.raaks within aL *eek.. Peculiar, to Wonien,�, QG - P-�es, aent I Smiled w ell Mrs. 3rown Bee the Pig Waiting for: more -L Of th�a A Jlft-1[1�411ons K pon Aftht., the'dbetoi. p Came sailing doN�u tde�aisle 6o -day HIL I I After the death threa­st'amps. AddresH­NVorldls., Dispen- fruit. -s6mewere.prepared; form Revivalist Bliss told'L Boston corigrega- He �is not'sodeVil as. he is InberDE. tastlorg�Nvu; y friend night.,, A poli6eman* awakeswith a 'tiontliAt Moody r' salry Medf.bal Associa The ugly tbi I h ot a waist a an inveStigator'. and"doled' out.t-0:1is sudd6q.Sta and m6vas'Ar6ulili the oceived,� a. - Cab scalded fear tbe'C'old water... 11 g.. Is e �,g ling 'h- H lively reception- at- Of6o'. Six hundred Spoken 6f'the Wolf,L one Bees the tail. As.big.asthreeof a Ip.i . a, evour4them, and gruilled having a secret fear at his: heart that he' Whei%ever I find a: great deal'bf grati t,all next. a poor or I gK" And yet she bas the vulgar taste uiidergfwduates attempted to�break up �he S,o'msny,b'e.adA, so much opinions. winuffied pasn in their P�aisd. Eaclimorn-, hadsilept through all.tbat-nigh first iDeating, They boisterously applauded W at comes in to 1, inefor an ear 'get out To say her figiire)� fine I ing the (lose was�inereased until my triend day and f%r.'into t6 -mor h m9b I take , it i t d thera, The text-:�-,oh; do. y/,on lilte my:hatL DfideD60-iLDT row night. It saujK�y when he Bring: and: Moody wh6n he ifor another.. would be muc� &Ilak B'ity it he 4e r And terrib eotta�drcSS? its ruined- and.--the---pi 1ptC6 The poker-aDdfar Now (Ion't you 4are to sneer' w prea6hed. On the second night they intdr-, Foljr Leyes does see better tha�, tW6. ,like that 9 an ever." Irian. CoIe, Baxter/t6ll me yes I' arsemcal.cherftes.'§trouger th .8-in-full-blagt,�IO.;0.0.0-.I.Oafers are,: �,-rupted tbe­� HerVIOeLby reittling-theif canoe. comaback io theirmuttons; I know you,re s�ck and couldn' I leftp my mentor 'wibh . the fear, Ahat he holding down street corners, and - here a I nd' tWOL go- di Moody went'down among them, seized Arid here, *to quote fiDaily from Mon �leur To cburZh �y�thjme to -day, bad not been abi 'i the Path of -truth the're." intoxicated, alderman can be seen of tho. orinci distuibers, arid declared he arolino, We must remember - itilemot. '(sugar�coa, the blood, speedily ng d. making big w I ay to a po loy shop . or a gitth- I at I ra out if,'they'did I not keep the wbole to ;6h '-It bEd)-;)Utify If you had se on the way correct all disorders L of the liver; stomach Butyou'dbe�er proud,lhno . w,:. that his. honored parent. had.prescribe that `bro� t begin.i but to.fini OUnt." I took -tile otlier woujou down eriDg'Ufthe pllvems�nt rir`-­X.uder cover 'This put au eod:to Ill Cling inen's and bowels." BY druggisiSi, quiet.� L.MUSt that I.dism with anl�y Etlster gear; Jontcmt Chviurch Notes. ofdarkn.ezB,L�firet in'unulliclured. over 6,000. arid behavior. And it� for that old Airs. Brown b yQars ago the hoLlil. be4t lowers his duds es id t,she,'dearV Tha;�.BiiII op of N iagpra, wi I hold, a. Coo- What is protiiiied to tbe righteousT I HEN MANARRIVES AT MIDDLE Sb It lr' �ilnl from the f6urth-s6oroy windoW-;­&Il-LW119� firmaition iu.St.�­­Geoxgb's Churon, Guelph, k6'jL ­ 1. 1- 11 S -]I - I- A pmrty of-thre-67oi-four-"ge'ntl,em,-e-'u --*11,0- go . hslv­b`-dda�dfi6��tic s start' -for the'opera-�.aa--64 -a. WiId-l1lyd--lnmhVble :Sund' y - - 0 00 N/Y T., tire last SU'Dday of tDiS rnonth.­ teacher of. a Small ,child -at the Tar end of in a hotel in On, this Village, a . few. days rosourc,s. of energy,rerhasinitig to run the houses,; huodreds.6f*yonDd*man set out to' Love e little, love iZe long M�i. & BA., son of Rev. .' . spark reporters. her- "Class'., Eternal quickly beforethe-electi d t6`11 ta:ke rhachi.ii-ryof the -body. Many hard work - Saw, ille dusiy"Iniller Smith 1. , of G -alt, has been appointed Lati b. to fires' in meh'll " b ne of, their number,. After erS L at thlit . period find tba s'ys tem -im To bir?wbeat arf� i6nithis song robberies and wurders,,arid chUrch - Choirs resip6radod the child.' Quite right, y so 1 9 -Y 0 t, L :L the Tni $ L ear tutor in Knox G, meet to. rehea, all 'they bad:tak6n, chatted: a] few- 'Yafrel or u4ed'u'p from th lif Di , a maize. thrill ,her t ilege for, th ' a comi�g I ye.ar, d-.1ay up Apar­6lrild Said Id and amiable.- minutes another.ofLthe',pa�ty:�olemnly,suq,- I incidenn to the 'active Struggle foi a. Mr. R. C.,'Iibb haa, been appointed clubs for each other. And now.tell mb hat iH. proLuiAed to! the d 'Bill me barley hopb; 0 give College LibraLrian 'Tis -night in the co�nt 6ciied?" "Eteri-iftl blister' ited thit.t it vc,UId-.bew 11 to" trnke� some'. ESaLaination may 16cover, some latent toelihas 71� WaR. '90E me one TI Dted the-Juvitation and, di�ease req Lot ]Mme& la;te attention . to ell tb e aurl live. b is opLynch bas"fuly''recoveke Axe b h I III, �beell fe&,tb6 squeal of the pig, I Ifarly s hushed' the�prornpt.4reply-.` Tfiet6acher pronounced thing. iey accel riu- it Aheor6gictdl� lk�soin Then they the'. Vital forces from reipid. waste. HoiciiDg,on to,s6me fort, 'bu have-not' yet allowed 'and the tired horals. munches at hi" corrpdt, bu pecu toc Started, secure s corn, out, an In. 6 a -w minubes;-'as . fli'ey",-wer I a WIIEELER'S' PHOSPRATES " AND. sWe in' F36L oxp,�BSSdd d�thing In your. ryes ..w Ilove looks sh�be him to,�rei�me his.'ilnnstoral, duties 9�dtside' ',and woriders why b maoter' tbro f lh�, VLISAYA possesgiss,special -lua in opas mg a i C� ower to ny-aubs-witout the The The approaching .400th anniversary lky, goods 'store another of.; ib 0 homi a I �tch dc Will­� the birtbd them -y3oysv,r Mille, )g sits at the -ay of' the' great Garms,�L Ia-:. , ,, t t, Fill iyjg' up. my'measure,'� Rev. 74. G. Smith, D:I)'.,'of Kihg§ton,ha;s, w and its timely"use miny prevent much suf- acce . p , ted a, I I"to S t:';f 1119t to'c aw up�axly of..bis:neikhbors to be a a go in and I take soluef,hing." fly ohn,� N�B.­,and flip :a 5jin house L fill' is inemor�13716 da'y. in bistory. All ibe indi- Why, that'�J �dry goo1a store, 17- one fart ng,and-gre prolong life. Preabyterv,haal placed him at the. dispo6al . e�t, and within the, Said C.arnz­tlf6'inaic ell s cot a lal . lgla ft -and serene ould 'be if of the party. A$ gi of the charge., ohii- Henry�'cO�ld, clibions ore that1he day will, be 'b Sk a qd�': k" L -given - ris with chaff- find,the giemse for � his bootlAIL ­'bI Of it Come in. A ad hy"he bad Mary", ADfr bonpra y ce a ve�y-,­brlpyroatin'g­� 6Y amDL L a., Wan VV,t h six I to yo�l -Rev. J., LeiBhman, 6f�KingBton';-haa bqSn' Me: to In th are 6d, and arrah UiDgL t daughte:' in marriage b ution- has b5on, In: Gar am_ his granted two, weeks to comaiderL,his 60,11 to ovel,�,the. old man discover resol 60 many. Salves before the* �ourrter,'.tho 'g'entlemati' Whom he at eurnity answered,' L "I. did ingplace South GoLwer, and the Rev, A. Wilso' the -hid the. bootjack and . the The. Oid Gastlo'Church at' Wittenburg, on 1wrance and Credit. li'i; call in- er Solve the mystery ot.how 'Some a &I who' bad invited them propou Carlton 'Street Church, Toroh obb of. the door of! which �Luth r n-`lod ihis im- d - ad the it o . ut of.pure revenge.�­. to a take L .W I ill b barg-man uged-t -h a ar d- o urAl P r il -19 e v -.W-. �PLi,v, . Ir -h -Itis- - ing two 8hi ljiigs� o wbjle,'ghe hit( a event I I t I I a propose t Umeless Fright. inted pastor of the Centreville'Zill. ard waY.of'oelebriWo''k th d One of the p�r y took, a box of co lars- prominent nud wealthy mercliwilts of New been �appo 0. to restore the church. Thbre'could'htii'aly To worry aboilt� � any .. Li . V I er,, Kidney or ;,,York, we alone . in h1s offfeie When a- paliB C,,,uden:Presbyteri8ai Churches.. notlil'ing but another took,it'cieati-Bbirt. When the bi andeareworii YoungWan timildly4nocked 'Tis night, on the odeani - The proud be a more fitting Memorial. and they bad walked oiit,, Urinar.(y Trouble,eEpecially B,right'KDiaeaBe' Ia bp Bitters never fails of they Oked at'elich other'rilther inb'eepisbl The late Archbishop ofCanter6ury Eli' -steamer -sails -8,14antly on and on, the -Bishop dampb6ll, of ' the can' 'Y or Dia�b�t6t,, asH feil M6tho., - I I We now and elite d. " Mt.: ClafliD,", said scribed to the Salvation Army, bUt- Mi!-! Captain snoring the MatLes and beganjo's6e for thier'st tme the -fool- an . re a re -Ido' have been unable to meet certain, Pay- -Spurgeon iftee It.iB time �tb AiA dburch, publishes' an ac6ouut of the cure is. possib L a.. p eying elic th:ei and Out 1-- . .11 . Go6rj4U dleton'Frcm nts uleca fi6ifeato do by as some, treatm which hexe6ei�ed o' isbueSSL of,the, e11 sme . In's body spolfe, n6w'that,tbe attempt i4 Wade� n a they. agreed.to. do, and I Would like K0:000. eveiYthmg,in read in e9sto, in &ase -Of railroad 'train. . He Sat in a parlor car, for aaL 1 7 to make)DeIi roligi'qus by. tukning - all reh- collision that it,'w bba other VeIiiiel I came to you becaube vou.­haVe: beon,a s which;.. hOL bad bought 9, ticket, When"La chloioeorw in -but -th stand gion- in to 9, garDe of;sollfier4. : 136crinHe' they fault. Nothing 'is' heard a . ered hi ;FreDch Aurgeon says :that on Neivirork would­nq,,hitfder anyihing that promises 'Y rakem&H or� M! Out" an as a frendto.my�fatL ighi bi d h Dg ery MUC 5, Mice lifting them by bv a frie'rid to me omA6 said'. . bo�t, Of- the :proPeller, be 9bbanH Of A110- refused to g 'tbe-conductor aided in forci ass I ". :we H In oices of men a g L conie in arid 6,ke"uLgi tl hpnholdug car. TbeLBiShop made� nnilave It 1 18 a PO" It they tfiedt6 'bite:'but on layii FITS. ll,'Chri tian an bav6 borne,v 11, and -the bd :bjm,to the fit .0 w ne". iom - but tfier6­ 11" Women declaribg,,that 'anybbdy acomplaid,tjo Ole Hupdriutendent of the. .11 11 1 1 #bY It' theon'Sighi6 'in" ta, position Way In, (It an ocean oy,ag .6 for-pleasuie--Oukht-t( b, th�n OI - n6vek abeyond:�vhic onucha �Cab ); e road, but nothing was done about it. hinf;,* - s near y reached., Even shot to -de�th - with'. cAfi,lib4lis. The -Dr. GaiDj Wa�s, 14 baiij-,:1 ,, won, ` like to lr�, point i resumedi6l�oDsibilfiy. Actilig on tb Dr; Ab. )[Abrolo lato of a epo- said tbe. More d go. i That Another :hegro Bishop, the moSt ultra-tolbrant natist,feel th t In -when it patient. sho'weid Oignoof collapHe o,L MISCS 01im imy otlln r 11,1111; 1) commodate yo6­but don't think has been'disa Ja ope sportive dolphin' gambols.away his hard,, 1881" ojected from a fir6t-claiis, car,- while ostunI,I111119; NV& 1101ail of pp i bed akes Under A�'flose ofohloribfOrm; be dropp6d.the 0,YUJIrRy 0 U and f0a:r, Ii w earninigs, thewlisle rol 03"" man, IA over or, auot)tilir paliient'e We nVery all'! young travelling with- his wife in otir d raised. �'its place", ap and the 1 busin -bompellbil,bo take t air seats thought perhaps YOU. SY, e�e-lillfe sbark lollow"s in Were h the edriouB ep Ae libbsJust h&PPeDed tbe,.wake . to 'plok� UPL ally Opportlinities -or.wito' P A Ahe fcet'quiie, high'. The'. Iiatient once neir G HO.1d on " said M'�- Clahin - ou. U New , Zealand where the" Which, smoking car, -greatly their dit6omfort on. 4,lst�a sfjtow� don't drink No'r )qmo6, in D '6edln,- became congcious�; when laid straight " :&L bl iHLm ay lImblo overboard.' So also, in 1$82, Bishop payne, bf the Same the bed.lIebecame iubeusibfe-agai� and a nor CittliblicAtell op Morad p reken fed him.' IT IlightJQ11 the prari The red. in gambI6, ilor'anything of the kind - No for �Par'liaru6rr I t oil . flip ell Church,.while travelling in Florida,'Was. raturn to lowering ills bead aud relisingthe Draw fresh fragrant Breath 'so d b , o" I L nerry, Air.,, Well,,,' Said JMr�Lolaflj 6,.witb teturB I ' ' L ga;tber about the camphre to cour:.V,the subjectedto tho�Sinrud i6dignity. The,latter 1! p atform "-of Inbe repeal of, the Education. feet for teri'miuutes was reguired t6couu.. Fear no dental displ-tiy, ae-yoil-Amile. - in his eyes 11 you sba;1"I'VIae it, ancl three A�Ct' significant of: the 'widespread' 6ey have taken �-vithin the lu* tjt'week Bishop is pa9b 70','and,, 'rather'. than go ill, form. -It is thought that the virtues of famous EA-13ERRY"' -7 ar, d t' raic t tb a ch"t ro T times the �naount'if. y6n wish. Yom� fathier� to giumble at the Government for not,, pkors,-Ir kecl twenty blely this treat, Mont an"�esithetics nany bo� used., re fo nonpfircil. Ifeeling f UnSeetarlan a the HID, -a ePeath3g milek carrying' w ag r I�r6lith stud for let me have $5,000 6iico,'and- kdme the h,," d b :age on "I I -Ii Safoty'� tbat� ig oppone e utlatton" furnishing thbra,gort too an at Mk."LlltrriaA, beat him, trupptc. curls 'great same queBnof.18. . N'0J tbanks - we it to rifles. Tb6wllitehunter�arl'd or or, to futfil anc Itppoiurmeut With his wl byAbbas. times 0 urn of votes he L Be you for, our fathqr's swkv.?' I l d im if up -to wonder wh'ere�.ho can find� 'whers. prei To F Daniel Veronda is appexin g qitil� in ld� 6f r:d9k`fiZ ;'and a wbaLt On the! l4tb of, Marc�b the divisct6rs'ot th `Sh6ulders his amPty 'etcunkch, AL13 fnfelti le-fon. Digoblitin Ministers gant wolt a 8, "aypt fool he h'aA'made of himself, and the A French journal,Publislhed at Ca ro, .1111NILice "Isellon ell th 910t ins ru On the day)bi�fore �tbe'recep t �te�d,ibeir.'I'guwag��nt,Tvlr.Blair,VV;S.,i: at) C Ill his. addresh to the'Grand Jury ay. St.. tion iend6rdd 8 out'iu'sedroh,o�somethinjto teke It is 9, very proper answer to birt! who �o,adopt: immediate proceeditigs for, enforc. life-worbli living fon Cat shorddy' 'Judge Burton made. shed wby any*iIiiiii sbould'ba-dejigh r, her at St. Get ige's, &Onuda, the PriucHss groWe ap&oe. 0 n tile city The was 0 --hes her place. in the, hrill Louise ent on al-6ketching expedition log the sbotiefy B-Cluib) agains,t the,Rev. Dr. the notyge remarks 6-neerniDg the "d Peddie, -Treasurer, who is -liable for the e, with beauty., that it quebti n Ahat w ar� W mi'sSion of the evide 6o'of agoOstics in the � -,:gQ E ife ta Done bift a blind ��A f, allong the Shore, all after a time man eduld dtik :, Hines any th C, defaJeation8 of hiH brotIfer, Donalq, Peddie, W U trial of oases: at fUl 0�j­ at scorning I regret very inuch III b rsty, wat for a.drink to the b 'III- hand'. In the. country the, beaut 8 doth so'much, attract�tbb Acottage of a D �gro No one was while, performing for him his duties of old folks :fall iuto'� bed aweary 'with the Do inion Parliament throw out the sight, of all Mon thab ft. is-. in no man there but aiintie," and she vvaR.-hs,.bu9y 00� as it rnbe day. b a Tren6urer. Dr. Peddie im de,,a liberal.offer bhe work- of t the young bill phialawould av allowedagliostics-aud. Opower not to be pleased with it. Old? ascould be ironing a abirt for b6t ole prornise, but it has babn people sgik an( I Chew -pop corn. on the stbers to give evidence. LHgretitbeoause, Reading without purpose is saun'erma i;,, man to wear at tbe reen to it alpears to be a public mistake. to judge Pt, Li. Th Ocean the beni-sickers continue to. grow riot exercie. More IB 'got from one b.00k Princess - asked for a drink. 1'8e no,time the mer Of itin the w&y,iU V13ich it appears to 110. wor8e, and the SODgS Maids fall 1.,� An )Lou, the Chinaman who �diedjn. 6n which the thought Bottles foi'isleflnif IV" '!,�SDF3 been. judged .'bX, several inepabe a the. In! i4alj to bodder get,tirlg water fol you Was the';, fromAhe, effectBof,a4r.lissauft made upon"' him' by, 6 Bpribg, 'the.- 0 1' 0 OMMO :shimmed. over bv a lw�ndefiug eye. 'A JI a,, y I's 6h'ild t�', mo�row." Btit� qHnter, faIJ84'aAle6p to dream. 'of, eating his privilege is, granted to 'the Particular p(--,, 6tbage.,,fl,3wer gi S68 tile Queel vthree young mon, held in his ri�ght hand VeA hoey ,if yoii'll got me �Arink. VII iron while -you , I boots for'dinner, iZ�d tbawolf meetA a wild. H6nawho do no�b 6 a Suprome Bei.l- R n , to tile bqe E� fled to' 'a small Ida one to the butterfly. or in a future state, but it;is .116 do so," said the thii'Hty Princess. Tbe,off" Cab and. offer8'to toss up to s76e Wbivh shall in Lot t - Lytto Pibc6'of`clay, brought from bi�' far away WaS I accepted finished the T)etroitFrce P -s. deprivng of an .. innocent man . eilit the other.-, Yei 1, the PriticesH getil 'th During, the ne',vive'coulitry�,,as a -charm aud,a. ]:a the: op ty excavationB in corinectinn .shirt and got her,dri�Ot, and t1wil reveal of porbu i of ng abran,e-of home. 11 0 her identity. F 0` de Lo'd, bi evidence of the Uly man tbat might with the conHtrutition'6f the new drairi�age Oney I" W - d9milovelliqbDight- 14cccut Cattle Sal les., perhaps, �e fhe meanB of proving bis"inno- System at Brentford,'in,Euglana,� a large exclaimed 11 auutie,'! when she recovered -�q I'dd I'll th rbso rprige, 11 0 ` as a rose wa8,sbq The p i tr tio :,,of mber ofantiquated.h6rse shoes of varf- -Wa, 'no ()no A S6, George c6ireApondent Flays Mr. PdDce rqper, admin s a n , nu you a nge r. chronic ease of from,her su to. U B�i� &d� My love's as Palo arid white 'Jas. McKie has sold 4 Tab 0 ttle for. ��so' justice demands thitt IIII parties be per�. OUS. Were fo-U�A - inabeaded in the�� . i � . . . pple�troo. I YAlpepslaf.0 Be to break up a Bilioua bvidence, Whether by aflir­ graVel at -a, epth of a else '11'eve.r wear (ja.t shirt agalb, pollow 111, As the bl6orue,of the 6� -that it per 'd' about' �.J cents a igbt feet. Antiqurir' Temperament- to'give 'your! tor "idl pound.-' They' mitte 'to glVd 111 1 ive Pthing; she is pali g for Me, I thinlc�. were in* very good condition and., ar matiorl.or in such other wity as the ptrtiegl district Suppose that they are ! Vgesr Womall's riteS-4MarTi9,g6 C6reMODj0A. the Nvidlied neighbors say an I thu's Btrepgtbon -your a bought by:,M�.Sage for tba. L� uglish. Mar- Bay. ig'biidmg-on their,, conscience, leaving the, Bhoem of the cavalry horses wbich'took tiou regainl�ehemy,-:comiort healthan The Btate 6f,Prince Bismarci's.laealth Her inotboroyeptin While Mylove was as eep, P�rt ugl�t-, at'Bren . tf L Ord in Btillriontinues unsatisfactory., He s'Uffrs:' Abd Stole her !link sa,licer away., ket. to the jur�,'which.is the judge of the f"ts, in the 'battle fp gpiihis, all for� 75c-?, A sing'16 bottle of r SoLott,'of Nelsoa,,sold to Mr. 66o. to Bay whNt amount of "credence should -bei 16IL2,.during the war with Charles. L and Z ... S* Bud -If there be truth in old proverbs, ihis X :. 1 1. Parliamd'ittary party.' A will do this. A feyv -surprise given to the evidence given under such. the those who try Zopbsa. lor'�BilioliSnSiss swolloU Veins in th-dJoWer limbs, but there' will be a bad year 'for EnAland, for it was Donoqu, of Milton, $ lifad-of-fat battle on f I � . t Circumstances: I Bay I .,,regret it; and, I Kon'tuck" a, Miss tells M0861Y,� 'and DyspePsia�in their many orms itag a can be Do doubtL th'atLi t iron, cons`ti� written- centuries 'ago that-' L Wednesday, at`�6p.6 Per lb. live weight. .he Once y ,bell' er�geX for -a -W.heil r �Sio'r Tails On, Whon-,weighed t ey linveriI;gait 1,410'lbs. hope, ify.du arel'of the B9m6 opinion with has kept up,- the - reputation, of h Panacea, and is warranted to d6re them'. -­tUtiOn­Of ­tbe . ChaItibellor. asundergone I . 1 11 ' Self, ngland willcome a,great miobap, ip hat You- will.-stien glheh the fiatkds fickleness and inconsistency. �Ohohadtvvo� It acts speedily arid pleasantly. Tr ji, 10 change for\tbe worse, so that he.iB now Very A Chicago �telogram'Say�6; There Was a 6fy those who take the Merciful vidW that it 1oers, one named Hamby and 6 1 susceppibl to atmospheric changes.�. lie narbed, M Tho*HebreW College of' "Cilicitmati has 'large gathering of SJOCkl:6 n I But 0a P ei a ataxter Park �Ie-daslrtible that all the eviddrice' that can Roseiibatg.,� She itgkood.L' to run 611`wfth� Mr. Beecbbr it lateleoturebaia The— for' the fltBb time -conferred thd I title O -f to -day to particiat6 in the,sale of Polled be givtm�may be brought out in order that HaMbyrtlo get married. Tbey did, flea to best lightning rod for yp f Divinity. As,a part of- the core- 'thc Young lady� yr own protection Doctor c' Arigus,- tllowiiy', Iterefoid," Shorthorn, the pabieIi Accused O crimes, arid 'who Springfield, Tbinii., bfitthereL is your Henry needn't,think, 'riaotly, the officiatibg rabbi said ta thi� can- Devon, aud'Wbst Highland cattle, the pro. 'may h6v6 li&other means of oetablisbitig', chang6d her'wind- and RoBon-: y Of.Car Y,,h 1,00 to sit di,.date The Beall Of'thiBL'title sliall, be the innocence,- way Vail themBelves of berg t9 Ho­,�veut arid came f colne tof her. however, that a sensible man is going party of Goar' B tada, Georgesi their r8a, t 10 the *orst 4 nd 4nd 0 on out ri ' d'gepole of 'his' bitrn during, a, fraterLl 4i6s,which I now Place � on your- Wlhiteiflald, and others. , Fcrty4wo� haid'. the ev�NHO& of all." �t 310jkibs. Indarld wfitronVgno faitt back With b6r, and they wet 1� will Son(I TWO 130T� [�RS� W Late -marri6d. " A V&riable and clu'rashower just because, he . ebb t6w� ee dibporW of, for, sn'agkregate, ol'419 ��O thun O't Ve laurb9ted biow;" at the zkwe time'beo loil villa -and to ti o I 44V F*Ui�llfirTllEATISLI?i�itl�ig(li�,�.T�r�, statement. ing'the Glv�o� x roRs ard-r. 0. .(I'd o,,. only ii�o i-6adbod $1,000. Bibe, cheB,of trust-Trou�a I%, rs on credit. changeable creat rele man always., Wo DR, T. JL 8 is 'V� Vork ........ ... .