HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-20, Page 8If 201,1883. -i"M LA"r, 1 F U0 RENCM DIXIE. 11 . I- :66 - BEN" AND'HIS, 6.0BIABY " 'low, �i 3 Rerild luber yourprt:w iseB I loved; Write to - day, arid t6-niorow eveni ng. BaBy. on b. Par b of the iDjured, in order to Sue in great public he was h . ardly known at all. fslult�viz., a. want It -A-pril finally to his friend's ascendancy Dark clouda, meazwbile,: had'obscured capital , 1, enkTr�!y atia parspverance, became w r.e Witoo Aler statewcut the w4tiit of FruNivio After, thi a dafeDdhDt to coal off, the face of the sky, the wind bad risen, and, Manifest as time went oil., He acillated 'The A Rejected LrverSue�f or $10 000 813d.150,Sign Then She took to "fresh fluldo ?in(] oin-, t a tree'� ors. anti continually b6tween, one Study a a0theri curious atack,whicili L,tdy Florence Dixie ama es pa4ures now," and lat liar 11 D*rliag BwAuy ­.ja tlie,lumh, 66renelfoldmyb�ridsandw�ait, �Ner care for Nyind� or tide, or sea. St an in &td the' quiring look tow Qluu�s, and� then started directly on hjs� betting himself diligently to nobt, made ue, the grandest plans, and carried out.noto: siaies to have been made upon ber by men di8guise as women,. a and 'frota -9 Hanes the present suit. sime dr fate, For lo I my ONVXi 5_,all come to me, w ay back. Now came a ga�t of Wind thiW drove the sbrubB Ellla btlkheg I& and lavished Ide n oble gifts upon the mean- faces (if counts ad earls_or the whose dagge�"8 she:wm nadrciffilly�8aved by tile interVentJOU of bone sid a'do , 9 OW A NEW YORK BALE, TOLD HER �LOVE I stay my baste, I make de3ays'. Poic whaCrivails this eagerpace and let something be seen among 'the. halooked like . tile white Sgirtb Of.& lady's, 'pages of "a ladies' albums. Since Fortune bud poured out'ber richest treasures into has given rise to muon c'omwnt ' � it, the Londonpress� Tbefollowiug�emarksfrdm r 'V�,l Whirkv" reoffe lifolvit"I to xbeftt� ill a fflfolel Fire. I stand amid the eterual ways �kud -what is mine'shall know my.f oe by a,sudden-gu6piciorl, Hermau -paused, bis lap, and he had gained wit) 3out any ffiir . atbe_had�once ton-his-part-all-th the B. ritish Medical Journa� are interedting Recent d irvetpd atten. The spootlitest Lralel-s bn rd.,' A Green ville (Texiu-) despatch ba-yLi 'The 'Bride Asleep, by night or day, taid, p6b-r',ed curiously through the leaves. Nothing: wag be to obtain thrdugh-his art, there was no tion to certMu remarkable delusions, to r A New York despatch sa�s society Hotel, a three-storey brick, felY with a' terribi 6rash at midnight. Thirteen a he frl seek are seeliftig me No wind can drive my bark astray -to dislinguisbd with certainty; and so, t"Ig Motive left strong enough to Stimulate him that w%sjroubl�bme- WbY whicb, femitlea of unstable, nervous equilibrium 15,re �ubjeci,� either.thr oagh New York,has been �xcited' over Suit of Bernard Harman Gust&r A8a;tn Bar* persons were orut�hisd and burned in the it few quick� steps rl that direction, the next minute. he stood fore Gertrude walter" to.arY effort 9-' -The Sbould lie toil incessant y now, 'hysteria, or - thrcu�h similar dipiorders of r wirib agaidst Miss Rebecca McLeau, the ruins. Mrs. Frai bt, .'prop riett esi ; George Praitt Loui�Albert, i��wellei ; J. B. Ford, What matter if I stand alone? The girl was upon her "aes, with her wealth brought him by his wife aaid plea- tbe-nervous.eyetel.' Charoot and 313ourne� StU81A. 1P)aDd eiress t re over $10,000 'of OproZie Joidgra,ph'repairer; J. D. Rile , canduawr y Iwalt, NvIth joy the coming years; My heart shelf reap where* it has sown bead leaving against the root 6f a; ties; and I I , $&at al*ociatioli� procure d in the bairie the charming establishment- Ville give instances a! the extraordinary Pt o i self-dece 1 i's that are frequent, among amages for reach of� Ular� riaae" The fair defendant )tppeared in R. n. Nal IN, cotton buyer Frank v7vest, A nd garner up the fruit of t arkl� her facevas lild d 6n,inboh hand s.' Not �by a Single Sound bad tibe betrayed ay, W A -lo, him,every earthly they. kept, Secure hysterical patient�.. Dr. 1,62rau,d du Sal Is, d d b, . lad, Lou Davis;,, a mattress - four Maker named, Hill, andi negro-. Tile Irtuetp know their own a 1P ,Th. tide turn% to the sea,;� harself, b.ut 9he had been crushed by the -sudden-mvelablon-1hatt- had come on.b. r zio lisdia, s -so erl;Igyment, including, all nijilisptted, place So ver, in the course in Boo] iety; when, mor d- physician to the,Salpetricre, describes' in hia.4aud 'rdwoxk, ','Les-, Ely 8teriques, " zable exhibited great Self dmriDg the' ordeal. Both partila� move: in. the, best -'so waiters perimbed. Fi&erl of the occupants escaped. T. or -D. Turn -as* terribly The atarse:tlma nlgb�ly to th� Ding. Harman, only needed' this Sight in rdei to feel �and comprehend ever� thing, oil account of his artis ic taiiry seemed to. have-,reaPb ad the bsunimAl of tindertbe belleftbat they have been struck or Stabbed bv dthers, plaint�ff stl9ited 'tb�,' he met Miep 6fheimpriBoned arid burnixig.victimp,to hands, no apsistance, Nurt! e� nor space;,nor deep, nor high, 0. keep my own away from �be. inoluditig'theiiiglitful humiliation that his pras6nce would[ bring to' her at this­time� blisS� Whilethis once promising aqd ada iiied even ttfter baviPg)Pflicte'd,,bIb.w*- o'r.wouudii, upon'th'o'niselves. 10 OneiiaottLuce'a, YOU ag _Jbe ML,,1'3 at Staten Island in ijlae� 1882,'at the hou�le of a mutual friend. They- met- whom en4er wbrelisartrending. The following bu�biaaBs firms burned out: Armsted, hard - HERMANS Eu` 0101C For one iriomeDt he looked doWo' Upon her -i'Sn ce; then turned ai:4� e tit away as genius had gradhally come to naugbt, �anotbar ba& 69en, developed in all stillapBs, wAmana% foundby berhusband lying on the floor of her-roo�m in a;F faintiDg fat, her six or Seven arid abe� invited -him to bar house., They weiO a Dgag6d were , ware.; K. LensteiIa, . agricultural imple- - J. J. Cooper, makiiiiaery. U softly as h. had a vare. whose existence no one had 6ver suspected. wi,,S 4iitla face covered With blood. !On reviving from a 'her awoonAe stated th � t 'she had been , ].a July, . 1882, 'Ina obtained 'mothor's ments; and P bo 4 p. m. the charred r6mains of four N But he� had not gone ten steps before be paa�ed and looked baok.' There -she Jay' as C Hernian Arnan" who ount known, �,aud less loved, at i iccount of'his -Iiad- attacked by armed men ;the Paris U, ow6- -pupoia-rqlated �er' consent at the request of -his affiauced,.' . Some twenty days victims fiad� been . recovered ey w er . a th simply chunks of burned flesh and bones, TsAN$1;4TFD FROU GE mAN MA quiet ind motionless as 1 i she were, dead;-, coia,_ taoiturn and reservdd I ature, soare d 'to a height Ahat filled the:. ase.and -three weeks � two �4 events occurred �,fterwaib­he pre�ented her with an, `Sugagem.eut�ii,� 'hire 4120, otally Unrecognizable. The busineL houses --Couut,-bad--not-exo,��tly�-made--up perhaps she, had filibted, perfiapB-�--_,Tfie �is�mind Suddenly -everybody v�,ith amtizo.ment.. 'After his tile French matro�polis. ;All �theBe case" cost Witness, conduuIng, Sal the inug, iss it M ar6all closed.! :'Be6ides Ahe ca�udtias 'in conde-abirin' :.0 EIAI�TB R IV. as to what humanl�y­ or k�nd aelitia from an extensive tour that lie had Undertaken for the s�ahe�'of Self- Impraive, proved, to be fabriom'ed: by the supposed A �youhg jlotims. wouudad herself . oLeau too large and:Igotit with the botai'disast'ar prdv reported, 'pialtp It was the hour for his visit;, She bad r quired under the circumstances, wbel'i orice more. he found hi ruselfut her �side merit, he. had entered.the service of. h. the po sligbtly.with ja pistol. lice a)te,rE:d;,l got -To the holnie with .,the ring about 7­tl'olock on the 10th of August;, Miss was' b%dly tnangled, M. G. 'Hars..was� bruised,and "D.C. Bell, goner out to - in i hi m, already as gotten baf way., now stood still exPect&ntly-- Young lad v I" w di `H No ans ar; d a6t Stir'. erman Statej slid gone in'azi� amb as�ador's train to �ViOnna;l , But hardly tw 'a years lutborities.the m, t. min te d4tai)f3 j� i Oa U bout oaccording to R(!Loa� Said, when I gave her the,, ring, bhat',W8 ) I be I mar -tied soon, and sb u d 0 'Dentim, -Tom Victoreg, Lewis Morris,ChaP. 6be:4red not� go any further, for, from here through a clearing of- the wo6d4, the stooped down and lifted liar up. Uncon- help elapsed -before the youtIgest-attacbe bad already beerime tile. right band of her account, fired the woupon, -but she,was flourld,to be higlily.hystei.ical; aDd-' it was _wf hissed nae- me more tbsb: ob,ce: -, I Brow; P. (3, x W�:T, McClure, Fred,.Ead6, wife and two 'daughters * and servant, wbre c�Lstie was dliemdy diH"�orhible,, whAer, as' he had bi.,eii led by scionsly,she submittidd to have , him -her, and as she inechwrically otraighteDed: . 'ber very . rillmn t pioin cipal, his ounaellor _p%q, b 'support h is- proved that sba bad, wilfully wounded bar. br. du Stialle's 4not tell how many tim-eE(; fromthe 6oW 'her kinibst very 10,&h of'Aul!ustI visited slightly bur I t� , D)r. Turner, who'was fatally plaug a u e�h errand, 'gene said, with the disun rga of which he, was now Self up in hi B I s a�r MA, her,,,eye6 met hi , fit all djiiioult cases. ally, Ox uLo wh6m.devolved all the rbal pitse iiull experience, a young womall was found in a day,, an to be Miss McLean sairl we.we'ra in Nov �wbar:- . nutil,Db6i burn, lay beneath,the timbers U tile, witbout giing, any si�n of racognitic' -l"Yoa-are nov- will -'yo' w ' duties. of,an amba A married the fuj;�tli of', slid -bar own , "tt. ing4ri two i�sleased him� Denton would, illed imself, but -the, (,f tL fallt�u tree', ariA.ber clapped laduds in her lap. a to as8i-4t ) ou as far as the viliage 2" Ili , f Only appending his name to�tbe itotg o' his ilmc-Aum greaexciternwit but it io, hei -- , - , � 66'iONi. at 11 a H liar. in ev b Might is, _�bgvp, atrunk Mau cut �Iay OW iodeed, stLps. were, actually heard, I need no help -I am well--�-perfectly She took a fevv than _subordivate.� An accident reve4lea'to thia, hi -state of 'affairs; bia attention Prince t s was proved" S,98ertiobs, that she b4 lififlicDed the wourld.herself, it I t6id'b i she bad b6tf0t' wa-it. littile'WhIle Until :pbOboald" his thi ben and the flam'as were rout w - he fq comink, from tbm 'quar , ter. Gertrude jump�..d up, but the' 'jteps Were tiatiBe df.two §tep�,_but tattered, ' ten li�d: ilaEi not and must bmve fat -a being called to the Y. oung c6utit, he recalled him thp capital, in order to Oommitito itud wao-: a* subject: & hbu�,e� maid w,,p56uud lyiu�l bebiu&a door, boui�d, 'find ourwore -abi . ut me;, sha4iald that phe bafound tSion- consuming him_ The cauge-of the "lamity is uncertain., It iN'tbought: tb;t an Tbe,;voung giri stood i0re solute, stpportied . berssif againA neighboring , tree. The wi I idd shook its br,,,n6hes and: to 3arge'an office tha ties his a] involved do , od -an gagg d covared with bruises. HE of powder in a, b ardwaie store hievi out 6 usi g the anti re bu ilding'.' the West a D not knowing wttkudie r, to, IiUrry� fwd vered 'her with a, showeir of leaves; the sible for one of his- alid very respon y tCed t1be h-ej -beon li�d�all attacked, I y . . .Walls, . *⁢ but,a Rhkr"p' clear �voioe Btruck'upon first dash of li-glitoing quivered through the 'it.WaS Dot lof3g before, � here -too., Herman bv cv vo barglais vif-h- Who keried faces, but $�verf it dav s w ere 8xed for outmair iage;, her ear; and- forthwith put, an end'to arYy, ,i t t thund r; 0 w �al of 0 9 au e. air, f fjo - ad by, p had become tbe-bentre of all rid Nbe wae 6.�-i 'Und 'it) hday,was, I JD- November, 1882, �ub "I rebel,tarmed pale; �Meet: Eugene NOW .6, in an,-who.had re;ti fed w i th, woun d ad feel� authority Uisquick-sightedDes4, en�LbliDg tilLre alioe r8 have been stiron had' tile eikiit day *as riot nientiorl'od-; I;' National D�)r never `Tb lng 9 now apliroacbe( the young gir i him _w,&nritrato to the very bottom, of .- " "'' -­ L' " ' evidence.. t she contriv2d ' Ili' - 1, " - , , ­ I not marrkd�iii t -be mohih of November to NJ c0ou of 'T.4X;ktiola mid ot to She had rLtr� a n am r� MI U ated. teli'md' and' Said 'with decision, although 'some' b. thil3ge;, t energy with W 1011 he Judomitlabie ag an td tie ,�r Owls bands, ur,i ��_to g d bruise. ;X61,6au' died in btlbolle r,. a clump of shrubbery; that �hid bittdrubsswas miugibd with, xt:� lie pursue.4 every ttwk im- extekeDi arid the bergelf. 1� erbav§ Is 9tt1aDg-eSt Ca, Re! roposed waiting wy6ar, but Nips . Al"t (WeZInesday)bight'6London cable- her froaa the view of tho'�ie It gri veg- m6 t�i be obliged to inflict, e i . J I most activity tbat-L6 disj�l-%y d:'Queurko iii:xi.-Tardia u's practice, .-Ay6uD-'- McL eau" would nC4 consent. to thi% and S: In the t6use of Comwona.mr. Vp �4 huv6 been trying this wLoje afternoon ria t yo . u re L not y presence pgon �ou, bu procured him a. suocam� fuer arlot;b,6r.' lad y,� living tCall rlbevoie; wihbed to ma kd, e May; t, d 1-883, dafug that if .. b �-'iy..bnaitted theIj a udg t for ills year to -get a moment albno, with you," said the well_misii Walter.' You -at ud a 'alone a ar lie. bad mbarl'ted' step by step, ulint h erNelf aci,obiect of plIblic it) �erest by Pass- allahe asked me t do we - Qh-TtLa_�_Y_evellue Was NO, Voice of' Eugepe, but� yoii* se6med to pur. Stranger here, L 8� violent. storm. threate lue, , at the age of 6n[y two�aij&thirbyi bo 006u, . as. a. victili of poliddal corispir�icy, -wibrried',b,eforoLE3r-ti.iot,Ler's dt��i,b d, i 1, 'done -,289, 0, �in.d. exoeeded.,the estimate I posely av6id it; and.AntoilIbtte would . . I and the villagal is st a mile off. � Be 0 3 highest a fftoaH in W8 cotia- Pied Us bf'-tliE 60e would have been bettcr ��d f�o� The,decte I a8e in tho.-oousump- not let,lm�6 leave liar side for aminute. You � I - eftire, to acoa . )rb and pgaf,edi tbar' pt my 9acc try; at the head fundin astate of -the great, zion of sirits niqde'a r�dlao'tion frol3a'th%t must -listen'to me�;v6w�, Herrean,'I- need atbreshold -thd same time, the assurance at' I of the -stood on the sryasoure.of 6"t 1316tal witio at 0le P Y,5.00,000. , The total expezldi� your advice, your aball notintruabaponyoudhe minute longer 'A118 , rlcy�t turn. of. tho polftical;'w1beel would She couldnot talk, but, stLite'd I On i2tb I cQled ri:iex I P'Oted 'c6 ture8. were �08 006,000. The expenses n i, than is, imperatively necessary., burely"Ol��an, to bim. Had act at I this been, tbat'sbe:.had "beet'atta.aked'out, and f,,6Dd Dldi�s Ble eah'in jaiiy with, L the war in EgV,p;, iriNuding,the amount fat, . T he two young,yDen tied mesawbile come' Caltrily, as though: contradiction wasUot Frought out for -him, tbouo,,by tbablo&d b, mail, who- had bowie 'at: X r: Cbji,�holra in tbe the IDaian cimtingeut; were X, a,896,0ft out of the w6ods, and tha-Count fib )d- to be thotIgbt of he took'. her arm, as, it it from which -he sprang, his-wealbb, and,the alttenipterl:16 gttrro�a her�, the same wards'saw the He bad no. arrears to' report tWcount elyin front of the chimp ofshrou'b­ bad been that ch:ild, in or er� to gui a i m_ d personal Prince?' These Lhings . itide striking her twice with',,t dagger. drawizig-roorn. I di,(IWt`s:tyhOyt4 ilig, I. 'r of,wa expenditure as. jmcur�ed �by the 'repeated but this touch produced an unacuount. certaiulybadtheii sbAre 'in opou�ug, ulp-to at Ing 0u)y:',Jbbe lady's a] 7as itij,ured, weLit- own 14tk�d H', aild $-Ila urueL ill to. the 1�resent lher., In what?" he'orie6 more. abl� but ttu ly frightful affect upon Gertrude. hi )J . V to a 'In so bri arid tile body �of � her 'die�s .-and her I took try coat rtai�t �hat arid of the g year. be, bsrirriated at Eugeris look h' so at Im'.be Ing NP.mewholt Had 1D been the stiDg 6f a ierlie: tit slie, road f6i'llim and rewovi6g- the, -obstaolee -h* but corset. Were -� I to be cut, thr6TP 1 _ 1, wituted to Va but; M ss BlIcLeall a,,k ad 'the revenu -a �1�88 480 660; 'surprised lie of his.. tone,. Carl usk�? Wby,�.yoa know '-that. coUfAnot hXve ibfi;�greater w fornebis..path th'at-w6u,IA have -surely bf-set.. 11 :at diff ent She trie( to m.*O.' far . wj�t wtLs troublc,. You . i , . . 1 11 away k.ept The national debt uring tie,, .,Past you Gertrude is here, and. iiaust, in a; degree, �'�horror, or re6oiled"with more�in4inctive a I verelan. It was' �vith -we)I-Di6. a, sh I rit- k a Wa n of humbla.,biitil. HULdCeds, With* equal ad izhd,*foi­buaeJcauBed out that.the at terript at FArangmlatiou b,ad dumbness. M. Tardieu reinarked so Bar Y &J1111 11 d. and InDre tbat� year by He epected to' inkiko:a'.furth6r r_-diiction this year of the ray abominable and H r- that she tars bar ban a lluwever, reinaila at the � bottom' or�riliadle 'in her beari that, this Ug L itifirmity.ragidly -know, it tip ni�hp witbout tatting tjCe w y s 000 000. bujiug liext twenty. years - 111,111, 1 . . ., I - position." ill� oil not &'It t*011 v how that' dit. Et, diff6rent being an ly stooa'b6fore Vim.-, Thei6 was U04' d den round of the Aadder�, whose topLbdst, he had'ilow Be- le(f. fudef�d, he h d'no one, di8app6arecl w Drier circuria- beti., produc�d :ii starj&8 Of this -kind. ' Sh6tsoop ritged to -for -me to I go- So k we u t MID' d M�t PI. -a aLl -at a.4 a an- ek %nAtiOu ro -e, a t lie to s�e he de t Yeduced by 4,17Z000,000. propOsed t6m your 'forwer lady -love happened to come more of the child about her; there was, to thaUk,but him8elf for, his el6Vatibli,. regain � her a ort'time Speech,, iud sh about'the gent ifleduties'on"goods made from silver, be "Through the bomet4irig exalted, Subduing I stood' be(o e,'hira there drawn up to� Upon the estitt6 of th&- wid6wcd Laidy von Sternfeld, almittCd.thait-the whole,uarrative bad bi, ato, 0 Doner consoicusness. le,avEk. he 0 r hou,;d and visit liar auut; I th ' a bed. ancl., w;as- Pick, 'for two ob d obd and only, an g s actually -sold, a,who be alioliBhed alto u the world I I I 1 1, �. , her full height,, but pale as,death acd her I ing,fbr the I I I., Ecceimr-icity'lo. relatives 'is ever AtronRly , weeks. gater, but alot this ysar, He'propos6d the visiting some relatives in A----,, ati d i b . lips trembling. Her, glance, fall Upon him gilests, Her.eldek soni Bh,ron von Ster-ii�' 6: :"pyeii'um��ti,�e6fBelf-d�ce�tioDw a fernale l I Iber, to have been . . ", y :firs�'Ietter iax, on railway earming wbere'the fares, taking bar, with -him. They bad to ' pass th So strangely thrilling an effect that , fold" with his wife'sild, two little daughters, 'makes any sta� temenfor charges of, ill-treat- �410vr.,Kt; In - iha, the were. very Small, be, abolisbed� Looking throu-b n our d -Gertrude, whq, of aIIF ape else would have quailed li� fore i,�, had,already Wail there for a weak.,, Codbt. merit of The c6astant ear of. 40 itali6s�, Were pcor�d underneath, rd toWards the redtictiou ' in the �rate course, knows my preseat' place- of abode find with a tons and ern haeiR tbat'aiectri- p Arrl�au bad arrived froll; town this cially ifhaaed'6oreasona. iD' mail b4i HIS t�vj6e; for tel�grams sent anywhere ini"ll, for six-' persuaded liar ube)e to Stop here� in order t6 fied the: Couot�lehe menacingly cal i old oat �uorriing, and Mrs:'Reiuert,wera --ble grounds., is particularly liable to pre. S, I., Nov. 2',3rd, pence, propose :1 at 6e: ad h the' threaIlalf:­ giveme (asEdiesupPoses)apiettsantaurpr,ise; to, him Touch -me, Doti Count t 1. expented-th'&neit day4, dispose nervous or ' ex6it�ble subjects to Py'1j,;MLTNQ eblYeludeA to seud vou, Pat, cc of income tax � be removed. . These I thought I sbould have sankJDto1h6 floor to-dy when 1 Arst.1i"rd of, he i'lnthegarde-roon;7 at he old mausion; axtraor�ivary. delupions� of� this kind. ;e few lin6g, so­thELb YOU will have't* oredactioh5, YOU, can if made;,wou)d reduce the sui. P,240:0ft .being hrN She turned, -took the put6 -leading to the at ils open glass dor,wLicb led to a broad -Ine 1,69 LITTLE UALI,' to The' report was received, peculiar cold n6k; ' at ' )f village, and vanished among the Shrubbery. er ma stood. after liar, stone terrace, sat Hannan and his grand- til, filother. The outward �ippaaran at Ali Edites-Is'Pleavarit Life, 13 b' , a Tiiere�ar y few Pao w 0 e 110T�u 0-moirowev6inif. Elopel awiliotask- ifig too much'. I -am aware Vour timisA4 with much favor., the- Count`�' tonec, was in phaip: contrast with the'--p4asionate, -of -Zugerle� but the next' minut6 indigrmtioD,liad oeit. - -6 ludy' (rJOW` seventy V,eaxs� of d)'B till -the a'Ware of the life D ewspu per-Mtbn occupied; I'trust YOU Will. not miss the time You Waste oil �tllb " little etlzwtr,� A 440.45 ITICUPRV THICK. A very' awkward accidemb, to be -sure c 0 al a I Ide r m T he'). o� ui) g GO n n t a nevor been so treated; so', inbulted ;. tnd, nubro ken an doorpoi4il --for a that had 8IWay6 MUdO er fh6 he'ad of the I - I ris­ -p a- t lfw- ay, I , i st witli --the- brigbte�it of flow6rs�, upon a dowy ALLI you r. kind dear, 1�dn. What it 'g ;[orious� � igbtt fi;nd .. � I �klalu film And wht do you intend to do now m n drew his hai d The yo�iri across,his- for.,it to fiapPen just Dow, �vhec, for the first nof all abthorit� Her forin - couch he repqs6i�. His daily lifd -iness. t the bous6' While to s ay in ev &170. arc ­ enjoyinliz , tLmsalvea.' -A last-: (HUCIM) Li -M'S Oil 16M time in his lifo Lie, had approschad'iny one ofloll among thela. suqw6l 0 4 Of. d to stv'10910 45ainst the aPPr6aich i tiaued,rou6d1of.-uiiA)6yod bapp This ip why So man y y to bnoine aat Wb er - the use of beirio enzaged," if your, to bakeou , despat.ch,qays :. A cou.vic�'. in' the peuit . tio: not k46w' he, di�couso- lately,. 11 1 gave a plamNdble excuse for first,time tie b,,(I departed from Ills age; ber,bair i�vas as wbite as suow,her face-. and seams, ut it pre-, fuil of. wrinkle, b editori4. Tb6re is no.end to tile -fut �th8're least ortce� or tZake it: is K 11]11� ll�it of -course v64' do not cliare tlary baa� ulgoe a most ingell tons i httempt, t sedui:6 tile bu tam Of of, orts,,and'brolie away at -or realdoss It Nvilat so s ilrr�' 'this, girl ll d -agaimst' him ? A d, why .4 L ci8c faue uboD fhaheH lft� Is from, "Or�' Of -a�p ea�,terh edi hit 611-d gbidg to , satlmlay to' 'Thank do sorble: I .the first possible minnte'to. avoid. any pro- lon�ed-talk; but she is�expeatiog' we this s? 116 thus stir impre�sioD� It had been able neitheito whose style 6f,wribidg w�ts calculaleA � to will be a 'e. L11:0 to oome flown suudm� on the O'clock boat Pfilthe beldud until" sppeaThe gaard,' foll'.i into tint Sock�@t-r. hewill oceski, ine with" queries 'advise �The claps,of thunder came c wici louder, while the zoleo:mpa I Nyitig axpres�ao n of, nor to ditn' the ye 91�a arouse ko Ae�d'K, of goie. B el it �2 him�.elt not-mucla -bin:New Mby �' ivi,il 'be to'SeB You. Althtu�� it is, a lonri tilee� u U til. ttlen, still the usual inspe6tion to ee tbat and Oi;ly� what arn to do, V ivid putman and to the, tidthouph the k bent ?�as so ewhat I burden Of s,) 11lat I ll�'thp doors wraclsnd and, every Man in L Oro his 601 n, but. Pa�v, thE� aria door. masell Oito �g, S9 ta b 06 �caqtle ke the &ck to as ever- he I m,,, Pee er's ro F le,4 110 _1­�V t� ly -aa I.- 't 'a -t ought, eFAIQ1@ his . L 9 b �hi, that hi�� b!wk was t -acned to the-8bru cry, for.M11 mota td:, fy:�7 be ha� bardi y arriv'ed before uLi twAtiaau_ Iyaltered at all, in I - ahis d. ) -Aiau.d. to ilind not -the 97 dropB I rs I rain c, of M df,Aivri . the which eterred to )IN 9, --- 6001) 0 Dar feave him.. will -not car t ')a ea'sy 0 01�k6 hour h,4ter-tbe tempeo bad lu)led b pouring d Ieft6o1fnpreE;s upon' hj� Cold, cl�Ajded sglance, perhaps,h&d bocoine . ry catrie-in . o reaelib' a� co. t caitor bo vQvv much sLV. irecoiv V g ti 16'aor " 'so Ila Thinking !the conv at sick be eutored:. was llscelt &��d­ you, but be dona� )let The truth. inside the"casp) thay�' Were, puttibg the t 1110re P�bZ ye a Ind r 'ref�p 6,,�d to tile )f your btbby Soon; bat roffly, I Lad -911 lozl6ly thig Qve�ing without aiY'darling'Ben to tourlbed. hini oa the -back when the fioure fall oVer On the floor. The to I bb -tell That, I ciimn6t. g t Utch la last �pr e, 'hich they wpre making for the mg ratid bsI1 manners wi -8 �,arfectly simple, there was -it a 9"eatt (;f ",�ff Ub011t aud while the an IN were 'u',der b d&k Oh SWee . theart you do_not You tie�e alficial and at bobad beeri-a�d s.� i n: here. Eu�;erie'l' tbat to take �6ctl, theke. tilat night, bird; b ang t lan ever,w��S his tit tho-re )D the'fotmer &gred& correct bAs rilibtake,, jr)� orily ibe convict Was a iduou Itubw. AD alain �fiuot,;". reiterated Eagelie, Passion- ateiy. A:dyth'ing. else, but to me�`G. her� ugene, too-,� returned train. the viilaga�' oughly drericlPed.,.,add reiieniblanca -to W1108b, 1 in' e. an left, anitr. 'You call see ho idavY tl'd ff tiole'� pits�es� my eloved dttviiig iR W" 9 iven and the ejafat� bell, wilich is rung -was kep qtiiet� A search nand. tile tUkl, gpt, frotW% ills J>aby) was'i'n9tituted,; when tba�inissingc I ri , t, aI__ y i1iterview, and "otneetbitig -di9p,08itio 11 f! fti Er'ii�F(Tu ti w �j 0 In givim-)- you seem: to stand in great -dread of tbose"eyes. However, if you dare U 6t con'-, that S Qiy iik6�a sceno,'mtl8t have 'tile eastwhile, , h y bad fon. a I 'ing T P the &Lpil al,' 6dirgr return a, mlida. bay hi� ld�,roow t6fd, tit eart., ow Yorlii Li'ke:a dcar gOod, 1)rerioui qwL b your inind, to ierriaig� until �be&nlobicLd, and gave himee)g'upi He bad repair'ed fe8s the Eugene ensued between two friebdq, at the � s6rv",t� its they 'moved to and 'fro' on wbAt. was going on a�i oil erm&a's pr,esen t.position, afid'hjg� pro8, him�tbat the Ns:i wauted:� h01P, The man 6t**&N�v�d,�-qmick m darli)3'g. b�f�o�� the L11 -y -youlle'llpy.dear.doas,your 6b'_7 :did t hat spot to - doil '&., suit of , bivifi� n's 01 are and vvbei) all w , as 4,uiet, heinteuded ell Btilowl"llseves. I ": - lwould" he said,sDammeticly, after reported they- -heard .,Very I I talking, and Said" that M4 Reinert's coan- .,ppct8 for b rbed in political rhatters, whei_-i . Ing more a Ld 'into, liis:'ObiaVal, sebi;jg 6h a labte r . I . 11111h t 1. cllso.rde�6d, cobditioii'�, tli6. You so, mueb, yChl llo� Hope ; 804liV and im4elf icare a pause, !'Woald,ieveaft nothibg,jusuftir the t: Site' is h bet off agai , omblg t I very'' loo�ering, wbeii,'he! -.�udd�;yjly.changiijg.the:,�ubj�et. he'Coulit In Somew Lt. bi 4tor, lie tbou-bt. tilt of .'1'8 previoris �1 bi)le re �cmrco��' and �what N�otild ing- b� to h,' j)13ou -It appears that lie itilized the gtvtw in his to',stuff the uguro wbib he had presen -to arid in a, few weeks you,aud I shall set on, � ca 6 oub. of the Count's too m: Tbe',.two. fikewi�e it cid5ad each 6tbet"ha -ouch' T a*44: ',,,So -you -are expeptitlg� E,ug'bbe .7and the, couiltrymEm wiiR t 0 c%VS13 of if _"d b t "Jil -in-, Li flov S aviug up -fio val)y If. Bbould a Goo1,njg1ibb0ov6d.: SonrL n2r) titter- his -00 an,v cc Uwould solve 06D h` nee :possible during th'6 wbole everiug,'bublur- Ai 6ainette to-morro.w "In 61ied� t 0, 'Your. expreO.A desire, besand lovo and thoilsfind. Of x0m, own NAV A. A lvVNE tz dissolve ab E1160 did not that than this their differ I show, Aiready 6�bir iubij im es,were rolling lexica',. at - ..great saeriftee. h' Abill am, to v�he;re ail V�as Stdndi,ng in ronOf an a d, it ker'i� shop. -- Into. tile it Your darling A go oil. I am waiting for -your coilelusion," f f rom all directionH,.b6aring IwAs o. guests,, in this, Herman, for your sake. Yon kodw vehi re,-he'jamdied the love Ai at 811,61V to, become more U'ricoullot,tabie beri" ea�h the an W I-, the: whole front of d han darliiieRs, fat never par 'On I can, d 'Autainette fur. .10 . ommotion he :had created the door. The A A Washington Sunday. desp'atch Bays uiA iiiiire of llis friend whicii was still ib a castle The, lovely_ Co�:mtaps, Amen; -of cour"; ente u ui�ivortby donneotiiAi, ring iMo such ai 0 come my repauhaloce � in, &na if t'bav� "over ecare t" 1 lAtached , to' the I hearee, anti a a dead. rc ff, Rev Jonah, 131 1) ii, Wh6tttou' College, -Ill., preliobing, a -permon upon bina. y to mor'ti,fy Gertrude, formed -the oatitreof attraction. Shri'looked ' so1ar as to invite them to my house, it b So done wholly,. and' solely f6 People soon Doti I ced ta6�'iuutt,*ay run. lineelat 11 O'clock for -oh! 3,ian, lovL cannot sle6p. ani very sorry thlO I in the -man- to -d ' over th4 'remains of. a yonrig�miodl 01 E abionB with Antbiqz,, y my more radian tly be'autifal than ever,w,and' sl�irred fetlm,Unside. For a grMif yO after,it, and were ebocked tit betiolding the. litaiBa'collide with a f) (O"Caud become a, lGrand wh h d bee m6mb6r of * -the 0 ii , n a Army bf, the� Republic and b' hu'ri 'ad eb'ber believe. f force 6 a 4:rOV time this evening he priesumed''to' h Thank, you dear graudaitit hri6w. cor�tleta�w tboikhoirorat I seeilio btifi cri6d 4util hor eyes crin fiAr4ly see to write� oil -'!Ve and fol,46t Kni bts.of 1?ythias�: made remarks denub'. 9, me Oa art of an acceotOd lover, and, wbr.'ttit cost'you,; but, indeed, your�re66g a human bod: precipitated to the 'Sidewalk y Good nigOt'iny only.,darling: !Hol)e you 0 of b 6 ci les. SlSter� or ciat ry t a a at I a breach 'with, her�-v�cnnimry troubles, or wiHfortanes li a, Ve" dy hiii-ted ata; , �act,,.Ihe Iatte MU6128r, permitted, "'thii4 ill'U, d; the inas .'imperative. thab hardly left a. oubt pon' inI Pit'oll of this' marriage bad :.now become , AS for the rest, You know a heir 8,01676U16HIJ was only equalled.,by ti aYour, D Pfl ng illinbly-to its f(Jet"and., ill fo'give, your tease ofa 1%hy. , All my Imic. V11 doce true and loving Den ex, cited, especially as tile societies were seriou " 6 de iangemant of m§ affairs'. It of aily,, a6' to 'the 6),rarabber � of their rela-, patent Of a ility � bas-,bsen, -r nade,,otA; in � off countiy, yelling " lAardOr I" B�rly,: -Dail! ads'w before ng, ey fbi �conducting the 'funeral - at tbF3 requaat' of the family.' would be more �iaaily, dXLPJaiUed'frp tional. 'All eyeH followed the pair, and on. BUgeU6'8 f V r, So tb&t,y6U do lat. dero� glhey� thoDght it''au at '' b , : teMpt to ' ury,a I love you m6ro thn n ivords can tolL ' If I c ou"d harid bad'tribp cr'Aod fron';the di8baiice, and in' writiug� You�,unde'r6�barjd that I want,to 6"are bar. as mulch as poeal- evpry side were heard whiSpering remarks, gate. i� the least from your dj�njiy �by the as reldtives." ��an alive', uudiakt of thaw want and got wbile pa� my fimls arquad youl, ijelck And kirs you I Would fa�l mlicla b6tto% You aie very good, 'church. Amid, somb-69-citemeut ber bns�, and que8tions, as to whether the.pro.ud, pair The:old lady, bar tile dndert&ka�ltor I yneb hi I M the rest, and kind to -me. 011, beliove band asked the clergyman to discontinue , much courted� Counfas�, c6ul.d. really have sarlous intentitsas, of entering into'a u, ahri2gued Shoulders, Ohl that Patentof D6bility became a mat- pursued tb found' bidir a farmer, who was d after ha� wits broiiaWf -in ;DY, you le pet Yu more than .111 tho world to her. dovVil Sunda hi 8 remarks., The lutt6t r6fused to do. so an less rptInested by -the 'tattler of the to tainty as future, and with ab�io.by harrorm !' who in place f a,coronet could cettd, ntha;t silly step� She isand ii:Iu8tbe Count - b iers exa plaft -a, arid the 6 the farm& a'Dt befor a iiL2� C �. �)ur will bo watching foll, h6r )ov.,, 6 Will' -you siYeotbeart? who_a�pked bird t6officiate. � The father told hiln,he 13'ad befter quit. Gather about you. .To that end'you would gile only,' give. liar a plabia n il &me. What an ss Arnau in spite ofaverYthft?g, and of the petcie and made, affidavit llai!hal�s I can sl,;op eiLsict- n6w, for 1 f6ol:better in tip big roanuscri pt the Mini6ter'left ibe bet poisoo"h drop at.a� iinle, arid after hav- unpaid , )le piece of folly IV4at it Scda.�, shall net b a designated plain Mrs. Renaert that ho bop6&tti be Struck by lightnin 9 '1 �siaco 1-wroto thit; ooto. Do not fail to, coine on the T -e -ft o'clook boat Sunday, )i6ilt. ckurch. After'.some' delay anotlic. r clergy - Ing drawn out adi her by ' mpai6bies and teu� derpes-s'lu yout own - baliult, 6pose her to for'ber family I while she W in my But a CODOGH-- pioti til -at has. lideti made out cf'deforei�ve . u6wepaper,office a�guin. -i . . Tb6 above. letter en6 osed.,Ae�sral little r I UK" was Idund, and tile Services were con, . I I �. I tile deep hutiiihation'tA earning that liar R V1 to tile opiniol I of tl�e - - To destroy, b ad:bilp,, inothq, and otii6r a0HAT.11B y`_ cluded. lover, wboin f3be-.�beliOVeB.to,b,)"Woi�hedI I is to Seven, h6d by'; tbey bka.obli�- covet-: tbe no Upon- I eriniu, tnake a Stroug solatioyi`6 aa lilyute tbas�ord Aki�o, do �Vn by poverty and-diHtroke, about wed the wbalbby and, admired C&trite" year4 gone emted'and bu�ied -rxjucb, altered much, and effect my judgment, t. is 'me n0v as be ever wL0 jubt.zw i�noble to. bot it Viduf brush to the,fuelilt re or cracks in tile aor it, PONE VR�Zsu�; A idoiltieal despatch eaye t -the daily ma�tings of ci�editors of bankrupt. traders.- Arnau, one of,rhe most brilliant Lat-W-ULY as often happens in tit(), -the reality bad proved very different from,what tlie,bopes (To friolblis have i6riged in the � boftloPF cAr. my. 0,,;T,,Y D I Aw,md, are, Veiy,e\ deve op. per in Booth.". 7913 -Blugerie far'y. ' ---d- totatibna 1� bad pictured it., 6xp a Little or Dabbing had,'been beard, 'of, thai't 114cason. Lts, wet the 6dgwilioroughly. yly d,aak Greed bf ofiiod-" 11 tor rrlcoi�vod tbis for, -of Addtly� Cafied do WU. merits what may be, right'swirldlilIg. coming iii fight. The latest , 3 exclaim ied4n "lie done with your 16 Oliva, 'Thbtne W the Chri.�tian Unfolt retvll to a, .1 adge, *110 wari alitte hot'jib'b I 'I his i1A jilt100d oil AwOol 'tllblo. Illop, wish i, cawal�eop Oil &1wfi;ys wi 'of at �a tin cageof tboLkindwas I Mee , 1.0f4be, the 01ount jmi;ioribusl�,, " there is kld'rOOM true 'Size—viz, , that his first work of,any �ivos the following inc.ident'as tekiding,to One day bbs for' his greea, Of office', arld' want, of cleau)iriess, you have afiked the 'rhind vo U woulfl riot tit -6 yovir'baby 'NeVot wo wrl"A hope t1110 wo, filtill'o,will dupes' of Campbell,,T slor & Co dubbed thei:hselV66-manufacturcrs oilwool. for it here, I;b: e, candidly expressed'my� a . to�ybu, now yo,call 66 What b iortraif6f 0ountoss Arnau, had,exdited t e,r 1 6 considerable:attGntion'at the'time, and jl5s cat aild pariot I tbilik'the miniotar for almost everything - 016e why our to� the irteatio'g that pbaiou and I you choose.- To change the subject, the -tMed.his 'a friends in prognosticating to r,hibi. 'car, cat had up9tI?6IIv,S fo6d'. Qrkl.60thing � of '�r,they seemed all-rigilt that kind ;-howov don't you M%k himf6r 8, piece of Soap an' da brash 2" DO sbro and como T ni, the billy, !VSOI7eDtB bad Of $Ustain_ ing therugelv6 before, their collapse was to storea satsms to Ud: I be c0i6ding nearer, noust back to the castle �hile you, aippw- a ar , but these foud- ftlltici� brilliant ­4 I pations bad never bobn reali7ed I -With �gain, An:bouror So at bar, 11olly Wagsttind- this tableL; Net long. 0.31TY true buy arge quantities of rnatari�al from r6ntly, are on your wa to the Villaga,' y that picture, which, had:' wou'for him the band 61 the ritiginal, as 6,18o, a paIme in the, ing on the edge of She oUb, In a tone �of - deep affedtio ti. opbet) 'Pussy baving lost'WE UPP& Wore 0, faIS6 w1aB engaged in-'serioua crin�6i§ation i I :M"note, dat'ad Decon2b6r Mips., hotneB'iia the city on credit, a na-ulle it M'etiolleera ada pledtlge,tbo' goods Good -by." without'an%weting, or taking. any, notice .�come vio'kId- 6f art, be seemed, bowever, to have _bia� 'It then, corue than, pussy., went,� upinnoce ntlk 6r�otI!h, I .1olly lag with Sam6 trirubl' 't "Ib, ,McLean rites: for" -50 per -cent. Other Ittv all a:P wboiesalallrri�si of big frieftil'a 'parting Eugene turned, around; a t n s way, deA- painted, it ex 8 1 He Ati . tea his powers, is true, bub exclusively the liorbraibB of with her beak seived -a basin,of Milk starid,-� - tbb him, be-toolt I Out and with his, watched the, . WiS8 IOVOI MO -b 6vid blore 3311111 Tbotlino duviog Mated,. aiid a, dapias hiisheon issued against -1-orm a4 61irtigg _wbose set. he had his ing by, and tiipea basin ab'd all its c�n- orodovs with' uuloigud&' astonishmS66. .01ily, hto.ibyg( jki, 3b oil z. 51110,11 1 ilt �esuro MO Mbers, of the tobacco manufacturer,'wh6 lately Made a he was famillat with such de of ill tamperi wid new that the fai would been Dteoduced'by Whom his work�, as a atter of course, oa) I Of courpe i4broke the basin and. mluth,.w oat nwitlitheebrIvenation,t ey 'wreeching "for her. 6ato aq oatly as bo for�.batwe a 0 notNetloug, Similaescanas had not been 1), were colisider6d as genial -and unarpr sell but half-drowiled the ebut." I sprang to th6ly-fetri andle?t the roth d nposqibledailing.. in all habtd, every symptom' With ail my love arid thod8kinds of xis8ep� You own and only your loving; and than offered 20-conts as a born. suddenly departed to 16reign anco mmoii between them. Reinert was acc,listomed after such snone to kot,tbo able reg 11018:, -seurs had ;ular con little, apinion of them, and to the eb,cehing f6te-Death byAl��,o post of extremet parts, Germany, itAs'- 7