HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-20, Page 3IIIto soap the dirtiest places. Rubbing them A:,M01l]l 4111CRACLE. of Mr. Larrallail he,W no idea of the A 1Y.Jroneele Nest Militate ell Rank Notes. A-pr'il 020 1886' slightly-thr ugh the first water; and if one terrible complaint which had attacked him R Sli C 0"Alt has good Boap it IS juHt all well as FRoaking " Intertletillivill; 11,11aull Irianit tile A,ite oll it A workman employed at a house build WELLS, RICHA D until'it became fixed upon him. Secondly, ing at No. 15,' Avenue de' Versailles in over night, Of course the maiii-rubbing 18 such high character and So 6 h F [Boston (Mass.) Globe.] Paris, was disagreeably surpris T�H F FAMIL. CJRCLF,* I... in the .ecclild ends My object �p d t a other I M PROVEP 4] . t this time is Do give a, good way of The readersolf outspoken in tone' coucluaively pr'Ove the daly to find that a 1 � � a Des in BUTTER-COLOR.i, g a this papee-were to, I sum of 2,QOO fra wr'n g oft ore or va. u of th remody and its Superior bank'notes he had hidden f roakill soap, which 4Aay not be 10,38 amazed at a mostremarkable state- Dat?re a the proprietary articles with in a cellar or familiar to .11 VhlcI Safety hill disappeared. The pocketbook rs your reades. One of the in.' he public, have 6rmor)y been w Joi of :Speoial' Interd to mothe men t froal one of our loading citizens which my is 6iob ad coutaUted the notes wa's there, A NE, ERVi, gradients which we uea more liberally than-, -%ppeared in yesterd issue. So' ullusual ooded. 11 The greater includes the le8s,I" I ying open, but there were no Sig IW -For several years we have furni 11 and Doughter�. many peofla is lime. peck of quicklime Were the circumstances connected with it� and.the'rencedy which has been proven so ns of the Dairymen of Anierica, With an excelient arto notes. i On Searching Wall, however, some ig.not too much for a barrel of Soap. This and so,much comment did it occasion on luable slid Ill Saved 9, life after it was Vol ficial colorforbutter; somerlEarlous thatitnict I t small fragments of paper were aeon lying: with evar3-bere receiving the' IS placed near the top f he: ashes, and the the Street 'and social Al thata rei brought down to death'8 doer must unques- t and the master -builder, M. Picard highest and only prizes at both international somE -FASHION� N 0 T*F- IS - leach'wet with. cold Av 5wo sentative of this paper. Was commissioned tionably be abou ater a day or I certam in the manyminor wb6 bad a forward :at lt coin moe, though by patient and,ectentifte chemical ra- before Ave wish to make the A O' investigate its d(l and Verify itsfacts troubloswhich are li-o, di8ast usnless that Savina Labor in t'hl�- arid we put on. boillf-g W..t&r, a'u'd P. Use the The I article referredto was a Statement' XP ZM liae Improved in t�veral pointa, and takeuin Uille. wice rbight,bli thb thitl Follow- strongest lye to, 11 out " lithe grease. We made by Mr. B. F. Larrabels, formerly sit log iho'direction of the fragments, he had now offer thidnew coqoras th� b6R& theit,orld. Loado , but now of the New York At Boa' the flooring taken up of a room above need It Will Not Color the utterril It never use lose than a lloupil of clear grease, n If love. is blind, wbydo'girls spolld.two:, as it � WIlllR($i'TurnRan6id...,itis,t�-e- . ; xx office and in which a fire had -been or its equivalent, to &galloD of soap. This ton.DiBpAuqb Express Company, whoisd thirds of their time on ,their bair and I ok IiiIll arjA there Do I ar the Stove "a nm a , 0 A Jtotlaer'A llalllkt�nee. amount of grea�e _�eutralizes: the caustic to de is on Arch gtreeC Mr. Larrabee,�va6, fou _'Orightisst eind, ing up'the most, killivg Styles el a mouee's 'Deist lined with the rt us effect of the lime and lye, so -,that washing. found by the newsgaper mail in'his pirivate Cheapest Color Made, it is hard for a young mother who �bal§ day never -leaves I the flugeru So sore that office, and on., being.questioned.said paper, nibbled into small pieces. ' These tH-A-ld I , whif6prepared.In oil, lssocompuuad� not yet overcome the wayvKard tendencies BRiGH,T'.s DisFAsL, of the Kidneys,� Diabetes- were,collected and taken to the' _1e!L093_t I x aneld they willhardly' beal-7from one' ' q ,"Well. Sir, 12g 1_hAypJbk ad week' to , -de Ic-IlAy- d-other-­DiBeaseB�l -K-idneys amd­ F61fi-e-notes -will be recongti.- gi,11I of all latitatio, s, and oe, all as see ine. .1 influenee she exerts over her little ones. 11 Liver, which you' are being so frightened 'till p6ssible" and if the nuiiabe'rs ca, other oil coler,'for they are lldb!e,to becoine I ywou A, littl : * She .1 B 'Aiolll Surrounded, by dritical jelly that rolls t6 Clie bottom of the Pub and over a year ago. as taken SiCk. My about, Hop Bittors is the,only thing that a be re certaiped.otber Dates, will be -given by the ork-lff and in to jaio� where at it wft� out cura atoll Who Copy her �m I will surely a�ud rormanently'pevent and is wasted, but it adheres to the, clothes trouble- was-, not seve at first and an., ban4n' exellange for those lacerated., ldhow to get ners. Astban0h6ria,s6are-the ye, w5d byjheSLvLqe thought it polls and- irubbed,, �: was the result of a. slight bold, cure.: All other pretended inlresonly relieve- expense. 'SIG) S61114I 1 felt_una:�courltably-tired­ at- jor��t ties- i off ndaughter)3. If a family of children are the garmil c ean. times although 'I took' little weak "ft Waskilons In Gloves.'. , , an labundatice of worse. Old.A.. blilissed with an, intelligent mother, who is 'ilee '. the,agaill, 1,7had dull and6trange in 'the intil lived with a Biste'r dainty and refined-in'lia manners, and does Fsshions in gloves have changed.'sudenly. -badfast'wit1l'illAtial-til, ordered Annie I sliti various -ii of iny-bod notconsider-it necessary to be One Woman The very, swell thing is for, ladieb t6 go My Josh Bihings. says To enjoy a good re- being a none atashun-give :pabliely prl- to 'clean up thi would rise. in the draWmg-rodm an entirely dif- The fashion whateveithe next �and my head-pai Vittely. glaveless when in full dress. 0p6tite was good one day'aild I had' p ficiasig, or -she ferent person in bat. a . very -day life, but who is not tit all'Popular yet, but* bids fair to r or ined,me and thrash her. ' Aullie'L makill for the into a less much � of the time. A hile door, Said Them, that's fit for ar ia fit' y y'aBlong too nauch we.may,loHe -for wark'; rise and, due' IT, v rsl is % true mother, always 9, teinder, charming. come into, favor, as" it, hus_htl Set , 'd afterwa rd . I niotic4inuch tbat, , was, pecill B a woman, 'You will in�yariably see her habits- several 6f the most a:dvanced leadets. I Itis liar alel the fluids I'Was passing and that the* little tha;t we haa.blifore." Kid"pil p t in a violent Chan' a from th At the urgent so] i,citation of his'wife Sit of a eeeh and perfect manners rai eaL 9 a very long gloves a sediment, scum and,a,strango accumula. wilis tiotbing'but a fair trial. This given, William Hitreourlt-bati employeii special The long' reat, rougli'm6n, and noisy � that till recil were in-fashiom 0 8 irtueg. - A bar children. G d" t. - � Still i did not realize it fears no I a' of faith in its vi bu#y boys . will always tone their voices and glove8were'ablessing to women With n- 'on pears in I lidaut -to pioteeb him from allsas'sina that these things ladk'writeB from�Orl : ,,.For thirty years: �iou. step. quietly,'� and tryto be'more mannerly attractive arms, bat. the women with,good meaut anything serious' and I allOW6d"theilillil to run afong until rha'vp*b' San afflioted with kidney 60implailltB. when she -stops to give them a kind word or arms were not So enthusiastic over them. on the 28th of OAcher I fell'prostrate Two packages of Kidney -Wort, Ill done pleasant smile -for a true mother.- will Thio,victory is in: favor of beautiful arms� while walking along Tremont street.. me morelgooa than all the medicine and -rile �Had all Worthlellis never fail to Say or do all the kind pleasant which goes to shi!t�v there are-moreioUth'at I I I - I . .1 I was carried -home, and corl .,doctoral have'had'before: I believe it is a things ills can that will in any'way III �okt than the 'Ptheri Now that I,think of - sure.cure.11 arenqverintitated oj�counterfeited� 'Thisis PREUMATIN aftended, by my-ril phys-1clially especially true of a family isil and" lift up and cheer those whose lives are. it, however; I don't. ever remember that I in Qv�roan i did but in spite of his\ skill I kept Shaded with care and toil. The mother of ever met a, ll't believebat t it il proof that the remedy imitated THE 6MEAT'll FOR. to lltkui flil. With Ito and final�y the Joseph Maas, the Baglish tenor, will iP AS so ' a''11 -had to-dav rules the orld of to-mcill -]let arms. we me the ytl�ppqLdrq.y as a an,. is of the highest value. on 8 side Ili the vicinity of the ieart, taking -come to-tlxiocountry next season m n fashion has adso changed radically. - 'It has bar of Her Maio sty' H.Opigrs�C6m been te9ted arldiproed by th whol I orld IS W away'.f�li ounces. of watei. ' This parly. not be the purest, bat" a an the proper thing for,mqu to wear that Hop Bitters'was )a k0li6ved"Diefor t1e time, but I soon b6ckmle, n ea Some:of-the Statements made. �at, the gloves with li dress for some years most valuable family medicine to as bad as before'. , Then, the ifflEUMATISM' eeting'ln* London of the Rational past., Thi WhI vksit or. leave New. Yoric city, live MEWITIml recent in 8 oeasol],'howli both in Lou. doetors'llgave 1. I 8 , I tations , prang up I 0, we up, entirely; and declare&I.I. itiagicarriage hire, and stop steal,the'lloticti In Wbi um' Dress Society to consider �reform du a0u, and In -Paris; light gloves. are w, 9b'J'e th And,all,6tnhpl�iritsofakhe 4ticriature, orn, h -four hours 'and at the GRAND UNION Holm L, opposite "Grand he coun'try ha _ex-pressel RHEUMATINE is. not a sovereign reme y r -woman's dress are rsAher_4uteresting� pot Th�ey bhoul laot live more tban twenty I not be pure white. �_The great ill Depot, E, legat rooms, fitted up at people of t: because 'auy one, will be in the a] ghtest 'glove -nike ra clai v daughter, whowas residing Paris Central L t 11 the ills that flesh is heir to,' but for'NEU iol6inillion.dollais redilbed to 5i an" , merits of H. B , and in ovary way tying RALGIA, SCIATICA RHEUMATISM.- and degee i6fluanced. by them; but as sboWiug it worne'll ilaqide 'm that they will be ruiuOd was telegraphed-fo.r.- 'Still Iling4ed aio Cost d 'ibValiids'. pq, uge.�_th6ir complaints of Rheuma ic na ure. to go without gloves. 119, 8 er ay., BuTopean. p du,'_Dlevator .to -judlIC8 Suffering- t what the iesults are when' common aftuse- ALII.&Iliont give Kitchen. Work. for'several weeks, far.more dead than alive, owEitaurantsu plied with the beat.. Horse cars. Stuff instead, expecting to make money oil IT -IS' but never,gi ng up hope. One night -it'. StEl, 013, u levated railroads to all depots A SURE CUFt: me -waa coin 20qtl�Y�L, I V �F il sea live, O ,liind good, name of H. B. Many a a 'on: thb:, ry wel!,remenil F tter f6i .166o money.at the the ore 7 Y, � ' . ___4_ _ — ;_ � Obel 1; p Ila present mode of dress. Mrs. McLaren said - -ail n i n - From that t OWR kitcbe -hotel i a 9i y.. 0 a be societV h to do all 6f or n , wor , say s.: bei-tal attendant whw was xil a th -t Jft'B.,with vaiiOusIv-dbvis'8-n A --CIA ad arrived at threeil h style t II a b - n au.� arii 0 li - b If every iron. pot, pan, kettle, dr'aDy paper ;to me, , ega cle which in wilich'the C.01dest find clusi, �ns: the tight-,bilodice. . wyord I'Hoj5'! or Ropg" re now, entirely' abolished; se�conl freedom of. tensil used in the ccoking-'offood -be' described ray disease an a Buffer4iigs exactly. The'Britisb militia a mbvem�exxt wero� used in, a way to induce people to lal on tile armed with the Martiiii-Henry rifle. and necessary warmth without weight, wRii a's emptieY, all It told, how som a severe. cases of;'Br,ight's anbelieva they were the same as Hop Bitters AN or wift be Isblved'I'l- It disease had been, cured, arl claarI3 - PtIl stiti-'hot half thelab 14 could, uot be abtained 'ithout theado to acquire.; and the wash.' ,sensibly di'd it, stiiie the caseAhat I'deter- Well encl6d,'remedies'or dures'n 0 'h b. Ali such pret of some kind of divided shirt;, a;nd third,fluc� a "t inater 'what. their, style or, name is, and; -To,C. THOMSON, ts,Q Druggist log of,pots and kettles by' this meaps lllin�d to try the - LnI ' of cure Aalc for W611s­�Rouglx oil Corns." 15o. Quick tuati-bg fashion be biystallized into' especially those with the word,:.". Hop " Of sonce unchlitrIging shape,of d r loseBsortoofits di9taateful a�pects� No which it- described. So I seat-, my �onglqe Cdrns,, arts H''ps in their name;, or in­any,way con- Diu,u Sin �Whiofi in,Tils6nburg III January regs. D ,Rich.. bl 0 as, lad, seriously. objects to washing irl to�� the ..drug. store, I . P Jet ardson said that meilwould. be �ufferin,g every. procured E69 YOU rerf:iZmber, I ivtI4 very filtich used up wit 13jected.wibb theiia�.Or thpirnamoi are imi bronchial affecti6 " AWiping the crystal and silver, � but to tackle a bottle of' the medicine unknown -A Stock rhoumatisin-in fact So biid'that I should not day fronx colds all d no it the blacki -,rangy a4a.for'naidal16-16oking tomy . phy . a . icians a . Dd friends, and took" the ator his diticovered that tations or counterfeits. Beware of them. have been owthe road. -Many thaDlis to you for they went as women went, with' when money ie tight brokers are soberi Touch none of them.: Use nothing but xec,�mmenditigina to try " Stitborland'6RIaeum part of their bodi lothed, l'be upper ironware of the kitchen takes -a; good deal first dose � at 10 o'clock.' At that �tiine'I I -the -chased from you cure ies un( : nd it' was gel uine. Hop Biftors with a bunch or tine 6ttle 1. pax - a his exioerience in - the large majorit f of Rturdy� brawn aild muscle, as well' as- w,as suffering intensely. Tcould noti "�Cllile* 69 ITIll 'lie I I w6s able to go. with my y 9 cluster of: green lAboa on. the white label. entirfsI 1. bad the.short'llreaths and could scareely �Nery vii It. Lam,y6iirs truly,' with-. con sum ptive' common Sense. pus veal�n6sls, Dysp cases �f people, born ith g . at any airiii ops, all III)POtO1100, Trust nothilig else. Druggists and deall It the range' be wiped carefully' w to m:y lill I was terribly Sl Debility� cured by Heal Lh. I ud- tendencies broug4t. under his* notice, that itationsor.'. - are wattled a'gainst.'dealing iu.in� the cause -of the. . m . ischief was . exposure of. brown paper, after cooking� greasy food, blo'ated-�frora�-liea-d-to�t000, -and the: mo ion 'qkf eitS7 so it c%u be kept bright with little diffibulty4 - of. my heart'�.waa irregular atid painfAil. �comlt LD Bt �:kLL DR thechest. Artists must: bo left to speak of An.Amoricari'Boy is tba title of. ifa th ine .Co, Stoves ar),d ral should be kept free The next -morning I was able to bteat a the color of tbo.outsid,e- dress bili the pia�e-wlll C; Guoter'hxiscontrabted'tb� ST CATHARINE& ONT,� Color most serviceable 'in th" Iforn soot in all compartments. A'clogged 'froibly �'the paiii began to,16ave me and a is. emperate next Season. laot air' pa,isage will pray Odw Ii for a which in ent. any oven. froin, bloating decreased. I continue'd 'to take write for zone and tL �� I ost ticcorded III a the medicine, � and, to�da'yi sir,.I am Sawa with all tb t related to hdalth,wo.the grey 'Flies and. Bugs. . I . . 11 I - ., ,, I 4VIx�a ille draugh is im perfect the defeat as I ever-wa's in my life, and whilfly,w6iiiig cqlor. For cleanliness effeil of light upon . t . )-is body and warinth, g fk6qu6ntjy arses from the,hirliney being .'to the wonderful., idmostpiraculos poveer. roaches,'ants, bed -bugs, rats, inice; re .w.As he best gophers,,chipmunks, cleared out by f'Rough on y wee color, black the Worst., Clothing should Ic in your own town. ould be bixilt.up�or a izhirl what this me icine is ma 6 0 g as porous as possilil ` %nd he thought the' $00,01utfit fre6- Addebs H 'HALliETT I I Py be too low. ' To remedy the evil the chimp of Warer's- - S�fe Cure. . 1: do not, know. Rats." 16c, sh di d a, re, pot added. f or.anythin, U-isallexcellent plan.for the mistress el�eabout-it,lll naylife PI T.Rarrium'Bageat'-is in Paris nego-__ Poftland� Maine was no.substance for. dress lclose� 0woollen cloth. �: Shetland Woollen cloth'''' ' to acquaint, erself with, the practical when was given up by the doctois and, tiatiag.with,'Ll5uise. Mii - 3bed for a,lecturing, ervants had really -:been ii SHORTHAND; -the b . est. He ugreed with the coludetonatibn workings of, hetiange-, -unless hers for, wee" - that. tout. are excep i r many, hin�,- it hiqs1e�pt me Ili perfect liqa t, ever since ti6xlally, go�d, to I'll Taught y�Fost, or'set, of ladies' veils as injurious to vision.- :The Fast,,brilliant,arld fashionable'lil ..i bouhs for self -instruction ty had made a tea 1, . d 11 -cooked -food arise from- and has cured �manv-_of__)oa ladies of,thiilisoc1gL -y-Lbi free by An - ail (in receipt of' 7DIII !Ili " ii ye colors. - C'n-e —pack-agaeolUr-8-T -0 d-ers tan ding-uf7��Fc -ft—on -w1io—Laillave recommend ad it. Vance in deciding lu'favor of tbe -d--&e my to 4 a in this article. .6610r� 1 ted, lbs of go6ds. 10 cents, for any, one dollan The Pbofibm .skirt very is� so remaikable that it has exci r A.clea ilplivbiciansila-w6li as Agiflaupstrated ' Shorthand hie Mett'orthd beat To, T,Idy kitdhen,dan Only be secured' much attention, ari 'Albe Be%t rime tor Extil got- Girlsi byllaving'a, place for everything And every- others have iuvesti Rev� Elenr.i Ward Beecher, on Saturday ragazin Go pot 14' fs, I O.�Qr thi 4altea i't; atfelided.the opera or'th first time in one dollar per year, by. Medical men will, tell you tliat aouttwo ng in its place, and, by frequent scouring am glad they have, for I feel -thattbe results, MeNoblo & M01-ut re his life. Y..? bouts' exercise. in the open air Should be of, the rooniand utensils. Of such a wonderful cure limill known agents and dealers. ill taken a are., negided'in to tbe.tbougand,g In all partfilof1he, very day. But this :does not mea A halld-towei"and-bagin: Shorthand Fubli�atl Toronto. *Both Lydia E.- Pi6khall Vegetable you are to talle it all atouce. Before break. ev.ory,kitqh�ix for the. use of: the cook or tire suffering from. troubles of the kidneys, Compound ari&Blood Purifier'are.prepared ho se -Worker, "anti rn . Avenue, by Ill, 9 -fa -for it -a walk, liver or heart, in some il it ma�[�­_,dl lWila a good time yet.. af .93 and' 235 waste A in u Unless, dish -towels are :washod,'scalded, gerous forms." 9 licate should'swallo onthf I or, Mass. 'Price of 'either, �1, Six bottles for V ­f -�. andl-thoroug `16erepreae -of-the �lliess, thanked- eni --- '65, tiny. b* a 6je d e11 tlejorm of-p-ii1s,'or ot I two O a- Vt tive f milk or eat -do I esg fgoing out. A glass of cold' water bod musty ' and un fit for use, aii does also the Mr. Larrabee. fZhi6'Very 'trunk and blear r6dei ri o -too be c, 'Ian dishe . loth I lozenges, or! ipt.of'p ic 51 per bog for f' re ope's W alk, and it is. a good p Statism . et, and wa&.aboi tdleave. thboffice either. Mr'�.J?inkbam freely all, VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS to walk, Say a quarter of a milej to a well, Cinders make a very hot 'fire -one par- when a gentlemamateppeil to him aia'd letters -of ELI rup. k" f 11 t"'L irl close 2tc.-sta itive Cure rink a glass of- water there and then, ticularly good for, ironing il inquired if -he wil '.gap mg in orma, ion T i-7,4os Sendok� pamphlet. , Mention th�s paper. retur .'.,To, those' who take this adii6e .. WArra sbap suds (tiot"tooll6t) fro.m.tbe about Mr.Larrabee's Bicknesss and recovery. 11- � . 'e— - ' ' ing'�`but , t, breakfast will be 'anyth a Mo. make 9use plamus,qow very The ticri,be roplied that hil The. gooil die young, but, the old to our bc� ale bell ve. : Never' take exercise on 9, fall fast. the gelitlemaills%id,:�, dye, for a Li,rious. reasons. 4 Milk' keeps from' Eourin d mil From. iw'.o or ibree hours after is the,: g longer 'in -a And so am 1, tin :I have come all atlid if take �Our principal shallow �au flian in a milk pitcher.: Deeip� finom Toronto, for �Atbat'very Y0111 4CL'-- o a, allow Pang will make an Lilual amount bf. cream.,,, Kiduey.tciubles seem to be- alarmingly n- exer&_�&,bofore dinner, e sure to t n ear y grave by nbt� iving immediate attention 'to'a 'Slight tim for at least halfali hour of rest before Ha'sh sm'Oothly-p'lasteired 'down will sour creasin all over the country, and I hilve a' droopi jig �6uld- be stopped cough.,wbich C in time by gl�es ant, uto- tile inqre readily. in the choppirig verwnea��-relative vh(y��s afflicted: uch you sit -down � else you Eire, le penilng in as b6o; use of a telity-fiV4 cent bottle of Dr.- 'Mo HA indigestion 'to. wal' -to see the wi� ,q to rosto�fi�, the natural lilst b boviiI, each iness:befug Well exposed to. the' Mr. Lairabee was. I liave been �door for in and ply I . Star S'Palmouic'syFlip. ild i'latils Oil tne pala y8li havoc �--ith your Ill Pxe'reis6i to be airph ­ ails of-wh6m, Mi. Lrrithea speaks;, r lie -BEFORE —AND "'AFTER --be--,rLkulwr--�,bi�t--perha;ps.- -Saucei­ plaiu,' and, for inimediate �uS6- - simpIy_,.W1Onde�fuf." We it N-orth-Carolhim­w6main -E L-i�-Fihy§ician X b s � -: i' s-Us6­lt anti-Prescribo-It you are afraid il'Wfiat'did they Say asked the tnalx�of pray you to, :1, jar wild, cov ctric I pp lances gre son, on guri�to It, r­11k*es.ff1,i11til10S4 u8t be, to read. robably Ant;uidiicy, destr6ys all er­iz�­ be not so; -wrap up lightly but,iVall aud hile,warm, else It will change au.d'fer- news. for and rel io,�o waalmoss 6f tea .. . , _ _ -, _ ' I was inforroed"by an enemy that liar� name Y0 - YOUNG defy it. Defy the'wind, the rain, a'y, and hI6nt very quickly. li OlI 6f; the lo6gl -papers. . NV bell, a 'WHo are sufferin[e front NHRVQ1JSzbrMLlTT; and allow itself ; for one -does not with.c4re Ili i -he putbivg up. Let ib -'stand Mr. Larrabee 'has stated. J W%S Ili LOST VITALITY, LACIC Oly Nintvit-ZoRcil,AND, �deet 11 -6T 6d. viconNvAsinioNvEmmis anda t 0 woma's,curiosiny -is owT7Tr a SES liedinages. til perfect Id, theq.put-JvO a 8tone otil a vsrs and aso, Cato cold when 1, .13 tly "0.0 I d a:t theCom'monweulth Hotel, �whore order to AL ,,rijas resuliing from Ah no ll wliat iihe Wift CAUSE2 -a. I - In.% 11 VZIIS C nd 1g, Sp6e(ly xelicT tin ell M do assueb you. Finally, lot your exercise ii1r Mr.Larrabeil li'�ilog at the time of his onipoll. Juoan.dHAmioc gratify it. be vari is ed, one J ay� bbis hind; all d h " Other sicknesH. Messrs. Brugh & Carter are tbe The O" A 6 AX IN 0 A I'll W ol, I tbiit but alwas'pleasunt; &Imtvs pleasur-, 0rtiprfetors,and I 'about Mri d I rt, iq Blood. ton(!L h4 M r ' I or chil OL le OEtT 41194A� KICH Ba -me boru4 da� after, r. Bril ointed to th,ia, d.: D1,; ; a having ib zfait cur. - EW � ft - daittfidei:'s -VI g.,:11 Sal u a ectric- ti nd d. Zi day. o'll vlay�fllld -some 9, rg a c Y2_1 b -da ixt;bo ' is� -06 �u<i -T_ in aDy.,mal: a Iago .site TI; Mas T! ff U, will Soon become' %,: habi6, and your a, )a dild weeks' every time th at eI'raug �'ffl 23" INC in Ave Y� Yin kisrria):D, BI-Jeldill'INT'ase', D�rug isis keep S QoBtlyl ttuflt free. Ad so �Tnv-x it �Co guerd6n will be' -he and perplexitIg., it, $1 ., 1� . , , . I ail th Curious lt,wliri iil a I Said,, ' That means the death of �Ii..Lar' pot packla a. ugusta I 0 r C (!a. JoIll Bach McMaster, in, big History of- rabeil No one _7' le a United an: 16 pool) '.bf th itreiy'timc We happen to think of it, ve, Y: D cl, There is 'no di l tl can (71 that lie �ivoluld.recovor;. and wh been thought as rude for' the dootors.,.wofild "come dow,from his ger that children the Iyo feel gld we are Lot arL,�audient olee �to much., The old proverb, 1; he, who refuse to pa;rt%ie of'a I a-fourtif or fifth ril would Shake their headaund s�k R es�,seem to be a IV Ill 1,3; p ouil 'The cloth tglespel eats"!, is ii'llistrated in",thil little Tile arrana '&rlts fO* gh tbe� app6a'. to fit -easily butit of'INDIGHSTiON� do�so,-as itwouldhave ithere wo is no hope. onQS 7ho Sleep -;most. tb enou And-the.-sevoter, forms boon thpugh�,.negligil , in The hostess to, a funeral Were made, and his recoery �mtiat hav: been:ve- 'trying',to, b'._60'1' paniphleit on the above most -,distressing 184ii mijthe.ir dmplete� cares a are almost aiways peevish, iriftable- �Tal on, -to -press-bim.' -there 1. � �. t .,-, ry., Wsfinply a miruclo :'post free, There, seemed, pellad to talk in blank yerlie -a the time. 4 ox�e, to be no, 163it to thenumber ofimes, I the a n Dr. Johnson *bo said �_7 U_� y. -R. XrNG, Bsti STA .If they -can be Induced to sleep llmp. Belean n.call, d o AVY,,11INGLAND. an y, thay,a' to likely tO'bepOlne lx� lady--of-tho-hou���iv�as.Lc6iiF3tr�ined to that Mi. Larrabeels"I wasavery rema �o ,blil il re,qul ppl, "I �1, Dr Bensbit's, Clelil 'and Chamolm a A 'JILA'.411 D 11,C]ING, 11I "ll '�il Is ure-worth their weight In ood-natured I and, plump. Their sleep ask and the' numbei. of, times the visitor able one. He"WaB bi,3-_famlly� phy'faelsill (PIN aboult! be as much ;-during t b a hours of was constrains a I , 0. ,, accept. : Bub� all d expected his death ev I ory hour fot 'a aud, � bi6k voila PEI, 'A Zv1IL;1I.0N darkness as paq6ibl ' *a - mud therefore it. 'happilk, ther6,-,' Was'!, jn:..,­,use , a kind ' 'and never. call6d�til Schlicliter, of B.4,itimorig. that- they sb I ne, but he "a prepared A' II 1. . I U Tlxe d ctor' a iA thorecoveiy ,lro:o or,nowspaper, ptil i's better iti6ldl go to bed before of..Fredmatonry signals ' by ili ich , Ila Un' dilring V ia.t,tii -M �A 19 'THE anuset to have their to. lie, conveyed' by the - pq'sition, ,-Qf �hjs for it., Q a Was,, A,Iittl.' b,,y had �been sent o dry'a to wel RE URE on this 6ido Of oft -he', idneys and the earth .'is bought au(I �,eixd b� so-matl men Itl after subriae. in is plate, by..the arrangement of his knife -and due to; Warner's Safe Cure,laud ii, �be bad betIl the nur:sery fir6plade. 11 Mamina,is Om for al, d�sl�,,bste and W ]VER,'llp'll truth-tellhig and always i cwell to let or. fork, by- th ' 'L n. Why i3ecause, it i is 6titspone", 6way in' which he disposed of friends-' male 'or, 'fema)e,. tro'ubl�d , with it do b Ill 9 he aahed� when, uterell It is v Do wrien it is row young'persou slue until he ival�es himself, big Hpobn, his - wish not to be inv' kidnev"troubias lie Sh aevspaper. I Subscription �, DAMY (4 pages) ited.to­,be� Albuml or any - ould' till begaa to Smoke. I:Et ljjt4� ost'impartlit body's i - SUN aEd give and of, helped again to slices of chicken and saucers certainly advise till t� �se -this . re I medy, it tslth,ow off t�rpldity -and by thiiii ' 5,'Pc. a month; Or It Yen,' out�,door, exercise as hlymak him.glad ofj4�m. Tfiis kidn' 6y diffidulties a t, 1120 healthy (-S pages); sl.�Po per. yea.r; "VVLBAY custom Sorely puziledthe uh�, �Pr Johnson'' Said toWe contiacted to insert Mck'B.Magnetic. --- Is j��a�cs)_ I peryear. when bedtime returrj5. 'initiated and gave 'rige. o many amusin M&6-06 the and'by,keePing the bowels,in free mmon than most people, think and Medicine bedaUse, wa_were assured that the 1 -tion, aNV_F,,NG,L&Nb, illiblishe Av yorlc City. One 'of � whi6h' hi�ppened to, thl re rM was tiompl r. You ar�.Illktcr� 111116WAO tba many symptoull which a supposecl, fi' ot reliable and 'hono Prince de Broglie. he - Princei - who to be other dis I Sol ari I se rom fba.kiheya, able �gebtlomen,: an& also because, - the A CURE Gi UARANTEE'D. JSolid silverwarrI5 m well as 'p ated. goods travelled I I 09, III I t ladies after gestati - on are wconsffpat�d, Xidney� grot�s dark. and tellislied in'. %'.v6r* short n Aineri 782, relates in one He said thii AN-L-medicino Was recommended', " being all 7 7 rolleve and qicl�lY, cnixc� P time when 6xplied to" the -air, K even. of his'let6erg that lie was -invited to dine specially Subject. to alburnibods. trubles u&moro than -the' advertisemont claimed. 1,1 tbe 1,'vrjn� t6 the -EI every GIN a with the lady of I�obert Morris ; that, h -Which require prompt at when put away � in a d�rk place. This Ili tention. We ffrb inioriul by druggists th%t it is the r- ride 1. vvent;'that be was repeatedly ashl have I bext went to sl I MelvilleE. Webb, PSYDRUCCIST especially the cage where' buid coal isused best belliug :article they have, and that it a- S. P big cup re,fined. that he consented, and at the' Hotel Chlul �bu See, 1� in the house -or �Ibej-hli hood, "s,g the Was gives Satisfaction to their CuotbWera. See. T R A 0 MARK -ilatirough. in the matter.: -in n. t-tvilen.he had a ulphur in the doal rated, by h " is in wallowed the twelfth otLp determined to be advartisemanti�arl olu S rdund D a of ted, his neighbor Whispered in his oat I r. vVebb a most blear he; ded and E F' surei to staill. all Itbe Silverware within Ill, and he Fannie Elmore, 16 years of age; B 71n a�d tbld'bim that when he bad'haa enough well informed getutlaina� reach. This antl6lying ti,ruishilig can be of the wator,diet-he should pla6e his. spoon ti'l anowof Mr. L�rrabee's case from who lives in the," ked:bui1 neighborhood For'll and] vollil ITINItle m, emnle. allti�ely Prevented, by painting: the Silver- Positively cures A to stages -ual Pros across big cup, Il his hostess would. go on, having thdr6ughly, investigtited it as a in, Craig County, V!l recently caugh'.,& vvitre with a soft brugh dipped into al3l _f . F. - WeakMernory, Loss of Brain Powe e urging him to drink tea, ull the OVaok. of medical diredto'r of a -Life Insurance Core- ild doer by the horns and hold itt unbil.hil a- FOR 1H E Fit CURE in which some collodion, hits 'boon die- 1) to ai� ,oucor. tration N Milt Swe to; 81) 0 rhoon, r6lixies loom'. pany, mud it' is one otthe most remarkable lerbffierkilledirwitl R'stick.: ,�% Im I Q ION. , i all k e s and Solved.' The liquid�il immediatel and � . !�. , I . I - -_ - 'Goneral Loss of we - it restores Surprising forms a thin, tritn6patent, and abtioiutoil�.' caves I have. ove'r met. �'Mr.,tarrabee.bad ExIniusted Gene A _U�X miles'. were No other'di;caae,ig no pro7alan't in this couxt- Toile And Vigor_to tb rativ a itivisible oDftting Upoo tile, silver, which 1,110'slaAe li Allead. all the mffnifesta,tions of a 6omplicationof tyg to' c6nstipation, and no romed�r ling over orgns.1I itb each oraer for TwiMvp.pacliages AiaeaseR, ccl�re;d in two hours and. ten minute's by 6, kidney -Wort as wi , 11 solid out nit,Abeir worst forms. I dompletely, piotecis it . frord� ull effects of Of the e I thig EiuqebUed him to the most, thorough I a) equalled -tht) c6l6brated rd with fivi -head auc of -Brigi,s' Electric Oil. uniatevor thaeause, however obstintl M tage bttld lad Sent ft;r a Written Gu'arautoo to refund title �m6ney if f& the alm.s eic.. Itcun,be removed at. stage AiAl the' Laratuie, nation possible Gbod"timO, but:'poor puhc�' to be go Z the case, thiii r1cirl will ovorcOnite it. treixtmont,��doel; not effebt's, clir.o� Tt 'is 'the all y � ti "" s bald- head is geullorally ."I can!t4lbd out abouthim., -very� and to III dist=ssin�-.com- .- -a Jvteiflicino in the th%1!ket: bydippitlg the article in 'hot Says - .the �tttge after, big iveo ie with t qlhealio4t is vbry'apt to Witter. This, recipe has been I 1�' -lie kidney'st, from a.drug.eto, u - Ili- .1 2 - 111a7npb)ot sbut fl�e6 by mail to auV Sold - 11 816. 'for Kidne-worl -J . . dripff so tha it ahinies,-ad il to fit th ugs. and b�. �i,uggi8`t6 tit Ile,' box; I 0 boxes for some time. made of *he internal' economy ,If 11 "'OW, liver, ill heart ar,6 perfectly well Theor,owix jewels of France ae, to be 11 tile *caioned parts and quicki to 6, mailed fr�e on receipt o a and soui 'I ban only add that,frounwhitt sold, at aucti6ii next week, itil, d the hotai h'illds Of'rilas even when physicl Ist I I I I . I . I I head as -tightly as 9, potatfi��ack would nat. uey. I have al I Would unbegitatiiigly recom'm AUCILIN ITlediclue rge owhen tha.'� a billiar'l cua., It is �oneirItlly m Ii wh'o wants to got'gometh. as 11 lniv ubi viash- nas y. e-, i kt-_Gd�T Sold ll�r all firurtgists every w,)ere., a,titlyll n 'ti ed' about four Shades hiter than' the red fade this re ' d S urally,fit and 3 a, 6acup for'llis Summ onlo 0 The conclusions from the 'Statements a� ing as,� t's onsider c 7-5-1 _0R_$, M U -i then shoula not let'this oppoktimitly pass. an article from a Il neighbu� - Ofthe weareri or vice, vefta,' We do not 'bove made which'eot6e.to evgspgpor per liiy of bomb Soilopleb -of those III pioneer kfiow,.whioh is the wprst viola'tiolll $5 20 , Address griNgoN Son Western eternaiftn6u,the rail-facerlm man as well as the genetal publiti'm6t be Twin) 'IT'? -Il so, -you can Woraen, the , remembrance of whqD1 re,- an who wears two fold. First, that a modern miracle.of. a, ill Iybite'� bmtd head or the. pa;le catify, to:�ta�maiveiloua po�vl of healing, minas. one ofillaul.'s de�6ribtio'nt, 01f she h6alinghasbeen perform:t3d.iu6ur midAt,, and reporumduil to your friends. ve bilva broualit up childreii,`if -she have YPUI)g Jiball'wh6 Wears 9, florid roof on his and that, too', by�"bhs Simplest of means ah& fod, shed the ory one. d Cattle PoVydors sold liort) re worth, ref f, XA one which is within the.?each of ev" Summer., corn plaints I says- f the 11.1tse lossbrash. IT(3:'says intellect' You can never gob bald' er to Briggs, Magic Relief; the grand A Hho'liaexclieved theafilictil lieltd near enon-li'like noure to F�ol the It should'- be rei specific for �all that, lost averagabou6e IF�. A fly knowHim two: mo. �hembered.'that Bri�ht'8 rbooa, ollidlera-morbuo, dysentery, criinaps,, hha;ve diliently fdIlOW04" Ovary o�iseaso is not usually a sudden,complaint. W61 colig, ql�ltneab 6f� tho stoitach and bo ICondi. wol its gro dort; are abso- tion p6wilots. She spoke* of not putting list Y',,a Its, begitillogs are sli bt� /,clothes to Soak il night, aA She washed base ilinibAti�Oii-" ;slow, I Ambs.; The s)imr.tl by whi be olio.toa­ uab other it is the genuine o I V L. McGreg6r, on Moul and did not wish to begin, her, detected axe different 10. , soth. 0 Ills Robt',' ell carth. t o0c. 0 3 onlipt. is ills. g� -roof Sb13A; no A# 8 I - of de%th""from ever cuOITO wae,k1sworkoi th Sabbath. Tarl The 'leading b people us vi it 0 Witiasoi, is tit; the point pin I S 16 ywhoro, or S, X1, VIAg$. -I f -sarl This Act was in also, n objection; atl& ibd'ib quit6as Weil 1)6kd., ifeat in th 0 case Bright's isemo. I