The New Era, 1883-04-20, Page 2-7-
Every 9;pproao4 io London isgiiar'didd and'
8113 a
2e luggage'bf pas ng B lipw r iiw�y
------ ExperivarviAnt Fartinslito be Emta4W,hed
�qmetly examined. 1
'Sir William 11arepurt, aBill will
1 1 'Along Ithe ft"llwDY- A udget, t
adilan Street Fight
A Can 'With
Lord Lorna�s T'irm Not Completed- for
oblige�aIP inanufticturere of explosOes'to
lioeuseri, Aridjwill render -liable to
Hay, is quoted at Ot
,Pe�peradoes- .3 a ton. delivered at
Over a Year Yet.
- Dr.
A d6spat'ch from ;Montr ' out Says , I
Henry Alleir, known io the. p�ress as Lord
i -penal Servitude form long period, I not for
life, all found in the possess lbri of
Carts came into' uso at Battieic,d on
his udyenturee,
ve& - marriage id uri mtervie�17..' His
explosive bubbtances for uplaw it purposes.
KNIVES March 14th.
family resided i t
11 Wbi echuleb, Somerset-
The Gigantic Desi -ns of he
At, Freaeut two �yearsi, imptiscrim ant 'is thd
Salkirk will'Soon h ave a Liev; Registry
Fatal Blows
A Hamilton (Bermuda) despatch'says :
It -is stated on good authority that � the
sbire, Eogl6nd, but be himself ad bpen
',bora iri italy,. near F401 Slice', Ull the first
shment. The BlVill car-
maximum- P11122� ining
taialyL.-be puBlie'dtiirc)ugh-dUTAPgth�,06
and. Office.
The lottery a r,
raze bas eached Portage Is,
Princess Louise will leave Bermuda on the
10th iust.'(Tuesdm), U. M. 03. Tiz'eLios
ten yea;rs 6f his life were passed there and
in Germany. He however,
W n-oahle-
A last (Monday)
A�Jast'(TaeBday),yiigbu'0 DetrbitdesPatch rairio
wasetailed to'.0onvey the Princes's and'
Southr was,
educated iyIELigIau& at' Eton and -after-
gram says: Judge 019rion informed the
Says!: The lexciterilebi in Windsor and Wheat is Selling at Carmanjor 63 centFi
, I .
a its io, Canad
.4 W. .
bxford.,Le�vliu� he studied
W , �1. I
rr, )jupoyl,
9 d-jui-y-th&tAh.e.-c.o��-g,,gf-LI:Le-
I - ch,''IbIlowed th6 M . . 0
Sandwich, lWhi &her a bushel.
Aa,�Ottawa corre6Pondent writeB::''A
'medicine, bicame an I M, D Also took
the jiiyor Field will n6t--be brougbf_t_617th6fir�,_
_m__ iirely - over- shadowed-
inlsuKAery., By this time behad
have been dibcovey�ed' .at Sulf6rd and for
viaided to the Home Secretary. The
notice until after AS! ordin &ry busiuees Of.
th r ast
k pl�ie a a I'
by one that too U �s b
The -W-innipeg I§raalit,� ave purchased:
evening., Yesterday afU6rhOOy1K'C0132pa;L1V
ad Cafiadiall pre46, to'tbe effect that Lord
Lorne is said to htave� expressed a: desire
. reached'the age of '22. Tile, oc or, ow-.
ever,'did. no't practice�,mediciue forl,la living,
paper a a-jepters�-from-membei:6--of
�,Jhs,O.OyalfliB p.n.,i�dii�bBedof.,.-Addres�iiig
the a ecial jurors, be spoke at' of the
Ofo the pl�aouix�
f - DatroiC roughs;, fi n am bar gronud
0 1
r to a Thirty.folir cmr� of'immgrarith' effects:
drossled'the rive i all go t 0
that his term of office us Uovarnor�General
_b t
should S_ex 0 dad Another
n year. Lord
h avi
f d slength
t,,).g�de vo, a, I
He- . ad . good deal, and ia'1878 cam"
"Norman, Gallagher has been ar rested on
Importance and gra
Park murder case,-� He poiated". to. the
:the livery"bairn of L.t C. FUlaitir ebg,,T�`d'. arrived in Brandon labt we0l.
Lorne -was guzettea dovernoy.G6nerKl
out' 'on al'viait' t; this coundy! p
0 9
a char a of cuusibig a explosion in the gas
existence of rekularly Organized secret
rig,a,baiing that they Wig bed to, drl�e. as Manitoba College has, received' Z100
of Canada. on the 14ih of October, .1878,
througb: Canadw to the Pacific t, arid,
works here. Gallagher is in Irish-Ameri.
drawn 'And 1welded together for
far as chi hotel a few uiilei below' towards its fund frurn the Presbyterian
'I :we
consequently the Aubernatorial term,
�pen ling a�gqod daali his tiae 1 i n Cal I-
canj and brother of'tlie mail arrested at
tb" purpose ,Oft committing murder.� The
Sandwich. They re all re,4��tably Church of Ireland.
which is , fo� 8ii - years, altho ugh
o- ado 'an, *1H
-tornia, Col r a Mexico. I a was
Lambeth.. When arr,aigried he doclai�ed,
..,that he was innocent.
memberp �of such '!Bocioties wb6i w ere
-6 lives of th: ir
acually of ti king ill e
dresped,andiMr. Fulmer. - them One � Nine- ug'� of otbeivessels,
of. his be�t rigs, 'Ab Cba�pel's the. ival yacht6� will rl,kvig�te
u0ing three abealu
many., it is wrongly placed
will nob,b completed at Ive Until,
Aec6r, dwithtbe sho wed
severiLl wounds, and said'he was oniy aii-
Deasey mild Flauagan wera� wrraigned,at
'Liverpool to day. The Crown announced
fallow -beings, and th6se,guilty of aF�sistink
and them in their daeds� wore
b betistly- druLik,- arld the wa arS ,f� tile L�ck' of the Woods tLis
party . eo4me
when h
q]4_, as ro�ched, on t air
October,'1884. Go eruors invar-
iably hold office during tbe.plewiure of the
(can miles from the Prince, Im p6r�ial when�
the latter ag kill He had bee'ln at the
;,ts intention to ask that th a prisoners be
pommitted.on a charge of having 6x losives
clearly guilty of murder. The'Imttar were
b d A the
relrur,�xheiri,_ olateroAs gun uct, at The,Cauadm Pucific Railway bridge over
flig�ad,cond4iou of the hor8es prompted.
Crown, -but their period' service in a
colony is usually limited LoSix years fr( )in
Zlobaue, sbmbtlla� 'Ulurldi.
ThuLb during i the Zulu, ci%mpaign_.
-in their posse , ssion' with', felonious intent,.
mud to charge conspiracy with a view,
equally guilty'w ith, the former; but
inemberBbip. in' the society; even tilough
the AbBiniboii�e at 1�raudori b
he jbwn cfficialB to � at,b I empt. to as :been
Of b insb trouble- from:
Tile beld
the aEgumptiou of their duties therein,
although-mhe.discretibn of the Crown a
mud'. during -the Boer c.%tripaigil he
was the Proat6rfa,
'to felony with various persons. Witnesses
it might be formed with thegeD&&V object
arrest the party. officers'were.
-at 'bay, by this bullies,,wkip drew kniveal tile
Governor. may be reappointed for a, f urtLer
present at si�ge of arid in.
fhe Basuto war -be, *ms at the, 6attles of
deposed'that the box.. Deasey bad. in his
to commit murder, did'not of yre6es,ity
make, the guil ty "Ofi tbat
The officers, finding tb6m�olvc,� unable tc, A kw days ago 'two 'Swedish emigrants!
terni. Rhe i-ale'limiti6g ih6, term' of Bar,..
lAufrolsa H-ountain, XaSera and I tlliot8l.
p9hBes6I011cOntmiued ulmteriaAs for making
I -
all .mamters
th 'bQlevq�d tha�
specific crime. Ityl a jury
bull adle the crowd, and recognizing the teau� , arrived in Selkirk. From the tixffe� 1hey
1 vice t6.Six yeaB was first iyade apjAict tble
H a a
W t W4 wife d the Itally while
EL pr epara ion o f arsenic
explosives, %rid ti
and dynamite arid.,parts of aii.infernal
evidence the Crow Would Pro duce, it Was
as one owned by FaImbr, the. left their: ha;dve land until rd.:
the 'horses and advised him to tile Pkoirie Province but eighteen days had
to 9,11 British colonies in -1828, �by,
Colonial Seoretary'!-Iu�hiusbrxi Canadian
01, Werioau J
t A as "Dr. Henry 'Allen
He continues: ,We bars ine intimate, and
machine' 66-i'asisting -o *au,apparatus by
their duty to bring I against the
in I . I
. true bit persomeaccused. He dweltorithe-enormity.
condition of I cure elapsed.
con:�eat oridd-with belp-olifilcient to
overno ' rs,Bi Dee ConiLders,
G iien, with terms�
at f
ruek up � a rieridphip that will outlast.,
which acid' could be allowed
�Ipbu ic�
h by biagic,
of -that crime, which had, as if
a d n
his -rig. Fulmer At onde started: for Sand- u
Eggs are 60c, oze i ]Brandon, and it
through which have.,-served,.'are as
any amount of backbiting. displayed' ayr�
Slowly to ..kFthrough into 9, mixitire,he
d o er tb-e bilgilt and
brought a dark clou v
wicb� in u 6aggy mild -met the.zeri'lrear takes from 20 to 30 of them to make a
follows . Lord Monck, f rona 1st July;,1867i
aS8iduity in my attention that soLe of the
principal ale M-eni of Which WELS,chlokute Of
potash. With,tbis combination a, n_-explQ-
-favorable pr?speci bad'seemed was
nptlonboilege. The y bad overturned dozen.' . Manitoba bens ovidently think that
�LB`ai '�8mashi When he size is of,nolb usequetiole in thi:
th6 ciirriage, ngit 8
until. 3rd Novembe'rj'A868; Lord Lii;gar,:.
from Noy a mber, .1888, until May,, 187 2
p'"sengers thought wuLi premature, bat,u6,
objectio' . i 1,
us -were -r&ts6db1
Sion could be produccd- within ai maximum
about to open for IrWabd. The, judge said
the Crown. %�.ould all6gethat the murder of ,
1. .1 I I- . .,
met them they were riding on 'L the axles. Stin.
'Lord 1)ufferiti, , from May, 1872, tilitil
'N 'after
under whose obstgai &i;s' Chaffe�y was.
time of forty minutea., 'The* machine was
of exactly - similar coinBtrue iion - to those
Lord Cavendish waB not Part of the or, ig inal
design Of the Pbcenix P�rk assassins; tb&6
i d reaches. He attempted to tako.,the Eggs cop b- adollar er dozen sit 'Fort Me.
h6rads from them, brill'they knocked him Leo"d.
ovembei,. 1878. Lord Dufferip,
buying erved his full term of six years,
On their ariival at 'New York be Visited
Miss Chadsy. fhree times ila�y;iook -the
I -
used in Glasgow a'udut the London Tivies
explosion. The 'police were croes
he was a victim, on mccOunt of being at "the
lowui�uddrov&oft towards WindS6r. He� . oxonare fr, 180 'to.: .5§46
Bel t Om a
I� honed tomindsor for osistande, find
oP At
7as asked an d consented to continue office
fbraiewraunthS Until his UcOeSS6iWaS
party totheth6 atreariAo d
era,un waSmade
WeICO�ms' P,office
in, every way. He. put u
examined by counsel forhe prisoners, but
time in Mr. Burks's compa;6y. The Crown
would claim, howeveril that ull'persoris'pra-
- yoke Buttleford.
ithCObief C6ustabI6 Masters, f,.Sand. The Hudson Buy COMPally kn'payillg �5
ap pointed.
. . I
Fifth Avenue Hotel,! registering �tbere.
ISurgeon -Maj..
their evidence was, not' shaken. It was
evidence,. that the stated in the
sent at the time. f �.,the, mdrder "were,
wioh, followed ou After' them. Chief, day for taauls,� with board.'
Poll ce Baiyie4, of WIDdeo," '. bad :Pritice'
Allen. In a
days Miss Chaff ey left for, horne,- and
Allon-Apok a
dynan2lte found in thd%\,possession of,the
responsible fol,th6 hilling ofl,ordd�von-
dieb, and w6re, therefo"Te" accessories bef6re
Of Muatis very. -scarce -at Albert.
gone Supper; but, Constable Bennett Bee EL
fsteak ig selling at 256.1; re St.,
-*he Cared for a roor� Wornan on
kit o4 I
Short tour .'thr6ugh.� the States,� vi�itibg
prisoners was corn pound to� that
in.the infernal their
' � ihoswof i�ebqd'whcware
the f act ; that
not piegent�.weie.,respoysible,6nlyfok the
bummoned ! 0fficera, _.N61. and- Lister porli, 25c.
and startea;� Th Ine the, party near., �t "by:the, name (if
Sy A new electoraldistric
the rain.
The Rochester Democrak ha:s thisplea�
Washingtoh�,mrid the Falls... During this..
Veiiod he and Miss Chaffey corresponded.
importation 'int( assay and
-Liverpool.. I.j.
'were corhmtted for trial. The
murder of,Burke, Which WAS a premedi.
the lower j?nd of th6. town, and at the. Ed tried Py Lfoiit.-
mouton has. b66n proclai
moment Maat�ra Arid Fulmer over- DewdleY..
Sant gossip 1i 66ut the..,Lily.:, "While Mrs.
Lingtr bar , Sumptuous
In �b6 ut a'foftni�iit �be 6riived at Perth,
where1p knew Miss -1 Cbaffey as. visiting
prisoners reserve d their def enee
tateA' act on their part. The lives
the 6th of -May-last were gacr6d -an&, dear
took ihem.� The officeia Stepped out I into w6lity-ohe c.aurs* of -flour from Winnipeg
y was ayjoyirg
repast and oh0ting gayly in her Private
ber gumrdiun; Judge Sebkle r e1went to
Kirtort wag,tirying to escape f roin London
�o the . people. He bad not, for big part,.
toppad�..the hor.e., ,rive I 6ys b�, the
the ,� 8 'e d in M Qntrea in ten da
Apartments in the' coach a * poor Vrench.
ick's hotel, where he registered himself.
H .
rB found oil the
when arrested..' From paPe'
otberprison,ra'therais little doutit'Kirton
��the least, nii6giving that the jury Will be
atSm ` ted to arreW t he gang
te-'enlire 'Ave draw dirks, and '
womandil the WS sturvitig.
'The forraer
go Dr. Henry -Allaii,,und immediatel� sent
hi� cardAnd a not� toMiss Chuffay. About.
was selected to 'commit actual deeds of de-
Qund.f aithful in the discharge Of d3eir 6 ue"r-*
ous duties'.
N6ith of the Cy press. Hill&ploaghi�g has
k.iV6.; . A "fearful fig lit ausued. The beer! going oil f . oraweek andthefroSthus
which, brought, the
brodght the latter to thedity. TlieFrenc'h�
conti�uad'ljr. A116p,�,Tudge Sbnkler-cEdled
structiQu. On Kirt'on's' arraignulOnt this
t a proved that he
Afternoon i Wa had corre.
the auth oritie's h6,yb,-, learned that Alleys
officerls-laid Among the rewdieB'with' their' dis f ' '
I� almost entirely 4 peare rom that
could, but the knives
ubs, as well: as ihey P
wornan, bad'12o mcney� and ileltber Pbe nor
nd, addressing himself to me, aB�ed t I
was Dr. Alien. . I said I' was arid be,
sppridedvith Gallagher ypoterday at. ths.
are 2j000 P6rriana here having no 66nu6c-
tion with the inner circle.
were too much for them. They,; would . Stealing Abe whiskey- -which leading
the small child which aCCOWPaDi ad,
iiiice morDing. SL16
any food k Thursday
replied that Miss �'Chsffey had - sent
Cliaritig Cross Hoidl;
'It ls�sta,tald that the policeof Birmingham
Farmer Harte, residing in the Crughen'
disfricl6, concerned in,-thb' murder, con-.
overpower,oneof thedo9perad6es v�Dd.,M- nder permit having,
ing,la, U
c1tizeris br"
t,emp�-toi-hayidmff him,wheii, the Others become a frequent Off ena, a vigilance dona-,
came from Bull �alopyl,& poormaster's,pass,
�an`A'wAs'tryifigt6 get to.N6w York, where.
him ` bi me down �.'t6 :
UP ito rmg the
houSe.: Dr. Alleuadcordingly wani,to.th6
buys certain evidence that Whithea�d And
prisoilers'arresteil in London' ere imm;
Spira for which Sight oung men were,
Id' rush to. -his 'assistance and , rescue, as I i
well Knit* hap b Li appointed at
I o the,
t h ' ' iad6g. Citizens
a*mited her� Her hus--'
house, aud' was well, r t a Sellk�
received by ill
ler family. _Tie I day�s after"
ward he
p licatiedin thq,rabeDtoutrages. Tbekolaim
ta oil Friday, Was,7 arrested wpile'
',tt�ompting to scape to America.
air com came barber -and former,r�aember'
ASSi8tance of th a officeia��and Soon the � con- of the,M�AiLted Foli�oei along� with'another
band bad just (lied in Fiance; and was
a'pauper in a strange� land. .hen Mrs
3qiieeted Jude
r( - Sefikler.'s permission to,
that they wiVbe able,to show that White-
headhas'foi many yeiirs been one'of the
A,L6bdon cablegram suys': The Govern-,
flict began t6 turii�againat 'the murderous inan, was frozen� to death, recen.tly near
wretches. Oscar Farkeri Fort-Walsho
Langtry bt�d finiiihed'h6r dinner. Sh-
opened the car window and offered.some
pay his Addres Sea ;'to' his ward, Judge
Senkler made use of! th.e.following words:
prin,cipaIF6n*iuz�siiiEno�ifitd, it is -expected
malit's Pill yesterduymp6wers
the master of any ve . sgel to brea I k ope' mily
ue of the gang, r
colored man I Seized 6 aised . Typhoid lever .has been 1g6mewhat'pr.e.
cakes and Sweetmeats , some boys who
In this country young pe6ple bettI6�Bacli
he'whl be tried- in -London,. ith he other
__ . I -J, - _. - - � 11. _6 -1 .
for explosives.. The
16. b I
OVO his he-qdl and-dshed at Prince Albert.- ev. Canon
0 -1 - .
�,weroplqyipg about 116: car, Big-hear.ted Be 11
things themselves. ou ave my p6i spackago:to-seaibli
prisoh,qs. The statement t at -an infernal
:macbi& ofiy��eylibllg Mee barli am b een
applies both to ;explpsive matter and -to
I -
ground .., with . sac h J o roe as to pu t, wa` ripw cc
sbileof �the sufferers bu6 is 11-
t6, fighiiug- The''
:Dixon, tbe,car sbifter, suw er and
slon," and further eDcouragedi: 1im
with V a t6mely, advice ,1GD
materials1or witking them, or to,o Any in a
"Llrine or'pkit ther6of connected with them.
an end, 'his
tbert,tried.toldra;�v revolVers -'two I'them 'The demand for -workiri cxeii - is brisk
a After apoiogiz
pproached'the-car to
the lady,L. he stated. the conditibri if� he
a d, The name% of -' Caut*re,
Mr.Clifford'Ll( d, a inagistraAe at Ennis,
accompanied by a'strong. force of police,
The Bill - ned no retrospective clause
Sir'WiIIiamJ1srcodrt,- in ifitrod ihis
suede'eded, ana' presentirig those the crowd 7�ud )a I of the supp]
rge y � in excess y-
fell back' for, a �momeut And Ovot_of..the S
''I everal Bales have r6oeatly'takeri . place, at
poor woman in, the sittiog:room, and Sug-
sied that if she had a
ge ny foodio, give awa,y
was a, joke between,
himSelf :aud his wiie,� and i fititilly leaked
mdeA raid on the Crusheen and
Bill yesterday, :sai& the nature of,,bhe.
roughs eacape'd, leaving thrde of their litim- flom �180 to �210,9j'.y'oke,
bewould ta�e it'to th'e-h I I -11 I
ungry. woman and
Out, When,, he bad -to face it -out., I fte suid'.
arrested Sight* young men. , The charge
agaris � a -p isoners
da'ngo,r-i-t ought Lurd against was - well.
known. We have toideal, a conti- ad,
bar prisoners. Nearly a score of men were Pere Audre is negotiving--with� a view' of
the- ci-scho
as a islim-g)c-convaut an ol-irr-Prince`
child..' Mrs, Langtry appeared much inter-
further, I do -not know what His' Chaff�y
(my wife) may have said. to Judge Se6klor
Yde_6rtio�� b-
at� any rate -Shortly after that She began
and 'inbre arrests-. on. the same
h 'd.
c. urge
an organized' plan against -all the
Scoundrels'. Thick clothing'bad saved BOule A:lbert. Five 16%ve Liverpool
.h -more''or less
sent to ilia woman i . minediately In a few
The police are convinced former trifling,
interestsof sobiety,with.maiiwho announce
na or, Wholesale; murder, dwho'
of t, were, shortly and arrive there this coming Sam-
Beverelyinjured. ' The prisoners wereall per.
MOIDebts a co*16red:man emerged" from the.
car wn with provender of all
laden do
to'eall me Cantyre in*. d'- when
outrages, like the - mttemp�,'to'blcW
Mension'House, � were undertaken. by Irish-
-longing to'
'g. d . no,
Theapeech cheered,
I to the lock-up, And: a the The, fi
at'once coriveyei t rst birth - in Odanall occurred n'
Ii I b di f
ice ea quar ars surgeons, were sum� �the27W�Mwrch the z�opy'Iather was Mr..
kind cold wieat§�-: fruit, etc. --which
be-conveyad tothe�'fami8hed 'woLrjan;
the atherain.quired how I .I ba� Cant�re
and 'Allen! at --the- same time, � vie only
�men resident in, LoridoD; who were Insti-
gated by They belibve
nation. was'heartily
especially . by the I Toy OSS. Sal
- ies� Mr., Cr' " id
monded to attend' their wounds.. Such a Robert I McNeil,_6owli Timber Agent. The
sight, WAS e�var, seen in Wiiidsor.' �� As the first born Regium,.
The' manner n ',which the. mobber
and'child devoured the. food
1mughed-,-and put thom oft.
(41ywlfe)amu�ed herself by
I .1 I I..
the Smaller attempts were.merey expert-
'more 'Serious
the Opposition to assent to the -
Billia order that all British gubjects - at�
c)2iJd n, was presented
clothing of the - wounded was removed, with 4 town lot,
-was a*mple
.evidence, that the story of tbeir�banger -�;as
on whi6hshest�led herBeff 1:tb'e� Countes
in ents-topre'eade endaavors',�
to-dibeitroi property. : .� : - .
home, and abroad. went A7 was.
0 A know'-ibe I
longer deflabI6 With impunity.� Sir
many a ga�pin& g . ash . w as reveuied.' Thd tiful in the'w6oas now, and
ounded and tbeir ivjuries are: E.' B Game is plan
en` since the mild weather-oame ih� Iddiuns
not�exagaerated. , The'cbild nearly., chokec!
itself in,,fts eacerness to ass lts�huliger,,
of Cantyre and panned invit9tions to
unliu6Wll poop. a ..begiuuiDg,: :The�Couute6�
A, Birmingham desputah says : Fluber fy,
whons been'.an'der surveillance as a one-
I' . 0 H . I .,
WIIia;m arcourtsmE��fiure,-h6*6xpl'iLined,
116 Was
ofle of thorn
nat� constable, severulwounds, are beginning to. built On,c6 more. Fiv'e
laying open the abdombu,, will probably w6re-killed lately in th a Buver
and flip sconle waso,ne.*tbut touched the
llearts,of �all. who,were Later,
of iferquestS tbe etc,.
When' 8he'ealid me I Caut]yre,? 11 used to
P icious, character, openly ;expressod
By itapathy with Whiteboad. In couSequence
Wwa Permane'llt-ODO.;
minent. Th
',the dauge ' r was very in. Bill
passed - the House of! Commons arid'was
die. �. Chief Constable Musters; of Saud- 'IIA near Fo'r.t'IS '
wich, , a dozen or ihO're'_ cuts on ha'nd. and' askat I obewan.
W. G. Reis; �of - Fort Saskatchewun,
' present.
accompanied by Assistant. Statidii Master,
Tibbals', the woman' the child visited,
dull her my little u
do' utesA.1 . Gradually.
these cal rda . crne to be seen, and some.
of these ex aspiona -au� angry* mob to -day
attacked his iosidence, shab61iJing the doors
immediutely Sent to the House of 'Lo rda,
head notdangerou's, but -one hindill be ,threghed.210 bashel'S of curb wheat off five
crip�led. - C. L. Fafime liveky'i]�i�,'hoad, "
the car an d''persoll ally, thanked Mrs. Lang�
how or other I had not the moral cour-
age. to' set them right und � it
arid windows. F161erty:fl6d,to a police
. where -it -was adopted Witout aelmy.l. The
royat assent will 6E,'faceivea by -telegraph'
I �-a I c I
ies.� and R.:Belcher, of tbe'wimegottle--
'nll He will: ment; tbrarihed e
and iiands ga'shdd.i y place's. � - 116 bushels of'! tbe� Sam
try foi-bsnkindneBs� The aotreBs-receive&
. -
�her and before,, she �f6�t ' e8ented
came to be tinder'Stood that I waA,reall y
stationfor protection. grj�iil of.
Cho :dynamite" which f6
to.-d,y,,andtbe to -morrow,
re v r. Cone table Neil, fl6shwoandgibuC �,whel 6r a, 9, iold �oi
o a off two.and a halt a. a y
erious, :Constable Lystey,,,.sligh t 6171513'
her with M omone else in the.coac
Cantyrd. At this tiluo'l v 17,�
heurd. of 'the aud
Whitehead's stock was explodedl--to-day. as.,
an experiment. T.b6'rqp6rt was deafening.
.,not . , 46i bushels to,�the acre�
eqrk� -livery- maD;
on body. oseph, Mck Mr. J. R. Craigj-of - th a- Oxley taich, D 'ar
tile 7 a
vevdr,aJ slight' Colored 'M'an- na "' d MLe
Fort has thre
gave the wornail �2, arid -later thia boys.
about, the station swelled the purge to �11.
It WaB but A �kiodnd-_a -� the
11 g 0:
Davey Supposed tha. the-, affair �'would
outside , tbe family, tii a The,
The'Tivies i Says ,The hirelings' and
fanatics " wh6. 60'roe -from Irish"Trueri carr-
.. ..
; . .1 I-,
�tate ot, ;illniV14, nU iikC
. 11 I c od, a rJP,ur.
-WarreD,whodde6, eb6rmIjobs,ab6ut.t-_
9 bands.of 'Cattle thiswinter in Montana, and
head hands'and body.deeply d,
Broull act'ot on
partof 'performed.
do.Otore'onteadsvhaohiti wife is true tobimi
an .. I I d tb�6t hi's letters to her, are mterc'epti&d..
Slums ..to_'_'use__,tbe.', daggtr� arld''dynamite,
though directly 6ii, vy" IrIS13%
V11 iy AhnL4 nollse.,
NBbgion�s At tbe�� Pbwltes-
gashe may after the-roubd-up1wilthave' them driven to,
die, '.The man who I engaged the carriage. H
the -compuny's range. a -spei-ilt in 1 -ill
,vithout Affectation or solicitation,, all
plac �ad her ve�y high in 6e' 6Btimatiou of
He says that he has: beeii, offered by 'Mr..
'R h 'ids'lawyer �2,600 �iid
not. houndei
orat6ra, �xa eno( Airiiiged b�; 6'e,absence of
bury Alms HOapa;InveStigation_Mr8. Dad-
fro'wi.Ealu�er.61%im.--tbat,.,..tbt3y,,�vere cefe, $ f k
12�,000, -nd offered.:another fi-rul I -O .stoc. :.!:,the
biating-the birthday f one; of'tb6 party.
Ailroud_bo� 6 - in- tl
a a ticket to any
any honest attempt on the,'. VkA of the
toy, formerly 'iii,?btWAtrbwoman, testified
men $100,000'for thp h4rid, but it was
i adva
The Oeory a need that their.,savage refused.
esteem,of others.'
go bu t ref a 11 o- accuses one of used d'he al's
Irish, leaders to denounce. the
committed or in contemplation;"
o seeing the body of u worrian and, child: Ila
&trunk. Shoofte,nfolund children"in* the
-resistance- w -a
as - because of ' omeof their -The, cold �.waather arid, -deep, -iow of,
number being wanted at,other laces -a hard
the 0ittere, !!Cc.
his wife's gu�rdians 'With having 9�eculatdl' on I v t
I is:�Wdfe's mone He is d6 ermined not,
The police are convinced tbat the inten.
tion 6ffi�_ blow up,a
foundling hospital neglected. Sawa bottle
oi,morpbirlo - to, infunts,
January arid -February Wei. very on
serious chargas,,and: they 'feared idantifi- estitution is n
the Indians, and a OW gerier al.
. ..... Wel), dad," a
he suddenly. began, h
. p,lacled top rail in place, il I'm 2.1 years old
to. give up his wife without weiruglgle.
conspirators was to
rge u bar Public strue ' tur
in of as simuf�
. used quiet uncl
repoftbd it to Captain�MarBb�wbotttteyded
cation *oul& follow if -the takev. y Ways Although the weatherwus mild in March,
The -ib 4 6 � h
re w o are in j %I range from 25 to the'snow was still too -deeg for them, to go
"Ye -s, grudgiinglyreglied'ilie old than.
it Jlover'm Arn)�11,
taneously at night, and procure at all
to it ten days after.' An infant as given,
'40 youra. of age. T I be in: %
ian, who'did the d out The fit!herieB in tbe,lakes' 8,;r,e
-&--D-ep -d- -trig-
And.111 be my own boSs.".
--TII- - -man
M'i6ry �i. Cunuibghara', a welfwknown
W1 a PI 0
la il 1 It aeto 6n
-obliged to f urritsh'-r-eg-alur -fho__&Io_n_g
Icel etrOrabludTE��,ft-was
6old rb
youngiady in the' Wester section of th.6--
-t d I -, g ad y 'of "heaft - ditsaae-
y, JIM
It was also'llit'im'ated tba't"it: was designed
to r"ch as,near as some meyyr.�
Marsh told to keep the" matter
quiet. "While witn6Bs was uightwutch�
being inflicted by -his Own band, altbdugh relief Bta�tioDs.
blow ' 'the
See, -here,, Sam, I believe., yo have
�cl I
Tiaesd'iy ht the, residence of her',
y possible
bersof the Governm6nt.,� Tha,informadon
of rho pollee al�'bave been,'blhgularly
woman 73 babies. died, arid. O'110 'I'lived.
Soynetimes`wb6u the c ,
the was aimed, at . a constable. 'The construction of :Western division
Fo two'hoiiir� after being locked up,he wag brit -the wound,;'A V of, the Canadiall,1adific, Railway,has be6ti
'in violerlt-spasmBl IthOu 11
jixiliped abem"�ear.
", Can't be, dad. The da,ta, is.dow-nan'the
paren sr ut rcumst f,
t der. ci aricea o i pec iar
-Badness. A %.Oung� Irian Da,ined Jobn,Calla4�
a con rate. Whktever bitterness existed
in the night witne I ss car . ribd-in food Mrs,
I 'and
resumed, The company iilte:cd to eob�pleO
fiiful, is not,serious. Late last "night the lirle�t'
9 ok.ncar the Summit of the Rocky'
Bible, and irlyour own ri-tivg�
;, ITA, all ? Wall, I never got anything,
hmn tobbill' 8 0
he.was a on to be�married I
ca e P. rp
II'd'd i3g the evening. He remained
before toward'the Irish, Irish. Agitators
and'the Irfsh;sympatbizerp is Dow indjeaped.
Marsh foun(I that out Stopped
j,t. , In the foundling , ldepartment�'Wi
Chief Duies Succeeded in identifying two of :Moantaing, 960 �milog , w6st I of Winnipeg,
as beiig,Uhb. Allen
right 9, montb;� and I reclion I lot it
until about' I k w a a
a 06 h stafted to
his follow-
found many. beas � in -an -on ragequis
, du'rIt1g'tLo':yeaI Whicb. will -leave only 263
aud- Dodel.' Harit, well know'h throughout -,mile 'tion with the
a to complete the c6nec
-run 0ougithreeor four' weoks'beforoj Put
it down. We' it'a ruoutb."
leave. C'uhuiu9bam caught -big arrn,�'
saying, not � V" H&
a the
is probably bad. nothiltig 'to O
'dynamite that fou'dft- w�y'to London,
doridition. There Jqsane.�.Wom It
in The cell without a bedaiiended bylin
�ha Urdted 8ta;tes,mg uhievtes'a'bd'.:.,bdraIarp' k' :Al frorn the
wor now progressing rant y
- Tbb,narne
,Not - mu(;b t .1, rk for
going, to wo.
go y'
turned, with sorn6�- gentle pro; testation,
but i� thjs-c6�nbry,'where their proclivities
ld,iot girl.', They, gqv'e� the-
of - the vVbrst,�tvpe. of their- a ,w . to Ktlailoop6 Luke,
ust uldc
-couJpa:bioyi'if is thought wiA be niul at p3V -bent the 6d of tbe',ttidk..
Deacon Calkins to -morrow."
Sam,�; Raid,the old man� a;s'be letthe
,hetl he. 116tdc�d 7as,very Vale
ud gapping for � reath. 'He can er In
_KW 4-e xQ1
are anktio apt pel6apto the police,
th6y:mre general y believed to have' f ur-
meal 9, day and theiidi6t g threw this
T w take'll out 'a
&�v &Y., he Woman' its an
day.' They Will.- be cod'tbat the Dominion'Gpv- uoderst
Maoiatrat6 B an'd probably
artiett t6 -day,' to -Bate
ma-ul down beside the rail -cat "thia 'ere
'.busis the
his Arms abd.culled but in
iahea,th e.mea;ns'with which the dynamite,
so a became well. Another woman in i e,,
0 b
iLifenAB offeir for by public
mail of Bennett's
re' dad' to await the I
fence bas, act. to go up it t
fe;�� mc
-Johnson 'of
was Vrocured.
opli said she bad nothing.but Witter for nine
7eL4u1t kine
WOUDd,1 and to give,tin4i Or the COlketi(it' chokeA tind ibiaWsitu at ad la,lids,fia
cotintry. I'll Shave :, the,'timo own to
two weeks lindif you pitchinsm'art you
�the Coluy�bi.A
Much soreness i8felt here at thefactibat
all these.,operations are carried on by . rneanA .
d F4
my , Some of the patients'had v_pqri(t
olotbinu -nd, Somp -.�36 Stockigs. Mrs.
�-They w6�e a murderous crew. .8 numbered
old mun aft(ir nobil
can call'ine to-moerow."
f6) Lt
1) iB.AervicLs to be of auy E6 ii�. n,
..O f. money, topeDly, colleeted- in the United
Davis i'estified ihat, sh I , d at
0 was emp eye
I Very blow With.tbeir was aimedaD, , w vV
00 hichwerawithdra tifr6mSettle"
thro�tg of the W n ri i dqo 'tes. -thop .ruen't, I vIIJg t between'. the_ Curiada; Pacific
�S 4��',It
%rwagr usbeit&r
e, W
for �10 per movthD�.,troit Pree Ilr�
t6n 160,st
.States, by welLk )wn agents of the dyna.
the. Tewhe HospitailutvighC The
Sandiph. Railway bult and the. boull: ary tile, and
V 4 r a. il I I I I d I e 4 0
party. Tbut tbieb6 -agents should be.,
allowed to pursue tb6r operationig without.
fiindrigre a byAhe Americari' Govetment is
body of, Lizzie,CaTlnon�was warm , when it
was put-irl the 9pill ',She saw tfie'bbd� of
, 6
Rate �Tury� y aid 0
;pr 1 out a vered,
ChiefBains stilted last night that Wibld-, fdori�and adjoining main Iiiie 'of the
gor,h'arbors severg angs of thieves, s6veral 0.
I 9 . CanNda.pacific Some of th coul:
houses abou6 town .being�� i6lited, by tbeS6 digtiiet 'Will'
The P 2-11104:-S 1114inimC &&ad l'orne.,
Sor I a of the, papers ann , oil I ties that I-1, r-,
-'1DeareF�t,sweete8f,;wbatjSit9 'I 7 you
sick?. What'ailk.,.tay
Wllke�s fact ta
the'spuAs also: be'
gblieBwtha Louise and
Hig 'the'y6uug
relgaraeA as an unfriendly which
believed the Unitedslaies.wold, not toler.
with rats. , reported tfib.
t.li4 rsaid'witaGss
men.; � Theirifaces tire wall tu� the Offer6d for sale at auction At the same'tirae; ::Royal
Ad illey usually keep"withi ba= Wt-tHeri (if Shoal Lake municipality
the Mtlrc1ui8 of Loradwilt,reside,.on their
rpturn froth Ganada:1:at'bornden,-" a 'pl�tce
nd bent teuaerly�over the
gracefullotra of his blu,�Iiing brid'e
ate iii, its: o*tr Cape from an other ,nation, ,bad1ettey.heep.8WIL1
This selitiment*will Probably filid'vig6ioua
She Saw asickchild'
Where the maggots were eating under and
the 1�6un&'6f the aWL hit a Wiudso
W r, and Mr. J. 11, Wood, of '_-BiitIe,' lfaye'-baen��
nothing cari,�*be done. with them." '.One � d
- T hr
bich they'have purchased near'. an , idge
61phus E d'wurd� I'
"' Oh - Ad stoo'dreadful
for anythi . � J
expression during the --coming. �,V.eek in the 'around
House Commons.
the -skulh- -Many,tiwes. the rats
thick ran
in Winnipeg for,the past, few syS, uego�
&oWd-df `,abo.ut,. tc,- the directors of thd'-Pbrtage
timt1ug wit
Wells.", The Princess and Lorne.
bought De)rn�on, Shor0y after the
11.B.d news from
Tile' observer Baya the. police, possess
wake so thkthd across
lap when she was, -eatil ig. Williain'DriS-
month ago ai�d routed Athouse ofithe Gravel western Railw �rla
Ay or a I
w have 'f
I Re, and � frequently' reeided 'there-f(ir
., ..
W(YeSe" worse I wha't slaELII I do
11 Tell'your�owri 0'a�ling bubby
kaowle wbic x6uy'Mad to' further
coll, station agent, at �Tetkesbury, Saw At
. p) a -he board scra, b i tery
road,, an(! goo P8 O boring to the' coLnpauy. T a n lews"SO;
con-vor9t6tio'n, betw Son these men State that far,!bavo been very, sittisfactoi . and ar-
rs ; but w an, they! ;went to
Seveva -yea h
Canada they resolved to got rid
; , "It's that awful,Solina Tarbox
d6velophient of what is' likely-io. become
the nioat hid6o�s and 'Btaperido118 p.lot'of
this Alms House a .p'aulier woman.! in, a
tied to a sotte.; The investigati
they � belong to an orgtvuiz�ed gang that, r the *con.
tangcraeuts are b mafc
from; all up a �jotoi tbb worst to -for
1) aranewl, were 6, Btruction f tile Minnedosa
'Place, rjmd'iAfter havitig been in the rnarket
a coo-sidarableperiod, it lius,lat6ly been
S�Je,a vtlt,
She's got -borinet trimrned exactly like
Ai'ab�nquet gi von by the �corpoyation of
criminals inthe land. E1 Rice is suid--to. B
be be leader I The ' � irle via Sboal'Lakell
dvarpool meicb&bt. Princeha,
in ine aud-tc-i-noTrow's SUEkda'yT'-oj'
TliLn'the Afflicted bea'aty-buried IiGrlac6
-the' Civil E ngin6ers At 'Kensin gtOn IASt
evening, United., Stittes --Minister Lowell,
Skitis.. . ,
A Bostork despatch say o: 6 illie Towl(es-'
of one oro
t wd., authOfi- - A' Win'ipeg Paper Bay
' 11 I . s.- The'�,optal
tfas in Win6or are kepti, In a ciaxitinal the tow a-hav been quite
�riangeyyief�ta for
b from
Louise aiad'Lor4 Loine will prob,�bly have
tb,e-uqe bf Rosou , the Duke 6f: Argyll's
rl, her" hiisbatid's breast nd itiAled bor
replying to t!ho toast f, "'Our w-bury-Alshou96
the' Chair.
c, ,Its the
State 6x iteicent y ro ug inSufficientin the pgSt, but Mr. A. B.*W,)od,
other Side.' .1y of hati
Mel foman
auuplace Gar6 00'.), as
'On the
country. resiaelme. They will go: to Ital'y
ftibibany is to maintain good bumor*, gobl:14 !had
asked to have th4IS2a,-wh6tber bodies
been . deliveied"jio � medical iechoolfl,
j builtacommodious office and made such�
for the wihw�'di�ectly' affer their retain
, J
.00. Wedu6sday, evening kB Air. W..
-will, and ituderstanding � between - nations,
eliminated, w6uA not be' disputed.
RIZAIN arritDg�mebtBvvitbtlaePost-office Autboii-�
frdhi All turi Ord
Police MgRistrate
(I 1ear, hear.) �If waiook at bertain funda.
ruental there is very littl a 'differ.
Gov6inor'Butler rep iodAhat_he._e,.,.�,Pected_ -14
to delivered.
. 4i ri I 4 In 4 o as 4 a i at I a t B Z t r- il �,'l ilec"re'a B6mi-WGqkiy'inBt"c1of
:� tic's as,will
a w�e'kly.service. - on the, ist'�f April the
a�d prenatltikire. - lrondo orld.
N leav,
-vul .-ing his be slppod.oh' pit. -ice,
bf-ice an1.foll beavily, -.�reffikinl; I
Saco betwee& the views of Englishmen'and
proi n
else Where -'4om a to 'be �,�hinned 4od the
lt'�ecivcp,� PpoJ)ably Frital
new urrang6mo�b cc) ry�iilel]G6d,
On Satur6u�' night about 'midDiullb
. - .
rthis'will probably a ho
c 6 U 0, t I 0 b % re to it 11
Am6ricarvg, Th OuPh - I inay not,vouture
to tdluffe� to delica�te topics, I dau say' no
stias tanned,. H8 PyOPOSe to SliOw that
af tei the bodies wer�'6uyipd they, 1, Ad been
�a�� yi6e will be, from muoBomiti itifitead of
fr bd
akr� at 'McCAAby's!, Hote), BrAhdon,via Rapid City, makingonlYoue
T h"'tam a � , ii- George'.Allep'.*bar-
Wadner, be Wall �uown, -
ri�n , a, way with the wife of von Balow,.
f or uAoDg tire aS he it), well tip lii� ago,
Life is fike'� pack of cmr(1H
i3oke thuh� Englishmen,
American, any' I I � I
believes 'is war or that
'tSkeI1Upuy1dSdrbaWAy. 'no Wouldg`oitit'
thegrav6yard at Tew&sbary and 'Produce
s(fccrd a cc lda�,A'jobrney bystaue instead. of thite6'aS
tende r, , aud; James, &Giady, 'a, boarder, 'her, Ofore..'
the-�eminent piab'Af, with'wholu be,was
O t in iendsbip� Von
ll 01 901111tiLut6fd
as Ids tire hearts- youthlis-won,by
Ajdrdona8 � ig.conq
riamife; is the raw muuerial.of
some. of the alleged remains., tivesti,
The i
gation was to on tol that the iesti-
in which- O"Grady badly fracturad the ,
skull, of Allen with a 'heavy � iron pokey' A new mill'b" been Started At Nokquay',
wife and his'twodabghters-now
live with Wagnerf uH. though legit imately
ey6d With W.,
OIL, Wfii�e old age 1�9 rake'd, in,� by a Spade..
' '
At Tralee the police -search ad seven
houses , occii��id b
go prove
Molly given was Ab9old"ely false The
books, sent to him
riidyj being rof
It appeay8 O`Q used drink, in
struck Allen,, ulail)g , hiS hOsie, b)edd, boring Company, of
The 1�eewatiu Luna
the latier'a W - ifo and dxdgters. T his rin-
gulai arangement does 'not .Seem to caluise
Alit 6
tl an or Oatmeal will soften wmer,.,.
tr J
and it very fiffiall qllau tity of �od� will do
y persons Against
-��hom inlotination hadeen lodged.' They
Aluish&i�e � �i6 not bompleio.- Tbe� *pre
Allen;,wbo Wa Strong man, soon 'handled Rat Portage,. his got. out 12,00006 feet of
'his antagonist very� rolighly. I and pushed
in or. dissensioll ill the rbspee-
go too.
arrested lielly, fdruierly�,a.,Lwod.League,
organizer, and another! mah'who had, WU.
of ilia oxiginal� After lurthettk�i�
moll'y Sh6whig that bodies had been sent
i g
birn � off to � his b0d.' In a6ut, all hour 1,
Arrangements are being� made for the
tive fablhili6gf, arid it'! is' rep6rted . Von
buf6' 'a mother, w o.
W h 'is vekyealth:�j has- _f
Flowbrs' that huve, boon pa,ckedi and �eqt
tom a diAance may! be revived in the, fol.'
Arms- arid compromiaing, papors,., ,
r ablawful puipoAp� the investigR.
O'BkAdy returned, and before exchanging I . . iount of Canadian
anWords bawfolled up,,the poker and Bb'Pment'of' a large an
just made & will bequeathiiig,550,000 marks
lowiiag''mannei.: Plunge the staIksAn
A: London special Smys'*it iBeer.tain al�
tion Wag U�f(3arhed till to*'dlily-
uluth to NVinni
dealt Alien A'4e&v'y 'blow, felling him t6,tb6 Peg the
(About %2o,000) to each of the grand-
has for.
0 ri
oiling Water and Allow them i emain in
widapproad organization for the destr notion
0 gs exists. As ye
f public,buildiD t orif� its'
be ' ' I
T ' J�1018,h' 21, essenger say's that Sir,
coming sea on"
floorlatid inAicting a terrible wound,' Dye. The por.ta,1510 h
and NVilliams I o.aae' business b a been
'fine 't
ddughtprs�',w Wagner, cared
.1 -
�A writer,*bqmak as wob�u tfib subJeci
until the vkter is cold., ,Take the out X'9� 'i �
Out theWkg,�nd pat,thern- in ,fr sh cold
Subordinate.-agerits haiB been kirested or
MoseB devotion to big wifs,
O�SO a PO' that the Kee-
ad t,
ahajAcKay,ni Inger'soll, extract,ed lipwarag 'y,
of his thoughts, by day arid of his dremm6,
Wglter/ and they Will 109.k and last a6`VF0II
tracked,. arid, Governnient officials are
Lady.Judilb stillfiosh, althougli decades
. of Rat Portag8i.
61!'tv�enty Pisces of bone and, soi�nb brains, W %tin Lunriberitig Compp
at night makes public bis'e6nolusion that
as When th'ey v; ,Ore fresh �.ulled.
a ware of the 6xiat6oe in London And
othbr cities of thehingdoin oftarg;6'masges
a, , I
haW passed ince her aeparture,.-Irer-
name is linked witti! big own in ill -the
Allen's -racdvlery is doubtful, , O'Brady has is matuf acturing raud�-iniide houses'deliv-
bd6ti,gi!restedttu:akem'ndGCItOj&ilf lit red on o&re,.'6,t �26 au
a or a' 'a
Agood.16bliffig vvbmqla'� seldom', if �'�ver, dli$
P191y's'llr fbot'in Public., ' The next time"
I �� i . .
Ristori (Marellesa Aok Grillo)'
at Speared in'a Romahiheatre G
0 ich,
f,explosivos� all.d6flnite trace of wh
however, they have temporarily lost. - At
great enterprises of - his life.'� She was h'
companion on his j6ulylyg, big� courise ifol,
day 5 of
_portugal,a wid6wcann marry she,,
li�e says, ybil see a' lu dy exhibiting �ratbb
-in o
k- i h f/
generously her �auhlea Ice] er aqe,,
benefit performance of! "Mmrda'An't6De tt, 11
that Let Ao65 had;
any inoment', therefore, the'publie may be,
%rid it able
ill roturn from Etrope in 'is -over 50f years ot. ago. , ho ever hecird
and you. will recognize that Nature I
arid showed years,
sadly impaired her powers.
stakled,by riewff,of. a succe . Spin! taid,
re giyer� in er to
cauees a b i emoyy�z
of ru yvidow as old as that ?
been Wnd"16 her the, re.