HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 10CLINTON NEW Q.R.A. I II,IDA 1, ,APRIL 6, 1883.- X1.00 7t;beNkw ERA. will sent to NEW. subseri- bees until January 1st, 1884, for the above amen/int, paid in advance. The Naw Eno ---ia the-LARGESq.0 PAPER 144 TIDE 0onNTY, and every week contains a large. amount SENT To a�Iz,-On Tuesday a:tailor, of interestin" looal news. Those who sub- Ponding with the n o lcysutherithes. with a view to having an office somewhere can said to belong to. Wingham, was taken to scribe at once get several weeks free. elected with the station and it is said that jail for safe -keeping, eepingbe keine out of his MR. J. W. McLAneae, who has been MR. 1LoBT, LONG, f rulerly a resident .. H. b B. for the past . of Clinton, died uuexpeetediyat Belgrave, mail clerk on the L four years, has been transferred to the on Monday. His remains. were interred main line accommodation, to ,replace lily, at'Oeutralia, on Wednesday. L'rou rh, Ore town readers will remember that e when the local Tory organ was banging Pathy of the Community in the loss: of 'I'}soneuG in3RED C.A4'rBLa ,--Mr. Rich' between life and death, with no.reeognized both his ehildaen nitl}in a few days of Hawley will sell his herd of splendid .head, a 'certain iirdkvidual in the town each oilier. En route to Manitobaaiveek' s ce one " f lir iu 1 oh h or 1 thoroughbred cattle - by auction en the � supplied -the wind vehich for three weeks, , • o J r G re 1 s horses fair grounds; Goderich, on the i2tli_:inst. kept it nerve. It seems that for the din took sick, Ind a separate car, had to be engaged for itstransport from GIlyndon. Mr. Jno, P. Martin's removal will leave a vacancy in the school --board.- -`Tlie -great storm predicted by a local weather pro-,: phetfailed to connect on the 31st March; Mr. john J. Taylor has rented llolnies'; livery ;stable„ ' Mr. A. Mulloy is assisting ' at the Rattenbury House, during. the ab- sence of the proprietor in Dakota. A communication from "Glees Pot" in reply to that of "Born Kole" is respectfully de- clined, • es no good, would ensue. We shall beg lad top ear from -either of the writers if they like to send •matter of'pub- lic interest; 'Dir. Will Shaw left for Win- nipeg--ou_111ouday=,_- The -Mee` enicst.-In-- stitute now contains 1245 volumes, (near- ly as many as were owned before the In- stitute was burned) and the reading of on the 21st inst. . The customs duties, eols leeted at the office here for the past week amounted•to$t230 -,Mr. W. Cluffliascom menced the ereetion.of]hirehouse on Eat tenbury st, Hr. 1)owsley has the sym- This is:a good opportunity for those who want improved stock:. TiSERD is sortie prospect:of"the euetoins- oice being remoyed again, at an early day: The government have been c`orres- tinguished services rendered he never re- ceived any pay, and rumor has it that suit is toa-be--entered- tor- the recovery- of - wages. if it goes to trial some inter- esting deyelopments may be looked for. �4QtU1C fgopic'Z. :.,.... LOCAL-NOT10Es. if you want a cheap Trunk or Valise. „o to hail. TAYLOR & SONS. Tru •fe and family of. Mayor Forres- ter, are visiting relatiees _at Atitidrell. MR. Wm, MURRAYwas called away yesterday to;‘attend the funeral of his brother. WE ARE pleased to see Mr. David Tip - lady about again, after a week's suffering • trona the mumps. IT:SS said that telephone communica- tion will'shortly be established. between this plane -and Holmesville. MR. HENRY STEEP, of'Goderieb towB- ehip, iet'he latest acquisition to the town, he having -moved 'in this week. " DURING their stay in' town last week, Hon. Oliver Mowat was the guest. of R. .Irwin, Esq., and lion. A. S. Hardy, the. guest of Jas, Fair, Esq. �e . GONE TO GODERIcut.-Mr. John .)3eat- irie, the veryobliging baggage man here,' has been trnsferred to Goderich, to whi�eh lace his familyremoved this. week. P Or Txi1ItSDAY night last Miss C. Gil- christ, teleeraph il-christ,-telegraph operator, sent off about four thousand words afier 10p.. m., being Ile daily press reports of the banquet. MR. ARMSTRONr,, oer respected settee • tor, of customs at. this place, was ,the first railway darector ever elected in Canada, the Northern being.. the road he repre- AT THE last, uheetiug of the Clinton J iterary Society, general regret was`ex pressed -by those present, > at the removal of Mr. W. Small, who was an active-uiem- ber of the societe. MEssns. HARr,eND'Bitos.-have decided to- run: onlyone: store . their business , sir at. the brick block being too much* for one to attend to, and will accordingly close tip their stand in; the Beayer Block. - ltIR, ,Welt. '1's1YLOP. vast with."a slight accident.the-other, day, which relight very. easily have proved serious. A chiselewas thrown -across the shop,' from one .em ployee to another, when Mr. Taylor mov- - ed, and 'was struck in the ferehead by the chisel point, which inflicted a -slight gash. PROPERTY ClIA.NGE.-Mr. Jno. Pickett Victoria street, has sold his house. and lot to Mr. Seward, :for the slim of x;800. .• Tne house and -lot of Air. S. Wilson, on Frederick street, was sold by auction;on'. Saturday, "Mr. John Amor buying'it at $250 ; it is a very small place, A.TAmeeting of directors.`: ofthe-Clin- ton-Mechanics' he-Clin-eon Mechanics' 'institute, on Friday, Mr. F. W. 'Watts, Who has satisfactorily per- formed the duties . of ;secretary and 'direc- tor for•e,. numbercif years,tendered-his-I-' resignation, but the members of the board I were unwillingto •-loseIhis services and'. asks -d itinr•-te-re=consider his determine- - Tion. MAPLE SUGAR PROSPECTS. -Itis learn- ed from farmers in this section that term prospects for the maple sugar ; crop - are poor. The „rights are .too frosty and the:; - air during the day too cold '.for the free running - of the sap Maple sugar will probably be , a .dear lurxury. this year, nevertheless; we shall be pleased • to, ad- -knowledge the receipt of a limited amount from any of our rural readers when the old G. W. R. building is remov- 'mind, It is said that prior to his arrest, ed tothe. new station, a rosin tliereiri will he secured a pair of tailor's shears; and be` converted into acustoms office. - defied arrest, and it was only after consid- erable labor that he wassecured.__ .While at the station here, ivaiting for a train, he acted very strangely, -and gave the consta- ble in c'arge of him considorable to do in -keeping kern oet-of-mischief, I.teereavAL.--It will be seen from our, advertising columns that Messrs;Al• ring & Scott banisters have. remov' their offices into that commodious room in the town hall, ,occupied by Mr. 'Armstrong, the Collector of Customs. They have purchased that large fire -proof safe, lately used by the Salt ..Association, and owned >.y Johnston, Tindall & Gale, originally it cost ovjer'$600. Messrs. Manning & Scott offer to receive any valuable papers, etc., for safe keeping. uPElt MEETING OF THE HOUSE (VE COMDIONS. The Clinton Liter -iffy -anti :Scientific Society intend holding. aopub- Sic meeting, in the townhall, on Thurs- day evening next, the 12th inst. It has been decided by the members to conduct the -meeting' in the ordinary way, folloiv-' TetosE wiio attended the Easter services in St. Thomas Church.. last. Sunday even ing, enjoyed a treat lin the music,, both vocal and instrumental, ; The singing of Miss L. Eyan;'of Clinton,;wasseespeciaiIy- worthy ofparticular mention. The young ladyis, w.e.understand, taking a course of - instruction in„vocal music, f`instruction"in..vocal.'music, and will like- ly be heard of again. -Expositor. .A FLotrRISHINc, II DUSTRY.-The Clin- ton Woollen Mills tire this season doine an unusually large. amount of work; the three months just past having witnessed a larger out put •of manufactured geode than ever. before,:and the orders are com- ing in ,so fast that it will.._tax the utmost capacity of the machinery to fill them for the next six months. To accommodate their'.in:ereasing business .two additional broad looms will -shortly be placed in. the factory, and it looks as if the ' present enormous building will soon net be large. enough to accommodate them.Some idea of•the benefit of the establisliment to the town' may be gleaned when we state -that over -8;000 lbs. of wool are ananufac- ink the procedure of the Dominion House tured into goads every month, and the ,ot. Commons. The measure which is to enormous gttantity of 12,000 yards of .be brought down for discussion involvee. cloth are turned out in• that time. A the question of the "Indepenclenee of number of skilled' mschanies are among Canada,".whieh will gite scope for the the ern 'Plo >ees and the pay _list ie very brilliantdebatin talent of. the anenlbere. 3 . large onemonthl�. We can safely say that this.Will prove 3 GOING i�Adii AGAIN. -We had thought one of the mOSt:lnteresting and pleasant', eihtertainments f th season, cell � tl os b o e seas -__:� t. e;:, from whet extract o will be seen by the following i 11 ,,,. is in store for, the leo >le' keit es c. v one: tlieBerlin--News that he isnot onlygoing l 1..,,, • � wbo apiireciatcs classic. oratory should back' there "to reside, butthat`he branches not fail to hear the debate. ' out into another line of business from that ', L ,. " r e at.•ais inwhich he hasbeen engaged ,for , i.rt r the street'l�im by •i c i years.1 lie has also bought.a house and lot in Berlin :-"On Saturday last . negotiations. were' completed between Mr. J. Moffat and Mr, G. II._ Wright, •(of Clinton). whereby the latter secures` the former's interest in tlie Berlin Foundry and -"Ma- chime Works :as DIr M. Nelson's partner.` We are pleased to be able .to state that accuse nett month, parties wanting trees • - fend rt to their ,<lvant,l�e to call at thig'. through this transaction Mrs Wright, notify either ItIi Ltecy or Mr. s , ,• office.,: and examine our selection of horse - hes. for. some months ?seen engaged in, the Searle •'befsre band; There sire roc era.i t : t y — ct t ,, 1 e have:llae, 1ar. ea. a_K1 hest va pie mercantile business in Stuebing's: block, cases of scarlet fever hereabouts, lint .no 1 we i of Toronto. .3;f, te. l;; Cole' Geo. 3 > that Mr Ct Il. Wright would become a `vlio7tri�•e attended the Meetings. daring permanent resident of this place, but it the winter can •under tend is 1 aL r trent any or all ef, these can be had for; the small sum of $1 a year. A car_ load of Malt was last week shipped to St. John,' N. B. At the bottom of Stapleton hill the road .is.visible on the top the snow ii yet .ten feet deep., The Townsend ,family, had only -a fair audience on Monday. Mr.. C. F.,Peshley,moved his family to _Seaforth last week; we much regret his remomal', as he was an acquisition to town Ship-• pers complain of the great scarcity ofcars. 1flr. James Scott haudntaster,j.intends. to return, to Cleveland. firs. McAllister, of the Huron •road, is on a visit to her daughter in .Ashfield. Mr. J. Craik sent $100Q w•r•th of clothing to Winnipeg on. Wednesday, being the third ,shipment of the kind. lfullett spring show next Fri- day. The lease of lir. llios.-Watson', of this place, who has been ruunieg Trick's mill, havine expired Mr. Triek will again run'the. mill himself What -Mr. Watson intends to fie we do•not know. Mr. John Taylot„si:.; is sick iii bed, hut we are.plsasecl to say his "illness •is not, of a: serious nature Alts W. S. Harland li as' .beeie- ealled'-to-Petredi leyethe seri©le- illness of lier •sastei"ie-law. • The thaw. caused ,v niitcli' WM.: r't ac amu ate near e U G 1+'air's: mill, on Tuesday, that it was neces sa_v to cut the crossing to release it. On: he 17th'iest., A.Q. H. Stevens' will -oyer lets• planing mill property -tor sale by auc ere. 11 eeeens- helve ed' ` Ifs teen ; :zoo c,b;iuce '!or rove-tment C earance after ver"` four immiltli's rest. o ,ins cmale teachers•oftheMedeaSch©ol i ha.. !tellresignation P. l m : 1 �• " z i tint zf ;;acre; her o takeeflect• Mr.Eobb having tt arse. zrn on the'36th.ins:t,,.thiis -as '130t .the one re provender ore hand after' supplying the. ferrecl t?, in the NEW ERA i tt'week belt ban net-nenerousl s chstritented the same 9 , a 3 uut,.et `.it si5 . foster .0 VayleY are to•paxti®s in 'town who were able.to rr.al.c . ) to*iapnu., studio: I:hirsemen' "sci11 good•use.of it. As the aun tat arbor nay y l,ho e i e a provements.hn their is to become a permaneet ..citizen of Ber- lin. He is not only a first class business man; possessed of ample' means, but -is a very agreeable neighbor and friend. With the new energy and additional capital which the new arrangement will bring.. into the Berlin Foundry -already a very- prosperous eryProsperous concern -we look forward to 'see it rapidly grow into end; of the largest serious results :.are apprehended: 'I'he -thaw reveals heaps of rtibbislr and.. refuse matter.' 71 culvert,was built under, the Grand Trunk last sunni.er, and ,trig, tract at. this -point fres' found to • have stink sereralinches; but it'has been ;repaired. There is talkof. the railway petting in.;. an ther�sidi tr a in. order to accotemodt to ,� , ❑„ ogee .. r_. the business at thin point. The next :sit- , establishments of the kind in Ontario." eleg of the Division Court will, he held tall .h;uuc ".A Ilene* Elliott; cif Goderich township, left yestersley for. their proper- trey. neer. Aberdeen,-.I)akot.i, :,the ;latter. t t.kieis t i fir of bosses with.. hinie Mr. Lorne'.Willtie etatted:yesterday for some point on the pacific coast not yet decided on. Aletter citt Social Reformis crowd-' eel nut; the name ca•:the writer should h lceaecoeipatued it-: —TgE-fellowinse has been-ba'hded-us-fo piiblicatiou . ".7 he report in 'circulation,` .L • with respect to Thomas Redmond leavin for the Northwest' to -evade this creditors is a false and malicious libel upon bis:char- -- aster. as, it had beren known to the public'. for at least three:monthstthat he purpos=' ed sodo"ins .Hie idea is, to seethe, comes. try. and work for a while, after which he intends to retain and resume business as formerly°; ANortl:ER St,iiiifs Deeeen. Scarcely a week- passes .but we are called upon to announce the suddon',departure. from. our . midst of some, one to. `,` that bonnie from whence iso' traveller: e'er.returneet Last+ Friday Mrs: Finkle was up, town and 0: 4.. e buyth We best and most st lishgoods y known to.t h rade e and sell thenlat ,the very._lowest I prices such goods can be- o,ffei ed at b any Y house sellingDryoods. in a legitimate � �vapo :E OUR NEW STOCK- T O TO11�A N8R O Car '' wC�. .. COLO11.En SILS S. j I FRENCH DR ESS CO OMS. ]STEW C M33IN'eiTION , • a'C"J NEW cOLomE n. CASI37Q�E3�;ES NEW rT� s vE=L EW -PREM- - , . .. . _ CSI SA�'EENS. n BLACK CASHMERES, 1VL ES ALBATROSS CLOTH, merican ' French and Scotch ' , c G�inhams:: I w Goods �OOdS well e bought. b t . Newo C OdS,W I0 selected, 1 se ect•e f eras Dry Goo c1sEmporium, or.i rel. _ Ll of Clinton -SHOTOVER around • as usual on Saturday' she wars taken ill whiff nater on the brain, and on 1110 leadlut; knock s. -about U''tt for yollilg men, Monday sire `vias ,stead.., Her death re= .. i t c .tl 'ret,I 'loth. ' a;�tic: h�irYl fliiic,t colore,(1. 1Vo, c Cloth. inaves one who -eras long been a; resident .., . • of town, her Husband having been in ,business .here many years ago.. She has lived very exclupiye, being of a•somewhat peculiar dispositibii. •.• SPRtEO.-he'snoly is ;sing away very slowly, and wadieont of bridges it thus averted, but farmers. are getting anxious about then spring work:, ' The Country roads are lin a dreadful state, Mid it will, etile-some=timeberm e -they ait3etne thettex as there is so much snoh' 011 them. Some fears have been expressed that the con- tinued cold weather will kill the fall wheat, but jt is too early yet to tell whe- ther anyt' injury,' t, done Five• mouths- -winteris a long time, and that .is what thepeople of this seetio•n hays been forced to endure,' and it will be a source of' relief and pleasure when the last vestige of snow lbws disappeared,:, A SINGULAR: 41i itenT,.--About twenty years since Mr. Chas, Bidout`had a tooth extracted, the :fleet of 'blood. from Which was very great, andheeetieente that time cautioned never again -to hare one taken out,.as the result might be serious, Late- ly two of molars became eo loose that. they altnost worked out, .utnd theywere re- moved*ith.tha fingers; but e trifiine piece of root remaining in the cavity of. nne,lie went and haditreiv.oved, ft did not start to bleed 'until be got home, when it continued nearly n1 nicht, nit uili i - iuptioi. Medical assistanes ivas sum- lrioned, and it wase couple ofelays before the bleeding could be entirely. Stepped, although various treatments were resorted He.is vedette weak ,frons the loss of blend and at ono time his life was de sp tired , •sf, but eve aro. glad to say hopes Are entertained that in a feu clay§ he ;ill, be all right again, PRICE 1 50, T�'�TT Q 77 'l he latest Ainl ettCen Stit• .teat• ire Crbw i. lllf` • 1uality. " PRICE $3.00. -ug fare pureElie :1Iat; 1 etlgo. 2Liiid .nari..owi satin ii�h11t1. ( ;hes, stat iv-1'.l,`ht set of erpd: PRICE eD2.00 •. ` ":. GARNET." rdh.{P`. S.01-1. .: round. , , , r �.• The leading. Nati in c,lo��kas. �C�.et" a 1andsolllely ,Idlest dllcl_ ltamntc�c`, _ PRICE, $2.00. • tillSl I3S OIiI11i011C8(1 And :we have now Three Cutters; who are lcept oonstant1y busyi-and' all goods: bought at our Store will be cut free of ,charge,' thUs -; - d . saving .aa. dollarsuit.:' ;• Everyboc:ly'awlio Las 5celi our 'seoels pronounces it 'lal re and pretty, and all tliosse 1vho intend Purcllasin a- •snit for the ,_Spring. should not fail ' o, eo.oii stool..... We •do, .note ins a Clothilig 'B1.isinest and t%erceorc our whole: attention' is „ iveii this alone. Our :business can best. be ,judged; by the stocli we carry and the nitinlier of hands`. We employ, which is 25, more than twice the uuilibei of any; other house in tOw-it: (1 S• short df 40) We -show the_ -lar gest and -cheapest collection of— iii the count ` New York Novelties in 01111 en,'s Hats• Boy's 'Tweed 1 Hatsifor school wear, 45 e. Bor's,Sohooi -Caps,. 400. 1 Meit's 50c. "�5c. I. BUY YOUR SPRING IIAT NOW. ° KSON, the Famous ::atter: r �t. � Our Great eeia�It �� • Vis. We are offeringa special line, Canada .Tweed, all wool at ?5 c. -per yard, and PER SUIT. See them:. PEC `�L I A S',COTCH T'W'EEDS' �,t X18 ei su� SPECIAL -1N WORSTEDS; AT Sp PER:-SUIr.r. iViore .Serges worn this year .than any previous one. Serges at ,all prices.